
1//! High-level APIs for executing the resolver.
3//! This module provides functions for running the resolver given a workspace, including loading
4//! the `Cargo.lock` file and checkinf if it needs updating.
6//! There are roughly 3 main functions:
8//! - [`resolve_ws`]: A simple, high-level function with no options.
9//! - [`resolve_ws_with_opts`]: A medium-level function with options like
10//!   user-provided features. This is the most appropriate function to use in
11//!   most cases.
12//! - [`resolve_with_previous`]: A low-level function for running the resolver,
13//!   providing the most power and flexibility.
15//! ### Data Structures
17//! - [`Workspace`]:
18//!   Usually created by [`crate::util::command_prelude::ArgMatchesExt::workspace`] which discovers the root of the
19//!   workspace, and loads all the workspace members as a [`Package`] object
20//!   - [`Package`]
21//!     Corresponds with `Cargo.toml` manifest (deserialized as [`Manifest`]) and its associated files.
22//!     - [`Target`]s are crates such as the library, binaries, integration test, or examples.
23//!       They are what is actually compiled by `rustc`.
24//!       Each `Target` defines a crate root, like `src/` or `examples/`.
25//!     - [`PackageId`] --- A unique identifier for a package.
26//! - [`PackageRegistry`]:
27//!   The primary interface for how the dependency
28//!   resolver finds packages. It contains the `SourceMap`, and handles things
29//!   like the `[patch]` table. The dependency resolver
30//!   sends a query to the `PackageRegistry` to "get me all packages that match
31//!   this dependency declaration". The `Registry` trait provides a generic interface
32//!   to the `PackageRegistry`, but this is only used for providing an alternate
33//!   implementation of the `PackageRegistry` for testing.
34//! - [`SourceMap`]: Map of all available sources.
35//!   - [`Source`]: An abstraction for something that can fetch packages (a remote
36//!     registry, a git repo, the local filesystem, etc.). Check out the [source
37//!     implementations] for all the details about registries, indexes, git
38//!     dependencies, etc.
39//!       * [`SourceId`]: A unique identifier for a source.
40//!   - [`Summary`]: A of a [`Manifest`], and is essentially
41//!     the information that can be found in a registry index. Queries against the
42//!     `PackageRegistry` yields a `Summary`. The resolver uses the summary
43//!     information to build the dependency graph.
44//! - [`PackageSet`] --- Contains all of the `Package` objects. This works with the
45//!   [`Downloads`] struct to coordinate downloading packages. It has a reference
46//!   to the `SourceMap` to get the `Source` objects which tell the `Downloads`
47//!   struct which URLs to fetch.
49//! [`Package`]: crate::core::package
50//! [`Target`]: crate::core::Target
51//! [`Manifest`]: crate::core::Manifest
52//! [`Source`]: crate::sources::source::Source
53//! [`SourceMap`]: crate::sources::source::SourceMap
54//! [`PackageRegistry`]: crate::core::registry::PackageRegistry
55//! [source implementations]: crate::sources
56//! [`Downloads`]: crate::core::package::Downloads
58use crate::core::compiler::{CompileKind, RustcTargetData};
59use crate::core::registry::{LockedPatchDependency, PackageRegistry};
60use crate::core::resolver::features::{
61    CliFeatures, FeatureOpts, FeatureResolver, ForceAllTargets, RequestedFeatures, ResolvedFeatures,
63use crate::core::resolver::{
64    self, HasDevUnits, Resolve, ResolveOpts, ResolveVersion, VersionOrdering, VersionPreferences,
66use crate::core::summary::Summary;
67use crate::core::Dependency;
68use crate::core::GitReference;
69use crate::core::PackageId;
70use crate::core::PackageIdSpec;
71use crate::core::PackageIdSpecQuery;
72use crate::core::PackageSet;
73use crate::core::SourceId;
74use crate::core::Workspace;
75use crate::ops;
76use crate::sources::RecursivePathSource;
77use crate::util::cache_lock::CacheLockMode;
78use crate::util::context::FeatureUnification;
79use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
80use crate::util::CanonicalUrl;
81use anyhow::Context as _;
82use cargo_util::paths;
83use cargo_util_schemas::core::PartialVersion;
84use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
85use tracing::{debug, trace};
87/// Filter for keep using Package ID from previous lockfile.
88type Keep<'a> = &'a dyn Fn(&PackageId) -> bool;
90/// Result for `resolve_ws_with_opts`.
91pub struct WorkspaceResolve<'gctx> {
92    /// Packages to be downloaded.
