
1use std::assert_matches::assert_matches;
2use std::fmt;
3use std::path::PathBuf;
5use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
6use rustc_errors::ErrorGuaranteed;
7use rustc_hir as hir;
8use rustc_hir::def::{CtorKind, DefKind, Namespace};
9use rustc_hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId};
10use rustc_hir::lang_items::LangItem;
11use rustc_index::bit_set::FiniteBitSet;
12use rustc_macros::{Decodable, Encodable, HashStable, Lift, TyDecodable, TyEncodable};
13use rustc_span::def_id::LOCAL_CRATE;
14use rustc_span::{DUMMY_SP, Span, Symbol};
15use tracing::{debug, instrument};
17use crate::error;
18use crate::middle::codegen_fn_attrs::CodegenFnAttrFlags;
19use crate::ty::normalize_erasing_regions::NormalizationError;
20use crate::ty::print::{FmtPrinter, Printer, shrunk_instance_name};
21use crate::ty::{
22    self, EarlyBinder, GenericArgs, GenericArgsRef, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeFoldable, TypeSuperVisitable,
23    TypeVisitable, TypeVisitableExt, TypeVisitor,
26/// An `InstanceKind` along with the args that are needed to substitute the instance.
28/// Monomorphization happens on-the-fly and no monomorphized MIR is ever created. Instead, this type
29/// simply couples a potentially generic `InstanceKind` with some args, and codegen and const eval
30/// will do all required instantiations as they run.
32/// Note: the `Lift` impl is currently not used by rustc, but is used by
33/// rustc_codegen_cranelift when the `jit` feature is enabled.
34#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, TyEncodable, TyDecodable)]
35#[derive(HashStable, Lift, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
36pub struct Instance<'tcx> {
37    pub def: InstanceKind<'tcx>,
38    pub args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
41/// Describes why a `ReifyShim` was created. This is needed to distinguish a ReifyShim created to
42/// adjust for things like `#[track_caller]` in a vtable from a `ReifyShim` created to produce a
43/// function pointer from a vtable entry.
44/// Currently, this is only used when KCFI is enabled, as only KCFI needs to treat those two
45/// `ReifyShim`s differently.
46#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
47#[derive(TyEncodable, TyDecodable, HashStable)]
48pub enum ReifyReason {
49    /// The `ReifyShim` was created to produce a function pointer. This happens when:
50    /// * A vtable entry is directly converted to a function call (e.g. creating a fn ptr from a
51    ///   method on a `dyn` object).
52    /// * A function with `#[track_caller]` is converted to a function pointer
53    /// * If KCFI is enabled, creating a function pointer from a method on a dyn-compatible trait.
54    /// This includes the case of converting `::call`-like methods on closure-likes to function
55    /// pointers.
56    FnPtr,
57    /// This `ReifyShim` was created to populate a vtable. Currently, this happens when a
58    /// `#[track_caller]` mismatch occurs between the implementation of a method and the method.
59    /// This includes the case of `::call`-like methods in closure-likes' vtables.
60    Vtable,
63#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
64#[derive(TyEncodable, TyDecodable, HashStable, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable, Lift)]
65pub enum InstanceKind<'tcx> {
66    /// A user-defined callable item.
67    ///
68    /// This includes:
69    /// - `fn` items
70    /// - closures
71    /// - coroutines
72    Item(DefId),
74    /// An intrinsic `fn` item (with `"rust-intrinsic"` ABI).
75    ///
76    /// Alongside `Virtual`, this is the only `InstanceKind` that does not have its own callable MIR.
77    /// Instead, codegen and const eval "magically" evaluate calls to intrinsics purely in the
78    /// caller.
79    Intrinsic(DefId),
81    /// `<T as Trait>::method` where `method` receives unsizeable `self: Self` (part of the
82    /// `unsized_locals` feature).
83    ///
84    /// The generated shim will take `Self` via `*mut Self` - conceptually this is `&owned Self` -
85    /// and dereference the argument to call the original function.
86    VTableShim(DefId),
88    /// `fn()` pointer where the function itself cannot be turned into a pointer.
89    ///
90    /// One example is `<dyn Trait as Trait>::fn`, where the shim contains
91    /// a virtual call, which codegen supports only via a direct call to the
92    /// `<dyn Trait as Trait>::fn` instance (an `InstanceKind::Virtual`).
93    ///
94    /// Another example is functions annotated with `#[track_caller]`, which
95    /// must have their implicit caller location argument populated for a call.
96    /// Because this is a required part of the function's ABI but can't be tracked
97    /// as a property of the function pointer, we use a single "caller location"
98    /// (the definition of the function itself).
99    ///
100    /// The second field encodes *why* this shim was created. This allows distinguishing between
101    /// a `ReifyShim` that appears in a vtable vs one that appears as a function pointer.
102    ///
103    /// This field will only be populated if we are compiling in a mode that needs these shims
104    /// to be separable, currently only when KCFI is enabled.
105    ReifyShim(DefId, Option<ReifyReason>),
107    /// `<fn() as FnTrait>::call_*` (generated `FnTrait` implementation for `fn()` pointers).
108    ///
109    /// `DefId` is `FnTrait::call_*`.
