
1//! See [`JobState`].
3use std::{cell::Cell, marker, sync::Arc};
5use cargo_util::ProcessBuilder;
7use crate::core::compiler::build_runner::OutputFile;
8use crate::core::compiler::future_incompat::FutureBreakageItem;
9use crate::util::Queue;
10use crate::CargoResult;
12use super::{Artifact, DiagDedupe, Job, JobId, Message};
14/// A `JobState` is constructed by `JobQueue::run` and passed to `Job::run`. It includes everything
15/// necessary to communicate between the main thread and the execution of the job.
17/// The job may execute on either a dedicated thread or the main thread. If the job executes on the
18/// main thread, the `output` field must be set to prevent a deadlock.
19pub struct JobState<'a, 'gctx> {
20    /// Channel back to the main thread to coordinate messages and such.
21    ///
22    /// When the `output` field is `Some`, care must be taken to avoid calling `push_bounded` on
23    /// the message queue to prevent a deadlock.
24    messages: Arc<Queue<Message>>,
26    /// Normally output is sent to the job queue with backpressure. When the job is fresh
27    /// however we need to immediately display the output to prevent a deadlock as the
28    /// output messages are processed on the same thread as they are sent from. `output`
29    /// defines where to output in this case.
30    ///
31    /// Currently the [`Shell`] inside [`GlobalContext`] is wrapped in a `RefCell` and thus can't
32    /// be passed between threads. This means that it isn't possible for multiple output messages
33    /// to be interleaved. In the future, it may be wrapped in a `Mutex` instead. In this case
34    /// interleaving is still prevented as the lock would be held for the whole printing of an
35    /// output message.
36    ///
37    /// [`Shell`]: crate::core::Shell
38    /// [`GlobalContext`]: crate::GlobalContext
39    output: Option<&'a DiagDedupe<'gctx>>,
41    /// The job id that this state is associated with, used when sending
42    /// messages back to the main thread.
43    id: JobId,
45    /// Whether or not we're expected to have a call to `rmeta_produced`. Once
46    /// that method is called this is dynamically set to `false` to prevent
47    /// sending a double message later on.
48    rmeta_required: Cell<bool>,
50    // Historical versions of Cargo made use of the `'a` argument here, so to
51    // leave the door open to future refactorings keep it here.
52    _marker: marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>,
55impl<'a, 'gctx> JobState<'a, 'gctx> {
56    pub(super) fn new(
57        id: JobId,
58        messages: Arc<Queue<Message>>,
59        output: Option<&'a DiagDedupe<'gctx>>,
60        rmeta_required: bool,
61    ) -> Self {
62        Self {
63            id,
64            messages,
65            output,
66            rmeta_required: Cell::new(rmeta_required),
67            _marker: marker::PhantomData,
68        }
69    }
71    pub fn running(&self, cmd: &ProcessBuilder) {
72        self.messages.push(Message::Run(, cmd.to_string()));
73    }
75    pub fn build_plan(
76        &self,
77        module_name: String,
78        cmd: ProcessBuilder,
79        filenames: Arc<Vec<OutputFile>>,
80    ) {
81        self.messages
82            .push(Message::BuildPlanMsg(module_name, cmd, filenames));
83    }
85    pub fn stdout(&self, stdout: String) -> CargoResult<()> {
86        if let Some(dedupe) = self.output {
87            writeln!(, "{}", stdout)?;
88        } else {
89            self.messages.push_bounded(Message::Stdout(stdout));
90        }
91        Ok(())
92    }
94    pub fn stderr(&self, stderr: String) -> CargoResult<()> {
95        if let Some(dedupe) = self.output {
96            let mut shell =;
97            shell.print_ansi_stderr(stderr.as_bytes())?;
98            shell.err().write_all(b"\n")?;
99        } else {
100            self.messages.push_bounded(Message::Stderr(stderr));
101        }
102        Ok(())
103    }
105    /// See [`Message::Diagnostic`] and [`Message::WarningCount`].
106    pub fn emit_diag(&self, level: &str, diag: String, fixable: bool) -> CargoResult<()> {
107        if let Some(dedupe) = self.output {
108            let emitted = dedupe.emit_diag(&diag)?;
109            if level == "warning" {
110                self.messages.push(Message::WarningCount {
111                    id:,
112                    emitted,
113                    fixable,
114                });
115            }
116        } else {
117            self.messages.push_bounded(Message::Diagnostic {
118                id:,
119                level: level.to_string(),
120                diag,
121                fixable,
122            });
123        }
124        Ok(())
125    }
127    /// See [`Message::Warning`].
128    pub fn warning(&self, warning: String) {
129        self.messages.push_bounded(Message::Warning {
130            id:,
131            warning,
132        });
133    }
135    /// A method used to signal to the coordinator thread that the rmeta file
136    /// for an rlib has been produced. This is only called for some rmeta
137    /// builds when required, and can be called at any time before a job ends.
138    /// This should only be called once because a metadata file can only be
139    /// produced once!
140    pub fn rmeta_produced(&self) {
141        self.rmeta_required.set(false);
142        self.messages
143            .push(Message::Finish(, Artifact::Metadata, Ok(())));
144    }
146    /// Drives a [`Job`] to finish. This ensures that a [`Message::Finish`] is
147    /// sent even if our job panics.
148    pub(super) fn run_to_finish(self, job: Job) {
149        let mut sender = FinishOnDrop {
150            messages: &self.messages,
151            id:,
152            result: None,
153        };
154        sender.result = Some(;
156        // If the `rmeta_required` wasn't consumed but it was set
157        // previously, then we either have:
158        //
159        // 1. The `job` didn't do anything because it was "fresh".
160        // 2. The `job` returned an error and didn't reach the point where
161        //    it called `rmeta_produced`.
162        // 3. We forgot to call `rmeta_produced` and there's a bug in Cargo.
163        //
164        // Ruling out the third, the other two are pretty common for 2
165        // we'll just naturally abort the compilation operation but for 1
166        // we need to make sure that the metadata is flagged as produced so
167        // send a synthetic message here.
168        if self.rmeta_required.get() && sender.result.as_ref().unwrap().is_ok() {
169            self.messages
170                .push(Message::Finish(, Artifact::Metadata, Ok(())));
171        }
173        // Use a helper struct with a `Drop` implementation to guarantee
174        // that a `Finish` message is sent even if our job panics. We
175        // shouldn't panic unless there's a bug in Cargo, so we just need
176        // to make sure nothing hangs by accident.
177        struct FinishOnDrop<'a> {
178            messages: &'a Queue<Message>,
179            id: JobId,
180            result: Option<CargoResult<()>>,
181        }
183        impl Drop for FinishOnDrop<'_> {
184            fn drop(&mut self) {
185                let result = self
186                    .result
187                    .take()
188                    .unwrap_or_else(|| Err(anyhow::format_err!("worker panicked")));
189                self.messages
190                    .push(Message::Finish(, Artifact::All, result));
191            }
192        }
193    }
195    pub fn future_incompat_report(&self, report: Vec<FutureBreakageItem>) {
196        self.messages
197            .push(Message::FutureIncompatReport(, report));
198    }