
1use std::assert_matches::debug_assert_matches;
3use either::{Left, Right};
4use rustc_abi::{Align, HasDataLayout, Size, TargetDataLayout};
5use rustc_errors::DiagCtxtHandle;
6use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
7use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::{ErrorHandled, InvalidMetaKind, ReportedErrorInfo};
8use rustc_middle::query::TyCtxtAt;
9use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{
10    self, FnAbiError, FnAbiOfHelpers, FnAbiRequest, LayoutError, LayoutOfHelpers, TyAndLayout,
12use rustc_middle::ty::{self, GenericArgsRef, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeFoldable, TypingEnv, Variance};
13use rustc_middle::{mir, span_bug};
14use rustc_session::Limit;
15use rustc_span::Span;
16use rustc_target::callconv::FnAbi;
17use tracing::{debug, trace};
19use super::{
20    Frame, FrameInfo, GlobalId, InterpErrorInfo, InterpErrorKind, InterpResult, MPlaceTy, Machine,
21    MemPlaceMeta, Memory, OpTy, Place, PlaceTy, PointerArithmetic, Projectable, Provenance,
22    err_inval, interp_ok, throw_inval, throw_ub, throw_ub_custom,
24use crate::{ReportErrorExt, fluent_generated as fluent, util};
26pub struct InterpCx<'tcx, M: Machine<'tcx>> {
27    /// Stores the `Machine` instance.
28    ///
29    /// Note: the stack is provided by the machine.
30    pub machine: M,
32    /// The results of the type checker, from rustc.
33    /// The span in this is the "root" of the evaluation, i.e., the const
34    /// we are evaluating (if this is CTFE).
35    pub tcx: TyCtxtAt<'tcx>,
37    /// The current context in case we're evaluating in a
38    /// polymorphic context. This always uses `ty::TypingMode::PostAnalysis`.
39    pub(super) typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
41    /// The virtual memory system.
42    pub memory: Memory<'tcx, M>,
44    /// The recursion limit (cached from `tcx.recursion_limit(())`)
45    pub recursion_limit: Limit,
48impl<'tcx, M: Machine<'tcx>> HasDataLayout for InterpCx<'tcx, M> {
49    #[inline]
50    fn data_layout(&self) -> &TargetDataLayout {
51        &self.tcx.data_layout
52    }
55impl<'tcx, M> layout::HasTyCtxt<'tcx> for InterpCx<'tcx, M>
57    M: Machine<'tcx>,
59    #[inline]
60    fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
61        *self.tcx
62    }
65impl<'tcx, M> layout::HasTypingEnv<'tcx> for InterpCx<'tcx, M>
67    M: Machine<'tcx>,
69    fn typing_env(&self) -> ty::TypingEnv<'tcx> {
70        self.typing_env
71    }
74impl<'tcx, M: Machine<'tcx>> LayoutOfHelpers<'tcx> for InterpCx<'tcx, M> {
75    type LayoutOfResult = Result<TyAndLayout<'tcx>, InterpErrorKind<'tcx>>;
77    #[inline]
78    fn layout_tcx_at_span(&self) -> Span {
79        // Using the cheap root span for performance.
80        self.tcx.span
81    }
83    #[inline]
84    fn handle_layout_err(
85        &self,
86        err: LayoutError<'tcx>,
87        _: Span,
88        _: Ty<'tcx>,
89    ) -> InterpErrorKind<'tcx> {
90        err_inval!(Layout(err))
91    }
94impl<'tcx, M: Machine<'tcx>> FnAbiOfHelpers<'tcx> for InterpCx<'tcx, M> {
95    type FnAbiOfResult = Result<&'tcx FnAbi<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>, InterpErrorKind<'tcx>>;
97    fn handle_fn_abi_err(
98        &self,
99        err: FnAbiError<'tcx>,
100        _span: Span,
101        _fn_abi_request: FnAbiRequest<'tcx>,
102    ) -> InterpErrorKind<'tcx> {
103        match err {
104            FnAbiError::Layout(err) => err_inval!(Layout(err)),
105        }
106    }
109/// Test if it is valid for a MIR assignment to assign `src`-typed place to `dest`-typed value.
