use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt::Write;
use either::Either;
use rustc_abi::WrappingRange;
use rustc_errors::codes::*;
use rustc_errors::{
Diag, DiagArgValue, DiagCtxtHandle, DiagMessage, Diagnostic, EmissionGuarantee, Level,
use rustc_hir::ConstContext;
use rustc_macros::{Diagnostic, LintDiagnostic, Subdiagnostic};
use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::{
CheckInAllocMsg, CtfeProvenance, ExpectedKind, InterpErrorKind, InvalidMetaKind,
InvalidProgramInfo, Misalignment, Pointer, PointerKind, ResourceExhaustionInfo,
UndefinedBehaviorInfo, UnsupportedOpInfo, ValidationErrorInfo,
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Mutability, Ty};
use rustc_span::{Span, Symbol};
use rustc_target::callconv::AdjustForForeignAbiError;
use crate::interpret::InternKind;
pub(crate) struct DanglingPtrInFinal {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: InternKind,
pub(crate) struct NestedStaticInThreadLocal {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct MutablePtrInFinal {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: InternKind,
pub(crate) struct UnstableInStableExposed {
pub gate: String,
pub span: Span,
pub is_function_call: bool,
pub is_function_call2: bool,
code = "#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = \"...\", issue = \"...\")]\n",
applicability = "has-placeholders"
code = "#[rustc_allow_const_fn_unstable({gate})]\n",
applicability = "has-placeholders"
pub attr_span: Span,
#[diag(const_eval_thread_local_access, code = E0625)]
pub(crate) struct ThreadLocalAccessErr {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct RawPtrToIntErr {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct RawPtrComparisonErr {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct PanicNonStrErr {
pub span: Span,
pub(crate) struct MaxNumNodesInConstErr {
pub span: Option<Span>,
pub global_const_id: String,
pub(crate) struct UnallowedFnPointerCall {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: ConstContext,
pub(crate) struct UnstableConstFn {
pub span: Span,
pub def_path: String,
pub(crate) struct UnstableIntrinsic {
pub span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub(crate) struct UnmarkedConstFnExposed {
pub span: Span,
pub def_path: String,
pub(crate) struct UnmarkedIntrinsicExposed {
pub span: Span,
pub def_path: String,
#[diag(const_eval_mutable_ref_escaping, code = E0764)]
pub(crate) struct MutableRefEscaping {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: ConstContext,
pub teach: bool,
#[diag(const_eval_mutable_raw_escaping, code = E0764)]
pub(crate) struct MutableRawEscaping {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: ConstContext,
pub teach: bool,
#[diag(const_eval_non_const_fmt_macro_call, code = E0015)]
pub(crate) struct NonConstFmtMacroCall {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: ConstContext,
pub(crate) struct ConditionallyConstCall {
pub span: Span,
pub def_path_str: String,
pub def_descr: &'static str,
pub kind: ConstContext,
#[diag(const_eval_non_const_fn_call, code = E0015)]
pub(crate) struct NonConstFnCall {
pub span: Span,
pub def_path_str: String,
pub kind: ConstContext,
pub(crate) struct NonConstIntrinsic {
pub span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
pub kind: ConstContext,
pub(crate) struct UnallowedOpInConstContext {
pub span: Span,
pub msg: String,
#[diag(const_eval_unallowed_heap_allocations, code = E0010)]
pub(crate) struct UnallowedHeapAllocations {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: ConstContext,
pub teach: bool,
#[diag(const_eval_unallowed_inline_asm, code = E0015)]
pub(crate) struct UnallowedInlineAsm {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: ConstContext,
#[diag(const_eval_interior_mutable_ref_escaping, code = E0492)]
pub(crate) struct InteriorMutableRefEscaping {
pub span: Span,
pub opt_help: bool,
pub kind: ConstContext,
pub teach: bool,
