
1use std::ops::Deref;
3use rustc_data_structures::sync::{AtomicU64, WorkerLocal};
4use rustc_hir::def_id::{DefId, LocalDefId};
5use rustc_hir::hir_id::OwnerId;
6use rustc_macros::HashStable;
7use rustc_query_system::HandleCycleError;
8use rustc_query_system::dep_graph::{DepNodeIndex, SerializedDepNodeIndex};
9pub(crate) use rustc_query_system::query::QueryJobId;
10use rustc_query_system::query::*;
11use rustc_span::{DUMMY_SP, ErrorGuaranteed, Span};
13use crate::dep_graph;
14use crate::dep_graph::DepKind;
15use crate::query::on_disk_cache::{CacheEncoder, EncodedDepNodeIndex, OnDiskCache};
16use crate::query::{
17    DynamicQueries, ExternProviders, Providers, QueryArenas, QueryCaches, QueryEngine, QueryStates,
19use crate::ty::TyCtxt;
21pub struct DynamicQuery<'tcx, C: QueryCache> {
22    pub name: &'static str,
23    pub eval_always: bool,
24    pub dep_kind: DepKind,
25    pub handle_cycle_error: HandleCycleError,
26    // Offset of this query's state field in the QueryStates struct
27    pub query_state: usize,
28    // Offset of this query's cache field in the QueryCaches struct
29    pub query_cache: usize,
30    pub cache_on_disk: fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, key: &C::Key) -> bool,
31    pub execute_query: fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, k: C::Key) -> C::Value,
32    pub compute: fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, key: C::Key) -> C::Value,
33    pub can_load_from_disk: bool,
34    pub try_load_from_disk: fn(
35        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
36        key: &C::Key,
37        prev_index: SerializedDepNodeIndex,
38        index: DepNodeIndex,
39    ) -> Option<C::Value>,
40    pub loadable_from_disk:
41        fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, key: &C::Key, index: SerializedDepNodeIndex) -> bool,
42    pub hash_result: HashResult<C::Value>,
43    pub value_from_cycle_error:
44        fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, cycle_error: &CycleError, guar: ErrorGuaranteed) -> C::Value,
45    pub format_value: fn(&C::Value) -> String,
48pub struct QuerySystemFns {
49    pub engine: QueryEngine,
50    pub local_providers: Providers,
51    pub extern_providers: ExternProviders,
52    pub encode_query_results: for<'tcx> fn(
53        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
54        encoder: &mut CacheEncoder<'_, 'tcx>,
55        query_result_index: &mut EncodedDepNodeIndex,
56    ),
57    pub try_mark_green: for<'tcx> fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, dep_node: &dep_graph::DepNode) -> bool,
60pub struct QuerySystem<'tcx> {
61    pub states: QueryStates<'tcx>,
62    pub arenas: WorkerLocal<QueryArenas<'tcx>>,
63    pub caches: QueryCaches<'tcx>,
64    pub dynamic_queries: DynamicQueries<'tcx>,
66    /// This provides access to the incremental compilation on-disk cache for query results.
67    /// Do not access this directly. It is only meant to be used by
68    /// `DepGraph::try_mark_green()` and the query infrastructure.
69    /// This is `None` if we are not incremental compilation mode
70    pub on_disk_cache: Option<OnDiskCache>,
72    pub fns: QuerySystemFns,
74    pub jobs: AtomicU64,
77#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
78pub struct TyCtxtAt<'tcx> {
79    pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
80    pub span: Span,
83impl<'tcx> Deref for TyCtxtAt<'tcx> {
84    type Target = TyCtxt<'tcx>;
85    #[inline(always)]
86    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
87        &self.tcx
88    }
91#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
93pub struct TyCtxtEnsureOk<'tcx> {
94    pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
97#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
99pub struct TyCtxtEnsureDone<'tcx> {
100    pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
103impl<'tcx> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
104    /// Wrapper that calls queries in a special "ensure OK" mode, for callers
105    /// that don't need the return value and just want to invoke a query for
106    /// its potential side-effect of emitting fatal errors.
107    ///
108    /// This can be more efficient than a normal query call, because if the
109    /// query's inputs are all green, the call can return immediately without
110    /// needing to obtain a value (by decoding one from disk or by executing
111    /// the query).
