
1use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexMap;
2use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
3use rustc_type_ir::data_structures::DelayedMap;
4pub use rustc_type_ir::fold::{
5    FallibleTypeFolder, TypeFoldable, TypeFolder, TypeSuperFoldable, fold_regions, shift_region,
6    shift_vars,
9use crate::ty::{self, Binder, BoundTy, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt};
12// Some sample folders
14pub struct BottomUpFolder<'tcx, F, G, H>
16    F: FnMut(Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx>,
17    G: FnMut(ty::Region<'tcx>) -> ty::Region<'tcx>,
18    H: FnMut(ty::Const<'tcx>) -> ty::Const<'tcx>,
20    pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
21    pub ty_op: F,
22    pub lt_op: G,
23    pub ct_op: H,
26impl<'tcx, F, G, H> TypeFolder<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for BottomUpFolder<'tcx, F, G, H>
28    F: FnMut(Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx>,
29    G: FnMut(ty::Region<'tcx>) -> ty::Region<'tcx>,
30    H: FnMut(ty::Const<'tcx>) -> ty::Const<'tcx>,
32    fn cx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
33        self.tcx
34    }
36    fn fold_ty(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
37        let t = ty.super_fold_with(self);
38        (self.ty_op)(t)
39    }
41    fn fold_region(&mut self, r: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
42        // This one is a little different, because `super_fold_with` is not
43        // implemented on non-recursive `Region`.
44        (self.lt_op)(r)
45    }
47    fn fold_const(&mut self, ct: ty::Const<'tcx>) -> ty::Const<'tcx> {
48        let ct = ct.super_fold_with(self);
49        (self.ct_op)(ct)
50    }
54// Bound vars replacer
56/// A delegate used when instantiating bound vars.
58/// Any implementation must make sure that each bound variable always
59/// gets mapped to the same result. `BoundVarReplacer` caches by using
60/// a `DelayedMap` which does not cache the first few types it encounters.
61pub trait BoundVarReplacerDelegate<'tcx> {
62    fn replace_region(&mut self, br: ty::BoundRegion) -> ty::Region<'tcx>;
63    fn replace_ty(&mut self, bt: ty::BoundTy) -> Ty<'tcx>;
64    fn replace_const(&mut self, bv: ty::BoundVar) -> ty::Const<'tcx>;
67/// A simple delegate taking 3 mutable functions. The used functions must
68/// always return the same result for each bound variable, no matter how
69/// frequently they are called.
70pub struct FnMutDelegate<'a, 'tcx> {
71    pub regions: &'a mut (dyn FnMut(ty::BoundRegion) -> ty::Region<'tcx> + 'a),
72    pub types: &'a mut (dyn FnMut(ty::BoundTy) -> Ty<'tcx> + 'a),
73    pub consts: &'a mut (dyn FnMut(ty::BoundVar) -> ty::Const<'tcx> + 'a),
76impl<'a, 'tcx> BoundVarReplacerDelegate<'tcx> for FnMutDelegate<'a, 'tcx> {
77    fn replace_region(&mut self, br: ty::BoundRegion) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
78        (self.regions)(br)
79    }
80    fn replace_ty(&mut self, bt: ty::BoundTy) -> Ty<'tcx> {
81        (self.types)(bt)
82    }
83    fn replace_const(&mut self, bv: ty::BoundVar) -> ty::Const<'tcx> {
84        (self.consts)(bv)
85    }
88/// Replaces the escaping bound vars (late bound regions or bound types) in a type.
89struct BoundVarReplacer<'tcx, D> {
90    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
92    /// As with `RegionFolder`, represents the index of a binder *just outside*
93    /// the ones we have visited.
94    current_index: ty::DebruijnIndex,
96    delegate: D,
98    /// This cache only tracks the `DebruijnIndex` and assumes that it does not matter
99    /// for the delegate how often its methods get used.
