1use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
7use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
8use std::fmt::{self, Display};
9use std::io::IsTerminal;
10use std::path::{Path, PathBuf, absolute};
11use std::process::Command;
12use std::str::FromStr;
13use std::sync::OnceLock;
14use std::{cmp, env, fs};
16use build_helper::ci::CiEnv;
17use build_helper::exit;
18use build_helper::git::{GitConfig, get_closest_merge_commit, output_result};
19use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer};
20use serde_derive::Deserialize;
21#[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
22use tracing::{instrument, span};
24use crate::core::build_steps::compile::CODEGEN_BACKEND_PREFIX;
25use crate::core::build_steps::llvm;
26use crate::core::build_steps::llvm::LLVM_INVALIDATION_PATHS;
27pub use crate::core::config::flags::Subcommand;
28use crate::core::config::flags::{Color, Flags, Warnings};
29use crate::core::download::is_download_ci_available;
30use crate::utils::cache::{INTERNER, Interned};
31use crate::utils::channel::{self, GitInfo};
32use crate::utils::helpers::{self, exe, output, t};
34#[rustfmt::skip] pub(crate) const RUSTC_IF_UNCHANGED_ALLOWED_PATHS: &[&str] = &[
47 ":!src/tools",
48 ":!src/librustdoc",
49 ":!src/rustdoc-json-types",
50 ":!tests",
51 ":!triagebot.toml",
54macro_rules! check_ci_llvm {
55 ($name:expr) => {
56 assert!(
57 $name.is_none(),
58 "setting {} is incompatible with download-ci-llvm.",
59 stringify!($name).replace("_", "-")
60 );
61 };
64pub(crate) const BUILDER_CONFIG_FILENAME: &str = "builder-config";
72#[derive(Clone, Default)]
73pub enum DryRun {
74 #[default]
76 Disabled,
77 SelfCheck,
79 UserSelected,
83#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
84pub enum DebuginfoLevel {
85 #[default]
86 None,
87 LineDirectivesOnly,
88 LineTablesOnly,
89 Limited,
90 Full,
93impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for DebuginfoLevel {
96 fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
97 where
98 D: Deserializer<'de>,
99 {
100 use serde::de::Error;
102 Ok(match Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)? {
103 StringOrInt::String(s) if s == "none" => DebuginfoLevel::None,
104 StringOrInt::Int(0) => DebuginfoLevel::None,
105 StringOrInt::String(s) if s == "line-directives-only" => {
106 DebuginfoLevel::LineDirectivesOnly
107 }
108 StringOrInt::String(s) if s == "line-tables-only" => DebuginfoLevel::LineTablesOnly,
109 StringOrInt::String(s) if s == "limited" => DebuginfoLevel::Limited,
110 StringOrInt::Int(1) => DebuginfoLevel::Limited,
111 StringOrInt::String(s) if s == "full" => DebuginfoLevel::Full,
112 StringOrInt::Int(2) => DebuginfoLevel::Full,
113 StringOrInt::Int(n) => {
114 let other = serde::de::Unexpected::Signed(n);
115 return Err(D::Error::invalid_value(other, &"expected 0, 1, or 2"));
116 }
117 StringOrInt::String(s) => {
118 let other = serde::de::Unexpected::Str(&s);
119 return Err(D::Error::invalid_value(
120 other,
121 &"expected none, line-tables-only, limited, or full",
122 ));
123 }
124 })
125 }
128impl Display for DebuginfoLevel {
130 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
131 use DebuginfoLevel::*;
132 f.write_str(match self {
133 None => "0",
134 LineDirectivesOnly => "line-directives-only",
135 LineTablesOnly => "line-tables-only",
136 Limited => "1",
137 Full => "2",
138 })
139 }
142#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Debug, PartialEq)]
154pub enum LldMode {
155 #[default]
157 Unused,
158 SelfContained,
160 External,
166impl LldMode {
167 pub fn is_used(&self) -> bool {
168 match self {
169 LldMode::SelfContained | LldMode::External => true,
170 LldMode::Unused => false,
171 }
172 }
175#[derive(Default, Clone)]
177pub enum GccCiMode {
178 #[default]
180 BuildLocally,
181 DownloadFromCi,
186#[derive(Default, Clone)]
195pub struct Config {
196 pub change_id: Option<usize>,
197 pub bypass_bootstrap_lock: bool,
198 pub ccache: Option<String>,
199 pub ninja_in_file: bool,
201 pub verbose: usize,
202 pub submodules: Option<bool>,
203 pub compiler_docs: bool,
204 pub library_docs_private_items: bool,
205 pub docs_minification: bool,
206 pub docs: bool,
207 pub locked_deps: bool,
208 pub vendor: bool,
209 pub target_config: HashMap<TargetSelection, Target>,
210 pub full_bootstrap: bool,
211 pub bootstrap_cache_path: Option<PathBuf>,
212 pub extended: bool,
213 pub tools: Option<HashSet<String>>,
214 pub sanitizers: bool,
215 pub profiler: bool,
216 pub omit_git_hash: bool,
217 pub skip: Vec<PathBuf>,
218 pub include_default_paths: bool,
219 pub rustc_error_format: Option<String>,
220 pub json_output: bool,
221 pub test_compare_mode: bool,
222 pub color: Color,
223 pub patch_binaries_for_nix: Option<bool>,
224 pub stage0_metadata: build_helper::stage0_parser::Stage0,
225 pub android_ndk: Option<PathBuf>,
226 pub optimized_compiler_builtins: bool,
229 pub stdout_is_tty: bool,
230 pub stderr_is_tty: bool,
232 pub on_fail: Option<String>,
233 pub explicit_stage_from_cli: bool,
234 pub explicit_stage_from_config: bool,
235 pub stage: u32,
236 pub keep_stage: Vec<u32>,
237 pub keep_stage_std: Vec<u32>,
238 pub src: PathBuf,
239 pub config: Option<PathBuf>,
241 pub jobs: Option<u32>,
242 pub cmd: Subcommand,
243 pub incremental: bool,
244 pub dry_run: DryRun,
245 pub dump_bootstrap_shims: bool,
246 pub free_args: Vec<String>,
250 #[cfg(not(test))]
252 download_rustc_commit: Option<String>,
253 #[cfg(test)]
254 pub download_rustc_commit: Option<String>,
256 pub deny_warnings: bool,
257 pub backtrace_on_ice: bool,
259 pub llvm_assertions: bool,
261 pub llvm_tests: bool,
262 pub llvm_enzyme: bool,
263 pub llvm_offload: bool,
264 pub llvm_plugins: bool,
265 pub llvm_optimize: bool,
266 pub llvm_thin_lto: bool,
267 pub llvm_release_debuginfo: bool,
268 pub llvm_static_stdcpp: bool,
269 pub llvm_libzstd: bool,
270 #[cfg(not(test))]
272 llvm_link_shared: Cell<Option<bool>>,
273 #[cfg(test)]
274 pub llvm_link_shared: Cell<Option<bool>>,
275 pub llvm_clang_cl: Option<String>,
276 pub llvm_targets: Option<String>,
277 pub llvm_experimental_targets: Option<String>,
278 pub llvm_link_jobs: Option<u32>,
279 pub llvm_version_suffix: Option<String>,
280 pub llvm_use_linker: Option<String>,
281 pub llvm_allow_old_toolchain: bool,
282 pub llvm_polly: bool,
283 pub llvm_clang: bool,
284 pub llvm_enable_warnings: bool,
285 pub llvm_from_ci: bool,
286 pub llvm_build_config: HashMap<String, String>,
288 pub lld_mode: LldMode,
289 pub lld_enabled: bool,
290 pub llvm_tools_enabled: bool,
291 pub llvm_bitcode_linker_enabled: bool,
293 pub llvm_cflags: Option<String>,
294 pub llvm_cxxflags: Option<String>,
295 pub llvm_ldflags: Option<String>,
296 pub llvm_use_libcxx: bool,
298 pub gcc_ci_mode: GccCiMode,
301 pub rust_optimize: RustOptimize,
303 pub rust_codegen_units: Option<u32>,
304 pub rust_codegen_units_std: Option<u32>,
306 pub rustc_debug_assertions: bool,
307 pub std_debug_assertions: bool,
309 pub rust_overflow_checks: bool,
310 pub rust_overflow_checks_std: bool,
311 pub rust_debug_logging: bool,
312 pub rust_debuginfo_level_rustc: DebuginfoLevel,
313 pub rust_debuginfo_level_std: DebuginfoLevel,
314 pub rust_debuginfo_level_tools: DebuginfoLevel,
315 pub rust_debuginfo_level_tests: DebuginfoLevel,
316 pub rust_rpath: bool,
317 pub rust_strip: bool,
318 pub rust_frame_pointers: bool,
319 pub rust_stack_protector: Option<String>,
320 pub rustc_default_linker: Option<String>,
321 pub rust_optimize_tests: bool,
322 pub rust_dist_src: bool,
323 pub rust_codegen_backends: Vec<String>,
324 pub rust_verify_llvm_ir: bool,
325 pub rust_thin_lto_import_instr_limit: Option<u32>,
326 pub rust_randomize_layout: bool,
327 pub rust_remap_debuginfo: bool,
328 pub rust_new_symbol_mangling: Option<bool>,
329 pub rust_profile_use: Option<String>,
330 pub rust_profile_generate: Option<String>,
331 pub rust_lto: RustcLto,
332 pub rust_validate_mir_opts: Option<u32>,
333 pub rust_std_features: BTreeSet<String>,
334 pub llvm_profile_use: Option<String>,
335 pub llvm_profile_generate: bool,
336 pub llvm_libunwind_default: Option<LlvmLibunwind>,
337 pub enable_bolt_settings: bool,
339 pub reproducible_artifacts: Vec<String>,
341 pub build: TargetSelection,
342 pub hosts: Vec<TargetSelection>,
343 pub targets: Vec<TargetSelection>,
344 pub local_rebuild: bool,
345 #[cfg(not(test))]
346 jemalloc: bool,
347 #[cfg(test)]
348 pub jemalloc: bool,
349 pub control_flow_guard: bool,
350 pub ehcont_guard: bool,
352 pub dist_sign_folder: Option<PathBuf>,
354 pub dist_upload_addr: Option<String>,
355 pub dist_compression_formats: Option<Vec<String>>,
356 pub dist_compression_profile: String,
357 pub dist_include_mingw_linker: bool,
358 pub dist_vendor: bool,
360 pub backtrace: bool, pub low_priority: bool,
365 pub channel: String,
366 pub description: Option<String>,
367 pub verbose_tests: bool,
368 pub save_toolstates: Option<PathBuf>,
369 pub print_step_timings: bool,
370 pub print_step_rusage: bool,
372 pub musl_root: Option<PathBuf>,
374 pub prefix: Option<PathBuf>,
375 pub sysconfdir: Option<PathBuf>,
376 pub datadir: Option<PathBuf>,
377 pub docdir: Option<PathBuf>,
378 pub bindir: PathBuf,
379 pub libdir: Option<PathBuf>,
380 pub mandir: Option<PathBuf>,
381 pub codegen_tests: bool,
382 pub nodejs: Option<PathBuf>,
383 pub npm: Option<PathBuf>,
384 pub gdb: Option<PathBuf>,
385 pub lldb: Option<PathBuf>,
386 pub python: Option<PathBuf>,
387 pub reuse: Option<PathBuf>,
388 pub cargo_native_static: bool,
389 pub configure_args: Vec<String>,
390 pub out: PathBuf,
391 pub rust_info: channel::GitInfo,
393 pub cargo_info: channel::GitInfo,
394 pub rust_analyzer_info: channel::GitInfo,
395 pub clippy_info: channel::GitInfo,
396 pub miri_info: channel::GitInfo,
397 pub rustfmt_info: channel::GitInfo,
398 pub enzyme_info: channel::GitInfo,
399 pub in_tree_llvm_info: channel::GitInfo,
400 pub in_tree_gcc_info: channel::GitInfo,
402 pub initial_cargo: PathBuf,
404 pub initial_rustc: PathBuf,
405 pub initial_cargo_clippy: Option<PathBuf>,
406 pub initial_sysroot: PathBuf,
408 #[cfg(not(test))]
409 initial_rustfmt: RefCell<RustfmtState>,
410 #[cfg(test)]
411 pub initial_rustfmt: RefCell<RustfmtState>,
413 pub paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
417 pub compiletest_diff_tool: Option<String>,
420 pub is_running_on_ci: bool,
423#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
424pub enum RustfmtState {
425 SystemToolchain(PathBuf),
426 Downloaded(PathBuf),
427 Unavailable,
428 #[default]
429 LazyEvaluated,
432#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
433pub enum LlvmLibunwind {
434 #[default]
435 No,
436 InTree,
437 System,
440impl FromStr for LlvmLibunwind {
441 type Err = String;
443 fn from_str(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
444 match value {
445 "no" => Ok(Self::No),
446 "in-tree" => Ok(Self::InTree),
447 "system" => Ok(Self::System),
448 invalid => Err(format!("Invalid value '{invalid}' for rust.llvm-libunwind config.")),
449 }
450 }
453#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
454pub enum SplitDebuginfo {
455 Packed,
456 Unpacked,
457 #[default]
458 Off,
461impl std::str::FromStr for SplitDebuginfo {
462 type Err = ();
464 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
465 match s {
466 "packed" => Ok(SplitDebuginfo::Packed),
467 "unpacked" => Ok(SplitDebuginfo::Unpacked),
468 "off" => Ok(SplitDebuginfo::Off),
469 _ => Err(()),
470 }
471 }
474impl SplitDebuginfo {
475 fn default_for_platform(target: TargetSelection) -> Self {
478 if target.contains("apple") {
479 SplitDebuginfo::Unpacked
480 } else if target.is_windows() {
481 SplitDebuginfo::Packed
482 } else {
483 SplitDebuginfo::Off
484 }
485 }
488#[derive(Default, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
490pub enum RustcLto {
491 Off,
492 #[default]
493 ThinLocal,
494 Thin,
495 Fat,
498impl std::str::FromStr for RustcLto {
499 type Err = String;
501 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
502 match s {
503 "thin-local" => Ok(RustcLto::ThinLocal),
504 "thin" => Ok(RustcLto::Thin),
505 "fat" => Ok(RustcLto::Fat),
506 "off" => Ok(RustcLto::Off),
507 _ => Err(format!("Invalid value for rustc LTO: {s}")),
508 }
509 }
512#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
513pub struct TargetSelection {
516 pub triple: Interned<String>,
517 file: Option<Interned<String>>,
518 synthetic: bool,
521#[derive(Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
523pub struct TargetSelectionList(Vec<TargetSelection>);
525pub fn target_selection_list(s: &str) -> Result<TargetSelectionList, String> {
526 Ok(TargetSelectionList(
527 s.split(',').filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).map(TargetSelection::from_user).collect(),
528 ))
531impl TargetSelection {
532 pub fn from_user(selection: &str) -> Self {
533 let path = Path::new(selection);
535 let (triple, file) = if path.exists() {
536 let triple = path
537 .file_stem()
538 .expect("Target specification file has no file stem")
539 .to_str()
540 .expect("Target specification file stem is not UTF-8");
542 (triple, Some(selection))
543 } else {
544 (selection, None)
545 };
547 let triple = INTERNER.intern_str(triple);