110    FnPtrShim(DefId, Ty<'tcx>),
112    /// Dynamic dispatch to `<dyn Trait as Trait>::fn`.
113    ///
114    /// This `InstanceKind` may have a callable MIR as the default implementation.
115    /// Calls to `Virtual` instances must be codegen'd as virtual calls through the vtable.
116    /// *This means we might not know exactly what is being called.*
117    ///
118    /// If this is reified to a `fn` pointer, a `ReifyShim` is used (see `ReifyShim` above for more
119    /// details on that).
120    Virtual(DefId, usize),
122    /// `<[FnMut/Fn closure] as FnOnce>::call_once`.
123    ///
124    /// The `DefId` is the ID of the `call_once` method in `FnOnce`.
125    ///
126    /// This generates a body that will just borrow the (owned) self type,
127    /// and dispatch to the `FnMut::call_mut` instance for the closure.
128    ClosureOnceShim { call_once: DefId, track_caller: bool },
130    /// `<[FnMut/Fn coroutine-closure] as FnOnce>::call_once`
131    ///
132    /// The body generated here differs significantly from the `ClosureOnceShim`,
133    /// since we need to generate a distinct coroutine type that will move the
134    /// closure's upvars *out* of the closure.
135    ConstructCoroutineInClosureShim {
136        coroutine_closure_def_id: DefId,
137        // Whether the generated MIR body takes the coroutine by-ref. This is
138        // because the signature of `<{async fn} as FnMut>::call_mut` is:
139        // `fn(&mut self, args: A) -> <Self as FnOnce>::Output`, that is to say
140        // that it returns the `FnOnce`-flavored coroutine but takes the closure
141        // by mut ref (and similarly for `Fn::call`).
142        receiver_by_ref: bool,
143    },
145    /// Compiler-generated accessor for thread locals which returns a reference to the thread local
146    /// the `DefId` defines. This is used to export thread locals from dylibs on platforms lacking
147    /// native support.
148    ThreadLocalShim(DefId),
150    /// `core::ptr::drop_in_place::<T>`.
151    ///
152    /// The `DefId` is for `core::ptr::drop_in_place`.
153    /// The `Option<Ty<'tcx>>` is either `Some(T)`, or `None` for empty drop
154    /// glue.
155    DropGlue(DefId, Option<Ty<'tcx>>),
157    /// Compiler-generated `<T as Clone>::clone` implementation.
158    ///
159    /// For all types that automatically implement `Copy`, a trivial `Clone` impl is provided too.
160    /// Additionally, arrays, tuples, and closures get a `Clone` shim even if they aren't `Copy`.
161    ///
162    /// The `DefId` is for `Clone::clone`, the `Ty` is the type `T` with the builtin `Clone` impl.
163    CloneShim(DefId, Ty<'tcx>),
165    /// Compiler-generated `<T as FnPtr>::addr` implementation.
166    ///
167    /// Automatically generated for all potentially higher-ranked `fn(I) -> R` types.
168    ///
169    /// The `DefId` is for `FnPtr::addr`, the `Ty` is the type `T`.
170    FnPtrAddrShim(DefId, Ty<'tcx>),
172    /// `core::future::async_drop::async_drop_in_place::<'_, T>`.
173    ///
174    /// The `DefId` is for `core::future::async_drop::async_drop_in_place`, the `Ty`
175    /// is the type `T`.
176    AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(DefId, Option<Ty<'tcx>>),
179impl<'tcx> Instance<'tcx> {
180    /// Returns the `Ty` corresponding to this `Instance`, with generic instantiations applied and
181    /// lifetimes erased, allowing a `ParamEnv` to be specified for use during normalization.
182    pub fn ty(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
183        let ty = tcx.type_of(self.def.def_id());
184        tcx.instantiate_and_normalize_erasing_regions(self.args, typing_env, ty)
185    }
187    /// Finds a crate that contains a monomorphization of this instance that
188    /// can be linked to from the local crate. A return value of `None` means
189    /// no upstream crate provides such an exported monomorphization.
190    ///
191    /// This method already takes into account the global `-Zshare-generics`
192    /// setting, always returning `None` if `share-generics` is off.
193    pub fn upstream_monomorphization(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> Option<CrateNum> {
194        // If this is an item that is defined in the local crate, no upstream
195        // crate can know about it/provide a monomorphization.
196        if self.def_id().is_local() {
197            return None;
198        }
200        // If we are not in share generics mode, we don't link to upstream
201        // monomorphizations but always instantiate our own internal versions
202        // instead.
203        if !tcx.sess.opts.share_generics()
204            // However, if the def_id is marked inline(never), then it's fine to just reuse the
205            // upstream monomorphization.
206            && tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(self.def_id()).inline != rustc_attr_data_structures::InlineAttr::Never
207        {
208            return None;
209        }
211        // If this a non-generic instance, it cannot be a shared monomorphization.
212        self.args.non_erasable_generics().next()?;
214        // compiler_builtins cannot use upstream monomorphizations.