100    cache: DelayedMap<(ty::DebruijnIndex, Ty<'tcx>), Ty<'tcx>>,
103impl<'tcx, D: BoundVarReplacerDelegate<'tcx>> BoundVarReplacer<'tcx, D> {
104    fn new(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, delegate: D) -> Self {
105        BoundVarReplacer { tcx, current_index: ty::INNERMOST, delegate, cache: Default::default() }
106    }
109impl<'tcx, D> TypeFolder<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for BoundVarReplacer<'tcx, D>
111    D: BoundVarReplacerDelegate<'tcx>,
113    fn cx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
114        self.tcx
115    }
117    fn fold_binder<T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>(
118        &mut self,
119        t: ty::Binder<'tcx, T>,
120    ) -> ty::Binder<'tcx, T> {
121        self.current_index.shift_in(1);
122        let t = t.super_fold_with(self);
123        self.current_index.shift_out(1);
124        t
125    }
127    fn fold_ty(&mut self, t: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
128        match *t.kind() {
129            ty::Bound(debruijn, bound_ty) if debruijn == self.current_index => {
130                let ty = self.delegate.replace_ty(bound_ty);
131                debug_assert!(!ty.has_vars_bound_above(ty::INNERMOST));
132                ty::fold::shift_vars(self.tcx, ty, self.current_index.as_u32())
133            }
134            _ => {
135                if !t.has_vars_bound_at_or_above(self.current_index) {
136                    t
137                } else if let Some(&t) = self.cache.get(&(self.current_index, t)) {
138                    t
139                } else {
140                    let res = t.super_fold_with(self);
141                    assert!(self.cache.insert((self.current_index, t), res));
142                    res
143                }
144            }
145        }
146    }
148    fn fold_region(&mut self, r: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
149        match *r {
150            ty::ReBound(debruijn, br) if debruijn == self.current_index => {
151                let region = self.delegate.replace_region(br);
152                if let ty::ReBound(debruijn1, br) = *region {
153                    // If the callback returns a bound region,
154                    // that region should always use the INNERMOST
155                    // debruijn index. Then we adjust it to the
156                    // correct depth.
157                    assert_eq!(debruijn1, ty::INNERMOST);
158                    ty::Region::new_bound(self.tcx, debruijn, br)
159                } else {
160                    region
161                }
162            }
163            _ => r,
164        }
165    }
167    fn fold_const(&mut self, ct: ty::Const<'tcx>) -> ty::Const<'tcx> {
168        match ct.kind() {
169            ty::ConstKind::Bound(debruijn, bound_const) if debruijn == self.current_index => {
170                let ct = self.delegate.replace_const(bound_const);
171                debug_assert!(!ct.has_vars_bound_above(ty::INNERMOST));
172                ty::fold::shift_vars(self.tcx, ct, self.current_index.as_u32())
173            }
174            _ => ct.super_fold_with(self),
175        }
176    }
178    fn fold_predicate(&mut self, p: ty::Predicate<'tcx>) -> ty::Predicate<'tcx> {
179        if p.has_vars_bound_at_or_above(self.current_index) { p.super_fold_with(self) } else { p }
180    }
183impl<'tcx> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
184    /// Replaces all regions bound by the given `Binder` with the
185    /// results returned by the closure; the closure is expected to
186    /// return a free region (relative to this binder), and hence the
187    /// binder is removed in the return type. The closure is invoked
188    /// once for each unique `BoundRegionKind`; multiple references to the
189    /// same `BoundRegionKind` will reuse the previous result. A map is
190    /// returned at the end with each bound region and the free region
191    /// that replaced it.
192    ///
193    /// # Panics
194    ///
195    /// This method only replaces late bound regions. Any types or
196    /// constants bound by `value` will cause an ICE.
197    pub fn instantiate_bound_regions<T, F>(
198        self,
199        value: Binder<'tcx, T>,
200        mut fld_r: F,
201    ) -> (T, FxIndexMap<ty::BoundRegion, ty::Region<'tcx>>)
202    where
203        F: FnMut(ty::BoundRegion) -> ty::Region<'tcx>,
204        T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
205    {
206        let mut region_map = FxIndexMap::default();
207        let real_fld_r = |br: ty::BoundRegion| *region_map.entry(br).or_insert_with(|| fld_r(br));
208        let value = self.instantiate_bound_regions_uncached(value, real_fld_r);
209        (value, region_map)
210    }
212    pub fn instantiate_bound_regions_uncached<T, F>(
213        self,
214        value: Binder<'tcx, T>,
215        mut replace_regions: F,
216    ) -> T
217    where
218        F: FnMut(ty::BoundRegion) -> ty::Region<'tcx>,
219        T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
220    {
221        let value = value.skip_binder();
222        if !value.has_escaping_bound_vars() {
223            value
224        } else {
225            let delegate = FnMutDelegate {
226                regions: &mut replace_regions,
227                types: &mut |b| bug!("unexpected bound ty in binder: {b:?}"),
228                consts: &mut |b| bug!("unexpected bound ct in binder: {b:?}"),
229            };
230            let mut replacer = BoundVarReplacer::new(self, delegate);
231            value.fold_with(&mut replacer)
232        }
233    }
235    /// Replaces all escaping bound vars. The `fld_r` closure replaces escaping
236    /// bound regions; the `fld_t` closure replaces escaping bound types and the `fld_c`
237    /// closure replaces escaping bound consts.
238    pub fn replace_escaping_bound_vars_uncached<T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>(
239        self,
240        value: T,
241        delegate: impl BoundVarReplacerDelegate<'tcx>,
242    ) -> T {
243        if !value.has_escaping_bound_vars() {
244            value
245        } else {
246            let mut replacer = BoundVarReplacer::new(self, delegate);
247            value.fold_with(&mut replacer)
248        }
249    }
251    /// Replaces all types or regions bound by the given `Binder`. The `fld_r`
252    /// closure replaces bound regions, the `fld_t` closure replaces bound
253    /// types, and `fld_c` replaces bound constants.