93    pub pkg_set: PackageSet<'gctx>,
94    /// The resolve for the entire workspace.
95    ///
96    /// This may be `None` for things like `cargo install` and `-Zavoid-dev-deps`.
97    /// This does not include `paths` overrides.
98    pub workspace_resolve: Option<Resolve>,
99    /// The narrowed resolve, with the specific features enabled, and only the
100    /// given package specs requested.
101    pub targeted_resolve: Resolve,
102    /// The features activated per package.
103    pub resolved_features: ResolvedFeatures,
106const UNUSED_PATCH_WARNING: &str = "\
107Check that the patched package version and available features are compatible
108with the dependency requirements. If the patch has a different version from
109what is locked in the Cargo.lock file, run `cargo update` to use the new
110version. This may also occur with an optional dependency that is not enabled.";
112/// Resolves all dependencies for the workspace using the previous
113/// lock file as a guide if present.
115/// This function will also write the result of resolution as a new lock file
116/// (unless it is an ephemeral workspace such as `cargo install` or `cargo
117/// package`).
119/// This is a simple interface used by commands like `clean`, `fetch`, and
120/// `package`, which don't specify any options or features.
121pub fn resolve_ws<'a>(ws: &Workspace<'a>, dry_run: bool) -> CargoResult<(PackageSet<'a>, Resolve)> {
122    let mut registry = ws.package_registry()?;
123    let resolve = resolve_with_registry(ws, &mut registry, dry_run)?;
124    let packages = get_resolved_packages(&resolve, registry)?;
125    Ok((packages, resolve))
128/// Resolves dependencies for some packages of the workspace,
129/// taking into account `paths` overrides and activated features.
131/// This function will also write the result of resolution as a new lock file
132/// (unless `Workspace::require_optional_deps` is false, such as `cargo
133/// install` or `-Z avoid-dev-deps`), or it is an ephemeral workspace (`cargo
134/// install` or `cargo package`).
136/// `specs` may be empty, which indicates it should resolve all workspace
137/// members. In this case, `opts.all_features` must be `true`.
138pub fn resolve_ws_with_opts<'gctx>(
139    ws: &Workspace<'gctx>,
140    target_data: &mut RustcTargetData<'gctx>,
141    requested_targets: &[CompileKind],
142    cli_features: &CliFeatures,
143    specs: &[PackageIdSpec],
144    has_dev_units: HasDevUnits,
145    force_all_targets: ForceAllTargets,
146    dry_run: bool,
147) -> CargoResult<WorkspaceResolve<'gctx>> {
148    let specs = match ws.resolve_feature_unification() {
149        FeatureUnification::Selected => specs,
150        FeatureUnification::Workspace => &ops::Packages::All(Vec::new()).to_package_id_specs(ws)?,
151    };
152    let mut registry = ws.package_registry()?;
153    let (resolve, resolved_with_overrides) = if ws.ignore_lock() {
154        let add_patches = true;
155        let resolve = None;
156        let resolved_with_overrides = resolve_with_previous(
157            &mut registry,
158            ws,
159            cli_features,
160            has_dev_units,
161            resolve.as_ref(),
162            None,
163            specs,
164            add_patches,
165        )?;
166        ops::print_lockfile_changes(ws, None, &resolved_with_overrides, &mut registry)?;
167        (resolve, resolved_with_overrides)
168    } else if ws.require_optional_deps() {
169        // First, resolve the root_package's *listed* dependencies, as well as
170        // downloading and updating all remotes and such.
171        let resolve = resolve_with_registry(ws, &mut registry, dry_run)?;
172        // No need to add patches again, `resolve_with_registry` has done it.
173        let add_patches = false;
175        // Second, resolve with precisely what we're doing. Filter out
176        // transitive dependencies if necessary, specify features, handle
177        // overrides, etc.
178        add_overrides(&mut registry, ws)?;
180        for (replace_spec, dep) in ws.root_replace() {
181            if !resolve
182                .iter()
183                .any(|r| replace_spec.matches(r) && !dep.matches_id(r))
184            {
185                ws.gctx()
186                    .shell()
187                    .warn(format!("package replacement is not used: {}", replace_spec))?
188            }
190            if dep.features().len() != 0 || !dep.uses_default_features() {
191                ws.gctx()
192                .shell()
193                .warn(format!(
194                    "replacement for `{}` uses the features mechanism. \
195                    default-features and features will not take effect because the replacement dependency does not support this mechanism",
196                    dep.package_name()
197                ))?