215        if tcx.is_compiler_builtins(LOCAL_CRATE) {
216            return None;
217        }
219        match self.def {
220            InstanceKind::Item(def) => tcx
221                .upstream_monomorphizations_for(def)
222                .and_then(|monos| monos.get(&self.args).cloned()),
223            InstanceKind::DropGlue(_, Some(_)) => tcx.upstream_drop_glue_for(self.args),
224            InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(_, Some(_)) => {
225                tcx.upstream_async_drop_glue_for(self.args)
226            }
227            _ => None,
228        }
229    }
232impl<'tcx> InstanceKind<'tcx> {
233    #[inline]
234    pub fn def_id(self) -> DefId {
235        match self {
236            InstanceKind::Item(def_id)
237            | InstanceKind::VTableShim(def_id)
238            | InstanceKind::ReifyShim(def_id, _)
239            | InstanceKind::FnPtrShim(def_id, _)
240            | InstanceKind::Virtual(def_id, _)
241            | InstanceKind::Intrinsic(def_id)
242            | InstanceKind::ThreadLocalShim(def_id)
243            | InstanceKind::ClosureOnceShim { call_once: def_id, track_caller: _ }
244            | ty::InstanceKind::ConstructCoroutineInClosureShim {
245                coroutine_closure_def_id: def_id,
246                receiver_by_ref: _,
247            }
248            | InstanceKind::DropGlue(def_id, _)
249            | InstanceKind::CloneShim(def_id, _)
250            | InstanceKind::FnPtrAddrShim(def_id, _)
251            | InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(def_id, _) => def_id,
252        }
253    }
255    /// Returns the `DefId` of instances which might not require codegen locally.
256    pub fn def_id_if_not_guaranteed_local_codegen(self) -> Option<DefId> {
257        match self {
258            ty::InstanceKind::Item(def) => Some(def),
259            ty::InstanceKind::DropGlue(def_id, Some(_))
260            | InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(def_id, Some(_))
261            | InstanceKind::ThreadLocalShim(def_id) => Some(def_id),
262            InstanceKind::VTableShim(..)
263            | InstanceKind::ReifyShim(..)
264            | InstanceKind::FnPtrShim(..)
265            | InstanceKind::Virtual(..)
266            | InstanceKind::Intrinsic(..)
267            | InstanceKind::ClosureOnceShim { .. }
268            | ty::InstanceKind::ConstructCoroutineInClosureShim { .. }
269            | InstanceKind::DropGlue(..)
270            | InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(..)
271            | InstanceKind::CloneShim(..)
272            | InstanceKind::FnPtrAddrShim(..) => None,
273        }
274    }
276    #[inline]
277    pub fn get_attrs(
278        &self,
279        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
280        attr: Symbol,
281    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'tcx hir::Attribute> {
282        tcx.get_attrs(self.def_id(), attr)
283    }
285    /// Returns `true` if the LLVM version of this instance is unconditionally
286    /// marked with `inline`. This implies that a copy of this instance is
287    /// generated in every codegen unit.
288    /// Note that this is only a hint. See the documentation for
289    /// `generates_cgu_internal_copy` for more information.
290    pub fn requires_inline(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> bool {
291        use rustc_hir::definitions::DefPathData;
292        let def_id = match *self {
293            ty::InstanceKind::Item(def) => def,
294            ty::InstanceKind::DropGlue(_, Some(_)) => return false,
295            ty::InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(_, Some(_)) => return false,
296            ty::InstanceKind::ThreadLocalShim(_) => return false,
297            _ => return true,
298        };
299        matches!(
300            tcx.def_key(def_id),
301            DefPathData::Ctor | DefPathData::Closure
302        )
303    }
305    pub fn requires_caller_location(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> bool {
306        match *self {
307            InstanceKind::Item(def_id) | InstanceKind::Virtual(def_id, _) => {
308                tcx.body_codegen_attrs(def_id).flags.contains(CodegenFnAttrFlags::TRACK_CALLER)
309            }
310            InstanceKind::ClosureOnceShim { call_once: _, track_caller } => track_caller,
311            _ => false,
312        }
313    }
315    /// Returns `true` when the MIR body associated with this instance should be monomorphized
316    /// by its users (e.g. codegen or miri) by instantiating the `args` from `Instance` (see
317    /// `Instance::args_for_mir_body`).
318    ///
319    /// Otherwise, returns `false` only for some kinds of shims where the construction of the MIR
320    /// body should perform necessary instantiations.
321    pub fn has_polymorphic_mir_body(&self) -> bool {
322        match *self {
323            InstanceKind::CloneShim(..)
324            | InstanceKind::ThreadLocalShim(..)
325            | InstanceKind::FnPtrAddrShim(..)
326            | InstanceKind::FnPtrShim(..)
327            | InstanceKind::DropGlue(_, Some(_))
328            | InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(_, Some(_)) => false,
329            InstanceKind::ClosureOnceShim { .. }
330            | InstanceKind::ConstructCoroutineInClosureShim { .. }
331            | InstanceKind::DropGlue(..)
332            | InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(..)
333            | InstanceKind::Item(_)
334            | InstanceKind::Intrinsic(..)
335            | InstanceKind::ReifyShim(..)
336            | InstanceKind::Virtual(..)