548 let file = file.map(|f| INTERNER.intern_str(f));
550 Self { triple, file, synthetic: false }
551 }
553 pub fn create_synthetic(triple: &str, file: &str) -> Self {
554 Self {
555 triple: INTERNER.intern_str(triple),
556 file: Some(INTERNER.intern_str(file)),
557 synthetic: true,
558 }
559 }
561 pub fn rustc_target_arg(&self) -> &str {
562 self.file.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.triple)
563 }
565 pub fn contains(&self, needle: &str) -> bool {
566 self.triple.contains(needle)
567 }
569 pub fn starts_with(&self, needle: &str) -> bool {
570 self.triple.starts_with(needle)
571 }
573 pub fn ends_with(&self, needle: &str) -> bool {
574 self.triple.ends_with(needle)
575 }
577 pub fn is_synthetic(&self) -> bool {
579 self.synthetic
580 }
582 pub fn is_msvc(&self) -> bool {
583 self.contains("msvc")
584 }
586 pub fn is_windows(&self) -> bool {
587 self.contains("windows")
588 }
590 pub fn is_windows_gnu(&self) -> bool {
591 self.ends_with("windows-gnu")
592 }
594 pub fn is_cygwin(&self) -> bool {
595 self.is_windows() &&
596 env::var("OSTYPE").is_ok_and(|v| v.to_lowercase().contains("cygwin"))
598 }
600 pub fn needs_crt_begin_end(&self) -> bool {
601 self.contains("musl") && !self.contains("unikraft")
602 }
604 pub fn filepath(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
606 self.file.as_ref().map(Path::new)
607 }
610impl fmt::Display for TargetSelection {
611 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
612 write!(f, "{}", self.triple)?;
613 if let Some(file) = self.file {
614 write!(f, "({file})")?;
615 }
616 Ok(())
617 }
620impl fmt::Debug for TargetSelection {
621 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
622 write!(f, "{self}")
623 }
626impl PartialEq<&str> for TargetSelection {
627 fn eq(&self, other: &&str) -> bool {
628 self.triple == *other
629 }
632impl AsRef<Path> for TargetSelection {
635 fn as_ref(&self) -> &Path {
636 self.triple.as_ref()
637 }
640#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
642pub struct Target {
643 pub llvm_config: Option<PathBuf>,
645 pub llvm_has_rust_patches: Option<bool>,
646 pub llvm_filecheck: Option<PathBuf>,
648 pub llvm_libunwind: Option<LlvmLibunwind>,
649 pub cc: Option<PathBuf>,
650 pub cxx: Option<PathBuf>,
651 pub ar: Option<PathBuf>,
652 pub ranlib: Option<PathBuf>,
653 pub default_linker: Option<PathBuf>,
654 pub linker: Option<PathBuf>,
655 pub split_debuginfo: Option<SplitDebuginfo>,
656 pub sanitizers: Option<bool>,
657 pub profiler: Option<StringOrBool>,
658 pub rpath: Option<bool>,
659 pub crt_static: Option<bool>,
660 pub musl_root: Option<PathBuf>,
661 pub musl_libdir: Option<PathBuf>,
662 pub wasi_root: Option<PathBuf>,
663 pub qemu_rootfs: Option<PathBuf>,
664 pub runner: Option<String>,
665 pub no_std: bool,
666 pub codegen_backends: Option<Vec<String>>,
667 pub optimized_compiler_builtins: Option<bool>,
668 pub jemalloc: Option<bool>,
671impl Target {
672 pub fn from_triple(triple: &str) -> Self {
673 let mut target: Self = Default::default();
674 if triple.contains("-none") || triple.contains("nvptx") || triple.contains("switch") {
675 target.no_std = true;
676 }
677 if triple.contains("emscripten") {
678 target.runner = Some("node".into());
679 }
680 target
681 }
683#[derive(Deserialize, Default)]
689#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "kebab-case")]
690pub(crate) struct TomlConfig {
691 #[serde(flatten)]
692 change_id: ChangeIdWrapper,
693 build: Option<Build>,
694 install: Option<Install>,
695 llvm: Option<Llvm>,
696 gcc: Option<Gcc>,
697 rust: Option<Rust>,
698 target: Option<HashMap<String, TomlTarget>>,
699 dist: Option<Dist>,
700 profile: Option<String>,
703#[derive(Deserialize, Default)]
708pub(crate) struct ChangeIdWrapper {
709 #[serde(alias = "change-id")]
710 pub(crate) inner: Option<usize>,
713#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
715enum ReplaceOpt {
716 IgnoreDuplicate,
718 Override,
720 ErrorOnDuplicate,
724trait Merge {
725 fn merge(&mut self, other: Self, replace: ReplaceOpt);
728impl Merge for TomlConfig {
729 fn merge(
730 &mut self,
731 TomlConfig { build, install, llvm, gcc, rust, dist, target, profile, change_id }: Self,
732 replace: ReplaceOpt,
733 ) {
734 fn do_merge<T: Merge>(x: &mut Option<T>, y: Option<T>, replace: ReplaceOpt) {
735 if let Some(new) = y {
736 if let Some(original) = x {
737 original.merge(new, replace);
738 } else {
739 *x = Some(new);
740 }
741 }
742 }
744 self.change_id.inner.merge(change_id.inner, replace);
745 self.profile.merge(profile, replace);
747 do_merge(&mut self.build, build, replace);
748 do_merge(&mut self.install, install, replace);
749 do_merge(&mut self.llvm, llvm, replace);
750 do_merge(&mut self.gcc, gcc, replace);
751 do_merge(&mut self.rust, rust, replace);
752 do_merge(&mut self.dist, dist, replace);
754 match (self.target.as_mut(), target) {
755 (_, None) => {}
756 (None, Some(target)) => self.target = Some(target),
757 (Some(original_target), Some(new_target)) => {
758 for (triple, new) in new_target {
759 if let Some(original) = original_target.get_mut(&triple) {
760 original.merge(new, replace);
761 } else {
762 original_target.insert(triple, new);
763 }
764 }
765 }
766 }
767 }
770macro_rules! define_config {
772 ($(#[$attr:meta])* struct $name:ident {
773 $($field:ident: Option<$field_ty:ty> = $field_key:literal,)*
774 }) => {
775 $(#[$attr])*
776 struct $name {
777 $($field: Option<$field_ty>,)*
778 }
780 impl Merge for $name {
781 fn merge(&mut self, other: Self, replace: ReplaceOpt) {
782 $(
783 match replace {
784 ReplaceOpt::IgnoreDuplicate => {
785 if self.$field.is_none() {
786 self.$field = other.$field;
787 }
788 },
789 ReplaceOpt::Override => {
790 if other.$field.is_some() {
791 self.$field = other.$field;
792 }
793 }
794 ReplaceOpt::ErrorOnDuplicate => {
795 if other.$field.is_some() {
796 if self.$field.is_some() {
797 if cfg!(test) {
798 panic!("overriding existing option")
799 } else {
800 eprintln!("overriding existing option: `{}`", stringify!($field));
801 exit!(2);
802 }
803 } else {
804 self.$field = other.$field;
805 }
806 }
807 }
808 }
809 )*
810 }
811 }
813 impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for $name {
817 fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
818 where
819 D: Deserializer<'de>,
820 {
821 struct Field;
822 impl<'de> serde::de::Visitor<'de> for Field {
823 type Value = $name;
824 fn expecting(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
825 f.write_str(concat!("struct ", stringify!($name)))
826 }
828 #[inline]
829 fn visit_map<A>(self, mut map: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error>
830 where
831 A: serde::de::MapAccess<'de>,
832 {
833 $(let mut $field: Option<$field_ty> = None;)*
834 while let Some(key) =
835 match serde::de::MapAccess::next_key::<String>(&mut map) {
836 Ok(val) => val,
837 Err(err) => {
838 return Err(err);
839 }
840 }
841 {
842 match &*key {
843 $($field_key => {
844 if $field.is_some() {
845 return Err(<A::Error as serde::de::Error>::duplicate_field(
846 $field_key,
847 ));
848 }
849 $field = match serde::de::MapAccess::next_value::<$field_ty>(
850 &mut map,
851 ) {
852 Ok(val) => Some(val),
853 Err(err) => {
854 return Err(err);
855 }
856 };
857 })*
858 key => {
859 return Err(serde::de::Error::unknown_field(key, FIELDS));
860 }
861 }
862 }
863 Ok($name { $($field),* })
864 }
865 }
866 const FIELDS: &'static [&'static str] = &[
867 $($field_key,)*
868 ];
869 Deserializer::deserialize_struct(
870 deserializer,
871 stringify!($name),
873 Field,
874 )
875 }
876 }
877 }
880impl<T> Merge for Option<T> {
881 fn merge(&mut self, other: Self, replace: ReplaceOpt) {
882 match replace {
883 ReplaceOpt::IgnoreDuplicate => {
884 if self.is_none() {
885 *self = other;
886 }
887 }
888 ReplaceOpt::Override => {
889 if other.is_some() {
890 *self = other;
891 }
892 }
893 ReplaceOpt::ErrorOnDuplicate => {
894 if other.is_some() {
895 if self.is_some() {
896 if cfg!(test) {
897 panic!("overriding existing option")
898 } else {
899 eprintln!("overriding existing option");
900 exit!(2);
901 }
902 } else {
903 *self = other;
904 }
905 }
906 }
907 }
908 }
911define_config! {
912 #[derive(Default)]
914 struct Build {
915 build: Option<String> = "build",
916 description: Option<String> = "description",
917 host: Option<Vec<String>> = "host",
918 target: Option<Vec<String>> = "target",
919 build_dir: Option<String> = "build-dir",
920 cargo: Option<PathBuf> = "cargo",
921 rustc: Option<PathBuf> = "rustc",
922 rustfmt: Option<PathBuf> = "rustfmt",
923 cargo_clippy: Option<PathBuf> = "cargo-clippy",
924 docs: Option<bool> = "docs",
925 compiler_docs: Option<bool> = "compiler-docs",
926 library_docs_private_items: Option<bool> = "library-docs-private-items",
927 docs_minification: Option<bool> = "docs-minification",
928 submodules: Option<bool> = "submodules",
929 gdb: Option<String> = "gdb",
930 lldb: Option<String> = "lldb",
931 nodejs: Option<String> = "nodejs",
932 npm: Option<String> = "npm",
933 python: Option<String> = "python",
934 reuse: Option<String> = "reuse",
935 locked_deps: Option<bool> = "locked-deps",
936 vendor: Option<bool> = "vendor",
937 full_bootstrap: Option<bool> = "full-bootstrap",
938 bootstrap_cache_path: Option<PathBuf> = "bootstrap-cache-path",
939 extended: Option<bool> = "extended",
940 tools: Option<HashSet<String>> = "tools",
941 verbose: Option<usize> = "verbose",
942 sanitizers: Option<bool> = "sanitizers",
943 profiler: Option<bool> = "profiler",
944 cargo_native_static: Option<bool> = "cargo-native-static",
945 low_priority: Option<bool> = "low-priority",
946 configure_args: Option<Vec<String>> = "configure-args",
947 local_rebuild: Option<bool> = "local-rebuild",
948 print_step_timings: Option<bool> = "print-step-timings",
949 print_step_rusage: Option<bool> = "print-step-rusage",
950 check_stage: Option<u32> = "check-stage",
951 doc_stage: Option<u32> = "doc-stage",
952 build_stage: Option<u32> = "build-stage",
953 test_stage: Option<u32> = "test-stage",
954 install_stage: Option<u32> = "install-stage",
955 dist_stage: Option<u32> = "dist-stage",
956 bench_stage: Option<u32> = "bench-stage",
957 patch_binaries_for_nix: Option<bool> = "patch-binaries-for-nix",
958 metrics: Option<bool> = "metrics",
960 android_ndk: Option<PathBuf> = "android-ndk",
961 optimized_compiler_builtins: Option<bool> = "optimized-compiler-builtins",
962 jobs: Option<u32> = "jobs",
963 compiletest_diff_tool: Option<String> = "compiletest-diff-tool",
964 ccache: Option<StringOrBool> = "ccache",
965 exclude: Option<Vec<PathBuf>> = "exclude",
966 }
969define_config! {
970 struct Install {
972 prefix: Option<String> = "prefix",
973 sysconfdir: Option<String> = "sysconfdir",
974 docdir: Option<String> = "docdir",
975 bindir: Option<String> = "bindir",
976 libdir: Option<String> = "libdir",
977 mandir: Option<String> = "mandir",
978 datadir: Option<String> = "datadir",
979 }
982define_config! {
983 struct Llvm {
985 optimize: Option<bool> = "optimize",
986 thin_lto: Option<bool> = "thin-lto",
987 release_debuginfo: Option<bool> = "release-debuginfo",
988 assertions: Option<bool> = "assertions",
989 tests: Option<bool> = "tests",
990 enzyme: Option<bool> = "enzyme",
991 plugins: Option<bool> = "plugins",
992 ccache: Option<StringOrBool> = "ccache",
994 static_libstdcpp: Option<bool> = "static-libstdcpp",
995 libzstd: Option<bool> = "libzstd",
996 ninja: Option<bool> = "ninja",
997 targets: Option<String> = "targets",
998 experimental_targets: Option<String> = "experimental-targets",
999 link_jobs: Option<u32> = "link-jobs",
1000 link_shared: Option<bool> = "link-shared",
1001 version_suffix: Option<String> = "version-suffix",
1002 clang_cl: Option<String> = "clang-cl",
1003 cflags: Option<String> = "cflags",
1004 cxxflags: Option<String> = "cxxflags",
1005 ldflags: Option<String> = "ldflags",
1006 use_libcxx: Option<bool> = "use-libcxx",
1007 use_linker: Option<String> = "use-linker",
1008 allow_old_toolchain: Option<bool> = "allow-old-toolchain",
1009 offload: Option<bool> = "offload",
1010 polly: Option<bool> = "polly",
1011 clang: Option<bool> = "clang",
1012 enable_warnings: Option<bool> = "enable-warnings",
1013 download_ci_llvm: Option<StringOrBool> = "download-ci-llvm",
1014 build_config: Option<HashMap<String, String>> = "build-config",
1015 }
1018define_config! {
1019 struct Gcc {
1021 download_ci_gcc: Option<bool> = "download-ci-gcc",
1022 }
1025define_config! {
1026 struct Dist {
1027 sign_folder: Option<String> = "sign-folder",
1028 upload_addr: Option<String> = "upload-addr",
1029 src_tarball: Option<bool> = "src-tarball",
1030 compression_formats: Option<Vec<String>> = "compression-formats",
1031 compression_profile: Option<String> = "compression-profile",
1032 include_mingw_linker: Option<bool> = "include-mingw-linker",
1033 vendor: Option<bool> = "vendor",
1034 }
1037#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
1039pub enum StringOrBool {
1040 String(String),
1041 Bool(bool),
1044impl Default for StringOrBool {
1045 fn default() -> StringOrBool {
1046 StringOrBool::Bool(false)
1047 }
1050impl StringOrBool {
1051 fn is_string_or_true(&self) -> bool {
1052 matches!(self, Self::String(_) | Self::Bool(true))
