
1//! Rustdoc's JSON output interface
3//! These types are the public API exposed through the `--output-format json` flag. The [`Crate`]
4//! struct is the root of the JSON blob and all other items are contained within.
6//! We expose a `rustc-hash` feature that is disabled by default. This feature switches the
7//! [`std::collections::HashMap`] for [`rustc_hash::FxHashMap`] to improve the performance of said
8//! `HashMap` in specific situations.
10//! `cargo-semver-checks` for example, saw a [-3% improvement][1] when benchmarking using the
11//! `aws_sdk_ec2` JSON output (~500MB of JSON). As always, we recommend measuring the impact before
12//! turning this feature on, as [`FxHashMap`][2] only concerns itself with hash speed, and may
13//! increase the number of collisions.
15//! [1]:
16//! [2]:
18#[cfg(not(feature = "rustc-hash"))]
19use std::collections::HashMap;
20use std::path::PathBuf;
22#[cfg(feature = "rustc-hash")]
23use rustc_hash::FxHashMap as HashMap;
24use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
26pub type FxHashMap<K, V> = HashMap<K, V>; // re-export for use in src/librustdoc
28/// The version of JSON output that this crate represents.
30/// This integer is incremented with every breaking change to the API,
31/// and is returned along with the JSON blob as [`Crate::format_version`].
32/// Consuming code should assert that this value matches the format version(s) that it supports.
33pub const FORMAT_VERSION: u32 = 43;
35/// The root of the emitted JSON blob.
37/// It contains all type/documentation information
38/// about the language items in the local crate, as well as info about external items to allow
39/// tools to find or link to them.
40#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
41pub struct Crate {
42    /// The id of the root [`Module`] item of the local crate.
43    pub root: Id,
44    /// The version string given to `--crate-version`, if any.
45    pub crate_version: Option<String>,
46    /// Whether or not the output includes private items.
47    pub includes_private: bool,
48    /// A collection of all items in the local crate as well as some external traits and their
49    /// items that are referenced locally.
50    pub index: HashMap<Id, Item>,
51    /// Maps IDs to fully qualified paths and other info helpful for generating links.
52    pub paths: HashMap<Id, ItemSummary>,
53    /// Maps `crate_id` of items to a crate name and html_root_url if it exists.
54    pub external_crates: HashMap<u32, ExternalCrate>,
55    /// A single version number to be used in the future when making backwards incompatible changes
56    /// to the JSON output.
57    pub format_version: u32,
60/// Metadata of a crate, either the same crate on which `rustdoc` was invoked, or its dependency.
61#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
62pub struct ExternalCrate {
63    /// The name of the crate.
64    ///
65    /// Note: This is the [*crate* name][crate-name], which may not be the same as the
66    /// [*package* name][package-name]. For example, for <>,
67    /// this field will be `regex_syntax` (which uses an `_`, not a `-`).
68    ///
69    /// [crate-name]:
70    /// [package-name]:
71    pub name: String,
72    /// The root URL at which the crate's documentation lives.
73    pub html_root_url: Option<String>,
76/// Information about an external (not defined in the local crate) [`Item`].
78/// For external items, you don't get the same level of
79/// information. This struct should contain enough to generate a link/reference to the item in
80/// question, or can be used by a tool that takes the json output of multiple crates to find
81/// the actual item definition with all the relevant info.
82#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
83pub struct ItemSummary {
84    /// Can be used to look up the name and html_root_url of the crate this item came from in the
85    /// `external_crates` map.
86    pub crate_id: u32,
87    /// The list of path components for the fully qualified path of this item (e.g.
88    /// `["std", "io", "lazy", "Lazy"]` for `std::io::lazy::Lazy`).
89    ///
90    /// Note that items can appear in multiple paths, and the one chosen is implementation
91    /// defined. Currently, this is the full path to where the item was defined. Eg
92    /// [`String`] is currently `["alloc", "string", "String"]` and [`HashMap`][`std::collections::HashMap`]
93    /// is `["std", "collections", "hash", "map", "HashMap"]`, but this is subject to change.
94    pub path: Vec<String>,
95    /// Whether this item is a struct, trait, macro, etc.
96    pub kind: ItemKind,
99/// Anything that can hold documentation - modules, structs, enums, functions, traits, etc.
101/// The `Item` data type holds fields that can apply to any of these,
102/// and leaves kind-specific details (like function args or enum variants) to the `inner` field.
103#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
104pub struct Item {
105    /// The unique identifier of this item. Can be used to find this item in various mappings.
106    pub id: Id,
107    /// This can be used as a key to the `external_crates` map of [`Crate`] to see which crate
108    /// this item came from.
109    pub crate_id: u32,
110    /// Some items such as impls don't have names.
111    pub name: Option<String>,
112    /// The source location of this item (absent if it came from a macro expansion or inline
113    /// assembly).
114    pub span: Option<Span>,
115    /// By default all documented items are public, but you can tell rustdoc to output private items
116    /// so this field is needed to differentiate.
117    pub visibility: Visibility,
118    /// The full markdown docstring of this item. Absent if there is no documentation at all,
119    /// Some("") if there is some documentation but it is empty (EG `#[doc = ""]`).
120    pub docs: Option<String>,
121    /// This mapping resolves [intra-doc links]( from the docstring to their IDs
122    pub links: HashMap<String, Id>,
123    /// Attributes on this item.
124    ///
125    /// Does not include `#[deprecated]` attributes: see the [`Self::deprecation`] field instead.
126    ///
127    /// Some attributes appear in pretty-printed Rust form, regardless of their formatting
128    /// in the original source code. For example:
129    /// - `#[non_exhaustive]` and `#[must_use]` are represented as themselves.
130    /// - `#[no_mangle]` and `#[export_name]` are also represented as themselves.