198            }
199        }
201        let resolved_with_overrides = resolve_with_previous(
202            &mut registry,
203            ws,
204            cli_features,
205            has_dev_units,
206            Some(&resolve),
207            None,
208            specs,
209            add_patches,
210        )?;
211        (Some(resolve), resolved_with_overrides)
212    } else {
213        let add_patches = true;
214        let resolve = ops::load_pkg_lockfile(ws)?;
215        let resolved_with_overrides = resolve_with_previous(
216            &mut registry,
217            ws,
218            cli_features,
219            has_dev_units,
220            resolve.as_ref(),
221            None,
222            specs,
223            add_patches,
224        )?;
225        // Skipping `print_lockfile_changes` as there are cases where this prints irrelevant
226        // information
227        (resolve, resolved_with_overrides)
228    };
230    let pkg_set = get_resolved_packages(&resolved_with_overrides, registry)?;
232    let member_ids = ws
233        .members_with_features(specs, cli_features)?
234        .into_iter()
235        .map(|(p, _fts)| p.package_id())
236        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
237    pkg_set.download_accessible(
238        &resolved_with_overrides,
239        &member_ids,
240        has_dev_units,
241        requested_targets,
242        target_data,
243        force_all_targets,
244    )?;
246    let feature_opts = FeatureOpts::new(ws, has_dev_units, force_all_targets)?;
247    let resolved_features = FeatureResolver::resolve(
248        ws,
249        target_data,
250        &resolved_with_overrides,
251        &pkg_set,
252        cli_features,
253        specs,
254        requested_targets,
255        feature_opts,
256    )?;
258    pkg_set.warn_no_lib_packages_and_artifact_libs_overlapping_deps(
259        ws,
260        &resolved_with_overrides,
261        &member_ids,
262        has_dev_units,
263        requested_targets,
264        target_data,
265        force_all_targets,
266    )?;
268    Ok(WorkspaceResolve {
269        pkg_set,
270        workspace_resolve: resolve,
271        targeted_resolve: resolved_with_overrides,
272        resolved_features,
273    })
277fn resolve_with_registry<'gctx>(
278    ws: &Workspace<'gctx>,
279    registry: &mut PackageRegistry<'gctx>,
280    dry_run: bool,
281) -> CargoResult<Resolve> {
282    let prev = ops::load_pkg_lockfile(ws)?;
283    let mut resolve = resolve_with_previous(
284        registry,
285        ws,
286        &CliFeatures::new_all(true),
287        HasDevUnits::Yes,
288        prev.as_ref(),
289        None,
290        &[],
291        true,
292    )?;
294    let print = if !ws.is_ephemeral() && ws.require_optional_deps() {
295        if !dry_run {
296            ops::write_pkg_lockfile(ws, &mut resolve)?
297        } else {
298            true
299        }
300    } else {
301        // This mostly represents
302        // - `cargo install --locked` and the only change is the package is no longer local but
303        //   from the registry which is noise
304        // - publish of libraries
305        false
306    };
307    if print {
308        ops::print_lockfile_changes(ws, prev.as_ref(), &resolve, registry)?;
309    }
310    Ok(resolve)
313/// Resolves all dependencies for a package using an optional previous instance
314/// of resolve to guide the resolution process.
316/// This also takes an optional filter `keep_previous`, which informs the `registry`
317/// which package ID should be locked to the previous instance of resolve
318/// (often used in pairings with updates). See comments in [`register_previous_locks`]
319/// for scenarios that might override this.
321/// The previous resolve normally comes from a lock file. This function does not
322/// read or write lock files from the filesystem.
324/// `specs` may be empty, which indicates it should resolve all workspace
325/// members. In this case, `opts.all_features` must be `true`.
327/// If `register_patches` is true, then entries from the `[patch]` table in
328/// the manifest will be added to the given `PackageRegistry`.
330pub fn resolve_with_previous<'gctx>(
331    registry: &mut PackageRegistry<'gctx>,
332    ws: &Workspace<'gctx>,
333    cli_features: &CliFeatures,
334    has_dev_units: HasDevUnits,
335    previous: Option<&Resolve>,
336    keep_previous: Option<Keep<'_>>,
337    specs: &[PackageIdSpec],
338    register_patches: bool,
339) -> CargoResult<Resolve> {
340    // We only want one Cargo at a time resolving a crate graph since this can
341    // involve a lot of frobbing of the global caches.
342    let _lock = ws
343        .gctx()
344        .acquire_package_cache_lock(CacheLockMode::DownloadExclusive)?;
346    // Some packages are already loaded when setting up a workspace. This
347    // makes it so anything that was already loaded will not be loaded again.
