
1use std::assert_matches::assert_matches;
3use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
4use rustc_abi::{self as abi, FIRST_VARIANT, FieldIdx};
5use rustc_middle::ty::adjustment::PointerCoercion;
6use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{HasTyCtxt, HasTypingEnv, LayoutOf, TyAndLayout};
7use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Instance, Ty, TyCtxt};
8use rustc_middle::{bug, mir, span_bug};
9use rustc_session::config::OptLevel;
10use rustc_span::{DUMMY_SP, Span};
11use tracing::{debug, instrument};
13use super::operand::{OperandRef, OperandValue};
14use super::place::PlaceRef;
15use super::{FunctionCx, LocalRef};
16use crate::common::IntPredicate;
17use crate::traits::*;
18use crate::{MemFlags, base};
20impl<'a, 'tcx, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>> FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, Bx> {
21    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, bx))]
22    pub(crate) fn codegen_rvalue(
23        &mut self,
24        bx: &mut Bx,
25        dest: PlaceRef<'tcx, Bx::Value>,
26        rvalue: &mir::Rvalue<'tcx>,
27    ) {
28        match *rvalue {
29            mir::Rvalue::Use(ref operand) => {
30                let cg_operand = self.codegen_operand(bx, operand);
31                // FIXME: consider not copying constants through stack. (Fixable by codegen'ing
32                // constants into `OperandValue::Ref`; why don’t we do that yet if we don’t?)
33      , dest);
34            }
36            mir::Rvalue::Cast(
37                mir::CastKind::PointerCoercion(PointerCoercion::Unsize, _),
38                ref source,
39                _,
40            ) => {
41                // The destination necessarily contains a wide pointer, so if
42                // it's a scalar pair, it's a wide pointer or newtype thereof.
43                if {
44                    // Into-coerce of a thin pointer to a wide pointer -- just
45                    // use the operand path.
46                    let temp = self.codegen_rvalue_operand(bx, rvalue);
47          , dest);
48                    return;
49                }
51                // Unsize of a nontrivial struct. I would prefer for
52                // this to be eliminated by MIR building, but
53                // `CoerceUnsized` can be passed by a where-clause,
54                // so the (generic) MIR may not be able to expand it.
55                let operand = self.codegen_operand(bx, source);
56                match operand.val {
57                    OperandValue::Pair(..) | OperandValue::Immediate(_) => {
58                        // Unsize from an immediate structure. We don't
59                        // really need a temporary alloca here, but
60                        // avoiding it would require us to have
61                        // `coerce_unsized_into` use `extractvalue` to
62                        // index into the struct, and this case isn't
63                        // important enough for it.
64                        debug!("codegen_rvalue: creating ugly alloca");
65                        let scratch = PlaceRef::alloca(bx, operand.layout);
66                        scratch.storage_live(bx);
67              , scratch);
68                        base::coerce_unsized_into(bx, scratch, dest);
69                        scratch.storage_dead(bx);
70                    }
71                    OperandValue::Ref(val) => {
72                        if val.llextra.is_some() {
73                            bug!("unsized coercion on an unsized rvalue");
74                        }
75                        base::coerce_unsized_into(bx, val.with_type(operand.layout), dest);
76                    }
77                    OperandValue::ZeroSized => {
78                        bug!("unsized coercion on a ZST rvalue");
79                    }
80                }
81            }
83            mir::Rvalue::Cast(mir::CastKind::Transmute, ref operand, _ty) => {
84                let src = self.codegen_operand(bx, operand);
85                self.codegen_transmute(bx, src, dest);
86            }
88            mir::Rvalue::Repeat(ref elem, count) => {
89                // Do not generate the loop for zero-sized elements or empty arrays.
90                if dest.layout.is_zst() {
91                    return;
92                }
94                // When the element is a const with all bytes uninit, emit a single memset that
95                // writes undef to the entire destination.
96                if let mir::Operand::Constant(const_op) = elem {
97                    let val = self.eval_mir_constant(const_op);
98                    if val.all_bytes_uninit( {
99                        let size = bx.const_usize(dest.layout.size.bytes());
100                        bx.memset(
101                            dest.val.llval,
102                            bx.const_undef(bx.type_i8()),
103                            size,
104                            dest.val.align,
105                            MemFlags::empty(),
106                        );
107                        return;
108                    }
109                }
111                let cg_elem = self.codegen_operand(bx, elem);
113                let try_init_all_same = |bx: &mut Bx, v| {
114                    let start = dest.val.llval;
115                    let size = bx.const_usize(dest.layout.size.bytes());
117                    // Use llvm.memset.p0i8.* to initialize all same byte arrays
118                    if let Some(int) =, false) {
119                        let bytes = &int.to_le_bytes()[..cg_elem.layout.size.bytes_usize()];
120                        let first = bytes[0];
121                        if bytes[1..].iter().all(|&b| b == first) {
122                            let fill =;
123                            bx.memset(start, fill, size, dest.val.align, MemFlags::empty());
124                            return true;
125                        }
126                    }
128                    // Use llvm.memset.p0i8.* to initialize byte arrays
129                    let v = bx.from_immediate(v);
130                    if == {
131                        bx.memset(start, v, size, dest.val.align, MemFlags::empty());
132                        return true;
133                    }
134                    false
135                };
137                match cg_elem.val {
138                    OperandValue::Immediate(v) => {
139                        if try_init_all_same(bx, v) {
140                            return;
141                        }
142                    }
143                    _ => (),
144                }
146                let count = self
147                    .monomorphize(count)
148                    .try_to_target_usize(bx.tcx())
149                    .expect("expected monomorphic const in codegen");
151                bx.write_operand_repeatedly(cg_elem, count, dest);
152            }
154            // This implementation does field projection, so never use it for `RawPtr`,
155            // which will always be fine with the `codegen_rvalue_operand` path below.
156            mir::Rvalue::Aggregate(ref kind, ref operands)
157                if !matches!(**kind, mir::AggregateKind::RawPtr(..)) =>
158            {
159                let (variant_index, variant_dest, active_field_index) = match **kind {
160                    mir::AggregateKind::Adt(_, variant_index, _, _, active_field_index) => {
161                        let variant_dest = dest.project_downcast(bx, variant_index);
162                        (variant_index, variant_dest, active_field_index)
163                    }
164                    _ => (FIRST_VARIANT, dest, None),
165                };
166                if active_field_index.is_some() {
167                    assert_eq!(operands.len(), 1);
168                }
169                for (i, operand) in operands.iter_enumerated() {
170                    let op = self.codegen_operand(bx, operand);
171                    // Do not generate stores and GEPis for zero-sized fields.
