
1// ignore-tidy-filelength
2// FIXME: we should move the field error reporting code somewhere else.
4//! Type checking expressions.
6//! See [`rustc_hir_analysis::check`] for more context on type checking in general.
8use rustc_abi::{FIRST_VARIANT, FieldIdx};
9use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
10use rustc_data_structures::stack::ensure_sufficient_stack;
11use rustc_data_structures::unord::UnordMap;
12use rustc_errors::codes::*;
13use rustc_errors::{
14    Applicability, Diag, ErrorGuaranteed, MultiSpan, StashKey, Subdiagnostic, listify, pluralize,
15    struct_span_code_err,
17use rustc_hir::def::{CtorKind, DefKind, Res};
18use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
19use rustc_hir::intravisit::Visitor;
20use rustc_hir::lang_items::LangItem;
21use rustc_hir::{ExprKind, HirId, QPath};
22use rustc_hir_analysis::NoVariantNamed;
23use rustc_hir_analysis::hir_ty_lowering::{FeedConstTy, HirTyLowerer as _};
24use rustc_infer::infer;
25use rustc_infer::infer::{DefineOpaqueTypes, InferOk};
26use rustc_infer::traits::query::NoSolution;
27use rustc_middle::ty::adjustment::{Adjust, Adjustment, AllowTwoPhase};
28use rustc_middle::ty::error::{ExpectedFound, TypeError};
29use rustc_middle::ty::{self, AdtKind, GenericArgsRef, Ty, TypeVisitableExt};
30use rustc_middle::{bug, span_bug};
31use rustc_session::errors::ExprParenthesesNeeded;
32use rustc_session::parse::feature_err;
33use rustc_span::edit_distance::find_best_match_for_name;
34use rustc_span::hygiene::DesugaringKind;
35use rustc_span::source_map::Spanned;
36use rustc_span::{Ident, Span, Symbol, kw, sym};
37use rustc_trait_selection::infer::InferCtxtExt;
38use rustc_trait_selection::traits::{self, ObligationCauseCode, ObligationCtxt};
39use tracing::{debug, instrument, trace};
40use {rustc_ast as ast, rustc_hir as hir};
42use crate::Expectation::{self, ExpectCastableToType, ExpectHasType, NoExpectation};
43use crate::TupleArgumentsFlag::DontTupleArguments;
44use crate::coercion::{CoerceMany, DynamicCoerceMany};
45use crate::errors::{
46    AddressOfTemporaryTaken, BaseExpressionDoubleDot, BaseExpressionDoubleDotAddExpr,
47    BaseExpressionDoubleDotEnableDefaultFieldValues, BaseExpressionDoubleDotRemove,
48    CantDereference, FieldMultiplySpecifiedInInitializer, FunctionalRecordUpdateOnNonStruct,
49    HelpUseLatestEdition, NoFieldOnType, NoFieldOnVariant, ReturnLikeStatementKind,
50    ReturnStmtOutsideOfFnBody, StructExprNonExhaustive, TypeMismatchFruTypo,
51    YieldExprOutsideOfCoroutine,
53use crate::{
54    BreakableCtxt, CoroutineTypes, Diverges, FnCtxt, Needs, cast, fatally_break_rust,
55    report_unexpected_variant_res, type_error_struct,
58impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
59    /// Check an expr with an expectation type, and also demand that the expr's
60    /// evaluated type is a subtype of the expectation at the end. This is a
61    /// *hard* requirement.
62    pub(crate) fn check_expr_has_type_or_error(
63        &self,
64        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
65        expected_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
66        extend_err: impl FnOnce(&mut Diag<'_>),
67    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
68        let mut ty = self.check_expr_with_expectation(expr, ExpectHasType(expected_ty));
70        // While we don't allow *arbitrary* coercions here, we *do* allow
71        // coercions from ! to `expected`.
72        if self.try_structurally_resolve_type(expr.span, ty).is_never()
73            && self.expr_guaranteed_to_constitute_read_for_never(expr)
74        {
75            if let Some(adjustments) = self.typeck_results.borrow().adjustments().get(expr.hir_id) {
76                let reported = self.dcx().span_delayed_bug(
77                    expr.span,
78                    "expression with never type wound up being adjusted",
79                );
81                return if let [Adjustment { kind: Adjust::NeverToAny, target }] = &adjustments[..] {
82                    target.to_owned()
83                } else {
84                    Ty::new_error(self.tcx(), reported)
85                };
86            }
88            let adj_ty = self.next_ty_var(expr.span);
89            self.apply_adjustments(
90                expr,
91                vec![Adjustment { kind: Adjust::NeverToAny, target: adj_ty }],
92            );
93            ty = adj_ty;
94        }
96        if let Err(mut err) = self.demand_suptype_diag(expr.span, expected_ty, ty) {
97            let _ = self.emit_type_mismatch_suggestions(
98                &mut err,
99                expr.peel_drop_temps(),
100                ty,
101                expected_ty,
102                None,
103                None,
104            );
105            extend_err(&mut err);
106            err.emit();
107        }
108        ty
109    }
111    /// Check an expr with an expectation type, and also demand that the expr's
112    /// evaluated type is a coercible to the expectation at the end. This is a
113    /// *hard* requirement.
114    pub(super) fn check_expr_coercible_to_type(
115        &self,
116        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
117        expected: Ty<'tcx>,
118        expected_ty_expr: Option<&'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>>,
119    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
120        self.check_expr_coercible_to_type_or_error(expr, expected, expected_ty_expr, |_, _| {})
121    }
123    pub(crate) fn check_expr_coercible_to_type_or_error(
124        &self,
125        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
126        expected: Ty<'tcx>,
127        expected_ty_expr: Option<&'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>>,
128        extend_err: impl FnOnce(&mut Diag<'_>, Ty<'tcx>),
129    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
130        let ty = self.check_expr_with_hint(expr, expected);
131        // checks don't need two phase
132        match self.demand_coerce_diag(expr, ty, expected, expected_ty_expr, AllowTwoPhase::No) {
133            Ok(ty) => ty,
134            Err(mut err) => {
135                extend_err(&mut err, ty);
136                err.emit();
137                // Return the original type instead of an error type here, otherwise the type of `x` in
138                // `let x: u32 = ();` will be a type error, causing all subsequent usages of `x` to not
139                // report errors, even though `x` is definitely `u32`.
140                expected
141            }
142        }
143    }
145    /// Check an expr with an expectation type. Don't actually enforce that expectation
146    /// is related to the expr's evaluated type via subtyping or coercion. This is
147    /// usually called because we want to do that subtype/coerce call manually for better
148    /// diagnostics.
149    pub(super) fn check_expr_with_hint(
150        &self,
151        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
152        expected: Ty<'tcx>,
153    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
154        self.check_expr_with_expectation(expr, ExpectHasType(expected))
155    }
157    /// Check an expr with an expectation type, and also [`Needs`] which will
158    /// prompt typeck to convert any implicit immutable derefs to mutable derefs.
159    fn check_expr_with_expectation_and_needs(
160        &self,
161        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
162        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
163        needs: Needs,
164    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
165        let ty = self.check_expr_with_expectation(expr, expected);
167        // If the expression is used in a place whether mutable place is required
168        // e.g. LHS of assignment, perform the conversion.
169        if let Needs::MutPlace = needs {
170            self.convert_place_derefs_to_mutable(expr);
171        }
173        ty
174    }
176    /// Check an expr with no expectations.
177    pub(super) fn check_expr(&self, expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
178        self.check_expr_with_expectation(expr, NoExpectation)
179    }
181    /// Check an expr with no expectations, but with [`Needs`] which will
182    /// prompt typeck to convert any implicit immutable derefs to mutable derefs.
183    pub(super) fn check_expr_with_needs(
184        &self,
185        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
186        needs: Needs,
187    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
188        self.check_expr_with_expectation_and_needs(expr, NoExpectation, needs)
189    }
191    /// Check an expr with an expectation type which may be used to eagerly
192    /// guide inference when evaluating that expr.
193    #[instrument(skip(self, expr), level = "debug")]
194    pub(super) fn check_expr_with_expectation(
195        &self,
196        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
197        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
198    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
199        self.check_expr_with_expectation_and_args(expr, expected, None)
200    }
202    /// Same as [`Self::check_expr_with_expectation`], but allows us to pass in
203    /// the arguments of a [`ExprKind::Call`] when evaluating its callee that
204    /// is an [`ExprKind::Path`]. We use this to refine the spans for certain
205    /// well-formedness guarantees for the path expr.
206    pub(super) fn check_expr_with_expectation_and_args(
207        &self,
208        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
209        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
210        call_expr_and_args: Option<(&'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>, &'tcx [hir::Expr<'tcx>])>,
211    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
212        if self.tcx().sess.verbose_internals() {
213            // make this code only run with -Zverbose-internals because it is probably slow
214            if let Ok(lint_str) = self.tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(expr.span) {
215                if !lint_str.contains('\n') {
216                    debug!("expr text: {lint_str}");
217                } else {
218                    let mut lines = lint_str.lines();
219                    if let Some(line0) = {
220                        let remaining_lines = lines.count();
221                        debug!("expr text: {line0}");
222                        debug!("expr text: ...(and {remaining_lines} more lines)");
223                    }
224                }
225            }
226        }
228        // True if `expr` is a `Try::from_ok(())` that is a result of desugaring a try block
229        // without the final expr (e.g. `try { return; }`). We don't want to generate an
230        // unreachable_code lint for it since warnings for autogenerated code are confusing.
231        let is_try_block_generated_unit_expr = match expr.kind {
232            ExprKind::Call(_, [arg]) => {
233                expr.span.is_desugaring(DesugaringKind::TryBlock)
234                    && arg.span.is_desugaring(DesugaringKind::TryBlock)
235            }
236            _ => false,
237        };
239        // Warn for expressions after diverging siblings.
240        if !is_try_block_generated_unit_expr {
241            self.warn_if_unreachable(expr.hir_id, expr.span, "expression");
242        }
244        // Whether a past expression diverges doesn't affect typechecking of this expression, so we
245        // reset `diverges` while checking `expr`.
246        let old_diverges = self.diverges.replace(Diverges::Maybe);
248        if self.is_whole_body.replace(false) {
249            // If this expression is the whole body and the function diverges because of its
250            // arguments, we check this here to ensure the body is considered to diverge.
251            self.diverges.set(self.function_diverges_because_of_empty_arguments.get())
252        };
254        let ty = ensure_sufficient_stack(|| match &expr.kind {
255            // Intercept the callee path expr and give it better spans.
256            hir::ExprKind::Path(
257                qpath @ (hir::QPath::Resolved(..) | hir::QPath::TypeRelative(..)),
258            ) => self.check_expr_path(qpath, expr, call_expr_and_args),
259            _ => self.check_expr_kind(expr, expected),
260        });
261        let ty = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(ty);
263        // Warn for non-block expressions with diverging children.
264        match expr.kind {
265            ExprKind::Block(..)
266            | ExprKind::If(..)
267            | ExprKind::Let(..)
268            | ExprKind::Loop(..)
269            | ExprKind::Match(..) => {}
270            // If `expr` is a result of desugaring the try block and is an ok-wrapped
271            // diverging expression (e.g. it arose from desugaring of `try { return }`),
272            // we skip issuing a warning because it is autogenerated code.
273            ExprKind::Call(..) if expr.span.is_desugaring(DesugaringKind::TryBlock) => {}
274            // Likewise, do not lint unreachable code injected via contracts desugaring.
275            ExprKind::Call(..) if expr.span.is_desugaring(DesugaringKind::Contract) => {}
276            ExprKind::Call(callee, _) => self.warn_if_unreachable(expr.hir_id, callee.span, "call"),
277            ExprKind::MethodCall(segment, ..) => {
278                self.warn_if_unreachable(expr.hir_id, segment.ident.span, "call")
279            }
280            _ => self.warn_if_unreachable(expr.hir_id, expr.span, "expression"),
281        }
283        // Any expression that produces a value of type `!` must have diverged,
284        // unless it's a place expression that isn't being read from, in which case
285        // diverging would be unsound since we may never actually read the `!`.
286        // e.g. `let _ = *never_ptr;` with `never_ptr: *const !`.
287        if self.try_structurally_resolve_type(expr.span, ty).is_never()
288            && self.expr_guaranteed_to_constitute_read_for_never(expr)
289        {
290            self.diverges.set(self.diverges.get() | Diverges::always(expr.span));
291        }
293        // Record the type, which applies it effects.
294        // We need to do this after the warning above, so that
295        // we don't warn for the diverging expression itself.
296        self.write_ty(expr.hir_id, ty);
298        // Combine the diverging and has_error flags.
299        self.diverges.set(self.diverges.get() | old_diverges);
301        debug!("type of {} is...", self.tcx.hir_id_to_string(expr.hir_id));
302        debug!("... {:?}, expected is {:?}", ty, expected);
304        ty
305    }
307    /// Whether this expression constitutes a read of value of the type that
308    /// it evaluates to.
309    ///
310    /// This is used to determine if we should consider the block to diverge
311    /// if the expression evaluates to `!`, and if we should insert a `NeverToAny`
312    /// coercion for values of type `!`.
313    ///
314    /// This function generally returns `false` if the expression is a place
315    /// expression and the *parent* expression is the scrutinee of a match or
316    /// the pointee of an `&` addr-of expression, since both of those parent
317    /// expressions take a *place* and not a value.
318    pub(super) fn expr_guaranteed_to_constitute_read_for_never(
319        &self,
320        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
321    ) -> bool {
322        // We only care about place exprs. Anything else returns an immediate
323        // which would constitute a read. We don't care about distinguishing
324        // "syntactic" place exprs since if the base of a field projection is
325        // not a place then it would've been UB to read from it anyways since
326        // that constitutes a read.
327        if !expr.is_syntactic_place_expr() {
328            return true;
329        }
331        let parent_node = self.tcx.parent_hir_node(expr.hir_id);
332        match parent_node {
333            hir::Node::Expr(parent_expr) => {
334                match parent_expr.kind {
335                    // Addr-of, field projections, and LHS of assignment don't constitute reads.
336                    // Assignment does call `drop_in_place`, though, but its safety
337                    // requirements are not the same.
338                    ExprKind::AddrOf(..) | hir::ExprKind::Field(..) => false,
340                    // Place-preserving expressions only constitute reads if their
341                    // parent expression constitutes a read.
342                    ExprKind::Type(..) | ExprKind::UnsafeBinderCast(..) => {
343                        self.expr_guaranteed_to_constitute_read_for_never(expr)
344                    }
346                    ExprKind::Assign(lhs, _, _) => {
347                        // Only the LHS does not constitute a read
348                        expr.hir_id != lhs.hir_id
349                    }
351                    // See note on `PatKind::Or` below for why this is `all`.
352                    ExprKind::Match(scrutinee, arms, _) => {
353                        assert_eq!(scrutinee.hir_id, expr.hir_id);
354                        arms.iter()
355                            .all(|arm| self.pat_guaranteed_to_constitute_read_for_never(arm.pat))
356                    }
357                    ExprKind::Let(hir::LetExpr { init, pat, .. }) => {
358                        assert_eq!(init.hir_id, expr.hir_id);
359                        self.pat_guaranteed_to_constitute_read_for_never(*pat)
360                    }
362                    // Any expression child of these expressions constitute reads.
363                    ExprKind::Array(_)
364                    | ExprKind::Call(_, _)
365                    | ExprKind::Use(_, _)
366                    | ExprKind::MethodCall(_, _, _, _)
367                    | ExprKind::Tup(_)
368                    | ExprKind::Binary(_, _, _)
369                    | ExprKind::Unary(_, _)
370                    | ExprKind::Cast(_, _)
371                    | ExprKind::DropTemps(_)
372                    | ExprKind::If(_, _, _)
373                    | ExprKind::Closure(_)
374                    | ExprKind::Block(_, _)
375                    | ExprKind::AssignOp(_, _, _)
376                    | ExprKind::Index(_, _, _)
377                    | ExprKind::Break(_, _)
378                    | ExprKind::Ret(_)
379                    | ExprKind::Become(_)
380                    | ExprKind::InlineAsm(_)
381                    | ExprKind::Struct(_, _, _)
382                    | ExprKind::Repeat(_, _)
383                    | ExprKind::Yield(_, _) => true,
385                    // These expressions have no (direct) sub-exprs.
386                    ExprKind::ConstBlock(_)
387                    | ExprKind::Loop(_, _, _, _)
388                    | ExprKind::Lit(_)
389                    | ExprKind::Path(_)
390                    | ExprKind::Continue(_)
391                    | ExprKind::OffsetOf(_, _)
392                    | ExprKind::Err(_) => unreachable!("no sub-expr expected for {:?}", expr.kind),
393                }
394            }
396            // If we have a subpattern that performs a read, we want to consider this
397            // to diverge for compatibility to support something like `let x: () = *never_ptr;`.
398            hir::Node::LetStmt(hir::LetStmt { init: Some(target), pat, .. }) => {
399                assert_eq!(target.hir_id, expr.hir_id);
400                self.pat_guaranteed_to_constitute_read_for_never(*pat)
401            }
403            // These nodes (if they have a sub-expr) do constitute a read.
404            hir::Node::Block(_)
405            | hir::Node::Arm(_)
406            | hir::Node::ExprField(_)
407            | hir::Node::AnonConst(_)
408            | hir::Node::ConstBlock(_)
409            | hir::Node::ConstArg(_)
410            | hir::Node::Stmt(_)
411            | hir::Node::Item(hir::Item {
412                kind: hir::ItemKind::Const(..) | hir::ItemKind::Static(..),
413                ..
414            })
415            | hir::Node::TraitItem(hir::TraitItem {
416                kind: hir::TraitItemKind::Const(..), ..
417            })
418            | hir::Node::ImplItem(hir::ImplItem { kind: hir::ImplItemKind::Const(..), .. }) => true,
420            hir::Node::TyPat(_) | hir::Node::Pat(_) => {
421                self.dcx().span_delayed_bug(expr.span, "place expr not allowed in pattern");
422                true
423            }
425            // These nodes do not have direct sub-exprs.
426            hir::Node::Param(_)
427            | hir::Node::Item(_)
428            | hir::Node::ForeignItem(_)
429            | hir::Node::TraitItem(_)
430            | hir::Node::ImplItem(_)
431            | hir::Node::Variant(_)
432            | hir::Node::Field(_)
433            | hir::Node::PathSegment(_)
434            | hir::Node::Ty(_)
435            | hir::Node::AssocItemConstraint(_)
436            | hir::Node::TraitRef(_)
437            | hir::Node::PatField(_)
438            | hir::Node::PatExpr(_)
439            | hir::Node::LetStmt(_)
440            | hir::Node::Synthetic
441            | hir::Node::Err(_)
442            | hir::Node::Ctor(_)
443            | hir::Node::Lifetime(_)
444            | hir::Node::GenericParam(_)
445            | hir::Node::Crate(_)
446            | hir::Node::Infer(_)
447            | hir::Node::WherePredicate(_)
448            | hir::Node::PreciseCapturingNonLifetimeArg(_)
449            | hir::Node::OpaqueTy(_) => {
450                unreachable!("no sub-expr expected for {parent_node:?}")
451            }
452        }
453    }
455    /// Whether this pattern constitutes a read of value of the scrutinee that
456    /// it is matching against. This is used to determine whether we should
457    /// perform `NeverToAny` coercions.