1053 }
1056#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
1057pub enum RustOptimize {
1058 String(String),
1059 Int(u8),
1060 Bool(bool),
1063impl Default for RustOptimize {
1064 fn default() -> RustOptimize {
1065 RustOptimize::Bool(false)
1066 }
1069impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for RustOptimize {
1070 fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
1071 where
1072 D: Deserializer<'de>,
1073 {
1074 deserializer.deserialize_any(OptimizeVisitor)
1075 }
1078struct OptimizeVisitor;
1080impl serde::de::Visitor<'_> for OptimizeVisitor {
1081 type Value = RustOptimize;
1083 fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
1084 formatter.write_str(r#"one of: 0, 1, 2, 3, "s", "z", true, false"#)
1085 }
1087 fn visit_str<E>(self, value: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
1088 where
1089 E: serde::de::Error,
1090 {
1091 if matches!(value, "s" | "z") {
1092 Ok(RustOptimize::String(value.to_string()))
1093 } else {
1094 Err(serde::de::Error::custom(format_optimize_error_msg(value)))
1095 }
1096 }
1098 fn visit_i64<E>(self, value: i64) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
1099 where
1100 E: serde::de::Error,
1101 {
1102 if matches!(value, 0..=3) {
1103 Ok(RustOptimize::Int(value as u8))
1104 } else {
1105 Err(serde::de::Error::custom(format_optimize_error_msg(value)))
1106 }
1107 }
1109 fn visit_bool<E>(self, value: bool) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
1110 where
1111 E: serde::de::Error,
1112 {
1113 Ok(RustOptimize::Bool(value))
1114 }
1117fn format_optimize_error_msg(v: impl std::fmt::Display) -> String {
1118 format!(
1119 r#"unrecognized option for rust optimize: "{v}", expected one of 0, 1, 2, 3, "s", "z", true, false"#
1120 )
1123impl RustOptimize {
1124 pub(crate) fn is_release(&self) -> bool {
1125 match &self {
1126 RustOptimize::Bool(true) | RustOptimize::String(_) => true,
1127 RustOptimize::Int(i) => *i > 0,
1128 RustOptimize::Bool(false) => false,
1129 }
1130 }
1132 pub(crate) fn get_opt_level(&self) -> Option<String> {
1133 match &self {
1134 RustOptimize::String(s) => Some(s.clone()),
1135 RustOptimize::Int(i) => Some(i.to_string()),
1136 RustOptimize::Bool(_) => None,
1137 }
1138 }
1143enum StringOrInt {
1144 String(String),
1145 Int(i64),
1148impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for LldMode {
1149 fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
1150 where
1151 D: Deserializer<'de>,
1152 {
1153 struct LldModeVisitor;
1155 impl serde::de::Visitor<'_> for LldModeVisitor {
1156 type Value = LldMode;
1158 fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1159 formatter.write_str("one of true, 'self-contained' or 'external'")
1160 }
1162 fn visit_bool<E>(self, v: bool) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
1163 where
1164 E: serde::de::Error,
1165 {
1166 Ok(if v { LldMode::External } else { LldMode::Unused })
1167 }
1169 fn visit_str<E>(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
1170 where
1171 E: serde::de::Error,
1172 {
1173 match v {
1174 "external" => Ok(LldMode::External),
1175 "self-contained" => Ok(LldMode::SelfContained),
1176 _ => Err(E::custom(format!("unknown mode {v}"))),
1177 }
1178 }
1179 }
1181 deserializer.deserialize_any(LldModeVisitor)
1182 }
1185define_config! {
1186 struct Rust {
1188 optimize: Option<RustOptimize> = "optimize",
1189 debug: Option<bool> = "debug",
1190 codegen_units: Option<u32> = "codegen-units",
1191 codegen_units_std: Option<u32> = "codegen-units-std",
1192 rustc_debug_assertions: Option<bool> = "debug-assertions",
1193 randomize_layout: Option<bool> = "randomize-layout",
1194 std_debug_assertions: Option<bool> = "debug-assertions-std",
1195 overflow_checks: Option<bool> = "overflow-checks",
1196 overflow_checks_std: Option<bool> = "overflow-checks-std",
1197 debug_logging: Option<bool> = "debug-logging",
1198 debuginfo_level: Option<DebuginfoLevel> = "debuginfo-level",
1199 debuginfo_level_rustc: Option<DebuginfoLevel> = "debuginfo-level-rustc",
1200 debuginfo_level_std: Option<DebuginfoLevel> = "debuginfo-level-std",
1201 debuginfo_level_tools: Option<DebuginfoLevel> = "debuginfo-level-tools",
1202 debuginfo_level_tests: Option<DebuginfoLevel> = "debuginfo-level-tests",
1203 backtrace: Option<bool> = "backtrace",
1204 incremental: Option<bool> = "incremental",
1205 default_linker: Option<String> = "default-linker",
1206 channel: Option<String> = "channel",
1207 description: Option<String> = "description",
1209 musl_root: Option<String> = "musl-root",
1210 rpath: Option<bool> = "rpath",
1211 strip: Option<bool> = "strip",
1212 frame_pointers: Option<bool> = "frame-pointers",
1213 stack_protector: Option<String> = "stack-protector",
1214 verbose_tests: Option<bool> = "verbose-tests",
1215 optimize_tests: Option<bool> = "optimize-tests",
1216 codegen_tests: Option<bool> = "codegen-tests",
1217 omit_git_hash: Option<bool> = "omit-git-hash",
1218 dist_src: Option<bool> = "dist-src",
1219 save_toolstates: Option<String> = "save-toolstates",
1220 codegen_backends: Option<Vec<String>> = "codegen-backends",
1221 llvm_bitcode_linker: Option<bool> = "llvm-bitcode-linker",
1222 lld: Option<bool> = "lld",
1223 lld_mode: Option<LldMode> = "use-lld",
1224 llvm_tools: Option<bool> = "llvm-tools",
1225 deny_warnings: Option<bool> = "deny-warnings",
1226 backtrace_on_ice: Option<bool> = "backtrace-on-ice",
1227 verify_llvm_ir: Option<bool> = "verify-llvm-ir",
1228 thin_lto_import_instr_limit: Option<u32> = "thin-lto-import-instr-limit",
1229 remap_debuginfo: Option<bool> = "remap-debuginfo",
1230 jemalloc: Option<bool> = "jemalloc",
1231 test_compare_mode: Option<bool> = "test-compare-mode",
1232 llvm_libunwind: Option<String> = "llvm-libunwind",
1233 control_flow_guard: Option<bool> = "control-flow-guard",
1234 ehcont_guard: Option<bool> = "ehcont-guard",
1235 new_symbol_mangling: Option<bool> = "new-symbol-mangling",
1236 profile_generate: Option<String> = "profile-generate",
1237 profile_use: Option<String> = "profile-use",
1238 download_rustc: Option<StringOrBool> = "download-rustc",
1240 lto: Option<String> = "lto",
1241 validate_mir_opts: Option<u32> = "validate-mir-opts",
1242 std_features: Option<BTreeSet<String>> = "std-features",
1243 }
1246define_config! {
1247 struct TomlTarget {
1249 cc: Option<String> = "cc",
1250 cxx: Option<String> = "cxx",
1251 ar: Option<String> = "ar",
1252 ranlib: Option<String> = "ranlib",
1253 default_linker: Option<PathBuf> = "default-linker",
1254 linker: Option<String> = "linker",
1255 split_debuginfo: Option<String> = "split-debuginfo",
1256 llvm_config: Option<String> = "llvm-config",
1257 llvm_has_rust_patches: Option<bool> = "llvm-has-rust-patches",
1258 llvm_filecheck: Option<String> = "llvm-filecheck",
1259 llvm_libunwind: Option<String> = "llvm-libunwind",
1260 sanitizers: Option<bool> = "sanitizers",
1261 profiler: Option<StringOrBool> = "profiler",
1262 rpath: Option<bool> = "rpath",
1263 crt_static: Option<bool> = "crt-static",
1264 musl_root: Option<String> = "musl-root",
1265 musl_libdir: Option<String> = "musl-libdir",
1266 wasi_root: Option<String> = "wasi-root",
1267 qemu_rootfs: Option<String> = "qemu-rootfs",
1268 no_std: Option<bool> = "no-std",
1269 codegen_backends: Option<Vec<String>> = "codegen-backends",
1270 runner: Option<String> = "runner",
1271 optimized_compiler_builtins: Option<bool> = "optimized-compiler-builtins",
1272 jemalloc: Option<bool> = "jemalloc",
1273 }
1276impl Config {
1277 #[cfg_attr(
1278 feature = "tracing",
1279 instrument(target = "CONFIG_HANDLING", level = "trace", name = "Config::default_opts")
1280 )]
1281 pub fn default_opts() -> Config {
1282 #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
1283 span!(target: "CONFIG_HANDLING", tracing::Level::TRACE, "constructing default config");
1285 Config {
1286 bypass_bootstrap_lock: false,
1287 llvm_optimize: true,
1288 ninja_in_file: true,
1289 llvm_static_stdcpp: false,
1290 llvm_libzstd: false,
1291 backtrace: true,
1292 rust_optimize: RustOptimize::Bool(true),
1293 rust_optimize_tests: true,
1294 rust_randomize_layout: false,
1295 submodules: None,
1296 docs: true,
1297 docs_minification: true,
1298 rust_rpath: true,
1299 rust_strip: false,
1300 channel: "dev".to_string(),
1301 codegen_tests: true,
1302 rust_dist_src: true,
1303 rust_codegen_backends: vec!["llvm".to_owned()],
1304 deny_warnings: true,
1305 bindir: "bin".into(),
1306 dist_include_mingw_linker: true,
1307 dist_compression_profile: "fast".into(),
1309 stdout_is_tty: std::io::stdout().is_terminal(),
1310 stderr_is_tty: std::io::stderr().is_terminal(),
1312 build: TargetSelection::from_user(env!("BUILD_TRIPLE")),
1315 src: {
1316 let manifest_dir = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
1317 manifest_dir.parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap().to_owned()
1319 },
1320 out: PathBuf::from("build"),
1322 llvm_tools_enabled: true,
1326 ..Default::default()
1327 }
1328 }
1330 pub(crate) fn get_builder_toml(&self, build_name: &str) -> Result<TomlConfig, toml::de::Error> {
1331 if self.dry_run() {
1332 return Ok(TomlConfig::default());
1333 }
1335 let builder_config_path =
1336 self.out.join(self.build.triple).join(build_name).join(BUILDER_CONFIG_FILENAME);
1337 Self::get_toml(&builder_config_path)
1338 }
1340 #[cfg(test)]
1341 pub(crate) fn get_toml(_: &Path) -> Result<TomlConfig, toml::de::Error> {
1342 Ok(TomlConfig::default())
1343 }
1345 #[cfg(not(test))]
1346 pub(crate) fn get_toml(file: &Path) -> Result<TomlConfig, toml::de::Error> {
1347 let contents =
1348 t!(fs::read_to_string(file), format!("config file {} not found", file.display()));
1349 toml::from_str(&contents)
1352 .and_then(|table: toml::Value| TomlConfig::deserialize(table))
1353 .inspect_err(|_| {
1354 if let Ok(Some(changes)) = toml::from_str(&contents)
1355 .and_then(|table: toml::Value| ChangeIdWrapper::deserialize(table))
1356 .map(|change_id| change_id.inner.map(crate::find_recent_config_change_ids))
1357 {
1358 if !changes.is_empty() {
1359 println!(
1360 "WARNING: There have been changes to x.py since you last updated:\n{}",
1361 crate::human_readable_changes(&changes)
1362 );
1363 }
1364 }
1365 })
1366 }
1368 #[cfg_attr(
1369 feature = "tracing",
1370 instrument(target = "CONFIG_HANDLING", level = "trace", name = "Config::parse", skip_all)
1371 )]
1372 pub fn parse(flags: Flags) -> Config {
1373 Self::parse_inner(flags, Self::get_toml)
1374 }
1376 #[cfg_attr(
1377 feature = "tracing",
1378 instrument(
1379 target = "CONFIG_HANDLING",
1380 level = "trace",
1381 name = "Config::parse_inner",
1382 skip_all
1383 )
1384 )]
1385 pub(crate) fn parse_inner(
1386 mut flags: Flags,
1387 get_toml: impl Fn(&Path) -> Result<TomlConfig, toml::de::Error>,
1388 ) -> Config {
1389 let mut config = Config::default_opts();
1391 config.paths = std::mem::take(&mut flags.paths);
1394 #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
1395 span!(
1396 target: "CONFIG_HANDLING",
1397 tracing::Level::TRACE,
1398 "collecting paths and path exclusions",
1399 "flags.paths" = ?flags.paths,
1400 "flags.skip" = ?flags.skip,
1401 "flags.exclude" = ?flags.exclude
1402 );
1404 #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
1405 span!(
1406 target: "CONFIG_HANDLING",
1407 tracing::Level::TRACE,
1408 "normalizing and combining `flag.skip`/`flag.exclude` paths",
1409 "config.skip" = ?config.skip,
1410 );
1412 config.include_default_paths = flags.include_default_paths;
1413 config.rustc_error_format = flags.rustc_error_format;
1414 config.json_output = flags.json_output;
1415 config.on_fail = flags.on_fail;
1416 config.cmd = flags.cmd;
1417 config.incremental = flags.incremental;
1418 config.dry_run = if flags.dry_run { DryRun::UserSelected } else { DryRun::Disabled };
1419 config.dump_bootstrap_shims = flags.dump_bootstrap_shims;
1420 config.keep_stage = flags.keep_stage;
1421 config.keep_stage_std = flags.keep_stage_std;
1422 config.color = flags.color;
1423 config.free_args = std::mem::take(&mut flags.free_args);
1424 config.llvm_profile_use = flags.llvm_profile_use;
1425 config.llvm_profile_generate = flags.llvm_profile_generate;
1426 config.enable_bolt_settings = flags.enable_bolt_settings;
1427 config.bypass_bootstrap_lock = flags.bypass_bootstrap_lock;
1428 config.is_running_on_ci = flags.ci.unwrap_or(CiEnv::is_ci());
1430 if let Some(src) = flags.src {
1433 config.src = src
1434 } else {
1435 let mut cmd = helpers::git(None);
1438 cmd.arg("rev-parse").arg("--show-cdup");
1446 let output = cmd
1448 .as_command_mut()
1449 .stderr(std::process::Stdio::null())
1450 .output()
1451 .ok()
1452 .and_then(|output| if output.status.success() { Some(output) } else { None });
1453 if let Some(output) = output {
1454 let git_root_relative = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap();
1455 let git_root = env::current_dir()
1458 .unwrap()
1459 .join(PathBuf::from(git_root_relative.trim()))
1460 .canonicalize()
1461 .unwrap();
1462 let s = git_root.to_str().unwrap();
1464 let git_root = match s.strip_prefix("\\\\?\\") {
1466 Some(p) => PathBuf::from(p),
1467 None => git_root,
1468 };
1469 if git_root.join("src").join("stage0").exists() {
1476 config.src = git_root;