348    // Without this there were cases where members would be parsed multiple times
349    ws.preload(registry);
351    // In case any members were not already loaded or the Workspace is_ephemeral.
352    for member in ws.members() {
353        registry.add_sources(Some(member.package_id().source_id()))?;
354    }
356    // Try to keep all from previous resolve if no instruction given.
357    let keep_previous = keep_previous.unwrap_or(&|_| true);
359    // While registering patches, we will record preferences for particular versions
360    // of various packages.
361    let mut version_prefs = VersionPreferences::default();
362    if ws.gctx().cli_unstable().minimal_versions {
363        version_prefs.version_ordering(VersionOrdering::MinimumVersionsFirst)
364    }
365    if ws.resolve_honors_rust_version() {
366        let mut rust_versions: Vec<_> = ws
367            .members()
368            .filter_map(|p| p.rust_version().map(|rv| rv.as_partial().clone()))
369            .collect();
370        if rust_versions.is_empty() {
371            let rustc = ws.gctx().load_global_rustc(Some(ws))?;
372            let rust_version: PartialVersion = rustc.version.clone().into();
373            rust_versions.push(rust_version);
374        }
375        version_prefs.rust_versions(rust_versions);
376    }
378    let avoid_patch_ids = if register_patches {
379        register_patch_entries(registry, ws, previous, &mut version_prefs, keep_previous)?
380    } else {
381        HashSet::new()
382    };
384    // Refine `keep` with patches that should avoid locking.
385    let keep = |p: &PackageId| keep_previous(p) && !avoid_patch_ids.contains(p);
387    let dev_deps = ws.require_optional_deps() || has_dev_units == HasDevUnits::Yes;
389    if let Some(r) = previous {
390        trace!("previous: {:?}", r);
392        // In the case where a previous instance of resolve is available, we
393        // want to lock as many packages as possible to the previous version
394        // without disturbing the graph structure.
395        register_previous_locks(ws, registry, r, &keep, dev_deps);
397        // Prefer to use anything in the previous lock file, aka we want to have conservative updates.
398        let _span = tracing::span!(tracing::Level::TRACE, "prefer_package_id").entered();
399        for id in r.iter().filter(keep) {
400            debug!("attempting to prefer {}", id);
401            version_prefs.prefer_package_id(id);
402        }
403    }
405    if register_patches {
406        registry.lock_patches();
407    }
409    let summaries: Vec<(Summary, ResolveOpts)> = {
410        let _span = tracing::span!(tracing::Level::TRACE, "registry.lock").entered();
411        ws.members_with_features(specs, cli_features)?
412            .into_iter()
413            .map(|(member, features)| {
414                let summary = registry.lock(member.summary().clone());
415                (
416                    summary,
417                    ResolveOpts {
418                        dev_deps,
419                        features: RequestedFeatures::CliFeatures(features),
420                    },
421                )
422            })
423            .collect()
424    };
426    let replace = lock_replacements(ws, previous, &keep);
428    let mut resolved = resolver::resolve(
429        &summaries,
430        &replace,
431        registry,
432        &version_prefs,
433        ResolveVersion::with_rust_version(ws.lowest_rust_version()),
434        Some(ws.gctx()),
435    )?;
437    let patches = registry.patches().values().flat_map(|v| v.iter());
438    resolved.register_used_patches(patches);
440    if register_patches && !resolved.unused_patches().is_empty() {
441        emit_warnings_of_unused_patches(ws, &resolved, registry)?;
442    }
444    if let Some(previous) = previous {
445        resolved.merge_from(previous)?;
446    }
447    let gctx = ws.gctx();
448    let mut deferred = gctx.deferred_global_last_use()?;
449    deferred.save_no_error(gctx);
450    Ok(resolved)
453/// Read the `paths` configuration variable to discover all path overrides that
454/// have been configured.
456pub fn add_overrides<'a>(
457    registry: &mut PackageRegistry<'a>,
458    ws: &Workspace<'a>,
459) -> CargoResult<()> {
460    let gctx = ws.gctx();
461    let Some(paths) = gctx.get_list("paths")? else {
462        return Ok(());
463    };
465    let paths = paths.val.iter().map(|(s, def)| {
466        // The path listed next to the string is the config file in which the
467        // key was located, so we want to pop off the `.cargo/config` component
468        // to get the directory containing the `.cargo` folder.
