
1//! Canonicalization is used to separate some goal from its context,
2//! throwing away unnecessary information in the process.
4//! This is necessary to cache goals containing inference variables
5//! and placeholders without restricting them to the current `InferCtxt`.
7//! Canonicalization is fairly involved, for more details see the relevant
8//! section of the [rustc-dev-guide][c].
10//! [c]:
12use std::iter;
14use rustc_index::IndexVec;
15use rustc_type_ir::inherent::*;
16use rustc_type_ir::relate::solver_relating::RelateExt;
17use rustc_type_ir::{
18    self as ty, Canonical, CanonicalVarValues, InferCtxtLike, Interner, TypeFoldable,
20use tracing::{debug, instrument, trace};
22use crate::canonicalizer::Canonicalizer;
23use crate::delegate::SolverDelegate;
24use crate::resolve::EagerResolver;
25use crate::solve::eval_ctxt::{CurrentGoalKind, NestedGoals};
26use crate::solve::{
27    CanonicalInput, CanonicalResponse, Certainty, EvalCtxt, ExternalConstraintsData, Goal,
28    MaybeCause, NestedNormalizationGoals, NoSolution, PredefinedOpaquesData, QueryInput,
29    QueryResult, Response, inspect, response_no_constraints_raw,
32trait ResponseT<I: Interner> {
33    fn var_values(&self) -> CanonicalVarValues<I>;
36impl<I: Interner> ResponseT<I> for Response<I> {
37    fn var_values(&self) -> CanonicalVarValues<I> {
38        self.var_values
39    }
42impl<I: Interner, T> ResponseT<I> for inspect::State<I, T> {
43    fn var_values(&self) -> CanonicalVarValues<I> {
44        self.var_values
45    }
48impl<D, I> EvalCtxt<'_, D>
50    D: SolverDelegate<Interner = I>,
51    I: Interner,
53    /// Canonicalizes the goal remembering the original values
54    /// for each bound variable.
55    pub(super) fn canonicalize_goal<T: TypeFoldable<I>>(
56        &self,
57        goal: Goal<I, T>,
58    ) -> (Vec<I::GenericArg>, CanonicalInput<I, T>) {
59        let opaque_types = self.delegate.clone_opaque_types_for_query_response();
60        let (goal, opaque_types) =
61            (goal, opaque_types).fold_with(&mut EagerResolver::new(self.delegate));
63        let mut orig_values = Default::default();
64        let canonical = Canonicalizer::canonicalize_input(
65            self.delegate,
66            &mut orig_values,
67            QueryInput {
68                goal,
69                predefined_opaques_in_body: self
70                    .cx()
71                    .mk_predefined_opaques_in_body(PredefinedOpaquesData { opaque_types }),
72            },
73        );
74        let query_input = ty::CanonicalQueryInput { canonical, typing_mode: self.typing_mode() };
75        (orig_values, query_input)
76    }
78    /// To return the constraints of a canonical query to the caller, we canonicalize:
79    ///
80    /// - `var_values`: a map from bound variables in the canonical goal to
81    ///   the values inferred while solving the instantiated goal.
82    /// - `external_constraints`: additional constraints which aren't expressible
83    ///   using simple unification of inference variables.
84    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret)]
85    pub(in crate::solve) fn evaluate_added_goals_and_make_canonical_response(
86        &mut self,
87        certainty: Certainty,
88    ) -> QueryResult<I> {
89        self.inspect.make_canonical_response(certainty);
91        let goals_certainty = self.try_evaluate_added_goals()?;
92        assert_eq!(
93            self.tainted,
94            Ok(()),
95            "EvalCtxt is tainted -- nested goals may have been dropped in a \
96            previous call to `try_evaluate_added_goals!`"
97        );
99        // We only check for leaks from universes which were entered inside
100        // of the query.
101        self.delegate.leak_check(self.max_input_universe).map_err(|NoSolution| {
102            trace!("failed the leak check");
103            NoSolution
104        })?;
106        // When normalizing, we've replaced the expected term with an unconstrained
107        // inference variable. This means that we dropped information which could
108        // have been important. We handle this by instead returning the nested goals
109        // to the caller, where they are then handled.
110        //
111        // As we return all ambiguous nested goals, we can ignore the certainty returned
112        // by `try_evaluate_added_goals()`.
