
1//! Implementation of `cargo config` subcommand.
3use crate::util::context::{ConfigKey, ConfigValue as CV, Definition, GlobalContext};
4use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
5use crate::{drop_eprintln, drop_println};
6use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
7use serde_json::json;
8use std::borrow::Cow;
9use std::fmt;
10use std::str::FromStr;
12pub enum ConfigFormat {
13    Toml,
14    Json,
15    JsonValue,
18impl ConfigFormat {
19    /// For clap.
20    pub const POSSIBLE_VALUES: [&'static str; 3] = ["toml", "json", "json-value"];
23impl FromStr for ConfigFormat {
24    type Err = Error;
25    fn from_str(s: &str) -> CargoResult<Self> {
26        match s {
27            "toml" => Ok(ConfigFormat::Toml),
28            "json" => Ok(ConfigFormat::Json),
29            "json-value" => Ok(ConfigFormat::JsonValue),
30            f => bail!("unknown config format `{}`", f),
31        }
32    }
35impl fmt::Display for ConfigFormat {
36    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
37        match *self {
38            ConfigFormat::Toml => write!(f, "toml"),
39            ConfigFormat::Json => write!(f, "json"),
40            ConfigFormat::JsonValue => write!(f, "json-value"),
41        }
42    }
45/// Options for `cargo config get`.
46pub struct GetOptions<'a> {
47    pub key: Option<&'a str>,
48    pub format: ConfigFormat,
49    pub show_origin: bool,
50    pub merged: bool,
53pub fn get(gctx: &GlobalContext, opts: &GetOptions<'_>) -> CargoResult<()> {
54    if opts.show_origin && !matches!(opts.format, ConfigFormat::Toml) {
55        bail!(
56            "the `{}` format does not support --show-origin, try the `toml` format instead",
57            opts.format
58        );
59    }
60    let key = match opts.key {
61        Some(key) => ConfigKey::from_str(key),
62        None => ConfigKey::new(),
63    };
64    if opts.merged {
65        let cv = gctx
66            .get_cv_with_env(&key)?
67            .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("config value `{}` is not set", key))?;
68        match opts.format {
69            ConfigFormat::Toml => print_toml(gctx, opts, &key, &cv),
70            ConfigFormat::Json => print_json(gctx, &key, &cv, true),
71            ConfigFormat::JsonValue => print_json(gctx, &key, &cv, false),
72        }
73        if let Some(env) = maybe_env(gctx, &key, &cv) {
74            match opts.format {
75                ConfigFormat::Toml => print_toml_env(gctx, &env),
76                ConfigFormat::Json | ConfigFormat::JsonValue => print_json_env(gctx, &env),
77            }
78        }
79    } else {
80        match &opts.format {
81            ConfigFormat::Toml => print_toml_unmerged(gctx, opts, &key)?,
82            format => bail!(
83                "the `{}` format does not support --merged=no, try the `toml` format instead",
84                format
85            ),
86        }
87    }
88    Ok(())
91/// Checks for environment variables that might be used.
92fn maybe_env<'gctx>(
93    gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext,
94    key: &ConfigKey,
95    cv: &CV,
96) -> Option<Vec<(&'gctx str, &'gctx str)>> {
97    // Only fetching a table is unable to load env values. Leaf entries should
98    // work properly.
99    match cv {
100        CV::Table(_map, _def) => {}
101        _ => return None,
102    }
103    let mut env: Vec<_> = gctx
104        .env()
105        .filter(|(env_key, _val)| env_key.starts_with(&format!("{}_", key.as_env_key())))
106        .collect();
107    env.sort_by_key(|x| x.0);
108    if env.is_empty() {
109        None
110    } else {
111        Some(env)
112    }
115fn print_toml(gctx: &GlobalContext, opts: &GetOptions<'_>, key: &ConfigKey, cv: &CV) {
116    let origin = |def: &Definition| -> String {
117        if !opts.show_origin {
118            return "".to_string();
119        }
120        format!(" # {}", def)
121    };
122    match cv {
123        CV::Boolean(val, def) => drop_println!(gctx, "{} = {}{}", key, val, origin(def)),
124        CV::Integer(val, def) => drop_println!(gctx, "{} = {}{}", key, val, origin(def)),
125        CV::String(val, def) => drop_println!(
126            gctx,
127            "{} = {}{}",
128            key,
129            toml_edit::Value::from(val),
130            origin(def)
131        ),
132        CV::List(vals, _def) => {
133            if opts.show_origin {
134                drop_println!(gctx, "{} = [", key);
135                for (val, def) in vals {
136                    drop_println!(
137                        gctx,
138                        "    {}, # {}",
139                        serde::Serialize::serialize(val, toml_edit::ser::ValueSerializer::new())
140                            .unwrap(),
141                        def
142                    );
143                }
144                drop_println!(gctx, "]");
145            } else {
146                let vals: toml_edit::Array = vals.iter().map(|x| &x.0).collect();
147                drop_println!(gctx, "{} = {}", key, vals);
148            }
149        }
150        CV::Table(table, _def) => {
151            let mut key_vals: Vec<_> = table.iter().collect();
152            key_vals.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.cmp(b.0));
153            for (table_key, val) in key_vals {
154                let mut subkey = key.clone();
155                // push or push_sensitive shouldn't matter here, since this is
156                // not dealing with environment variables.