131    /// - `#[repr(C)]` and other reprs also appear as themselves,
132    ///   though potentially with a different order: e.g. `repr(i8, C)` may become `repr(C, i8)`.
133    ///   Multiple repr attributes on the same item may be combined into an equivalent single attr.
134    ///
135    /// Other attributes may appear debug-printed. For example:
136    /// - `#[inline]` becomes something similar to `#[attr="Inline(Hint)"]`.
137    ///
138    /// As an internal implementation detail subject to change, this debug-printing format
139    /// is currently equivalent to the HIR pretty-printing of parsed attributes.
140    pub attrs: Vec<String>,
141    /// Information about the item’s deprecation, if present.
142    pub deprecation: Option<Deprecation>,
143    /// The type-specific fields describing this item.
144    pub inner: ItemEnum,
147/// A range of source code.
148#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
149pub struct Span {
150    /// The path to the source file for this span relative to the path `rustdoc` was invoked with.
151    pub filename: PathBuf,
152    /// Zero indexed Line and Column of the first character of the `Span`
153    pub begin: (usize, usize),
154    /// Zero indexed Line and Column of the last character of the `Span`
155    pub end: (usize, usize),
158/// Information about the deprecation of an [`Item`].
159#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
160pub struct Deprecation {
161    /// Usually a version number when this [`Item`] first became deprecated.
162    pub since: Option<String>,
163    /// The reason for deprecation and/or what alternatives to use.
164    pub note: Option<String>,
167/// Visibility of an [`Item`].
168#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
169#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
170pub enum Visibility {
171    /// Explicitly public visibility set with `pub`.
172    Public,
173    /// For the most part items are private by default. The exceptions are associated items of
174    /// public traits and variants of public enums.
175    Default,
176    /// Explicitly crate-wide visibility set with `pub(crate)`
177    Crate,
178    /// For `pub(in path)` visibility.
179    Restricted {
180        /// ID of the module to which this visibility restricts items.
181        parent: Id,
182        /// The path with which [`parent`] was referenced
183        /// (like `super::super` or `crate::foo::bar`).
184        ///
185        /// [`parent`]: Visibility::Restricted::parent
186        path: String,
187    },
190/// Dynamic trait object type (`dyn Trait`).
191#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
192pub struct DynTrait {
193    /// All the traits implemented. One of them is the vtable, and the rest must be auto traits.
194    pub traits: Vec<PolyTrait>,
195    /// The lifetime of the whole dyn object
196    /// ```text
197    /// dyn Debug + 'static
198    ///             ^^^^^^^
199    ///             |
200    ///             this part
201    /// ```
202    pub lifetime: Option<String>,
205/// A trait and potential HRTBs
206#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
207pub struct PolyTrait {
208    /// The path to the trait.
209    #[serde(rename = "trait")]
210    pub trait_: Path,
211    /// Used for Higher-Rank Trait Bounds (HRTBs)
212    /// ```text
213    /// dyn for<'a> Fn() -> &'a i32"
214    ///     ^^^^^^^
215    /// ```
216    pub generic_params: Vec<GenericParamDef>,
219/// A set of generic arguments provided to a path segment, e.g.
221/// ```text
222/// std::option::Option::<u32>::None
223///                      ^^^^^
224/// ```
225#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
226#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
227pub enum GenericArgs {
228    /// `<'a, 32, B: Copy, C = u32>`
229    AngleBracketed {
230        /// The list of each argument on this type.
231        /// ```text
232        /// <'a, 32, B: Copy, C = u32>
233        ///  ^^^^^^
234        /// ```
235        args: Vec<GenericArg>,
236        /// Associated type or constant bindings (e.g. `Item=i32` or `Item: Clone`) for this type.
237        constraints: Vec<AssocItemConstraint>,
238    },
239    /// `Fn(A, B) -> C`
240    Parenthesized {
241        /// The input types, enclosed in parentheses.
242        inputs: Vec<Type>,
243        /// The output type provided after the `->`, if present.
244        output: Option<Type>,
245    },
246    /// `T::method(..)`
247    ReturnTypeNotation,
250/// One argument in a list of generic arguments to a path segment.
252/// Part of [`GenericArgs`].
253#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
254#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
255pub enum GenericArg {
256    /// A lifetime argument.
257    /// ```text
258    /// std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>
259    ///                  ^^^^^^^
260    /// ```
261    Lifetime(String),
262    /// A type argument.
263    /// ```text
264    /// std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>
265    ///                           ^^^
266    /// ```
267    Type(Type),
268    /// A constant as a generic argument.
269    /// ```text
270    /// core::array::IntoIter<u32, { 640 * 1024 }>
271    ///                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
272    /// ```
273    Const(Constant),
274    /// A generic argument that's explicitly set to be inferred.
275    /// ```text
276    /// std::vec::Vec::<_>::new()
277    ///                 ^
278    /// ```
279    Infer,
282/// A constant.
283#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
284pub struct Constant {
285    /// The stringified expression of this constant. Note that its mapping to the original
286    /// source code is unstable and it's not guaranteed that it'll match the source code.
287    pub expr: String,
288    /// The value of the evaluated expression for this constant, which is only computed for numeric
289    /// types.
290    pub value: Option<String>,
291    /// Whether this constant is a bool, numeric, string, or char literal.
292    pub is_literal: bool,
295/// Describes a bound applied to an associated type/constant.
297/// Example:
298/// ```text
299/// IntoIterator<Item = u32, IntoIter: Clone>
300///              ^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
301/// ```
302#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
303pub struct AssocItemConstraint {
304    /// The name of the associated type/constant.
305    pub name: String,
306    /// Arguments provided to the associated type/constant.
307    pub args: GenericArgs,
308    /// The kind of bound applied to the associated type/constant.
309    pub binding: AssocItemConstraintKind,
312/// The way in which an associate type/constant is bound.