110/// This test should be symmetric, as it is primarily about layout compatibility.
111pub(super) fn mir_assign_valid_types<'tcx>(
112    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
113    typing_env: TypingEnv<'tcx>,
114    src: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
115    dest: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
116) -> bool {
117    // Type-changing assignments can happen when subtyping is used. While
118    // all normal lifetimes are erased, higher-ranked types with their
119    // late-bound lifetimes are still around and can lead to type
120    // differences.
121    if util::relate_types(tcx, typing_env, Variance::Covariant, src.ty, dest.ty) {
122        // Make sure the layout is equal, too -- just to be safe. Miri really
123        // needs layout equality. For performance reason we skip this check when
124        // the types are equal. Equal types *can* have different layouts when
125        // enum downcast is involved (as enum variants carry the type of the
126        // enum), but those should never occur in assignments.
127        if cfg!(debug_assertions) || src.ty != dest.ty {
128            assert_eq!(src.layout, dest.layout);
129        }
130        true
131    } else {
132        false
133    }
136/// Use the already known layout if given (but sanity check in debug mode),
137/// or compute the layout.
138#[cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), inline(always))]
139pub(super) fn from_known_layout<'tcx>(
140    tcx: TyCtxtAt<'tcx>,
141    typing_env: TypingEnv<'tcx>,
142    known_layout: Option<TyAndLayout<'tcx>>,
143    compute: impl FnOnce() -> InterpResult<'tcx, TyAndLayout<'tcx>>,
144) -> InterpResult<'tcx, TyAndLayout<'tcx>> {
145    match known_layout {
146        None => compute(),
147        Some(known_layout) => {
148            if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
149                let check_layout = compute()?;
150                if !mir_assign_valid_types(tcx.tcx, typing_env, check_layout, known_layout) {
151                    span_bug!(
152                        tcx.span,
153                        "expected type differs from actual type.\nexpected: {}\nactual: {}",
154                        known_layout.ty,
155                        check_layout.ty,
156                    );
157                }
158            }
159            interp_ok(known_layout)
160        }
161    }
164/// Turn the given error into a human-readable string. Expects the string to be printed, so if
165/// `RUSTC_CTFE_BACKTRACE` is set this will show a backtrace of the rustc internals that
166/// triggered the error.
168/// This is NOT the preferred way to render an error; use `report` from `const_eval` instead.
169/// However, this is useful when error messages appear in ICEs.
170pub fn format_interp_error<'tcx>(dcx: DiagCtxtHandle<'_>, e: InterpErrorInfo<'tcx>) -> String {
171    let (e, backtrace) = e.into_parts();
172    backtrace.print_backtrace();
173    // FIXME(fee1-dead), HACK: we want to use the error as title therefore we can just extract the
174    // label and arguments from the InterpError.
175    #[allow(rustc::untranslatable_diagnostic)]
176    let mut diag = dcx.struct_allow("");
177    let msg = e.diagnostic_message();
178    e.add_args(&mut diag);
179    let s = dcx.eagerly_translate_to_string(msg, diag.args.iter());
180    diag.cancel();
181    s
184impl<'tcx, M: Machine<'tcx>> InterpCx<'tcx, M> {
185    pub fn new(
186        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
187        root_span: Span,
188        typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
189        machine: M,
190    ) -> Self {
191        // Const eval always happens in post analysis mode in order to be able to use the hidden types of
192        // opaque types. This is needed for trivial things like `size_of`, but also for using associated
193        // types that are not specified in the opaque type. We also use MIR bodies whose opaque types have
194        // already been revealed, so we'd be able to at least partially observe the hidden types anyways.
195        debug_assert_matches!(typing_env.typing_mode, ty::TypingMode::PostAnalysis);
196        InterpCx {
197            machine,
198            tcx:,
199            typing_env,
200            memory: Memory::new(),
201            recursion_limit: tcx.recursion_limit(),
202        }
203    }
205    /// Returns the span of the currently executed statement/terminator.
206    /// This is the span typically used for error reporting.
207    #[inline(always)]
208    pub fn cur_span(&self) -> Span {
209        // This deliberately does *not* honor `requires_caller_location` since it is used for much
210        // more than just panics.
