1//! Management of the directory layout of a build
3//! The directory layout is a little tricky at times, hence a separate file to
4//! house this logic. The current layout looks like this:
6//! ```text
7//! # This is the root directory for all output, the top-level package
8//! # places all of its output here.
9//! target/
11//! # Cache of `rustc -Vv` output for performance.
12//! .rustc-info.json
14//! # All final artifacts are linked into this directory from `deps`.
15//! # Note that named profiles will soon be included as separate directories
16//! # here. They have a restricted format, similar to Rust identifiers, so
17//! # Cargo-specific directories added in the future should use some prefix
18//! # like `.` to avoid name collisions.
19//! debug/ # or release/
21//! # File used to lock the directory to prevent multiple cargo processes
22//! # from using it at the same time.
23//! .cargo-lock
25//! # Hidden directory that holds all of the fingerprint files for all
26//! # packages
27//! .fingerprint/
28//! # Each package is in a separate directory.
29//! # Note that different target kinds have different filename prefixes.
30//! $pkgname-$META/
31//! # Set of source filenames for this package.
32//! dep-lib-$targetname
33//! # Timestamp when this package was last built.
34//! invoked.timestamp
35//! # The fingerprint hash.
36//! lib-$targetname
37//! # Detailed information used for logging the reason why
38//! # something is being recompiled.
39//! lib-$targetname.json
40//! # The console output from the compiler. This is cached
41//! # so that warnings can be redisplayed for "fresh" units.
42//! output-lib-$targetname
44//! # This is the root directory for all rustc artifacts except build
45//! # scripts, examples, and test and bench executables. Almost every
46//! # artifact should have a metadata hash added to its filename to
47//! # prevent collisions. One notable exception is dynamic libraries.
48//! deps/
50//! # Each artifact dependency gets in its own directory.
51//! /artifact/$pkgname-$META/$kind
53//! # Root directory for all compiled examples.
54//! examples/
56//! # Directory used to store incremental data for the compiler (when
57//! # incremental is enabled.
58//! incremental/
60//! # This is the location at which the output of all custom build
61//! # commands are rooted.
62//! build/
64//! # Each package gets its own directory where its build script and
65//! # script output are placed
66//! $pkgname-$META/ # For the build script itself.
67//! # The build script executable (name may be changed by user).
68//! build-script-build-$META
69//! # Hard link to build-script-build-$META.
70//! build-script-build
71//! # Dependency information generated by rustc.
72//! build-script-build-$META.d
73//! # Debug information, depending on platform and profile
74//! # settings.
75//! <debug symbols>
77//! # The package shows up twice with two different metadata hashes.
78//! $pkgname-$META/ # For the output of the build script.
79//! # Timestamp when the build script was last executed.
80//! invoked.timestamp
81//! # Directory where script can output files ($OUT_DIR).
82//! out/
83//! # Output from the build script.
84//! output
85//! # Path to `out`, used to help when the target directory is
86//! # moved.
87//! root-output
88//! # Stderr output from the build script.
89//! stderr
91//! # Output from rustdoc
92//! doc/
94//! # Used by `cargo package` and `cargo publish` to build a `.crate` file.
95//! package/
97//! # Experimental feature for generated build scripts.
98//! .metabuild/
99//! ```
101//! When cross-compiling, the layout is the same, except it appears in
102//! `target/$TRIPLE`.
104use crate::core::compiler::CompileTarget;
105use crate::core::Workspace;
106use crate::util::{CargoResult, FileLock};
107use cargo_util::paths;
108use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
110/// Contains the paths of all target output locations.
112/// See module docs for more information.
113pub struct Layout {
114 /// The root directory: `/path/to/target`.
115 /// If cross compiling: `/path/to/target/$TRIPLE`.
116 root: PathBuf,
117 /// The final artifact destination: `$root/debug` (or `release`).
118 dest: PathBuf,
119 /// The directory with rustc artifacts: `$dest/deps`
120 deps: PathBuf,
121 /// The directory for build scripts: `$dest/build`
122 build: PathBuf,
123 /// The directory for artifacts, i.e. binaries, cdylibs, staticlibs: `$dest/deps/artifact`
124 artifact: PathBuf,
125 /// The directory for incremental files: `$dest/incremental`
126 incremental: PathBuf,
127 /// The directory for fingerprints: `$dest/.fingerprint`
128 fingerprint: PathBuf,
129 /// The directory for examples: `$dest/examples`
130 examples: PathBuf,
131 /// The directory for pre-uplifted examples: `$build-dir/debug/examples`
132 build_examples: PathBuf,
133 /// The directory for rustdoc output: `$root/doc`
134 doc: PathBuf,
135 /// The directory for temporary data of integration tests and benches: `$dest/tmp`
136 tmp: PathBuf,
137 /// The lockfile for a build (`.cargo-lock`). Will be unlocked when this
138 /// struct is `drop`ped.
