1//! Edit distances.
3//! The [edit distance] is a metric for measuring the difference between two strings.
5//! [edit distance]:
7// The current implementation is the restricted Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm. It is restricted
8// because it does not permit modifying characters that have already been transposed. The specific
9// algorithm should not matter to the caller of the methods, which is why it is not noted in the
10// documentation.
12use std::{cmp, mem};
14use crate::Symbol;
17mod tests;
19/// Finds the [edit distance] between two strings.
21/// Returns `None` if the distance exceeds the limit.
23/// [edit distance]:
24pub fn edit_distance(a: &str, b: &str, limit: usize) -> Option<usize> {
25 let mut a = &a.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>()[..];
26 let mut b = &b.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>()[..];
28 // Ensure that `b` is the shorter string, minimizing memory use.
29 if a.len() < b.len() {
30 mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b);
31 }
33 let min_dist = a.len() - b.len();
34 // If we know the limit will be exceeded, we can return early.
35 if min_dist > limit {
36 return None;
37 }
39 // Strip common prefix.
40 while let Some(((b_char, b_rest), (a_char, a_rest))) = b.split_first().zip(a.split_first())
41 && a_char == b_char
42 {
43 a = a_rest;
44 b = b_rest;
45 }
46 // Strip common suffix.
47 while let Some(((b_char, b_rest), (a_char, a_rest))) = b.split_last().zip(a.split_last())
48 && a_char == b_char
49 {
50 a = a_rest;
51 b = b_rest;
52 }
54 // If either string is empty, the distance is the length of the other.
55 // We know that `b` is the shorter string, so we don't need to check `a`.
56 if b.len() == 0 {
57 return Some(min_dist);
58 }
60 let mut prev_prev = vec![usize::MAX; b.len() + 1];
61 let mut prev = (0..=b.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
62 let mut current = vec![0; b.len() + 1];
64 // row by row
65 for i in 1..=a.len() {
66 current[0] = i;
67 let a_idx = i - 1;
69 // column by column
70 for j in 1..=b.len() {
71 let b_idx = j - 1;
73 // There is no cost to substitute a character with itself.
74 let substitution_cost = if a[a_idx] == b[b_idx] { 0 } else { 1 };
76 current[j] = cmp::min(
77 // deletion
78 prev[j] + 1,
79 cmp::min(
80 // insertion
81 current[j - 1] + 1,
82 // substitution
83 prev[j - 1] + substitution_cost,
84 ),
85 );
87 if (i > 1) && (j > 1) && (a[a_idx] == b[b_idx - 1]) && (a[a_idx - 1] == b[b_idx]) {
88 // transposition
89 current[j] = cmp::min(current[j], prev_prev[j - 2] + 1);
90 }
91 }
93 // Rotate the buffers, reusing the memory.
94 [prev_prev, prev, current] = [prev, current, prev_prev];
95 }
97 // `prev` because we already rotated the buffers.
98 let distance = prev[b.len()];
99 (distance <= limit).then_some(distance)
102/// Provides a word similarity score between two words that accounts for substrings being more
103/// meaningful than a typical edit distance. The lower the score, the closer the match. 0 is an
104/// identical match.
106/// Uses the edit distance between the two strings and removes the cost of the length difference.
107/// If this is 0 then it is either a substring match or a full word match, in the substring match
108/// case we detect this and return `1`. To prevent finding meaningless substrings, eg. "in" in
109/// "shrink", we only perform this subtraction of length difference if one of the words is not
110/// greater than twice the length of the other. For cases where the words are close in size but not
111/// an exact substring then the cost of the length difference is discounted by half.
113/// Returns `None` if the distance exceeds the limit.
114pub fn edit_distance_with_substrings(a: &str, b: &str, limit: usize) -> Option<usize> {
115 let n = a.chars().count();
116 let m = b.chars().count();
118 // Check one isn't less than half the length of the other. If this is true then there is a
119 // big difference in length.
120 let big_len_diff = (n * 2) < m || (m * 2) < n;
121 let len_diff = m.abs_diff(n);
122 let distance = edit_distance(a, b, limit + len_diff)?;
124 // This is the crux, subtracting length difference means exact substring matches will now be 0
125 let score = distance - len_diff;
127 // If the score is 0 but the words have different lengths then it's a substring match not a full
128 // word match
129 let score = if score == 0 && len_diff > 0 && !big_len_diff {
130 1 // Exact substring match, but not a total word match so return non-zero
131 } else if !big_len_diff {
132 // Not a big difference in length, discount cost of length difference
133 score + (len_diff + 1) / 2
134 } else {
135 // A big difference in length, add back the difference in length to the score
136 score + len_diff
137 };
139 (score <= limit).then_some(score)
142/// Finds the best match for given word in the given iterator where substrings are meaningful.
144/// A version of [`find_best_match_for_name`] that uses [`edit_distance_with_substrings`] as the
145/// score for word similarity. This takes an optional distance limit which defaults to one-third of
146/// the given word.
148/// We use case insensitive comparison to improve accuracy on an edge case with a lower(upper)case
149/// letters mismatch.