211        self.stack().last().map_or(self.tcx.span, |f| f.current_span())
212    }
214    pub(crate) fn stack(&self) -> &[Frame<'tcx, M::Provenance, M::FrameExtra>] {
215        M::stack(self)
216    }
218    #[inline(always)]
219    pub(crate) fn stack_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Frame<'tcx, M::Provenance, M::FrameExtra>> {
220        M::stack_mut(self)
221    }
223    #[inline(always)]
224    pub fn frame_idx(&self) -> usize {
225        let stack = self.stack();
226        assert!(!stack.is_empty());
227        stack.len() - 1
228    }
230    #[inline(always)]
231    pub fn frame(&self) -> &Frame<'tcx, M::Provenance, M::FrameExtra> {
232        self.stack().last().expect("no call frames exist")
233    }
235    #[inline(always)]
236    pub fn frame_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Frame<'tcx, M::Provenance, M::FrameExtra> {
237        self.stack_mut().last_mut().expect("no call frames exist")
238    }
240    #[inline(always)]
241    pub fn body(&self) -> &'tcx mir::Body<'tcx> {
242        self.frame().body
243    }
245    #[inline]
246    pub fn type_is_freeze(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
247        ty.is_freeze(*self.tcx, self.typing_env)
248    }
250    pub fn load_mir(
251        &self,
252        instance: ty::InstanceKind<'tcx>,
253        promoted: Option<mir::Promoted>,
254    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, &'tcx mir::Body<'tcx>> {
255        trace!("load mir(instance={:?}, promoted={:?})", instance, promoted);
256        let body = if let Some(promoted) = promoted {
257            let def = instance.def_id();
258            &self.tcx.promoted_mir(def)[promoted]
259        } else {
260            M::load_mir(self, instance)?
261        };
262        // do not continue if typeck errors occurred (can only occur in local crate)
263        if let Some(err) = body.tainted_by_errors {
264            throw_inval!(AlreadyReported(ReportedErrorInfo::non_const_eval_error(err)));
265        }
266        interp_ok(body)
267    }
269    /// Call this on things you got out of the MIR (so it is as generic as the current
270    /// stack frame), to bring it into the proper environment for this interpreter.
271    pub(super) fn instantiate_from_current_frame_and_normalize_erasing_regions<
272        T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
273    >(
274        &self,
275        value: T,
276    ) -> Result<T, ErrorHandled> {
277        self.instantiate_from_frame_and_normalize_erasing_regions(self.frame(), value)
278    }
280    /// Call this on things you got out of the MIR (so it is as generic as the provided
281    /// stack frame), to bring it into the proper environment for this interpreter.
282    pub(super) fn instantiate_from_frame_and_normalize_erasing_regions<
283        T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
284    >(
285        &self,
286        frame: &Frame<'tcx, M::Provenance, M::FrameExtra>,
287        value: T,
288    ) -> Result<T, ErrorHandled> {
289        frame
290            .instance
291            .try_instantiate_mir_and_normalize_erasing_regions(
292                *self.tcx,
293                self.typing_env,
294                ty::EarlyBinder::bind(value),
295            )
296            .map_err(|_| ErrorHandled::TooGeneric(self.cur_span()))
297    }
299    /// The `args` are assumed to already be in our interpreter "universe".
300    pub(super) fn resolve(
301        &self,
302        def: DefId,
303        args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
304    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, ty::Instance<'tcx>> {
305        trace!("resolve: {:?}, {:#?}", def, args);
306        trace!("typing_env: {:#?}", self.typing_env);
307        trace!("args: {:#?}", args);
308        match ty::Instance::try_resolve(*self.tcx, self.typing_env, def, args) {
309            Ok(Some(instance)) => interp_ok(instance),
310            Ok(None) => throw_inval!(TooGeneric),
312            // FIXME(eddyb) this could be a bit more specific than `AlreadyReported`.
313            Err(error_guaranteed) => throw_inval!(AlreadyReported(
314                ReportedErrorInfo::non_const_eval_error(error_guaranteed)
315            )),
316        }
317    }
319    /// Walks up the callstack from the intrinsic's callsite, searching for the first callsite in a
320    /// frame which is not `#[track_caller]`. This matches the `caller_location` intrinsic,
321    /// and is primarily intended for the panic machinery.