337            | InstanceKind::VTableShim(..) => true,
338        }
339    }
342fn type_length<'tcx>(item: impl TypeVisitable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>) -> usize {
343    struct Visitor<'tcx> {
344        type_length: usize,
345        cache: FxHashMap<Ty<'tcx>, usize>,
346    }
347    impl<'tcx> TypeVisitor<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for Visitor<'tcx> {
348        fn visit_ty(&mut self, t: Ty<'tcx>) {
349            if let Some(&value) = self.cache.get(&t) {
350                self.type_length += value;
351                return;
352            }
354            let prev = self.type_length;
355            self.type_length += 1;
356            t.super_visit_with(self);
358            // We don't try to use the cache if the type is fairly small.
359            if self.type_length > 16 {
360                self.cache.insert(t, self.type_length - prev);
361            }
362        }
364        fn visit_const(&mut self, ct: ty::Const<'tcx>) {
365            self.type_length += 1;
366            ct.super_visit_with(self);
367        }
368    }
369    let mut visitor = Visitor { type_length: 0, cache: Default::default() };
370    item.visit_with(&mut visitor);
372    visitor.type_length
375pub fn fmt_instance(
376    f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
377    instance: Instance<'_>,
378    type_length: Option<rustc_session::Limit>,
379) -> fmt::Result {
380    ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
381        let args = tcx.lift(instance.args).expect("could not lift for printing");
383        let mut cx = if let Some(type_length) = type_length {
384            FmtPrinter::new_with_limit(tcx, Namespace::ValueNS, type_length)
385        } else {
386            FmtPrinter::new(tcx, Namespace::ValueNS)
387        };
388        cx.print_def_path(instance.def_id(), args)?;
389        let s = cx.into_buffer();
390        f.write_str(&s)
391    })?;
393    match instance.def {
394        InstanceKind::Item(_) => Ok(()),
395        InstanceKind::VTableShim(_) => write!(f, " - shim(vtable)"),
396        InstanceKind::ReifyShim(_, None) => write!(f, " - shim(reify)"),
397        InstanceKind::ReifyShim(_, Some(ReifyReason::FnPtr)) => write!(f, " - shim(reify-fnptr)"),
398        InstanceKind::ReifyShim(_, Some(ReifyReason::Vtable)) => write!(f, " - shim(reify-vtable)"),
399        InstanceKind::ThreadLocalShim(_) => write!(f, " - shim(tls)"),
400        InstanceKind::Intrinsic(_) => write!(f, " - intrinsic"),
401        InstanceKind::Virtual(_, num) => write!(f, " - virtual#{num}"),
402        InstanceKind::FnPtrShim(_, ty) => write!(f, " - shim({ty})"),
403        InstanceKind::ClosureOnceShim { .. } => write!(f, " - shim"),
404        InstanceKind::ConstructCoroutineInClosureShim { .. } => write!(f, " - shim"),
405        InstanceKind::DropGlue(_, None) => write!(f, " - shim(None)"),
406        InstanceKind::DropGlue(_, Some(ty)) => write!(f, " - shim(Some({ty}))"),
407        InstanceKind::CloneShim(_, ty) => write!(f, " - shim({ty})"),
408        InstanceKind::FnPtrAddrShim(_, ty) => write!(f, " - shim({ty})"),
409        InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(_, None) => write!(f, " - shim(None)"),
410        InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(_, Some(ty)) => write!(f, " - shim(Some({ty}))"),
411    }
414pub struct ShortInstance<'tcx>(pub Instance<'tcx>, pub usize);
416impl<'tcx> fmt::Display for ShortInstance<'tcx> {
417    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
418        fmt_instance(f, self.0, Some(rustc_session::Limit(self.1)))
419    }
422impl<'tcx> fmt::Display for Instance<'tcx> {
423    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
424        fmt_instance(f, *self, None)
425    }
428impl<'tcx> Instance<'tcx> {
429    pub fn new(def_id: DefId, args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>) -> Instance<'tcx> {
430        assert!(
431            !args.has_escaping_bound_vars(),
432            "args of instance {def_id:?} has escaping bound vars: {args:?}"
433        );
434        Instance { def: InstanceKind::Item(def_id), args }
435    }
437    pub fn mono(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, def_id: DefId) -> Instance<'tcx> {
438        let args = GenericArgs::for_item(tcx, def_id, |param, _| match param.kind {
439            ty::GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime => tcx.lifetimes.re_erased.into(),
440            ty::GenericParamDefKind::Type { .. } => {
441                bug!("Instance::mono: {:?} has type parameters", def_id)
442            }
443            ty::GenericParamDefKind::Const { .. } => {
444                bug!("Instance::mono: {:?} has const parameters", def_id)
445            }
446        });
448        Instance::new(def_id, args)
449    }
451    #[inline]
452    pub fn def_id(&self) -> DefId {
453        self.def.def_id()
454    }
456    /// Resolves a `(def_id, args)` pair to an (optional) instance -- most commonly,
457    /// this is used to find the precise code that will run for a trait method invocation,
458    /// if known. This should only be used for functions and consts. If you want to
459    /// resolve an associated type, use [`TyCtxt::try_normalize_erasing_regions`].
460    ///
461    /// Returns `Ok(None)` if we cannot resolve `Instance` to a specific instance.