458    ///
459    /// See above for the nuances of what happens when this returns true.
460    pub(super) fn pat_guaranteed_to_constitute_read_for_never(&self, pat: &hir::Pat<'_>) -> bool {
461        match pat.kind {
462            // Does not constitute a read.
463            hir::PatKind::Wild => false,
465            // Might not constitute a read, since the condition might be false.
466            hir::PatKind::Guard(_, _) => true,
468            // This is unnecessarily restrictive when the pattern that doesn't
469            // constitute a read is unreachable.
470            //
471            // For example `match *never_ptr { value => {}, _ => {} }` or
472            // `match *never_ptr { _ if false => {}, value => {} }`.
473            //
474            // It is however fine to be restrictive here; only returning `true`
475            // can lead to unsoundness.
476            hir::PatKind::Or(subpats) => {
477                subpats.iter().all(|pat| self.pat_guaranteed_to_constitute_read_for_never(pat))
478            }
480            // Does constitute a read, since it is equivalent to a discriminant read.
481            hir::PatKind::Never => true,
483            // All of these constitute a read, or match on something that isn't `!`,
484            // which would require a `NeverToAny` coercion.
485            hir::PatKind::Binding(_, _, _, _)
486            | hir::PatKind::Struct(_, _, _)
487            | hir::PatKind::TupleStruct(_, _, _)
488            | hir::PatKind::Tuple(_, _)
489            | hir::PatKind::Box(_)
490            | hir::PatKind::Ref(_, _)
491            | hir::PatKind::Deref(_)
492            | hir::PatKind::Expr(_)
493            | hir::PatKind::Range(_, _, _)
494            | hir::PatKind::Slice(_, _, _)
495            | hir::PatKind::Err(_) => true,
496        }
497    }
499    #[instrument(skip(self, expr), level = "debug")]
500    fn check_expr_kind(
501        &self,
502        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
503        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
504    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
505        trace!("expr={:#?}", expr);
507        let tcx = self.tcx;
508        match expr.kind {
509            ExprKind::Lit(ref lit) => self.check_expr_lit(lit, expected),
510            ExprKind::Binary(op, lhs, rhs) => self.check_expr_binop(expr, op, lhs, rhs, expected),
511            ExprKind::Assign(lhs, rhs, span) => {
512                self.check_expr_assign(expr, expected, lhs, rhs, span)
513            }
514            ExprKind::AssignOp(op, lhs, rhs) => {
515                self.check_expr_binop_assign(expr, op, lhs, rhs, expected)
516            }
517            ExprKind::Unary(unop, oprnd) => self.check_expr_unop(unop, oprnd, expected, expr),
518            ExprKind::AddrOf(kind, mutbl, oprnd) => {
519                self.check_expr_addr_of(kind, mutbl, oprnd, expected, expr)
520            }
521            ExprKind::Path(QPath::LangItem(lang_item, _)) => {
522                self.check_lang_item_path(lang_item, expr)
523            }
524            ExprKind::Path(ref qpath) => self.check_expr_path(qpath, expr, None),
525            ExprKind::InlineAsm(asm) => {
526                // We defer some asm checks as we may not have resolved the input and output types yet (they may still be infer vars).
527                self.deferred_asm_checks.borrow_mut().push((asm, expr.hir_id));
528                self.check_expr_asm(asm)
529            }
530            ExprKind::OffsetOf(container, fields) => {
531                self.check_expr_offset_of(container, fields, expr)
532            }
533            ExprKind::Break(destination, ref expr_opt) => {
534                self.check_expr_break(destination, expr_opt.as_deref(), expr)
535            }
536            ExprKind::Continue(destination) => {
537                if destination.target_id.is_ok() {
538                    tcx.types.never
539                } else {
540                    // There was an error; make type-check fail.
541                    Ty::new_misc_error(tcx)
542                }
543            }
544            ExprKind::Ret(ref expr_opt) => self.check_expr_return(expr_opt.as_deref(), expr),
545            ExprKind::Become(call) => self.check_expr_become(call, expr),
546            ExprKind::Let(let_expr) => self.check_expr_let(let_expr, expr.hir_id),
547            ExprKind::Loop(body, _, source, _) => {
548                self.check_expr_loop(body, source, expected, expr)
549            }
550            ExprKind::Match(discrim, arms, match_src) => {
551                self.check_expr_match(expr, discrim, arms, expected, match_src)
552            }
553            ExprKind::Closure(closure) => self.check_expr_closure(closure, expr.span, expected),
554            ExprKind::Block(body, _) => self.check_expr_block(body, expected),
555            ExprKind::Call(callee, args) => self.check_expr_call(expr, callee, args, expected),
556            ExprKind::Use(used_expr, _) => self.check_expr_use(used_expr, expected),
557            ExprKind::MethodCall(segment, receiver, args, _) => {
558                self.check_expr_method_call(expr, segment, receiver, args, expected)
559            }
560            ExprKind::Cast(e, t) => self.check_expr_cast(e, t, expr),
561            ExprKind::Type(e, t) => {
562                let ascribed_ty = self.lower_ty_saving_user_provided_ty(t);
563                let ty = self.check_expr_with_hint(e, ascribed_ty);
564                self.demand_eqtype(e.span, ascribed_ty, ty);
565                ascribed_ty
566            }
567            ExprKind::If(cond, then_expr, opt_else_expr) => {
568                self.check_expr_if(cond, then_expr, opt_else_expr, expr.span, expected)
569            }
570            ExprKind::DropTemps(e) => self.check_expr_with_expectation(e, expected),
571            ExprKind::Array(args) => self.check_expr_array(args, expected, expr),
572            ExprKind::ConstBlock(ref block) => self.check_expr_const_block(block, expected),
573            ExprKind::Repeat(element, ref count) => {
574                self.check_expr_repeat(element, count, expected, expr)
575            }
576            ExprKind::Tup(elts) => self.check_expr_tuple(elts, expected, expr),
577            ExprKind::Struct(qpath, fields, ref base_expr) => {
578                self.check_expr_struct(expr, expected, qpath, fields, base_expr)
579            }
580            ExprKind::Field(base, field) => self.check_expr_field(expr, base, field, expected),
581            ExprKind::Index(base, idx, brackets_span) => {
582                self.check_expr_index(base, idx, expr, brackets_span)
583            }
584            ExprKind::Yield(value, _) => self.check_expr_yield(value, expr),
585            ExprKind::UnsafeBinderCast(kind, inner_expr, ty) => {
586                self.check_expr_unsafe_binder_cast(expr.span, kind, inner_expr, ty, expected)
587            }
588            ExprKind::Err(guar) => Ty::new_error(tcx, guar),
589        }
590    }
592    fn check_expr_unop(
593        &self,
594        unop: hir::UnOp,
595        oprnd: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
596        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
597        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
598    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
599        let tcx = self.tcx;
600        let expected_inner = match unop {
601            hir::UnOp::Not | hir::UnOp::Neg => expected,
602            hir::UnOp::Deref => NoExpectation,
603        };
604        let mut oprnd_t = self.check_expr_with_expectation(oprnd, expected_inner);
606        if !oprnd_t.references_error() {
607            oprnd_t = self.structurally_resolve_type(expr.span, oprnd_t);
608            match unop {
609                hir::UnOp::Deref => {
610                    if let Some(ty) = self.lookup_derefing(expr, oprnd, oprnd_t) {
611                        oprnd_t = ty;
612                    } else {
613                        let mut err =
614                            self.dcx().create_err(CantDereference { span: expr.span, ty: oprnd_t });
615                        let sp = tcx.sess.source_map().start_point(expr.span).with_parent(None);
616                        if let Some(sp) =
617                            tcx.sess.psess.ambiguous_block_expr_parse.borrow().get(&sp)
618                        {
619                            err.subdiagnostic(ExprParenthesesNeeded::surrounding(*sp));
620                        }
621                        oprnd_t = Ty::new_error(tcx, err.emit());
622                    }
623                }
624                hir::UnOp::Not => {
625                    let result = self.check_user_unop(expr, oprnd_t, unop, expected_inner);
626                    // If it's builtin, we can reuse the type, this helps inference.
627                    if !(oprnd_t.is_integral() || *oprnd_t.kind() == ty::Bool) {
628                        oprnd_t = result;
629                    }
630                }
631                hir::UnOp::Neg => {
632                    let result = self.check_user_unop(expr, oprnd_t, unop, expected_inner);
633                    // If it's builtin, we can reuse the type, this helps inference.
634                    if !oprnd_t.is_numeric() {
635                        oprnd_t = result;
636                    }
637                }
638            }
639        }
640        oprnd_t
641    }
643    fn check_expr_addr_of(
644        &self,
645        kind: hir::BorrowKind,
646        mutbl: hir::Mutability,
647        oprnd: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
648        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
649        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
650    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
651        let hint = expected.only_has_type(self).map_or(NoExpectation, |ty| {
652            match self.try_structurally_resolve_type(expr.span, ty).kind() {
653                ty::Ref(_, ty, _) | ty::RawPtr(ty, _) => {
654                    if oprnd.is_syntactic_place_expr() {
655                        // Places may legitimately have unsized types.
656                        // For example, dereferences of a wide pointer and
657                        // the last field of a struct can be unsized.
658                        ExpectHasType(*ty)
659                    } else {
660                        Expectation::rvalue_hint(self, *ty)
661                    }
662                }
663                _ => NoExpectation,
664            }
665        });
666        let ty =
667            self.check_expr_with_expectation_and_needs(oprnd, hint, Needs::maybe_mut_place(mutbl));
669        match kind {
670            _ if ty.references_error() => Ty::new_misc_error(self.tcx),
671            hir::BorrowKind::Raw => {
672                self.check_named_place_expr(oprnd);
673                Ty::new_ptr(self.tcx, ty, mutbl)
674            }
675            hir::BorrowKind::Ref => {
676                // Note: at this point, we cannot say what the best lifetime
677                // is to use for resulting pointer. We want to use the
678                // shortest lifetime possible so as to avoid spurious borrowck
679                // errors. Moreover, the longest lifetime will depend on the
680                // precise details of the value whose address is being taken
681                // (and how long it is valid), which we don't know yet until
682                // type inference is complete.
683                //
684                // Therefore, here we simply generate a region variable. The
685                // region inferencer will then select a suitable value.
686                // Finally, borrowck will infer the value of the region again,
687                // this time with enough precision to check that the value
688                // whose address was taken can actually be made to live as long
689                // as it needs to live.
690                let region = self.next_region_var(infer::BorrowRegion(expr.span));
691                Ty::new_ref(self.tcx, region, ty, mutbl)
692            }
693        }
694    }
696    /// Does this expression refer to a place that either:
697    /// * Is based on a local or static.
698    /// * Contains a dereference
699    /// Note that the adjustments for the children of `expr` should already
700    /// have been resolved.
701    fn check_named_place_expr(&self, oprnd: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>) {
702        let is_named = oprnd.is_place_expr(|base| {
703            // Allow raw borrows if there are any deref adjustments.
704            //
705            // const VAL: (i32,) = (0,);
706            // const REF: &(i32,) = &(0,);
707            //
708            // &raw const VAL.0;            // ERROR
709            // &raw const REF.0;            // OK, same as &raw const (*REF).0;
710            //
711            // This is maybe too permissive, since it allows
712            // `let u = &raw const Box::new((1,)).0`, which creates an
713            // immediately dangling raw pointer.
714            self.typeck_results
715                .borrow()
716                .adjustments()
717                .get(base.hir_id)
718                .is_some_and(|x| x.iter().any(|adj| matches!(adj.kind, Adjust::Deref(_))))
719        });
720        if !is_named {
721            self.dcx().emit_err(AddressOfTemporaryTaken { span: oprnd.span });
722        }
723    }
725    fn check_lang_item_path(
726        &self,
727        lang_item: hir::LangItem,
728        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
729    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
730        self.resolve_lang_item_path(lang_item, expr.span, expr.hir_id).1
731    }
733    pub(crate) fn check_expr_path(
734        &self,
735        qpath: &'tcx hir::QPath<'tcx>,
736        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
737        call_expr_and_args: Option<(&'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>, &'tcx [hir::Expr<'tcx>])>,
738    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
739        let tcx = self.tcx;
740        let (res, opt_ty, segs) =
741            self.resolve_ty_and_res_fully_qualified_call(qpath, expr.hir_id, expr.span);
742        let ty = match res {
743            Res::Err => {
744                self.suggest_assoc_method_call(segs);
745                let e =
746                    self.dcx().span_delayed_bug(qpath.span(), "`Res::Err` but no error emitted");
747                Ty::new_error(tcx, e)
748            }
749            Res::Def(DefKind::Variant, _) => {
750                let e = report_unexpected_variant_res(
751                    tcx,
752                    res,
753                    Some(expr),
754                    qpath,
755                    expr.span,
756                    E0533,
757                    "value",
758                );
759                Ty::new_error(tcx, e)
760            }
761            _ => {
762                self.instantiate_value_path(
763                    segs,
764                    opt_ty,
765                    res,
766                    call_expr_and_args.map_or(expr.span, |(e, _)| e.span),
767                    expr.span,
768                    expr.hir_id,
769                )
770                .0
771            }
772        };
774        if let ty::FnDef(did, _) = *ty.kind() {
775            let fn_sig = ty.fn_sig(tcx);
777            if tcx.is_intrinsic(did, sym::transmute) {
778                let Some(from) = fn_sig.inputs().skip_binder().get(0) else {
779                    span_bug!(
780                        tcx.def_span(did),
781                        "intrinsic fn `transmute` defined with no parameters"
782                    );
783                };
784                let to = fn_sig.output().skip_binder();
785                // We defer the transmute to the end of typeck, once all inference vars have
786                // been resolved or we errored. This is important as we can only check transmute
787                // on concrete types, but the output type may not be known yet (it would only
788                // be known if explicitly specified via turbofish).
789                self.deferred_transmute_checks.borrow_mut().push((*from, to, expr.hir_id));
790            }
791            if !tcx.features().unsized_fn_params() {
792                // We want to remove some Sized bounds from std functions,
793                // but don't want to expose the removal to stable Rust.
794                // i.e., we don't want to allow
795                //
796                // ```rust
797                // drop as fn(str);
798                // ```
799                //
800                // to work in stable even if the Sized bound on `drop` is relaxed.
801                for i in 0..fn_sig.inputs().skip_binder().len() {
802                    // We just want to check sizedness, so instead of introducing
803                    // placeholder lifetimes with probing, we just replace higher lifetimes
804                    // with fresh vars.
805                    let span = call_expr_and_args
806                        .and_then(|(_, args)| args.get(i))
807                        .map_or(expr.span, |arg| arg.span);
808                    let input = self.instantiate_binder_with_fresh_vars(
809                        span,
810                        infer::BoundRegionConversionTime::FnCall,
811                        fn_sig.input(i),
812                    );
813                    self.require_type_is_sized_deferred(
814                        input,
815                        span,
816                        ObligationCauseCode::SizedArgumentType(None),
817                    );
818                }
819            }
820            // Here we want to prevent struct constructors from returning unsized types.
821            // There were two cases this happened: fn pointer coercion in stable
822            // and usual function call in presence of unsized_locals.
823            // Also, as we just want to check sizedness, instead of introducing
824            // placeholder lifetimes with probing, we just replace higher lifetimes
825            // with fresh vars.
826            let output = self.instantiate_binder_with_fresh_vars(
827                expr.span,
828                infer::BoundRegionConversionTime::FnCall,
829                fn_sig.output(),
830            );
831            self.require_type_is_sized_deferred(
832                output,
833                call_expr_and_args.map_or(expr.span, |(e, _)| e.span),
834                ObligationCauseCode::SizedCallReturnType,
835            );
836        }
838        // We always require that the type provided as the value for
839        // a type parameter outlives the moment of instantiation.
840        let args = self.typeck_results.borrow().node_args(expr.hir_id);
841        self.add_wf_bounds(args, expr.span);
843        ty
844    }
846    fn check_expr_break(
847        &self,
848        destination: hir::Destination,
849        expr_opt: Option<&'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>>,
850        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
851    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
852        let tcx = self.tcx;
853        if let Ok(target_id) = destination.target_id {
854            let (e_ty, cause);
855            if let Some(e) = expr_opt {
856                // If this is a break with a value, we need to type-check
857                // the expression. Get an expected type from the loop context.
858                let opt_coerce_to = {
859                    // We should release `enclosing_breakables` before the `check_expr_with_hint`
860                    // below, so can't move this block of code to the enclosing scope and share
861                    // `ctxt` with the second `enclosing_breakables` borrow below.
862                    let mut enclosing_breakables = self.enclosing_breakables.borrow_mut();
863                    match enclosing_breakables.opt_find_breakable(target_id) {
864                        Some(ctxt) => ctxt.coerce.as_ref().map(|coerce| coerce.expected_ty()),
865                        None => {
866                            // Avoid ICE when `break` is inside a closure (#65383).
867                            return Ty::new_error_with_message(
868                                tcx,
869                                expr.span,
870                                "break was outside loop, but no error was emitted",
871                            );
872                        }
873                    }
874                };
876                // If the loop context is not a `loop { }`, then break with
877                // a value is illegal, and `opt_coerce_to` will be `None`.
878                // Set expectation to error in that case and set tainted
879                // by error (#114529)
880                let coerce_to = opt_coerce_to.unwrap_or_else(|| {
881                    let guar = self.dcx().span_delayed_bug(
882                        expr.span,
883                        "illegal break with value found but no error reported",
884                    );
885                    self.set_tainted_by_errors(guar);
886                    Ty::new_error(tcx, guar)
887                });
889                // Recurse without `enclosing_breakables` borrowed.
890                e_ty = self.check_expr_with_hint(e, coerce_to);
891                cause = self.misc(e.span);
892            } else {
893                // Otherwise, this is a break *without* a value. That's
894                // always legal, and is equivalent to `break ()`.
895                e_ty = tcx.types.unit;
896                cause = self.misc(expr.span);
897            }
899            // Now that we have type-checked `expr_opt`, borrow
900            // the `enclosing_loops` field and let's coerce the
901            // type of `expr_opt` into what is expected.
902            let mut enclosing_breakables = self.enclosing_breakables.borrow_mut();
903            let Some(ctxt) = enclosing_breakables.opt_find_breakable(target_id) else {
904                // Avoid ICE when `break` is inside a closure (#65383).
905                return Ty::new_error_with_message(
906                    tcx,
907                    expr.span,
908                    "break was outside loop, but no error was emitted",
909                );
910            };
912            if let Some(ref mut coerce) = ctxt.coerce {
913                if let Some(e) = expr_opt {
914                    coerce.coerce(self, &cause, e, e_ty);
915                } else {
916                    assert!(e_ty.is_unit());
917                    let ty = coerce.expected_ty();
918                    coerce.coerce_forced_unit(
919                        self,
920                        &cause,
921                        |mut err| {
922                            self.suggest_missing_semicolon(&mut err, expr, e_ty, false);
923                            self.suggest_mismatched_types_on_tail(
924                                &mut err, expr, ty, e_ty, target_id,
925                            );
926                            let error =
927                                Some(TypeError::Sorts(ExpectedFound { expected: ty, found: e_ty }));
928                            self.annotate_loop_expected_due_to_inference(err, expr, error);
929                            if let Some(val) =
930                                self.err_ctxt().ty_kind_suggestion(self.param_env, ty)
931                            {
932                                err.span_suggestion_verbose(
933                                    expr.span.shrink_to_hi(),
934                                    "give the `break` a value of the expected type",
935                                    format!(" {val}"),
936                                    Applicability::HasPlaceholders,
937                                );
938                            }
939                        },
940                        false,
941                    );
942                }
943            } else {
944                // If `ctxt.coerce` is `None`, we can just ignore
945                // the type of the expression. This is because
946                // either this was a break *without* a value, in
947                // which case it is always a legal type (`()`), or
948                // else an error would have been flagged by the
949                // `loops` pass for using break with an expression
950                // where you are not supposed to.