112    ///
113    /// (As with all query calls, execution is also skipped if the query result
114    /// is already cached in memory.)
115    ///
116    /// ## WARNING
117    /// A subsequent normal call to the same query might still cause it to be
118    /// executed! This can occur when the inputs are all green, but the query's
119    /// result is not cached on disk, so the query must be executed to obtain a
120    /// return value.
121    ///
122    /// Therefore, this call mode is not appropriate for callers that want to
123    /// ensure that the query is _never_ executed in the future.
124    ///
125    /// ## `return_result_from_ensure_ok`
126    /// If a query has the `return_result_from_ensure_ok` modifier, calls via
127    /// `ensure_ok` will instead return `Result<(), ErrorGuaranteed>`. If the
128    /// query needs to be executed, and execution returns an error, that error
129    /// is returned to the caller.
130    #[inline(always)]
131    pub fn ensure_ok(self) -> TyCtxtEnsureOk<'tcx> {
132        TyCtxtEnsureOk { tcx: self }
133    }
135    /// Wrapper that calls queries in a special "ensure done" mode, for callers
136    /// that don't need the return value and just want to guarantee that the
137    /// query won't be executed in the future, by executing it now if necessary.
138    ///
139    /// This is useful for queries that read from a [`Steal`] value, to ensure
140    /// that they are executed before the query that will steal the value.
141    ///
142    /// Unlike [`Self::ensure_ok`], a query with all-green inputs will only be
143    /// skipped if its return value is stored in the disk-cache. This is still
144    /// more efficient than a regular query, because in that situation the
145    /// return value doesn't necessarily need to be decoded.
146    ///
147    /// (As with all query calls, execution is also skipped if the query result
148    /// is already cached in memory.)
149    ///
150    /// [`Steal`]: rustc_data_structures::steal::Steal
151    #[inline(always)]
152    pub fn ensure_done(self) -> TyCtxtEnsureDone<'tcx> {
153        TyCtxtEnsureDone { tcx: self }
154    }
156    /// Returns a transparent wrapper for `TyCtxt` which uses
157    /// `span` as the location of queries performed through it.
158    #[inline(always)]
159    pub fn at(self, span: Span) -> TyCtxtAt<'tcx> {
160        TyCtxtAt { tcx: self, span }
161    }
163    pub fn try_mark_green(self, dep_node: &dep_graph::DepNode) -> bool {
164        (self.query_system.fns.try_mark_green)(self, dep_node)
165    }
169pub fn query_get_at<'tcx, Cache>(
170    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
171    execute_query: fn(TyCtxt<'tcx>, Span, Cache::Key, QueryMode) -> Option<Cache::Value>,
172    query_cache: &Cache,
173    span: Span,
174    key: Cache::Key,
175) -> Cache::Value
177    Cache: QueryCache,
179    let key = key.into_query_param();
180    match try_get_cached(tcx, query_cache, &key) {
181        Some(value) => value,
182        None => execute_query(tcx, span, key, QueryMode::Get).unwrap(),
183    }
187pub fn query_ensure<'tcx, Cache>(
188    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
189    execute_query: fn(TyCtxt<'tcx>, Span, Cache::Key, QueryMode) -> Option<Cache::Value>,
190    query_cache: &Cache,
191    key: Cache::Key,
192    check_cache: bool,
193) where
194    Cache: QueryCache,
196    let key = key.into_query_param();
197    if try_get_cached(tcx, query_cache, &key).is_none() {
198        execute_query(tcx, DUMMY_SP, key, QueryMode::Ensure { check_cache });
199    }
203pub fn query_ensure_error_guaranteed<'tcx, Cache, T>(
204    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
205    execute_query: fn(TyCtxt<'tcx>, Span, Cache::Key, QueryMode) -> Option<Cache::Value>,
206    query_cache: &Cache,
207    key: Cache::Key,
208    check_cache: bool,
209) -> Result<(), ErrorGuaranteed>
211    Cache: QueryCache<Value = super::erase::Erase<Result<T, ErrorGuaranteed>>>,
212    Result<T, ErrorGuaranteed>: EraseType,
214    let key = key.into_query_param();
215    if let Some(res) = try_get_cached(tcx, query_cache, &key) {
216        super::erase::restore(res).map(drop)
217    } else {
218        execute_query(tcx, DUMMY_SP, key, QueryMode::Ensure { check_cache })
219            .map(super::erase::restore)
220            .map(|res|
221            // Either we actually executed the query, which means we got a full `Result`,
222            // or we can just assume the query succeeded, because it was green in the
223            // incremental cache. If it is green, that means that the previous compilation
224            // that wrote to the incremental cache compiles successfully. That is only
225            // possible if the cache entry was `Ok(())`, so we emit that here, without
226            // actually encoding the `Result` in the cache or loading it from there.