462    /// For example, in a context like this,
463    ///
464    /// ```ignore (illustrative)
465    /// fn foo<T: Debug>(t: T) { ... }
466    /// ```
467    ///
468    /// trying to resolve `Debug::fmt` applied to `T` will yield `Ok(None)`, because we do not
469    /// know what code ought to run. This setting is also affected by the current `TypingMode`
470    /// of the environment.
471    ///
472    /// Presuming that coherence and type-check have succeeded, if this method is invoked
473    /// in a monomorphic context (i.e., like during codegen), then it is guaranteed to return
474    /// `Ok(Some(instance))`, **except** for when the instance's inputs hit the type size limit,
475    /// in which case it may bail out and return `Ok(None)`.
476    ///
477    /// Returns `Err(ErrorGuaranteed)` when the `Instance` resolution process
478    /// couldn't complete due to errors elsewhere - this is distinct
479    /// from `Ok(None)` to avoid misleading diagnostics when an error
480    /// has already been/will be emitted, for the original cause
481    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(tcx), ret)]
482    pub fn try_resolve(
483        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
484        typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
485        def_id: DefId,
486        args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
487    ) -> Result<Option<Instance<'tcx>>, ErrorGuaranteed> {
488        assert_matches!(
489            tcx.def_kind(def_id),
490            DefKind::Fn
491                | DefKind::AssocFn
492                | DefKind::Const
493                | DefKind::AssocConst
494                | DefKind::AnonConst
495                | DefKind::InlineConst
496                | DefKind::Static { .. }
497                | DefKind::Ctor(_, CtorKind::Fn)
498                | DefKind::Closure
499                | DefKind::SyntheticCoroutineBody,
500            "`Instance::try_resolve` should only be used to resolve instances of \
501            functions, statics, and consts; to resolve associated types, use \
502            `try_normalize_erasing_regions`."
503        );
505        // Rust code can easily create exponentially-long types using only a
506        // polynomial recursion depth. Even with the default recursion
507        // depth, you can easily get cases that take >2^60 steps to run,
508        // which means that rustc basically hangs.
509        //
510        // Bail out in these cases to avoid that bad user experience.
511        if tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.enforce_type_length_limit
512            && !tcx.type_length_limit().value_within_limit(type_length(args))
513        {
514            return Ok(None);
515        }
517        // All regions in the result of this query are erased, so it's
518        // fine to erase all of the input regions.
519        tcx.resolve_instance_raw(tcx.erase_regions(typing_env.as_query_input((def_id, args))))
520    }
522    pub fn expect_resolve(
523        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
524        typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
525        def_id: DefId,
526        args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
527        span: Span,
528    ) -> Instance<'tcx> {
529        // We compute the span lazily, to avoid unnecessary query calls.
530        // If `span` is a DUMMY_SP, and the def id is local, then use the
531        // def span of the def id.
532        let span_or_local_def_span =
533            || if span.is_dummy() && def_id.is_local() { tcx.def_span(def_id) } else { span };
535        match ty::Instance::try_resolve(tcx, typing_env, def_id, args) {
536            Ok(Some(instance)) => instance,
537            Ok(None) => {
538                let type_length = type_length(args);
539                if !tcx.type_length_limit().value_within_limit(type_length) {
540                    let (shrunk, written_to_path) =
541                        shrunk_instance_name(tcx, Instance::new(def_id, args));
542                    let mut path = PathBuf::new();
543                    let was_written = if let Some(path2) = written_to_path {
544                        path = path2;
545                        true
546                    } else {
547                        false
548                    };
549                    tcx.dcx().emit_fatal(error::TypeLengthLimit {
550                        // We don't use `def_span(def_id)` so that diagnostics point
551                        // to the crate root during mono instead of to foreign items.
552                        // This is arguably better.
553                        span: span_or_local_def_span(),
554                        shrunk,
555                        was_written,
556                        path,
557                        type_length,
558                    });
559                } else {
560                    span_bug!(
561                        span_or_local_def_span(),
562                        "failed to resolve instance for {}",
563                        tcx.def_path_str_with_args(def_id, args)
564                    )
565                }
566            }
567            instance => span_bug!(
568                span_or_local_def_span(),
569                "failed to resolve instance for {}: {instance:#?}",
570                tcx.def_path_str_with_args(def_id, args)
571            ),
572        }
573    }
575    pub fn resolve_for_fn_ptr(
576        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
577        typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
578        def_id: DefId,
579        args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
580    ) -> Option<Instance<'tcx>> {
581        debug!("resolve(def_id={:?}, args={:?})", def_id, args);
582        // Use either `resolve_closure` or `resolve_for_vtable`
583        assert!(!tcx.is_closure_like(def_id), "Called `resolve_for_fn_ptr` on closure: {def_id:?}");
584        let reason = tcx.sess.is_sanitizer_kcfi_enabled().then_some(ReifyReason::FnPtr);
585        Instance::try_resolve(tcx, typing_env, def_id, args).ok().flatten().map(|mut resolved| {
586            match resolved.def {
587                InstanceKind::Item(def) if resolved.def.requires_caller_location(tcx) => {
588                    debug!(" => fn pointer created for function with #[track_caller]");
589                    resolved.def = InstanceKind::ReifyShim(def, reason);
590                }
591                InstanceKind::Virtual(def_id, _) => {
592                    debug!(" => fn pointer created for virtual call");
593                    resolved.def = InstanceKind::ReifyShim(def_id, reason);
594                }
595                // Reify `Trait::method` implementations if KCFI is enabled
596                // FIXME(maurer) only reify it if it is a vtable-safe function
597                _ if tcx.sess.is_sanitizer_kcfi_enabled()
598                    && tcx
599                        .opt_associated_item(def_id)
600                        .and_then(|assoc| assoc.trait_item_def_id)
601                        .is_some() =>
602                {
603                    // If this function could also go in a vtable, we need to `ReifyShim` it with
604                    // KCFI because it can only attach one type per function.