951                assert!(expr_opt.is_none() || self.tainted_by_errors().is_some());
952            }
954            // If we encountered a `break`, then (no surprise) it may be possible to break from the
955            // loop... unless the value being returned from the loop diverges itself, e.g.
956            // `break return 5` or `break loop {}`.
957            ctxt.may_break |= !self.diverges.get().is_always();
959            // the type of a `break` is always `!`, since it diverges
960            tcx.types.never
961        } else {
962            // Otherwise, we failed to find the enclosing loop;
963            // this can only happen if the `break` was not
964            // inside a loop at all, which is caught by the
965            // loop-checking pass.
966            let err = Ty::new_error_with_message(
967                self.tcx,
968                expr.span,
969                "break was outside loop, but no error was emitted",
970            );
972            // We still need to assign a type to the inner expression to
973            // prevent the ICE in #43162.
974            if let Some(e) = expr_opt {
975                self.check_expr_with_hint(e, err);
977                // ... except when we try to 'break rust;'.
978                // ICE this expression in particular (see #43162).
979                if let ExprKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(_, path)) = e.kind {
980                    if let [segment] = path.segments
981                        && == sym::rust
982                    {
983                        fatally_break_rust(self.tcx, expr.span);
984                    }
985                }
986            }
988            // There was an error; make type-check fail.
989            err
990        }
991    }
993    fn check_expr_return(
994        &self,
995        expr_opt: Option<&'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>>,
996        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
997    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
998        if self.ret_coercion.is_none() {
999            self.emit_return_outside_of_fn_body(expr, ReturnLikeStatementKind::Return);
1001            if let Some(e) = expr_opt {
1002                // We still have to type-check `e` (issue #86188), but calling
1003                // `check_return_expr` only works inside fn bodies.
1004                self.check_expr(e);
1005            }
1006        } else if let Some(e) = expr_opt {
1007            if self.ret_coercion_span.get().is_none() {
1008                self.ret_coercion_span.set(Some(e.span));
1009            }
1010            self.check_return_or_body_tail(e, true);
1011        } else {
1012            let mut coercion = self.ret_coercion.as_ref().unwrap().borrow_mut();
1013            if self.ret_coercion_span.get().is_none() {
1014                self.ret_coercion_span.set(Some(expr.span));
1015            }
1016            let cause = self.cause(expr.span, ObligationCauseCode::ReturnNoExpression);
1017            if let Some((_, fn_decl)) = self.get_fn_decl(expr.hir_id) {
1018                coercion.coerce_forced_unit(
1019                    self,
1020                    &cause,
1021                    |db| {
1022                        let span = fn_decl.output.span();
1023                        if let Ok(snippet) = self.tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(span) {
1024                            db.span_label(
1025                                span,
1026                                format!("expected `{snippet}` because of this return type"),
1027                            );
1028                        }
1029                    },
1030                    true,
1031                );
1032            } else {
1033                coercion.coerce_forced_unit(self, &cause, |_| (), true);
1034            }
1035        }
1036        self.tcx.types.never
1037    }
1039    fn check_expr_become(
1040        &self,
1041        call: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1042        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1043    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1044        match &self.ret_coercion {
1045            Some(ret_coercion) => {
1046                let ret_ty = ret_coercion.borrow().expected_ty();
1047                let call_expr_ty = self.check_expr_with_hint(call, ret_ty);
1049                // N.B. don't coerce here, as tail calls can't support most/all coercions
1050                // FIXME(explicit_tail_calls): add a diagnostic note that `become` doesn't allow coercions
1051                self.demand_suptype(expr.span, ret_ty, call_expr_ty);
1052            }
1053            None => {
1054                self.emit_return_outside_of_fn_body(expr, ReturnLikeStatementKind::Become);
1056                // Fallback to simply type checking `call` without hint/demanding the right types.
1057                // Best effort to highlight more errors.
1058                self.check_expr(call);
1059            }
1060        }
1062        self.tcx.types.never
1063    }
1065    /// Check an expression that _is being returned_.
1066    /// For example, this is called with `return_expr: $expr` when `return $expr`
1067    /// is encountered.
1068    ///
1069    /// Note that this function must only be called in function bodies.
1070    ///
1071    /// `explicit_return` is `true` if we're checking an explicit `return expr`,
1072    /// and `false` if we're checking a trailing expression.
1073    pub(super) fn check_return_or_body_tail(
1074        &self,
1075        return_expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1076        explicit_return: bool,
1077    ) {
1078        let ret_coercion = self.ret_coercion.as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| {
1079            span_bug!(return_expr.span, "check_return_expr called outside fn body")
1080        });
1082        let ret_ty = ret_coercion.borrow().expected_ty();
1083        let return_expr_ty = self.check_expr_with_hint(return_expr, ret_ty);
1084        let mut span = return_expr.span;
1085        let mut hir_id = return_expr.hir_id;
1086        // Use the span of the trailing expression for our cause,
1087        // not the span of the entire function
1088        if !explicit_return
1089            && let ExprKind::Block(body, _) = return_expr.kind
1090            && let Some(last_expr) = body.expr
1091        {
1092            span = last_expr.span;
1093            hir_id = last_expr.hir_id;
1094        }
1095        ret_coercion.borrow_mut().coerce(
1096            self,
1097            &self.cause(span, ObligationCauseCode::ReturnValue(return_expr.hir_id)),
1098            return_expr,
1099            return_expr_ty,
1100        );
1102        if let Some(fn_sig) = self.body_fn_sig()
1103            && fn_sig.output().has_opaque_types()
1104        {
1105            // Point any obligations that were registered due to opaque type
1106            // inference at the return expression.
1107            self.select_obligations_where_possible(|errors| {
1108                self.point_at_return_for_opaque_ty_error(
1109                    errors,
1110                    hir_id,
1111                    span,
1112                    return_expr_ty,
1113                    return_expr.span,
1114                );
1115            });
1116        }
1117    }
1119    /// Emit an error because `return` or `become` is used outside of a function body.
1120    ///
1121    /// `expr` is the `return` (`become`) "statement", `kind` is the kind of the statement
1122    /// either `Return` or `Become`.
1123    fn emit_return_outside_of_fn_body(&self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>, kind: ReturnLikeStatementKind) {
1124        let mut err = ReturnStmtOutsideOfFnBody {
1125            span: expr.span,
1126            encl_body_span: None,
1127            encl_fn_span: None,
1128            statement_kind: kind,
1129        };
1131        let encl_item_id = self.tcx.hir_get_parent_item(expr.hir_id);
1133        if let hir::Node::Item(hir::Item {
1134            kind: hir::ItemKind::Fn { .. },
1135            span: encl_fn_span,
1136            ..
1137        })
1138        | hir::Node::TraitItem(hir::TraitItem {
1139            kind: hir::TraitItemKind::Fn(_, hir::TraitFn::Provided(_)),
1140            span: encl_fn_span,
1141            ..
1142        })
1143        | hir::Node::ImplItem(hir::ImplItem {
1144            kind: hir::ImplItemKind::Fn(..),
1145            span: encl_fn_span,
1146            ..
1147        }) = self.tcx.hir_node_by_def_id(encl_item_id.def_id)
1148        {
1149            // We are inside a function body, so reporting "return statement
1150            // outside of function body" needs an explanation.
1152            let encl_body_owner_id = self.tcx.hir_enclosing_body_owner(expr.hir_id);
1154            // If this didn't hold, we would not have to report an error in
1155            // the first place.
1156            assert_ne!(encl_item_id.def_id, encl_body_owner_id);
1158            let encl_body = self.tcx.hir_body_owned_by(encl_body_owner_id);
1160            err.encl_body_span = Some(encl_body.value.span);
1161            err.encl_fn_span = Some(*encl_fn_span);
1162        }
1164        self.dcx().emit_err(err);
1165    }
1167    fn point_at_return_for_opaque_ty_error(
1168        &self,
1169        errors: &mut Vec<traits::FulfillmentError<'tcx>>,
1170        hir_id: HirId,
1171        span: Span,
1172        return_expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
1173        return_span: Span,
1174    ) {
1175        // Don't point at the whole block if it's empty
1176        if span == return_span {
1177            return;
1178        }
1179        for err in errors {
1180            let cause = &mut err.obligation.cause;
1181            if let ObligationCauseCode::OpaqueReturnType(None) = cause.code() {
1182                let new_cause = self.cause(
1183                    cause.span,
1184                    ObligationCauseCode::OpaqueReturnType(Some((return_expr_ty, hir_id))),
1185                );
1186                *cause = new_cause;
1187            }
1188        }
1189    }
1191    pub(crate) fn check_lhs_assignable(
1192        &self,
1193        lhs: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1194        code: ErrCode,
1195        op_span: Span,
1196        adjust_err: impl FnOnce(&mut Diag<'_>),
1197    ) {
1198        if lhs.is_syntactic_place_expr() {
1199            return;
1200        }
1202        let mut err = self.dcx().struct_span_err(op_span, "invalid left-hand side of assignment");
1203        err.code(code);
1204        err.span_label(lhs.span, "cannot assign to this expression");
1206        self.comes_from_while_condition(lhs.hir_id, |expr| {
1207            err.span_suggestion_verbose(
1208                expr.span.shrink_to_lo(),
1209                "you might have meant to use pattern destructuring",
1210                "let ",
1211                Applicability::MachineApplicable,
1212            );
1213        });
1214        self.check_for_missing_semi(lhs, &mut err);
1216        adjust_err(&mut err);
1218        err.emit();
1219    }
1221    /// Check if the expression that could not be assigned to was a typoed expression that
1222    pub(crate) fn check_for_missing_semi(
1223        &self,
1224        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1225        err: &mut Diag<'_>,
1226    ) -> bool {
1227        if let hir::ExprKind::Binary(binop, lhs, rhs) = expr.kind
1228            && let hir::BinOpKind::Mul = binop.node
1229            && self.tcx.sess.source_map().is_multiline(lhs.span.between(rhs.span))
1230            && rhs.is_syntactic_place_expr()
1231        {
1232            //      v missing semicolon here
1233            // foo()
1234            // *bar = baz;
1235            // (#80446).
1236            err.span_suggestion_verbose(
1237                lhs.span.shrink_to_hi(),
1238                "you might have meant to write a semicolon here",
1239                ";",
1240                Applicability::MachineApplicable,
1241            );
1242            return true;
1243        }
1244        false
1245    }
1247    // Check if an expression `original_expr_id` comes from the condition of a while loop,
1248    /// as opposed from the body of a while loop, which we can naively check by iterating
1249    /// parents until we find a loop...
1250    pub(super) fn comes_from_while_condition(
1251        &self,
1252        original_expr_id: HirId,
1253        then: impl FnOnce(&hir::Expr<'_>),
1254    ) {
1255        let mut parent = self.tcx.parent_hir_id(original_expr_id);
1256        loop {
1257            let node = self.tcx.hir_node(parent);
1258            match node {
1259                hir::Node::Expr(hir::Expr {
1260                    kind:
1261                        hir::ExprKind::Loop(
1262                            hir::Block {
1263                                expr:
1264                                    Some(hir::Expr {
1265                                        kind:
1266                                            hir::ExprKind::Match(expr, ..) | hir::ExprKind::If(expr, ..),
1267                                        ..
1268                                    }),
1269                                ..
1270                            },
1271                            _,
1272                            hir::LoopSource::While,
1273                            _,
1274                        ),
1275                    ..
1276                }) => {
1277                    // Check if our original expression is a child of the condition of a while loop.
1278                    // If it is, then we have a situation like `while Some(0) = value.get(0) {`,
1279                    // where `while let` was more likely intended.
1280                    if self.tcx.hir_parent_id_iter(original_expr_id).any(|id| id == expr.hir_id) {
1281                        then(expr);
1282                    }
1283                    break;
1284                }
1285                hir::Node::Item(_)
1286                | hir::Node::ImplItem(_)
1287                | hir::Node::TraitItem(_)
1288                | hir::Node::Crate(_) => break,
1289                _ => {
1290                    parent = self.tcx.parent_hir_id(parent);
1291                }
1292            }
1293        }
1294    }
1296    // A generic function for checking the 'then' and 'else' clauses in an 'if'
1297    // or 'if-else' expression.
1298    fn check_expr_if(
1299        &self,
1300        cond_expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1301        then_expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1302        opt_else_expr: Option<&'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>>,
1303        sp: Span,
1304        orig_expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
1305    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1306        let cond_ty = self.check_expr_has_type_or_error(cond_expr, self.tcx.types.bool, |_| {});
1308        self.warn_if_unreachable(
1309            cond_expr.hir_id,
1310            then_expr.span,
1311            "block in `if` or `while` expression",
1312        );
1314        let cond_diverges = self.diverges.get();
1315        self.diverges.set(Diverges::Maybe);
1317        let expected = orig_expected.try_structurally_resolve_and_adjust_for_branches(self, sp);
1318        let then_ty = self.check_expr_with_expectation(then_expr, expected);
1319        let then_diverges = self.diverges.get();
1320        self.diverges.set(Diverges::Maybe);
1322        // We've already taken the expected type's preferences
1323        // into account when typing the `then` branch. To figure
1324        // out the initial shot at a LUB, we thus only consider
1325        // `expected` if it represents a *hard* constraint
1326        // (`only_has_type`); otherwise, we just go with a
1327        // fresh type variable.
1328        let coerce_to_ty = expected.coercion_target_type(self, sp);
1329        let mut coerce: DynamicCoerceMany<'_> = CoerceMany::new(coerce_to_ty);
1331        coerce.coerce(self, &self.misc(sp), then_expr, then_ty);
1333        if let Some(else_expr) = opt_else_expr {
1334            let else_ty = self.check_expr_with_expectation(else_expr, expected);
1335            let else_diverges = self.diverges.get();
1337            let tail_defines_return_position_impl_trait =
1338                self.return_position_impl_trait_from_match_expectation(orig_expected);
1339            let if_cause = self.if_cause(
1340                sp,
1341                cond_expr.span,
1342                then_expr,
1343                else_expr,
1344                then_ty,
1345                else_ty,
1346                tail_defines_return_position_impl_trait,
1347            );
1349            coerce.coerce(self, &if_cause, else_expr, else_ty);
1351            // We won't diverge unless both branches do (or the condition does).
1352            self.diverges.set(cond_diverges | then_diverges & else_diverges);
1353        } else {
1354            self.if_fallback_coercion(sp, cond_expr, then_expr, &mut coerce);
1356            // If the condition is false we can't diverge.
1357            self.diverges.set(cond_diverges);
1358        }
1360        let result_ty = coerce.complete(self);
1361        if let Err(guar) = cond_ty.error_reported() {
1362            Ty::new_error(self.tcx, guar)
1363        } else {
1364            result_ty
1365        }
1366    }
1368    /// Type check assignment expression `expr` of form `lhs = rhs`.
1369    /// The expected type is `()` and is passed to the function for the purposes of diagnostics.
1370    fn check_expr_assign(
1371        &self,
1372        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1373        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
1374        lhs: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1375        rhs: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1376        span: Span,
1377    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1378        let expected_ty = expected.only_has_type(self);
1379        if expected_ty == Some(self.tcx.types.bool) {
1380            let guar = self.expr_assign_expected_bool_error(expr, lhs, rhs, span);
1381            return Ty::new_error(self.tcx, guar);
1382        }
1384        let lhs_ty = self.check_expr_with_needs(lhs, Needs::MutPlace);
1386        let suggest_deref_binop = |err: &mut Diag<'_>, rhs_ty: Ty<'tcx>| {
1387            if let Some(lhs_deref_ty) = self.deref_once_mutably_for_diagnostic(lhs_ty) {
1388                // Can only assign if the type is sized, so if `DerefMut` yields a type that is
1389                // unsized, do not suggest dereferencing it.
1390                let lhs_deref_ty_is_sized = self
1391                    .infcx
1392                    .type_implements_trait(
1393                        self.tcx.require_lang_item(LangItem::Sized, None),
1394                        [lhs_deref_ty],
1395                        self.param_env,
1396                    )
1397                    .may_apply();
1398                if lhs_deref_ty_is_sized && self.may_coerce(rhs_ty, lhs_deref_ty) {
1399                    err.span_suggestion_verbose(
1400                        lhs.span.shrink_to_lo(),
1401                        "consider dereferencing here to assign to the mutably borrowed value",
1402                        "*",
1403                        Applicability::MachineApplicable,
1404                    );
1405                }
1406            }
1407        };
1409        // This is (basically) inlined `check_expr_coercible_to_type`, but we want
1410        // to suggest an additional fixup here in `suggest_deref_binop`.
1411        let rhs_ty = self.check_expr_with_hint(rhs, lhs_ty);
1412        if let Err(mut diag) =
1413            self.demand_coerce_diag(rhs, rhs_ty, lhs_ty, Some(lhs), AllowTwoPhase::No)
1414        {
1415            suggest_deref_binop(&mut diag, rhs_ty);
1416            diag.emit();
1417        }
1419        self.check_lhs_assignable(lhs, E0070, span, |err| {
1420            if let Some(rhs_ty) = self.typeck_results.borrow().expr_ty_opt(rhs) {
1421                suggest_deref_binop(err, rhs_ty);
1422            }
1423        });
1425        self.require_type_is_sized(lhs_ty, lhs.span, ObligationCauseCode::AssignmentLhsSized);
1427        if let Err(guar) = (lhs_ty, rhs_ty).error_reported() {
1428            Ty::new_error(self.tcx, guar)
1429        } else {
1430            self.tcx.types.unit
1431        }
1432    }
1434    /// The expected type is `bool` but this will result in `()` so we can reasonably
1435    /// say that the user intended to write `lhs == rhs` instead of `lhs = rhs`.
1436    /// The likely cause of this is `if foo = bar { .. }`.
1437    fn expr_assign_expected_bool_error(
1438        &self,
1439        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1440        lhs: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1441        rhs: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1442        span: Span,
1443    ) -> ErrorGuaranteed {
1444        let actual_ty = self.tcx.types.unit;
1445        let expected_ty = self.tcx.types.bool;
1446        let mut err = self.demand_suptype_diag(expr.span, expected_ty, actual_ty).unwrap_err();
1447        let lhs_ty = self.check_expr(lhs);
1448        let rhs_ty = self.check_expr(rhs);
1449        let refs_can_coerce = |lhs: Ty<'tcx>, rhs: Ty<'tcx>| {
1450            let lhs = Ty::new_imm_ref(self.tcx, self.tcx.lifetimes.re_erased, lhs.peel_refs());
1451            let rhs = Ty::new_imm_ref(self.tcx, self.tcx.lifetimes.re_erased, rhs.peel_refs());
1452            self.may_coerce(rhs, lhs)
1453        };
1454        let (applicability, eq) = if self.may_coerce(rhs_ty, lhs_ty) {
1455            (Applicability::MachineApplicable, true)
1456        } else if refs_can_coerce(rhs_ty, lhs_ty) {
1457            // The lhs and rhs are likely missing some references in either side. Subsequent
1458            // suggestions will show up.