469        (paths::normalize_path(&def.root(gctx).join(s)), def)
470    });
472    for (path, definition) in paths {
473        let id = SourceId::for_path(&path)?;
474        let mut source = RecursivePathSource::new(&path, id, ws.gctx());
475        source.load().with_context(|| {
476            format!(
477                "failed to update path override `{}` \
478                 (defined in `{}`)",
479                path.display(),
480                definition
481            )
482        })?;
483        registry.add_override(Box::new(source));
484    }
485    Ok(())
488pub fn get_resolved_packages<'gctx>(
489    resolve: &Resolve,
490    registry: PackageRegistry<'gctx>,
491) -> CargoResult<PackageSet<'gctx>> {
492    let ids: Vec<PackageId> = resolve.iter().collect();
493    registry.get(&ids)
496/// In this function we're responsible for informing the `registry` of all
497/// locked dependencies from the previous lock file we had, `resolve`.
499/// This gets particularly tricky for a couple of reasons. The first is that we
500/// want all updates to be conservative, so we actually want to take the
501/// `resolve` into account (and avoid unnecessary registry updates and such).
502/// the second, however, is that we want to be resilient to updates of
503/// manifests. For example if a dependency is added or a version is changed we
504/// want to make sure that we properly re-resolve (conservatively) instead of
505/// providing an opaque error.
507/// The logic here is somewhat subtle, but there should be more comments below to
508/// clarify things.
510/// Note that this function, at the time of this writing, is basically the
511/// entire fix for issue #4127.
513fn register_previous_locks(
514    ws: &Workspace<'_>,
515    registry: &mut PackageRegistry<'_>,
516    resolve: &Resolve,
517    keep: Keep<'_>,
518    dev_deps: bool,
519) {
520    let path_pkg = |id: SourceId| {
521        if !id.is_path() {
522            return None;
523        }
524        if let Ok(path) = id.url().to_file_path() {
525            if let Ok(pkg) = ws.load(&path.join("Cargo.toml")) {
526                return Some(pkg);
527            }
528        }
529        None
530    };
532    // Ok so we've been passed in a `keep` function which basically says "if I
533    // return `true` then this package wasn't listed for an update on the command
534    // line". That is, if we run `cargo update foo` then `keep(bar)` will return
535    // `true`, whereas `keep(foo)` will return `false` (roughly speaking).
536    //
537    // This isn't actually quite what we want, however. Instead we want to
538    // further refine this `keep` function with *all transitive dependencies* of
539    // the packages we're not keeping. For example, consider a case like this:
540    //
541    // * There's a crate `log`.
542    // * There's a crate `serde` which depends on `log`.
543    //
544    // Let's say we then run `cargo update serde`. This may *also* want to
545    // update the `log` dependency as our newer version of `serde` may have a
546    // new minimum version required for `log`. Now this isn't always guaranteed
547    // to work. What'll happen here is we *won't* lock the `log` dependency nor
548    // the `log` crate itself, but we will inform the registry "please prefer
549    // this version of `log`". That way if our newer version of serde works with
550    // the older version of `log`, we conservatively won't update `log`. If,
551    // however, nothing else in the dependency graph depends on `log` and the
552    // newer version of `serde` requires a new version of `log` it'll get pulled
553    // in (as we didn't accidentally lock it to an old version).
554    let mut avoid_locking = HashSet::new();
555    registry.add_to_yanked_whitelist(resolve.iter().filter(keep));
556    for node in resolve.iter() {
557        if !keep(&node) {
558            add_deps(resolve, node, &mut avoid_locking);
559        }
560    }
562    // Ok, but the above loop isn't the entire story! Updates to the dependency
563    // graph can come from two locations, the `cargo update` command or
564    // manifests themselves. For example a manifest on the filesystem may
565    // have been updated to have an updated version requirement on `serde`. In
566    // this case both `keep(serde)` and `keep(log)` return `true` (the `keep`
567    // that's an argument to this function). We, however, don't want to keep
568    // either of those! Otherwise we'll get obscure resolve errors about locked
569    // versions.
570    //
571    // To solve this problem we iterate over all packages with path sources
572    // (aka ones with manifests that are changing) and take a look at all of
573    // their dependencies. If any dependency does not match something in the
574    // previous lock file, then we're guaranteed that the main resolver will
575    // update the source of this dependency no matter what. Knowing this we
576    // poison all packages from the same source, forcing them all to get
577    // updated.
578    //
579    // This may seem like a heavy hammer, and it is! It means that if you change
580    // anything from then all of becomes unlocked. Note,
581    // however, that we still want conservative updates. This currently happens
582    // because the first candidate the resolver picks is the previously locked
583    // version, and only if that fails to activate to we move on and try
584    // a different version. (giving the guise of conservative updates)
585    //
586    // For example let's say we had `serde = "0.1"` written in our lock file.
