
1use std::fmt::Debug;
2use std::ops::ControlFlow;
4use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
5use rustc_infer::traits::util::PredicateSet;
6use rustc_middle::bug;
7use rustc_middle::query::Providers;
8use rustc_middle::ty::{
9    self, GenericArgs, GenericParamDefKind, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt, Upcast, VtblEntry,
11use rustc_span::DUMMY_SP;
12use smallvec::{SmallVec, smallvec};
13use tracing::debug;
15use crate::traits::{impossible_predicates, is_vtable_safe_method};
17#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
18pub enum VtblSegment<'tcx> {
19    MetadataDSA,
20    TraitOwnEntries { trait_ref: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>, emit_vptr: bool },
23/// Prepare the segments for a vtable
24// FIXME: This should take a `PolyExistentialTraitRef`, since we don't care
25// about our `Self` type here.
26pub fn prepare_vtable_segments<'tcx, T>(
27    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
28    trait_ref: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
29    segment_visitor: impl FnMut(VtblSegment<'tcx>) -> ControlFlow<T>,
30) -> Option<T> {
31    prepare_vtable_segments_inner(tcx, trait_ref, segment_visitor).break_value()
34/// Helper for [`prepare_vtable_segments`] that returns `ControlFlow`,
35/// such that we can use `?` in the body.
36fn prepare_vtable_segments_inner<'tcx, T>(
37    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
38    trait_ref: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
39    mut segment_visitor: impl FnMut(VtblSegment<'tcx>) -> ControlFlow<T>,
40) -> ControlFlow<T> {
41    // The following constraints holds for the final arrangement.
42    // 1. The whole virtual table of the first direct super trait is included as the
43    //    the prefix. If this trait doesn't have any super traits, then this step
44    //    consists of the dsa metadata.
45    // 2. Then comes the proper pointer metadata(vptr) and all own methods for all
46    //    other super traits except those already included as part of the first
47    //    direct super trait virtual table.
48    // 3. finally, the own methods of this trait.
50    // This has the advantage that trait upcasting to the first direct super trait on each level
51    // is zero cost, and to another trait includes only replacing the pointer with one level indirection,
52    // while not using too much extra memory.
54    // For a single inheritance relationship like this,
55    //   D --> C --> B --> A
56    // The resulting vtable will consists of these segments:
57    //  DSA, A, B, C, D
59    // For a multiple inheritance relationship like this,
60    //   D --> C --> A
61    //           \-> B
62    // The resulting vtable will consists of these segments:
63    //  DSA, A, B, B-vptr, C, D
65    // For a diamond inheritance relationship like this,
66    //   D --> B --> A
67    //     \-> C -/
68    // The resulting vtable will consists of these segments:
69    //  DSA, A, B, C, C-vptr, D
71    // For a more complex inheritance relationship like this:
72    //   O --> G --> C --> A
73    //     \     \     \-> B
74    //     |     |-> F --> D
75    //     |           \-> E
76    //     |-> N --> J --> H
77    //           \     \-> I
78    //           |-> M --> K
79    //                 \-> L
80    // The resulting vtable will consists of these segments:
81    //  DSA, A, B, B-vptr, C, D, D-vptr, E, E-vptr, F, F-vptr, G,
82    //  H, H-vptr, I, I-vptr, J, J-vptr, K, K-vptr, L, L-vptr, M, M-vptr,
83    //  N, N-vptr, O
85    // emit dsa segment first.
86    segment_visitor(VtblSegment::MetadataDSA)?;
88    let mut emit_vptr_on_new_entry = false;
89    let mut visited = PredicateSet::new(tcx);
90    let predicate = trait_ref.upcast(tcx);
91    let mut stack: SmallVec<[(ty::TraitRef<'tcx>, _, _); 5]> =
92        smallvec![(trait_ref, emit_vptr_on_new_entry, maybe_iter(None))];
93    visited.insert(predicate);
95    // the main traversal loop:
96    // basically we want to cut the inheritance directed graph into a few non-overlapping slices of nodes
97    // such that each node is emitted after all its descendants have been emitted.
98    // so we convert the directed graph into a tree by skipping all previously visited nodes using a visited set.
99    // this is done on the fly.
100    // Each loop run emits a slice - it starts by find a "childless" unvisited node, backtracking upwards, and it
101    // stops after it finds a node that has a next-sibling node.
