
1//! Access to a Git index based registry. See [`RemoteRegistry`] for details.
3use crate::core::global_cache_tracker;
4use crate::core::{GitReference, PackageId, SourceId};
5use crate::sources::git;
6use crate::sources::git::fetch::RemoteKind;
7use crate::sources::git::resolve_ref;
8use crate::sources::registry::download;
9use crate::sources::registry::MaybeLock;
10use crate::sources::registry::{LoadResponse, RegistryConfig, RegistryData};
11use crate::util::cache_lock::CacheLockMode;
12use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
13use crate::util::interning::InternedString;
14use crate::util::{Filesystem, GlobalContext};
15use anyhow::Context as _;
16use cargo_util::paths;
17use lazycell::LazyCell;
18use std::cell::{Cell, Ref, RefCell};
19use std::fs::File;
20use std::mem;
21use std::path::Path;
22use std::str;
23use std::task::{ready, Poll};
24use tracing::{debug, trace};
26/// A remote registry is a registry that lives at a remote URL (such as
27/// The git index is cloned locally, and `.crate` files are
28/// downloaded as needed and cached locally.
30/// This type is primarily accessed through the [`RegistryData`] trait.
32/// See the [module-level documentation](super) for the index format and layout.
34/// ## History of Git-based index registry
36/// Using Git to host this index used to be quite efficient. The full index can
37/// be stored efficiently locally on disk, and once it is downloaded, all
38/// queries of a registry can happen locally and needn't touch the network.
39/// Git-based index was a reasonable design choice at the time when HTTP/2
40/// was just introduced.
42/// However, the full index keeps growing as grows. It becomes
43/// relatively big and slows down the first use of Cargo. Git (specifically
44/// libgit2) is not efficient at handling huge amounts of small files either.
45/// On the other hand, newer protocols like HTTP/2 are prevalent and capable to
46/// serve a bunch of tiny files. Today, it is encouraged to use [`HttpRegistry`],
47/// which is the default from 1.70.0. That being said, Cargo will continue
48/// supporting Git-based index for a pretty long while.
50/// [`HttpRegistry`]: super::http_remote::HttpRegistry
51pub struct RemoteRegistry<'gctx> {
52    /// The name of this source, a unique string (across all sources) used as
53    /// the directory name where its cached content is stored.
54    name: InternedString,
55    /// Path to the registry index (`$CARGO_HOME/registry/index/$REG-HASH`).
56    index_path: Filesystem,
57    /// Path to the cache of `.crate` files (`$CARGO_HOME/registry/cache/$REG-HASH`).
58    cache_path: Filesystem,
59    /// The unique identifier of this registry source.
60    source_id: SourceId,
61    /// This reference is stored so that when a registry needs update, it knows
62    /// where to fetch from.
63    index_git_ref: GitReference,
64    gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext,
65    /// A Git [tree object] to help this registry find crate metadata from the
66    /// underlying Git repository.
67    ///
68    /// This is stored here to prevent Git from repeatedly creating a tree object
69    /// during each call into `load()`.
70    ///
71    /// [tree object]:
72    tree: RefCell<Option<git2::Tree<'static>>>,
73    /// A Git repository that contains the actual index we want.
74    repo: LazyCell<git2::Repository>,
75    /// The current HEAD commit of the underlying Git repository.
76    head: Cell<Option<git2::Oid>>,
77    /// This stores sha value of the current HEAD commit for convenience.
78    current_sha: Cell<Option<InternedString>>,
79    /// Whether this registry needs to update package information.
80    ///
81    /// See [`RemoteRegistry::mark_updated`] on how to make sure a registry
82    /// index is updated only once per session.
83    needs_update: bool,
84    /// Disables status messages.
85    quiet: bool,
88impl<'gctx> RemoteRegistry<'gctx> {
89    /// Creates a Git-rebased remote registry for `source_id`.
90    ///
91    /// * `name` --- Name of a path segment where `.crate` tarballs and the
92    ///   registry index are stored. Expect to be unique.