313#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
314#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
315pub enum AssocItemConstraintKind {
316    /// The required value/type is specified exactly. e.g.
317    /// ```text
318    /// Iterator<Item = u32, IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator>
319    ///          ^^^^^^^^^^
320    /// ```
321    Equality(Term),
322    /// The type is required to satisfy a set of bounds.
323    /// ```text
324    /// Iterator<Item = u32, IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator>
325    ///                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
326    /// ```
327    Constraint(Vec<GenericBound>),
330/// An opaque identifier for an item.
332/// It can be used to lookup in [`Crate::index`] or [`Crate::paths`] to resolve it
333/// to an [`Item`].
335/// Id's are only valid within a single JSON blob. They cannot be used to
336/// resolve references between the JSON output's for different crates.
338/// Rustdoc makes no guarantees about the inner value of Id's. Applications
339/// should treat them as opaque keys to lookup items, and avoid attempting
340/// to parse them, or otherwise depend on any implementation details.
341#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
342// FIXME(aDotInTheVoid): Consider making this non-public in rustdoc-types.
343pub struct Id(pub u32);
345/// The fundamental kind of an item. Unlike [`ItemEnum`], this does not carry any additional info.
347/// Part of [`ItemSummary`].
348#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
349#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
350pub enum ItemKind {
351    /// A module declaration, e.g. `mod foo;` or `mod foo {}`
352    Module,
353    /// A crate imported via the `extern crate` syntax.
354    ExternCrate,
355    /// An import of 1 or more items into scope, using the `use` keyword.
356    Use,
357    /// A `struct` declaration.
358    Struct,
359    /// A field of a struct.
360    StructField,
361    /// A `union` declaration.
362    Union,
363    /// An `enum` declaration.
364    Enum,
365    /// A variant of a enum.
366    Variant,
367    /// A function declaration, e.g. `fn f() {}`
368    Function,
369    /// A type alias declaration, e.g. `type Pig = std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>;`
370    TypeAlias,
371    /// The declaration of a constant, e.g. `const GREETING: &str = "Hi :3";`
372    Constant,
373    /// A `trait` declaration.
374    Trait,
375    /// A trait alias declaration, e.g. `trait Int = Add + Sub + Mul + Div;`
376    ///
377    /// See [the tracking issue](
378    TraitAlias,
379    /// An `impl` block.
380    Impl,
381    /// A `static` declaration.
382    Static,
383    /// `type`s from an `extern` block.
384    ///
385    /// See [the tracking issue](
386    ExternType,
387    /// A macro declaration.
388    ///
389    /// Corresponds to either `ItemEnum::Macro(_)`
390    /// or `ItemEnum::ProcMacro(ProcMacro { kind: MacroKind::Bang })`
391    Macro,
392    /// A procedural macro attribute.
393    ///
394    /// Corresponds to `ItemEnum::ProcMacro(ProcMacro { kind: MacroKind::Attr })`
395    ProcAttribute,
396    /// A procedural macro usable in the `#[derive()]` attribute.
397    ///
398    /// Corresponds to `ItemEnum::ProcMacro(ProcMacro { kind: MacroKind::Derive })`
399    ProcDerive,
400    /// An associated constant of a trait or a type.
401    AssocConst,
402    /// An associated type of a trait or a type.
403    AssocType,
404    /// A primitive type, e.g. `u32`.
405    ///
406    /// [`Item`]s of this kind only come from the core library.
407    Primitive,
408    /// A keyword declaration.
409    ///
410    /// [`Item`]s of this kind only come from the come library and exist solely
411    /// to carry documentation for the respective keywords.
412    Keyword,
415/// Specific fields of an item.
417/// Part of [`Item`].
418#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
419#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
420pub enum ItemEnum {
421    /// A module declaration, e.g. `mod foo;` or `mod foo {}`
422    Module(Module),
423    /// A crate imported via the `extern crate` syntax.
424    ExternCrate {
425        /// The name of the imported crate.
426        name: String,
427        /// If the crate is renamed, this is its name in the crate.
428        rename: Option<String>,
429    },
430    /// An import of 1 or more items into scope, using the `use` keyword.
431    Use(Use),
433    /// A `union` declaration.
434    Union(Union),
435    /// A `struct` declaration.
436    Struct(Struct),
437    /// A field of a struct.
438    StructField(Type),
439    /// An `enum` declaration.
440    Enum(Enum),
441    /// A variant of a enum.
442    Variant(Variant),
444    /// A function declaration (including methods and other associated functions)
445    Function(Function),
447    /// A `trait` declaration.
448    Trait(Trait),
449    /// A trait alias declaration, e.g. `trait Int = Add + Sub + Mul + Div;`
450    ///
451    /// See [the tracking issue](
452    TraitAlias(TraitAlias),
453    /// An `impl` block.
454    Impl(Impl),
456    /// A type alias declaration, e.g. `type Pig = std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>;`
457    TypeAlias(TypeAlias),
458    /// The declaration of a constant, e.g. `const GREETING: &str = "Hi :3";`
459    Constant {
460        /// The type of the constant.
461        #[serde(rename = "type")]
462        type_: Type,
463        /// The declared constant itself.
464        #[serde(rename = "const")]
465        const_: Constant,
466    },
468    /// A declaration of a `static`.
469    Static(Static),
471    /// `type`s from an `extern` block.
472    ///
473    /// See [the tracking issue](
474    ExternType,
476    /// A macro_rules! declarative macro. Contains a single string with the source
477    /// representation of the macro with the patterns stripped.
478    Macro(String),
479    /// A procedural macro.
480    ProcMacro(ProcMacro),
482    /// A primitive type, e.g. `u32`.
483    ///
484    /// [`Item`]s of this kind only come from the core library.
485    Primitive(Primitive),
487    /// An associated constant of a trait or a type.
488    AssocConst {
489        /// The type of the constant.