102    // This next-sibling node will used as the starting point of next slice.
104    // Example:
105    // For a diamond inheritance relationship like this,
106    //   D#1 --> B#0 --> A#0
107    //     \-> C#1 -/
109    // Starting point 0 stack [D]
110    // Loop run #0: Stack after diving in is [D B A], A is "childless"
111    // after this point, all newly visited nodes won't have a vtable that equals to a prefix of this one.
112    // Loop run #0: Emitting the slice [B A] (in reverse order), B has a next-sibling node, so this slice stops here.
113    // Loop run #0: Stack after exiting out is [D C], C is the next starting point.
114    // Loop run #1: Stack after diving in is [D C], C is "childless", since its child A is skipped(already emitted).
115    // Loop run #1: Emitting the slice [D C] (in reverse order). No one has a next-sibling node.
116    // Loop run #1: Stack after exiting out is []. Now the function exits.
118    'outer: loop {
119        // dive deeper into the stack, recording the path
120        'diving_in: loop {
121            let &(inner_most_trait_ref, _, _) = stack.last().unwrap();
123            let mut direct_super_traits_iter = tcx
124                .explicit_super_predicates_of(inner_most_trait_ref.def_id)
125                .iter_identity_copied()
126                .filter_map(move |(pred, _)| {
127                    pred.instantiate_supertrait(tcx, ty::Binder::dummy(inner_most_trait_ref))
128                        .as_trait_clause()
129                })
130                .map(move |pred| {
131                    tcx.normalize_erasing_late_bound_regions(
132                        ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized(),
133                        pred,
134                    )
135                    .trait_ref
136                });
138            // Find an unvisited supertrait
139            match direct_super_traits_iter
140                .find(|&super_trait| visited.insert(super_trait.upcast(tcx)))
141            {
142                // Push it to the stack for the next iteration of 'diving_in to pick up
143                Some(next_super_trait) => stack.push((
144                    next_super_trait,
145                    emit_vptr_on_new_entry,
146                    maybe_iter(Some(direct_super_traits_iter)),
147                )),
149                // There are no more unvisited direct super traits, dive-in finished
150                None => break 'diving_in,
151            }
152        }
154        // emit innermost item, move to next sibling and stop there if possible, otherwise jump to outer level.
155        while let Some((inner_most_trait_ref, emit_vptr, mut siblings)) = stack.pop() {
156            let has_entries = has_own_existential_vtable_entries(tcx, inner_most_trait_ref.def_id);
158            segment_visitor(VtblSegment::TraitOwnEntries {
159                trait_ref: inner_most_trait_ref,
160                emit_vptr: emit_vptr && has_entries && !tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.no_trait_vptr,
161            })?;
163            // If we've emitted (fed to `segment_visitor`) a trait that has methods present in the vtable,
164            // we'll need to emit vptrs from now on.
165            emit_vptr_on_new_entry |= has_entries;
167            if let Some(next_inner_most_trait_ref) =
168                siblings.find(|&sibling| visited.insert(sibling.upcast(tcx)))
169            {
170                stack.push((next_inner_most_trait_ref, emit_vptr_on_new_entry, siblings));
172                // just pushed a new trait onto the stack, so we need to go through its super traits
173                continue 'outer;
174            }
175        }
177        // the stack is empty, all done
178        return ControlFlow::Continue(());
179    }
182/// Turns option of iterator into an iterator (this is just flatten)
183fn maybe_iter<I: Iterator>(i: Option<I>) -> impl Iterator<Item = I::Item> {
184    // Flatten is bad perf-vise, we could probably implement a special case here that is better
185    i.into_iter().flatten()
188fn has_own_existential_vtable_entries(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, trait_def_id: DefId) -> bool {
189    own_existential_vtable_entries_iter(tcx, trait_def_id).next().is_some()
192fn own_existential_vtable_entries(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, trait_def_id: DefId) -> &[DefId] {
193    tcx.arena.alloc_from_iter(own_existential_vtable_entries_iter(tcx, trait_def_id))
196fn own_existential_vtable_entries_iter(
197    tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
198    trait_def_id: DefId,
199) -> impl Iterator<Item = DefId> {
200    let trait_methods = tcx
201        .associated_items(trait_def_id)
202        .in_definition_order()
203        .filter(|item| item.kind == ty::AssocKind::Fn);
205    // Now list each method's DefId (for within its trait).