pub struct LongRunning {
pub item_span: Span,
pub struct LongRunningWarn {
pub span: Span,
pub item_span: Span,
pub force_duplicate: usize,
pub(crate) struct NonConstImplNote {
pub span: Span,
#[derive(Subdiagnostic, Clone)]
pub struct FrameNote {
pub span: Span,
pub times: i32,
pub where_: &'static str,
pub instance: String,
pub struct RawBytesNote {
pub size: u64,
pub align: u64,
pub bytes: String,
#[diag(const_eval_match_eq_non_const, code = E0015)]
pub struct NonConstMatchEq<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub kind: ConstContext,
#[diag(const_eval_for_loop_into_iter_non_const, code = E0015)]
pub struct NonConstForLoopIntoIter<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub kind: ConstContext,
#[diag(const_eval_question_branch_non_const, code = E0015)]
pub struct NonConstQuestionBranch<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub kind: ConstContext,
#[diag(const_eval_question_from_residual_non_const, code = E0015)]
pub struct NonConstQuestionFromResidual<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub kind: ConstContext,
#[diag(const_eval_try_block_from_output_non_const, code = E0015)]
pub struct NonConstTryBlockFromOutput<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub kind: ConstContext,
#[diag(const_eval_await_non_const, code = E0015)]
pub struct NonConstAwait<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub kind: ConstContext,
#[diag(const_eval_closure_non_const, code = E0015)]
pub struct NonConstClosure {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: ConstContext,
pub note: Option<NonConstClosureNote>,
pub enum NonConstClosureNote {
FnDef {
span: Span,
#[multipart_suggestion(const_eval_consider_dereferencing, applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub struct ConsiderDereferencing {
pub deref: String,
#[suggestion_part(code = "{deref}")]
pub span: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = "{deref}")]
pub rhs_span: Span,
#[diag(const_eval_operator_non_const, code = E0015)]
pub struct NonConstOperator {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: ConstContext,
pub sugg: Option<ConsiderDereferencing>,
#[diag(const_eval_deref_coercion_non_const, code = E0015)]
pub struct NonConstDerefCoercion<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub kind: ConstContext,
pub target_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub deref_target: Option<Span>,
#[diag(const_eval_live_drop, code = E0493)]
pub struct LiveDrop<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: ConstContext,
pub dropped_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub dropped_at: Span,
#[diag(const_eval_error, code = E0080)]
pub struct ConstEvalError {
pub span: Span,
pub error_kind: &'static str,
pub instance: String,
pub frame_notes: Vec<FrameNote>,
pub struct NullaryIntrinsicError {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(const_eval_validation_failure, code = E0080)]
pub struct ValidationFailure {
pub span: Span,
pub ub_note: (),
pub frames: Vec<FrameNote>,
pub raw_bytes: RawBytesNote,
pub trait ReportErrorExt {
fn diagnostic_message(&self) -> DiagMessage;
fn add_args<G: EmissionGuarantee>(self, diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>);
fn debug(self) -> String
Self: Sized,
ty::tls::with(move |tcx| {
let dcx = tcx.dcx();
let mut diag = dcx.struct_allow(DiagMessage::Str(String::new().into()));
let message = self.diagnostic_message();
self.add_args(&mut diag);
let s = dcx.eagerly_translate_to_string(message, diag.args.iter());
fn bad_pointer_message(msg: CheckInAllocMsg, dcx: DiagCtxtHandle<'_>) -> String {
use crate::fluent_generated::*;
let msg = match msg {
CheckInAllocMsg::MemoryAccessTest => const_eval_memory_access_test,
CheckInAllocMsg::PointerArithmeticTest => const_eval_pointer_arithmetic_test,
CheckInAllocMsg::OffsetFromTest => const_eval_offset_from_test,
CheckInAllocMsg::InboundsTest => const_eval_in_bounds_test,