490        #[serde(rename = "type")]
491        type_: Type,
492        /// Inside a trait declaration, this is the default value for the associated constant,
493        /// if provided.
494        /// Inside an `impl` block, this is the value assigned to the associated constant,
495        /// and will always be present.
496        ///
497        /// The representation is implementation-defined and not guaranteed to be representative of
498        /// either the resulting value or of the source code.
499        ///
500        /// ```rust
501        /// const X: usize = 640 * 1024;
502        /// //               ^^^^^^^^^^
503        /// ```
504        value: Option<String>,
505    },
506    /// An associated type of a trait or a type.
507    AssocType {
508        /// The generic parameters and where clauses on ahis associated type.
509        generics: Generics,
510        /// The bounds for this associated type. e.g.
511        /// ```rust
512        /// trait IntoIterator {
513        ///     type Item;
514        ///     type IntoIter: Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;
515        /// //                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
516        /// }
517        /// ```
518        bounds: Vec<GenericBound>,
519        /// Inside a trait declaration, this is the default for the associated type, if provided.
520        /// Inside an impl block, this is the type assigned to the associated type, and will always
521        /// be present.
522        ///
523        /// ```rust
524        /// type X = usize;
525        /// //       ^^^^^
526        /// ```
527        #[serde(rename = "type")]
528        type_: Option<Type>,
529    },
532/// A module declaration, e.g. `mod foo;` or `mod foo {}`.
533#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
534pub struct Module {
535    /// Whether this is the root item of a crate.
536    ///
537    /// This item doesn't correspond to any construction in the source code and is generated by the
538    /// compiler.
539    pub is_crate: bool,
540    /// [`Item`]s declared inside this module.
541    pub items: Vec<Id>,
542    /// If `true`, this module is not part of the public API, but it contains
543    /// items that are re-exported as public API.
544    pub is_stripped: bool,
547/// A `union`.
548#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
549pub struct Union {
550    /// The generic parameters and where clauses on this union.
551    pub generics: Generics,
552    /// Whether any fields have been removed from the result, due to being private or hidden.
553    pub has_stripped_fields: bool,
554    /// The list of fields in the union.
555    ///
556    /// All of the corresponding [`Item`]s are of kind [`ItemEnum::StructField`].
557    pub fields: Vec<Id>,
558    /// All impls (both of traits and inherent) for this union.
559    ///
560    /// All of the corresponding [`Item`]s are of kind [`ItemEnum::Impl`].
561    pub impls: Vec<Id>,
564/// A `struct`.
565#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
566pub struct Struct {
567    /// The kind of the struct (e.g. unit, tuple-like or struct-like) and the data specific to it,
568    /// i.e. fields.
569    pub kind: StructKind,
570    /// The generic parameters and where clauses on this struct.
571    pub generics: Generics,
572    /// All impls (both of traits and inherent) for this struct.
573    /// All of the corresponding [`Item`]s are of kind [`ItemEnum::Impl`].
574    pub impls: Vec<Id>,
577/// The kind of a [`Struct`] and the data specific to it, i.e. fields.
578#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
579#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
580pub enum StructKind {
581    /// A struct with no fields and no parentheses.
582    ///
583    /// ```rust
584    /// pub struct Unit;
585    /// ```
586    Unit,
587    /// A struct with unnamed fields.
588    ///
589    /// All [`Id`]'s will point to [`ItemEnum::StructField`].
590    /// Unlike most of JSON, private and `#[doc(hidden)]` fields will be given as `None`
591    /// instead of being omitted, because order matters.
592    ///
593    /// ```rust
594    /// pub struct TupleStruct(i32);
595    /// pub struct EmptyTupleStruct();
596    /// ```
597    Tuple(Vec<Option<Id>>),
598    /// A struct with named fields.
599    ///
600    /// ```rust
601    /// pub struct PlainStruct { x: i32 }
602    /// pub struct EmptyPlainStruct {}
603    /// ```
604    Plain {
605        /// The list of fields in the struct.
606        ///
607        /// All of the corresponding [`Item`]s are of kind [`ItemEnum::StructField`].
608        fields: Vec<Id>,
609        /// Whether any fields have been removed from the result, due to being private or hidden.
610        has_stripped_fields: bool,
611    },
614/// An `enum`.
615#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
616pub struct Enum {
617    /// Information about the type parameters and `where` clauses of the enum.
618    pub generics: Generics,
619    /// Whether any variants have been removed from the result, due to being private or hidden.
620    pub has_stripped_variants: bool,
621    /// The list of variants in the enum.
622    ///
623    /// All of the corresponding [`Item`]s are of kind [`ItemEnum::Variant`]
624    pub variants: Vec<Id>,
625    /// `impl`s for the enum.
626    pub impls: Vec<Id>,
629/// A variant of an enum.
630#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
631pub struct Variant {
632    /// Whether the variant is plain, a tuple-like, or struct-like. Contains the fields.
633    pub kind: VariantKind,
634    /// The discriminant, if explicitly specified.
635    pub discriminant: Option<Discriminant>,
638/// The kind of an [`Enum`] [`Variant`] and the data specific to it, i.e. fields.
639#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
640#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
641pub enum VariantKind {
642    /// A variant with no parentheses
643    ///
644    /// ```rust
645    /// enum Demo {
646    ///     PlainVariant,
647    ///     PlainWithDiscriminant = 1,
648    /// }
649    /// ```
650    Plain,
651    /// A variant with unnamed fields.
652    ///
653    /// All [`Id`]'s will point to [`ItemEnum::StructField`].
654    /// Unlike most of JSON, `#[doc(hidden)]` fields will be given as `None`
655    /// instead of being omitted, because order matters.
656    ///
657    /// ```rust
658    /// enum Demo {
659    ///     TupleVariant(i32),
660    ///     EmptyTupleVariant(),
661    /// }
662    /// ```
663    Tuple(Vec<Option<Id>>),
664    /// A variant with named fields.