172                    if !op.layout.is_zst() {
173                        let field_index = active_field_index.unwrap_or(i);
174                        let field = if let mir::AggregateKind::Array(_) = **kind {
175                            let llindex =;
176                            variant_dest.project_index(bx, llindex)
177                        } else {
178                            variant_dest.project_field(bx, field_index.as_usize())
179                        };
180              , field);
181                    }
182                }
183                dest.codegen_set_discr(bx, variant_index);
184            }
186            _ => {
187                assert!(self.rvalue_creates_operand(rvalue, DUMMY_SP));
188                let temp = self.codegen_rvalue_operand(bx, rvalue);
189      , dest);
190            }
191        }
192    }
194    fn codegen_transmute(
195        &mut self,
196        bx: &mut Bx,
197        src: OperandRef<'tcx, Bx::Value>,
198        dst: PlaceRef<'tcx, Bx::Value>,
199    ) {
200        // The MIR validator enforces no unsized transmutes.
201        assert!(src.layout.is_sized());
202        assert!(dst.layout.is_sized());
204        if let Some(val) = self.codegen_transmute_operand(bx, src, dst.layout) {
205  , dst);
206            return;
207        }
209        match src.val {
210            OperandValue::Ref(..) | OperandValue::ZeroSized => {
211                span_bug!(
212                    self.mir.span,
213                    "Operand path should have handled transmute \
214                    from {src:?} to place {dst:?}"
215                );
216            }
217            OperandValue::Immediate(..) | OperandValue::Pair(..) => {
218                // When we have immediate(s), the alignment of the source is irrelevant,
219                // so we can store them using the destination's alignment.
220      , dst.val.with_type(src.layout));
221            }
222        }
223    }
225    /// Attempts to transmute an `OperandValue` to another `OperandValue`.
226    ///
227    /// Returns `None` for cases that can't work in that framework, such as for
228    /// `Immediate`->`Ref` that needs an `alloc` to get the location.
229    pub(crate) fn codegen_transmute_operand(
230        &mut self,
231        bx: &mut Bx,
232        operand: OperandRef<'tcx, Bx::Value>,
233        cast: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
234    ) -> Option<OperandValue<Bx::Value>> {
235        // Check for transmutes that are always UB.
236        if operand.layout.size != cast.size
237            || operand.layout.is_uninhabited()
238            || cast.is_uninhabited()
239        {
240            if !operand.layout.is_uninhabited() {
241                // Since this is known statically and the input could have existed
242                // without already having hit UB, might as well trap for it.
243                bx.abort();
244            }
246            // Because this transmute is UB, return something easy to generate,
247            // since it's fine that later uses of the value are probably UB.
248            return Some(OperandValue::poison(bx, cast));
249        }
251        let operand_kind = self.value_kind(operand.layout);
252        let cast_kind = self.value_kind(cast);
254        match operand.val {
255            OperandValue::Ref(source_place_val) => {
256                assert_eq!(source_place_val.llextra, None);
257                assert_matches!(operand_kind, OperandValueKind::Ref);
258                // The existing alignment is part of `source_place_val`,
259                // so that alignment will be used, not `cast`'s.
260                Some(bx.load_operand(source_place_val.with_type(cast)).val)
261            }
262            OperandValue::ZeroSized => {
263                let OperandValueKind::ZeroSized = operand_kind else {
264                    bug!("Found {operand_kind:?} for operand {operand:?}");
265                };
266                if let OperandValueKind::ZeroSized = cast_kind {
267                    Some(OperandValue::ZeroSized)
268                } else {
269                    None
270                }
271            }
272            OperandValue::Immediate(imm) => {
273                let OperandValueKind::Immediate(from_scalar) = operand_kind else {
274                    bug!("Found {operand_kind:?} for operand {operand:?}");
275                };
276                if let OperandValueKind::Immediate(to_scalar) = cast_kind
277                    && from_scalar.size( == to_scalar.size(
278                {
279                    let from_backend_ty = bx.backend_type(operand.layout);
280                    let to_backend_ty = bx.backend_type(cast);
281                    Some(OperandValue::Immediate(self.transmute_immediate(
282                        bx,
283                        imm,
284                        from_scalar,
285                        from_backend_ty,
286                        to_scalar,
287                        to_backend_ty,
288                    )))
289                } else {
290                    None
291                }
292            }
293            OperandValue::Pair(imm_a, imm_b) => {
294                let OperandValueKind::Pair(in_a, in_b) = operand_kind else {
295                    bug!("Found {operand_kind:?} for operand {operand:?}");
296                };
297                if let OperandValueKind::Pair(out_a, out_b) = cast_kind
298                    && in_a.size( == out_a.size(
299                    && in_b.size( == out_b.size(
300                {
301                    let in_a_ibty = bx.scalar_pair_element_backend_type(operand.layout, 0, false);
302                    let in_b_ibty = bx.scalar_pair_element_backend_type(operand.layout, 1, false);
303                    let out_a_ibty = bx.scalar_pair_element_backend_type(cast, 0, false);
304                    let out_b_ibty = bx.scalar_pair_element_backend_type(cast, 1, false);
305                    Some(OperandValue::Pair(
306                        self.transmute_immediate(bx, imm_a, in_a, in_a_ibty, out_a, out_a_ibty),
307                        self.transmute_immediate(bx, imm_b, in_b, in_b_ibty, out_b, out_b_ibty),
308                    ))
309                } else {
310                    None
311                }
312            }
313        }
314    }
316    /// Cast one of the immediates from an [`OperandValue::Immediate`]
317    /// or an [`OperandValue::Pair`] to an immediate of the target type.
318    ///
319    /// Returns `None` if the cast is not possible.
320    fn cast_immediate(
321        &self,
322        bx: &mut Bx,
323        mut imm: Bx::Value,
324        from_scalar: abi::Scalar,
325        from_backend_ty: Bx::Type,
326        to_scalar: abi::Scalar,
327        to_backend_ty: Bx::Type,
328    ) -> Option<Bx::Value> {
329        use abi::Primitive::*;
331        // When scalars are passed by value, there's no metadata recording their
332        // valid ranges. For example, `char`s are passed as just `i32`, with no
333        // way for LLVM to know that they're 0x10FFFF at most. Thus we assume
334        // the range of the input value too, not just the output range.