dcx.eagerly_translate_to_string(msg, [].into_iter())
impl<'a> ReportErrorExt for UndefinedBehaviorInfo<'a> {
fn diagnostic_message(&self) -> DiagMessage {
use UndefinedBehaviorInfo::*;
use crate::fluent_generated::*;
match self {
Ub(msg) => msg.clone().into(),
Custom(x) => (x.msg)(),
ValidationError(e) => e.diagnostic_message(),
Unreachable => const_eval_unreachable,
BoundsCheckFailed { .. } => const_eval_bounds_check_failed,
DivisionByZero => const_eval_division_by_zero,
RemainderByZero => const_eval_remainder_by_zero,
DivisionOverflow => const_eval_division_overflow,
RemainderOverflow => const_eval_remainder_overflow,
PointerArithOverflow => const_eval_pointer_arithmetic_overflow,
ArithOverflow { .. } => const_eval_overflow_arith,
ShiftOverflow { .. } => const_eval_overflow_shift,
InvalidMeta(InvalidMetaKind::SliceTooBig) => const_eval_invalid_meta_slice,
InvalidMeta(InvalidMetaKind::TooBig) => const_eval_invalid_meta,
UnterminatedCString(_) => const_eval_unterminated_c_string,
PointerUseAfterFree(_, _) => const_eval_pointer_use_after_free,
PointerOutOfBounds { .. } => const_eval_pointer_out_of_bounds,
DanglingIntPointer { addr: 0, .. } => const_eval_dangling_null_pointer,
DanglingIntPointer { .. } => const_eval_dangling_int_pointer,
AlignmentCheckFailed { .. } => const_eval_alignment_check_failed,
WriteToReadOnly(_) => const_eval_write_to_read_only,
DerefFunctionPointer(_) => const_eval_deref_function_pointer,
DerefVTablePointer(_) => const_eval_deref_vtable_pointer,
InvalidBool(_) => const_eval_invalid_bool,
InvalidChar(_) => const_eval_invalid_char,
InvalidTag(_) => const_eval_invalid_tag,
InvalidFunctionPointer(_) => const_eval_invalid_function_pointer,
InvalidVTablePointer(_) => const_eval_invalid_vtable_pointer,
InvalidVTableTrait { .. } => const_eval_invalid_vtable_trait,
InvalidStr(_) => const_eval_invalid_str,
InvalidUninitBytes(None) => const_eval_invalid_uninit_bytes_unknown,
InvalidUninitBytes(Some(_)) => const_eval_invalid_uninit_bytes,
DeadLocal => const_eval_dead_local,
ScalarSizeMismatch(_) => const_eval_scalar_size_mismatch,
UninhabitedEnumVariantWritten(_) => const_eval_uninhabited_enum_variant_written,
UninhabitedEnumVariantRead(_) => const_eval_uninhabited_enum_variant_read,
InvalidNichedEnumVariantWritten { .. } => {
AbiMismatchArgument { .. } => const_eval_incompatible_types,
AbiMismatchReturn { .. } => const_eval_incompatible_return_types,
fn add_args<G: EmissionGuarantee>(self, diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>) {
use UndefinedBehaviorInfo::*;
let dcx = diag.dcx;
match self {
Ub(_) => {}
Custom(custom) => {
(custom.add_args)(&mut |name, value| {
diag.arg(name, value);
ValidationError(e) => e.add_args(diag),
| DivisionByZero
| RemainderByZero
| DivisionOverflow
| RemainderOverflow
| PointerArithOverflow
| InvalidMeta(InvalidMetaKind::SliceTooBig)
| InvalidMeta(InvalidMetaKind::TooBig)
| InvalidUninitBytes(None)
| DeadLocal
| UninhabitedEnumVariantWritten(_)
| UninhabitedEnumVariantRead(_) => {}
ArithOverflow { intrinsic } => {
diag.arg("intrinsic", intrinsic);
ShiftOverflow { intrinsic, shift_amount } => {
diag.arg("intrinsic", intrinsic);
diag.arg("shift_amount", match shift_amount {
Either::Left(v) => v.to_string(),
Either::Right(v) => v.to_string(),
BoundsCheckFailed { len, index } => {
diag.arg("len", len);
diag.arg("index", index);
UnterminatedCString(ptr) | InvalidFunctionPointer(ptr) | InvalidVTablePointer(ptr) => {
diag.arg("pointer", ptr);
InvalidVTableTrait { expected_dyn_type, vtable_dyn_type } => {
diag.arg("expected_dyn_type", expected_dyn_type.to_string());
diag.arg("vtable_dyn_type", vtable_dyn_type.to_string());
PointerUseAfterFree(alloc_id, msg) => {
diag.arg("alloc_id", alloc_id)
.arg("bad_pointer_message", bad_pointer_message(msg, dcx));
PointerOutOfBounds { alloc_id, alloc_size, ptr_offset, inbounds_size, msg } => {
diag.arg("alloc_size", alloc_size.bytes());