150pub fn find_best_match_for_name_with_substrings(
151 candidates: &[Symbol],
152 lookup: Symbol,
153 dist: Option<usize>,
154) -> Option<Symbol> {
155 find_best_match_for_name_impl(true, candidates, lookup, dist)
158/// Finds the best match for a given word in the given iterator.
160/// As a loose rule to avoid the obviously incorrect suggestions, it takes
161/// an optional limit for the maximum allowable edit distance, which defaults
162/// to one-third of the given word.
164/// We use case insensitive comparison to improve accuracy on an edge case with a lower(upper)case
165/// letters mismatch.
166pub fn find_best_match_for_name(
167 candidates: &[Symbol],
168 lookup: Symbol,
169 dist: Option<usize>,
170) -> Option<Symbol> {
171 find_best_match_for_name_impl(false, candidates, lookup, dist)
174/// Find the best match for multiple words
176/// This function is intended for use when the desired match would never be
177/// returned due to a substring in `lookup` which is superfluous.
179/// For example, when looking for the closest lint name to `clippy:missing_docs`,
180/// we would find `clippy::erasing_op`, despite `missing_docs` existing and being a better suggestion.
181/// `missing_docs` would have a larger edit distance because it does not contain the `clippy` tool prefix.
182/// In order to find `missing_docs`, this function takes multiple lookup strings, computes the best match
183/// for each and returns the match which had the lowest edit distance. In our example, `clippy:missing_docs` and
184/// `missing_docs` would be `lookups`, enabling `missing_docs` to be the best match, as desired.
185pub fn find_best_match_for_names(
186 candidates: &[Symbol],
187 lookups: &[Symbol],
188 dist: Option<usize>,
189) -> Option<Symbol> {
190 lookups
191 .iter()
192 .map(|s| (s, find_best_match_for_name_impl(false, candidates, *s, dist)))
193 .filter_map(|(s, r)||r| (s, r)))
194 .min_by(|(s1, r1), (s2, r2)| {
195 let d1 = edit_distance(s1.as_str(), r1.as_str(), usize::MAX).unwrap();
196 let d2 = edit_distance(s2.as_str(), r2.as_str(), usize::MAX).unwrap();
197 d1.cmp(&d2)
198 })
199 .map(|(_, r)| r)
203fn find_best_match_for_name_impl(
204 use_substring_score: bool,
205 candidates: &[Symbol],
206 lookup_symbol: Symbol,
207 dist: Option<usize>,
208) -> Option<Symbol> {
209 let lookup = lookup_symbol.as_str();
210 let lookup_uppercase = lookup.to_uppercase();
212 // Priority of matches:
213 // 1. Exact case insensitive match
214 // 2. Edit distance match
215 // 3. Sorted word match
216 if let Some(c) = candidates.iter().find(|c| c.as_str().to_uppercase() == lookup_uppercase) {
217 return Some(*c);
218 }
220 // `fn edit_distance()` use `chars()` to calculate edit distance, so we must
221 // also use `chars()` (and not `str::len()`) to calculate length here.
222 let lookup_len = lookup.chars().count();
224 let mut dist = dist.unwrap_or_else(|| cmp::max(lookup_len, 3) / 3);
225 let mut best = None;
226 // store the candidates with the same distance, only for `use_substring_score` current.
227 let mut next_candidates = vec![];
228 for c in candidates {
229 match if use_substring_score {
230 edit_distance_with_substrings(lookup, c.as_str(), dist)
231 } else {
232 edit_distance(lookup, c.as_str(), dist)
233 } {
234 Some(0) => return Some(*c),
235 Some(d) => {
236 if use_substring_score {
237 if d < dist {
238 dist = d;
239 next_candidates.clear();
240 } else {
241 // `d == dist` here, we need to store the candidates with the same distance
242 // so we won't decrease the distance in the next loop.
243 }
244 next_candidates.push(*c);
245 } else {
246 dist = d - 1;
247 }
248 best = Some(*c);
249 }
250 None => {}
251 }
252 }
254 // We have a tie among several candidates, try to select the best among them ignoring substrings.
255 // For example, the candidates list `force_capture`, `capture`, and user inputted `forced_capture`,
256 // we select `force_capture` with a extra round of edit distance calculation.
257 if next_candidates.len() > 1 {
258 debug_assert!(use_substring_score);
259 best = find_best_match_for_name_impl(
260 false,
261 &next_candidates,
262 lookup_symbol,
263 Some(lookup.len()),
264 );
265 }
266 if best.is_some() {
267 return best;
268 }
270 find_match_by_sorted_words(candidates, lookup)
273fn find_match_by_sorted_words(iter_names: &[Symbol], lookup: &str) -> Option<Symbol> {
274 let lookup_sorted_by_words = sort_by_words(lookup);
275 iter_names.iter().fold(None, |result, candidate| {
276 if sort_by_words(candidate.as_str()) == lookup_sorted_by_words {
277 Some(*candidate)
278 } else {
279 result
280 }
281 })
284fn sort_by_words(name: &str) -> Vec<&str> {
285 let mut split_words: Vec<&str> = name.split('_').collect();
286 // We are sorting primitive &strs and can use unstable sort here.
287 split_words.sort_unstable();
288 split_words