322    pub(crate) fn find_closest_untracked_caller_location(&self) -> Span {
323        for frame in self.stack().iter().rev() {
324            debug!("find_closest_untracked_caller_location: checking frame {:?}", frame.instance);
326            // Assert that the frame we look at is actually executing code currently
327            // (`loc` is `Right` when we are unwinding and the frame does not require cleanup).
328            let loc = frame.loc.left().unwrap();
330            // This could be a non-`Call` terminator (such as `Drop`), or not a terminator at all
331            // (such as `box`). Use the normal span by default.
332            let mut source_info = *frame.body.source_info(loc);
334            // If this is a `Call` terminator, use the `fn_span` instead.
335            let block = &frame.body.basic_blocks[loc.block];
336            if loc.statement_index == block.statements.len() {
337                debug!(
338                    "find_closest_untracked_caller_location: got terminator {:?} ({:?})",
339                    block.terminator(),
340                    block.terminator().kind,
341                );
342                if let mir::TerminatorKind::Call { fn_span, .. } = block.terminator().kind {
343                    source_info.span = fn_span;
344                }
345            }
347            let caller_location = if frame.instance.def.requires_caller_location(*self.tcx) {
348                // We use `Err(())` as indication that we should continue up the call stack since
349                // this is a `#[track_caller]` function.
350                Some(Err(()))
351            } else {
352                None
353            };
354            if let Ok(span) =
355                frame.body.caller_location_span(source_info, caller_location, *self.tcx, Ok)
356            {
357                return span;
358            }
359        }
361        span_bug!(self.cur_span(), "no non-`#[track_caller]` frame found")
362    }
364    /// Returns the actual dynamic size and alignment of the place at the given type.
365    /// Only the "meta" (metadata) part of the place matters.
366    /// This can fail to provide an answer for extern types.
367    pub(super) fn size_and_align_of(
368        &self,
369        metadata: &MemPlaceMeta<M::Provenance>,
370        layout: &TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
371    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Option<(Size, Align)>> {
372        if layout.is_sized() {
373            return interp_ok(Some((layout.size, layout.align.abi)));
374        }
375        match layout.ty.kind() {
376            ty::Adt(..) | ty::Tuple(..) => {
377                // First get the size of all statically known fields.
378                // Don't use type_of::sizing_type_of because that expects t to be sized,
379                // and it also rounds up to alignment, which we want to avoid,
380                // as the unsized field's alignment could be smaller.
381                assert!(!layout.ty.is_simd());
382                assert!(layout.fields.count() > 0);
383                trace!("DST layout: {:?}", layout);
385                let unsized_offset_unadjusted = layout.fields.offset(layout.fields.count() - 1);
386                let sized_align = layout.align.abi;
388                // Recurse to get the size of the dynamically sized field (must be
389                // the last field). Can't have foreign types here, how would we
390                // adjust alignment and size for them?
391                let field = layout.field(self, layout.fields.count() - 1);
392                let Some((unsized_size, mut unsized_align)) =
393                    self.size_and_align_of(metadata, &field)?
394                else {
395                    // A field with an extern type. We don't know the actual dynamic size
396                    // or the alignment.
397                    return interp_ok(None);
398                };
400                // # First compute the dynamic alignment
402                // Packed type alignment needs to be capped.
403                if let ty::Adt(def, _) = layout.ty.kind() {
404                    if let Some(packed) = def.repr().pack {
405                        unsized_align = unsized_align.min(packed);
406                    }
407                }
409                // Choose max of two known alignments (combined value must
410                // be aligned according to more restrictive of the two).
411                let full_align = sized_align.max(unsized_align);
413                // # Then compute the dynamic size
415                let unsized_offset_adjusted = unsized_offset_unadjusted.align_to(unsized_align);
416                let full_size = (unsized_offset_adjusted + unsized_size).align_to(full_align);
418                // Just for our sanitiy's sake, assert that this is equal to what codegen would compute.