227            .unwrap_or(Ok(()))
228    }
231macro_rules! query_ensure {
232    ([]$($args:tt)*) => {
233        query_ensure($($args)*)
234    };
235    ([(return_result_from_ensure_ok) $($rest:tt)*]$($args:tt)*) => {
236        query_ensure_error_guaranteed($($args)*).map(|_| ())
237    };
238    ([$other:tt $($modifiers:tt)*]$($args:tt)*) => {
239        query_ensure!([$($modifiers)*]$($args)*)
240    };
243macro_rules! query_helper_param_ty {
244    (DefId) => { impl IntoQueryParam<DefId> };
245    (LocalDefId) => { impl IntoQueryParam<LocalDefId> };
246    ($K:ty) => { $K };
249macro_rules! query_if_arena {
250    ([] $arena:tt $no_arena:tt) => {
251        $no_arena
252    };
253    ([(arena_cache) $($rest:tt)*] $arena:tt $no_arena:tt) => {
254        $arena
255    };
256    ([$other:tt $($modifiers:tt)*]$($args:tt)*) => {
257        query_if_arena!([$($modifiers)*]$($args)*)
258    };
261/// If `separate_provide_extern`, then the key can be projected to its
262/// local key via `<$K as AsLocalKey>::LocalKey`.
263macro_rules! local_key_if_separate_extern {
264    ([] $($K:tt)*) => {
265        $($K)*
266    };
267    ([(separate_provide_extern) $($rest:tt)*] $($K:tt)*) => {
268        <$($K)* as AsLocalKey>::LocalKey
269    };
270    ([$other:tt $($modifiers:tt)*] $($K:tt)*) => {
271        local_key_if_separate_extern!([$($modifiers)*] $($K)*)
272    };
275macro_rules! separate_provide_extern_decl {
276    ([][$name:ident]) => {
277        ()
278    };
279    ([(separate_provide_extern) $($rest:tt)*][$name:ident]) => {
280        for<'tcx> fn(
281            TyCtxt<'tcx>,
282            queries::$name::Key<'tcx>,
283        ) -> queries::$name::ProvidedValue<'tcx>
284    };
285    ([$other:tt $($modifiers:tt)*][$($args:tt)*]) => {
286        separate_provide_extern_decl!([$($modifiers)*][$($args)*])
287    };
290macro_rules! ensure_ok_result {
291    ( [] ) => {
292        ()
293    };
294    ( [(return_result_from_ensure_ok) $($rest:tt)*] ) => {
295        Result<(), ErrorGuaranteed>
296    };
297    ( [$other:tt $($modifiers:tt)*] ) => {
298        ensure_ok_result!( [$($modifiers)*] )
299    };
302macro_rules! separate_provide_extern_default {
303    ([][$name:ident]) => {
304        ()
305    };
306    ([(separate_provide_extern) $($rest:tt)*][$name:ident]) => {
307        |_, key| $crate::query::plumbing::default_extern_query(stringify!($name), &key)
308    };
309    ([$other:tt $($modifiers:tt)*][$($args:tt)*]) => {
310        separate_provide_extern_default!([$($modifiers)*][$($args)*])
311    };
314macro_rules! define_callbacks {
315    (
316     $($(#[$attr:meta])*
317        [$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident($($K:tt)*) -> $V:ty,)*) => {
319        #[allow(unused_lifetimes)]
320        pub mod queries {
321            $(pub mod $name {
322                use super::super::*;
324                pub type Key<'tcx> = $($K)*;
325                pub type Value<'tcx> = $V;
327                pub type LocalKey<'tcx> = local_key_if_separate_extern!([$($modifiers)*] $($K)*);
329                /// This type alias specifies the type returned from query providers and the type
330                /// used for decoding. For regular queries this is the declared returned type `V`,
331                /// but `arena_cache` will use `<V as ArenaCached>::Provided` instead.