335        self.assume_scalar_range(bx, imm, from_scalar, from_backend_ty);
337        imm = match (from_scalar.primitive(), to_scalar.primitive()) {
338            (Int(_, is_signed), Int(..)) => bx.intcast(imm, to_backend_ty, is_signed),
339            (Float(_), Float(_)) => {
340                let srcsz =;
341                let dstsz =;
342                if dstsz > srcsz {
343                    bx.fpext(imm, to_backend_ty)
344                } else if srcsz > dstsz {
345                    bx.fptrunc(imm, to_backend_ty)
346                } else {
347                    imm
348                }
349            }
350            (Int(_, is_signed), Float(_)) => {
351                if is_signed {
352                    bx.sitofp(imm, to_backend_ty)
353                } else {
354                    bx.uitofp(imm, to_backend_ty)
355                }
356            }
357            (Pointer(..), Pointer(..)) => bx.pointercast(imm, to_backend_ty),
358            (Int(_, is_signed), Pointer(..)) => {
359                let usize_imm = bx.intcast(imm,, is_signed);
360                bx.inttoptr(usize_imm, to_backend_ty)
361            }
362            (Float(_), Int(_, is_signed)) => bx.cast_float_to_int(is_signed, imm, to_backend_ty),
363            _ => return None,
364        };
365        Some(imm)
366    }
368    /// Transmutes one of the immediates from an [`OperandValue::Immediate`]
369    /// or an [`OperandValue::Pair`] to an immediate of the target type.
370    ///
371    /// `to_backend_ty` must be the *non*-immediate backend type (so it will be
372    /// `i8`, not `i1`, for `bool`-like types.)
373    fn transmute_immediate(
374        &self,
375        bx: &mut Bx,
376        mut imm: Bx::Value,
377        from_scalar: abi::Scalar,
378        from_backend_ty: Bx::Type,
379        to_scalar: abi::Scalar,
380        to_backend_ty: Bx::Type,
381    ) -> Bx::Value {
382        assert_eq!(from_scalar.size(, to_scalar.size(;
384        // While optimizations will remove no-op transmutes, they might still be
385        // there in debug or things that aren't no-op in MIR because they change
386        // the Rust type but not the underlying layout/niche.
387        if from_scalar == to_scalar && from_backend_ty == to_backend_ty {
388            return imm;
389        }
391        use abi::Primitive::*;
392        imm = bx.from_immediate(imm);
394        // If we have a scalar, we must already know its range. Either
395        //
396        // 1) It's a parameter with `range` parameter metadata,
397        // 2) It's something we `load`ed with `!range` metadata, or
398        // 3) After a transmute we `assume`d the range (see below).
399        //
400        // That said, last time we tried removing this, it didn't actually help
401        // the rustc-perf results, so might as well keep doing it
402        // <>
403        self.assume_scalar_range(bx, imm, from_scalar, from_backend_ty);
405        imm = match (from_scalar.primitive(), to_scalar.primitive()) {
406            (Int(..) | Float(_), Int(..) | Float(_)) => bx.bitcast(imm, to_backend_ty),
407            (Pointer(..), Pointer(..)) => bx.pointercast(imm, to_backend_ty),
408            (Int(..), Pointer(..)) => bx.ptradd(bx.const_null(bx.type_ptr()), imm),
409            (Pointer(..), Int(..)) => {
410                // FIXME: this exposes the provenance, which shouldn't be necessary.
411                bx.ptrtoint(imm, to_backend_ty)
412            }
413            (Float(_), Pointer(..)) => {
414                let int_imm = bx.bitcast(imm,;
415                bx.ptradd(bx.const_null(bx.type_ptr()), int_imm)
416            }
417            (Pointer(..), Float(_)) => {
418                // FIXME: this exposes the provenance, which shouldn't be necessary.
419                let int_imm = bx.ptrtoint(imm,;
420                bx.bitcast(int_imm, to_backend_ty)
421            }
422        };
424        // This `assume` remains important for cases like (a conceptual)
425        //    transmute::<u32, NonZeroU32>(x) == 0
426        // since it's never passed to something with parameter metadata (especially
427        // after MIR inlining) so the only way to tell the backend about the
428        // constraint that the `transmute` introduced is to `assume` it.