665    ///
666    /// ```rust
667    /// enum Demo {
668    ///     StructVariant { x: i32 },
669    ///     EmptyStructVariant {},
670    /// }
671    /// ```
672    Struct {
673        /// The list of variants in the enum.
674        /// All of the corresponding [`Item`]s are of kind [`ItemEnum::Variant`].
675        fields: Vec<Id>,
676        /// Whether any variants have been removed from the result, due to being private or hidden.
677        has_stripped_fields: bool,
678    },
681/// The value that distinguishes a variant in an [`Enum`] from other variants.
682#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
683pub struct Discriminant {
684    /// The expression that produced the discriminant.
685    ///
686    /// Unlike `value`, this preserves the original formatting (eg suffixes,
687    /// hexadecimal, and underscores), making it unsuitable to be machine
688    /// interpreted.
689    ///
690    /// In some cases, when the value is too complex, this may be `"{ _ }"`.
691    /// When this occurs is unstable, and may change without notice.
692    pub expr: String,
693    /// The numerical value of the discriminant. Stored as a string due to
694    /// JSON's poor support for large integers, and the fact that it would need
695    /// to store from [`i128::MIN`] to [`u128::MAX`].
696    pub value: String,
699/// A set of fundamental properties of a function.
700#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
701pub struct FunctionHeader {
702    /// Is this function marked as `const`?
703    pub is_const: bool,
704    /// Is this function unsafe?
705    pub is_unsafe: bool,
706    /// Is this function async?
707    pub is_async: bool,
708    /// The ABI used by the function.
709    pub abi: Abi,
712/// The ABI (Application Binary Interface) used by a function.
714/// If a variant has an `unwind` field, this means the ABI that it represents can be specified in 2
715/// ways: `extern "_"` and `extern "_-unwind"`, and a value of `true` for that field signifies the
716/// latter variant.
718/// See the [Rustonomicon section](
719/// on unwinding for more info.
720#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
721pub enum Abi {
722    // We only have a concrete listing here for stable ABI's because there are so many
723    // See rustc_ast_passes::feature_gate::PostExpansionVisitor::check_abi for the list
724    /// The default ABI, but that can also be written explicitly with `extern "Rust"`.
725    Rust,
726    /// Can be specified as `extern "C"` or, as a shorthand, just `extern`.
727    C { unwind: bool },
728    /// Can be specified as `extern "cdecl"`.
729    Cdecl { unwind: bool },
730    /// Can be specified as `extern "stdcall"`.
731    Stdcall { unwind: bool },
732    /// Can be specified as `extern "fastcall"`.
733    Fastcall { unwind: bool },
734    /// Can be specified as `extern "aapcs"`.
735    Aapcs { unwind: bool },
736    /// Can be specified as `extern "win64"`.
737    Win64 { unwind: bool },
738    /// Can be specified as `extern "sysv64"`.
739    SysV64 { unwind: bool },
740    /// Can be specified as `extern "system"`.
741    System { unwind: bool },
742    /// Any other ABI, including unstable ones.
743    Other(String),
746/// A function declaration (including methods and other associated functions).
747#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
748pub struct Function {
749    /// Information about the function signature, or declaration.
750    pub sig: FunctionSignature,
751    /// Information about the function’s type parameters and `where` clauses.
752    pub generics: Generics,
753    /// Information about core properties of the function, e.g. whether it's `const`, its ABI, etc.
754    pub header: FunctionHeader,
755    /// Whether the function has a body, i.e. an implementation.
756    pub has_body: bool,
759/// Generic parameters accepted by an item and `where` clauses imposed on it and the parameters.
760#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
761pub struct Generics {
762    /// A list of generic parameter definitions (e.g. `<T: Clone + Hash, U: Copy>`).
763    pub params: Vec<GenericParamDef>,
764    /// A list of where predicates (e.g. `where T: Iterator, T::Item: Copy`).
765    pub where_predicates: Vec<WherePredicate>,
768/// One generic parameter accepted by an item.
769#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
770pub struct GenericParamDef {
771    /// Name of the parameter.
772    /// ```rust
773    /// fn f<'resource, Resource>(x: &'resource Resource) {}
774    /// //    ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^
775    /// ```
776    pub name: String,
777    /// The kind of the parameter and data specific to a particular parameter kind, e.g. type
778    /// bounds.
779    pub kind: GenericParamDefKind,
782/// The kind of a [`GenericParamDef`].
783#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
784#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
785pub enum GenericParamDefKind {
786    /// Denotes a lifetime parameter.
787    Lifetime {
788        /// Lifetimes that this lifetime parameter is required to outlive.
789        ///
790        /// ```rust
791        /// fn f<'a, 'b, 'resource: 'a + 'b>(a: &'a str, b: &'b str, res: &'resource str) {}
792        /// //                      ^^^^^^^
793        /// ```
794        outlives: Vec<String>,
795    },
797    /// Denotes a type parameter.
798    Type {
799        /// Bounds applied directly to the type. Note that the bounds from `where` clauses
800        /// that constrain this parameter won't appear here.
801        ///
802        /// ```rust
803        /// fn default2<T: Default>() -> [T; 2] where T: Clone { todo!() }
804        /// //             ^^^^^^^
805        /// ```
806        bounds: Vec<GenericBound>,
807        /// The default type for this parameter, if provided, e.g.
808        ///
809        /// ```rust
810        /// trait PartialEq<Rhs = Self> {}
811        /// //                    ^^^^
812        /// ```
813        default: Option<Type>,
814        /// This is normally `false`, which means that this generic parameter is
815        /// declared in the Rust source text.
816        ///
817        /// If it is `true`, this generic parameter has been introduced by the
818        /// compiler behind the scenes.