1459            (Applicability::MaybeIncorrect, true)
1460        } else if let ExprKind::Binary(
1461            Spanned { node: hir::BinOpKind::And | hir::BinOpKind::Or, .. },
1462            _,
1463            rhs_expr,
1464        ) = lhs.kind
1465        {
1466            // if x == 1 && y == 2 { .. }
1467            //                 +
1468            let actual_lhs = self.check_expr(rhs_expr);
1469            let may_eq = self.may_coerce(rhs_ty, actual_lhs) || refs_can_coerce(rhs_ty, actual_lhs);
1470            (Applicability::MaybeIncorrect, may_eq)
1471        } else if let ExprKind::Binary(
1472            Spanned { node: hir::BinOpKind::And | hir::BinOpKind::Or, .. },
1473            lhs_expr,
1474            _,
1475        ) = rhs.kind
1476        {
1477            // if x == 1 && y == 2 { .. }
1478            //       +
1479            let actual_rhs = self.check_expr(lhs_expr);
1480            let may_eq = self.may_coerce(actual_rhs, lhs_ty) || refs_can_coerce(actual_rhs, lhs_ty);
1481            (Applicability::MaybeIncorrect, may_eq)
1482        } else {
1483            (Applicability::MaybeIncorrect, false)
1484        };
1486        if !lhs.is_syntactic_place_expr()
1487            && lhs.is_approximately_pattern()
1488            && !matches!(lhs.kind, hir::ExprKind::Lit(_))
1489        {
1490            // Do not suggest `if let x = y` as `==` is way more likely to be the intention.
1491            if let hir::Node::Expr(hir::Expr { kind: ExprKind::If { .. }, .. }) =
1492                self.tcx.parent_hir_node(expr.hir_id)
1493            {
1494                err.span_suggestion_verbose(
1495                    expr.span.shrink_to_lo(),
1496                    "you might have meant to use pattern matching",
1497                    "let ",
1498                    applicability,
1499                );
1500            };
1501        }
1502        if eq {
1503            err.span_suggestion_verbose(
1504                span.shrink_to_hi(),
1505                "you might have meant to compare for equality",
1506                '=',
1507                applicability,
1508            );
1509        }
1511        // If the assignment expression itself is ill-formed, don't
1512        // bother emitting another error
1513        err.emit_unless(lhs_ty.references_error() || rhs_ty.references_error())
1514    }
1516    pub(super) fn check_expr_let(
1517        &self,
1518        let_expr: &'tcx hir::LetExpr<'tcx>,
1519        hir_id: HirId,
1520    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1521        // for let statements, this is done in check_stmt
1522        let init = let_expr.init;
1523        self.warn_if_unreachable(init.hir_id, init.span, "block in `let` expression");
1524        // otherwise check exactly as a let statement
1525        self.check_decl((let_expr, hir_id).into());
1526        // but return a bool, for this is a boolean expression
1527        if let ast::Recovered::Yes(error_guaranteed) = let_expr.recovered {
1528            self.set_tainted_by_errors(error_guaranteed);
1529            Ty::new_error(self.tcx, error_guaranteed)
1530        } else {
1531            self.tcx.types.bool
1532        }
1533    }
1535    fn check_expr_loop(
1536        &self,
1537        body: &'tcx hir::Block<'tcx>,
1538        source: hir::LoopSource,
1539        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
1540        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1541    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1542        let coerce = match source {
1543            // you can only use break with a value from a normal `loop { }`
1544            hir::LoopSource::Loop => {
1545                let coerce_to = expected.coercion_target_type(self, body.span);
1546                Some(CoerceMany::new(coerce_to))
1547            }
1549            hir::LoopSource::While | hir::LoopSource::ForLoop => None,
1550        };
1552        let ctxt = BreakableCtxt {
1553            coerce,
1554            may_break: false, // Will get updated if/when we find a `break`.
1555        };
1557        let (ctxt, ()) = self.with_breakable_ctxt(expr.hir_id, ctxt, || {
1558            self.check_block_no_value(body);
1559        });
1561        if ctxt.may_break {
1562            // No way to know whether it's diverging because
1563            // of a `break` or an outer `break` or `return`.
1564            self.diverges.set(Diverges::Maybe);
1565        } else {
1566            self.diverges.set(self.diverges.get() | Diverges::always(expr.span));
1567        }
1569        // If we permit break with a value, then result type is
1570        // the LUB of the breaks (possibly ! if none); else, it
1571        // is nil. This makes sense because infinite loops
1572        // (which would have type !) are only possible iff we
1573        // permit break with a value.
1574        if ctxt.coerce.is_none() && !ctxt.may_break {
1575            self.dcx().span_bug(body.span, "no coercion, but loop may not break");
1576        }
1577|c| c.complete(self)).unwrap_or_else(|| self.tcx.types.unit)
1578    }
1580    /// Checks a method call.
1581    fn check_expr_method_call(
1582        &self,
1583        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1584        segment: &'tcx hir::PathSegment<'tcx>,
1585        rcvr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1586        args: &'tcx [hir::Expr<'tcx>],
1587        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
1588    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1589        let rcvr_t = self.check_expr(rcvr);
1590        // no need to check for bot/err -- callee does that
1591        let rcvr_t = self.structurally_resolve_type(rcvr.span, rcvr_t);
1593        let method = match self.lookup_method(rcvr_t, segment, segment.ident.span, expr, rcvr, args)
1594        {
1595            Ok(method) => {
1596                // We could add a "consider `foo::<params>`" suggestion here, but I wasn't able to
1597                // trigger this codepath causing `structurally_resolve_type` to emit an error.
1598                self.write_method_call_and_enforce_effects(expr.hir_id, expr.span, method);
1599                Ok(method)
1600            }
1601            Err(error) => {
1602                if == kw::Empty {
1603                    span_bug!(rcvr.span, "empty method name")
1604                } else {
1605                    Err(self.report_method_error(expr.hir_id, rcvr_t, error, expected, false))
1606                }
1607            }
1608        };
1610        // Call the generic checker.
1611        self.check_method_argument_types(
1612            segment.ident.span,
1613            expr,
1614            method,
1615            args,
1616            DontTupleArguments,
1617            expected,
1618        )
1619    }
1621    /// Checks use `x.use`.
1622    fn check_expr_use(
1623        &self,
1624        used_expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1625        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
1626    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1627        self.check_expr_with_expectation(used_expr, expected)
1628    }
1630    fn check_expr_cast(
1631        &self,
1632        e: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1633        t: &'tcx hir::Ty<'tcx>,
1634        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1635    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1636        // Find the type of `e`. Supply hints based on the type we are casting to,
1637        // if appropriate.
1638        let t_cast = self.lower_ty_saving_user_provided_ty(t);
1639        let t_cast = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(t_cast);
1640        let t_expr = self.check_expr_with_expectation(e, ExpectCastableToType(t_cast));
1641        let t_expr = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(t_expr);
1643        // Eagerly check for some obvious errors.
1644        if let Err(guar) = (t_expr, t_cast).error_reported() {
1645            Ty::new_error(self.tcx, guar)
1646        } else {
1647            // Defer other checks until we're done type checking.
1648            let mut deferred_cast_checks = self.deferred_cast_checks.borrow_mut();
1649            match cast::CastCheck::new(self, e, t_expr, t_cast, t.span, expr.span) {
1650                Ok(cast_check) => {
1651                    debug!(
1652                        "check_expr_cast: deferring cast from {:?} to {:?}: {:?}",
1653                        t_cast, t_expr, cast_check,
1654                    );
1655                    deferred_cast_checks.push(cast_check);
1656                    t_cast
1657                }
1658                Err(guar) => Ty::new_error(self.tcx, guar),
1659            }
1660        }
1661    }
1663    fn check_expr_unsafe_binder_cast(
1664        &self,
1665        span: Span,
1666        kind: ast::UnsafeBinderCastKind,
1667        inner_expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1668        hir_ty: Option<&'tcx hir::Ty<'tcx>>,
1669        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
1670    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1671        match kind {
1672            ast::UnsafeBinderCastKind::Wrap => {
1673                let ascribed_ty =
1674          |hir_ty| self.lower_ty_saving_user_provided_ty(hir_ty));
1675                let expected_ty = expected.only_has_type(self);
1676                let binder_ty = match (ascribed_ty, expected_ty) {
1677                    (Some(ascribed_ty), Some(expected_ty)) => {
1678                        self.demand_eqtype(inner_expr.span, expected_ty, ascribed_ty);
1679                        expected_ty
1680                    }
1681                    (Some(ty), None) | (None, Some(ty)) => ty,
1682                    // This will always cause a structural resolve error, but we do it
1683                    // so we don't need to manually report an E0282 both on this codepath
1684                    // and in the others; it all happens in `structurally_resolve_type`.
1685                    (None, None) => self.next_ty_var(inner_expr.span),
1686                };
1688                let binder_ty = self.structurally_resolve_type(inner_expr.span, binder_ty);
1689                let hint_ty = match *binder_ty.kind() {
1690                    ty::UnsafeBinder(binder) => self.instantiate_binder_with_fresh_vars(
1691                        inner_expr.span,
1692                        infer::BoundRegionConversionTime::HigherRankedType,
1693                        binder.into(),
1694                    ),
1695                    ty::Error(e) => Ty::new_error(self.tcx, e),
1696                    _ => {
1697                        let guar = self
1698                            .dcx()
1699                            .struct_span_err(
1700                                hir_ty.map_or(span, |hir_ty| hir_ty.span),
1701                                format!(
1702                                    "`wrap_binder!()` can only wrap into unsafe binder, not {}",
1703                                    binder_ty.sort_string(self.tcx)
1704                                ),
1705                            )
1706                            .with_note("unsafe binders are the only valid output of wrap")
1707                            .emit();
1708                        Ty::new_error(self.tcx, guar)
1709                    }
1710                };
1712                self.check_expr_has_type_or_error(inner_expr, hint_ty, |_| {});
1714                binder_ty
1715            }
1716            ast::UnsafeBinderCastKind::Unwrap => {
1717                let ascribed_ty =
1718          |hir_ty| self.lower_ty_saving_user_provided_ty(hir_ty));
1719                let hint_ty = ascribed_ty.unwrap_or_else(|| self.next_ty_var(inner_expr.span));
1720                // FIXME(unsafe_binders): coerce here if needed?
1721                let binder_ty = self.check_expr_has_type_or_error(inner_expr, hint_ty, |_| {});
1723                // Unwrap the binder. This will be ambiguous if it's an infer var, and will error
1724                // if it's not an unsafe binder.
1725                let binder_ty = self.structurally_resolve_type(inner_expr.span, binder_ty);
1726                match *binder_ty.kind() {
1727                    ty::UnsafeBinder(binder) => self.instantiate_binder_with_fresh_vars(
1728                        inner_expr.span,
1729                        infer::BoundRegionConversionTime::HigherRankedType,
1730                        binder.into(),
1731                    ),
1732                    ty::Error(e) => Ty::new_error(self.tcx, e),
1733                    _ => {
1734                        let guar = self
1735                            .dcx()
1736                            .struct_span_err(
1737                                hir_ty.map_or(inner_expr.span, |hir_ty| hir_ty.span),
1738                                format!(
1739                                    "expected unsafe binder, found {} as input of \
1740                                    `unwrap_binder!()`",
1741                                    binder_ty.sort_string(self.tcx)
1742                                ),
1743                            )
1744                            .with_note("only an unsafe binder type can be unwrapped")
1745                            .emit();
1746                        Ty::new_error(self.tcx, guar)
1747                    }
1748                }
1749            }
1750        }
1751    }
1753    fn check_expr_array(
1754        &self,
1755        args: &'tcx [hir::Expr<'tcx>],
1756        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
1757        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1758    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1759        let element_ty = if !args.is_empty() {
1760            let coerce_to = expected
1761                .to_option(self)
1762                .and_then(|uty| match *self.try_structurally_resolve_type(expr.span, uty).kind() {
1763                    ty::Array(ty, _) | ty::Slice(ty) => Some(ty),
1764                    _ => None,
1765                })
1766                .unwrap_or_else(|| self.next_ty_var(expr.span));
1767            let mut coerce = CoerceMany::with_coercion_sites(coerce_to, args);
1768            assert_eq!(self.diverges.get(), Diverges::Maybe);
1769            for e in args {
1770                let e_ty = self.check_expr_with_hint(e, coerce_to);
1771                let cause = self.misc(e.span);
1772                coerce.coerce(self, &cause, e, e_ty);
1773            }
1774            coerce.complete(self)
1775        } else {
1776            self.next_ty_var(expr.span)
1777        };
1778        let array_len = args.len() as u64;
1779        self.suggest_array_len(expr, array_len);
1780        Ty::new_array(self.tcx, element_ty, array_len)
1781    }
1783    fn suggest_array_len(&self, expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>, array_len: u64) {
1784        let parent_node = self.tcx.hir_parent_iter(expr.hir_id).find(|(_, node)| {
1785            !matches!(node, hir::Node::Expr(hir::Expr { kind: hir::ExprKind::AddrOf(..), .. }))
1786        });
1787        let Some((_, hir::Node::LetStmt(hir::LetStmt { ty: Some(ty), .. }))) = parent_node else {
1788            return;
1789        };
1790        if let hir::TyKind::Array(_, ct) = ty.peel_refs().kind {
1791            let span = ct.span();
1792            self.dcx().try_steal_modify_and_emit_err(
1793                span,
1794                StashKey::UnderscoreForArrayLengths,
1795                |err| {
1796                    err.span_suggestion(
1797                        span,
1798                        "consider specifying the array length",
1799                        array_len,
1800                        Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
1801                    );
1802                },
1803            );
1804        }
1805    }
1807    pub(super) fn check_expr_const_block(
1808        &self,
1809        block: &'tcx hir::ConstBlock,
1810        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
1811    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1812        let body = self.tcx.hir_body(block.body);
1814        // Create a new function context.
1815        let def_id = block.def_id;
1816        let fcx = FnCtxt::new(self, self.param_env, def_id);
1817        crate::GatherLocalsVisitor::new(&fcx).visit_body(body);
1819        let ty = fcx.check_expr_with_expectation(body.value, expected);
1820        fcx.require_type_is_sized(ty, body.value.span, ObligationCauseCode::SizedConstOrStatic);
1821        fcx.write_ty(block.hir_id, ty);
1822        ty
1823    }
1825    fn check_expr_repeat(
1826        &self,
1827        element: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1828        count: &'tcx hir::ConstArg<'tcx>,
1829        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
1830        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1831    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1832        let tcx = self.tcx;
1833        let count_span = count.span();
1834        let count = self.try_structurally_resolve_const(
1835            count_span,
1836            self.normalize(count_span, self.lower_const_arg(count, FeedConstTy::No)),
1837        );
1839        if let Some(count) = count.try_to_target_usize(tcx) {
1840            self.suggest_array_len(expr, count);
1841        }
1843        let uty = match expected {
1844            ExpectHasType(uty) => match *uty.kind() {
1845                ty::Array(ty, _) | ty::Slice(ty) => Some(ty),
1846                _ => None,
1847            },
1848            _ => None,
1849        };
1851        let (element_ty, t) = match uty {
1852            Some(uty) => {
1853                self.check_expr_coercible_to_type(element, uty, None);
1854                (uty, uty)
1855            }
1856            None => {
1857                let ty = self.next_ty_var(element.span);
1858                let element_ty = self.check_expr_has_type_or_error(element, ty, |_| {});
1859                (element_ty, ty)
1860            }
1861        };
1863        if let Err(guar) = element_ty.error_reported() {
1864            return Ty::new_error(tcx, guar);
1865        }
1867        // We defer checking whether the element type is `Copy` as it is possible to have
1868        // an inference variable as a repeat count and it seems unlikely that `Copy` would
1869        // have inference side effects required for type checking to succeed.
1870        if tcx.features().generic_arg_infer() {
1871            self.deferred_repeat_expr_checks.borrow_mut().push((element, element_ty, count));
1872        // If the length is 0, we don't create any elements, so we don't copy any.
1873        // If the length is 1, we don't copy that one element, we move it. Only check
1874        // for `Copy` if the length is larger, or unevaluated.
1875        } else if count.try_to_target_usize(self.tcx).is_none_or(|x| x > 1) {
1876            self.enforce_repeat_element_needs_copy_bound(element, element_ty);
1877        }
1879        let ty = Ty::new_array_with_const_len(tcx, t, count);
1880        self.register_wf_obligation(ty.into(), expr.span, ObligationCauseCode::WellFormed(None));
1881        ty
1882    }
1884    /// Requires that `element_ty` is `Copy` (unless it's a const expression itself).
1885    pub(super) fn enforce_repeat_element_needs_copy_bound(
1886        &self,
1887        element: &hir::Expr<'_>,
1888        element_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
1889    ) {
1890        let tcx = self.tcx;
1891        // Actual constants as the repeat element get inserted repeatedly instead of getting copied via Copy.
1892        match &element.kind {
1893            hir::ExprKind::ConstBlock(..) => return,
1894            hir::ExprKind::Path(qpath) => {
1895                let res = self.typeck_results.borrow().qpath_res(qpath, element.hir_id);
1896                if let Res::Def(DefKind::Const | DefKind::AssocConst | DefKind::AnonConst, _) = res
1897                {
1898                    return;
1899                }
1900            }
1901            _ => {}
1902        }
1903        // If someone calls a const fn or constructs a const value, they can extract that
1904        // out into a separate constant (or a const block in the future), so we check that
1905        // to tell them that in the diagnostic. Does not affect typeck.