1477 }
1478 } else {
1479 }
1482 }
1484 if cfg!(test) {
1485 config.out = Path::new(
1487 &env::var_os("CARGO_TARGET_DIR").expect("cargo test directly is not supported"),
1488 )
1489 .parent()
1490 .unwrap()
1491 .to_path_buf();
1492 }
1494 config.stage0_metadata = build_helper::stage0_parser::parse_stage0_file();
1496 let toml_path = flags
1504 .config
1505 .clone()
1506 .or_else(|| env::var_os("RUST_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG").map(PathBuf::from));
1507 let using_default_path = toml_path.is_none();
1508 let mut toml_path = toml_path.unwrap_or_else(|| PathBuf::from("bootstrap.toml"));
1510 if using_default_path && !toml_path.exists() {
1511 toml_path = config.src.join(PathBuf::from("bootstrap.toml"));
1512 if !toml_path.exists() {
1513 toml_path = PathBuf::from("config.toml");
1514 if !toml_path.exists() {
1515 toml_path = config.src.join(PathBuf::from("config.toml"));
1516 }
1517 }
1518 }
1520 let file_content = t!(fs::read_to_string(config.src.join("src/ci/channel")));
1521 let ci_channel = file_content.trim_end();
1523 let mut toml = if !using_default_path || toml_path.exists() {
1526 config.config = Some(if cfg!(not(test)) {
1527 toml_path.canonicalize().unwrap()
1528 } else {
1529 toml_path.clone()
1530 });
1531 get_toml(&toml_path).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
1532 eprintln!("ERROR: Failed to parse '{}': {e}", toml_path.display());
1533 exit!(2);
1534 })
1535 } else {
1536 config.config = None;
1537 TomlConfig::default()
1538 };
1540 if cfg!(test) {
1541 let build = toml.build.get_or_insert_with(Default::default);
1547 build.rustc = build.rustc.take().or(std::env::var_os("RUSTC").map(|p| p.into()));
1548 build.cargo = build.cargo.take().or(std::env::var_os("CARGO").map(|p| p.into()));
1549 }
1551 if GitInfo::new(false, &config.src).is_from_tarball() && toml.profile.is_none() {
1552 toml.profile = Some("dist".into());
1553 }
1555 if let Some(include) = &toml.profile {
1556 let profile_aliases = HashMap::from([("user", "dist")]);
1560 let include = match profile_aliases.get(include.as_str()) {
1561 Some(alias) => alias,
1562 None => include.as_str(),
1563 };
1564 let mut include_path = config.src.clone();
1565 include_path.push("src");
1566 include_path.push("bootstrap");
1567 include_path.push("defaults");
1568 include_path.push(format!("bootstrap.{include}.toml"));
1569 let included_toml = get_toml(&include_path).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
1570 eprintln!(
1571 "ERROR: Failed to parse default config profile at '{}': {e}",
1572 include_path.display()
1573 );
1574 exit!(2);
1575 });
1576 toml.merge(included_toml, ReplaceOpt::IgnoreDuplicate);
1577 }
1579 let mut override_toml = TomlConfig::default();
1580 for option in flags.set.iter() {
1581 fn get_table(option: &str) -> Result<TomlConfig, toml::de::Error> {
1582 toml::from_str(option).and_then(|table: toml::Value| TomlConfig::deserialize(table))
1583 }
1585 let mut err = match get_table(option) {
1586 Ok(v) => {
1587 override_toml.merge(v, ReplaceOpt::ErrorOnDuplicate);
1588 continue;
1589 }
1590 Err(e) => e,
1591 };
1592 if let Some((key, value)) = option.split_once('=') {
1595 if !value.contains('"') {
1596 match get_table(&format!(r#"{key}="{value}""#)) {
1597 Ok(v) => {
1598 override_toml.merge(v, ReplaceOpt::ErrorOnDuplicate);
1599 continue;
1600 }
1601 Err(e) => err = e,
1602 }
1603 }
1604 }
1605 eprintln!("failed to parse override `{option}`: `{err}");
1606 exit!(2)
1607 }
1608 toml.merge(override_toml, ReplaceOpt::Override);
1610 config.change_id = toml.change_id.inner;
1612 let Build {
1613 mut description,
1614 build,
1615 host,
1616 target,
1617 build_dir,
1618 cargo,
1619 rustc,
1620 rustfmt,
1621 cargo_clippy,
1622 docs,
1623 compiler_docs,
1624 library_docs_private_items,
1625 docs_minification,
1626 submodules,
1627 gdb,
1628 lldb,
1629 nodejs,
1630 npm,
1631 python,
1632 reuse,
1633 locked_deps,
1634 vendor,
1635 full_bootstrap,
1636 bootstrap_cache_path,
1637 extended,
1638 tools,
1639 verbose,
1640 sanitizers,
1641 profiler,
1642 cargo_native_static,
1643 low_priority,
1644 configure_args,
1645 local_rebuild,
1646 print_step_timings,
1647 print_step_rusage,
1648 check_stage,
1649 doc_stage,
1650 build_stage,
1651 test_stage,
1652 install_stage,
1653 dist_stage,
1654 bench_stage,
1655 patch_binaries_for_nix,
1656 metrics: _,
1658 android_ndk,
1659 optimized_compiler_builtins,
1660 jobs,
1661 compiletest_diff_tool,
1662 mut ccache,
1663 exclude,
1664 } = toml.build.unwrap_or_default();
1666 let mut paths: Vec<PathBuf> = flags.skip.into_iter().chain(flags.exclude).collect();
1668 if let Some(exclude) = exclude {
1669 paths.extend(exclude);
1670 }
1672 config.skip = paths
1673 .into_iter()
1674 .map(|p| {
1675 if cfg!(windows) {
1679 PathBuf::from(p.to_str().unwrap().replace('/', "\\"))
1680 } else {
1681 p
1682 }
1683 })
1684 .collect();
1686 config.jobs = Some(threads_from_config(flags.jobs.unwrap_or(jobs.unwrap_or(0))));
1688 if let Some(file_build) = build {
1689 config.build = TargetSelection::from_user(&file_build);
1690 };
1692 set(&mut config.out, flags.build_dir.or_else(|| build_dir.map(PathBuf::from)));
1693 if !config.out.is_absolute() {
1696 config.out = absolute(&config.out).expect("can't make empty path absolute");
1698 }
1700 if cargo_clippy.is_some() && rustc.is_none() {
1701 println!(
1702 "WARNING: Using `build.cargo-clippy` without `build.rustc` usually fails due to toolchain conflict."
1703 );
1704 }
1706 config.initial_rustc = if let Some(rustc) = rustc {
1707 if !flags.skip_stage0_validation {
1708 config.check_stage0_version(&rustc, "rustc");
1709 }
1710 rustc
1711 } else {
1712 config.download_beta_toolchain();
1713 config
1714 .out
1715 .join(config.build)
1716 .join("stage0")
1717 .join("bin")
1718 .join(exe("rustc", config.build))
1719 };
1721 config.initial_sysroot = config.initial_rustc.ancestors().nth(2).unwrap().into();
1723 config.initial_cargo_clippy = cargo_clippy;
1725 config.initial_cargo = if let Some(cargo) = cargo {
1726 if !flags.skip_stage0_validation {
1727 config.check_stage0_version(&cargo, "cargo");
1728 }
1729 cargo
1730 } else {
1731 config.download_beta_toolchain();
1732 config.initial_sysroot.join("bin").join(exe("cargo", config.build))
1733 };
1735 if config.dry_run() {
1737 let dir = config.out.join("tmp-dry-run");
1738 t!(fs::create_dir_all(&dir));
1739 config.out = dir;
1740 }
1742 config.hosts = if let Some(TargetSelectionList(arg_host)) = flags.host {
1743 arg_host
1744 } else if let Some(file_host) = host {
1745 file_host.iter().map(|h| TargetSelection::from_user(h)).collect()
1746 } else {
1747 vec![config.build]
1748 };
1749 config.targets = if let Some(TargetSelectionList(arg_target)) = flags.target {
1750 arg_target
1751 } else if let Some(file_target) = target {
1752 file_target.iter().map(|h| TargetSelection::from_user(h)).collect()
1753 } else {
1754 config.hosts.clone()
1757 };
1759 config.nodejs = nodejs.map(PathBuf::from);
1760 config.npm = npm.map(PathBuf::from);
1761 config.gdb = gdb.map(PathBuf::from);
1762 config.lldb = lldb.map(PathBuf::from);
1763 config.python = python.map(PathBuf::from);
1764 config.reuse = reuse.map(PathBuf::from);
1765 config.submodules = submodules;
1766 config.android_ndk = android_ndk;
1767 config.bootstrap_cache_path = bootstrap_cache_path;
1768 set(&mut config.low_priority, low_priority);
1769 set(&mut config.compiler_docs, compiler_docs);
1770 set(&mut config.library_docs_private_items, library_docs_private_items);
1771 set(&mut config.docs_minification, docs_minification);
1772 set(&mut config.docs, docs);
1773 set(&mut config.locked_deps, locked_deps);
1774 set(&mut config.full_bootstrap, full_bootstrap);
1775 set(&mut config.extended, extended);
1776 config.tools = tools;
1777 set(&mut config.verbose, verbose);
1778 set(&mut config.sanitizers, sanitizers);
1779 set(&mut config.profiler, profiler);
1780 set(&mut config.cargo_native_static, cargo_native_static);
1781 set(&mut config.configure_args, configure_args);
1782 set(&mut config.local_rebuild, local_rebuild);
1783 set(&mut config.print_step_timings, print_step_timings);
1784 set(&mut config.print_step_rusage, print_step_rusage);
1785 config.patch_binaries_for_nix = patch_binaries_for_nix;
1787 config.verbose = cmp::max(config.verbose, flags.verbose as usize);
1789 config.verbose_tests = config.is_verbose();
1792 if let Some(install) = toml.install {
1793 let Install { prefix, sysconfdir, docdir, bindir, libdir, mandir, datadir } = install;
1794 config.prefix = prefix.map(PathBuf::from);
1795 config.sysconfdir = sysconfdir.map(PathBuf::from);
1796 config.datadir = datadir.map(PathBuf::from);
1797 config.docdir = docdir.map(PathBuf::from);
1798 set(&mut config.bindir, bindir.map(PathBuf::from));
1799 config.libdir = libdir.map(PathBuf::from);
1800 config.mandir = mandir.map(PathBuf::from);
1801 }
1803 config.llvm_assertions =
1804 toml.llvm.as_ref().is_some_and(|llvm| llvm.assertions.unwrap_or(false));
1806 let mut llvm_tests = None;
1809 let mut llvm_enzyme = None;
1810 let mut llvm_offload = None;
1811 let mut llvm_plugins = None;
1812 let mut debug = None;
1813 let mut rustc_debug_assertions = None;
1814 let mut std_debug_assertions = None;
1815 let mut overflow_checks = None;
1816 let mut overflow_checks_std = None;
1817 let mut debug_logging = None;
1818 let mut debuginfo_level = None;
1819 let mut debuginfo_level_rustc = None;
1820 let mut debuginfo_level_std = None;
1821 let mut debuginfo_level_tools = None;
1822 let mut debuginfo_level_tests = None;
1823 let mut optimize = None;
1824 let mut lld_enabled = None;
1825 let mut std_features = None;
1827 let is_user_configured_rust_channel =
1828 if let Some(channel) = toml.rust.as_ref().and_then(|r| r.channel.clone()) {
1829 if channel == "auto-detect" {
1830 config.channel = ci_channel.into();
1831 } else {
1832 config.channel = channel;
1833 }
1834 true
1835 } else {
1836 false
1837 };
1839 let default = config.channel == "dev";
1840 config.omit_git_hash = toml.rust.as_ref().and_then(|r| r.omit_git_hash).unwrap_or(default);
1842 config.rust_info = GitInfo::new(config.omit_git_hash, &config.src);
1843 config.cargo_info = GitInfo::new(config.omit_git_hash, &config.src.join("src/tools/cargo"));
1844 config.rust_analyzer_info =
1845 GitInfo::new(config.omit_git_hash, &config.src.join("src/tools/rust-analyzer"));
1846 config.clippy_info =
1847 GitInfo::new(config.omit_git_hash, &config.src.join("src/tools/clippy"));
1848 config.miri_info = GitInfo::new(config.omit_git_hash, &config.src.join("src/tools/miri"));
1849 config.rustfmt_info =
1850 GitInfo::new(config.omit_git_hash, &config.src.join("src/tools/rustfmt"));
1851 config.enzyme_info =
1852 GitInfo::new(config.omit_git_hash, &config.src.join("src/tools/enzyme"));
1853 config.in_tree_llvm_info = GitInfo::new(false, &config.src.join("src/llvm-project"));
1854 config.in_tree_gcc_info = GitInfo::new(false, &config.src.join("src/gcc"));
1856 config.vendor = vendor.unwrap_or(
1857 config.rust_info.is_from_tarball()
1858 && config.src.join("vendor").exists()
1859 && config.src.join(".cargo/config.toml").exists(),
1860 );
1862 if let Some(rust) = toml.rust {
1863 let Rust {
1864 optimize: optimize_toml,
1865 debug: debug_toml,
1866 codegen_units,
1867 codegen_units_std,
1868 rustc_debug_assertions: rustc_debug_assertions_toml,
1869 std_debug_assertions: std_debug_assertions_toml,
1870 overflow_checks: overflow_checks_toml,
1871 overflow_checks_std: overflow_checks_std_toml,
1872 debug_logging: debug_logging_toml,
1873 debuginfo_level: debuginfo_level_toml,
1874 debuginfo_level_rustc: debuginfo_level_rustc_toml,
1875 debuginfo_level_std: debuginfo_level_std_toml,
1876 debuginfo_level_tools: debuginfo_level_tools_toml,
1877 debuginfo_level_tests: debuginfo_level_tests_toml,
1878 backtrace,
1879 incremental,
1880 randomize_layout,
1881 default_linker,
1882 channel: _, description: rust_description,
1884 musl_root,
1885 rpath,
1886 verbose_tests,
1887 optimize_tests,
1888 codegen_tests,
1889 omit_git_hash: _, dist_src,
1891 save_toolstates,
1892 codegen_backends,
1893 lld: lld_enabled_toml,
1894 llvm_tools,
1895 llvm_bitcode_linker,
1896 deny_warnings,
1897 backtrace_on_ice,
1898 verify_llvm_ir,
1899 thin_lto_import_instr_limit,
1900 remap_debuginfo,
1901 jemalloc,
1902 test_compare_mode,
1903 llvm_libunwind,
1904 control_flow_guard,
1905 ehcont_guard,
1906 new_symbol_mangling,
1907 profile_generate,
1908 profile_use,
1909 download_rustc,
1910 lto,
1911 validate_mir_opts,
1912 frame_pointers,
1913 stack_protector,
1914 strip,
1915 lld_mode,
1916 std_features: std_features_toml,
1917 } = rust;
1919 let debug_assertions_requested = matches!(rustc_debug_assertions_toml, Some(true))
1930 || (matches!(debug_toml, Some(true))
1931 && !matches!(rustc_debug_assertions_toml, Some(false)));
1933 if debug_assertions_requested {
1934 if let Some(ref opt) = download_rustc {
1935 if opt.is_string_or_true() {
1936 eprintln!(
1937 "WARN: currently no CI rustc builds have rustc debug assertions \
1938 enabled. Please either set `rust.debug-assertions` to `false` if you \
1939 want to use download CI rustc or set `rust.download-rustc` to `false`."