93    pub fn new(
94        source_id: SourceId,
95        gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext,
96        name: &str,
97    ) -> RemoteRegistry<'gctx> {
98        RemoteRegistry {
99            name: name.into(),
100            index_path: gctx.registry_index_path().join(name),
101            cache_path: gctx.registry_cache_path().join(name),
102            source_id,
103            gctx,
104            index_git_ref: GitReference::DefaultBranch,
105            tree: RefCell::new(None),
106            repo: LazyCell::new(),
107            head: Cell::new(None),
108            current_sha: Cell::new(None),
109            needs_update: false,
110            quiet: false,
111        }
112    }
114    /// Creates intermediate dirs and initialize the repository.
115    fn repo(&self) -> CargoResult<&git2::Repository> {
116        self.repo.try_borrow_with(|| {
117            trace!("acquiring registry index lock");
118            let path = self
119                .gctx
120                .assert_package_cache_locked(CacheLockMode::DownloadExclusive, &self.index_path);
122            match git2::Repository::open(&path) {
123                Ok(repo) => Ok(repo),
124                Err(_) => {
125                    drop(paths::remove_dir_all(&path));
126                    paths::create_dir_all(&path)?;
128                    // Note that we'd actually prefer to use a bare repository
129                    // here as we're not actually going to check anything out.
130                    // All versions of Cargo, though, share the same CARGO_HOME,
131                    // so for compatibility with older Cargo which *does* do
132                    // checkouts we make sure to initialize a new full
133                    // repository (not a bare one).
134                    //
135                    // We should change this to `init_bare` whenever we feel
136                    // like enough time has passed or if we change the directory
137                    // that the folder is located in, such as by changing the
138                    // hash at the end of the directory.
139                    //
140                    // Note that in the meantime we also skip `init.templatedir`
141                    // as it can be misconfigured sometimes or otherwise add
142                    // things that we don't want.
143                    let mut opts = git2::RepositoryInitOptions::new();
144                    opts.external_template(false);
145                    Ok(git2::Repository::init_opts(&path, &opts).with_context(|| {
146                        format!("failed to initialize index git repository (in {:?})", path)
147                    })?)
148                }
149            }
150        })
151    }
153    /// Get the object ID of the HEAD commit from the underlying Git repository.
154    fn head(&self) -> CargoResult<git2::Oid> {
155        if self.head.get().is_none() {
156            let repo = self.repo()?;
157            let oid = resolve_ref(&self.index_git_ref, repo)?;
158            self.head.set(Some(oid));
159        }
160        Ok(self.head.get().unwrap())
161    }
163    /// Returns a [`git2::Tree`] object of the current HEAD commit of the
164    /// underlying Git repository.
165    fn tree(&self) -> CargoResult<Ref<'_, git2::Tree<'_>>> {
166        {
167            let tree = self.tree.borrow();
168            if tree.is_some() {
169                return Ok(Ref::map(tree, |s| s.as_ref().unwrap()));
170            }
171        }
172        let repo = self.repo()?;
173        let commit = repo.find_commit(self.head()?)?;
174        let tree = commit.tree()?;
176        // SAFETY:
177        // Unfortunately in libgit2 the tree objects look like they've got a
178        // reference to the repository object which means that a tree cannot
179        // outlive the repository that it came from. Here we want to cache this
180        // tree, though, so to accomplish this we transmute it to a static
181        // lifetime.
182        //
183        // Note that we don't actually hand out the static lifetime, instead we
184        // only return a scoped one from this function. Additionally the repo
185        // we loaded from (above) lives as long as this object
186        // (`RemoteRegistry`) so we then just need to ensure that the tree is
187        // destroyed first in the destructor, hence the destructor on
188        // `RemoteRegistry` below.
189        let tree = unsafe { mem::transmute::<git2::Tree<'_>, git2::Tree<'static>>(tree) };
190        *self.tree.borrow_mut() = Some(tree);
191        Ok(Ref::map(self.tree.borrow(), |s| s.as_ref().unwrap()))
192    }
194    /// Gets the current version of the registry index.
195    ///
196    /// It is usually sha of the HEAD commit from the underlying Git repository.