429        self.assume_scalar_range(bx, imm, to_scalar, to_backend_ty);
431        imm = bx.to_immediate_scalar(imm, to_scalar);
432        imm
433    }
435    fn assume_scalar_range(
436        &self,
437        bx: &mut Bx,
438        imm: Bx::Value,
439        scalar: abi::Scalar,
440        backend_ty: Bx::Type,
441    ) {
442        if matches!(, OptLevel::No) || scalar.is_always_valid( {
443            return;
444        }
446        match scalar.primitive() {
447            abi::Primitive::Int(..) => {
448                let range = scalar.valid_range(;
449                bx.assume_integer_range(imm, backend_ty, range);
450            }
451            abi::Primitive::Pointer(abi::AddressSpace::DATA)
452                if !scalar.valid_range( =>
453            {
454                bx.assume_nonnull(imm);
455            }
456            abi::Primitive::Pointer(..) | abi::Primitive::Float(..) => {}
457        }
458    }
460    pub(crate) fn codegen_rvalue_unsized(
461        &mut self,
462        bx: &mut Bx,
463        indirect_dest: PlaceRef<'tcx, Bx::Value>,
464        rvalue: &mir::Rvalue<'tcx>,
465    ) {
466        debug!(
467            "codegen_rvalue_unsized(indirect_dest.llval={:?}, rvalue={:?})",
468            indirect_dest.val.llval, rvalue
469        );
471        match *rvalue {
472            mir::Rvalue::Use(ref operand) => {
473                let cg_operand = self.codegen_operand(bx, operand);
474                cg_operand.val.store_unsized(bx, indirect_dest);
475            }
477            _ => bug!("unsized assignment other than `Rvalue::Use`"),
478        }
479    }
481    pub(crate) fn codegen_rvalue_operand(
482        &mut self,
483        bx: &mut Bx,
484        rvalue: &mir::Rvalue<'tcx>,
485    ) -> OperandRef<'tcx, Bx::Value> {
486        assert!(
487            self.rvalue_creates_operand(rvalue, DUMMY_SP),
488            "cannot codegen {rvalue:?} to operand",
489        );
491        match *rvalue {
492            mir::Rvalue::Cast(ref kind, ref source, mir_cast_ty) => {
493                let operand = self.codegen_operand(bx, source);
494                debug!("cast operand is {:?}", operand);
495                let cast =;
497                let val = match *kind {
498                    mir::CastKind::PointerExposeProvenance => {
499                        assert!(;
500                        let llptr = operand.immediate();
501                        let llcast_ty =;
502                        let lladdr = bx.ptrtoint(llptr, llcast_ty);
503                        OperandValue::Immediate(lladdr)
504                    }
505                    mir::CastKind::PointerCoercion(PointerCoercion::ReifyFnPointer, _) => {
506                        match *operand.layout.ty.kind() {
507                            ty::FnDef(def_id, args) => {
508                                let instance = ty::Instance::resolve_for_fn_ptr(
509                                    bx.tcx(),
510                                    bx.typing_env(),
511                                    def_id,
512                                    args,
513                                )
514                                .unwrap();
515                                OperandValue::Immediate(bx.get_fn_addr(instance))
516                            }
517                            _ => bug!("{} cannot be reified to a fn ptr", operand.layout.ty),
518                        }
519                    }
520                    mir::CastKind::PointerCoercion(PointerCoercion::ClosureFnPointer(_), _) => {
521                        match *operand.layout.ty.kind() {
522                            ty::Closure(def_id, args) => {
523                                let instance = Instance::resolve_closure(
524                          ,
525                                    def_id,
526                                    args,
527                                    ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce,
528                                );
529                                OperandValue::Immediate(
530                            }
531                            _ => bug!("{} cannot be cast to a fn ptr", operand.layout.ty),
532                        }
533                    }
534                    mir::CastKind::PointerCoercion(PointerCoercion::UnsafeFnPointer, _) => {
535                        // This is a no-op at the LLVM level.
536                        operand.val
537                    }
538                    mir::CastKind::PointerCoercion(PointerCoercion::Unsize, _) => {
539                        assert!(;
540                        let (lldata, llextra) = operand.val.pointer_parts();
541                        let (lldata, llextra) =
542                            base::unsize_ptr(bx, lldata, operand.layout.ty, cast.ty, llextra);
543                        OperandValue::Pair(lldata, llextra)
544                    }
545                    mir::CastKind::PointerCoercion(
546                        PointerCoercion::MutToConstPointer | PointerCoercion::ArrayToPointer, _
547                    ) => {
548                        bug!("{kind:?} is for borrowck, and should never appear in codegen");
549                    }
550                    mir::CastKind::PtrToPtr
551                        if =>
552                    {
553                        if let OperandValue::Pair(data_ptr, meta) = operand.val {
554                            if {
555                                OperandValue::Pair(data_ptr, meta)
556                            } else {
557                                // Cast of wide-ptr to thin-ptr is an extraction of data-ptr.
558                                OperandValue::Immediate(data_ptr)
559                            }
560                        } else {
561                            bug!("unexpected non-pair operand");
562                        }
563                    }
564                    mir::CastKind::PointerCoercion(PointerCoercion::DynStar, _) => {
565                        let (lldata, llextra) = operand.val.pointer_parts();
566                        let (lldata, llextra) =
567                            base::cast_to_dyn_star(bx, lldata, operand.layout, cast.ty, llextra);
568                        OperandValue::Pair(lldata, llextra)
569                    }
570                    | mir::CastKind::IntToInt
571                    | mir::CastKind::FloatToInt
572                    | mir::CastKind::FloatToFloat
573                    | mir::CastKind::IntToFloat
574                    | mir::CastKind::PtrToPtr
575                    | mir::CastKind::FnPtrToPtr
576                    // Since int2ptr can have arbitrary integer types as input (so we have to do
577                    // sign extension and all that), it is currently best handled in the same code
578                    // path as the other integer-to-X casts.
579                    | mir::CastKind::PointerWithExposedProvenance => {
580                        let imm = operand.immediate();
581                        let operand_kind = self.value_kind(operand.layout);
582                        let OperandValueKind::Immediate(from_scalar) = operand_kind else {
583                            bug!("Found {operand_kind:?} for operand {operand:?}");
584                        };
585                        let from_backend_ty =;
587                        assert!(;
588                        let to_backend_ty =;
589                        if operand.layout.is_uninhabited() {
590                            let val = OperandValue::Immediate(;
591                            return OperandRef { val, layout: cast };
592                        }
593                        let cast_kind = self.value_kind(cast);
594                        let OperandValueKind::Immediate(to_scalar) = cast_kind else {
595                            bug!("Found {cast_kind:?} for operand {cast:?}");
596                        };
598                        self.cast_immediate(bx, imm, from_scalar, from_backend_ty, to_scalar, to_backend_ty)
599                            .map(OperandValue::Immediate)
600                            .unwrap_or_else(|| {
601                                bug!("Unsupported cast of {operand:?} to {cast:?}");
602                            })
603                    }
604                    mir::CastKind::Transmute => {
605                        self.codegen_transmute_operand(bx, operand, cast).unwrap_or_else(|| {
606                            bug!("Unsupported transmute-as-operand of {operand:?} to {cast:?}");
607                        })
608                    }
609                };