819        ///
820        /// # Example
821        ///
822        /// Consider
823        ///
824        /// ```ignore (pseudo-rust)
825        /// pub fn f(_: impl Trait) {}
826        /// ```
827        ///
828        /// The compiler will transform this behind the scenes to
829        ///
830        /// ```ignore (pseudo-rust)
831        /// pub fn f<impl Trait: Trait>(_: impl Trait) {}
832        /// ```
833        ///
834        /// In this example, the generic parameter named `impl Trait` (and which
835        /// is bound by `Trait`) is synthetic, because it was not originally in
836        /// the Rust source text.
837        is_synthetic: bool,
838    },
840    /// Denotes a constant parameter.
841    Const {
842        /// The type of the constant as declared.
843        #[serde(rename = "type")]
844        type_: Type,
845        /// The stringified expression for the default value, if provided. It's not guaranteed that
846        /// it'll match the actual source code for the default value.
847        default: Option<String>,
848    },
851/// One `where` clause.
852/// ```rust
853/// fn default<T>() -> T where T: Default { T::default() }
854/// //                         ^^^^^^^^^^
855/// ```
856#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
857#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
858pub enum WherePredicate {
859    /// A type is expected to comply with a set of bounds
860    BoundPredicate {
861        /// The type that's being constrained.
862        ///
863        /// ```rust
864        /// fn f<T>(x: T) where for<'a> &'a T: Iterator {}
865        /// //                              ^
866        /// ```
867        #[serde(rename = "type")]
868        type_: Type,
869        /// The set of bounds that constrain the type.
870        ///
871        /// ```rust
872        /// fn f<T>(x: T) where for<'a> &'a T: Iterator {}
873        /// //                                 ^^^^^^^^
874        /// ```
875        bounds: Vec<GenericBound>,
876        /// Used for Higher-Rank Trait Bounds (HRTBs)
877        /// ```rust
878        /// fn f<T>(x: T) where for<'a> &'a T: Iterator {}
879        /// //                  ^^^^^^^
880        /// ```
881        generic_params: Vec<GenericParamDef>,
882    },
884    /// A lifetime is expected to outlive other lifetimes.
885    LifetimePredicate {
886        /// The name of the lifetime.
887        lifetime: String,
888        /// The lifetimes that must be encompassed by the lifetime.
889        outlives: Vec<String>,
890    },
892    /// A type must exactly equal another type.
893    EqPredicate {
894        /// The left side of the equation.
895        lhs: Type,
896        /// The right side of the equation.
897        rhs: Term,
898    },
901/// Either a trait bound or a lifetime bound.
902#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
903#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
904pub enum GenericBound {
905    /// A trait bound.
906    TraitBound {
907        /// The full path to the trait.
908        #[serde(rename = "trait")]
909        trait_: Path,
910        /// Used for Higher-Rank Trait Bounds (HRTBs)
911        /// ```text
912        /// where F: for<'a, 'b> Fn(&'a u8, &'b u8)
913        ///          ^^^^^^^^^^^
914        ///          |
915        ///          this part
916        /// ```
917        generic_params: Vec<GenericParamDef>,
918        /// The context for which a trait is supposed to be used, e.g. `const
919        modifier: TraitBoundModifier,
920    },
921    /// A lifetime bound, e.g.
922    /// ```rust
923    /// fn f<'a, T>(x: &'a str, y: &T) where T: 'a {}
924    /// //                                     ^^^
925    /// ```
926    Outlives(String),
927    /// `use<'a, T>` precise-capturing bound syntax
928    Use(Vec<PreciseCapturingArg>),
931/// A set of modifiers applied to a trait.
932#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
933#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
934pub enum TraitBoundModifier {
935    /// Marks the absence of a modifier.
936    None,
937    /// Indicates that the trait bound relaxes a trait bound applied to a parameter by default,
938    /// e.g. `T: Sized?`, the `Sized` trait is required for all generic type parameters by default
939    /// unless specified otherwise with this modifier.
940    Maybe,
941    /// Indicates that the trait bound must be applicable in both a run-time and a compile-time
942    /// context.
943    MaybeConst,
946/// One precise capturing argument. See [the rust reference](
947#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
948#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
949pub enum PreciseCapturingArg {
950    /// A lifetime.
951    /// ```rust
952    /// pub fn hello<'a, T, const N: usize>() -> impl Sized + use<'a, T, N> {}
953    /// //                                                        ^^
954    Lifetime(String),
955    /// A type or constant parameter.
956    /// ```rust
957    /// pub fn hello<'a, T, const N: usize>() -> impl Sized + use<'a, T, N> {}
958    /// //                                                            ^  ^
959    Param(String),
962/// Either a type or a constant, usually stored as the right-hand side of an equation in places like
963/// [`AssocItemConstraint`]
964#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
965#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
966pub enum Term {
967    /// A type.
968    ///
969    /// ```rust
970    /// fn f(x: impl IntoIterator<Item = u32>) {}
971    /// //                               ^^^
972    /// ```
973    Type(Type),
974    /// A constant.
975    ///
976    /// ```ignore (incomplete feature in the snippet)
977    /// trait Foo {
978    ///     const BAR: usize;
979    /// }
980    ///
981    /// fn f(x: impl Foo<BAR = 42>) {}
982    /// //                     ^^
983    /// ```
984    Constant(Constant),
987/// A type.
988#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
989#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
990pub enum Type {
991    /// Structs, enums, unions and type aliases, e.g. `std::option::Option<u32>`
992    ResolvedPath(Path),
993    /// Dynamic trait object type (`dyn Trait`).
994    DynTrait(DynTrait),
995    /// Parameterized types. The contained string is the name of the parameter.
996    Generic(String),
997    /// Built-in numeric types (e.g. `u32`, `f32`), `bool`, `char`.