1906        let is_constable = match element.kind {
1907            hir::ExprKind::Call(func, _args) => match *self.node_ty(func.hir_id).kind() {
1908                ty::FnDef(def_id, _) if tcx.is_stable_const_fn(def_id) => traits::IsConstable::Fn,
1909                _ => traits::IsConstable::No,
1910            },
1911            hir::ExprKind::Path(qpath) => {
1912                match self.typeck_results.borrow().qpath_res(&qpath, element.hir_id) {
1913                    Res::Def(DefKind::Ctor(_, CtorKind::Const), _) => traits::IsConstable::Ctor,
1914                    _ => traits::IsConstable::No,
1915                }
1916            }
1917            _ => traits::IsConstable::No,
1918        };
1920        let lang_item = self.tcx.require_lang_item(LangItem::Copy, None);
1921        let code =
1922            traits::ObligationCauseCode::RepeatElementCopy { is_constable, elt_span: element.span };
1923        self.require_type_meets(element_ty, element.span, code, lang_item);
1924    }
1926    fn check_expr_tuple(
1927        &self,
1928        elts: &'tcx [hir::Expr<'tcx>],
1929        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
1930        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1931    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1932        let flds = expected.only_has_type(self).and_then(|ty| {
1933            let ty = self.try_structurally_resolve_type(expr.span, ty);
1934            match ty.kind() {
1935                ty::Tuple(flds) => Some(&flds[..]),
1936                _ => None,
1937            }
1938        });
1940        let elt_ts_iter = elts.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, e)| match flds {
1941            Some(fs) if i < fs.len() => {
1942                let ety = fs[i];
1943                self.check_expr_coercible_to_type(e, ety, None);
1944                ety
1945            }
1946            _ => self.check_expr_with_expectation(e, NoExpectation),
1947        });
1948        let tuple = Ty::new_tup_from_iter(self.tcx, elt_ts_iter);
1949        if let Err(guar) = tuple.error_reported() {
1950            Ty::new_error(self.tcx, guar)
1951        } else {
1952            self.require_type_is_sized(
1953                tuple,
1954                expr.span,
1955                ObligationCauseCode::TupleInitializerSized,
1956            );
1957            tuple
1958        }
1959    }
1961    fn check_expr_struct(
1962        &self,
1963        expr: &hir::Expr<'tcx>,
1964        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
1965        qpath: &'tcx QPath<'tcx>,
1966        fields: &'tcx [hir::ExprField<'tcx>],
1967        base_expr: &'tcx hir::StructTailExpr<'tcx>,
1968    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
1969        // Find the relevant variant
1970        let (variant, adt_ty) = match self.check_struct_path(qpath, expr.hir_id) {
1971            Ok(data) => data,
1972            Err(guar) => {
1973                self.check_struct_fields_on_error(fields, base_expr);
1974                return Ty::new_error(self.tcx, guar);
1975            }
1976        };
1978        // Prohibit struct expressions when non-exhaustive flag is set.
1979        let adt = adt_ty.ty_adt_def().expect("`check_struct_path` returned non-ADT type");
1980        if variant.field_list_has_applicable_non_exhaustive() {
1981            self.dcx()
1982                .emit_err(StructExprNonExhaustive { span: expr.span, what: adt.variant_descr() });
1983        }
1985        self.check_expr_struct_fields(
1986            adt_ty,
1987            expected,
1988            expr,
1989            qpath.span(),
1990            variant,
1991            fields,
1992            base_expr,
1993        );
1995        self.require_type_is_sized(adt_ty, expr.span, ObligationCauseCode::StructInitializerSized);
1996        adt_ty
1997    }
1999    fn check_expr_struct_fields(
2000        &self,
2001        adt_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
2002        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
2003        expr: &hir::Expr<'_>,
2004        path_span: Span,
2005        variant: &'tcx ty::VariantDef,
2006        hir_fields: &'tcx [hir::ExprField<'tcx>],
2007        base_expr: &'tcx hir::StructTailExpr<'tcx>,
2008    ) {
2009        let tcx = self.tcx;
2011        let adt_ty = self.try_structurally_resolve_type(path_span, adt_ty);
2012        let adt_ty_hint = expected.only_has_type(self).and_then(|expected| {
2013            self.fudge_inference_if_ok(|| {
2014                let ocx = ObligationCtxt::new(self);
2015                ocx.sup(&self.misc(path_span), self.param_env, expected, adt_ty)?;
2016                if !ocx.select_where_possible().is_empty() {
2017                    return Err(TypeError::Mismatch);
2018                }
2019                Ok(self.resolve_vars_if_possible(adt_ty))
2020            })
2021            .ok()
2022        });
2023        if let Some(adt_ty_hint) = adt_ty_hint {
2024            // re-link the variables that the fudging above can create.
2025            self.demand_eqtype(path_span, adt_ty_hint, adt_ty);
2026        }
2028        let ty::Adt(adt, args) = adt_ty.kind() else {
2029            span_bug!(path_span, "non-ADT passed to check_expr_struct_fields");
2030        };
2031        let adt_kind = adt.adt_kind();
2033        let mut remaining_fields = variant
2034            .fields
2035            .iter_enumerated()
2036            .map(|(i, field)| (field.ident(tcx).normalize_to_macros_2_0(), (i, field)))
2037            .collect::<UnordMap<_, _>>();
2039        let mut seen_fields = FxHashMap::default();
2041        let mut error_happened = false;
2043        if variant.fields.len() != remaining_fields.len() {
2044            // Some field is defined more than once. Make sure we don't try to
2045            // instantiate this struct in static/const context.
2046            let guar =
2047                self.dcx().span_delayed_bug(expr.span, "struct fields have non-unique names");
2048            self.set_tainted_by_errors(guar);
2049            error_happened = true;
2050        }
2052        // Type-check each field.
2053        for (idx, field) in hir_fields.iter().enumerate() {
2054            let ident = tcx.adjust_ident(field.ident, variant.def_id);
2055            let field_type = if let Some((i, v_field)) = remaining_fields.remove(&ident) {
2056                seen_fields.insert(ident, field.span);
2057                self.write_field_index(field.hir_id, i);
2059                // We don't look at stability attributes on
2060                // struct-like enums (yet...), but it's definitely not
2061                // a bug to have constructed one.
2062                if adt_kind != AdtKind::Enum {
2063                    tcx.check_stability(v_field.did, Some(field.hir_id), field.span, None);
2064                }
2066                self.field_ty(field.span, v_field, args)
2067            } else {
2068                error_happened = true;
2069                let guar = if let Some(prev_span) = seen_fields.get(&ident) {
2070                    self.dcx().emit_err(FieldMultiplySpecifiedInInitializer {
2071                        span: field.ident.span,
2072                        prev_span: *prev_span,
2073                        ident,
2074                    })
2075                } else {
2076                    self.report_unknown_field(
2077                        adt_ty,
2078                        variant,
2079                        expr,
2080                        field,
2081                        hir_fields,
2082                        adt.variant_descr(),
2083                    )
2084                };
2086                Ty::new_error(tcx, guar)
2087            };
2089            // Check that the expected field type is WF. Otherwise, we emit no use-site error
2090            // in the case of coercions for non-WF fields, which leads to incorrect error
2091            // tainting. See issue #126272.
2092            self.register_wf_obligation(
2093                field_type.into(),
2094                field.expr.span,
2095                ObligationCauseCode::WellFormed(None),
2096            );
2098            // Make sure to give a type to the field even if there's
2099            // an error, so we can continue type-checking.
2100            let ty = self.check_expr_with_hint(field.expr, field_type);
2101            let diag = self.demand_coerce_diag(field.expr, ty, field_type, None, AllowTwoPhase::No);
2103            if let Err(diag) = diag {
2104                if idx == hir_fields.len() - 1 {
2105                    if remaining_fields.is_empty() {
2106                        self.suggest_fru_from_range_and_emit(field, variant, args, diag);
2107                    } else {
2108                        diag.stash(field.span, StashKey::MaybeFruTypo);
2109                    }
2110                } else {
2111                    diag.emit();
2112                }
2113            }
2114        }
2116        // Make sure the programmer specified correct number of fields.
2117        if adt_kind == AdtKind::Union && hir_fields.len() != 1 {
2118            struct_span_code_err!(
2119                self.dcx(),
2120                path_span,
2121                E0784,
2122                "union expressions should have exactly one field",
2123            )
2124            .emit();
2125        }
2127        // If check_expr_struct_fields hit an error, do not attempt to populate
2128        // the fields with the base_expr. This could cause us to hit errors later
2129        // when certain fields are assumed to exist that in fact do not.
2130        if error_happened {
2131            if let hir::StructTailExpr::Base(base_expr) = base_expr {
2132                self.check_expr(base_expr);
2133            }
2134            return;
2135        }
2137        if let hir::StructTailExpr::DefaultFields(span) = *base_expr {
2138            let mut missing_mandatory_fields = Vec::new();
2139            let mut missing_optional_fields = Vec::new();
2140            for f in &variant.fields {
2141                let ident = self.tcx.adjust_ident(f.ident(self.tcx), variant.def_id);
2142                if let Some(_) = remaining_fields.remove(&ident) {
2143                    if f.value.is_none() {
2144                        missing_mandatory_fields.push(ident);
2145                    } else {
2146                        missing_optional_fields.push(ident);
2147                    }
2148                }
2149            }
2150            if !self.tcx.features().default_field_values() {
2151                let sugg = self.tcx.crate_level_attribute_injection_span(expr.hir_id);
2152                self.dcx().emit_err(BaseExpressionDoubleDot {
2153                    span: span.shrink_to_hi(),
2154                    // We only mention enabling the feature if this is a nightly rustc *and* the
2155                    // expression would make sense with the feature enabled.
2156                    default_field_values_suggestion: if self.tcx.sess.is_nightly_build()
2157                        && missing_mandatory_fields.is_empty()
2158                        && !missing_optional_fields.is_empty()
2159                        && sugg.is_some()
2160                    {
2161                        sugg
2162                    } else {
2163                        None
2164                    },
2165                    default_field_values_help: if self.tcx.sess.is_nightly_build()
2166                        && missing_mandatory_fields.is_empty()
2167                        && !missing_optional_fields.is_empty()
2168                        && sugg.is_none()
2169                    {
2170                        Some(BaseExpressionDoubleDotEnableDefaultFieldValues)
2171                    } else {
2172                        None
2173                    },
2174                    add_expr: if !missing_mandatory_fields.is_empty()
2175                        || !missing_optional_fields.is_empty()
2176                    {
2177                        Some(BaseExpressionDoubleDotAddExpr { span: span.shrink_to_hi() })
2178                    } else {
2179                        None
2180                    },
2181                    remove_dots: if missing_mandatory_fields.is_empty()
2182                        && missing_optional_fields.is_empty()
2183                    {
2184                        Some(BaseExpressionDoubleDotRemove { span })
2185                    } else {
2186                        None
2187                    },
2188                });
2189                return;
2190            }
2191            if variant.fields.is_empty() {
2192                let mut err = self.dcx().struct_span_err(
2193                    span,
2194                    format!(
2195                        "`{adt_ty}` has no fields, `..` needs at least one default field in the \
2196                         struct definition",
2197                    ),
2198                );
2199                err.span_label(path_span, "this type has no fields");
2200                err.emit();
2201            }
2202            if !missing_mandatory_fields.is_empty() {
2203                let s = pluralize!(missing_mandatory_fields.len());
2204                let fields = listify(&missing_mandatory_fields, |f| format!("`{f}`")).unwrap();
2205                self.dcx()
2206                    .struct_span_err(
2207                        span.shrink_to_hi(),
2208                        format!("missing mandatory field{s} {fields}"),
2209                    )
2210                    .emit();
2211                return;
2212            }
2213            let fru_tys = match adt_ty.kind() {
2214                ty::Adt(adt, args) if adt.is_struct() => variant
2215                    .fields
2216                    .iter()
2217                    .map(|f| self.normalize(span, f.ty(self.tcx, args)))
2218                    .collect(),
2219                ty::Adt(adt, args) if adt.is_enum() => variant
2220                    .fields
2221                    .iter()
2222                    .map(|f| self.normalize(span, f.ty(self.tcx, args)))
2223                    .collect(),
2224                _ => {
2225                    self.dcx().emit_err(FunctionalRecordUpdateOnNonStruct { span });
2226                    return;
2227                }
2228            };
2229            self.typeck_results.borrow_mut().fru_field_types_mut().insert(expr.hir_id, fru_tys);
2230        } else if let hir::StructTailExpr::Base(base_expr) = base_expr {
2231            // FIXME: We are currently creating two branches here in order to maintain
2232            // consistency. But they should be merged as much as possible.
2233            let fru_tys = if self.tcx.features().type_changing_struct_update() {
2234                if adt.is_struct() {
2235                    // Make some fresh generic parameters for our ADT type.
2236                    let fresh_args = self.fresh_args_for_item(base_expr.span, adt.did());
2237                    // We do subtyping on the FRU fields first, so we can
2238                    // learn exactly what types we expect the base expr
2239                    // needs constrained to be compatible with the struct
2240                    // type we expect from the expectation value.
2241                    let fru_tys = variant
2242                        .fields
2243                        .iter()
2244                        .map(|f| {
2245                            let fru_ty = self
2246                                .normalize(expr.span, self.field_ty(base_expr.span, f, fresh_args));
2247                            let ident = self.tcx.adjust_ident(f.ident(self.tcx), variant.def_id);
2248                            if let Some(_) = remaining_fields.remove(&ident) {
2249                                let target_ty = self.field_ty(base_expr.span, f, args);
2250                                let cause = self.misc(base_expr.span);
2251                                match, self.param_env).sup(
2252                                    // We're already using inference variables for any params, and don't allow converting
2253                                    // between different structs, so there is no way this ever actually defines an opaque type.
2254                                    // Thus choosing `Yes` is fine.
2255                                    DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes,
2256                                    target_ty,
2257                                    fru_ty,
2258                                ) {
2259                                    Ok(InferOk { obligations, value: () }) => {
2260                                        self.register_predicates(obligations)
2261                                    }
2262                                    Err(_) => {
2263                                        span_bug!(
2264                                            cause.span,
2265                                            "subtyping remaining fields of type changing FRU failed: {target_ty} != {fru_ty}: {}::{}",
2266                                  ,
2267                                  ,
2268                                        );
2269                                    }
2270                                }
2271                            }
2272                            self.resolve_vars_if_possible(fru_ty)
2273                        })
2274                        .collect();
2275                    // The use of fresh args that we have subtyped against
2276                    // our base ADT type's fields allows us to guide inference
2277                    // along so that, e.g.
2278                    // ```
2279                    // MyStruct<'a, F1, F2, const C: usize> {
2280                    //     f: F1,
2281                    //     // Other fields that reference `'a`, `F2`, and `C`
2282                    // }
2283                    //
2284                    // let x = MyStruct {
2285                    //    f: 1usize,
2286                    //    ..other_struct
2287                    // };
2288                    // ```
2289                    // will have the `other_struct` expression constrained to
2290                    // `MyStruct<'a, _, F2, C>`, as opposed to just `_`...
2291                    // This is important to allow coercions to happen in
2292                    // `other_struct` itself. See ``.
2293                    let fresh_base_ty = Ty::new_adt(self.tcx, *adt, fresh_args);
2294                    self.check_expr_has_type_or_error(
2295                        base_expr,
2296                        self.resolve_vars_if_possible(fresh_base_ty),
2297                        |_| {},
2298                    );
2299                    fru_tys
2300                } else {
2301                    // Check the base_expr, regardless of a bad expected adt_ty, so we can get
2302                    // type errors on that expression, too.
2303                    self.check_expr(base_expr);
2304                    self.dcx().emit_err(FunctionalRecordUpdateOnNonStruct { span: base_expr.span });
2305                    return;
2306                }
2307            } else {
2308                self.check_expr_has_type_or_error(base_expr, adt_ty, |_| {
2309                    let base_ty = self.typeck_results.borrow().expr_ty(*base_expr);
2310                    let same_adt = matches!((adt_ty.kind(), base_ty.kind()),
2311                        (ty::Adt(adt, _), ty::Adt(base_adt, _)) if adt == base_adt);
2312                    if self.tcx.sess.is_nightly_build() && same_adt {
2313                        feature_err(
2314                            &self.tcx.sess,
2315                            sym::type_changing_struct_update,
2316                            base_expr.span,
2317                            "type changing struct updating is experimental",
2318                        )
2319                        .emit();
2320                    }
2321                });
2322                match adt_ty.kind() {
2323                    ty::Adt(adt, args) if adt.is_struct() => variant
2324                        .fields
2325                        .iter()
2326                        .map(|f| self.normalize(expr.span, f.ty(self.tcx, args)))
2327                        .collect(),
2328                    _ => {
2329                        self.dcx()
2330                            .emit_err(FunctionalRecordUpdateOnNonStruct { span: base_expr.span });
2331                        return;
2332                    }
2333                }
2334            };
2335            self.typeck_results.borrow_mut().fru_field_types_mut().insert(expr.hir_id, fru_tys);
2336        } else if adt_kind != AdtKind::Union && !remaining_fields.is_empty() {
2337            debug!(?remaining_fields);
2338            let private_fields: Vec<&ty::FieldDef> = variant
2339                .fields
2340                .iter()
2341                .filter(|field| !field.vis.is_accessible_from(tcx.parent_module(expr.hir_id), tcx))
2342                .collect();
2344            if !private_fields.is_empty() {
2345                self.report_private_fields(
2346                    adt_ty,
2347                    path_span,
2348                    expr.span,
2349                    private_fields,
2350                    hir_fields,
2351                );
2352            } else {
2353                self.report_missing_fields(
2354                    adt_ty,
2355                    path_span,
2356                    expr.span,
2357                    remaining_fields,
2358                    variant,
2359                    hir_fields,
2360                    args,
2361                );
2362            }
2363        }
2364    }
2366    fn check_struct_fields_on_error(
2367        &self,
2368        fields: &'tcx [hir::ExprField<'tcx>],
2369        base_expr: &'tcx hir::StructTailExpr<'tcx>,
2370    ) {
2371        for field in fields {
2372            self.check_expr(field.expr);
2373        }
2374        if let hir::StructTailExpr::Base(base) = *base_expr {
2375            self.check_expr(base);
2376        }
2377    }
2379    /// Report an error for a struct field expression when there are fields which aren't provided.
2380    ///
2381    /// ```text
2382    /// error: missing field `you_can_use_this_field` in initializer of `foo::Foo`
2383    ///  --> src/
2384    ///   |
2385    /// 8 |     foo::Foo {};
2386    ///   |     ^^^^^^^^ missing `you_can_use_this_field`
2387    ///
2388    /// error: aborting due to 1 previous error
2389    /// ```
2390    fn report_missing_fields(
2391        &self,
2392        adt_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
2393        span: Span,
2394        full_span: Span,
2395        remaining_fields: UnordMap<Ident, (FieldIdx, &ty::FieldDef)>,
2396        variant: &'tcx ty::VariantDef,
2397        hir_fields: &'tcx [hir::ExprField<'tcx>],
2398        args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
2399    ) {
2400        let len = remaining_fields.len();
2402        let displayable_field_names: Vec<&str> =
2403            remaining_fields.items().map(|(ident, _)| ident.as_str()).into_sorted_stable_ord();
2405        let mut truncated_fields_error = String::new();
2406        let remaining_fields_names = match &displayable_field_names[..] {
2407            [field1] => format!("`{field1}`"),
2408            [field1, field2] => format!("`{field1}` and `{field2}`"),
2409            [field1, field2, field3] => format!("`{field1}`, `{field2}` and `{field3}`"),
2410            _ => {
2411                truncated_fields_error =
2412                    format!(" and {} other field{}", len - 3, pluralize!(len - 3));
2413                displayable_field_names
2414                    .iter()
2415                    .take(3)
2416                    .map(|n| format!("`{n}`"))
2417                    .collect::<Vec<_>>()
2418                    .join(", ")
2419            }
2420        };
2422        let mut err = struct_span_code_err!(
2423            self.dcx(),
2424            span,
2425            E0063,
2426            "missing field{} {}{} in initializer of `{}`",
2427            pluralize!(len),
2428            remaining_fields_names,
2429            truncated_fields_error,
2430            adt_ty
2431        );
2432        err.span_label(span, format!("missing {remaining_fields_names}{truncated_fields_error}"));
2434        if remaining_fields.items().all(|(_, (_, field))| field.value.is_some())
2435            && self.tcx.sess.is_nightly_build()
2436        {
2437            let msg = format!(
2438                "all remaining fields have default values, {you_can} use those values with `..`",
2439                you_can = if self.tcx.features().default_field_values() {
2440                    "you can"
2441                } else {
2442                    "if you added `#![feature(default_field_values)]` to your crate you could"
2443                },
2444            );
2445            if let Some(hir_field) = hir_fields.last() {
2446                err.span_suggestion_verbose(
2447                    hir_field.span.shrink_to_hi(),
2448                    msg,
2449                    ", ..".to_string(),
2450                    Applicability::MachineApplicable,
2451                );
2452            } else if hir_fields.is_empty() {
2453                err.span_suggestion_verbose(
2454                    span.shrink_to_hi().with_hi(full_span.hi()),
2455                    msg,
2456                    " { .. }".to_string(),
2457                    Applicability::MachineApplicable,
2458                );
2459            }
2460        }
2462        if let Some(hir_field) = hir_fields.last() {
2463            self.suggest_fru_from_range_and_emit(hir_field, variant, args, err);
2464        } else {
2465            err.emit();
2466        }
2467    }
2469    /// If the last field is a range literal, but it isn't supposed to be, then they probably
2470    /// meant to use functional update syntax.