332                pub type ProvidedValue<'tcx> = query_if_arena!(
333                    [$($modifiers)*]
334                    (<$V as $crate::query::arena_cached::ArenaCached<'tcx>>::Provided)
335                    ($V)
336                );
338                /// This function takes `ProvidedValue` and coverts it to an erased `Value` by
339                /// allocating it on an arena if the query has the `arena_cache` modifier. The
340                /// value is then erased and returned. This will happen when computing the query
341                /// using a provider or decoding a stored result.
342                #[inline(always)]
343                pub fn provided_to_erased<'tcx>(
344                    _tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
345                    value: ProvidedValue<'tcx>,
346                ) -> Erase<Value<'tcx>> {
347                    erase(query_if_arena!([$($modifiers)*]
348                        {
349                            use $crate::query::arena_cached::ArenaCached;
351                            if mem::needs_drop::<<$V as ArenaCached<'tcx>>::Allocated>() {
352                                <$V as ArenaCached>::alloc_in_arena(
353                                    |v| _tcx.query_system.arenas.$name.alloc(v),
354                                    value,
355                                )
356                            } else {
357                                <$V as ArenaCached>::alloc_in_arena(
358                                    |v| _tcx.arena.dropless.alloc(v),
359                                    value,
360                                )
361                            }
362                        }
363                        (value)
364                    ))
365                }
367                pub type Storage<'tcx> = <$($K)* as keys::Key>::Cache<Erase<$V>>;
369                // Ensure that keys grow no larger than 80 bytes by accident.
370                // Increase this limit if necessary, but do try to keep the size low if possible
371                #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
372                const _: () = {
373                    if size_of::<Key<'static>>() > 88 {
374                        panic!("{}", concat!(
375                            "the query `",
376                            stringify!($name),
377                            "` has a key type `",
378                            stringify!($($K)*),
379                            "` that is too large"
380                        ));
381                    }
382                };
384                // Ensure that values grow no larger than 64 bytes by accident.
385                // Increase this limit if necessary, but do try to keep the size low if possible
386                #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
387                #[cfg(not(feature = "rustc_randomized_layouts"))]
388                const _: () = {
389                    if size_of::<Value<'static>>() > 64 {
390                        panic!("{}", concat!(
391                            "the query `",
392                            stringify!($name),
393                            "` has a value type `",
394                            stringify!($V),
395                            "` that is too large"
396                        ));
397                    }
398                };
399            })*
400        }
402        pub struct QueryArenas<'tcx> {
403            $($(#[$attr])* pub $name: query_if_arena!([$($modifiers)*]
404                (TypedArena<<$V as $crate::query::arena_cached::ArenaCached<'tcx>>::Allocated>)
405                ()
406            ),)*
407        }
409        impl Default for QueryArenas<'_> {
410            fn default() -> Self {
411                Self {
412                    $($name: query_if_arena!([$($modifiers)*]
413                        (Default::default())
414                        ()
415                    ),)*
416                }
417            }
418        }
420        #[derive(Default)]
421        pub struct QueryCaches<'tcx> {
422            $($(#[$attr])* pub $name: queries::$name::Storage<'tcx>,)*
423        }
425        impl<'tcx> TyCtxtEnsureOk<'tcx> {
426            $($(#[$attr])*
427            #[inline(always)]
428            pub fn $name(
429                self,
430                key: query_helper_param_ty!($($K)*),
431            ) -> ensure_ok_result!([$($modifiers)*]) {
432                query_ensure!(
433                    [$($modifiers)*]
434                    self.tcx,
435                    self.tcx.query_system.fns.engine.$name,
436                    &self.tcx.query_system.caches.$name,
437                    key.into_query_param(),
438                    false,
439                )
440            })*
441        }
443        impl<'tcx> TyCtxtEnsureDone<'tcx> {
444            $($(#[$attr])*
445            #[inline(always)]
446            pub fn $name(self, key: query_helper_param_ty!($($K)*)) {
447                query_ensure(
448                    self.tcx,
449                    self.tcx.query_system.fns.engine.$name,
450                    &self.tcx.query_system.caches.$name,