998    Primitive(String),
999    /// A function pointer type, e.g. `fn(u32) -> u32`, `extern "C" fn() -> *const u8`
1000    FunctionPointer(Box<FunctionPointer>),
1001    /// A tuple type, e.g. `(String, u32, Box<usize>)`
1002    Tuple(Vec<Type>),
1003    /// An unsized slice type, e.g. `[u32]`.
1004    Slice(Box<Type>),
1005    /// An array type, e.g. `[u32; 15]`
1006    Array {
1007        /// The type of the contained element.
1008        #[serde(rename = "type")]
1009        type_: Box<Type>,
1010        /// The stringified expression that is the length of the array.
1011        ///
1012        /// Keep in mind that it's not guaranteed to match the actual source code of the expression.
1013        len: String,
1014    },
1015    /// A pattern type, e.g. `u32 is 1..`
1016    ///
1017    /// See [the tracking issue](
1018    Pat {
1019        /// The base type, e.g. the `u32` in `u32 is 1..`
1020        #[serde(rename = "type")]
1021        type_: Box<Type>,
1022        #[doc(hidden)]
1023        __pat_unstable_do_not_use: String,
1024    },
1025    /// An opaque type that satisfies a set of bounds, `impl TraitA + TraitB + ...`
1026    ImplTrait(Vec<GenericBound>),
1027    /// A type that's left to be inferred, `_`
1028    Infer,
1029    /// A raw pointer type, e.g. `*mut u32`, `*const u8`, etc.
1030    RawPointer {
1031        /// This is `true` for `*mut _` and `false` for `*const _`.
1032        is_mutable: bool,
1033        /// The type of the pointee.
1034        #[serde(rename = "type")]
1035        type_: Box<Type>,
1036    },
1037    /// `&'a mut String`, `&str`, etc.
1038    BorrowedRef {
1039        /// The name of the lifetime of the reference, if provided.
1040        lifetime: Option<String>,
1041        /// This is `true` for `&mut i32` and `false` for `&i32`
1042        is_mutable: bool,
1043        /// The type of the pointee, e.g. the `i32` in `&'a mut i32`
1044        #[serde(rename = "type")]
1045        type_: Box<Type>,
1046    },
1047    /// Associated types like `<Type as Trait>::Name` and `T::Item` where
1048    /// `T: Iterator` or inherent associated types like `Struct::Name`.
1049    QualifiedPath {
1050        /// The name of the associated type in the parent type.
1051        ///
1052        /// ```ignore (incomplete expression)
1053        /// <core::array::IntoIter<u32, 42> as Iterator>::Item
1054        /// //                                            ^^^^
1055        /// ```
1056        name: String,
1057        /// The generic arguments provided to the associated type.
1058        ///
1059        /// ```ignore (incomplete expression)
1060        /// <core::slice::IterMut<'static, u32> as BetterIterator>::Item<'static>
1061        /// //                                                          ^^^^^^^^^
1062        /// ```
1063        args: Box<GenericArgs>,
1064        /// The type with which this type is associated.
1065        ///
1066        /// ```ignore (incomplete expression)
1067        /// <core::array::IntoIter<u32, 42> as Iterator>::Item
1068        /// // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1069        /// ```
1070        self_type: Box<Type>,
1071        /// `None` iff this is an *inherent* associated type.
1072        #[serde(rename = "trait")]
1073        trait_: Option<Path>,
1074    },
1077/// A type that has a simple path to it. This is the kind of type of structs, unions, enums, etc.
1078#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1079pub struct Path {
1080    /// The path of the type.
1081    ///
1082    /// This will be the path that is *used* (not where it is defined), so
1083    /// multiple `Path`s may have different values for this field even if
1084    /// they all refer to the same item. e.g.
1085    ///
1086    /// ```rust
1087    /// pub type Vec1 = std::vec::Vec<i32>; // path: "std::vec::Vec"
1088    /// pub type Vec2 = Vec<i32>; // path: "Vec"
1089    /// pub type Vec3 = std::prelude::v1::Vec<i32>; // path: "std::prelude::v1::Vec"
1090    /// ```
1091    //
1092    // Example tested in ./tests/rustdoc-json/
1093    pub path: String,
1094    /// The ID of the type.
1095    pub id: Id,
1096    /// Generic arguments to the type.
1097    ///
1098    /// ```ignore (incomplete expression)
1099    /// std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>
1100    /// //              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1101    /// ```
1102    pub args: Option<Box<GenericArgs>>,
1105/// A type that is a function pointer.
1106#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1107pub struct FunctionPointer {
1108    /// The signature of the function.
1109    pub sig: FunctionSignature,
1110    /// Used for Higher-Rank Trait Bounds (HRTBs)
1111    ///
1112    /// ```ignore (incomplete expression)
1113    ///    for<'c> fn(val: &'c i32) -> i32
1114    /// // ^^^^^^^
1115    /// ```
1116    pub generic_params: Vec<GenericParamDef>,
1117    /// The core properties of the function, such as the ABI it conforms to, whether it's unsafe, etc.
1118    pub header: FunctionHeader,
1121/// The signature of a function.
1122#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1123pub struct FunctionSignature {
1124    /// List of argument names and their type.
1125    ///
1126    /// Note that not all names will be valid identifiers, as some of
1127    /// them may be patterns.
1128    pub inputs: Vec<(String, Type)>,
1129    /// The output type, if specified.
1130    pub output: Option<Type>,
1131    /// Whether the function accepts an arbitrary amount of trailing arguments the C way.
1132    ///
1133    /// ```ignore (incomplete code)
1134    /// fn printf(fmt: &str, ...);
1135    /// ```
1136    pub is_c_variadic: bool,
1139/// A `trait` declaration.
1140#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1141pub struct Trait {
1142    /// Whether the trait is marked `auto` and is thus implemented automatically
1143    /// for all applicable types.
1144    pub is_auto: bool,
1145    /// Whether the trait is marked as `unsafe`.