113        let (certainty, normalization_nested_goals) = match self.current_goal_kind {
114            CurrentGoalKind::NormalizesTo => {
115                let NestedGoals { normalizes_to_goals, goals } =
116                    std::mem::take(&mut self.nested_goals);
117                if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
118                    assert!(normalizes_to_goals.is_empty());
119                    if goals.is_empty() {
120                        assert!(matches!(goals_certainty, Certainty::Yes));
121                    }
122                }
123                (certainty, NestedNormalizationGoals(goals))
124            }
125            CurrentGoalKind::Misc | CurrentGoalKind::CoinductiveTrait => {
126                let certainty = certainty.unify_with(goals_certainty);
127                (certainty, NestedNormalizationGoals::empty())
128            }
129        };
131        if let Certainty::Maybe(cause @ MaybeCause::Overflow { .. }) = certainty {
132            // If we have overflow, it's probable that we're substituting a type
133            // into itself infinitely and any partial substitutions in the query
134            // response are probably not useful anyways, so just return an empty
135            // query response.
136            //
137            // This may prevent us from potentially useful inference, e.g.
138            // 2 candidates, one ambiguous and one overflow, which both
139            // have the same inference constraints.
140            //
141            // Changing this to retain some constraints in the future
142            // won't be a breaking change, so this is good enough for now.
143            return Ok(self.make_ambiguous_response_no_constraints(cause));
144        }
146        let external_constraints =
147            self.compute_external_query_constraints(certainty, normalization_nested_goals);
148        let (var_values, mut external_constraints) = (self.var_values, external_constraints)
149            .fold_with(&mut EagerResolver::new(self.delegate));
150        // Remove any trivial region constraints once we've resolved regions
151        external_constraints
152            .region_constraints
153            .retain(|outlives| outlives.0.as_region().is_none_or(|re| re != outlives.1));
155        let canonical = Canonicalizer::canonicalize_response(
156            self.delegate,
157            self.max_input_universe,
158            &mut Default::default(),
159            Response {
160                var_values,
161                certainty,
162                external_constraints:,
163            },
164        );
166        // HACK: We bail with overflow if the response would have too many non-region
167        // inference variables. This tends to only happen if we encounter a lot of
168        // ambiguous alias types which get replaced with fresh inference variables
169        // during generalization. This prevents hangs caused by an exponential blowup,
170        // see tests/ui/traits/next-solver/
171        match self.current_goal_kind {
172            // We don't do so for `NormalizesTo` goals as we erased the expected term and
173            // bailing with overflow here would prevent us from detecting a type-mismatch,
174            // causing a coherence error in diesel, see #131969. We still bail with overflow
175            // when later returning from the parent AliasRelate goal.
176            CurrentGoalKind::NormalizesTo => {}
177            CurrentGoalKind::Misc | CurrentGoalKind::CoinductiveTrait => {
178                let num_non_region_vars = canonical
179                    .variables
180                    .iter()
181                    .filter(|c| !c.is_region() && c.is_existential())
182                    .count();
183                if num_non_region_vars > {
184                    debug!(?num_non_region_vars, "too many inference variables -> overflow");
185                    return Ok(self.make_ambiguous_response_no_constraints(MaybeCause::Overflow {
186                        suggest_increasing_limit: true,
187                    }));
188                }
189            }
190        }
192        Ok(canonical)
193    }
195    /// Constructs a totally unconstrained, ambiguous response to a goal.
196    ///
197    /// Take care when using this, since often it's useful to respond with
198    /// ambiguity but return constrained variables to guide inference.
199    pub(in crate::solve) fn make_ambiguous_response_no_constraints(
200        &self,
201        maybe_cause: MaybeCause,
202    ) -> CanonicalResponse<I> {
203        response_no_constraints_raw(
204  ,
205            self.max_input_universe,
206            self.variables,
207            Certainty::Maybe(maybe_cause),
208        )
209    }
211    /// Computes the region constraints and *new* opaque types registered when
212    /// proving a goal.
213    ///
214    /// If an opaque was already constrained before proving this goal, then the
215    /// external constraints do not need to record that opaque, since if it is
216    /// further constrained by inference, that will be passed back in the var
217    /// values.
218    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self), ret)]
219    fn compute_external_query_constraints(
220        &self,
221        certainty: Certainty,
222        normalization_nested_goals: NestedNormalizationGoals<I>,
223    ) -> ExternalConstraintsData<I> {
224        // We only return region constraints once the certainty is `Yes`. This
225        // is necessary as we may drop nested goals on ambiguity, which may result
226        // in unconstrained inference variables in the region constraints. It also
227        // prevents us from emitting duplicate region constraints, avoiding some
228        // unnecessary work. This slightly weakens the leak check in case it uses
229        // region constraints from an ambiguous nested goal. This is tested in both
230        // `tests/ui/higher-ranked/leak-check/` and
231        // `tests/ui/higher-ranked/leak-check/`.
232        let region_constraints = if certainty == Certainty::Yes {
233            self.delegate.make_deduplicated_outlives_constraints()
234        } else {
235            Default::default()
236        };
238        ExternalConstraintsData {
239            region_constraints,
240            opaque_types: self
241                .delegate
242                .clone_opaque_types_for_query_response()
243                .into_iter()
244                // Only return *newly defined* opaque types.