451                    key.into_query_param(),
452                    true,
453                );
454            })*
455        }
457        impl<'tcx> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
458            $($(#[$attr])*
459            #[inline(always)]
460            #[must_use]
461            pub fn $name(self, key: query_helper_param_ty!($($K)*)) -> $V
462            {
463      $name(key)
464            })*
465        }
467        impl<'tcx> TyCtxtAt<'tcx> {
468            $($(#[$attr])*
469            #[inline(always)]
470            pub fn $name(self, key: query_helper_param_ty!($($K)*)) -> $V
471            {
472                restore::<$V>(query_get_at(
473                    self.tcx,
474                    self.tcx.query_system.fns.engine.$name,
475                    &self.tcx.query_system.caches.$name,
476                    self.span,
477                    key.into_query_param(),
478                ))
479            })*
480        }
482        pub struct DynamicQueries<'tcx> {
483            $(
484                pub $name: DynamicQuery<'tcx, queries::$name::Storage<'tcx>>,
485            )*
486        }
488        #[derive(Default)]
489        pub struct QueryStates<'tcx> {
490            $(
491                pub $name: QueryState<$($K)*>,
492            )*
493        }
495        pub struct Providers {
496            $(pub $name: for<'tcx> fn(
497                TyCtxt<'tcx>,
498                queries::$name::LocalKey<'tcx>,
499            ) -> queries::$name::ProvidedValue<'tcx>,)*
500        }
502        pub struct ExternProviders {
503            $(pub $name: separate_provide_extern_decl!([$($modifiers)*][$name]),)*
504        }
506        impl Default for Providers {
507            fn default() -> Self {
508                Providers {
509                    $($name: |_, key| $crate::query::plumbing::default_query(stringify!($name), &key)),*
510                }
511            }
512        }
514        impl Default for ExternProviders {
515            fn default() -> Self {
516                ExternProviders {
517                    $($name: separate_provide_extern_default!([$($modifiers)*][$name]),)*
518                }
519            }
520        }
522        impl Copy for Providers {}
523        impl Clone for Providers {
524            fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }
525        }
527        impl Copy for ExternProviders {}
528        impl Clone for ExternProviders {
529            fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }
530        }
532        pub struct QueryEngine {
533            $(pub $name: for<'tcx> fn(
534                TyCtxt<'tcx>,
535                Span,
536                queries::$name::Key<'tcx>,
537                QueryMode,
538            ) -> Option<Erase<$V>>,)*
539        }
540    };
543macro_rules! hash_result {
544    ([]) => {{
545        Some(dep_graph::hash_result)
546    }};
547    ([(no_hash) $($rest:tt)*]) => {{
548        None
549    }};
550    ([$other:tt $($modifiers:tt)*]) => {
551        hash_result!([$($modifiers)*])
552    };
555macro_rules! define_feedable {
556    ($($(#[$attr:meta])* [$($modifiers:tt)*] fn $name:ident($($K:tt)*) -> $V:ty,)*) => {
557        $(impl<'tcx, K: IntoQueryParam<$($K)*> + Copy> TyCtxtFeed<'tcx, K> {
558            $(#[$attr])*
559            #[inline(always)]
560            pub fn $name(self, value: queries::$name::ProvidedValue<'tcx>) {
561                let key = self.key().into_query_param();
563                let tcx = self.tcx;
564                let erased = queries::$name::provided_to_erased(tcx, value);
565                let value = restore::<$V>(erased);
566                let cache = &tcx.query_system.caches.$name;
568                let hasher: Option<fn(&mut StableHashingContext<'_>, &_) -> _> = hash_result!([$($modifiers)*]);
569                match try_get_cached(tcx, cache, &key) {
570                    Some(old) => {
571                        let old = restore::<$V>(old);
572                        if let Some(hasher) = hasher {
573                            let (value_hash, old_hash): (Fingerprint, Fingerprint) = tcx.with_stable_hashing_context(|mut hcx|
574                                (hasher(&mut hcx, &value), hasher(&mut hcx, &old))
575                            );
576                            if old_hash != value_hash {
577                                // We have an inconsistency. This can happen if one of the two
578                                // results is tainted by errors. In this case, delay a bug to
579                                // ensure compilation is doomed, and keep the `old` value.
580                                tcx.dcx().delayed_bug(format!(
581                                    "Trying to feed an already recorded value for query {} key={key:?}:\n\
582                                    old value: {old:?}\nnew value: {value:?}",
583                                    stringify!($name),
584                                ));
585                            }
586                        } else {
587                            // The query is `no_hash`, so we have no way to perform a sanity check.