1940 );
1941 }
1942 }
1943 }
1945 config.download_rustc_commit = config.download_ci_rustc_commit(
1946 download_rustc,
1947 debug_assertions_requested,
1948 config.llvm_assertions,
1949 );
1951 debug = debug_toml;
1952 rustc_debug_assertions = rustc_debug_assertions_toml;
1953 std_debug_assertions = std_debug_assertions_toml;
1954 overflow_checks = overflow_checks_toml;
1955 overflow_checks_std = overflow_checks_std_toml;
1956 debug_logging = debug_logging_toml;
1957 debuginfo_level = debuginfo_level_toml;
1958 debuginfo_level_rustc = debuginfo_level_rustc_toml;
1959 debuginfo_level_std = debuginfo_level_std_toml;
1960 debuginfo_level_tools = debuginfo_level_tools_toml;
1961 debuginfo_level_tests = debuginfo_level_tests_toml;
1962 lld_enabled = lld_enabled_toml;
1963 std_features = std_features_toml;
1965 optimize = optimize_toml;
1966 config.rust_new_symbol_mangling = new_symbol_mangling;
1967 set(&mut config.rust_optimize_tests, optimize_tests);
1968 set(&mut config.codegen_tests, codegen_tests);
1969 set(&mut config.rust_rpath, rpath);
1970 set(&mut config.rust_strip, strip);
1971 set(&mut config.rust_frame_pointers, frame_pointers);
1972 config.rust_stack_protector = stack_protector;
1973 set(&mut config.jemalloc, jemalloc);
1974 set(&mut config.test_compare_mode, test_compare_mode);
1975 set(&mut config.backtrace, backtrace);
1976 if rust_description.is_some() {
1977 eprintln!(
1978 "Warning: rust.description is deprecated. Use build.description instead."
1979 );
1980 }
1981 description = description.or(rust_description);
1982 set(&mut config.rust_dist_src, dist_src);
1983 set(&mut config.verbose_tests, verbose_tests);
1984 if let Some(true) = incremental {
1986 config.incremental = true;
1987 }
1988 set(&mut config.lld_mode, lld_mode);
1989 set(&mut config.llvm_bitcode_linker_enabled, llvm_bitcode_linker);
1991 config.rust_randomize_layout = randomize_layout.unwrap_or_default();
1992 config.llvm_tools_enabled = llvm_tools.unwrap_or(true);
1994 config.llvm_enzyme =
1995 llvm_enzyme.unwrap_or(config.channel == "dev" || config.channel == "nightly");
1996 config.rustc_default_linker = default_linker;
1997 config.musl_root = musl_root.map(PathBuf::from);
1998 config.save_toolstates = save_toolstates.map(PathBuf::from);
1999 set(
2000 &mut config.deny_warnings,
2001 match flags.warnings {
2002 Warnings::Deny => Some(true),
2003 Warnings::Warn => Some(false),
2004 Warnings::Default => deny_warnings,
2005 },
2006 );
2007 set(&mut config.backtrace_on_ice, backtrace_on_ice);
2008 set(&mut config.rust_verify_llvm_ir, verify_llvm_ir);
2009 config.rust_thin_lto_import_instr_limit = thin_lto_import_instr_limit;
2010 set(&mut config.rust_remap_debuginfo, remap_debuginfo);
2011 set(&mut config.control_flow_guard, control_flow_guard);
2012 set(&mut config.ehcont_guard, ehcont_guard);
2013 config.llvm_libunwind_default =
2014 llvm_libunwind.map(|v| v.parse().expect("failed to parse rust.llvm-libunwind"));
2016 if let Some(ref backends) = codegen_backends {
2017 let available_backends = ["llvm", "cranelift", "gcc"];
2019 config.rust_codegen_backends = backends.iter().map(|s| {
2020 if let Some(backend) = s.strip_prefix(CODEGEN_BACKEND_PREFIX) {
2021 if available_backends.contains(&backend) {
2022 panic!("Invalid value '{s}' for 'rust.codegen-backends'. Instead, please use '{backend}'.");
2023 } else {
2024 println!("HELP: '{s}' for 'rust.codegen-backends' might fail. \
2025 Codegen backends are mostly defined without the '{CODEGEN_BACKEND_PREFIX}' prefix. \
2026 In this case, it would be referred to as '{backend}'.");
2027 }
2028 }
2030 s.clone()
2031 }).collect();
2032 }
2034 config.rust_codegen_units = codegen_units.map(threads_from_config);
2035 config.rust_codegen_units_std = codegen_units_std.map(threads_from_config);
2036 config.rust_profile_use = flags.rust_profile_use.or(profile_use);
2037 config.rust_profile_generate = flags.rust_profile_generate.or(profile_generate);
2038 config.rust_lto =
2039 lto.as_deref().map(|value| RustcLto::from_str(value).unwrap()).unwrap_or_default();
2040 config.rust_validate_mir_opts = validate_mir_opts;
2041 } else {
2042 config.rust_profile_use = flags.rust_profile_use;
2043 config.rust_profile_generate = flags.rust_profile_generate;
2044 }
2046 config.reproducible_artifacts = flags.reproducible_artifact;
2047 config.description = description;
2049 if let Some(commit) = &config.download_rustc_commit {
2053 if is_user_configured_rust_channel {
2054 println!(
2055 "WARNING: `rust.download-rustc` is enabled. The `rust.channel` option will be overridden by the CI rustc's channel."
2056 );
2058 let channel = config
2059 .read_file_by_commit(Path::new("src/ci/channel"), commit)
2060 .trim()
2061 .to_owned();
2063 config.channel = channel;
2064 }
2065 } else if config.rust_info.is_from_tarball() && !is_user_configured_rust_channel {
2066 ci_channel.clone_into(&mut config.channel);
2067 }
2069 if let Some(llvm) = toml.llvm {
2070 let Llvm {
2071 optimize: optimize_toml,
2072 thin_lto,
2073 release_debuginfo,
2074 assertions: _,
2075 tests,
2076 enzyme,
2077 plugins,
2078 ccache: llvm_ccache,
2079 static_libstdcpp,
2080 libzstd,
2081 ninja,
2082 targets,
2083 experimental_targets,
2084 link_jobs,
2085 link_shared,
2086 version_suffix,
2087 clang_cl,
2088 cflags,
2089 cxxflags,
2090 ldflags,
2091 use_libcxx,
2092 use_linker,
2093 allow_old_toolchain,
2094 offload,
2095 polly,
2096 clang,
2097 enable_warnings,
2098 download_ci_llvm,
2099 build_config,
2100 } = llvm;
2101 if llvm_ccache.is_some() {
2102 eprintln!("Warning: llvm.ccache is deprecated. Use build.ccache instead.");
2103 }
2105 ccache = ccache.or(llvm_ccache);
2106 set(&mut config.ninja_in_file, ninja);
2107 llvm_tests = tests;
2108 llvm_enzyme = enzyme;
2109 llvm_offload = offload;
2110 llvm_plugins = plugins;
2111 set(&mut config.llvm_optimize, optimize_toml);
2112 set(&mut config.llvm_thin_lto, thin_lto);
2113 set(&mut config.llvm_release_debuginfo, release_debuginfo);
2114 set(&mut config.llvm_static_stdcpp, static_libstdcpp);
2115 set(&mut config.llvm_libzstd, libzstd);
2116 if let Some(v) = link_shared {
2117 config.llvm_link_shared.set(Some(v));
2118 }
2119 config.llvm_targets.clone_from(&targets);
2120 config.llvm_experimental_targets.clone_from(&experimental_targets);
2121 config.llvm_link_jobs = link_jobs;
2122 config.llvm_version_suffix.clone_from(&version_suffix);
2123 config.llvm_clang_cl.clone_from(&clang_cl);
2125 config.llvm_cflags.clone_from(&cflags);
2126 config.llvm_cxxflags.clone_from(&cxxflags);
2127 config.llvm_ldflags.clone_from(&ldflags);
2128 set(&mut config.llvm_use_libcxx, use_libcxx);
2129 config.llvm_use_linker.clone_from(&use_linker);
2130 config.llvm_allow_old_toolchain = allow_old_toolchain.unwrap_or(false);
2131 config.llvm_offload = offload.unwrap_or(false);
2132 config.llvm_polly = polly.unwrap_or(false);
2133 config.llvm_clang = clang.unwrap_or(false);
2134 config.llvm_enable_warnings = enable_warnings.unwrap_or(false);
2135 config.llvm_build_config = build_config.clone().unwrap_or(Default::default());
2137 config.llvm_from_ci =
2138 config.parse_download_ci_llvm(download_ci_llvm, config.llvm_assertions);
2140 if config.llvm_from_ci {
2141 let warn = |option: &str| {
2142 println!(
2143 "WARNING: `{option}` will only be used on `compiler/rustc_llvm` build, not for the LLVM build."
2144 );
2145 println!(
2146 "HELP: To use `{option}` for LLVM builds, set `download-ci-llvm` option to false."
2147 );
2148 };
2150 if static_libstdcpp.is_some() {
2151 warn("static-libstdcpp");
2152 }
2154 if link_shared.is_some() {
2155 warn("link-shared");
2156 }
2158 if libzstd.is_some() {
2164 println!(
2165 "WARNING: when using `download-ci-llvm`, the local `llvm.libzstd` option, \
2166 like almost all `llvm.*` options, will be ignored and set by the LLVM CI \
2167 artifacts builder config."
2168 );
2169 println!(
2170 "HELP: To use `llvm.libzstd` for LLVM/LLD builds, set `download-ci-llvm` option to false."