2471    fn suggest_fru_from_range_and_emit(
2472        &self,
2473        last_expr_field: &hir::ExprField<'tcx>,
2474        variant: &ty::VariantDef,
2475        args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
2476        mut err: Diag<'_>,
2477    ) {
2478        // I don't use 'is_range_literal' because only double-sided, half-open ranges count.
2479        if let ExprKind::Struct(QPath::LangItem(LangItem::Range, ..), [range_start, range_end], _) =
2480            last_expr_field.expr.kind
2481            && let variant_field =
2482                variant.fields.iter().find(|field| field.ident(self.tcx) == last_expr_field.ident)
2483            && let range_def_id = self.tcx.lang_items().range_struct()
2484            && variant_field
2485                .and_then(|field| field.ty(self.tcx, args).ty_adt_def())
2486                .map(|adt| adt.did())
2487                != range_def_id
2488        {
2489            // Use a (somewhat arbitrary) filtering heuristic to avoid printing
2490            // expressions that are either too long, or have control character
2491            // such as newlines in them.
2492            let expr = self
2493                .tcx
2494                .sess
2495                .source_map()
2496                .span_to_snippet(range_end.expr.span)
2497                .ok()
2498                .filter(|s| s.len() < 25 && !s.contains(|c: char| c.is_control()));
2500            let fru_span = self
2501                .tcx
2502                .sess
2503                .source_map()
2504                .span_extend_while_whitespace(range_start.span)
2505                .shrink_to_hi()
2506                .to(range_end.span);
2508            err.subdiagnostic(TypeMismatchFruTypo { expr_span: range_start.span, fru_span, expr });
2510            // Suppress any range expr type mismatches
2511            self.dcx().try_steal_replace_and_emit_err(
2512                last_expr_field.span,
2513                StashKey::MaybeFruTypo,
2514                err,
2515            );
2516        } else {
2517            err.emit();
2518        }
2519    }
2521    /// Report an error for a struct field expression when there are invisible fields.
2522    ///
2523    /// ```text
2524    /// error: cannot construct `Foo` with struct literal syntax due to private fields
2525    ///  --> src/
2526    ///   |
2527    /// 8 |     foo::Foo {};
2528    ///   |     ^^^^^^^^
2529    ///
2530    /// error: aborting due to 1 previous error
2531    /// ```
2532    fn report_private_fields(
2533        &self,
2534        adt_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
2535        span: Span,
2536        expr_span: Span,
2537        private_fields: Vec<&ty::FieldDef>,
2538        used_fields: &'tcx [hir::ExprField<'tcx>],
2539    ) {
2540        let mut err =
2541            self.dcx().struct_span_err(
2542                span,
2543                format!(
2544                    "cannot construct `{adt_ty}` with struct literal syntax due to private fields",
2545                ),
2546            );
2547        let (used_private_fields, remaining_private_fields): (
2548            Vec<(Symbol, Span, bool)>,
2549            Vec<(Symbol, Span, bool)>,
2550        ) = private_fields
2551            .iter()
2552            .map(|field| {
2553                match used_fields.iter().find(|used_field| == {
2554                    Some(used_field) => (, used_field.span, true),
2555                    None => (, self.tcx.def_span(field.did), false),
2556                }
2557            })
2558            .partition(|field| field.2);
2559        err.span_labels(used_private_fields.iter().map(|(_, span, _)| *span), "private field");
2560        if !remaining_private_fields.is_empty() {
2561            let names = if remaining_private_fields.len() > 6 {
2562                String::new()
2563            } else {
2564                format!(
2565                    "{} ",
2566                    listify(&remaining_private_fields, |(name, _, _)| format!("`{name}`"))
2567                        .expect("expected at least one private field to report")
2568                )
2569            };
2570            err.note(format!(
2571                "{}private field{s} {names}that {were} not provided",
2572                if used_fields.is_empty() { "" } else { "...and other " },
2573                s = pluralize!(remaining_private_fields.len()),
2574                were = pluralize!("was", remaining_private_fields.len()),
2575            ));
2576        }
2578        if let ty::Adt(def, _) = adt_ty.kind() {
2579            let def_id = def.did();
2580            let mut items = self
2581                .tcx
2582                .inherent_impls(def_id)
2583                .into_iter()
2584                .flat_map(|i| self.tcx.associated_items(i).in_definition_order())
2585                // Only assoc fn with no receivers.
2586                .filter(|item| {
2587                    matches!(item.kind, ty::AssocKind::Fn) && !item.fn_has_self_parameter
2588                })
2589                .filter_map(|item| {
2590                    // Only assoc fns that return `Self`
2591                    let fn_sig = self.tcx.fn_sig(item.def_id).skip_binder();
2592                    let ret_ty = fn_sig.output();
2593                    let ret_ty = self.tcx.normalize_erasing_late_bound_regions(
2594                        self.typing_env(self.param_env),
2595                        ret_ty,
2596                    );
2597                    if !self.can_eq(self.param_env, ret_ty, adt_ty) {
2598                        return None;
2599                    }
2600                    let input_len = fn_sig.inputs().skip_binder().len();
2601                    let order = !"new");
2602                    Some((order,, input_len))
2603                })
2604                .collect::<Vec<_>>();
2605            items.sort_by_key(|(order, _, _)| *order);
2606            let suggestion = |name, args| {
2607                format!(
2608                    "::{name}({})",
2609                    std::iter::repeat("_").take(args).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ")
2610                )
2611            };
2612            match &items[..] {
2613                [] => {}
2614                [(_, name, args)] => {
2615                    err.span_suggestion_verbose(
2616                        span.shrink_to_hi().with_hi(expr_span.hi()),
2617                        format!("you might have meant to use the `{name}` associated function"),
2618                        suggestion(name, *args),
2619                        Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
2620                    );
2621                }
2622                _ => {
2623                    err.span_suggestions(
2624                        span.shrink_to_hi().with_hi(expr_span.hi()),
2625                        "you might have meant to use an associated function to build this type",
2626                        items.iter().map(|(_, name, args)| suggestion(name, *args)),
2627                        Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
2628                    );
2629                }
2630            }
2631            if let Some(default_trait) = self.tcx.get_diagnostic_item(sym::Default)
2632                && self
2633                    .infcx
2634                    .type_implements_trait(default_trait, [adt_ty], self.param_env)
2635                    .may_apply()
2636            {
2637                err.multipart_suggestion(
2638                    "consider using the `Default` trait",
2639                    vec![
2640                        (span.shrink_to_lo(), "<".to_string()),
2641                        (
2642                            span.shrink_to_hi().with_hi(expr_span.hi()),
2643                            " as std::default::Default>::default()".to_string(),
2644                        ),
2645                    ],
2646                    Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
2647                );
2648            }
2649        }
2651        err.emit();
2652    }
2654    fn report_unknown_field(
2655        &self,
2656        ty: Ty<'tcx>,
2657        variant: &'tcx ty::VariantDef,
2658        expr: &hir::Expr<'_>,
2659        field: &hir::ExprField<'_>,
2660        skip_fields: &[hir::ExprField<'_>],
2661        kind_name: &str,
2662    ) -> ErrorGuaranteed {
2663        // we don't care to report errors for a struct if the struct itself is tainted
2664        if let Err(guar) = variant.has_errors() {
2665            return guar;
2666        }
2667        let mut err = self.err_ctxt().type_error_struct_with_diag(
2668            field.ident.span,
2669            |actual| match ty.kind() {
2670                ty::Adt(adt, ..) if adt.is_enum() => struct_span_code_err!(
2671                    self.dcx(),
2672                    field.ident.span,
2673                    E0559,
2674                    "{} `{}::{}` has no field named `{}`",
2675                    kind_name,
2676                    actual,
2677          ,
2678                    field.ident
2679                ),
2680                _ => struct_span_code_err!(
2681                    self.dcx(),
2682                    field.ident.span,
2683                    E0560,
2684                    "{} `{}` has no field named `{}`",
2685                    kind_name,
2686                    actual,
2687                    field.ident
2688                ),
2689            },
2690            ty,
2691        );
2693        let variant_ident_span = self.tcx.def_ident_span(variant.def_id).unwrap();
2694        match variant.ctor {
2695            Some((CtorKind::Fn, def_id)) => match ty.kind() {
2696                ty::Adt(adt, ..) if adt.is_enum() => {
2697                    err.span_label(
2698                        variant_ident_span,
2699                        format!(
2700                            "`{adt}::{variant}` defined here",
2701                            adt = ty,
2702                            variant =,
2703                        ),
2704                    );
2705                    err.span_label(field.ident.span, "field does not exist");
2706                    let fn_sig = self.tcx.fn_sig(def_id).instantiate_identity();
2707                    let inputs = fn_sig.inputs().skip_binder();
2708                    let fields = format!(
2709                        "({})",
2710                        inputs.iter().map(|i| format!("/* {i} */")).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ")
2711                    );
2712                    let (replace_span, sugg) = match expr.kind {
2713                        hir::ExprKind::Struct(qpath, ..) => {
2714                            (qpath.span().shrink_to_hi().with_hi(expr.span.hi()), fields)
2715                        }
2716                        _ => {
2717                            (expr.span, format!("{ty}::{variant}{fields}", variant =
2718                        }
2719                    };
2720                    err.span_suggestion_verbose(
2721                        replace_span,
2722                        format!(
2723                            "`{adt}::{variant}` is a tuple {kind_name}, use the appropriate syntax",
2724                            adt = ty,
2725                            variant =,
2726                        ),
2727                        sugg,
2728                        Applicability::HasPlaceholders,
2729                    );
2730                }
2731                _ => {
2732                    err.span_label(variant_ident_span, format!("`{ty}` defined here"));
2733                    err.span_label(field.ident.span, "field does not exist");
2734                    let fn_sig = self.tcx.fn_sig(def_id).instantiate_identity();
2735                    let inputs = fn_sig.inputs().skip_binder();
2736                    let fields = format!(
2737                        "({})",
2738                        inputs.iter().map(|i| format!("/* {i} */")).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ")
2739                    );
2740                    err.span_suggestion_verbose(
2741                        expr.span,
2742                        format!("`{ty}` is a tuple {kind_name}, use the appropriate syntax",),
2743                        format!("{ty}{fields}"),
2744                        Applicability::HasPlaceholders,
2745                    );
2746                }
2747            },
2748            _ => {
2749                // prevent all specified fields from being suggested
2750                let available_field_names = self.available_field_names(variant, expr, skip_fields);
2751                if let Some(field_name) =
2752                    find_best_match_for_name(&available_field_names,, None)
2753                {
2754                    err.span_label(field.ident.span, "unknown field");
2755                    err.span_suggestion_verbose(
2756                        field.ident.span,
2757                        "a field with a similar name exists",
2758                        field_name,
2759                        Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
2760                    );
2761                } else {
2762                    match ty.kind() {
2763                        ty::Adt(adt, ..) => {
2764                            if adt.is_enum() {
2765                                err.span_label(
2766                                    field.ident.span,
2767                                    format!("`{}::{}` does not have this field", ty,,
2768                                );
2769                            } else {
2770                                err.span_label(
2771                                    field.ident.span,
2772                                    format!("`{ty}` does not have this field"),
2773                                );
2774                            }
2775                            if available_field_names.is_empty() {
2776                                err.note("all struct fields are already assigned");
2777                            } else {
2778                                err.note(format!(
2779                                    "available fields are: {}",
2780                                    self.name_series_display(available_field_names)
2781                                ));
2782                            }
2783                        }
2784                        _ => bug!("non-ADT passed to report_unknown_field"),
2785                    }
2786                };
2787            }
2788        }
2789        err.emit()
2790    }
2792    fn available_field_names(
2793        &self,
2794        variant: &'tcx ty::VariantDef,
2795        expr: &hir::Expr<'_>,
2796        skip_fields: &[hir::ExprField<'_>],
2797    ) -> Vec<Symbol> {
2798        variant
2799            .fields
2800            .iter()
2801            .filter(|field| {
2802                skip_fields.iter().all(|&skip| !=
2803                    && self.is_field_suggestable(field, expr.hir_id, expr.span)
2804            })
2805            .map(|field|
2806            .collect()
2807    }
2809    fn name_series_display(&self, names: Vec<Symbol>) -> String {
2810        // dynamic limit, to never omit just one field
2811        let limit = if names.len() == 6 { 6 } else { 5 };
2812        let mut display =
2813            names.iter().take(limit).map(|n| format!("`{n}`")).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ");
2814        if names.len() > limit {
2815            display = format!("{} ... and {} others", display, names.len() - limit);
2816        }
2817        display
2818    }
2820    /// Find the position of a field named `ident` in `base_def`, accounting for unnammed fields.
2821    /// Return whether such a field has been found. The path to it is stored in `nested_fields`.
2822    /// `ident` must have been adjusted beforehand.
2823    fn find_adt_field(
2824        &self,
2825        base_def: ty::AdtDef<'tcx>,
2826        ident: Ident,
2827    ) -> Option<(FieldIdx, &'tcx ty::FieldDef)> {
2828        // No way to find a field in an enum.
2829        if base_def.is_enum() {
2830            return None;
2831        }
2833        for (field_idx, field) in base_def.non_enum_variant().fields.iter_enumerated() {
2834            if field.ident(self.tcx).normalize_to_macros_2_0() == ident {
2835                // We found the field we wanted.
2836                return Some((field_idx, field));
2837            }
2838        }
2840        None
2841    }
2843    /// Check field access expressions, this works for both structs and tuples.
2844    /// Returns the Ty of the field.
2845    ///
2846    /// ```ignore (illustrative)
2847    /// base.field
2848    /// ^^^^^^^^^^ expr
2849    /// ^^^^       base
2850    ///      ^^^^^ field
2851    /// ```
2852    fn check_expr_field(
2853        &self,
2854        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
2855        base: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
2856        field: Ident,
2857        // The expected type hint of the field.
2858        expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
2859    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
2860        debug!("check_field(expr: {:?}, base: {:?}, field: {:?})", expr, base, field);
2861        let base_ty = self.check_expr(base);
2862        let base_ty = self.structurally_resolve_type(base.span, base_ty);
2864        // Whether we are trying to access a private field. Used for error reporting.
2865        let mut private_candidate = None;
2867        // Field expressions automatically deref
2868        let mut autoderef = self.autoderef(expr.span, base_ty);
2869        while let Some((deref_base_ty, _)) = {
2870            debug!("deref_base_ty: {:?}", deref_base_ty);
2871            match deref_base_ty.kind() {
2872                ty::Adt(base_def, args) if !base_def.is_enum() => {
2873                    debug!("struct named {:?}", deref_base_ty);
2874                    // we don't care to report errors for a struct if the struct itself is tainted
2875                    if let Err(guar) = base_def.non_enum_variant().has_errors() {
2876                        return Ty::new_error(self.tcx(), guar);
2877                    }
2879                    let fn_body_hir_id = self.tcx.local_def_id_to_hir_id(self.body_id);
2880                    let (ident, def_scope) =
2881                        self.tcx.adjust_ident_and_get_scope(field, base_def.did(), fn_body_hir_id);
2883                    if let Some((idx, field)) = self.find_adt_field(*base_def, ident) {
2884                        self.write_field_index(expr.hir_id, idx);
2886                        let adjustments = self.adjust_steps(&autoderef);
2887                        if field.vis.is_accessible_from(def_scope, self.tcx) {
2888                            self.apply_adjustments(base, adjustments);
2889                            self.register_predicates(autoderef.into_obligations());
2891                            self.tcx.check_stability(field.did, Some(expr.hir_id), expr.span, None);
2892                            return self.field_ty(expr.span, field, args);
2893                        }
2895                        // The field is not accessible, fall through to error reporting.
2896                        private_candidate = Some((adjustments, base_def.did()));
2897                    }
2898                }
2899                ty::Tuple(tys) => {
2900                    if let Ok(index) = field.as_str().parse::<usize>() {
2901                        if == sym::integer(index) {
2902                            if let Some(&field_ty) = tys.get(index) {
2903                                let adjustments = self.adjust_steps(&autoderef);
2904                                self.apply_adjustments(base, adjustments);
2905                                self.register_predicates(autoderef.into_obligations());
2907                                self.write_field_index(expr.hir_id, FieldIdx::from_usize(index));
2908                                return field_ty;
2909                            }
2910                        }
2911                    }
2912                }
2913                _ => {}
2914            }
2915        }
2916        // We failed to check the expression, report an error.
2918        // Emits an error if we deref an infer variable, like calling `.field` on a base type of &_.
2919        self.structurally_resolve_type(autoderef.span(), autoderef.final_ty(false));
2921        if let Some((adjustments, did)) = private_candidate {
2922            // (#90483) apply adjustments to avoid ExprUseVisitor from
2923            // creating erroneous projection.
2924            self.apply_adjustments(base, adjustments);
2925            let guar = self.ban_private_field_access(
2926                expr,
2927                base_ty,
2928                field,
2929                did,
2930                expected.only_has_type(self),
2931            );
2932            return Ty::new_error(self.tcx(), guar);
2933        }
2935        let guar = if == kw::Empty {
2936            self.dcx().span_bug(field.span, "field name with no name")
2937        } else if self.method_exists_for_diagnostic(
2938            field,
2939            base_ty,
2940            expr.hir_id,
2941            expected.only_has_type(self),
2942        ) {
2943            // If taking a method instead of calling it
2944            self.ban_take_value_of_method(expr, base_ty, field)
2945        } else if !base_ty.is_primitive_ty() {
2946            self.ban_nonexisting_field(field, base, expr, base_ty)
2947        } else {
2948            let field_name = field.to_string();
2949            let mut err = type_error_struct!(
2950                self.dcx(),
2951                field.span,
2952                base_ty,
2953                E0610,
2954                "`{base_ty}` is a primitive type and therefore doesn't have fields",
2955            );
2956            let is_valid_suffix = |field: &str| {
2957                if field == "f32" || field == "f64" {
2958                    return true;
2959                }
2960                let mut chars = field.chars().peekable();
2961                match chars.peek() {
2962                    Some('e') | Some('E') => {
2963              ;
2964                        if let Some(c) = chars.peek()
2965                            && !c.is_numeric()
2966                            && *c != '-'
2967                            && *c != '+'
2968                        {
2969                            return false;
2970                        }
2971                        while let Some(c) = chars.peek() {
2972                            if !c.is_numeric() {
2973                                break;
2974                            }
2975                  ;
2976                        }
2977                    }
2978                    _ => (),
2979                }
2980                let suffix = chars.collect::<String>();
2981                suffix.is_empty() || suffix == "f32" || suffix == "f64"
2982            };
2983            let maybe_partial_suffix = |field: &str| -> Option<&str> {
2984                let first_chars = ['f', 'l'];
2985                if field.len() >= 1
2986                    && field.to_lowercase().starts_with(first_chars)
2987                    && field[1..].chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_digit())
2988                {
2989                    if field.to_lowercase().starts_with(['f']) { Some("f32") } else { Some("f64") }
2990                } else {
2991                    None
2992                }
2993            };
2994            if let ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(_)) = base_ty.kind()
2995                && let ExprKind::Lit(Spanned {
2996                    node: ast::LitKind::Int(_, ast::LitIntType::Unsuffixed),
2997                    ..