254    pub fn replace_bound_vars_uncached<T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>>(
255        self,
256        value: Binder<'tcx, T>,
257        delegate: impl BoundVarReplacerDelegate<'tcx>,
258    ) -> T {
259        self.replace_escaping_bound_vars_uncached(value.skip_binder(), delegate)
260    }
262    /// Replaces any late-bound regions bound in `value` with
263    /// free variants attached to `all_outlive_scope`.
264    pub fn liberate_late_bound_regions<T>(
265        self,
266        all_outlive_scope: DefId,
267        value: ty::Binder<'tcx, T>,
268    ) -> T
269    where
270        T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
271    {
272        self.instantiate_bound_regions_uncached(value, |br| {
273            let kind = ty::LateParamRegionKind::from_bound(br.var, br.kind);
274            ty::Region::new_late_param(self, all_outlive_scope, kind)
275        })
276    }
278    pub fn shift_bound_var_indices<T>(self, bound_vars: usize, value: T) -> T
279    where
280        T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
281    {
282        let shift_bv = |bv: ty::BoundVar| ty::BoundVar::from_usize(bv.as_usize() + bound_vars);
283        self.replace_escaping_bound_vars_uncached(
284            value,
285            FnMutDelegate {
286                regions: &mut |r: ty::BoundRegion| {
287                    ty::Region::new_bound(
288                        self,
289                        ty::INNERMOST,
290                        ty::BoundRegion { var: shift_bv(r.var), kind: r.kind },
291                    )
292                },
293                types: &mut |t: ty::BoundTy| {
294                    Ty::new_bound(
295                        self,
296                        ty::INNERMOST,
297                        ty::BoundTy { var: shift_bv(t.var), kind: t.kind },
298                    )
299                },
300                consts: &mut |c| ty::Const::new_bound(self, ty::INNERMOST, shift_bv(c)),
301            },
302        )
303    }
305    /// Replaces any late-bound regions bound in `value` with `'erased`. Useful in codegen but also
306    /// method lookup and a few other places where precise region relationships are not required.
307    pub fn instantiate_bound_regions_with_erased<T>(self, value: Binder<'tcx, T>) -> T
308    where
309        T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
310    {
311        self.instantiate_bound_regions(value, |_| self.lifetimes.re_erased).0
312    }
314    /// Anonymize all bound variables in `value`, this is mostly used to improve caching.
315    pub fn anonymize_bound_vars<T>(self, value: Binder<'tcx, T>) -> Binder<'tcx, T>
316    where
317        T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
318    {
319        struct Anonymize<'a, 'tcx> {
320            tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
321            map: &'a mut FxIndexMap<ty::BoundVar, ty::BoundVariableKind>,
322        }
323        impl<'tcx> BoundVarReplacerDelegate<'tcx> for Anonymize<'_, 'tcx> {
324            fn replace_region(&mut self, br: ty::BoundRegion) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
325                let entry =;
326                let index = entry.index();
327                let var = ty::BoundVar::from_usize(index);
328                let kind = entry
329                    .or_insert_with(|| ty::BoundVariableKind::Region(ty::BoundRegionKind::Anon))
330                    .expect_region();
331                let br = ty::BoundRegion { var, kind };
332                ty::Region::new_bound(self.tcx, ty::INNERMOST, br)
333            }
334            fn replace_ty(&mut self, bt: ty::BoundTy) -> Ty<'tcx> {
335                let entry =;
336                let index = entry.index();
337                let var = ty::BoundVar::from_usize(index);
338                let kind = entry
339                    .or_insert_with(|| ty::BoundVariableKind::Ty(ty::BoundTyKind::Anon))
340                    .expect_ty();
341                Ty::new_bound(self.tcx, ty::INNERMOST, BoundTy { var, kind })
342            }
343            fn replace_const(&mut self, bv: ty::BoundVar) -> ty::Const<'tcx> {
344                let entry =;
345                let index = entry.index();
346                let var = ty::BoundVar::from_usize(index);
347                let () = entry.or_insert_with(|| ty::BoundVariableKind::Const).expect_const();
348                ty::Const::new_bound(self.tcx, ty::INNERMOST, var)
349            }
350        }
352        let mut map = Default::default();
353        let delegate = Anonymize { tcx: self, map: &mut map };
354        let inner = self.replace_escaping_bound_vars_uncached(value.skip_binder(), delegate);
355        let bound_vars = self.mk_bound_variable_kinds_from_iter(map.into_values());
356        Binder::bind_with_vars(inner, bound_vars)
357    }