587    // When we later edit this to `serde = "0.1.3"` we don't want to lock serde
588    // at its old version, 0.1.1. Instead we want to allow it to update to
589    // `0.1.3` and update its own dependencies (like above). To do this *all
590    // crates from* are not locked (aka added to `avoid_locking`).
591    // For dependencies like `log` their previous version in the lock file will
592    // come up first before newer version, if newer version are available.
593    {
594        let _span = tracing::span!(tracing::Level::TRACE, "poison").entered();
595        let mut path_deps = ws.members().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
596        let mut visited = HashSet::new();
597        while let Some(member) = path_deps.pop() {
598            if !visited.insert(member.package_id()) {
599                continue;
600            }
601            let is_ws_member = ws.is_member(&member);
602            for dep in member.dependencies() {
603                // If this dependency didn't match anything special then we may want
604                // to poison the source as it may have been added. If this path
605                // dependencies is **not** a workspace member, however, and it's an
606                // optional/non-transitive dependency then it won't be necessarily
607                // be in our lock file. If this shows up then we avoid poisoning
608                // this source as otherwise we'd repeatedly update the registry.
609                //
610                // TODO: this breaks adding an optional dependency in a
611                // non-workspace member and then simultaneously editing the
612                // dependency on that crate to enable the feature. For now,
613                // this bug is better than the always-updating registry though.
614                if !is_ws_member && (dep.is_optional() || !dep.is_transitive()) {
615                    continue;
616                }
618                // If dev-dependencies aren't being resolved, skip them.
619                if !dep.is_transitive() && !dev_deps {
620                    continue;
621                }
623                // If this is a path dependency, then try to push it onto our
624                // worklist.
625                if let Some(pkg) = path_pkg(dep.source_id()) {
626                    path_deps.push(pkg);
627                    continue;
628                }
630                // If we match *anything* in the dependency graph then we consider
631                // ourselves all ok, and assume that we'll resolve to that.
632                if resolve.iter().any(|id| dep.matches_ignoring_source(id)) {
633                    continue;
634                }
636                // Ok if nothing matches, then we poison the source of these
637                // dependencies and the previous lock file.
638                debug!(
639                    "poisoning {} because {} looks like it changed {}",
640                    dep.source_id(),
641                    member.package_id(),
642                    dep.package_name()
643                );
644                for id in resolve
645                    .iter()
646                    .filter(|id| id.source_id() == dep.source_id())
647                {
648                    add_deps(resolve, id, &mut avoid_locking);
649                }
650            }
651        }
652    }
654    // Additionally, here we process all path dependencies listed in the previous
655    // resolve. They can not only have their dependencies change but also
656    // the versions of the package change as well. If this ends up happening
657    // then we want to make sure we don't lock a package ID node that doesn't
658    // actually exist. Note that we don't do transitive visits of all the
659    // package's dependencies here as that'll be covered below to poison those
660    // if they changed.
661    //
662    // This must come after all other `add_deps` calls to ensure it recursively walks the tree when
663    // called.
664    for node in resolve.iter() {
665        if let Some(pkg) = path_pkg(node.source_id()) {
666            if pkg.package_id() != node {
667                avoid_locking.insert(node);
668            }
669        }
670    }
672    // Alright now that we've got our new, fresh, shiny, and refined `keep`
673    // function let's put it to action. Take a look at the previous lock file,
674    // filter everything by this callback, and then shove everything else into
675    // the registry as a locked dependency.
676    let keep = |id: &PackageId| keep(id) && !avoid_locking.contains(id);
678    registry.clear_lock();
679    {
680        let _span = tracing::span!(tracing::Level::TRACE, "register_lock").entered();
681        for node in resolve.iter().filter(keep) {
682            let deps = resolve
683                .deps_not_replaced(node)
684                .map(|p| p.0)
685                .filter(keep)
686                .collect::<Vec<_>>();
688            // In the v2 lockfile format and prior the `branch=master` dependency
689            // directive was serialized the same way as the no-branch-listed
690            // directive. Nowadays in Cargo, however, these two directives are
691            // considered distinct and are no longer represented the same way. To
692            // maintain compatibility with older lock files we register locked nodes
693            // for *both* the master branch and the default branch.
694            //
695            // Note that this is only applicable for loading older resolves now at
696            // this point. All new lock files are encoded as v3-or-later, so this is
697            // just compat for loading an old lock file successfully.