2171 );
2172 }
2173 }
2175 if !config.llvm_from_ci && config.llvm_thin_lto && link_shared.is_none() {
2176 config.llvm_link_shared.set(Some(true));
2180 }
2181 } else {
2182 config.llvm_from_ci = config.parse_download_ci_llvm(None, false);
2183 }
2185 if let Some(gcc) = toml.gcc {
2186 config.gcc_ci_mode = match gcc.download_ci_gcc {
2187 Some(value) => match value {
2188 true => GccCiMode::DownloadFromCi,
2189 false => GccCiMode::BuildLocally,
2190 },
2191 None => GccCiMode::default(),
2192 };
2193 }
2195 if let Some(t) = toml.target {
2196 for (triple, cfg) in t {
2197 let mut target = Target::from_triple(&triple);
2199 if let Some(ref s) = cfg.llvm_config {
2200 if config.download_rustc_commit.is_some() && triple == *config.build.triple {
2201 panic!(
2202 "setting llvm_config for the host is incompatible with download-rustc"
2203 );
2204 }
2205 target.llvm_config = Some(config.src.join(s));
2206 }
2207 if let Some(patches) = cfg.llvm_has_rust_patches {
2208 assert!(
2209 config.submodules == Some(false) || cfg.llvm_config.is_some(),
2210 "use of `llvm-has-rust-patches` is restricted to cases where either submodules are disabled or llvm-config been provided"
2211 );
2212 target.llvm_has_rust_patches = Some(patches);
2213 }
2214 if let Some(ref s) = cfg.llvm_filecheck {
2215 target.llvm_filecheck = Some(config.src.join(s));
2216 }
2217 target.llvm_libunwind = cfg.llvm_libunwind.as_ref().map(|v| {
2218 v.parse().unwrap_or_else(|_| {
2219 panic!("failed to parse target.{triple}.llvm-libunwind")
2220 })
2221 });
2222 if let Some(s) = cfg.no_std {
2223 target.no_std = s;
2224 }
2225 target.cc = cfg.cc.map(PathBuf::from);
2226 target.cxx = cfg.cxx.map(PathBuf::from);
2227 target.ar = cfg.ar.map(PathBuf::from);
2228 target.ranlib = cfg.ranlib.map(PathBuf::from);
2229 target.linker = cfg.linker.map(PathBuf::from);
2230 target.crt_static = cfg.crt_static;
2231 target.musl_root = cfg.musl_root.map(PathBuf::from);
2232 target.musl_libdir = cfg.musl_libdir.map(PathBuf::from);
2233 target.wasi_root = cfg.wasi_root.map(PathBuf::from);
2234 target.qemu_rootfs = cfg.qemu_rootfs.map(PathBuf::from);
2235 target.runner = cfg.runner;
2236 target.sanitizers = cfg.sanitizers;
2237 target.profiler = cfg.profiler;
2238 target.rpath = cfg.rpath;
2239 target.optimized_compiler_builtins = cfg.optimized_compiler_builtins;
2240 target.jemalloc = cfg.jemalloc;
2242 if let Some(ref backends) = cfg.codegen_backends {
2243 let available_backends = ["llvm", "cranelift", "gcc"];
2245 target.codegen_backends = Some(backends.iter().map(|s| {
2246 if let Some(backend) = s.strip_prefix(CODEGEN_BACKEND_PREFIX) {
2247 if available_backends.contains(&backend) {
2248 panic!("Invalid value '{s}' for 'target.{triple}.codegen-backends'. Instead, please use '{backend}'.");
2249 } else {
2250 println!("HELP: '{s}' for 'target.{triple}.codegen-backends' might fail. \
2251 Codegen backends are mostly defined without the '{CODEGEN_BACKEND_PREFIX}' prefix. \
2252 In this case, it would be referred to as '{backend}'.");
2253 }
2254 }
2256 s.clone()
2257 }).collect());
2258 }
2260 target.split_debuginfo = cfg.split_debuginfo.as_ref().map(|v| {
2261 v.parse().unwrap_or_else(|_| {
2262 panic!("invalid value for target.{triple}.split-debuginfo")
2263 })
2264 });
2266 config.target_config.insert(TargetSelection::from_user(&triple), target);
2267 }
2268 }
2270 match ccache {
2271 Some(StringOrBool::String(ref s)) => config.ccache = Some(s.to_string()),
2272 Some(StringOrBool::Bool(true)) => {
2273 config.ccache = Some("ccache".to_string());
2274 }
2275 Some(StringOrBool::Bool(false)) | None => {}
2276 }
2278 if config.llvm_from_ci {
2279 let triple = &config.build.triple;
2280 let ci_llvm_bin = config.ci_llvm_root().join("bin");
2281 let build_target = config
2282 .target_config
2283 .entry(config.build)
2284 .or_insert_with(|| Target::from_triple(triple));
2286 check_ci_llvm!(build_target.llvm_config);
2287 check_ci_llvm!(build_target.llvm_filecheck);
2288 build_target.llvm_config = Some(ci_llvm_bin.join(exe("llvm-config", config.build)));
2289 build_target.llvm_filecheck = Some(ci_llvm_bin.join(exe("FileCheck", config.build)));
2290 }
2292 if let Some(dist) = toml.dist {
2293 let Dist {
2294 sign_folder,
2295 upload_addr,
2296 src_tarball,
2297 compression_formats,
2298 compression_profile,
2299 include_mingw_linker,
2300 vendor,
2301 } = dist;
2302 config.dist_sign_folder = sign_folder.map(PathBuf::from);
2303 config.dist_upload_addr = upload_addr;
2304 config.dist_compression_formats = compression_formats;
2305 set(&mut config.dist_compression_profile, compression_profile);
2306 set(&mut config.rust_dist_src, src_tarball);
2307 set(&mut config.dist_include_mingw_linker, include_mingw_linker);
2308 config.dist_vendor = vendor.unwrap_or_else(|| {
2309 config.rust_info.is_managed_git_subrepository()
2311 || config.rust_info.is_from_tarball()
2312 });
2313 }
2315 if let Some(r) = rustfmt {
2316 *config.initial_rustfmt.borrow_mut() = if r.exists() {
2317 RustfmtState::SystemToolchain(r)
2318 } else {
2319 RustfmtState::Unavailable
2320 };
2321 }
2323 config.llvm_tests = llvm_tests.unwrap_or(false);
2327 config.llvm_enzyme = llvm_enzyme.unwrap_or(false);
2328 config.llvm_offload = llvm_offload.unwrap_or(false);
2329 config.llvm_plugins = llvm_plugins.unwrap_or(false);
2330 config.rust_optimize = optimize.unwrap_or(RustOptimize::Bool(true));
2332 if config.build.triple == "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
2346 && config.hosts == [config.build]
2347 && (config.channel == "dev" || config.channel == "nightly")
2348 {
2349 let no_llvm_config = config
2350 .target_config
2351 .get(&config.build)
2352 .is_some_and(|target_config| target_config.llvm_config.is_none());
2353 let enable_lld = config.llvm_from_ci || no_llvm_config;
2354 config.lld_enabled = lld_enabled.unwrap_or(enable_lld);
2356 } else {
2357 set(&mut config.lld_enabled, lld_enabled);
2358 }
2360 if matches!(config.lld_mode, LldMode::SelfContained)
2361 && !config.lld_enabled
2362 && flags.stage.unwrap_or(0) > 0
2363 {
2364 panic!(
2365 "Trying to use self-contained lld as a linker, but LLD is not being added to the sysroot. Enable it with rust.lld = true."
2366 );
2367 }
2369 let default_std_features = BTreeSet::from([String::from("panic-unwind")]);
2370 config.rust_std_features = std_features.unwrap_or(default_std_features);
2372 let default = debug == Some(true);
2373 config.rustc_debug_assertions = rustc_debug_assertions.unwrap_or(default);
2374 config.std_debug_assertions = std_debug_assertions.unwrap_or(config.rustc_debug_assertions);
2375 config.rust_overflow_checks = overflow_checks.unwrap_or(default);
2376 config.rust_overflow_checks_std =
2377 overflow_checks_std.unwrap_or(config.rust_overflow_checks);
2379 config.rust_debug_logging = debug_logging.unwrap_or(config.rustc_debug_assertions);
2381 let with_defaults = |debuginfo_level_specific: Option<_>| {
2382 debuginfo_level_specific.or(debuginfo_level).unwrap_or(if debug == Some(true) {
2383 DebuginfoLevel::Limited
2384 } else {
2385 DebuginfoLevel::None
2386 })
2387 };
2388 config.rust_debuginfo_level_rustc = with_defaults(debuginfo_level_rustc);
2389 config.rust_debuginfo_level_std = with_defaults(debuginfo_level_std);
2390 config.rust_debuginfo_level_tools = with_defaults(debuginfo_level_tools);
2391 config.rust_debuginfo_level_tests = debuginfo_level_tests.unwrap_or(DebuginfoLevel::None);
2392 config.optimized_compiler_builtins =
2393 optimized_compiler_builtins.unwrap_or(config.channel != "dev");
2394 config.compiletest_diff_tool = compiletest_diff_tool;
2396 let download_rustc = config.download_rustc_commit.is_some();
2397 config.explicit_stage_from_cli = flags.stage.is_some();
2398 config.explicit_stage_from_config = test_stage.is_some()
2399 || build_stage.is_some()
2400 || doc_stage.is_some()
2401 || dist_stage.is_some()
2402 || install_stage.is_some()
2403 || check_stage.is_some()
2404 || bench_stage.is_some();
2405 config.stage = match config.cmd {
2407 Subcommand::Check { .. } => flags.stage.or(check_stage).unwrap_or(0),
2408 Subcommand::Doc { .. } => {
2410 flags.stage.or(doc_stage).unwrap_or(if download_rustc { 2 } else { 0 })
2411 }
2412 Subcommand::Build => {
2413 flags.stage.or(build_stage).unwrap_or(if download_rustc { 2 } else { 1 })
2414 }
2415 Subcommand::Test { .. } | Subcommand::Miri { .. } => {
2416 flags.stage.or(test_stage).unwrap_or(if download_rustc { 2 } else { 1 })
2417 }
2418 Subcommand::Bench { .. } => flags.stage.or(bench_stage).unwrap_or(2),
2419 Subcommand::Dist => flags.stage.or(dist_stage).unwrap_or(2),
2420 Subcommand::Install => flags.stage.or(install_stage).unwrap_or(2),
2421 Subcommand::Perf { .. } => flags.stage.unwrap_or(1),
2422 Subcommand::Clean { .. }
2425 | Subcommand::Clippy { .. }
2426 | Subcommand::Fix
2427 | Subcommand::Run { .. }
2428 | Subcommand::Setup { .. }
2429 | Subcommand::Format { .. }
2430 | Subcommand::Suggest { .. }
2431 | Subcommand::Vendor { .. } => flags.stage.unwrap_or(0),
2432 };
2434 #[cfg(not(test))]
2436 if flags.stage.is_none() && config.is_running_on_ci {
2437 match config.cmd {
2438 Subcommand::Test { .. }
2439 | Subcommand::Miri { .. }
2440 | Subcommand::Doc { .. }
2441 | Subcommand::Build
2442 | Subcommand::Bench { .. }
2443 | Subcommand::Dist
2444 | Subcommand::Install => {
2445 assert_eq!(
2446 config.stage, 2,
2447 "x.py should be run with `--stage 2` on CI, but was run with `--stage {}`",
2448 config.stage,
2449 );
2450 }
2451 Subcommand::Clean { .. }
2452 | Subcommand::Check { .. }
2453 | Subcommand::Clippy { .. }
2454 | Subcommand::Fix
2455 | Subcommand::Run { .. }
2456 | Subcommand::Setup { .. }
2457 | Subcommand::Format { .. }
2458 | Subcommand::Suggest { .. }
2459 | Subcommand::Vendor { .. }
2460 | Subcommand::Perf { .. } => {}
2461 }
2462 }
2464 config
2465 }
2467 pub fn dry_run(&self) -> bool {
2468 match self.dry_run {
2469 DryRun::Disabled => false,
2470 DryRun::SelfCheck | DryRun::UserSelected => true,
2471 }
2472 }
2474 pub fn is_explicit_stage(&self) -> bool {
2475 self.explicit_stage_from_cli || self.explicit_stage_from_config
2476 }
2478 #[deprecated = "use `Builder::try_run` instead where possible"]
2482 pub(crate) fn try_run(&self, cmd: &mut Command) -> Result<(), ()> {
2483 if self.dry_run() {
2484 return Ok(());
2485 }
2486 self.verbose(|| println!("running: {cmd:?}"));
2487 build_helper::util::try_run(cmd, self.is_verbose())
2488 }
2490 pub(crate) fn test_args(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
2491 let mut test_args = match self.cmd {
2492 Subcommand::Test { ref test_args, .. }
2493 | Subcommand::Bench { ref test_args, .. }
2494 | Subcommand::Miri { ref test_args, .. } => {
2495 test_args.iter().flat_map(|s| s.split_whitespace()).collect()
2496 }
2497 _ => vec![],
2498 };
2499 test_args.extend(self.free_args.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()));
2500 test_args
2501 }
2503 pub(crate) fn args(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
2504 let mut args = match self.cmd {
2505 Subcommand::Run { ref args, .. } => {
2506 args.iter().flat_map(|s| s.split_whitespace()).collect()
2507 }
2508 _ => vec![],
2509 };
2510 args.extend(self.free_args.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()));
2511 args
2512 }
2514 pub(crate) fn read_file_by_commit(&self, file: &Path, commit: &str) -> String {
2516 assert!(
2517 self.rust_info.is_managed_git_subrepository(),
2518 "`Config::read_file_by_commit` is not supported in non-git sources."