419                assert_eq!(
420                    full_size,
421                    (unsized_offset_unadjusted + unsized_size).align_to(full_align)
422                );
424                // Check if this brought us over the size limit.
425                if full_size > self.max_size_of_val() {
426                    throw_ub!(InvalidMeta(InvalidMetaKind::TooBig));
427                }
428                interp_ok(Some((full_size, full_align)))
429            }
430            ty::Dynamic(expected_trait, _, ty::Dyn) => {
431                let vtable = metadata.unwrap_meta().to_pointer(self)?;
432                // Read size and align from vtable (already checks size).
433                interp_ok(Some(self.get_vtable_size_and_align(vtable, Some(expected_trait))?))
434            }
436            ty::Slice(_) | ty::Str => {
437                let len = metadata.unwrap_meta().to_target_usize(self)?;
438                let elem = layout.field(self, 0);
440                // Make sure the slice is not too big.
441                let size = elem.size.bytes().saturating_mul(len); // we rely on `max_size_of_val` being smaller than `u64::MAX`.
442                let size = Size::from_bytes(size);
443                if size > self.max_size_of_val() {
444                    throw_ub!(InvalidMeta(InvalidMetaKind::SliceTooBig));
445                }
446                interp_ok(Some((size, elem.align.abi)))
447            }
449            ty::Foreign(_) => interp_ok(None),
451            _ => span_bug!(self.cur_span(), "size_and_align_of::<{}> not supported", layout.ty),
452        }
453    }
454    #[inline]
455    pub fn size_and_align_of_mplace(
456        &self,
457        mplace: &MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::Provenance>,
458    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Option<(Size, Align)>> {
459        self.size_and_align_of(&mplace.meta(), &mplace.layout)
460    }
462    /// Jump to the given block.
463    #[inline]
464    pub fn go_to_block(&mut self, target: mir::BasicBlock) {
465        self.frame_mut().loc = Left(mir::Location { block: target, statement_index: 0 });
466    }
468    /// *Return* to the given `target` basic block.
469    /// Do *not* use for unwinding! Use `unwind_to_block` instead.
470    ///
471    /// If `target` is `None`, that indicates the function cannot return, so we raise UB.
472    pub fn return_to_block(&mut self, target: Option<mir::BasicBlock>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
473        if let Some(target) = target {
474            self.go_to_block(target);
475            interp_ok(())
476        } else {
477            throw_ub!(Unreachable)
478        }
479    }
481    /// *Unwind* to the given `target` basic block.
482    /// Do *not* use for returning! Use `return_to_block` instead.
483    ///
484    /// If `target` is `UnwindAction::Continue`, that indicates the function does not need cleanup
485    /// during unwinding, and we will just keep propagating that upwards.
486    ///
487    /// If `target` is `UnwindAction::Unreachable`, that indicates the function does not allow
488    /// unwinding, and doing so is UB.
489    #[cold] // usually we have normal returns, not unwinding
490    pub fn unwind_to_block(&mut self, target: mir::UnwindAction) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
491        self.frame_mut().loc = match target {
492            mir::UnwindAction::Cleanup(block) => Left(mir::Location { block, statement_index: 0 }),
493            mir::UnwindAction::Continue => Right(self.frame_mut().body.span),
494            mir::UnwindAction::Unreachable => {
495                throw_ub_custom!(fluent::const_eval_unreachable_unwind);
496            }
497            mir::UnwindAction::Terminate(reason) => {
498                self.frame_mut().loc = Right(self.frame_mut().body.span);
499                M::unwind_terminate(self, reason)?;
500                // This might have pushed a new stack frame, or it terminated execution.
501                // Either way, `loc` will not be updated.
502                return interp_ok(());
503            }
504        };
505        interp_ok(())
506    }
508    /// Call a query that can return `ErrorHandled`. Should be used for statics and other globals.
509    /// (`mir::Const`/`ty::Const` have `eval` methods that can be used directly instead.)
510    pub fn ctfe_query<T>(
511        &self,
512        query: impl FnOnce(TyCtxtAt<'tcx>) -> Result<T, ErrorHandled>,
513    ) -> Result<T, ErrorHandled> {
514        // Use a precise span for better cycle errors.