610                OperandRef { val, layout: cast }
611            }
613            mir::Rvalue::Ref(_, bk, place) => {
614                let mk_ref = move |tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>| {
615                    Ty::new_ref(tcx, tcx.lifetimes.re_erased, ty, bk.to_mutbl_lossy())
616                };
617                self.codegen_place_to_pointer(bx, place, mk_ref)
618            }
620            mir::Rvalue::CopyForDeref(place) => {
621                self.codegen_operand(bx, &mir::Operand::Copy(place))
622            }
623            mir::Rvalue::RawPtr(kind, place) => {
624                let mk_ptr = move |tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>| {
625                    Ty::new_ptr(tcx, ty, kind.to_mutbl_lossy())
626                };
627                self.codegen_place_to_pointer(bx, place, mk_ptr)
628            }
630            mir::Rvalue::Len(place) => {
631                let size = self.evaluate_array_len(bx, place);
632                OperandRef {
633                    val: OperandValue::Immediate(size),
634                    layout:,
635                }
636            }
638            mir::Rvalue::BinaryOp(op_with_overflow, box (ref lhs, ref rhs))
639                if let Some(op) = op_with_overflow.overflowing_to_wrapping() =>
640            {
641                let lhs = self.codegen_operand(bx, lhs);
642                let rhs = self.codegen_operand(bx, rhs);
643                let result = self.codegen_scalar_checked_binop(
644                    bx,
645                    op,
646                    lhs.immediate(),
647                    rhs.immediate(),
648                    lhs.layout.ty,
649                );
650                let val_ty = op.ty(bx.tcx(), lhs.layout.ty, rhs.layout.ty);
651                let operand_ty = Ty::new_tup(bx.tcx(), &[val_ty, bx.tcx().types.bool]);
652                OperandRef { val: result, layout: }
653            }
654            mir::Rvalue::BinaryOp(op, box (ref lhs, ref rhs)) => {
655                let lhs = self.codegen_operand(bx, lhs);
656                let rhs = self.codegen_operand(bx, rhs);
657                let llresult = match (lhs.val, rhs.val) {
658                    (
659                        OperandValue::Pair(lhs_addr, lhs_extra),
660                        OperandValue::Pair(rhs_addr, rhs_extra),
661                    ) => self.codegen_wide_ptr_binop(
662                        bx,
663                        op,
664                        lhs_addr,
665                        lhs_extra,
666                        rhs_addr,
667                        rhs_extra,
668                        lhs.layout.ty,
669                    ),
671                    (OperandValue::Immediate(lhs_val), OperandValue::Immediate(rhs_val)) => self
672                        .codegen_scalar_binop(
673                            bx,
674                            op,
675                            lhs_val,
676                            rhs_val,
677                            lhs.layout.ty,
678                            rhs.layout.ty,
679                        ),
681                    _ => bug!(),
682                };
683                OperandRef {
684                    val: OperandValue::Immediate(llresult),
685                    layout:, lhs.layout.ty, rhs.layout.ty)),
686                }
687            }
689            mir::Rvalue::UnaryOp(op, ref operand) => {
690                let operand = self.codegen_operand(bx, operand);
691                let is_float = operand.layout.ty.is_floating_point();
692                let (val, layout) = match op {
693                    mir::UnOp::Not => {
694                        let llval = bx.not(operand.immediate());
695                        (OperandValue::Immediate(llval), operand.layout)
696                    }
697                    mir::UnOp::Neg => {
698                        let llval = if is_float {
699                            bx.fneg(operand.immediate())
700                        } else {
701                            bx.neg(operand.immediate())
702                        };
703                        (OperandValue::Immediate(llval), operand.layout)
704                    }
705                    mir::UnOp::PtrMetadata => {
706                        assert!(operand.layout.ty.is_raw_ptr() || operand.layout.ty.is_ref(),);
707                        let (_, meta) = operand.val.pointer_parts();
708                        assert_eq!(operand.layout.fields.count() > 1, meta.is_some());
709                        if let Some(meta) = meta {
710                            (OperandValue::Immediate(meta), operand.layout.field(, 1))
711                        } else {
712                            (OperandValue::ZeroSized,
713                        }
714                    }
715                };
716                assert!(
717                    val.is_expected_variant_for_type(, layout),
718                    "Made wrong variant {val:?} for type {layout:?}",
719                );
720                OperandRef { val, layout }
721            }
723            mir::Rvalue::Discriminant(ref place) => {
724                let discr_ty = rvalue.ty(self.mir, bx.tcx());
725                let discr_ty = self.monomorphize(discr_ty);
726                let operand = self.codegen_consume(bx, place.as_ref());
727                let discr = operand.codegen_get_discr(self, bx, discr_ty);
728                OperandRef {
729                    val: OperandValue::Immediate(discr),
730                    layout:,
731                }
732            }
734            mir::Rvalue::NullaryOp(ref null_op, ty) => {
735                let ty = self.monomorphize(ty);
736                let layout =;
737                let val = match null_op {
738                    mir::NullOp::SizeOf => {
739                        assert!(;
740                        let val = layout.size.bytes();
742                    }
743                    mir::NullOp::AlignOf => {
744                        assert!(;
745                        let val = layout.align.abi.bytes();
747                    }
748                    mir::NullOp::OffsetOf(fields) => {
749                        let val = bx
750                            .tcx()
751                            .offset_of_subfield(bx.typing_env(), layout, fields.iter())
752                            .bytes();
754                    }
755                    mir::NullOp::UbChecks => {
756                        let val = bx.tcx().sess.ub_checks();
758                    }
759                    mir::NullOp::ContractChecks => {
760                        let val = bx.tcx().sess.contract_checks();
762                    }
763                };
764                let tcx =;
765                OperandRef {
766                    val: OperandValue::Immediate(val),
767                    layout:,
768                }
769            }
771            mir::Rvalue::ThreadLocalRef(def_id) => {
772                assert!(;
773                let layout = bx.layout_of(, bx.typing_env()));
774                let static_ = if !def_id.is_local() &&
775                {
776                    let instance = ty::Instance {
777                        def: ty::InstanceKind::ThreadLocalShim(def_id),
778                        args: ty::GenericArgs::empty(),
779                    };
780                    let fn_ptr = bx.get_fn_addr(instance);
781                    let fn_abi = bx.fn_abi_of_instance(instance, ty::List::empty());
782                    let fn_ty = bx.fn_decl_backend_type(fn_abi);
783                    let fn_attrs = if bx.tcx().def_kind(instance.def_id()).has_codegen_attrs() {
784                        Some(bx.tcx().codegen_fn_attrs(instance.def_id()))
785                    } else {
786                        None
787                    };
788          , fn_attrs, Some(fn_abi), fn_ptr, &[], None, Some(instance))
789                } else {
790                    bx.get_static(def_id)
791                };
792                OperandRef { val: OperandValue::Immediate(static_), layout }
793            }
794            mir::Rvalue::Use(ref operand) => self.codegen_operand(bx, operand),
795            mir::Rvalue::Repeat(..) => bug!("{rvalue:?} in codegen_rvalue_operand"),
796            mir::Rvalue::Aggregate(_, ref fields) => {
797                let ty = rvalue.ty(self.mir,;
798                let ty = self.monomorphize(ty);
799                let layout =;
801                // `rvalue_creates_operand` has arranged that we only get here if
802                // we can build the aggregate immediate from the field immediates.