245                .filter(|(a, _)| {
246                    self.predefined_opaques_in_body.opaque_types.iter().all(|(pa, _)| pa != a)
247                })
248                .collect(),
249            normalization_nested_goals,
250        }
251    }
253    /// After calling a canonical query, we apply the constraints returned
254    /// by the query using this function.
255    ///
256    /// This happens in three steps:
257    /// - we instantiate the bound variables of the query response
258    /// - we unify the `var_values` of the response with the `original_values`
259    /// - we apply the `external_constraints` returned by the query, returning
260    ///   the `normalization_nested_goals`
261    pub(super) fn instantiate_and_apply_query_response(
262        &mut self,
263        param_env: I::ParamEnv,
264        original_values: Vec<I::GenericArg>,
265        response: CanonicalResponse<I>,
266    ) -> (NestedNormalizationGoals<I>, Certainty) {
267        let instantiation = Self::compute_query_response_instantiation_values(
268            self.delegate,
269            &original_values,
270            &response,
271            self.origin_span,
272        );
274        let Response { var_values, external_constraints, certainty } =
275            self.delegate.instantiate_canonical(response, instantiation);
277        Self::unify_query_var_values(
278            self.delegate,
279            param_env,
280            &original_values,
281            var_values,
282            self.origin_span,
283        );
285        let ExternalConstraintsData {
286            region_constraints,
287            opaque_types,
288            normalization_nested_goals,
289        } = &*external_constraints;
291        self.register_region_constraints(region_constraints);
292        self.register_new_opaque_types(opaque_types);
294        (normalization_nested_goals.clone(), certainty)
295    }
297    /// This returns the canonical variable values to instantiate the bound variables of
298    /// the canonical response. This depends on the `original_values` for the
299    /// bound variables.
300    fn compute_query_response_instantiation_values<T: ResponseT<I>>(
301        delegate: &D,
302        original_values: &[I::GenericArg],
303        response: &Canonical<I, T>,
304        span: I::Span,
305    ) -> CanonicalVarValues<I> {
306        // FIXME: Longterm canonical queries should deal with all placeholders
307        // created inside of the query directly instead of returning them to the
308        // caller.
309        let prev_universe = delegate.universe();
310        let universes_created_in_query = response.max_universe.index();
311        for _ in 0..universes_created_in_query {
312            delegate.create_next_universe();
313        }
315        let var_values = response.value.var_values();
316        assert_eq!(original_values.len(), var_values.len());
318        // If the query did not make progress with constraining inference variables,
319        // we would normally create a new inference variables for bound existential variables
320        // only then unify this new inference variable with the inference variable from
321        // the input.
322        //
323        // We therefore instantiate the existential variable in the canonical response with the
324        // inference variable of the input right away, which is more performant.
325        let mut opt_values = IndexVec::from_elem_n(None, response.variables.len());
326        for (original_value, result_value) in
327            iter::zip(original_values, var_values.var_values.iter())
328        {
329            match result_value.kind() {
330                ty::GenericArgKind::Type(t) => {
331                    if let ty::Bound(debruijn, b) = t.kind() {
332                        assert_eq!(debruijn, ty::INNERMOST);
333                        opt_values[b.var()] = Some(*original_value);
334                    }
335                }
336                ty::GenericArgKind::Lifetime(r) => {
337                    if let ty::ReBound(debruijn, br) = r.kind() {
338                        assert_eq!(debruijn, ty::INNERMOST);
339                        opt_values[br.var()] = Some(*original_value);
340                    }
341                }
342                ty::GenericArgKind::Const(c) => {
343                    if let ty::ConstKind::Bound(debruijn, bv) = c.kind() {
344                        assert_eq!(debruijn, ty::INNERMOST);
345                        opt_values[bv.var()] = Some(*original_value);
346                    }
347                }
348            }
349        }
351        let var_values =
352            response.variables.iter().enumerate().map(|(index, info)| {
353                if info.universe() != ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT {
354                    // A variable from inside a binder of the query. While ideally these shouldn't
355                    // exist at all (see the FIXME at the start of this method), we have to deal with
356                    // them for now.
357                    delegate.instantiate_canonical_var_with_infer(info, span, |idx| {
358                        ty::UniverseIndex::from(prev_universe.index() + idx.index())
359                    })
360                } else if info.is_existential() {
361                    // As an optimization we sometimes avoid creating a new inference variable here.
362                    //
363                    // All new inference variables we create start out in the current universe of the caller.
364                    // This is conceptually wrong as these inference variables would be able to name
365                    // more placeholders then they should be able to. However the inference variables have
366                    // to "come from somewhere", so by equating them with the original values of the caller
367                    // later on, we pull them down into their correct universe again.