2998                }) = base.kind
2999                && !base.span.from_expansion()
3000            {
3001                if is_valid_suffix(&field_name) {
3002                    err.span_suggestion_verbose(
3003                        field.span.shrink_to_lo(),
3004                        "if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period",
3005                        '0',
3006                        Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
3007                    );
3008                } else if let Some(correct_suffix) = maybe_partial_suffix(&field_name) {
3009                    err.span_suggestion_verbose(
3010                        field.span,
3011                        format!("if intended to be a floating point literal, consider adding a `0` after the period and a `{correct_suffix}` suffix"),
3012                        format!("0{correct_suffix}"),
3013                        Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
3014                    );
3015                }
3016            }
3017            err.emit()
3018        };
3020        Ty::new_error(self.tcx(), guar)
3021    }
3023    fn suggest_await_on_field_access(
3024        &self,
3025        err: &mut Diag<'_>,
3026        field_ident: Ident,
3027        base: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
3028        ty: Ty<'tcx>,
3029    ) {
3030        let Some(output_ty) = self.err_ctxt().get_impl_future_output_ty(ty) else {
3031            err.span_label(field_ident.span, "unknown field");
3032            return;
3033        };
3034        let ty::Adt(def, _) = output_ty.kind() else {
3035            err.span_label(field_ident.span, "unknown field");
3036            return;
3037        };
3038        // no field access on enum type
3039        if def.is_enum() {
3040            err.span_label(field_ident.span, "unknown field");
3041            return;
3042        }
3043        if !def.non_enum_variant().fields.iter().any(|field| field.ident(self.tcx) == field_ident) {
3044            err.span_label(field_ident.span, "unknown field");
3045            return;
3046        }
3047        err.span_label(
3048            field_ident.span,
3049            "field not available in `impl Future`, but it is available in its `Output`",
3050        );
3051        match self.tcx.coroutine_kind(self.body_id) {
3052            Some(hir::CoroutineKind::Desugared(hir::CoroutineDesugaring::Async, _)) => {
3053                err.span_suggestion_verbose(
3054                    base.span.shrink_to_hi(),
3055                    "consider `await`ing on the `Future` to access the field",
3056                    ".await",
3057                    Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
3058                );
3059            }
3060            _ => {
3061                let mut span: MultiSpan = base.span.into();
3062                span.push_span_label(self.tcx.def_span(self.body_id), "this is not `async`");
3063                err.span_note(
3064                    span,
3065                    "this implements `Future` and its output type has the field, \
3066                    but the future cannot be awaited in a synchronous function",
3067                );
3068            }
3069        }
3070    }
3072    fn ban_nonexisting_field(
3073        &self,
3074        ident: Ident,
3075        base: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
3076        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
3077        base_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
3078    ) -> ErrorGuaranteed {
3079        debug!(
3080            "ban_nonexisting_field: field={:?}, base={:?}, expr={:?}, base_ty={:?}",
3081            ident, base, expr, base_ty
3082        );
3083        let mut err = self.no_such_field_err(ident, base_ty, expr);
3085        match *base_ty.peel_refs().kind() {
3086            ty::Array(_, len) => {
3087                self.maybe_suggest_array_indexing(&mut err, base, ident, len);
3088            }
3089            ty::RawPtr(..) => {
3090                self.suggest_first_deref_field(&mut err, base, ident);
3091            }
3092            ty::Param(param_ty) => {
3093                err.span_label(ident.span, "unknown field");
3094                self.point_at_param_definition(&mut err, param_ty);
3095            }
3096            ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, _) => {
3097                self.suggest_await_on_field_access(&mut err, ident, base, base_ty.peel_refs());
3098            }
3099            _ => {
3100                err.span_label(ident.span, "unknown field");
3101            }
3102        }
3104        self.suggest_fn_call(&mut err, base, base_ty, |output_ty| {
3105            if let ty::Adt(def, _) = output_ty.kind()
3106                && !def.is_enum()
3107            {
3108                def.non_enum_variant().fields.iter().any(|field| {
3109                    field.ident(self.tcx) == ident
3110                        && field.vis.is_accessible_from(expr.hir_id.owner.def_id, self.tcx)
3111                })
3112            } else if let ty::Tuple(tys) = output_ty.kind()
3113                && let Ok(idx) = ident.as_str().parse::<usize>()
3114            {
3115                idx < tys.len()
3116            } else {
3117                false
3118            }
3119        });
3121        if == kw::Await {
3122            // We know by construction that `<expr>.await` is either on Rust 2015
3123            // or results in `ExprKind::Await`. Suggest switching the edition to 2018.
3124            err.note("to `.await` a `Future`, switch to Rust 2018 or later");
3125            HelpUseLatestEdition::new().add_to_diag(&mut err);
3126        }
3128        err.emit()
3129    }
3131    fn ban_private_field_access(
3132        &self,
3133        expr: &hir::Expr<'tcx>,
3134        expr_t: Ty<'tcx>,
3135        field: Ident,
3136        base_did: DefId,
3137        return_ty: Option<Ty<'tcx>>,
3138    ) -> ErrorGuaranteed {
3139        let mut err = self.private_field_err(field, base_did);
3141        // Also check if an accessible method exists, which is often what is meant.
3142        if self.method_exists_for_diagnostic(field, expr_t, expr.hir_id, return_ty)
3143            && !self.expr_in_place(expr.hir_id)
3144        {
3145            self.suggest_method_call(
3146                &mut err,
3147                format!("a method `{field}` also exists, call it with parentheses"),
3148                field,
3149                expr_t,
3150                expr,
3151                None,
3152            );
3153        }
3154        err.emit()
3155    }
3157    fn ban_take_value_of_method(
3158        &self,
3159        expr: &hir::Expr<'tcx>,
3160        expr_t: Ty<'tcx>,
3161        field: Ident,
3162    ) -> ErrorGuaranteed {
3163        let mut err = type_error_struct!(
3164            self.dcx(),
3165            field.span,
3166            expr_t,
3167            E0615,
3168            "attempted to take value of method `{field}` on type `{expr_t}`",
3169        );
3170        err.span_label(field.span, "method, not a field");
3171        let expr_is_call =
3172            if let hir::Node::Expr(hir::Expr { kind: ExprKind::Call(callee, _args), .. }) =
3173                self.tcx.parent_hir_node(expr.hir_id)
3174            {
3175                expr.hir_id == callee.hir_id
3176            } else {
3177                false
3178            };
3179        let expr_snippet =
3180            self.tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(expr.span).unwrap_or_default();
3181        let is_wrapped = expr_snippet.starts_with('(') && expr_snippet.ends_with(')');
3182        let after_open = expr.span.lo() + rustc_span::BytePos(1);
3183        let before_close = expr.span.hi() - rustc_span::BytePos(1);
3185        if expr_is_call && is_wrapped {
3186            err.multipart_suggestion(
3187                "remove wrapping parentheses to call the method",
3188                vec![
3189                    (expr.span.with_hi(after_open), String::new()),
3190                    (expr.span.with_lo(before_close), String::new()),
3191                ],
3192                Applicability::MachineApplicable,
3193            );
3194        } else if !self.expr_in_place(expr.hir_id) {
3195            // Suggest call parentheses inside the wrapping parentheses
3196            let span = if is_wrapped {
3197                expr.span.with_lo(after_open).with_hi(before_close)
3198            } else {
3199                expr.span
3200            };
3201            self.suggest_method_call(
3202                &mut err,
3203                "use parentheses to call the method",
3204                field,
3205                expr_t,
3206                expr,
3207                Some(span),
3208            );
3209        } else if let ty::RawPtr(ptr_ty, _) = expr_t.kind()
3210            && let ty::Adt(adt_def, _) = ptr_ty.kind()
3211            && let ExprKind::Field(base_expr, _) = expr.kind
3212            && let [variant] = &adt_def.variants().raw
3213            && variant.fields.iter().any(|f| f.ident(self.tcx) == field)
3214        {
3215            err.multipart_suggestion(
3216                "to access the field, dereference first",
3217                vec![
3218                    (base_expr.span.shrink_to_lo(), "(*".to_string()),
3219                    (base_expr.span.shrink_to_hi(), ")".to_string()),
3220                ],
3221                Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
3222            );
3223        } else {
3224  "methods are immutable and cannot be assigned to");
3225        }
3227        // See `StashKey::GenericInFieldExpr` for more info
3228        self.dcx().try_steal_replace_and_emit_err(field.span, StashKey::GenericInFieldExpr, err)
3229    }
3231    fn point_at_param_definition(&self, err: &mut Diag<'_>, param: ty::ParamTy) {
3232        let generics = self.tcx.generics_of(self.body_id);
3233        let generic_param = generics.type_param(param, self.tcx);
3234        if let ty::GenericParamDefKind::Type { synthetic: true, .. } = generic_param.kind {
3235            return;
3236        }
3237        let param_def_id = generic_param.def_id;
3238        let param_hir_id = match param_def_id.as_local() {
3239            Some(x) => self.tcx.local_def_id_to_hir_id(x),
3240            None => return,
3241        };
3242        let param_span = self.tcx.hir().span(param_hir_id);
3243        let param_name = self.tcx.hir_ty_param_name(param_def_id.expect_local());
3245        err.span_label(param_span, format!("type parameter '{param_name}' declared here"));
3246    }
3248    fn maybe_suggest_array_indexing(
3249        &self,
3250        err: &mut Diag<'_>,
3251        base: &hir::Expr<'_>,
3252        field: Ident,
3253        len: ty::Const<'tcx>,
3254    ) {
3255        err.span_label(field.span, "unknown field");
3256        if let (Some(len), Ok(user_index)) = (
3257            self.try_structurally_resolve_const(base.span, len).try_to_target_usize(self.tcx),
3258            field.as_str().parse::<u64>(),
3259        ) {
3260            let help = "instead of using tuple indexing, use array indexing";
3261            let applicability = if len < user_index {
3262                Applicability::MachineApplicable
3263            } else {
3264                Applicability::MaybeIncorrect
3265            };
3266            err.multipart_suggestion(
3267                help,
3268                vec![
3269                    (base.span.between(field.span), "[".to_string()),
3270                    (field.span.shrink_to_hi(), "]".to_string()),
3271                ],
3272                applicability,
3273            );
3274        }
3275    }
3277    fn suggest_first_deref_field(&self, err: &mut Diag<'_>, base: &hir::Expr<'_>, field: Ident) {
3278        err.span_label(field.span, "unknown field");
3279        let val = if let Ok(base) = self.tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(base.span)
3280            && base.len() < 20
3281        {
3282            format!("`{base}`")
3283        } else {
3284            "the value".to_string()
3285        };
3286        err.multipart_suggestion(
3287            format!("{val} is a raw pointer; try dereferencing it"),
3288            vec![
3289                (base.span.shrink_to_lo(), "(*".to_string()),
3290                (base.span.shrink_to_hi(), ")".to_string()),
3291            ],
3292            Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
3293        );
3294    }
3296    fn no_such_field_err(
3297        &self,
3298        field: Ident,
3299        base_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
3300        expr: &hir::Expr<'tcx>,
3301    ) -> Diag<'_> {
3302        let span = field.span;
3303        debug!("no_such_field_err(span: {:?}, field: {:?}, expr_t: {:?})", span, field, base_ty);
3305        let mut err = self.dcx().create_err(NoFieldOnType { span, ty: base_ty, field });
3306        if base_ty.references_error() {
3307            err.downgrade_to_delayed_bug();
3308        }
3310        if let Some(within_macro_span) = span.within_macro(expr.span, self.tcx.sess.source_map()) {
3311            err.span_label(within_macro_span, "due to this macro variable");
3312        }
3314        // try to add a suggestion in case the field is a nested field of a field of the Adt
3315        let mod_id = self.tcx.parent_module(expr.hir_id).to_def_id();
3316        let (ty, unwrap) = if let ty::Adt(def, args) = base_ty.kind()
3317            && (self.tcx.is_diagnostic_item(sym::Result, def.did())
3318                || self.tcx.is_diagnostic_item(sym::Option, def.did()))
3319            && let Some(arg) = args.get(0)
3320            && let Some(ty) = arg.as_type()
3321        {
3322            (ty, "unwrap().")
3323        } else {
3324            (base_ty, "")
3325        };
3326        for (found_fields, args) in
3327            self.get_field_candidates_considering_privacy_for_diag(span, ty, mod_id, expr.hir_id)
3328        {
3329            let field_names = found_fields.iter().map(|field|<Vec<_>>();
3330            let mut candidate_fields: Vec<_> = found_fields
3331                .into_iter()
3332                .filter_map(|candidate_field| {
3333                    self.check_for_nested_field_satisfying_condition_for_diag(
3334                        span,
3335                        &|candidate_field, _| candidate_field.ident(self.tcx()) == field,
3336                        candidate_field,
3337                        args,
3338                        vec![],
3339                        mod_id,
3340                        expr.hir_id,
3341                    )
3342                })
3343                .map(|mut field_path| {
3344                    field_path.pop();
3345                    field_path.iter().map(|id| format!("{}.", id)).collect::<String>()
3346                })
3347                .collect::<Vec<_>>();
3348            candidate_fields.sort();
3350            let len = candidate_fields.len();
3351            // Don't suggest `.field` if the base expr is from a different
3352            // syntax context than the field.
3353            if len > 0 && expr.span.eq_ctxt(field.span) {
3354                err.span_suggestions(
3355                    field.span.shrink_to_lo(),
3356                    format!(
3357                        "{} of the expressions' fields {} a field of the same name",
3358                        if len > 1 { "some" } else { "one" },
3359                        if len > 1 { "have" } else { "has" },
3360                    ),
3361                    candidate_fields.iter().map(|path| format!("{unwrap}{path}")),
3362                    Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
3363                );
3364            } else if let Some(field_name) =
3365                find_best_match_for_name(&field_names,, None)
3366            {
3367                err.span_suggestion_verbose(
3368                    field.span,
3369                    "a field with a similar name exists",
3370                    format!("{unwrap}{}", field_name),
3371                    Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
3372                );
3373            } else if !field_names.is_empty() {
3374                let is = if field_names.len() == 1 { " is" } else { "s are" };
3375                err.note(
3376                    format!("available field{is}: {}", self.name_series_display(field_names),),
3377                );
3378            }
3379        }
3380        err
3381    }
3383    fn private_field_err(&self, field: Ident, base_did: DefId) -> Diag<'_> {
3384        let struct_path = self.tcx().def_path_str(base_did);
3385        let kind_name = self.tcx().def_descr(base_did);
3386        struct_span_code_err!(
3387            self.dcx(),
3388            field.span,
3389            E0616,
3390            "field `{field}` of {kind_name} `{struct_path}` is private",
3391        )
3392        .with_span_label(field.span, "private field")
3393    }
3395    pub(crate) fn get_field_candidates_considering_privacy_for_diag(
3396        &self,
3397        span: Span,
3398        base_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
3399        mod_id: DefId,
3400        hir_id: HirId,
3401    ) -> Vec<(Vec<&'tcx ty::FieldDef>, GenericArgsRef<'tcx>)> {
3402        debug!("get_field_candidates(span: {:?}, base_t: {:?}", span, base_ty);
3404        let mut autoderef = self.autoderef(span, base_ty).silence_errors();
3405        let deref_chain: Vec<_> = autoderef.by_ref().collect();
3407        // Don't probe if we hit the recursion limit, since it may result in
3408        // quadratic blowup if we then try to further deref the results of this
3409        // function. This is a best-effort method, after all.
3410        if autoderef.reached_recursion_limit() {
3411            return vec![];
3412        }
3414        deref_chain
3415            .into_iter()
3416            .filter_map(move |(base_t, _)| {
3417                match base_t.kind() {
3418                    ty::Adt(base_def, args) if !base_def.is_enum() => {
3419                        let tcx = self.tcx;
3420                        let fields = &base_def.non_enum_variant().fields;
3421                        // Some struct, e.g. some that impl `Deref`, have all private fields
3422                        // because you're expected to deref them to access the _real_ fields.
3423                        // This, for example, will help us suggest accessing a field through a `Box<T>`.
3424                        if fields.iter().all(|field| !field.vis.is_accessible_from(mod_id, tcx)) {
3425                            return None;
3426                        }
3427                        return Some((
3428                            fields
3429                                .iter()
3430                                .filter(move |field| {
3431                                    field.vis.is_accessible_from(mod_id, tcx)
3432                                        && self.is_field_suggestable(field, hir_id, span)
3433                                })
3434                                // For compile-time reasons put a limit on number of fields we search
3435                                .take(100)
3436                                .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
3437                            *args,
3438                        ));
3439                    }
3440                    _ => None,
3441                }
3442            })
3443            .collect()
3444    }
3446    /// This method is called after we have encountered a missing field error to recursively
3447    /// search for the field
3448    pub(crate) fn check_for_nested_field_satisfying_condition_for_diag(
3449        &self,
3450        span: Span,
3451        matches: &impl Fn(&ty::FieldDef, Ty<'tcx>) -> bool,
3452        candidate_field: &ty::FieldDef,
3453        subst: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
3454        mut field_path: Vec<Ident>,
3455        mod_id: DefId,
3456        hir_id: HirId,
3457    ) -> Option<Vec<Ident>> {
3458        debug!(
3459            "check_for_nested_field_satisfying(span: {:?}, candidate_field: {:?}, field_path: {:?}",
3460            span, candidate_field, field_path
3461        );
3463        if field_path.len() > 3 {
3464            // For compile-time reasons and to avoid infinite recursion we only check for fields
3465            // up to a depth of three
3466            None
3467        } else {
3468            field_path.push(candidate_field.ident(self.tcx).normalize_to_macros_2_0());
3469            let field_ty = candidate_field.ty(self.tcx, subst);
3470            if matches(candidate_field, field_ty) {
3471                return Some(field_path);
3472            } else {
3473                for (nested_fields, subst) in self
3474                    .get_field_candidates_considering_privacy_for_diag(
3475                        span, field_ty, mod_id, hir_id,
3476                    )
3477                {
3478                    // recursively search fields of `candidate_field` if it's a ty::Adt
3479                    for field in nested_fields {
3480                        if let Some(field_path) = self
3481                            .check_for_nested_field_satisfying_condition_for_diag(
3482                                span,
3483                                matches,
3484                                field,
3485                                subst,
3486                                field_path.clone(),
3487                                mod_id,
3488                                hir_id,
3489                            )
3490                        {
3491                            return Some(field_path);
3492                        }
3493                    }
3494                }
3495            }
3496            None
3497        }
3498    }
3500    fn check_expr_index(
3501        &self,
3502        base: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
3503        idx: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
3504        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
3505        brackets_span: Span,
3506    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
3507        let base_t = self.check_expr(base);
3508        let idx_t = self.check_expr(idx);
3510        if base_t.references_error() {
3511            base_t
3512        } else if idx_t.references_error() {
3513            idx_t
3514        } else {
3515            let base_t = self.structurally_resolve_type(base.span, base_t);
3516            match self.lookup_indexing(expr, base, base_t, idx, idx_t) {
3517                Some((index_ty, element_ty)) => {
3518                    // two-phase not needed because index_ty is never mutable
3519                    self.demand_coerce(idx, idx_t, index_ty, None, AllowTwoPhase::No);
3520                    self.select_obligations_where_possible(|errors| {
3521                        self.point_at_index(errors, idx.span);
3522                    });
3523                    element_ty
3524                }
3525                None => {
3526                    // Attempt to *shallowly* search for an impl which matches,
3527                    // but has nested obligations which are unsatisfied.