605                    resolved.def = InstanceKind::ReifyShim(resolved.def_id(), reason)
606                }
607                // Reify `::call`-like method implementations if KCFI is enabled
608                _ if tcx.sess.is_sanitizer_kcfi_enabled()
609                    && tcx.is_closure_like(resolved.def_id()) =>
610                {
611                    // Reroute through a reify via the *unresolved* instance. The resolved one can't
612                    // be directly reified because it's closure-like. The reify can handle the
613                    // unresolved instance.
614                    resolved = Instance { def: InstanceKind::ReifyShim(def_id, reason), args }
615                }
616                _ => {}
617            }
619            resolved
620        })
621    }
623    pub fn expect_resolve_for_vtable(
624        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
625        typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
626        def_id: DefId,
627        args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
628        span: Span,
629    ) -> Instance<'tcx> {
630        debug!("resolve_for_vtable(def_id={:?}, args={:?})", def_id, args);
631        let fn_sig = tcx.fn_sig(def_id).instantiate_identity();
632        let is_vtable_shim = !fn_sig.inputs().skip_binder().is_empty()
633            && fn_sig.input(0).skip_binder().is_param(0)
634            && tcx.generics_of(def_id).has_self;
636        if is_vtable_shim {
637            debug!(" => associated item with unsizeable self: Self");
638            return Instance { def: InstanceKind::VTableShim(def_id), args };
639        }
641        let mut resolved = Instance::expect_resolve(tcx, typing_env, def_id, args, span);
643        let reason = tcx.sess.is_sanitizer_kcfi_enabled().then_some(ReifyReason::Vtable);
644        match resolved.def {
645            InstanceKind::Item(def) => {
646                // We need to generate a shim when we cannot guarantee that
647                // the caller of a trait object method will be aware of
648                // `#[track_caller]` - this ensures that the caller
649                // and callee ABI will always match.
650                //
651                // The shim is generated when all of these conditions are met:
652                //
653                // 1) The underlying method expects a caller location parameter
654                // in the ABI
655                let needs_track_caller_shim = resolved.def.requires_caller_location(tcx)
656                    // 2) The caller location parameter comes from having `#[track_caller]`
657                    // on the implementation, and *not* on the trait method.
658                    && !tcx.should_inherit_track_caller(def)
659                    // If the method implementation comes from the trait definition itself
660                    // (e.g. `trait Foo { #[track_caller] my_fn() { /* impl */ } }`),
661                    // then we don't need to generate a shim. This check is needed because
662                    // `should_inherit_track_caller` returns `false` if our method
663                    // implementation comes from the trait block, and not an impl block
664                    && !matches!(
665                        tcx.opt_associated_item(def),
666                        Some(ty::AssocItem {
667                            container: ty::AssocItemContainer::Trait,
668                            ..
669                        })
670                    );
671                if needs_track_caller_shim {
672                    if tcx.is_closure_like(def) {
673                        debug!(
674                            " => vtable fn pointer created for closure with #[track_caller]: {:?} for method {:?} {:?}",
675                            def, def_id, args
676                        );
678                        // Create a shim for the `FnOnce/FnMut/Fn` method we are calling
679                        // - unlike functions, invoking a closure always goes through a
680                        // trait.