1146    pub is_unsafe: bool,
1147    /// Whether the trait is [dyn compatible]([^1].
1148    ///
1149    /// [^1]: Formerly known as "object safe".
1150    pub is_dyn_compatible: bool,
1151    /// Associated [`Item`]s that can/must be implemented by the `impl` blocks.
1152    pub items: Vec<Id>,
1153    /// Information about the type parameters and `where` clauses of the trait.
1154    pub generics: Generics,
1155    /// Constraints that must be met by the implementor of the trait.
1156    pub bounds: Vec<GenericBound>,
1157    /// The implementations of the trait.
1158    pub implementations: Vec<Id>,
1161/// A trait alias declaration, e.g. `trait Int = Add + Sub + Mul + Div;`
1163/// See [the tracking issue](
1164#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1165pub struct TraitAlias {
1166    /// Information about the type parameters and `where` clauses of the alias.
1167    pub generics: Generics,
1168    /// The bounds that are associated with the alias.
1169    pub params: Vec<GenericBound>,
1172/// An `impl` block.
1173#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1174pub struct Impl {
1175    /// Whether this impl is for an unsafe trait.
1176    pub is_unsafe: bool,
1177    /// Information about the impl’s type parameters and `where` clauses.
1178    pub generics: Generics,
1179    /// The list of the names of all the trait methods that weren't mentioned in this impl but
1180    /// were provided by the trait itself.
1181    ///
1182    /// For example, for this impl of the [`PartialEq`] trait:
1183    /// ```rust
1184    /// struct Foo;
1185    ///
1186    /// impl PartialEq for Foo {
1187    ///     fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { todo!() }
1188    /// }
1189    /// ```
1190    /// This field will be `["ne"]`, as it has a default implementation defined for it.
1191    pub provided_trait_methods: Vec<String>,
1192    /// The trait being implemented or `None` if the impl is inherent, which means
1193    /// `impl Struct {}` as opposed to `impl Trait for Struct {}`.
1194    #[serde(rename = "trait")]
1195    pub trait_: Option<Path>,
1196    /// The type that the impl block is for.
1197    #[serde(rename = "for")]
1198    pub for_: Type,
1199    /// The list of associated items contained in this impl block.
1200    pub items: Vec<Id>,
1201    /// Whether this is a negative impl (e.g. `!Sized` or `!Send`).
1202    pub is_negative: bool,
1203    /// Whether this is an impl that’s implied by the compiler
1204    /// (for autotraits, e.g. `Send` or `Sync`).
1205    pub is_synthetic: bool,
1206    // FIXME: document this
1207    pub blanket_impl: Option<Type>,
1210/// A `use` statement.
1211#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1212#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
1213pub struct Use {
1214    /// The full path being imported.
1215    pub source: String,
1216    /// May be different from the last segment of `source` when renaming imports:
1217    /// `use source as name;`
1218    pub name: String,
1219    /// The ID of the item being imported. Will be `None` in case of re-exports of primitives:
1220    /// ```rust
1221    /// pub use i32 as my_i32;
1222    /// ```
1223    pub id: Option<Id>,
1224    /// Whether this statement is a wildcard `use`, e.g. `use source::*;`
1225    pub is_glob: bool,
1228/// A procedural macro.
1229#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1230pub struct ProcMacro {
1231    /// How this macro is supposed to be called: `foo!()`, `#[foo]` or `#[derive(foo)]`
1232    pub kind: MacroKind,
1233    /// Helper attributes defined by a macro to be used inside it.
1234    ///
1235    /// Defined only for derive macros.
1236    ///
1237    /// E.g. the [`Default`] derive macro defines a `#[default]` helper attribute so that one can
1238    /// do:
1239    ///
1240    /// ```rust
1241    /// #[derive(Default)]
1242    /// enum Option<T> {
1243    ///     #[default]
1244    ///     None,
1245    ///     Some(T),
1246    /// }
1247    /// ```
1248    pub helpers: Vec<String>,
1251/// The way a [`ProcMacro`] is declared to be used.
1252#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1253#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
1254pub enum MacroKind {
1255    /// A bang macro `foo!()`.
1256    Bang,
1257    /// An attribute macro `#[foo]`.
1258    Attr,
1259    /// A derive macro `#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]`
1260    Derive,
1263/// A type alias declaration, e.g. `type Pig = std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>;`
1264#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1265pub struct TypeAlias {
1266    /// The type referred to by this alias.
1267    #[serde(rename = "type")]
1268    pub type_: Type,
1269    /// Information about the type parameters and `where` clauses of the alias.
1270    pub generics: Generics,
1273/// A `static` declaration.
1274#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1275pub struct Static {
1276    /// The type of the static.
1277    #[serde(rename = "type")]
1278    pub type_: Type,
1279    /// This is `true` for mutable statics, declared as `static mut X: T = f();`
1280    pub is_mutable: bool,
1281    /// The stringified expression for the initial value.
1282    ///
1283    /// It's not guaranteed that it'll match the actual source code for the initial value.
1284    pub expr: String,
1286    /// Is the static `unsafe`?
1287    ///
1288    /// This is only true if it's in an `extern` block, and not explicity marked
1289    /// as `safe`.
1290    ///
1291    /// ```rust
1292    /// unsafe extern {
1293    ///     static A: i32;      // unsafe
1294    ///     safe static B: i32; // safe
1295    /// }
1296    ///
1297    /// static C: i32 = 0;     // safe
1298    /// static mut D: i32 = 0; // safe
1299    /// ```
1300    pub is_unsafe: bool,
1303/// A primitive type declaration. Declarations of this kind can only come from the core library.
1304#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
1305pub struct Primitive {
1306    /// The name of the type.
1307    pub name: String,
1308    /// The implementations, inherent and of traits, on the primitive type.
1309    pub impls: Vec<Id>,
1313mod tests;