3528                    for (base_t, _) in self.autoderef(base.span, base_t).silence_errors() {
3529                        if let Some((_, index_ty, element_ty)) =
3530                            self.find_and_report_unsatisfied_index_impl(base, base_t)
3531                        {
3532                            self.demand_coerce(idx, idx_t, index_ty, None, AllowTwoPhase::No);
3533                            return element_ty;
3534                        }
3535                    }
3537                    let mut err = type_error_struct!(
3538                        self.dcx(),
3539                        brackets_span,
3540                        base_t,
3541                        E0608,
3542                        "cannot index into a value of type `{base_t}`",
3543                    );
3544                    // Try to give some advice about indexing tuples.
3545                    if let ty::Tuple(types) = base_t.kind() {
3546                        let mut needs_note = true;
3547                        // If the index is an integer, we can show the actual
3548                        // fixed expression:
3549                        if let ExprKind::Lit(lit) = idx.kind
3550                            && let ast::LitKind::Int(i, ast::LitIntType::Unsuffixed) = lit.node
3551                            && i.get()
3552                                < types
3553                                    .len()
3554                                    .try_into()
3555                                    .expect("expected tuple index to be < usize length")
3556                        {
3557                            err.span_suggestion(
3558                                brackets_span,
3559                                "to access tuple elements, use",
3560                                format!(".{i}"),
3561                                Applicability::MachineApplicable,
3562                            );
3563                            needs_note = false;
3564                        } else if let ExprKind::Path(..) = idx.peel_borrows().kind {
3565                            err.span_label(
3566                                idx.span,
3567                                "cannot access tuple elements at a variable index",
3568                            );
3569                        }
3570                        if needs_note {
3572                                "to access tuple elements, use tuple indexing \
3573                                        syntax (e.g., `tuple.0`)",
3574                            );
3575                        }
3576                    }
3578                    if base_t.is_raw_ptr() && idx_t.is_integral() {
3579                        err.multipart_suggestion(
3580                            "consider using `wrapping_add` or `add` for indexing into raw pointer",
3581                            vec![
3582                                (base.span.between(idx.span), ".wrapping_add(".to_owned()),
3583                                (
3584                                    idx.span.shrink_to_hi().until(expr.span.shrink_to_hi()),
3585                                    ")".to_owned(),
3586                                ),
3587                            ],
3588                            Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
3589                        );
3590                    }
3592                    let reported = err.emit();
3593                    Ty::new_error(self.tcx, reported)
3594                }
3595            }
3596        }
3597    }
3599    /// Try to match an implementation of `Index` against a self type, and report
3600    /// the unsatisfied predicates that result from confirming this impl.
3601    ///
3602    /// Given an index expression, sometimes the `Self` type shallowly but does not
3603    /// deeply satisfy an impl predicate. Instead of simply saying that the type
3604    /// does not support being indexed, we want to point out exactly what nested
3605    /// predicates cause this to be, so that the user can add them to fix their code.
3606    fn find_and_report_unsatisfied_index_impl(
3607        &self,
3608        base_expr: &hir::Expr<'_>,
3609        base_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
3610    ) -> Option<(ErrorGuaranteed, Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)> {
3611        let index_trait_def_id = self.tcx.lang_items().index_trait()?;
3612        let index_trait_output_def_id = self.tcx.get_diagnostic_item(sym::IndexOutput)?;
3614        let mut relevant_impls = vec![];
3615        self.tcx.for_each_relevant_impl(index_trait_def_id, base_ty, |impl_def_id| {
3616            relevant_impls.push(impl_def_id);
3617        });
3618        let [impl_def_id] = relevant_impls[..] else {
3619            // Only report unsatisfied impl predicates if there's one impl
3620            return None;
3621        };
3623        self.commit_if_ok(|snapshot| {
3624            let outer_universe = self.universe();
3626            let ocx = ObligationCtxt::new_with_diagnostics(self);
3627            let impl_args = self.fresh_args_for_item(base_expr.span, impl_def_id);
3628            let impl_trait_ref =
3629                self.tcx.impl_trait_ref(impl_def_id).unwrap().instantiate(self.tcx, impl_args);
3630            let cause = self.misc(base_expr.span);
3632            // Match the impl self type against the base ty. If this fails,
3633            // we just skip this impl, since it's not particularly useful.
3634            let impl_trait_ref = ocx.normalize(&cause, self.param_env, impl_trait_ref);
3635            ocx.eq(&cause, self.param_env, base_ty, impl_trait_ref.self_ty())?;
3637            // Register the impl's predicates. One of these predicates
3638            // must be unsatisfied, or else we wouldn't have gotten here
3639            // in the first place.
3640            ocx.register_obligations(traits::predicates_for_generics(
3641                |idx, span| {
3642                    cause.clone().derived_cause(
3643                        ty::Binder::dummy(ty::TraitPredicate {
3644                            trait_ref: impl_trait_ref,
3645                            polarity: ty::PredicatePolarity::Positive,
3646                        }),
3647                        |derived| {
3648                            ObligationCauseCode::ImplDerived(Box::new(traits::ImplDerivedCause {
3649                                derived,
3650                                impl_or_alias_def_id: impl_def_id,
3651                                impl_def_predicate_index: Some(idx),
3652                                span,
3653                            }))
3654                        },
3655                    )
3656                },
3657                self.param_env,
3658                self.tcx.predicates_of(impl_def_id).instantiate(self.tcx, impl_args),
3659            ));
3661            // Normalize the output type, which we can use later on as the
3662            // return type of the index expression...
3663            let element_ty = ocx.normalize(
3664                &cause,
3665                self.param_env,
3666                Ty::new_projection_from_args(
3667                    self.tcx,
3668                    index_trait_output_def_id,
3669                    impl_trait_ref.args,
3670                ),
3671            );
3673            let true_errors = ocx.select_where_possible();
3675            // Do a leak check -- we can't really report a useful error here,
3676            // but it at least avoids an ICE when the error has to do with higher-ranked
3677            // lifetimes.
3678            self.leak_check(outer_universe, Some(snapshot))?;
3680            // Bail if we have ambiguity errors, which we can't report in a useful way.
3681            let ambiguity_errors = ocx.select_all_or_error();
3682            if true_errors.is_empty() && !ambiguity_errors.is_empty() {
3683                return Err(NoSolution);
3684            }
3686            // There should be at least one error reported. If not, we
3687            // will still delay a span bug in `report_fulfillment_errors`.
3688            Ok::<_, NoSolution>((
3689                self.err_ctxt().report_fulfillment_errors(true_errors),
3690                impl_trait_ref.args.type_at(1),
3691                element_ty,
3692            ))
3693        })
3694        .ok()
3695    }
3697    fn point_at_index(&self, errors: &mut Vec<traits::FulfillmentError<'tcx>>, span: Span) {
3698        let mut seen_preds = FxHashSet::default();
3699        // We re-sort here so that the outer most root obligations comes first, as we have the
3700        // subsequent weird logic to identify *every* relevant obligation for proper deduplication
3701        // of diagnostics.
3702        errors.sort_by_key(|error| error.root_obligation.recursion_depth);
3703        for error in errors {
3704            match (
3705                error.root_obligation.predicate.kind().skip_binder(),
3706                error.obligation.predicate.kind().skip_binder(),
3707            ) {
3708                (ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::Trait(predicate)), _)
3709                    if self.tcx.is_lang_item(predicate.trait_ref.def_id, LangItem::Index) =>
3710                {
3711                    seen_preds.insert(error.obligation.predicate.kind().skip_binder());
3712                }
3713                (_, ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::Trait(predicate)))
3714                    if self.tcx.is_diagnostic_item(sym::SliceIndex, predicate.trait_ref.def_id) =>
3715                {
3716                    seen_preds.insert(error.obligation.predicate.kind().skip_binder());
3717                }
3718                (root, pred) if seen_preds.contains(&pred) || seen_preds.contains(&root) => {}
3719                _ => continue,
3720            }
3721            error.obligation.cause.span = span;
3722        }
3723    }
3725    fn check_expr_yield(
3726        &self,
3727        value: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
3728        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
3729    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
3730        match self.coroutine_types {
3731            Some(CoroutineTypes { resume_ty, yield_ty }) => {
3732                self.check_expr_coercible_to_type(value, yield_ty, None);
3734                resume_ty
3735            }
3736            _ => {
3737                self.dcx().emit_err(YieldExprOutsideOfCoroutine { span: expr.span });
3738                // Avoid expressions without types during writeback (#78653).
3739                self.check_expr(value);
3740                self.tcx.types.unit
3741            }
3742        }
3743    }
3745    fn check_expr_asm_operand(&self, expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>, is_input: bool) {
3746        let needs = if is_input { Needs::None } else { Needs::MutPlace };
3747        let ty = self.check_expr_with_needs(expr, needs);
3748        self.require_type_is_sized(ty, expr.span, ObligationCauseCode::InlineAsmSized);
3750        if !is_input && !expr.is_syntactic_place_expr() {
3751            self.dcx()
3752                .struct_span_err(expr.span, "invalid asm output")
3753                .with_span_label(expr.span, "cannot assign to this expression")
3754                .emit();
3755        }
3757        // If this is an input value, we require its type to be fully resolved
3758        // at this point. This allows us to provide helpful coercions which help
3759        // pass the type candidate list in a later pass.
3760        //
3761        // We don't require output types to be resolved at this point, which
3762        // allows them to be inferred based on how they are used later in the
3763        // function.
3764        if is_input {
3765            let ty = self.structurally_resolve_type(expr.span, ty);
3766            match *ty.kind() {
3767                ty::FnDef(..) => {
3768                    let fnptr_ty = Ty::new_fn_ptr(self.tcx, ty.fn_sig(self.tcx));
3769                    self.demand_coerce(expr, ty, fnptr_ty, None, AllowTwoPhase::No);
3770                }
3771                ty::Ref(_, base_ty, mutbl) => {
3772                    let ptr_ty = Ty::new_ptr(self.tcx, base_ty, mutbl);
3773                    self.demand_coerce(expr, ty, ptr_ty, None, AllowTwoPhase::No);
3774                }
3775                _ => {}
3776            }
3777        }
3778    }
3780    fn check_expr_asm(&self, asm: &'tcx hir::InlineAsm<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
3781        let mut diverge = asm.asm_macro.diverges(asm.options);
3783        for (op, _op_sp) in asm.operands {
3784            match *op {
3785                hir::InlineAsmOperand::In { expr, .. } => {
3786                    self.check_expr_asm_operand(expr, true);
3787                }
3788                hir::InlineAsmOperand::Out { expr: Some(expr), .. }
3789                | hir::InlineAsmOperand::InOut { expr, .. } => {
3790                    self.check_expr_asm_operand(expr, false);
3791                }
3792                hir::InlineAsmOperand::Out { expr: None, .. } => {}
3793                hir::InlineAsmOperand::SplitInOut { in_expr, out_expr, .. } => {
3794                    self.check_expr_asm_operand(in_expr, true);
3795                    if let Some(out_expr) = out_expr {
3796                        self.check_expr_asm_operand(out_expr, false);
3797                    }
3798                }
3799                hir::InlineAsmOperand::Const { ref anon_const } => {
3800                    self.check_expr_const_block(anon_const, Expectation::NoExpectation);
3801                }
3802                hir::InlineAsmOperand::SymFn { expr } => {
3803                    self.check_expr(expr);
3804                }
3805                hir::InlineAsmOperand::SymStatic { .. } => {}
3806                hir::InlineAsmOperand::Label { block } => {
3807                    let previous_diverges = self.diverges.get();
3809                    // The label blocks should have unit return value or diverge.
3810                    let ty = self.check_expr_block(block, ExpectHasType(self.tcx.types.unit));
3811                    if !ty.is_never() {
3812                        self.demand_suptype(block.span, self.tcx.types.unit, ty);
3813                        diverge = false;
3814                    }
3816                    // We need this to avoid false unreachable warning when a label diverges.
3817                    self.diverges.set(previous_diverges);
3818                }
3819            }
3820        }
3822        if diverge { self.tcx.types.never } else { self.tcx.types.unit }
3823    }
3825    fn check_expr_offset_of(
3826        &self,
3827        container: &'tcx hir::Ty<'tcx>,
3828        fields: &[Ident],
3829        expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
3830    ) -> Ty<'tcx> {
3831        let container = self.lower_ty(container).normalized;
3833        let mut field_indices = Vec::with_capacity(fields.len());
3834        let mut current_container = container;
3835        let mut fields = fields.into_iter();
3837        while let Some(&field) = {
3838            let container = self.structurally_resolve_type(expr.span, current_container);
3840            match container.kind() {
3841                ty::Adt(container_def, args) if container_def.is_enum() => {
3842                    let block = self.tcx.local_def_id_to_hir_id(self.body_id);
3843                    let (ident, _def_scope) =
3844                        self.tcx.adjust_ident_and_get_scope(field, container_def.did(), block);
3846                    if !self.tcx.features().offset_of_enum() {
3847                        rustc_session::parse::feature_err(
3848                            &self.tcx.sess,
3849                            sym::offset_of_enum,
3850                            ident.span,
3851                            "using enums in offset_of is experimental",
3852                        )
3853                        .emit();
3854                    }
3856                    let Some((index, variant)) = container_def
3857                        .variants()
3858                        .iter_enumerated()
3859                        .find(|(_, v)| v.ident(self.tcx).normalize_to_macros_2_0() == ident)
3860                    else {
3861                        self.dcx()
3862                            .create_err(NoVariantNamed { span: ident.span, ident, ty: container })
3863                            .with_span_label(field.span, "variant not found")
3864                            .emit_unless(container.references_error());
3865                        break;
3866                    };
3867                    let Some(&subfield) = else {
3868                        type_error_struct!(
3869                            self.dcx(),
3870                            ident.span,
3871                            container,
3872                            E0795,
3873                            "`{ident}` is an enum variant; expected field at end of `offset_of`",
3874                        )
3875                        .with_span_label(field.span, "enum variant")
3876                        .emit();
3877                        break;
3878                    };
3879                    let (subident, sub_def_scope) =
3880                        self.tcx.adjust_ident_and_get_scope(subfield, variant.def_id, block);
3882                    let Some((subindex, field)) = variant
3883                        .fields
3884                        .iter_enumerated()
3885                        .find(|(_, f)| f.ident(self.tcx).normalize_to_macros_2_0() == subident)
3886                    else {
3887                        self.dcx()
3888                            .create_err(NoFieldOnVariant {
3889                                span: ident.span,
3890                                container,
3891                                ident,
3892                                field: subfield,
3893                                enum_span: field.span,
3894                                field_span: subident.span,
3895                            })
3896                            .emit_unless(container.references_error());
3897                        break;
3898                    };
3900                    let field_ty = self.field_ty(expr.span, field, args);
3902                    // Enums are anyway always sized. But just to safeguard against future
3903                    // language extensions, let's double-check.
3904                    self.require_type_is_sized(
3905                        field_ty,
3906                        expr.span,
3907                        ObligationCauseCode::FieldSized {
3908                            adt_kind: AdtKind::Enum,
3909                            span: self.tcx.def_span(field.did),
3910                            last: false,
3911                        },
3912                    );
3914                    if field.vis.is_accessible_from(sub_def_scope, self.tcx) {
3915                        self.tcx.check_stability(field.did, Some(expr.hir_id), expr.span, None);
3916                    } else {
3917                        self.private_field_err(ident, container_def.did()).emit();
3918                    }
3920                    // Save the index of all fields regardless of their visibility in case
3921                    // of error recovery.
3922                    field_indices.push((index, subindex));
3923                    current_container = field_ty;
3925                    continue;
3926                }
3927                ty::Adt(container_def, args) => {
3928                    let block = self.tcx.local_def_id_to_hir_id(self.body_id);
3929                    let (ident, def_scope) =
3930                        self.tcx.adjust_ident_and_get_scope(field, container_def.did(), block);
3932                    let fields = &container_def.non_enum_variant().fields;
3933                    if let Some((index, field)) = fields
3934                        .iter_enumerated()
3935                        .find(|(_, f)| f.ident(self.tcx).normalize_to_macros_2_0() == ident)
3936                    {
3937                        let field_ty = self.field_ty(expr.span, field, args);
3939                        if self.tcx.features().offset_of_slice() {
3940                            self.require_type_has_static_alignment(field_ty, expr.span);
3941                        } else {
3942                            self.require_type_is_sized(
3943                                field_ty,
3944                                expr.span,
3945                                ObligationCauseCode::Misc,
3946                            );
3947                        }
3949                        if field.vis.is_accessible_from(def_scope, self.tcx) {
3950                            self.tcx.check_stability(field.did, Some(expr.hir_id), expr.span, None);
3951                        } else {
3952                            self.private_field_err(ident, container_def.did()).emit();
3953                        }
3955                        // Save the index of all fields regardless of their visibility in case
3956                        // of error recovery.
3957                        field_indices.push((FIRST_VARIANT, index));
3958                        current_container = field_ty;
3960                        continue;
3961                    }
3962                }
3963                ty::Tuple(tys) => {
3964                    if let Ok(index) = field.as_str().parse::<usize>()
3965                        && == sym::integer(index)
3966                    {
3967                        if let Some(&field_ty) = tys.get(index) {
3968                            if self.tcx.features().offset_of_slice() {
3969                                self.require_type_has_static_alignment(field_ty, expr.span);
3970                            } else {
3971                                self.require_type_is_sized(
3972                                    field_ty,
3973                                    expr.span,
3974                                    ObligationCauseCode::Misc,
3975                                );
3976                            }
3978                            field_indices.push((FIRST_VARIANT, index.into()));
3979                            current_container = field_ty;
3981                            continue;
3982                        }
3983                    }
3984                }
3985                _ => (),
3986            };
3988            self.no_such_field_err(field, container, expr).emit();
3990            break;
3991        }
3993        self.typeck_results
3994            .borrow_mut()
3995            .offset_of_data_mut()
3996            .insert(expr.hir_id, (container, field_indices));
3998        self.tcx.types.usize
3999    }