197    fn current_version(&self) -> Option<InternedString> {
198        if let Some(sha) = self.current_sha.get() {
199            return Some(sha);
200        }
201        let sha = InternedString::new(&self.head().ok()?.to_string());
202        self.current_sha.set(Some(sha));
203        Some(sha)
204    }
206    /// Whether the registry is up-to-date. See [`Self::mark_updated`] for more.
207    fn is_updated(&self) -> bool {
208        self.gctx.updated_sources().contains(&self.source_id)
209    }
211    /// Marks this registry as up-to-date.
212    ///
213    /// This makes sure the index is only updated once per session since it is
214    /// an expensive operation. This generally only happens when the resolver
215    /// is run multiple times, such as during `cargo publish`.
216    fn mark_updated(&self) {
217        self.gctx.updated_sources().insert(self.source_id);
218    }
221impl<'gctx> RegistryData for RemoteRegistry<'gctx> {
222    fn prepare(&self) -> CargoResult<()> {
223        self.repo()?;
224        self.gctx
225            .deferred_global_last_use()?
226            .mark_registry_index_used(global_cache_tracker::RegistryIndex {
227                encoded_registry_name:,
228            });
229        Ok(())
230    }
232    fn index_path(&self) -> &Filesystem {
233        &self.index_path
234    }
236    fn assert_index_locked<'a>(&self, path: &'a Filesystem) -> &'a Path {
237        self.gctx
238            .assert_package_cache_locked(CacheLockMode::DownloadExclusive, path)
239    }
241    /// Read the general concept for `load()` on [`RegistryData::load`].
242    ///
243    /// `index_version` is a string representing the version of the file used
244    /// to construct the cached copy.
245    ///
246    /// Older versions of Cargo used the single value of the hash of the HEAD
247    /// commit as a `index_version`. This is technically correct but a little
248    /// too conservative. If a new commit is fetched all cached files need to
249    /// be regenerated even if a particular file was not changed.
250    ///
251    /// However if an old cargo has written such a file we still know how to
252    /// read it, as long as we check for that hash value.
253    ///
254    /// Cargo now uses a hash of the file's contents as provided by git.
255    fn load(
256        &mut self,
257        _root: &Path,
258        path: &Path,
259        index_version: Option<&str>,
260    ) -> Poll<CargoResult<LoadResponse>> {
261        if self.needs_update {
262            return Poll::Pending;
263        }
264        // Check if the cache is valid.
265        let git_commit_hash = self.current_version();
266        if index_version.is_some() && index_version == git_commit_hash.as_deref() {
267            // This file was written by an old version of cargo, but it is
268            // still up-to-date.
269            return Poll::Ready(Ok(LoadResponse::CacheValid));
270        }
271        // Note that the index calls this method and the filesystem is locked
272        // in the index, so we don't need to worry about an `update_index`
273        // happening in a different process.
274        fn load_helper(
275            registry: &RemoteRegistry<'_>,
276            path: &Path,
277            index_version: Option<&str>,
278        ) -> CargoResult<LoadResponse> {
279            let repo = registry.repo()?;
280            let tree = registry.tree()?;
281            let entry = tree.get_path(path);
282            let entry = entry?;
283            let git_file_hash = Some(;
285            // Check if the cache is valid.
286            if index_version.is_some() && index_version == git_file_hash.as_deref() {
287                return Ok(LoadResponse::CacheValid);
288            }
290            let object = entry.to_object(repo)?;
291            let Some(blob) = object.as_blob() else {
292                anyhow::bail!("path `{}` is not a blob in the git repo", path.display())
293            };
295            Ok(LoadResponse::Data {
296                raw_data: blob.content().to_vec(),
297                index_version: git_file_hash,
298            })
299        }
301        match load_helper(&self, path, index_version) {
302            Ok(result) => Poll::Ready(Ok(result)),
303            Err(_) if !self.is_updated() => {
304                // If git returns an error and we haven't updated the repo,
305                // return pending to allow an update to try again.
306                self.needs_update = true;
307                Poll::Pending
308            }
309            Err(e)
310                if e.downcast_ref::<git2::Error>()
311                    .map(|e| e.code() == git2::ErrorCode::NotFound)
312                    .unwrap_or_default() =>
313            {
314                // The repo has been updated and the file does not exist.