206    let own_entries = trait_methods.filter_map(move |&trait_method| {
207        debug!("own_existential_vtable_entry: trait_method={:?}", trait_method);
208        let def_id = trait_method.def_id;
210        // Some methods cannot be called on an object; skip those.
211        if !is_vtable_safe_method(tcx, trait_def_id, trait_method) {
212            debug!("own_existential_vtable_entry: not vtable safe");
213            return None;
214        }
216        Some(def_id)
217    });
219    own_entries
222/// Given a trait `trait_ref`, iterates the vtable entries
223/// that come from `trait_ref`, including its supertraits.
224fn vtable_entries<'tcx>(
225    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
226    trait_ref: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
227) -> &'tcx [VtblEntry<'tcx>] {
228    debug_assert!(!trait_ref.has_non_region_infer() && !trait_ref.has_non_region_param());
229    debug_assert_eq!(
230        tcx.normalize_erasing_regions(ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized(), trait_ref),
231        trait_ref,
232        "vtable trait ref should be normalized"
233    );
235    debug!("vtable_entries({:?})", trait_ref);
237    let mut entries = vec![];
239    let vtable_segment_callback = |segment| -> ControlFlow<()> {
240        match segment {
241            VtblSegment::MetadataDSA => {
242                entries.extend(TyCtxt::COMMON_VTABLE_ENTRIES);
243            }
244            VtblSegment::TraitOwnEntries { trait_ref, emit_vptr } => {
245                let existential_trait_ref = ty::ExistentialTraitRef::erase_self_ty(tcx, trait_ref);
247                // Lookup the shape of vtable for the trait.
248                let own_existential_entries =
249                    tcx.own_existential_vtable_entries(existential_trait_ref.def_id);
251                let own_entries = own_existential_entries.iter().copied().map(|def_id| {
252                    debug!("vtable_entries: trait_method={:?}", def_id);
254                    // The method may have some early-bound lifetimes; add regions for those.
255                    // FIXME: Is this normalize needed?
256                    let args = tcx.normalize_erasing_regions(
257                        ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized(),
258                        GenericArgs::for_item(tcx, def_id, |param, _| match param.kind {
259                            GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime => tcx.lifetimes.re_erased.into(),
260                            GenericParamDefKind::Type { .. }
261                            | GenericParamDefKind::Const { .. } => {
262                                trait_ref.args[param.index as usize]
263                            }
264                        }),
265                    );
267                    // It's possible that the method relies on where-clauses that
268                    // do not hold for this particular set of type parameters.
269                    // Note that this method could then never be called, so we
270                    // do not want to try and codegen it, in that case (see #23435).
271                    let predicates = tcx.predicates_of(def_id).instantiate_own(tcx, args);
272                    if impossible_predicates(
273                        tcx,
274              |(predicate, _)| predicate).collect(),
275                    ) {
276                        debug!("vtable_entries: predicates do not hold");
277                        return VtblEntry::Vacant;
278                    }
280                    let instance = ty::Instance::expect_resolve_for_vtable(
281                        tcx,
282                        ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized(),
283                        def_id,
284                        args,
285                        DUMMY_SP,
286                    );
288                    VtblEntry::Method(instance)
289                });
291                entries.extend(own_entries);
293                if emit_vptr {
294                    entries.push(VtblEntry::TraitVPtr(trait_ref));
295                }
296            }
297        }
299        ControlFlow::Continue(())
300    };
302    let _ = prepare_vtable_segments(tcx, trait_ref, vtable_segment_callback);
304    tcx.arena.alloc_from_iter(entries)
307// Given a `dyn Subtrait: Supertrait` trait ref, find corresponding first slot
308// for `Supertrait`'s methods in the vtable of `Subtrait`.
309pub(crate) fn first_method_vtable_slot<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, key: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>) -> usize {
310    debug_assert!(!key.has_non_region_infer() && !key.has_non_region_param());
311    debug_assert_eq!(
312        tcx.normalize_erasing_regions(ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized(), key),
313        key,
314        "vtable trait ref should be normalized"
315    );
317    let ty::Dynamic(source, _, _) = *key.self_ty().kind() else {
318        bug!();
319    };
320    let source_principal = tcx.instantiate_bound_regions_with_erased(
321        source.principal().unwrap().with_self_ty(tcx, key.self_ty()),
322    );
324    // We're monomorphizing a call to a dyn trait object that can never be constructed.