157                subkey.push(table_key);
158                print_toml(gctx, opts, &subkey, val);
159            }
160        }
161    }
164fn print_toml_env(gctx: &GlobalContext, env: &[(&str, &str)]) {
165    drop_println!(
166        gctx,
167        "# The following environment variables may affect the loaded values."
168    );
169    for (env_key, env_value) in env {
170        let val = shell_escape::escape(Cow::Borrowed(env_value));
171        drop_println!(gctx, "# {}={}", env_key, val);
172    }
175fn print_json_env(gctx: &GlobalContext, env: &[(&str, &str)]) {
176    drop_eprintln!(
177        gctx,
178        "note: The following environment variables may affect the loaded values."
179    );
180    for (env_key, env_value) in env {
181        let val = shell_escape::escape(Cow::Borrowed(env_value));
182        drop_eprintln!(gctx, "{}={}", env_key, val);
183    }
186fn print_json(gctx: &GlobalContext, key: &ConfigKey, cv: &CV, include_key: bool) {
187    let json_value = if key.is_root() || !include_key {
188        cv_to_json(cv)
189    } else {
190        let mut parts: Vec<_> =;
191        let last_part = parts.pop().unwrap();
192        let mut root_table = json!({});
193        // Create a JSON object with nested keys up to the value being displayed.
194        let mut table = &mut root_table;
195        for part in parts {
196            table[part] = json!({});
197            table = table.get_mut(part).unwrap();
198        }
199        table[last_part] = cv_to_json(cv);
200        root_table
201    };
202    drop_println!(gctx, "{}", serde_json::to_string(&json_value).unwrap());
204    // Helper for recursively converting a CV to JSON.
205    fn cv_to_json(cv: &CV) -> serde_json::Value {
206        match cv {
207            CV::Boolean(val, _def) => json!(val),
208            CV::Integer(val, _def) => json!(val),
209            CV::String(val, _def) => json!(val),
210            CV::List(vals, _def) => {
211                let jvals: Vec<_> = vals.iter().map(|(val, _def)| json!(val)).collect();
212                json!(jvals)
213            }
214            CV::Table(map, _def) => {
215                let mut table = json!({});
216                for (key, val) in map {
217                    table[key] = cv_to_json(val);
218                }
219                table
220            }
221        }
222    }
225fn print_toml_unmerged(
226    gctx: &GlobalContext,
227    opts: &GetOptions<'_>,
228    key: &ConfigKey,
229) -> CargoResult<()> {
230    let print_table = |cv: &CV| {
231        drop_println!(gctx, "# {}", cv.definition());
232        print_toml(gctx, opts, &ConfigKey::new(), cv);
233        drop_println!(gctx, "");
234    };
235    // This removes entries from the given CV so that all that remains is the
236    // given key. Returns false if no entries were found.
237    fn trim_cv(mut cv: &mut CV, key: &ConfigKey) -> CargoResult<bool> {
238        for (i, part) in {
239            match cv {
240                CV::Table(map, _def) => {
241                    map.retain(|key, _value| key == part);
242                    match map.get_mut(part) {
243                        Some(val) => cv = val,
244                        None => return Ok(false),
245                    }
246                }
247                _ => {
248                    let mut key_so_far = ConfigKey::new();
249                    for part in {
250                        key_so_far.push(part);
251                    }
252                    bail!(
253                        "expected table for configuration key `{}`, \
254                         but found {} in {}",
255                        key_so_far,
256                        cv.desc(),
257                        cv.definition()
258                    )
259                }
260            }
261        }
262        Ok(match cv {
263            CV::Table(map, _def) => !map.is_empty(),
264            _ => true,
265        })
266    }
268    let mut cli_args = gctx.cli_args_as_table()?;
269    if trim_cv(&mut cli_args, key)? {
270        print_table(&cli_args);
271    }
273    // This slurps up some extra env vars that aren't technically part of the
274    // "config" (or are special-cased). I'm personally fine with just keeping
275    // them here, though it might be confusing. The vars I'm aware of:
276    //
277    // * CARGO
278    // * CARGO_HOME
279    // * CARGO_NAME
280    // * CARGO_EMAIL
282    // * CARGO_TARGET_DIR
284    //
285    // All of these except CARGO, CARGO_HOME, and CARGO_CACHE_RUSTC_INFO are
286    // actually part of the config, but they are special-cased in the code.
287    //
288    // TODO: It might be a good idea to teach the Config loader to support
289    // environment variable aliases so that these special cases are less
290    // special, and will just naturally get loaded as part of the config.
291    let mut env: Vec<_> = gctx
292        .env()
293        .filter(|(env_key, _val)| env_key.starts_with(key.as_env_key()))
294        .collect();
295    if !env.is_empty() {
296        env.sort_by_key(|x| x.0);
297        drop_println!(gctx, "# Environment variables");
298        for (key, value) in env {
299            // Displaying this in "shell" syntax instead of TOML, since that
300            // somehow makes more sense to me.
301            let val = shell_escape::escape(Cow::Borrowed(value));
302            drop_println!(gctx, "# {}={}", key, val);
303        }
304        drop_println!(gctx, "");
305    }
307    let unmerged = gctx.load_values_unmerged()?;
308    for mut cv in unmerged {
309        if trim_cv(&mut cv, key)? {
310            print_table(&cv);
311        }
312    }
313    Ok(())