diag.arg("bad_pointer_message", bad_pointer_message(msg, dcx));
diag.arg("pointer", {
let mut out = format!("{:?}", alloc_id);
if ptr_offset > 0 {
write!(out, "+{:#x}", ptr_offset).unwrap();
} else if ptr_offset < 0 {
write!(out, "-{:#x}", ptr_offset.unsigned_abs()).unwrap();
diag.arg("inbounds_size_is_neg", inbounds_size < 0);
diag.arg("inbounds_size_abs", inbounds_size.unsigned_abs());
diag.arg("ptr_offset_is_neg", ptr_offset < 0);
diag.arg("ptr_offset_abs", ptr_offset.unsigned_abs());
alloc_size.bytes().saturating_sub(ptr_offset as u64),
DanglingIntPointer { addr, inbounds_size, msg } => {
if addr != 0 {
diag.arg("inbounds_size_is_neg", inbounds_size < 0);
diag.arg("inbounds_size_abs", inbounds_size.unsigned_abs());
diag.arg("bad_pointer_message", bad_pointer_message(msg, dcx));
AlignmentCheckFailed(Misalignment { required, has }, msg) => {
diag.arg("required", required.bytes());
diag.arg("has", has.bytes());
diag.arg("msg", format!("{msg:?}"));
WriteToReadOnly(alloc) | DerefFunctionPointer(alloc) | DerefVTablePointer(alloc) => {
diag.arg("allocation", alloc);
InvalidBool(b) => {
diag.arg("value", format!("{b:02x}"));
InvalidChar(c) => {
diag.arg("value", format!("{c:08x}"));
InvalidTag(tag) => {
diag.arg("tag", format!("{tag:x}"));
InvalidStr(err) => {
diag.arg("err", format!("{err}"));
InvalidUninitBytes(Some((alloc, info))) => {
diag.arg("alloc", alloc);
diag.arg("access", info.access);
diag.arg("uninit", info.bad);
ScalarSizeMismatch(info) => {
diag.arg("target_size", info.target_size);
diag.arg("data_size", info.data_size);
InvalidNichedEnumVariantWritten { enum_ty } => {
diag.arg("ty", enum_ty.to_string());
AbiMismatchArgument { caller_ty, callee_ty }
| AbiMismatchReturn { caller_ty, callee_ty } => {
diag.arg("caller_ty", caller_ty.to_string());
diag.arg("callee_ty", callee_ty.to_string());
impl<'tcx> ReportErrorExt for ValidationErrorInfo<'tcx> {
fn diagnostic_message(&self) -> DiagMessage {
use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::ValidationErrorKind::*;
use crate::fluent_generated::*;
match self.kind {
PtrToUninhabited { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Box, .. } => {
PtrToUninhabited { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Ref(_), .. } => {
PointerAsInt { .. } => const_eval_validation_pointer_as_int,
PartialPointer => const_eval_validation_partial_pointer,
ConstRefToMutable => const_eval_validation_const_ref_to_mutable,
ConstRefToExtern => const_eval_validation_const_ref_to_extern,
MutableRefToImmutable => const_eval_validation_mutable_ref_to_immutable,
NullFnPtr => const_eval_validation_null_fn_ptr,
NeverVal => const_eval_validation_never_val,
NullablePtrOutOfRange { .. } => const_eval_validation_nullable_ptr_out_of_range,
PtrOutOfRange { .. } => const_eval_validation_ptr_out_of_range,
OutOfRange { .. } => const_eval_validation_out_of_range,
UnsafeCellInImmutable => const_eval_validation_unsafe_cell,
UninhabitedVal { .. } => const_eval_validation_uninhabited_val,
InvalidEnumTag { .. } => const_eval_validation_invalid_enum_tag,
UninhabitedEnumVariant => const_eval_validation_uninhabited_enum_variant,
Uninit { .. } => const_eval_validation_uninit,
InvalidVTablePtr { .. } => const_eval_validation_invalid_vtable_ptr,
InvalidMetaWrongTrait { .. } => const_eval_validation_invalid_vtable_trait,
InvalidMetaSliceTooLarge { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Box } => {
InvalidMetaSliceTooLarge { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Ref(_) } => {
InvalidMetaTooLarge { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Box } => {
InvalidMetaTooLarge { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Ref(_) } => {
UnalignedPtr { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Ref(_), .. } => {
UnalignedPtr { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Box, .. } => const_eval_validation_unaligned_box,