681                        resolved = Instance { def: InstanceKind::ReifyShim(def_id, reason), args };
682                    } else {
683                        debug!(
684                            " => vtable fn pointer created for function with #[track_caller]: {:?}",
685                            def
686                        );
687                        resolved.def = InstanceKind::ReifyShim(def, reason);
688                    }
689                }
690            }
691            InstanceKind::Virtual(def_id, _) => {
692                debug!(" => vtable fn pointer created for virtual call");
693                resolved.def = InstanceKind::ReifyShim(def_id, reason)
694            }
695            _ => {}
696        }
698        resolved
699    }
701    pub fn resolve_closure(
702        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
703        def_id: DefId,
704        args: ty::GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
705        requested_kind: ty::ClosureKind,
706    ) -> Instance<'tcx> {
707        let actual_kind = args.as_closure().kind();
709        match needs_fn_once_adapter_shim(actual_kind, requested_kind) {
710            Ok(true) => Instance::fn_once_adapter_instance(tcx, def_id, args),
711            _ => Instance::new(def_id, args),
712        }
713    }
715    pub fn resolve_drop_in_place(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> ty::Instance<'tcx> {
716        let def_id = tcx.require_lang_item(LangItem::DropInPlace, None);
717        let args = tcx.mk_args(&[ty.into()]);
718        Instance::expect_resolve(
719            tcx,
720            ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized(),
721            def_id,
722            args,
723            ty.ty_adt_def().and_then(|adt| tcx.hir().span_if_local(adt.did())).unwrap_or(DUMMY_SP),
724        )
725    }
727    pub fn resolve_async_drop_in_place(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> ty::Instance<'tcx> {
728        let def_id = tcx.require_lang_item(LangItem::AsyncDropInPlace, None);
729        let args = tcx.mk_args(&[ty.into()]);
730        Instance::expect_resolve(
731            tcx,
732            ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized(),
733            def_id,
734            args,
735            ty.ty_adt_def().and_then(|adt| tcx.hir().span_if_local(adt.did())).unwrap_or(DUMMY_SP),
736        )
737    }
739    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(tcx), ret)]
740    pub fn fn_once_adapter_instance(
741        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
742        closure_did: DefId,
743        args: ty::GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
744    ) -> Instance<'tcx> {
745        let fn_once = tcx.require_lang_item(LangItem::FnOnce, None);
746        let call_once = tcx
747            .associated_items(fn_once)
748            .in_definition_order()
749            .find(|it| it.kind == ty::AssocKind::Fn)
750            .unwrap()
751            .def_id;
752        let track_caller =
753            tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(closure_did).flags.contains(CodegenFnAttrFlags::TRACK_CALLER);
754        let def = ty::InstanceKind::ClosureOnceShim { call_once, track_caller };
756        let self_ty = Ty::new_closure(tcx, closure_did, args);
758        let tupled_inputs_ty = args.as_closure().sig().map_bound(|sig| sig.inputs()[0]);
759        let tupled_inputs_ty = tcx.instantiate_bound_regions_with_erased(tupled_inputs_ty);
760        let args = tcx.mk_args_trait(self_ty, [tupled_inputs_ty.into()]);
762        debug!(?self_ty, args=?tupled_inputs_ty.tuple_fields());
763        Instance { def, args }
764    }
766    pub fn try_resolve_item_for_coroutine(
767        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
768        trait_item_id: DefId,
769        trait_id: DefId,
770        rcvr_args: ty::GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
771    ) -> Option<Instance<'tcx>> {
772        let ty::Coroutine(coroutine_def_id, args) = *rcvr_args.type_at(0).kind() else {
773            return None;
774        };
775        let coroutine_kind = tcx.coroutine_kind(coroutine_def_id).unwrap();
777        let coroutine_callable_item = if tcx.is_lang_item(trait_id, LangItem::Future) {
778            assert_matches!(
779                coroutine_kind,
780                hir::CoroutineKind::Desugared(hir::CoroutineDesugaring::Async, _)
781            );
782            hir::LangItem::FuturePoll
783        } else if tcx.is_lang_item(trait_id, LangItem::Iterator) {
784            assert_matches!(
785                coroutine_kind,
786                hir::CoroutineKind::Desugared(hir::CoroutineDesugaring::Gen, _)
787            );
788            hir::LangItem::IteratorNext
789        } else if tcx.is_lang_item(trait_id, LangItem::AsyncIterator) {
790            assert_matches!(
791                coroutine_kind,
792                hir::CoroutineKind::Desugared(hir::CoroutineDesugaring::AsyncGen, _)
793            );
794            hir::LangItem::AsyncIteratorPollNext
795        } else if tcx.is_lang_item(trait_id, LangItem::Coroutine) {
796            assert_matches!(coroutine_kind, hir::CoroutineKind::Coroutine(_));
797            hir::LangItem::CoroutineResume
798        } else {
799            return None;
800        };
802        if tcx.is_lang_item(trait_item_id, coroutine_callable_item) {
803            let ty::Coroutine(_, id_args) = *tcx.type_of(coroutine_def_id).skip_binder().kind()
804            else {
805                bug!()
806            };
808            // If the closure's kind ty disagrees with the identity closure's kind ty,
809            // then this must be a coroutine generated by one of the `ConstructCoroutineInClosureShim`s.
810            if args.as_coroutine().kind_ty() == id_args.as_coroutine().kind_ty() {
811                Some(Instance { def: ty::InstanceKind::Item(coroutine_def_id), args })
812            } else {
813                Some(Instance {
814                    def: ty::InstanceKind::Item(
815                        tcx.coroutine_by_move_body_def_id(coroutine_def_id),
816                    ),
817                    args,
818                })
819            }
820        } else {
821            // All other methods should be defaulted methods of the built-in trait.
822            // This is important for `Iterator`'s combinators, but also useful for
823            // adding future default methods to `Future`, for instance.
824            debug_assert!(tcx.defaultness(trait_item_id).has_value());
825            Some(Instance::new(trait_item_id, rcvr_args))
826        }
827    }
829    /// Depending on the kind of `InstanceKind`, the MIR body associated with an
830    /// instance is expressed in terms of the generic parameters of `self.def_id()`, and in other
831    /// cases the MIR body is expressed in terms of the types found in the generic parameter array.