588                            // If feeding the same value multiple times needs to be supported,
589                            // the query should not be marked `no_hash`.
590                            bug!(
591                                "Trying to feed an already recorded value for query {} key={key:?}:\nold value: {old:?}\nnew value: {value:?}",
592                                stringify!($name),
593                            )
594                        }
595                    }
596                    None => {
597                        let dep_node = dep_graph::DepNode::construct(tcx, dep_graph::dep_kinds::$name, &key);
598                        let dep_node_index = tcx.dep_graph.with_feed_task(
599                            dep_node,
600                            tcx,
601                            &value,
602                            hash_result!([$($modifiers)*]),
603                        );
604                        cache.complete(key, erased, dep_node_index);
605                    }
606                }
607            }
608        })*
609    }
612// Each of these queries corresponds to a function pointer field in the
613// `Providers` struct for requesting a value of that type, and a method
614// on `tcx: TyCtxt` (and ``) for doing that request in a way
615// which memoizes and does dep-graph tracking, wrapping around the actual
616// `Providers` that the driver creates (using several `rustc_*` crates).
618// The result type of each query must implement `Clone`, and additionally
619// `ty::query::values::Value`, which produces an appropriate placeholder
620// (error) value if the query resulted in a query cycle.
621// Queries marked with `fatal_cycle` do not need the latter implementation,
622// as they will raise an fatal error on query cycles instead.
624mod sealed {
625    use rustc_hir::def_id::{LocalModDefId, ModDefId};
627    use super::{DefId, LocalDefId, OwnerId};
629    /// An analogue of the `Into` trait that's intended only for query parameters.
630    ///
631    /// This exists to allow queries to accept either `DefId` or `LocalDefId` while requiring that the
632    /// user call `to_def_id` to convert between them everywhere else.
633    pub trait IntoQueryParam<P> {
634        fn into_query_param(self) -> P;
635    }
637    impl<P> IntoQueryParam<P> for P {
638        #[inline(always)]
639        fn into_query_param(self) -> P {
640            self
641        }
642    }
644    impl<'a, P: Copy> IntoQueryParam<P> for &'a P {
645        #[inline(always)]
646        fn into_query_param(self) -> P {
647            *self
648        }
649    }
651    impl IntoQueryParam<LocalDefId> for OwnerId {
652        #[inline(always)]
653        fn into_query_param(self) -> LocalDefId {
654            self.def_id
655        }
656    }
658    impl IntoQueryParam<DefId> for LocalDefId {
659        #[inline(always)]
660        fn into_query_param(self) -> DefId {
661            self.to_def_id()
662        }
663    }
665    impl IntoQueryParam<DefId> for OwnerId {
666        #[inline(always)]
667        fn into_query_param(self) -> DefId {
668            self.to_def_id()
669        }
670    }
672    impl IntoQueryParam<DefId> for ModDefId {
673        #[inline(always)]
674        fn into_query_param(self) -> DefId {
675            self.to_def_id()
676        }
677    }
679    impl IntoQueryParam<DefId> for LocalModDefId {
680        #[inline(always)]
681        fn into_query_param(self) -> DefId {
682            self.to_def_id()
683        }
684    }
686    impl IntoQueryParam<LocalDefId> for LocalModDefId {
687        #[inline(always)]
688        fn into_query_param(self) -> LocalDefId {
689            self.into()
690        }
691    }
694pub use sealed::IntoQueryParam;
696use super::erase::EraseType;
698#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, HashStable)]
699pub struct CyclePlaceholder(pub ErrorGuaranteed);
702pub(crate) fn default_query(name: &str, key: &dyn std::fmt::Debug) -> ! {
703    bug!(
704        "`tcx.{name}({key:?})` is not supported for this key;\n\
705        hint: Queries can be either made to the local crate, or the external crate. \
706        This error means you tried to use it for one that's not supported.\n\
707        If that's not the case, {name} was likely never assigned to a provider function.\n",
708    )
712pub(crate) fn default_extern_query(name: &str, key: &dyn std::fmt::Debug) -> ! {
713    bug!(
714        "`tcx.{name}({key:?})` unsupported by its crate; \
715         perhaps the `{name}` query was never assigned a provider function",
716    )