139 _lock: FileLock,
140 /// Same as `_lock` but for the build directory.
141 ///
142 /// Will be `None` when the build-dir and target-dir are the same path as we cannot
143 /// lock the same path twice.
144 _build_lock: Option<FileLock>,
147impl Layout {
148 /// Calculate the paths for build output, lock the build directory, and return as a Layout.
149 ///
150 /// This function will block if the directory is already locked.
151 ///
152 /// `dest` should be the final artifact directory name. Currently either
153 /// "debug" or "release".
154 pub fn new(
155 ws: &Workspace<'_>,
156 target: Option<CompileTarget>,
157 dest: &str,
158 ) -> CargoResult<Layout> {
159 let mut root = ws.target_dir();
160 let mut build_root = ws.build_dir();
161 if let Some(target) = target {
162 root.push(target.short_name());
163 build_root.push(target.short_name());
164 }
165 let build_dest = build_root.join(dest);
166 let dest = root.join(dest);
167 // If the root directory doesn't already exist go ahead and create it
168 // here. Use this opportunity to exclude it from backups as well if the
169 // system supports it since this is a freshly created folder.
170 //
171 paths::create_dir_all_excluded_from_backups_atomic(root.as_path_unlocked())?;
172 if root != build_root {
173 paths::create_dir_all_excluded_from_backups_atomic(build_root.as_path_unlocked())?;
174 }
176 // Now that the excluded from backups target root is created we can create the
177 // actual destination (sub)subdirectory.
178 paths::create_dir_all(dest.as_path_unlocked())?;
180 // For now we don't do any more finer-grained locking on the artifact
181 // directory, so just lock the entire thing for the duration of this
182 // compile.
183 let lock = dest.open_rw_exclusive_create(".cargo-lock", ws.gctx(), "build directory")?;
185 let build_lock = if root != build_root {
186 Some(build_dest.open_rw_exclusive_create(
187 ".cargo-lock",
188 ws.gctx(),
189 "build directory",
190 )?)
191 } else {
192 None
193 };
194 let root = root.into_path_unlocked();
195 let build_root = build_root.into_path_unlocked();
196 let dest = dest.into_path_unlocked();
197 let build_dest = build_dest.as_path_unlocked();
198 let deps = build_dest.join("deps");
199 let artifact = deps.join("artifact");
201 Ok(Layout {
202 deps,
203 build: build_dest.join("build"),
204 artifact,
205 incremental: build_dest.join("incremental"),
206 fingerprint: build_dest.join(".fingerprint"),
207 examples: dest.join("examples"),
208 build_examples: build_dest.join("examples"),
209 doc: root.join("doc"),
210 tmp: build_root.join("tmp"),
211 root,
212 dest,
213 _lock: lock,
214 _build_lock: build_lock,
215 })
216 }
218 /// Makes sure all directories stored in the Layout exist on the filesystem.
219 pub fn prepare(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
220 paths::create_dir_all(&self.deps)?;
221 paths::create_dir_all(&self.incremental)?;
222 paths::create_dir_all(&self.fingerprint)?;
223 paths::create_dir_all(&self.examples)?;
224 paths::create_dir_all(&self.build_examples)?;
225 paths::create_dir_all(&;
227 Ok(())
228 }
230 /// Fetch the destination path for final artifacts (`/…/target/debug`).
231 pub fn dest(&self) -> &Path {
232 &self.dest
233 }
234 /// Fetch the deps path.
235 pub fn deps(&self) -> &Path {
236 &self.deps
237 }
238 /// Fetch the examples path.
239 pub fn examples(&self) -> &Path {
240 &self.examples
241 }
242 /// Fetch the build examples path.
243 pub fn build_examples(&self) -> &Path {
244 &self.build_examples
245 }
246 /// Fetch the doc path.
247 pub fn doc(&self) -> &Path {
248 &self.doc
249 }
250 /// Fetch the root path (`/…/target`).
251 pub fn root(&self) -> &Path {
252 &self.root
253 }
254 /// Fetch the incremental path.
255 pub fn incremental(&self) -> &Path {
256 &self.incremental
257 }
258 /// Fetch the fingerprint path.
259 pub fn fingerprint(&self) -> &Path {
260 &self.fingerprint
261 }
262 /// Fetch the build script path.
263 pub fn build(&self) -> &Path {
264 &
265 }
266 /// Fetch the artifact path.
267 pub fn artifact(&self) -> &Path {
268 &self.artifact
269 }
270 /// Create and return the tmp path.
271 pub fn prepare_tmp(&self) -> CargoResult<&Path> {
272 paths::create_dir_all(&self.tmp)?;
273 Ok(&self.tmp)
274 }