2519 );
2521 let mut git = helpers::git(Some(&self.src));
2522 git.arg("show").arg(format!("{commit}:{}", file.to_str().unwrap()));
2523 output(git.as_command_mut())
2524 }
2526 pub(crate) fn artifact_version_part(&self, commit: &str) -> String {
2529 let (channel, version) = if self.rust_info.is_managed_git_subrepository() {
2530 let channel =
2531 self.read_file_by_commit(Path::new("src/ci/channel"), commit).trim().to_owned();
2532 let version =
2533 self.read_file_by_commit(Path::new("src/version"), commit).trim().to_owned();
2534 (channel, version)
2535 } else {
2536 let channel = fs::read_to_string(self.src.join("src/ci/channel"));
2537 let version = fs::read_to_string(self.src.join("src/version"));
2538 match (channel, version) {
2539 (Ok(channel), Ok(version)) => {
2540 (channel.trim().to_owned(), version.trim().to_owned())
2541 }
2542 (channel, version) => {
2543 let src = self.src.display();
2544 eprintln!("ERROR: failed to determine artifact channel and/or version");
2545 eprintln!(
2546 "HELP: consider using a git checkout or ensure these files are readable"
2547 );
2548 if let Err(channel) = channel {
2549 eprintln!("reading {src}/src/ci/channel failed: {channel:?}");
2550 }
2551 if let Err(version) = version {
2552 eprintln!("reading {src}/src/version failed: {version:?}");
2553 }
2554 panic!();
2555 }
2556 }
2557 };
2559 match channel.as_str() {
2560 "stable" => version,
2561 "beta" => channel,
2562 "nightly" => channel,
2563 other => unreachable!("{:?} is not recognized as a valid channel", other),
2564 }
2565 }
2567 pub fn bindir_relative(&self) -> &Path {
2569 let bindir = &self.bindir;
2570 if bindir.is_absolute() {
2571 if let Some(prefix) = &self.prefix {
2573 if let Ok(stripped) = bindir.strip_prefix(prefix) {
2574 return stripped;
2575 }
2576 }
2577 }
2578 bindir
2579 }
2581 pub fn libdir_relative(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
2583 let libdir = self.libdir.as_ref()?;
2584 if libdir.is_relative() {
2585 Some(libdir)
2586 } else {
2587 libdir.strip_prefix(self.prefix.as_ref()?).ok()
2589 }
2590 }
2592 pub(crate) fn ci_llvm_root(&self) -> PathBuf {
2594 assert!(self.llvm_from_ci);
2595 self.out.join(self.build).join("ci-llvm")
2596 }
2598 pub(crate) fn ci_rustc_dir(&self) -> PathBuf {
2600 assert!(self.download_rustc());
2601 self.out.join(self.build).join("ci-rustc")
2602 }
2604 pub(crate) fn llvm_link_shared(&self) -> bool {
2609 let mut opt = self.llvm_link_shared.get();
2610 if opt.is_none() && self.dry_run() {
2611 return false;
2613 }
2615 let llvm_link_shared = *opt.get_or_insert_with(|| {
2616 if self.llvm_from_ci {
2617 self.maybe_download_ci_llvm();
2618 let ci_llvm = self.ci_llvm_root();
2619 let link_type = t!(
2620 std::fs::read_to_string(ci_llvm.join("link-type.txt")),
2621 format!("CI llvm missing: {}", ci_llvm.display())
2622 );
2623 link_type == "dynamic"
2624 } else {
2625 false
2628 }
2629 });
2630 self.llvm_link_shared.set(opt);
2631 llvm_link_shared
2632 }
2634 pub(crate) fn download_rustc(&self) -> bool {
2636 self.download_rustc_commit().is_some()
2637 }
2639 pub(crate) fn download_rustc_commit(&self) -> Option<&str> {
2640 static DOWNLOAD_RUSTC: OnceLock<Option<String>> = OnceLock::new();
2641 if self.dry_run() && DOWNLOAD_RUSTC.get().is_none() {
2642 return self.download_rustc_commit.as_deref();
2644 }
2647 .get_or_init(|| match &self.download_rustc_commit {
2648 None => None,
2649 Some(commit) => {
2650 self.download_ci_rustc(commit);
2652 if !self.llvm_from_ci {
2656 if self.is_running_on_ci {
2659 println!("WARNING: LLVM submodule has changes, `download-rustc` will be disabled.");
2660 return None;
2661 } else {
2662 panic!("ERROR: LLVM submodule has changes, `download-rustc` can't be used.");
2663 }
2664 }
2666 if let Some(config_path) = &self.config {
2667 let ci_config_toml = match self.get_builder_toml("ci-rustc") {
2668 Ok(ci_config_toml) => ci_config_toml,
2669 Err(e) if e.to_string().contains("unknown field") => {
2670 println!("WARNING: CI rustc has some fields that are no longer supported in bootstrap; download-rustc will be disabled.");
2671 println!("HELP: Consider rebasing to a newer commit if available.");
2672 return None;
2673 },
2674 Err(e) => {
2675 eprintln!("ERROR: Failed to parse CI rustc bootstrap.toml: {e}");
2676 exit!(2);
2677 },
2678 };
2680 let current_config_toml = Self::get_toml(config_path).unwrap();
2682 let res = check_incompatible_options_for_ci_rustc(
2685 self.build,
2686 current_config_toml,
2687 ci_config_toml,
2688 );
2690 let disable_ci_rustc_if_incompatible = env::var_os("DISABLE_CI_RUSTC_IF_INCOMPATIBLE")
2693 .is_some_and(|s| s == "1" || s == "true");
2695 if disable_ci_rustc_if_incompatible && res.is_err() {
2696 println!("WARNING: download-rustc is disabled with `DISABLE_CI_RUSTC_IF_INCOMPATIBLE` env.");
2697 return None;
2698 }
2700 res.unwrap();
2701 }
2703 Some(commit.clone())
2704 }
2705 })
2706 .as_deref()
2707 }
2709 pub(crate) fn initial_rustfmt(&self) -> Option<PathBuf> {
2710 match &mut *self.initial_rustfmt.borrow_mut() {
2711 RustfmtState::SystemToolchain(p) | RustfmtState::Downloaded(p) => Some(p.clone()),
2712 RustfmtState::Unavailable => None,
2713 r @ RustfmtState::LazyEvaluated => {
2714 if self.dry_run() {
2715 return Some(PathBuf::new());
2716 }
2717 let path = self.maybe_download_rustfmt();
2718 *r = if let Some(p) = &path {
2719 RustfmtState::Downloaded(p.clone())
2720 } else {
2721 RustfmtState::Unavailable
2722 };
2723 path
2724 }
2725 }
2726 }
2728 pub fn verbose(&self, f: impl Fn()) {
2730 if self.is_verbose() {
2731 f()
2732 }
2733 }
2735 pub fn sanitizers_enabled(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> bool {
2736 self.target_config.get(&target).and_then(|t| t.sanitizers).unwrap_or(self.sanitizers)
2737 }
2739 pub fn needs_sanitizer_runtime_built(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> bool {
2740 !target.is_msvc() && self.sanitizers_enabled(target)
2742 }
2744 pub fn any_sanitizers_to_build(&self) -> bool {
2745 self.target_config
2746 .iter()
2747 .any(|(ts, t)| !ts.is_msvc() && t.sanitizers.unwrap_or(self.sanitizers))
2748 }
2750 pub fn profiler_path(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> Option<&str> {
2751 match self.target_config.get(&target)?.profiler.as_ref()? {
2752 StringOrBool::String(s) => Some(s),
2753 StringOrBool::Bool(_) => None,
2754 }
2755 }
2757 pub fn profiler_enabled(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> bool {
2758 self.target_config
2759 .get(&target)
2760 .and_then(|t| t.profiler.as_ref())
2761 .map(StringOrBool::is_string_or_true)
2762 .unwrap_or(self.profiler)
2763 }
2765 pub fn any_profiler_enabled(&self) -> bool {
2766 self.target_config.values().any(|t| matches!(&t.profiler, Some(p) if p.is_string_or_true()))
2767 || self.profiler
2768 }
2770 pub fn rpath_enabled(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> bool {
2771 self.target_config.get(&target).and_then(|t| t.rpath).unwrap_or(self.rust_rpath)
2772 }
2774 pub fn optimized_compiler_builtins(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> bool {
2775 self.target_config
2776 .get(&target)
2777 .and_then(|t| t.optimized_compiler_builtins)
2778 .unwrap_or(self.optimized_compiler_builtins)
2779 }
2781 pub fn llvm_enabled(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> bool {
2782 self.codegen_backends(target).contains(&"llvm".to_owned())
2783 }
2785 pub fn llvm_libunwind(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> LlvmLibunwind {
2786 self.target_config
2787 .get(&target)
2788 .and_then(|t| t.llvm_libunwind)
2789 .or(self.llvm_libunwind_default)
2790 .unwrap_or(if target.contains("fuchsia") {
2791 LlvmLibunwind::InTree
2792 } else {
2793 LlvmLibunwind::No
2794 })
2795 }
2797 pub fn split_debuginfo(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> SplitDebuginfo {
2798 self.target_config
2799 .get(&target)
2800 .and_then(|t| t.split_debuginfo)
2801 .unwrap_or_else(|| SplitDebuginfo::default_for_platform(target))
2802 }
2804 pub fn submodules(&self) -> bool {
2806 self.submodules.unwrap_or(self.rust_info.is_managed_git_subrepository())
2809 }
2811 pub fn codegen_backends(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> &[String] {
2812 self.target_config
2813 .get(&target)
2814 .and_then(|cfg| cfg.codegen_backends.as_deref())
2815 .unwrap_or(&self.rust_codegen_backends)
2816 }
2818 pub fn jemalloc(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> bool {
2819 self.target_config.get(&target).and_then(|cfg| cfg.jemalloc).unwrap_or(self.jemalloc)
2820 }
2822 pub fn default_codegen_backend(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> Option<String> {
2823 self.codegen_backends(target).first().cloned()
2824 }
2826 pub fn git_config(&self) -> GitConfig<'_> {
2827 GitConfig {
2828 git_repository: &self.stage0_metadata.config.git_repository,
2829 nightly_branch: &self.stage0_metadata.config.nightly_branch,
2830 git_merge_commit_email: &self.stage0_metadata.config.git_merge_commit_email,
2831 }
2832 }
2834 #[cfg_attr(
2844 feature = "tracing",
2845 instrument(
2846 level = "trace",
2847 name = "Config::update_submodule",
2848 skip_all,
2849 fields(relative_path = ?relative_path),
2850 ),
2851 )]
2852 pub(crate) fn update_submodule(&self, relative_path: &str) {
2853 if self.rust_info.is_from_tarball() || !self.submodules() {
2854 return;
2855 }
2857 let absolute_path = self.src.join(relative_path);
2859 if !GitInfo::new(false, &absolute_path).is_managed_git_subrepository()
2862 && !helpers::dir_is_empty(&absolute_path)
2863 {
2864 return;
2865 }
2867 let submodule_git = || {
2874 let mut cmd = helpers::git(Some(&absolute_path));
2875 cmd.run_always();
2876 cmd
2877 };
2879 let checked_out_hash = output(submodule_git().args(["rev-parse", "HEAD"]).as_command_mut());
2881 let checked_out_hash = checked_out_hash.trim_end();
2882 let recorded = output(
2884 helpers::git(Some(&self.src))
2885 .run_always()
2886 .args(["ls-tree", "HEAD"])
2887 .arg(relative_path)
2888 .as_command_mut(),
2889 );
2891 let actual_hash = recorded
2892 .split_whitespace()
2893 .nth(2)
2894 .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("unexpected output `{}`", recorded));
2896 if actual_hash == checked_out_hash {
2897 return;
2899 }
2901 println!("Updating submodule {relative_path}");
2902 self.check_run(
2903 helpers::git(Some(&self.src))
2904 .run_always()
2905 .args(["submodule", "-q", "sync"])
2906 .arg(relative_path),
2907 );
2909 let update = |progress: bool| {
2911 let current_branch = output_result(
2914 helpers::git(Some(&self.src))
2915 .allow_failure()
2916 .run_always()
2917 .args(["symbolic-ref", "--short", "HEAD"])
2918 .as_command_mut(),
2919 )
2920 .map(|b| b.trim().to_owned());
2922 let mut git = helpers::git(Some(&self.src)).allow_failure();
2923 git.run_always();
2924 if let Ok(branch) = current_branch {
2925 let branch = branch.strip_prefix("heads/").unwrap_or(&branch);
2928 git.arg("-c").arg(format!("branch.{branch}.remote=origin"));
2929 }
2930 git.args(["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "--depth=1"]);
2931 if progress {
2932 git.arg("--progress");
2933 }
2934 git.arg(relative_path);
2935 git
2936 };
2937 if !self.check_run(&mut update(true)) {
2938 self.check_run(&mut update(false));
2939 }
2941 let has_local_modifications = !self.check_run(submodule_git().allow_failure().args([
2944 "diff-index",
2945 "--quiet",
2946 "HEAD",
2947 ]));
2948 if has_local_modifications {
2949 self.check_run(submodule_git().args(["stash", "push"]));
2950 }
2952 self.check_run(submodule_git().args(["reset", "-q", "--hard"]));
2953 self.check_run(submodule_git().args(["clean", "-qdfx"]));
2955 if has_local_modifications {
2956 self.check_run(submodule_git().args(["stash", "pop"]));
2957 }
2958 }
2960 #[cfg(test)]
2961 pub fn check_stage0_version(&self, _program_path: &Path, _component_name: &'static str) {}
2963 #[cfg(not(test))]
2965 pub fn check_stage0_version(&self, program_path: &Path, component_name: &'static str) {
2966 use build_helper::util::fail;
2968 if self.dry_run() {
2969 return;
2970 }
2972 let stage0_output = output(Command::new(program_path).arg("--version"));
2973 let mut stage0_output = stage0_output.lines().next().unwrap().split(' ');
2975 let stage0_name = stage0_output.next().unwrap();
2976 if stage0_name != component_name {
2977 fail(&format!(
2978 "Expected to find {component_name} at {} but it claims to be {stage0_name}",
2979 program_path.display()
2980 ));
2981 }
2983 let stage0_version =
2984 semver::Version::parse(stage0_output.next().unwrap().split('-').next().unwrap().trim())
2985 .unwrap();
2986 let source_version = semver::Version::parse(
2987 fs::read_to_string(self.src.join("src/version")).unwrap().trim(),
2988 )
2989 .unwrap();
2990 if !(source_version == stage0_version
2991 || (source_version.major == stage0_version.major
2992 && (source_version.minor == stage0_version.minor
2993 || source_version.minor == stage0_version.minor + 1)))
2994 {
2995 let prev_version = format!("{}.{}.x", source_version.major, source_version.minor - 1);
2996 fail(&format!(
2997 "Unexpected {component_name} version: {stage0_version}, we should use {prev_version}/{source_version} to build source with {source_version}"
2998 ));
2999 }
3000 }
3002 fn download_ci_rustc_commit(
3004 &self,
3005 download_rustc: Option<StringOrBool>,
3006 debug_assertions_requested: bool,
3007 llvm_assertions: bool,
3008 ) -> Option<String> {
3009 if !is_download_ci_available(&self.build.triple, llvm_assertions) {
3010 return None;
3011 }
3013 let if_unchanged = match download_rustc {
3015 None | Some(StringOrBool::Bool(false)) => return None,
3021 Some(StringOrBool::Bool(true)) => false,
3022 Some(StringOrBool::String(s)) if s == "if-unchanged" => {
3023 if !self.rust_info.is_managed_git_subrepository() {
3024 println!(
3025 "ERROR: `download-rustc=if-unchanged` is only compatible with Git managed sources."