803                let mut inputs = ArrayVec::<Bx::Value, 2>::new();
804                let mut input_scalars = ArrayVec::<abi::Scalar, 2>::new();
805                for field_idx in layout.fields.index_by_increasing_offset() {
806                    let field_idx = FieldIdx::from_usize(field_idx);
807                    let op = self.codegen_operand(bx, &fields[field_idx]);
808                    let values = op.val.immediates_or_place().left_or_else(|p| {
809                        bug!("Field {field_idx:?} is {p:?} making {layout:?}");
810                    });
811                    let scalars = self.value_kind(op.layout).scalars().unwrap();
812                    assert_eq!(values.len(), scalars.len());
813                    inputs.extend(values);
814                    input_scalars.extend(scalars);
815                }
817                let output_scalars = self.value_kind(layout).scalars().unwrap();
818                itertools::izip!(&mut inputs, input_scalars, output_scalars).for_each(
819                    |(v, in_s, out_s)| {
820                        if in_s != out_s {
821                            // We have to be really careful about bool here, because
822                            // `(bool,)` stays i1 but `Cell<bool>` becomes i8.
823                            *v = bx.from_immediate(*v);
824                            *v = bx.to_immediate_scalar(*v, out_s);
825                        }
826                    },
827                );
829                let val = OperandValue::from_immediates(inputs);
830                assert!(
831                    val.is_expected_variant_for_type(, layout),
832                    "Made wrong variant {val:?} for type {layout:?}",
833                );
834                OperandRef { val, layout }
835            }
836            mir::Rvalue::ShallowInitBox(ref operand, content_ty) => {
837                let operand = self.codegen_operand(bx, operand);
838                let val = operand.immediate();
840                let content_ty = self.monomorphize(content_ty);
841                let box_layout =, content_ty));
843                OperandRef { val: OperandValue::Immediate(val), layout: box_layout }
844            }
845            mir::Rvalue::WrapUnsafeBinder(ref operand, binder_ty) => {
846                let operand = self.codegen_operand(bx, operand);
847                let binder_ty = self.monomorphize(binder_ty);
848                let layout =;
849                OperandRef { val: operand.val, layout }
850            }
851        }
852    }
854    fn evaluate_array_len(&mut self, bx: &mut Bx, place: mir::Place<'tcx>) -> Bx::Value {
855        // ZST are passed as operands and require special handling
856        // because codegen_place() panics if Local is operand.
857        if let Some(index) = place.as_local()
858            && let LocalRef::Operand(op) = self.locals[index]
859            && let ty::Array(_, n) = op.layout.ty.kind()
860        {
861            let n = n.try_to_target_usize(bx.tcx()).expect("expected monomorphic const in codegen");
862            return;
863        }
864        // use common size calculation for non zero-sized types
865        let cg_value = self.codegen_place(bx, place.as_ref());
866        cg_value.len(
867    }
869    /// Codegen an `Rvalue::RawPtr` or `Rvalue::Ref`
870    fn codegen_place_to_pointer(
871        &mut self,
872        bx: &mut Bx,
873        place: mir::Place<'tcx>,
874        mk_ptr_ty: impl FnOnce(TyCtxt<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx>,
875    ) -> OperandRef<'tcx, Bx::Value> {
876        let cg_place = self.codegen_place(bx, place.as_ref());
877        let val = cg_place.val.address();
879        let ty = cg_place.layout.ty;
880        assert!(
881            if, {
882                matches!(val, OperandValue::Pair(..))
883            } else {
884                matches!(val, OperandValue::Immediate(..))
885            },
886            "Address of place was unexpectedly {val:?} for pointee type {ty:?}",
887        );
889        OperandRef { val, layout:, ty)) }
890    }
892    fn codegen_scalar_binop(
893        &mut self,
894        bx: &mut Bx,
895        op: mir::BinOp,
896        lhs: Bx::Value,
897        rhs: Bx::Value,
898        lhs_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
899        rhs_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
900    ) -> Bx::Value {
901        let is_float = lhs_ty.is_floating_point();
902        let is_signed = lhs_ty.is_signed();
903        match op {
904            mir::BinOp::Add => {
905                if is_float {
906                    bx.fadd(lhs, rhs)
907                } else {
908                    bx.add(lhs, rhs)
909                }
910            }
911            mir::BinOp::AddUnchecked => {
912                if is_signed {
913                    bx.unchecked_sadd(lhs, rhs)
914                } else {
915                    bx.unchecked_uadd(lhs, rhs)
916                }
917            }
918            mir::BinOp::Sub => {
919                if is_float {
920                    bx.fsub(lhs, rhs)
921                } else {
922                    bx.sub(lhs, rhs)
923                }
924            }
925            mir::BinOp::SubUnchecked => {
926                if is_signed {
927                    bx.unchecked_ssub(lhs, rhs)
928                } else {
929                    bx.unchecked_usub(lhs, rhs)
930                }
931            }
932            mir::BinOp::Mul => {
933                if is_float {
934                    bx.fmul(lhs, rhs)
935                } else {
936                    bx.mul(lhs, rhs)
937                }
938            }
939            mir::BinOp::MulUnchecked => {
940                if is_signed {
941                    bx.unchecked_smul(lhs, rhs)
942                } else {
943                    bx.unchecked_umul(lhs, rhs)
944                }
945            }
946            mir::BinOp::Div => {
947                if is_float {
948                    bx.fdiv(lhs, rhs)
949                } else if is_signed {
950                    bx.sdiv(lhs, rhs)
951                } else {
952                    bx.udiv(lhs, rhs)
953                }
954            }
955            mir::BinOp::Rem => {
956                if is_float {
957                    bx.frem(lhs, rhs)
958                } else if is_signed {
959                    bx.srem(lhs, rhs)
960                } else {
961                    bx.urem(lhs, rhs)
962                }
963            }
964            mir::BinOp::BitOr => bx.or(lhs, rhs),
965            mir::BinOp::BitAnd => bx.and(lhs, rhs),
966            mir::BinOp::BitXor => bx.xor(lhs, rhs),
967            mir::BinOp::Offset => {
968                let pointee_type = lhs_ty
969                    .builtin_deref(true)
970                    .unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("deref of non-pointer {:?}", lhs_ty));
971                let pointee_layout =;
972                if pointee_layout.is_zst() {
973                    // `Offset` works in terms of the size of pointee,
974                    // so offsetting a pointer to ZST is a noop.