832    /// In the former case, we want to instantiate those generic types and replace them with the
833    /// values from the args when monomorphizing the function body. But in the latter case, we
834    /// don't want to do that instantiation, since it has already been done effectively.
835    ///
836    /// This function returns `Some(args)` in the former case and `None` otherwise -- i.e., if
837    /// this function returns `None`, then the MIR body does not require instantiation during
838    /// codegen.
839    fn args_for_mir_body(&self) -> Option<GenericArgsRef<'tcx>> {
840        self.def.has_polymorphic_mir_body().then_some(self.args)
841    }
843    pub fn instantiate_mir<T>(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, v: EarlyBinder<'tcx, &T>) -> T
844    where
845        T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>> + Copy,
846    {
847        let v = v.map_bound(|v| *v);
848        if let Some(args) = self.args_for_mir_body() {
849            v.instantiate(tcx, args)
850        } else {
851            v.instantiate_identity()
852        }
853    }
855    #[inline(always)]
856    // Keep me in sync with try_instantiate_mir_and_normalize_erasing_regions
857    pub fn instantiate_mir_and_normalize_erasing_regions<T>(
858        &self,
859        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
860        typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
861        v: EarlyBinder<'tcx, T>,
862    ) -> T
863    where
864        T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
865    {
866        if let Some(args) = self.args_for_mir_body() {
867            tcx.instantiate_and_normalize_erasing_regions(args, typing_env, v)
868        } else {
869            tcx.normalize_erasing_regions(typing_env, v.instantiate_identity())
870        }
871    }
873    #[inline(always)]
874    // Keep me in sync with instantiate_mir_and_normalize_erasing_regions
875    pub fn try_instantiate_mir_and_normalize_erasing_regions<T>(
876        &self,
877        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
878        typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
879        v: EarlyBinder<'tcx, T>,
880    ) -> Result<T, NormalizationError<'tcx>>
881    where
882        T: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
883    {
884        if let Some(args) = self.args_for_mir_body() {
885            tcx.try_instantiate_and_normalize_erasing_regions(args, typing_env, v)
886        } else {
887            // We're using `instantiate_identity` as e.g.
888            // `FnPtrShim` is separately generated for every
889            // instantiation of the `FnDef`, so the MIR body
890            // is already instantiated. Any generic parameters it
891            // contains are generic parameters from the caller.
892            tcx.try_normalize_erasing_regions(typing_env, v.instantiate_identity())
893        }
894    }
897fn needs_fn_once_adapter_shim(
898    actual_closure_kind: ty::ClosureKind,
899    trait_closure_kind: ty::ClosureKind,
900) -> Result<bool, ()> {
901    match (actual_closure_kind, trait_closure_kind) {
902        (ty::ClosureKind::Fn, ty::ClosureKind::Fn)
903        | (ty::ClosureKind::FnMut, ty::ClosureKind::FnMut)
904        | (ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce, ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce) => {
905            // No adapter needed.
906            Ok(false)
907        }
908        (ty::ClosureKind::Fn, ty::ClosureKind::FnMut) => {
909            // The closure fn `llfn` is a `fn(&self, ...)`. We want a
910            // `fn(&mut self, ...)`. In fact, at codegen time, these are
911            // basically the same thing, so we can just return llfn.
912            Ok(false)
913        }
914        (ty::ClosureKind::Fn | ty::ClosureKind::FnMut, ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce) => {
915            // The closure fn `llfn` is a `fn(&self, ...)` or `fn(&mut
916            // self, ...)`. We want a `fn(self, ...)`. We can produce
917            // this by doing something like:
918            //
919            //     fn call_once(self, ...) { call_mut(&self, ...) }
920            //     fn call_once(mut self, ...) { call_mut(&mut self, ...) }
921            //
922            // These are both the same at codegen time.
923            Ok(true)
924        }
925        (ty::ClosureKind::FnMut | ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce, _) => Err(()),
926    }
929// Set bits represent unused generic parameters.
930// An empty set indicates that all parameters are used.
931#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Decodable, Encodable, HashStable)]
932pub struct UnusedGenericParams(FiniteBitSet<u32>);
934impl Default for UnusedGenericParams {
935    fn default() -> Self {
936        UnusedGenericParams::new_all_used()
937    }
940impl UnusedGenericParams {
941    pub fn new_all_unused(amount: u32) -> Self {
942        let mut bitset = FiniteBitSet::new_empty();
943        bitset.set_range(0..amount);
944        Self(bitset)
945    }
947    pub fn new_all_used() -> Self {
948        Self(FiniteBitSet::new_empty())
949    }
951    pub fn mark_used(&mut self, idx: u32) {
952        self.0.clear(idx);
953    }
955    pub fn is_unused(&self, idx: u32) -> bool {
956        self.0.contains(idx).unwrap_or(false)
957    }
959    pub fn is_used(&self, idx: u32) -> bool {
960        !self.is_unused(idx)
961    }
963    pub fn all_used(&self) -> bool {
964        self.0.is_empty()
965    }
967    pub fn bits(&self) -> u32 {
968        self.0.0
969    }
971    pub fn from_bits(bits: u32) -> UnusedGenericParams {
972        UnusedGenericParams(FiniteBitSet(bits))
973    }