NullPtr { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Box } => const_eval_validation_null_box,
NullPtr { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Ref(_) } => const_eval_validation_null_ref,
DanglingPtrNoProvenance { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Box, .. } => {
DanglingPtrNoProvenance { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Ref(_), .. } => {
DanglingPtrOutOfBounds { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Box } => {
DanglingPtrOutOfBounds { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Ref(_) } => {
DanglingPtrUseAfterFree { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Box } => {
DanglingPtrUseAfterFree { ptr_kind: PointerKind::Ref(_) } => {
InvalidBool { .. } => const_eval_validation_invalid_bool,
InvalidChar { .. } => const_eval_validation_invalid_char,
InvalidFnPtr { .. } => const_eval_validation_invalid_fn_ptr,
fn add_args<G: EmissionGuarantee>(self, err: &mut Diag<'_, G>) {
use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::ValidationErrorKind::*;
use crate::fluent_generated as fluent;
if let PointerAsInt { .. } | PartialPointer = self.kind {;;
let message = if let Some(path) = self.path {
[("path".into(), DiagArgValue::Str(path.into()))].iter().map(|(a, b)| (a, b)),
} else {
err.arg("front_matter", message);
fn add_range_arg<G: EmissionGuarantee>(
r: WrappingRange,
max_hi: u128,
err: &mut Diag<'_, G>,
) {
let WrappingRange { start: lo, end: hi } = r;
assert!(hi <= max_hi);
let msg = if lo > hi {
} else if lo == hi {
} else if lo == 0 {
assert!(hi < max_hi, "should not be printing if the range covers everything");
} else if hi == max_hi {
assert!(lo > 0, "should not be printing if the range covers everything");
} else {
let args = [
("lo".into(), DiagArgValue::Str(lo.to_string().into())),
("hi".into(), DiagArgValue::Str(hi.to_string().into())),
let args = args.iter().map(|(a, b)| (a, b));
let message = err.dcx.eagerly_translate_to_string(msg, args);
err.arg("in_range", message);
match self.kind {
PtrToUninhabited { ty, .. } | UninhabitedVal { ty } => {
err.arg("ty", ty);
PointerAsInt { expected } | Uninit { expected } => {
let msg = match expected {
ExpectedKind::Reference => fluent::const_eval_validation_expected_ref,
ExpectedKind::Box => fluent::const_eval_validation_expected_box,
ExpectedKind::RawPtr => fluent::const_eval_validation_expected_raw_ptr,
ExpectedKind::InitScalar => fluent::const_eval_validation_expected_init_scalar,
ExpectedKind::Bool => fluent::const_eval_validation_expected_bool,
ExpectedKind::Char => fluent::const_eval_validation_expected_char,
ExpectedKind::Float => fluent::const_eval_validation_expected_float,
ExpectedKind::Int => fluent::const_eval_validation_expected_int,
ExpectedKind::FnPtr => fluent::const_eval_validation_expected_fn_ptr,
ExpectedKind::EnumTag => fluent::const_eval_validation_expected_enum_tag,
ExpectedKind::Str => fluent::const_eval_validation_expected_str,
let msg = err.dcx.eagerly_translate_to_string(msg, [].into_iter());
err.arg("expected", msg);
InvalidEnumTag { value }
| InvalidVTablePtr { value }
| InvalidBool { value }
| InvalidChar { value }
| InvalidFnPtr { value } => {
err.arg("value", value);
NullablePtrOutOfRange { range, max_value } | PtrOutOfRange { range, max_value } => {
add_range_arg(range, max_value, err)
OutOfRange { range, max_value, value } => {
err.arg("value", value);
add_range_arg(range, max_value, err);
UnalignedPtr { required_bytes, found_bytes, .. } => {
err.arg("required_bytes", required_bytes);
err.arg("found_bytes", found_bytes);
DanglingPtrNoProvenance { pointer, .. } => {
err.arg("pointer", pointer);
InvalidMetaWrongTrait { vtable_dyn_type, expected_dyn_type } => {
err.arg("vtable_dyn_type", vtable_dyn_type.to_string());
err.arg("expected_dyn_type", expected_dyn_type.to_string());
NullPtr { .. }
| ConstRefToMutable
| ConstRefToExtern
| MutableRefToImmutable
| NullFnPtr
| NeverVal
| UnsafeCellInImmutable