698            if let Some(node) = master_branch_git_source(node, resolve) {
699                registry.register_lock(node, deps.clone());
700            }
702            registry.register_lock(node, deps);
703        }
704    }
706    /// Recursively add `node` and all its transitive dependencies to `set`.
707    fn add_deps(resolve: &Resolve, node: PackageId, set: &mut HashSet<PackageId>) {
708        if !set.insert(node) {
709            return;
710        }
711        debug!("ignoring any lock pointing directly at {}", node);
712        for (dep, _) in resolve.deps_not_replaced(node) {
713            add_deps(resolve, dep, set);
714        }
715    }
718fn master_branch_git_source(id: PackageId, resolve: &Resolve) -> Option<PackageId> {
719    if resolve.version() <= ResolveVersion::V2 {
720        let source = id.source_id();
721        if let Some(GitReference::DefaultBranch) = source.git_reference() {
722            let new_source =
723                SourceId::for_git(source.url(), GitReference::Branch("master".to_string()))
724                    .unwrap()
725                    .with_precise_from(source);
726            return Some(id.with_source_id(new_source));
727        }
728    }
729    None
732/// Emits warnings of unused patches case by case.
734/// This function does its best to provide more targeted and helpful
735/// (such as showing close candidates that failed to match). However, that's
736/// not terribly easy to do, so just show a general help message if we cannot.
737fn emit_warnings_of_unused_patches(
738    ws: &Workspace<'_>,
739    resolve: &Resolve,
740    registry: &PackageRegistry<'_>,
741) -> CargoResult<()> {
742    const MESSAGE: &str = "was not used in the crate graph.";
744    // Patch package with the source URLs being patch
745    let mut patch_pkgid_to_urls = HashMap::new();
746    for (url, summaries) in registry.patches().iter() {
747        for summary in summaries.iter() {
748            patch_pkgid_to_urls
749                .entry(summary.package_id())
750                .or_insert_with(HashSet::new)
751                .insert(url);
752        }
753    }
755    // pkg name -> all source IDs of under the same pkg name
756    let mut source_ids_grouped_by_pkg_name = HashMap::new();
757    for pkgid in resolve.iter() {
758        source_ids_grouped_by_pkg_name
759            .entry(
760            .or_insert_with(HashSet::new)
761            .insert(pkgid.source_id());
762    }
764    let mut unemitted_unused_patches = Vec::new();
765    for unused in resolve.unused_patches().iter() {
766        // Show alternative source URLs if the source URLs being patch
767        // cannot not be found in the crate graph.
768        match (
769            source_ids_grouped_by_pkg_name.get(&,
770            patch_pkgid_to_urls.get(unused),
771        ) {
772            (Some(ids), Some(patched_urls))
773                if ids
774                    .iter()
775                    .all(|id| !patched_urls.contains(id.canonical_url())) =>
776            {
777                use std::fmt::Write;
778                let mut msg = String::new();
779                writeln!(msg, "Patch `{}` {}", unused, MESSAGE)?;
780                write!(
781                    msg,
782                    "Perhaps you misspelled the source URL being patched.\n\
783                    Possible URLs for `[patch.<URL>]`:",
784                )?;
785                for id in ids.iter() {
786                    write!(msg, "\n    {}", id.display_registry_name())?;
787                }
788                ws.gctx().shell().warn(msg)?;
789            }
790            _ => unemitted_unused_patches.push(unused),
791        }
792    }
794    // Show general help message.
795    if !unemitted_unused_patches.is_empty() {
796        let warnings: Vec<_> = unemitted_unused_patches
797            .iter()
798            .map(|pkgid| format!("Patch `{}` {}", pkgid, MESSAGE))
799            .collect();
800        ws.gctx()
801            .shell()
802            .warn(format!("{}\n{}", warnings.join("\n"), UNUSED_PATCH_WARNING))?;
803    }
805    return Ok(());
808/// Informs `registry` and `version_pref` that `[patch]` entries are available
809/// and preferable for the dependency resolution.
811/// This returns a set of PackageIds of `[patch]` entries, and some related
812/// locked PackageIds, for which locking should be avoided (but which will be
813/// preferred when searching dependencies, via [`VersionPreferences::prefer_patch_deps`]).
814#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, ret)]
815fn register_patch_entries(
816    registry: &mut PackageRegistry<'_>,
817    ws: &Workspace<'_>,
818    previous: Option<&Resolve>,
819    version_prefs: &mut VersionPreferences,
820    keep_previous: Keep<'_>,
821) -> CargoResult<HashSet<PackageId>> {
822    let mut avoid_patch_ids = HashSet::new();
823    for (url, patches) in ws.root_patch()?.iter() {
824        for patch in patches {
825            version_prefs.prefer_dependency(patch.clone());
826        }
827        let Some(previous) = previous else {
828            let patches: Vec<_> = patches.iter().map(|p| (p, None)).collect();
829            let unlock_ids = registry.patch(url, &patches)?;
830            // Since nothing is locked, this shouldn't possibly return anything.