315                Poll::Ready(Ok(LoadResponse::NotFound))
316            }
317            Err(e) => Poll::Ready(Err(e)),
318        }
319    }
321    fn config(&mut self) -> Poll<CargoResult<Option<RegistryConfig>>> {
322        debug!("loading config");
323        self.prepare()?;
324        self.gctx
325            .assert_package_cache_locked(CacheLockMode::DownloadExclusive, &self.index_path);
326        match ready!(self.load(Path::new(""), Path::new(RegistryConfig::NAME), None)?) {
327            LoadResponse::Data { raw_data, .. } => {
328                trace!("config loaded");
329                let cfg: RegistryConfig = serde_json::from_slice(&raw_data)?;
330                Poll::Ready(Ok(Some(cfg)))
331            }
332            _ => Poll::Ready(Ok(None)),
333        }
334    }
336    fn block_until_ready(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
337        if !self.needs_update {
338            return Ok(());
339        }
341        self.needs_update = false;
343        if self.is_updated() {
344            return Ok(());
345        }
346        self.mark_updated();
348        if !self.gctx.network_allowed() {
349            return Ok(());
350        }
351        if self.gctx.cli_unstable().no_index_update {
352            return Ok(());
353        }
355        debug!("updating the index");
357        // Ensure that we'll actually be able to acquire an HTTP handle later on
358        // once we start trying to download crates. This will weed out any
359        // problems with `.cargo/config` configuration related to HTTP.
360        //
361        // This way if there's a problem the error gets printed before we even
362        // hit the index, which may not actually read this configuration.
363        self.gctx.http()?;
365        self.prepare()?;
366        self.head.set(None);
367        *self.tree.borrow_mut() = None;
368        self.current_sha.set(None);
369        let _path = self
370            .gctx
371            .assert_package_cache_locked(CacheLockMode::DownloadExclusive, &self.index_path);
372        if !self.quiet {
373            self.gctx
374                .shell()
375                .status("Updating", self.source_id.display_index())?;
376        }
378        // Fetch the latest version of our `index_git_ref` into the index
379        // checkout.
380        let url = self.source_id.url();
381        let repo = self.repo.borrow_mut().unwrap();
382        git::fetch(
383            repo,
384            url.as_str(),
385            &self.index_git_ref,
386            self.gctx,
387            RemoteKind::Registry,
388        )
389        .with_context(|| format!("failed to fetch `{}`", url))?;
391        Ok(())
392    }
394    /// Read the general concept for `invalidate_cache()` on
395    /// [`RegistryData::invalidate_cache`].
396    ///
397    /// To fully invalidate, undo [`RemoteRegistry::mark_updated`]'s work.
398    fn invalidate_cache(&mut self) {
399        self.needs_update = true;
400    }
402    fn set_quiet(&mut self, quiet: bool) {
403        self.quiet = quiet;
404    }
406    fn is_updated(&self) -> bool {
407        self.is_updated()
408    }
410    fn download(&mut self, pkg: PackageId, checksum: &str) -> CargoResult<MaybeLock> {
411        let registry_config = loop {
412            match self.config()? {
413                Poll::Pending => self.block_until_ready()?,
414                Poll::Ready(cfg) => break cfg.unwrap(),
415            }
416        };
418        download::download(
419            &self.cache_path,
420            &self.gctx,
421  ,
422            pkg,
423            checksum,
424            registry_config,
425        )
426    }
428    fn finish_download(
429        &mut self,
430        pkg: PackageId,
431        checksum: &str,
432        data: &[u8],
433    ) -> CargoResult<File> {
434        download::finish_download(
435            &self.cache_path,
436            &self.gctx,
437  ,
438            pkg,
439            checksum,
440            data,
441        )
442    }
444    fn is_crate_downloaded(&self, pkg: PackageId) -> bool {
445        download::is_crate_downloaded(&self.cache_path, &self.gctx, pkg)
446    }
449/// Implemented to just be sure to drop `tree` field before our other fields.
450/// See SAFETY inside [`RemoteRegistry::tree()`] for more.
451impl<'gctx> Drop for RemoteRegistry<'gctx> {
452    fn drop(&mut self) {
453        self.tree.borrow_mut().take();
454    }