515        query(|err| {
516            err.emit_note(*self.tcx);
517            err
518        })
519    }
521    pub fn eval_global(
522        &self,
523        instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
524    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::Provenance>> {
525        let gid = GlobalId { instance, promoted: None };
526        let val = if self.tcx.is_static(gid.instance.def_id()) {
527            let alloc_id = self.tcx.reserve_and_set_static_alloc(gid.instance.def_id());
529            let ty = instance.ty(self.tcx.tcx, self.typing_env);
530            mir::ConstAlloc { alloc_id, ty }
531        } else {
532            self.ctfe_query(|tcx| tcx.eval_to_allocation_raw(self.typing_env.as_query_input(gid)))?
533        };
534        self.raw_const_to_mplace(val)
535    }
537    pub fn eval_mir_constant(
538        &self,
539        val: &mir::Const<'tcx>,
540        span: Span,
541        layout: Option<TyAndLayout<'tcx>>,
542    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, OpTy<'tcx, M::Provenance>> {
543        M::eval_mir_constant(self, *val, span, layout, |ecx, val, span, layout| {
544            let const_val = val.eval(*ecx.tcx, ecx.typing_env, span).map_err(|err| {
545                if M::ALL_CONSTS_ARE_PRECHECKED {
546                    match err {
547                        ErrorHandled::TooGeneric(..) => {},
548                        ErrorHandled::Reported(reported, span) => {
549                            if reported.is_allowed_in_infallible() {
550                                // These errors can just sometimes happen, even when the expression
551                                // is nominally "infallible", e.g. when running out of memory
552                                // or when some layout could not be computed.
553                            } else {
554                                // Looks like the const is not captured by `required_consts`, that's bad.
555                                span_bug!(span, "interpret const eval failure of {val:?} which is not in required_consts");
556                            }
557                        }
558                    }
559                }
560                err.emit_note(*ecx.tcx);
561                err
562            })?;
563            ecx.const_val_to_op(const_val, val.ty(), layout)
564        })
565    }
567    #[must_use]
568    pub fn dump_place(&self, place: &PlaceTy<'tcx, M::Provenance>) -> PlacePrinter<'_, 'tcx, M> {
569        PlacePrinter { ecx: self, place: * }
570    }
572    #[must_use]
573    pub fn generate_stacktrace(&self) -> Vec<FrameInfo<'tcx>> {
574        Frame::generate_stacktrace_from_stack(self.stack())
575    }
577    pub fn adjust_nan<F1, F2>(&self, f: F2, inputs: &[F1]) -> F2
578    where
579        F1: rustc_apfloat::Float + rustc_apfloat::FloatConvert<F2>,
580        F2: rustc_apfloat::Float,
581    {
582        if f.is_nan() { M::generate_nan(self, inputs) } else { f }
583    }
587/// Helper struct for the `dump_place` function.
588pub struct PlacePrinter<'a, 'tcx, M: Machine<'tcx>> {
589    ecx: &'a InterpCx<'tcx, M>,
590    place: Place<M::Provenance>,
593impl<'a, 'tcx, M: Machine<'tcx>> std::fmt::Debug for PlacePrinter<'a, 'tcx, M> {
594    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
595        match {
596            Place::Local { local, offset, locals_addr } => {
597                debug_assert_eq!(locals_addr, self.ecx.frame().locals_addr());
598                let mut allocs = Vec::new();
599                write!(fmt, "{local:?}")?;
600                if let Some(offset) = offset {
601                    write!(fmt, "+{:#x}", offset.bytes())?;
602                }
603                write!(fmt, ":")?;
605                self.ecx.frame().locals[local].print(&mut allocs, fmt)?;
607                write!(fmt, ": {:?}", self.ecx.dump_allocs(allocs.into_iter().flatten().collect()))
608            }
609            Place::Ptr(mplace) => match mplace.ptr.provenance.and_then(Provenance::get_alloc_id) {
610                Some(alloc_id) => {
611                    write!(fmt, "by ref {:?}: {:?}", mplace.ptr, self.ecx.dump_alloc(alloc_id))
612                }
613                ptr => write!(fmt, " integral by ref: {ptr:?}"),
614            },
615        }
616    }