325    if tcx.instantiate_and_check_impossible_predicates((
326        source_principal.def_id,
327        source_principal.args,
328    )) {
329        return 0;
330    }
332    let target_principal = ty::ExistentialTraitRef::erase_self_ty(tcx, key);
334    let vtable_segment_callback = {
335        let mut vptr_offset = 0;
336        move |segment| {
337            match segment {
338                VtblSegment::MetadataDSA => {
339                    vptr_offset += TyCtxt::COMMON_VTABLE_ENTRIES.len();
340                }
341                VtblSegment::TraitOwnEntries { trait_ref: vtable_principal, emit_vptr } => {
342                    if ty::ExistentialTraitRef::erase_self_ty(tcx, vtable_principal)
343                        == target_principal
344                    {
345                        return ControlFlow::Break(vptr_offset);
346                    }
348                    vptr_offset +=
349                        tcx.own_existential_vtable_entries(vtable_principal.def_id).len();
351                    if emit_vptr {
352                        vptr_offset += 1;
353                    }
354                }
355            }
356            ControlFlow::Continue(())
357        }
358    };
360    prepare_vtable_segments(tcx, source_principal, vtable_segment_callback).unwrap()
363/// Given a `dyn Subtrait` and `dyn Supertrait` trait object, find the slot of
364/// the trait vptr in the subtrait's vtable.
366/// A return value of `None` means that the original vtable can be reused.
367pub(crate) fn supertrait_vtable_slot<'tcx>(
368    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
369    key: (
370        Ty<'tcx>, // Source -- `dyn Subtrait`.
371        Ty<'tcx>, // Target -- `dyn Supertrait` being coerced to.
372    ),
373) -> Option<usize> {
374    debug_assert!(!key.has_non_region_infer() && !key.has_non_region_param());
375    debug_assert_eq!(
376        tcx.normalize_erasing_regions(ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized(), key),
377        key,
378        "upcasting trait refs should be normalized"
379    );
381    let (source, target) = key;
383    // If the target principal is `None`, we can just return `None`.
384    let ty::Dynamic(target_data, _, _) = *target.kind() else {
385        bug!();
386    };
387    let target_principal = tcx.instantiate_bound_regions_with_erased(target_data.principal()?);
389    // Given that we have a target principal, it is a bug for there not to be a source principal.
390    let ty::Dynamic(source_data, _, _) = *source.kind() else {
391        bug!();
392    };
393    let source_principal = tcx.instantiate_bound_regions_with_erased(
394        source_data.principal().unwrap().with_self_ty(tcx, source),
395    );
397    // We're monomorphizing a dyn trait object upcast that can never be constructed.
398    if tcx.instantiate_and_check_impossible_predicates((
399        source_principal.def_id,
400        source_principal.args,
401    )) {
402        return None;
403    }
405    let vtable_segment_callback = {
406        let mut vptr_offset = 0;
407        move |segment| {
408            match segment {
409                VtblSegment::MetadataDSA => {
410                    vptr_offset += TyCtxt::COMMON_VTABLE_ENTRIES.len();
411                }
412                VtblSegment::TraitOwnEntries { trait_ref: vtable_principal, emit_vptr } => {
413                    vptr_offset +=
414                        tcx.own_existential_vtable_entries(vtable_principal.def_id).len();
415                    if ty::ExistentialTraitRef::erase_self_ty(tcx, vtable_principal)
416                        == target_principal
417                    {
418                        if emit_vptr {
419                            return ControlFlow::Break(Some(vptr_offset));
420                        } else {
421                            return ControlFlow::Break(None);
422                        }
423                    }
425                    if emit_vptr {
426                        vptr_offset += 1;
427                    }
428                }
429            }
430            ControlFlow::Continue(())
431        }
432    };
434    prepare_vtable_segments(tcx, source_principal, vtable_segment_callback).unwrap()
437pub(super) fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
438    *providers = Providers {
439        own_existential_vtable_entries,
440        vtable_entries,
441        first_method_vtable_slot,
442        supertrait_vtable_slot,
443        ..*providers
444    };