368                    if let Some(v) = opt_values[ty::BoundVar::from_usize(index)] {
369                        v
370                    } else {
371                        delegate.instantiate_canonical_var_with_infer(info, span, |_| prev_universe)
372                    }
373                } else {
374                    // For placeholders which were already part of the input, we simply map this
375                    // universal bound variable back the placeholder of the input.
376                    original_values[info.expect_placeholder_index()]
377                }
378            }),
379        );
381        CanonicalVarValues { var_values }
382    }
384    /// Unify the `original_values` with the `var_values` returned by the canonical query..
385    ///
386    /// This assumes that this unification will always succeed. This is the case when
387    /// applying a query response right away. However, calling a canonical query, doing any
388    /// other kind of trait solving, and only then instantiating the result of the query
389    /// can cause the instantiation to fail. This is not supported and we ICE in this case.
390    ///
391    /// We always structurally instantiate aliases. Relating aliases needs to be different
392    /// depending on whether the alias is *rigid* or not. We're only really able to tell
393    /// whether an alias is rigid by using the trait solver. When instantiating a response
394    /// from the solver we assume that the solver correctly handled aliases and therefore
395    /// always relate them structurally here.
396    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(delegate))]
397    fn unify_query_var_values(
398        delegate: &D,
399        param_env: I::ParamEnv,
400        original_values: &[I::GenericArg],
401        var_values: CanonicalVarValues<I>,
402        span: I::Span,
403    ) {
404        assert_eq!(original_values.len(), var_values.len());
406        for (&orig, response) in iter::zip(original_values, var_values.var_values.iter()) {
407            let goals =
408                delegate.eq_structurally_relating_aliases(param_env, orig, response, span).unwrap();
409            assert!(goals.is_empty());
410        }
411    }
413    fn register_region_constraints(
414        &mut self,
415        outlives: &[ty::OutlivesPredicate<I, I::GenericArg>],
416    ) {
417        for &ty::OutlivesPredicate(lhs, rhs) in outlives {
418            match lhs.kind() {
419                ty::GenericArgKind::Lifetime(lhs) => self.register_region_outlives(lhs, rhs),
420                ty::GenericArgKind::Type(lhs) => self.register_ty_outlives(lhs, rhs),
421                ty::GenericArgKind::Const(_) => panic!("const outlives: {lhs:?}: {rhs:?}"),
422            }
423        }
424    }
426    fn register_new_opaque_types(&mut self, opaque_types: &[(ty::OpaqueTypeKey<I>, I::Ty)]) {
427        for &(key, ty) in opaque_types {
428            self.delegate.inject_new_hidden_type_unchecked(key, ty, self.origin_span);
429        }
430    }
433/// Used by proof trees to be able to recompute intermediate actions while
434/// evaluating a goal. The `var_values` not only include the bound variables
435/// of the query input, but also contain all unconstrained inference vars
436/// created while evaluating this goal.
437pub(in crate::solve) fn make_canonical_state<D, T, I>(
438    delegate: &D,
439    var_values: &[I::GenericArg],
440    max_input_universe: ty::UniverseIndex,
441    data: T,
442) -> inspect::CanonicalState<I, T>
444    D: SolverDelegate<Interner = I>,
445    I: Interner,
446    T: TypeFoldable<I>,
448    let var_values = CanonicalVarValues { var_values: };
449    let state = inspect::State { var_values, data };
450    let state = state.fold_with(&mut EagerResolver::new(delegate));
451    Canonicalizer::canonicalize_response(delegate, max_input_universe, &mut vec![], state)
454// FIXME: needs to be pub to be accessed by downstream
455// `rustc_trait_selection::solve::inspect::analyse`.
456pub fn instantiate_canonical_state<D, I, T: TypeFoldable<I>>(
457    delegate: &D,
458    span: I::Span,
459    param_env: I::ParamEnv,
460    orig_values: &mut Vec<I::GenericArg>,
461    state: inspect::CanonicalState<I, T>,
462) -> T
464    D: SolverDelegate<Interner = I>,
465    I: Interner,
467    // In case any fresh inference variables have been created between `state`
468    // and the previous instantiation, extend `orig_values` for it.
469    orig_values.extend(
470        state.value.var_values.var_values.as_slice()[orig_values.len()..]
471            .iter()
472            .map(|&arg| delegate.fresh_var_for_kind_with_span(arg, span)),
473    );
475    let instantiation =
476        EvalCtxt::compute_query_response_instantiation_values(delegate, orig_values, &state, span);
478    let inspect::State { var_values, data } = delegate.instantiate_canonical(state, instantiation);
480    EvalCtxt::unify_query_var_values(delegate, param_env, orig_values, var_values, span);
481    data