831            assert!(unlock_ids.is_empty());
832            continue;
833        };
835        // This is a list of pairs where the first element of the pair is
836        // the raw `Dependency` which matches what's listed in `Cargo.toml`.
837        // The second element is, if present, the "locked" version of
838        // the `Dependency` as well as the `PackageId` that it previously
839        // resolved to. This second element is calculated by looking at the
840        // previous resolve graph, which is primarily what's done here to
841        // build the `registrations` list.
842        let mut registrations = Vec::new();
843        for dep in patches {
844            let candidates = || {
845                previous
846                    .iter()
847                    .chain(previous.unused_patches().iter().cloned())
848                    .filter(&keep_previous)
849            };
851            let lock = match candidates().find(|id| dep.matches_id(*id)) {
852                // If we found an exactly matching candidate in our list of
853                // candidates, then that's the one to use.
854                Some(package_id) => {
855                    let mut locked_dep = dep.clone();
856                    locked_dep.lock_to(package_id);
857                    Some(LockedPatchDependency {
858                        dependency: locked_dep,
859                        package_id,
860                        alt_package_id: None,
861                    })
862                }
863                None => {
864                    // If the candidate does not have a matching source id
865                    // then we may still have a lock candidate. If we're
866                    // loading a v2-encoded resolve graph and `dep` is a
867                    // git dep with `branch = 'master'`, then this should
868                    // also match candidates without `branch = 'master'`
869                    // (which is now treated separately in Cargo).
870                    //
871                    // In this scenario we try to convert candidates located
872                    // in the resolve graph to explicitly having the
873                    // `master` branch (if they otherwise point to
874                    // `DefaultBranch`). If this works and our `dep`
875                    // matches that then this is something we'll lock to.
876                    match candidates().find(|&id| match master_branch_git_source(id, previous) {
877                        Some(id) => dep.matches_id(id),
878                        None => false,
879                    }) {
880                        Some(id_using_default) => {
881                            let id_using_master = id_using_default.with_source_id(
882                                dep.source_id()
883                                    .with_precise_from(id_using_default.source_id()),
884                            );
886                            let mut locked_dep = dep.clone();
887                            locked_dep.lock_to(id_using_master);
888                            Some(LockedPatchDependency {
889                                dependency: locked_dep,
890                                package_id: id_using_master,
891                                // Note that this is where the magic
892                                // happens, where the resolve graph
893                                // probably has locks pointing to
894                                // DefaultBranch sources, and by including
895                                // this here those will get transparently
896                                // rewritten to Branch("master") which we
897                                // have a lock entry for.
898                                alt_package_id: Some(id_using_default),
899                            })
900                        }
902                        // No locked candidate was found
903                        None => None,
904                    }
905                }
906            };
908            registrations.push((dep, lock));
909        }
911        let canonical = CanonicalUrl::new(url)?;
912        for (orig_patch, unlock_id) in registry.patch(url, &registrations)? {
913            // Avoid the locked patch ID.
914            avoid_patch_ids.insert(unlock_id);
915            // Also avoid the thing it is patching.
916            avoid_patch_ids.extend(previous.iter().filter(|id| {
917                orig_patch.matches_ignoring_source(*id)
918                    && *id.source_id().canonical_url() == canonical
919            }));
920        }
921    }
923    Ok(avoid_patch_ids)
926/// Locks each `[replace]` entry to a specific Package ID
927/// if the lockfile contains any corresponding previous replacement.
928fn lock_replacements(
929    ws: &Workspace<'_>,
930    previous: Option<&Resolve>,
931    keep: Keep<'_>,
932) -> Vec<(PackageIdSpec, Dependency)> {
933    let root_replace = ws.root_replace();
934    let replace = match previous {
935        Some(r) => root_replace
936            .iter()
937            .map(|(spec, dep)| {
938                for (&key, &val) in r.replacements().iter() {
939                    if spec.matches(key) && dep.matches_id(val) && keep(&val) {
940                        let mut dep = dep.clone();
941                        dep.lock_to(val);
942                        return (spec.clone(), dep);
943                    }
944                }
945                (spec.clone(), dep.clone())
946            })
947            .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
948        None => root_replace.to_vec(),
949    };
950    replace