| InvalidMetaSliceTooLarge { .. }
| InvalidMetaTooLarge { .. }
| DanglingPtrUseAfterFree { .. }
| DanglingPtrOutOfBounds { .. }
| UninhabitedEnumVariant
| PartialPointer => {}
impl ReportErrorExt for UnsupportedOpInfo {
fn diagnostic_message(&self) -> DiagMessage {
use crate::fluent_generated::*;
match self {
UnsupportedOpInfo::Unsupported(s) => s.clone().into(),
UnsupportedOpInfo::ExternTypeField => const_eval_extern_type_field,
UnsupportedOpInfo::UnsizedLocal => const_eval_unsized_local,
UnsupportedOpInfo::OverwritePartialPointer(_) => const_eval_partial_pointer_overwrite,
UnsupportedOpInfo::ReadPartialPointer(_) => const_eval_partial_pointer_copy,
UnsupportedOpInfo::ReadPointerAsInt(_) => const_eval_read_pointer_as_int,
UnsupportedOpInfo::ThreadLocalStatic(_) => const_eval_thread_local_static,
UnsupportedOpInfo::ExternStatic(_) => const_eval_extern_static,
fn add_args<G: EmissionGuarantee>(self, diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>) {
use UnsupportedOpInfo::*;
use crate::fluent_generated::*;
if let ReadPointerAsInt(_) | OverwritePartialPointer(_) | ReadPartialPointer(_) = self {;;
match self {
| UnsupportedOpInfo::ExternTypeField
| Unsupported(_)
| ReadPointerAsInt(_) => {}
OverwritePartialPointer(ptr) | ReadPartialPointer(ptr) => {
diag.arg("ptr", ptr);
ThreadLocalStatic(did) | ExternStatic(did) => {
diag.arg("did", format!("{did:?}"));
impl<'tcx> ReportErrorExt for InterpErrorKind<'tcx> {
fn diagnostic_message(&self) -> DiagMessage {
match self {
InterpErrorKind::UndefinedBehavior(ub) => ub.diagnostic_message(),
InterpErrorKind::Unsupported(e) => e.diagnostic_message(),
InterpErrorKind::InvalidProgram(e) => e.diagnostic_message(),
InterpErrorKind::ResourceExhaustion(e) => e.diagnostic_message(),
InterpErrorKind::MachineStop(e) => e.diagnostic_message(),
fn add_args<G: EmissionGuarantee>(self, diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>) {
match self {
InterpErrorKind::UndefinedBehavior(ub) => ub.add_args(diag),
InterpErrorKind::Unsupported(e) => e.add_args(diag),
InterpErrorKind::InvalidProgram(e) => e.add_args(diag),
InterpErrorKind::ResourceExhaustion(e) => e.add_args(diag),
InterpErrorKind::MachineStop(e) => e.add_args(&mut |name, value| {
diag.arg(name, value);
impl<'tcx> ReportErrorExt for InvalidProgramInfo<'tcx> {
fn diagnostic_message(&self) -> DiagMessage {
use crate::fluent_generated::*;
match self {
InvalidProgramInfo::TooGeneric => const_eval_too_generic,
InvalidProgramInfo::AlreadyReported(_) => const_eval_already_reported,
InvalidProgramInfo::Layout(e) => e.diagnostic_message(),
InvalidProgramInfo::FnAbiAdjustForForeignAbi(_) => {
fn add_args<G: EmissionGuarantee>(self, diag: &mut Diag<'_, G>) {
match self {
InvalidProgramInfo::TooGeneric | InvalidProgramInfo::AlreadyReported(_) => {}
InvalidProgramInfo::Layout(e) => {
let dummy_level = Level::Bug;
let dummy_diag: Diag<'_, ()> = e.into_diagnostic().into_diag(diag.dcx, dummy_level);
for (name, val) in dummy_diag.args.iter() {
diag.arg(name.clone(), val.clone());
AdjustForForeignAbiError::Unsupported { arch, abi },
) => {
diag.arg("arch", arch);
impl ReportErrorExt for ResourceExhaustionInfo {
fn diagnostic_message(&self) -> DiagMessage {
use crate::fluent_generated::*;
match self {
ResourceExhaustionInfo::StackFrameLimitReached => const_eval_stack_frame_limit_reached,
ResourceExhaustionInfo::MemoryExhausted => const_eval_memory_exhausted,
ResourceExhaustionInfo::AddressSpaceFull => const_eval_address_space_full,
ResourceExhaustionInfo::Interrupted => const_eval_interrupted,
fn add_args<G: EmissionGuarantee>(self, _: &mut Diag<'_, G>) {}
impl rustc_errors::IntoDiagArg for InternKind {
fn into_diag_arg(self) -> DiagArgValue {
DiagArgValue::Str(Cow::Borrowed(match self {
InternKind::Static(Mutability::Not) => "static",
InternKind::Static(Mutability::Mut) => "static_mut",
InternKind::Constant => "const",
InternKind::Promoted => "promoted",