975                    lhs
976                } else {
977                    let llty =;
978                    if !rhs_ty.is_signed() {
979                        bx.inbounds_nuw_gep(llty, lhs, &[rhs])
980                    } else {
981                        bx.inbounds_gep(llty, lhs, &[rhs])
982                    }
983                }
984            }
985            mir::BinOp::Shl | mir::BinOp::ShlUnchecked => {
986                let rhs = base::build_shift_expr_rhs(bx, lhs, rhs, op == mir::BinOp::ShlUnchecked);
987                bx.shl(lhs, rhs)
988            }
989            mir::BinOp::Shr | mir::BinOp::ShrUnchecked => {
990                let rhs = base::build_shift_expr_rhs(bx, lhs, rhs, op == mir::BinOp::ShrUnchecked);
991                if is_signed { bx.ashr(lhs, rhs) } else { bx.lshr(lhs, rhs) }
992            }
993            mir::BinOp::Ne
994            | mir::BinOp::Lt
995            | mir::BinOp::Gt
996            | mir::BinOp::Eq
997            | mir::BinOp::Le
998            | mir::BinOp::Ge => {
999                if is_float {
1000                    bx.fcmp(base::bin_op_to_fcmp_predicate(op), lhs, rhs)
1001                } else {
1002                    bx.icmp(base::bin_op_to_icmp_predicate(op, is_signed), lhs, rhs)
1003                }
1004            }
1005            mir::BinOp::Cmp => {
1006                use std::cmp::Ordering;
1007                assert!(!is_float);
1008                if let Some(value) = bx.three_way_compare(lhs_ty, lhs, rhs) {
1009                    return value;
1010                }
1011                let pred = |op| base::bin_op_to_icmp_predicate(op, is_signed);
1012                if == OptLevel::No {
1013                    // FIXME: This actually generates tighter assembly, and is a classic trick
1014                    // <>
1015                    // However, as of 2023-11 it optimizes worse in things like derived
1016                    // `PartialOrd`, so only use it in debug for now. Once LLVM can handle it
1017                    // better (see <>), it'll
1018                    // be worth trying it in optimized builds as well.
1019                    let is_gt = bx.icmp(pred(mir::BinOp::Gt), lhs, rhs);
1020                    let gtext = bx.zext(is_gt, bx.type_i8());
1021                    let is_lt = bx.icmp(pred(mir::BinOp::Lt), lhs, rhs);
1022                    let ltext = bx.zext(is_lt, bx.type_i8());
1023                    bx.unchecked_ssub(gtext, ltext)
1024                } else {
1025                    // These operations are those expected by `tests/codegen/`,
1026                    // from <>.
1027                    let is_lt = bx.icmp(pred(mir::BinOp::Lt), lhs, rhs);
1028                    let is_ne = bx.icmp(pred(mir::BinOp::Ne), lhs, rhs);
1029                    let ge =
1030                        is_ne,
1031               as i8),
1032               as i8),
1033                    );
1034          , as i8), ge)
1035                }
1036            }
1037            mir::BinOp::AddWithOverflow
1038            | mir::BinOp::SubWithOverflow
1039            | mir::BinOp::MulWithOverflow => {
1040                bug!("{op:?} needs to return a pair, so call codegen_scalar_checked_binop instead")
1041            }
1042        }
1043    }
1045    fn codegen_wide_ptr_binop(
1046        &mut self,
1047        bx: &mut Bx,
1048        op: mir::BinOp,
1049        lhs_addr: Bx::Value,
1050        lhs_extra: Bx::Value,
1051        rhs_addr: Bx::Value,
1052        rhs_extra: Bx::Value,
1053        _input_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
1054    ) -> Bx::Value {
1055        match op {
1056            mir::BinOp::Eq => {
1057                let lhs = bx.icmp(IntPredicate::IntEQ, lhs_addr, rhs_addr);
1058                let rhs = bx.icmp(IntPredicate::IntEQ, lhs_extra, rhs_extra);
1059                bx.and(lhs, rhs)
1060            }
1061            mir::BinOp::Ne => {
1062                let lhs = bx.icmp(IntPredicate::IntNE, lhs_addr, rhs_addr);
1063                let rhs = bx.icmp(IntPredicate::IntNE, lhs_extra, rhs_extra);
1064                bx.or(lhs, rhs)
1065            }
1066            mir::BinOp::Le | mir::BinOp::Lt | mir::BinOp::Ge | mir::BinOp::Gt => {
1067                // a OP b ~ a.0 STRICT(OP) b.0 | (a.0 == b.0 && a.1 OP a.1)
1068                let (op, strict_op) = match op {
1069                    mir::BinOp::Lt => (IntPredicate::IntULT, IntPredicate::IntULT),
1070                    mir::BinOp::Le => (IntPredicate::IntULE, IntPredicate::IntULT),
1071                    mir::BinOp::Gt => (IntPredicate::IntUGT, IntPredicate::IntUGT),
1072                    mir::BinOp::Ge => (IntPredicate::IntUGE, IntPredicate::IntUGT),
1073                    _ => bug!(),
1074                };
1075                let lhs = bx.icmp(strict_op, lhs_addr, rhs_addr);
1076                let and_lhs = bx.icmp(IntPredicate::IntEQ, lhs_addr, rhs_addr);
1077                let and_rhs = bx.icmp(op, lhs_extra, rhs_extra);
1078                let rhs = bx.and(and_lhs, and_rhs);
1079                bx.or(lhs, rhs)
1080            }
1081            _ => {
1082                bug!("unexpected wide ptr binop");
1083            }
1084        }
1085    }
1087    fn codegen_scalar_checked_binop(
1088        &mut self,
1089        bx: &mut Bx,
1090        op: mir::BinOp,
1091        lhs: Bx::Value,
1092        rhs: Bx::Value,
1093        input_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
1094    ) -> OperandValue<Bx::Value> {
1095        let (val, of) = match op {
1096            // These are checked using intrinsics
1097            mir::BinOp::Add | mir::BinOp::Sub | mir::BinOp::Mul => {
1098                let oop = match op {
1099                    mir::BinOp::Add => OverflowOp::Add,
1100                    mir::BinOp::Sub => OverflowOp::Sub,
1101                    mir::BinOp::Mul => OverflowOp::Mul,
1102                    _ => unreachable!(),
1103                };
1104                bx.checked_binop(oop, input_ty, lhs, rhs)
1105            }
1106            _ => bug!("Operator `{:?}` is not a checkable operator", op),
1107        };
1109        OperandValue::Pair(val, of)
1110    }
1112    pub(crate) fn rvalue_creates_operand(&self, rvalue: &mir::Rvalue<'tcx>, span: Span) -> bool {
1113        match *rvalue {
1114            mir::Rvalue::Cast(mir::CastKind::Transmute, ref operand, cast_ty) => {
1115                let operand_ty = operand.ty(self.mir,;
1116                let cast_layout =;
1117                let operand_layout =;
1119                match (self.value_kind(operand_layout), self.value_kind(cast_layout)) {
1120                    // Can always load from a pointer as needed
1121                    (OperandValueKind::Ref, _) => true,
1123                    // ZST-to-ZST is the easiest thing ever
1124                    (OperandValueKind::ZeroSized, OperandValueKind::ZeroSized) => true,
1126                    // But if only one of them is a ZST the sizes can't match
1127                    (OperandValueKind::ZeroSized, _) | (_, OperandValueKind::ZeroSized) => false,
1129                    // Need to generate an `alloc` to get a pointer from an immediate
1130                    (OperandValueKind::Immediate(..) | OperandValueKind::Pair(..), OperandValueKind::Ref) => false,
1132                    // When we have scalar immediates, we can only convert things
1133                    // where the sizes match, to avoid endianness questions.