3026 );
3027 crate::exit!(1);
3028 }
3030 true
3031 }
3032 Some(StringOrBool::String(other)) => {
3033 panic!("unrecognized option for download-rustc: {other}")
3034 }
3035 };
3037 let mut allowed_paths = RUSTC_IF_UNCHANGED_ALLOWED_PATHS.to_vec();
3040 if !self.is_running_on_ci {
3048 allowed_paths.push(":!library");
3049 }
3051 let commit = if self.rust_info.is_managed_git_subrepository() {
3052 match self.last_modified_commit(&allowed_paths, "download-rustc", if_unchanged) {
3055 Some(commit) => commit,
3056 None => {
3057 if if_unchanged {
3058 return None;
3059 }
3060 println!("ERROR: could not find commit hash for downloading rustc");
3061 println!("HELP: maybe your repository history is too shallow?");
3062 println!(
3063 "HELP: consider setting `rust.download-rustc=false` in bootstrap.toml"
3064 );
3065 println!("HELP: or fetch enough history to include one upstream commit");
3066 crate::exit!(1);
3067 }
3068 }
3069 } else {
3070 channel::read_commit_info_file(&self.src)
3071 .map(|info| info.sha.trim().to_owned())
3072 .expect("git-commit-info is missing in the project root")
3073 };
3075 if self.is_running_on_ci && {
3076 let head_sha =
3077 output(helpers::git(Some(&self.src)).arg("rev-parse").arg("HEAD").as_command_mut());
3078 let head_sha = head_sha.trim();
3079 commit == head_sha
3080 } {
3081 eprintln!("CI rustc commit matches with HEAD and we are in CI.");
3082 eprintln!(
3083 "`rustc.download-ci` functionality will be skipped as artifacts are not available."
3084 );
3085 return None;
3086 }
3088 if debug_assertions_requested {
3089 eprintln!(
3090 "WARN: `rust.debug-assertions = true` will prevent downloading CI rustc as alt CI \
3091 rustc is not currently built with debug assertions."
3092 );
3093 return None;
3094 }
3096 Some(commit)
3097 }
3099 fn parse_download_ci_llvm(
3100 &self,
3101 download_ci_llvm: Option<StringOrBool>,
3102 asserts: bool,
3103 ) -> bool {
3104 let default = if self.is_running_on_ci {
3107 StringOrBool::String("if-unchanged".to_string())
3108 } else {
3109 StringOrBool::Bool(true)
3110 };
3111 let download_ci_llvm = download_ci_llvm.unwrap_or(default);
3113 let if_unchanged = || {
3114 if self.rust_info.is_from_tarball() {
3115 println!("ERROR: 'if-unchanged' is only compatible with Git managed sources.");
3117 crate::exit!(1);
3118 }
3120 #[cfg(not(test))]
3122 self.update_submodule("src/llvm-project");
3124 let has_changes = self
3126 .last_modified_commit(LLVM_INVALIDATION_PATHS, "download-ci-llvm", true)
3127 .is_none();
3129 if has_changes { false } else { llvm::is_ci_llvm_available_for_target(self, asserts) }
3131 };
3133 match download_ci_llvm {
3134 StringOrBool::Bool(b) => {
3135 if !b && self.download_rustc_commit.is_some() {
3136 panic!(
3137 "`llvm.download-ci-llvm` cannot be set to `false` if `rust.download-rustc` is set to `true` or `if-unchanged`."
3138 );
3139 }
3141 if b && self.is_running_on_ci {
3142 panic!(
3144 "`llvm.download-ci-llvm` cannot be set to `true` on CI. Use `if-unchanged` instead."
3145 );
3146 }
3148 b && llvm::is_ci_llvm_available_for_target(self, asserts)
3150 }
3151 StringOrBool::String(s) if s == "if-unchanged" => if_unchanged(),
3152 StringOrBool::String(other) => {
3153 panic!("unrecognized option for download-ci-llvm: {:?}", other)
3154 }
3155 }
3156 }
3158 pub fn last_modified_commit(
3161 &self,
3162 modified_paths: &[&str],
3163 option_name: &str,
3164 if_unchanged: bool,
3165 ) -> Option<String> {
3166 assert!(
3167 self.rust_info.is_managed_git_subrepository(),
3168 "Can't run `Config::last_modified_commit` on a non-git source."
3169 );
3171 let commit = get_closest_merge_commit(Some(&self.src), &self.git_config(), &[]).unwrap();
3174 if commit.is_empty() {
3175 println!("error: could not find commit hash for downloading components from CI");
3176 println!("help: maybe your repository history is too shallow?");
3177 println!("help: consider disabling `{option_name}`");
3178 println!("help: or fetch enough history to include one upstream commit");
3179 crate::exit!(1);
3180 }
3182 let mut git = helpers::git(Some(&self.src));
3184 git.args(["diff-index", "--quiet", &commit, "--"]).args(modified_paths);
3186 let has_changes = !t!(git.as_command_mut().status()).success();
3187 if has_changes {
3188 if if_unchanged {
3189 if self.is_verbose() {
3190 println!(
3191 "warning: saw changes to one of {modified_paths:?} since {commit}; \
3192 ignoring `{option_name}`"
3193 );
3194 }
3195 return None;
3196 }
3197 println!(
3198 "warning: `{option_name}` is enabled, but there are changes to one of {modified_paths:?}"
3199 );
3200 }
3202 Some(commit.to_string())
3203 }
3209pub(crate) fn check_incompatible_options_for_ci_llvm(
3210 current_config_toml: TomlConfig,
3211 ci_config_toml: TomlConfig,
3212) -> Result<(), String> {
3213 macro_rules! err {
3214 ($current:expr, $expected:expr) => {
3215 if let Some(current) = &$current {
3216 if Some(current) != $expected.as_ref() {
3217 return Err(format!(
3218 "ERROR: Setting `llvm.{}` is incompatible with `llvm.download-ci-llvm`. \
3219 Current value: {:?}, Expected value(s): {}{:?}",
3220 stringify!($expected).replace("_", "-"),
3221 $current,
3222 if $expected.is_some() { "None/" } else { "" },
3223 $expected,
3224 ));
3225 };
3226 };
3227 };
3228 }
3230 macro_rules! warn {
3231 ($current:expr, $expected:expr) => {
3232 if let Some(current) = &$current {
3233 if Some(current) != $expected.as_ref() {
3234 println!(
3235 "WARNING: `llvm.{}` has no effect with `llvm.download-ci-llvm`. \
3236 Current value: {:?}, Expected value(s): {}{:?}",
3237 stringify!($expected).replace("_", "-"),
3238 $current,
3239 if $expected.is_some() { "None/" } else { "" },
3240 $expected,
3241 );
3242 };
3243 };
3244 };
3245 }
3247 let (Some(current_llvm_config), Some(ci_llvm_config)) =
3248 (current_config_toml.llvm, ci_config_toml.llvm)
3249 else {
3250 return Ok(());
3251 };
3253 let Llvm {
3254 optimize,
3255 thin_lto,
3256 release_debuginfo,
3257 assertions: _,
3258 tests: _,
3259 plugins,
3260 ccache: _,
3261 static_libstdcpp: _,
3262 libzstd,
3263 ninja: _,
3264 targets,
3265 experimental_targets,
3266 link_jobs: _,
3267 link_shared: _,
3268 version_suffix,
3269 clang_cl,
3270 cflags,
3271 cxxflags,
3272 ldflags,
3273 use_libcxx,
3274 use_linker,
3275 allow_old_toolchain,
3276 offload,
3277 polly,
3278 clang,
3279 enable_warnings,
3280 download_ci_llvm: _,
3281 build_config,
3282 enzyme,
3283 } = ci_llvm_config;
3285 err!(current_llvm_config.optimize, optimize);
3286 err!(current_llvm_config.thin_lto, thin_lto);
3287 err!(current_llvm_config.release_debuginfo, release_debuginfo);
3288 err!(current_llvm_config.libzstd, libzstd);
3289 err!(current_llvm_config.targets, targets);
3290 err!(current_llvm_config.experimental_targets, experimental_targets);
3291 err!(current_llvm_config.clang_cl, clang_cl);
3292 err!(current_llvm_config.version_suffix, version_suffix);
3293 err!(current_llvm_config.cflags, cflags);
3294 err!(current_llvm_config.cxxflags, cxxflags);
3295 err!(current_llvm_config.ldflags, ldflags);
3296 err!(current_llvm_config.use_libcxx, use_libcxx);
3297 err!(current_llvm_config.use_linker, use_linker);
3298 err!(current_llvm_config.allow_old_toolchain, allow_old_toolchain);
3299 err!(current_llvm_config.offload, offload);
3300 err!(current_llvm_config.polly, polly);
3301 err!(current_llvm_config.clang, clang);
3302 err!(current_llvm_config.build_config, build_config);
3303 err!(current_llvm_config.plugins, plugins);
3304 err!(current_llvm_config.enzyme, enzyme);
3306 warn!(current_llvm_config.enable_warnings, enable_warnings);
3308 Ok(())
3311fn check_incompatible_options_for_ci_rustc(
3314 host: TargetSelection,
3315 current_config_toml: TomlConfig,
3316 ci_config_toml: TomlConfig,
3317) -> Result<(), String> {
3318 macro_rules! err {
3319 ($current:expr, $expected:expr, $config_section:expr) => {
3320 if let Some(current) = &$current {
3321 if Some(current) != $expected.as_ref() {
3322 return Err(format!(
3323 "ERROR: Setting `{}` is incompatible with `rust.download-rustc`. \
3324 Current value: {:?}, Expected value(s): {}{:?}",
3325 format!("{}.{}", $config_section, stringify!($expected).replace("_", "-")),
3326 $current,
3327 if $expected.is_some() { "None/" } else { "" },
3328 $expected,
3329 ));
3330 };
3331 };
3332 };
3333 }
3335 macro_rules! warn {
3336 ($current:expr, $expected:expr, $config_section:expr) => {
3337 if let Some(current) = &$current {
3338 if Some(current) != $expected.as_ref() {
3339 println!(
3340 "WARNING: `{}` has no effect with `rust.download-rustc`. \
3341 Current value: {:?}, Expected value(s): {}{:?}",
3342 format!("{}.{}", $config_section, stringify!($expected).replace("_", "-")),
3343 $current,
3344 if $expected.is_some() { "None/" } else { "" },
3345 $expected,
3346 );
3347 };
3348 };
3349 };
3350 }
3352 let current_profiler = current_config_toml.build.as_ref().and_then(|b| b.profiler);
3353 let profiler = ci_config_toml.build.as_ref().and_then(|b| b.profiler);
3354 err!(current_profiler, profiler, "build");
3356 let current_optimized_compiler_builtins =
3357 current_config_toml.build.as_ref().and_then(|b| b.optimized_compiler_builtins);
3358 let optimized_compiler_builtins =
3359 ci_config_toml.build.as_ref().and_then(|b| b.optimized_compiler_builtins);
3360 err!(current_optimized_compiler_builtins, optimized_compiler_builtins, "build");
3362 let host_str = host.to_string();
3365 if let Some(current_cfg) = current_config_toml.target.as_ref().and_then(|c| c.get(&host_str)) {
3366 if current_cfg.profiler.is_some() {
3367 let ci_target_toml = ci_config_toml.target.as_ref().and_then(|c| c.get(&host_str));
3368 let ci_cfg = ci_target_toml.ok_or(format!(
3369 "Target specific config for '{host_str}' is not present for CI-rustc"
3370 ))?;
3372 let profiler = &ci_cfg.profiler;
3373 err!(current_cfg.profiler, profiler, "build");
3375 let optimized_compiler_builtins = &ci_cfg.optimized_compiler_builtins;
3376 err!(current_cfg.optimized_compiler_builtins, optimized_compiler_builtins, "build");
3377 }
3378 }
3380 let (Some(current_rust_config), Some(ci_rust_config)) =
3381 (current_config_toml.rust, ci_config_toml.rust)
3382 else {
3383 return Ok(());
3384 };
3386 let Rust {
3387 optimize,
3389 randomize_layout,
3390 debug_logging,
3391 debuginfo_level_rustc,
3392 llvm_tools,
3393 llvm_bitcode_linker,
3394 lto,
3395 stack_protector,
3396 strip,
3397 lld_mode,
3398 jemalloc,
3399 rpath,
3400 channel,
3401 description,
3402 incremental,
3403 default_linker,
3404 std_features,
3406 debug: _,
3408 codegen_units: _,
3409 codegen_units_std: _,
3410 rustc_debug_assertions: _,
3411 std_debug_assertions: _,
3412 overflow_checks: _,
3413 overflow_checks_std: _,
3414 debuginfo_level: _,
3415 debuginfo_level_std: _,
3416 debuginfo_level_tools: _,
3417 debuginfo_level_tests: _,
3418 backtrace: _,
3419 musl_root: _,
3420 verbose_tests: _,
3421 optimize_tests: _,
3422 codegen_tests: _,
3423 omit_git_hash: _,
3424 dist_src: _,
3425 save_toolstates: _,
3426 codegen_backends: _,
3427 lld: _,
3428 deny_warnings: _,
3429 backtrace_on_ice: _,
3430 verify_llvm_ir: _,
3431 thin_lto_import_instr_limit: _,
3432 remap_debuginfo: _,
3433 test_compare_mode: _,
3434 llvm_libunwind: _,
3435 control_flow_guard: _,
3436 ehcont_guard: _,
3437 new_symbol_mangling: _,
3438 profile_generate: _,
3439 profile_use: _,
3440 download_rustc: _,
3441 validate_mir_opts: _,
3442 frame_pointers: _,
3443 } = ci_rust_config;
3445 err!(current_rust_config.optimize, optimize, "rust");
3453 err!(current_rust_config.randomize_layout, randomize_layout, "rust");
3454 err!(current_rust_config.debug_logging, debug_logging, "rust");
3455 err!(current_rust_config.debuginfo_level_rustc, debuginfo_level_rustc, "rust");
3456 err!(current_rust_config.rpath, rpath, "rust");
3457 err!(current_rust_config.strip, strip, "rust");
3458 err!(current_rust_config.lld_mode, lld_mode, "rust");
3459 err!(current_rust_config.llvm_tools, llvm_tools, "rust");
3460 err!(current_rust_config.llvm_bitcode_linker, llvm_bitcode_linker, "rust");
3461 err!(current_rust_config.jemalloc, jemalloc, "rust");
3462 err!(current_rust_config.default_linker, default_linker, "rust");
3463 err!(current_rust_config.stack_protector, stack_protector, "rust");
3464 err!(current_rust_config.lto, lto, "rust");
3465 err!(current_rust_config.std_features, std_features, "rust");
3467 warn!(current_rust_config.channel, channel, "rust");
3468 warn!(current_rust_config.description, description, "rust");
3469 warn!(current_rust_config.incremental, incremental, "rust");
3471 Ok(())
3474fn set<T>(field: &mut T, val: Option<T>) {
3475 if let Some(v) = val {
3476 *field = v;
3477 }
3480fn threads_from_config(v: u32) -> u32 {
3481 match v {
3482 0 => std::thread::available_parallelism().map_or(1, std::num::NonZeroUsize::get) as u32,
3483 n => n,
3484 }