1134                    (OperandValueKind::Immediate(a), OperandValueKind::Immediate(b)) =>
1135                        a.size( == b.size(,
1136                    (OperandValueKind::Pair(a0, a1), OperandValueKind::Pair(b0, b1)) =>
1137                        a0.size( == b0.size( && a1.size( == b1.size(,
1139                    // Send mixings between scalars and pairs through the memory route
1140                    // FIXME: Maybe this could use insertvalue/extractvalue instead?
1141                    (OperandValueKind::Immediate(..), OperandValueKind::Pair(..)) |
1142                    (OperandValueKind::Pair(..), OperandValueKind::Immediate(..)) => false,
1143                }
1144            }
1145            mir::Rvalue::Ref(..) |
1146            mir::Rvalue::CopyForDeref(..) |
1147            mir::Rvalue::RawPtr(..) |
1148            mir::Rvalue::Len(..) |
1149            mir::Rvalue::Cast(..) | // (*)
1150            mir::Rvalue::ShallowInitBox(..) | // (*)
1151            mir::Rvalue::BinaryOp(..) |
1152            mir::Rvalue::UnaryOp(..) |
1153            mir::Rvalue::Discriminant(..) |
1154            mir::Rvalue::NullaryOp(..) |
1155            mir::Rvalue::ThreadLocalRef(_) |
1156            mir::Rvalue::Use(..) |
1157            mir::Rvalue::WrapUnsafeBinder(..) => // (*)
1158                true,
1159            // Arrays are always aggregates, so it's not worth checking anything here.
1160            // (If it's really `[(); N]` or `[T; 0]` and we use the place path, fine.)
1161            mir::Rvalue::Repeat(..) => false,
1162            mir::Rvalue::Aggregate(ref kind, _) => {
1163                let allowed_kind = match **kind {
1164                    // This always produces a `ty::RawPtr`, so will be Immediate or Pair
1165                    mir::AggregateKind::RawPtr(..) => true,
1166                    mir::AggregateKind::Array(..) => false,
1167                    mir::AggregateKind::Tuple => true,
1168                    mir::AggregateKind::Adt(def_id, ..) => {
1169                        let adt_def =;
1170                        adt_def.is_struct() && !adt_def.repr().simd()
1171                    }
1172                    mir::AggregateKind::Closure(..) => true,
1173                    // FIXME: Can we do this for simple coroutines too?
1174                    mir::AggregateKind::Coroutine(..) | mir::AggregateKind::CoroutineClosure(..) => false,
1175                };
1176                allowed_kind && {
1177                let ty = rvalue.ty(self.mir,;
1178                let ty = self.monomorphize(ty);
1179                    let layout =, span);
1180                    !
1181                }
1182            }
1183        }
1185        // (*) this is only true if the type is suitable
1186    }
1188    /// Gets which variant of [`OperandValue`] is expected for a particular type.
1189    fn value_kind(&self, layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>) -> OperandValueKind {
1190        if layout.is_zst() {
1191            OperandValueKind::ZeroSized
1192        } else if {
1193            assert!(!;
1194            OperandValueKind::Immediate(match layout.backend_repr {
1195                abi::BackendRepr::Scalar(s) => s,
1196                abi::BackendRepr::SimdVector { element, .. } => element,
1197                x => span_bug!(self.mir.span, "Couldn't translate {x:?} as backend immediate"),
1198            })
1199        } else if {
1200            let abi::BackendRepr::ScalarPair(s1, s2) = layout.backend_repr else {
1201                span_bug!(
1202                    self.mir.span,
1203                    "Couldn't translate {:?} as backend scalar pair",
1204                    layout.backend_repr,
1205                );
1206            };
1207            OperandValueKind::Pair(s1, s2)
1208        } else {
1209            OperandValueKind::Ref
1210        }
1211    }
1214/// The variants of this match [`OperandValue`], giving details about the
1215/// backend values that will be held in that other type.
1216#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
1217enum OperandValueKind {
1218    Ref,
1219    Immediate(abi::Scalar),
1220    Pair(abi::Scalar, abi::Scalar),
1221    ZeroSized,
1224impl OperandValueKind {
1225    fn scalars(self) -> Option<ArrayVec<abi::Scalar, 2>> {
1226        Some(match self {
1227            OperandValueKind::ZeroSized => ArrayVec::new(),
1228            OperandValueKind::Immediate(a) => ArrayVec::from_iter([a]),
1229            OperandValueKind::Pair(a, b) => [a, b].into(),
1230            OperandValueKind::Ref => return None,
1231        })
1232    }