
1//! Types for tracking pieces of source code within a crate.
3//! The [`SourceMap`] tracks all the source code used within a single crate, mapping
4//! from integer byte positions to the original source code location. Each bit
5//! of source parsed during crate parsing (typically files, in-memory strings,
6//! or various bits of macro expansion) cover a continuous range of bytes in the
7//! `SourceMap` and are represented by [`SourceFile`]s. Byte positions are stored in
8//! [`Span`] and used pervasively in the compiler. They are absolute positions
9//! within the `SourceMap`, which upon request can be converted to line and column
10//! information, source code snippets, etc.
12use std::io::{self, BorrowedBuf, Read};
13use std::{fs, path};
15use rustc_data_structures::sync::{IntoDynSyncSend, MappedReadGuard, ReadGuard, RwLock};
16use rustc_data_structures::unhash::UnhashMap;
17use rustc_macros::{Decodable, Encodable};
18use tracing::{debug, instrument, trace};
20use crate::*;
23mod tests;
25/// Returns the span itself if it doesn't come from a macro expansion,
26/// otherwise return the call site span up to the `enclosing_sp` by
27/// following the `expn_data` chain.
28pub fn original_sp(sp: Span, enclosing_sp: Span) -> Span {
29    let ctxt = sp.ctxt();
30    if ctxt.is_root() {
31        return sp;
32    }
34    let enclosing_ctxt = enclosing_sp.ctxt();
35    let expn_data1 = ctxt.outer_expn_data();
36    if !enclosing_ctxt.is_root()
37        && expn_data1.call_site == enclosing_ctxt.outer_expn_data().call_site
38    {
39        sp
40    } else {
41        original_sp(expn_data1.call_site, enclosing_sp)
42    }
45mod monotonic {
46    use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
48    /// A `MonotonicVec` is a `Vec` which can only be grown.
49    /// Once inserted, an element can never be removed or swapped,
50    /// guaranteeing that any indices into a `MonotonicVec` are stable
51    // This is declared in its own module to ensure that the private
52    // field is inaccessible
53    pub struct MonotonicVec<T>(Vec<T>);
54    impl<T> MonotonicVec<T> {
55        pub(super) fn push(&mut self, val: T) {
56            self.0.push(val);
57        }
58    }
60    impl<T> Default for MonotonicVec<T> {
61        fn default() -> Self {
62            MonotonicVec(vec![])
63        }
64    }
66    impl<T> Deref for MonotonicVec<T> {
67        type Target = Vec<T>;
68        fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
69            &self.0
70        }
71    }
73    impl<T> !DerefMut for MonotonicVec<T> {}
76#[derive(Clone, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, Copy, PartialEq, Hash, HashStable_Generic)]
77pub struct Spanned<T> {
78    pub node: T,
79    pub span: Span,
82pub fn respan<T>(sp: Span, t: T) -> Spanned<T> {
83    Spanned { node: t, span: sp }
86pub fn dummy_spanned<T>(t: T) -> Spanned<T> {
87    respan(DUMMY_SP, t)
90// _____________________________________________________________________________
91// SourceFile, MultiByteChar, FileName, FileLines
94/// An abstraction over the fs operations used by the Parser.
95pub trait FileLoader {
96    /// Query the existence of a file.
97    fn file_exists(&self, path: &Path) -> bool;
99    /// Read the contents of a UTF-8 file into memory.
100    /// This function must return a String because we normalize
101    /// source files, which may require resizing.
102    fn read_file(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<String>;
104    /// Read the contents of a potentially non-UTF-8 file into memory.
105    /// We don't normalize binary files, so we can start in an Arc.
106    fn read_binary_file(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<Arc<[u8]>>;
109/// A FileLoader that uses std::fs to load real files.
110pub struct RealFileLoader;
112impl FileLoader for RealFileLoader {
113    fn file_exists(&self, path: &Path) -> bool {
114        path.exists()
115    }
117    fn read_file(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<String> {
118        if path.metadata().is_ok_and(|metadata| metadata.len() > SourceFile::MAX_FILE_SIZE.into()) {
119            return Err(io::Error::other(format!(
120                "text files larger than {} bytes are unsupported",
121                SourceFile::MAX_FILE_SIZE
122            )));
123        }
124        fs::read_to_string(path)
125    }
127    fn read_binary_file(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<Arc<[u8]>> {
128        let mut file = fs::File::open(path)?;
129        let len = file.metadata()?.len();
131        let mut bytes = Arc::new_uninit_slice(len as usize);
132        let mut buf = BorrowedBuf::from(Arc::get_mut(&mut bytes).unwrap());
133        match file.read_buf_exact(buf.unfilled()) {
134            Ok(()) => {}
135            Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof => {
136                drop(bytes);
137                return fs::read(path).map(Vec::into);
138            }
139            Err(e) => return Err(e),
140        }
141        // SAFETY: If the read_buf_exact call returns Ok(()), then we have
142        // read len bytes and initialized the buffer.
143        let bytes = unsafe { bytes.assume_init() };
145        // At this point, we've read all the bytes that filesystem metadata reported exist.
146        // But we are not guaranteed to be at the end of the file, because we did not attempt to do
147        // a read with a non-zero-sized buffer and get Ok(0).
148        // So we do small read to a fixed-size buffer. If the read returns no bytes then we're
149        // already done, and we just return the Arc we built above.
150        // If the read returns bytes however, we just fall back to reading into a Vec then turning
151        // that into an Arc, losing our nice peak memory behavior. This fallback code path should
152        // be rarely exercised.
154        let mut probe = [0u8; 32];
155        let n = loop {
156            match probe) {
157                Ok(0) => return Ok(bytes),
158                Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => continue,
159                Err(e) => return Err(e),
160                Ok(n) => break n,
161            }
162        };
163        let mut bytes: Vec<u8> = bytes.iter().copied().chain(probe[..n].iter().copied()).collect();
164        file.read_to_end(&mut bytes)?;
165        Ok(bytes.into())
166    }
169// _____________________________________________________________________________
170// SourceMap
174struct SourceMapFiles {
175    source_files: monotonic::MonotonicVec<Arc<SourceFile>>,
176    stable_id_to_source_file: UnhashMap<StableSourceFileId, Arc<SourceFile>>,
179/// Used to construct a `SourceMap` with `SourceMap::with_inputs`.
180pub struct SourceMapInputs {
181    pub file_loader: Box<dyn FileLoader + Send + Sync>,
182    pub path_mapping: FilePathMapping,
183    pub hash_kind: SourceFileHashAlgorithm,
184    pub checksum_hash_kind: Option<SourceFileHashAlgorithm>,
187pub struct SourceMap {
188    files: RwLock<SourceMapFiles>,
189    file_loader: IntoDynSyncSend<Box<dyn FileLoader + Sync + Send>>,
191    // This is used to apply the file path remapping as specified via
192    // `--remap-path-prefix` to all `SourceFile`s allocated within this `SourceMap`.
193    path_mapping: FilePathMapping,
195    /// The algorithm used for hashing the contents of each source file.
196    hash_kind: SourceFileHashAlgorithm,
198    /// Similar to `hash_kind`, however this algorithm is used for checksums to determine if a crate is fresh.
199    /// `cargo` is the primary user of these.
200    ///
201    /// If this is equal to `hash_kind` then the checksum won't be computed twice.
202    checksum_hash_kind: Option<SourceFileHashAlgorithm>,
205impl SourceMap {
206    pub fn new(path_mapping: FilePathMapping) -> SourceMap {
207        Self::with_inputs(SourceMapInputs {
208            file_loader: Box::new(RealFileLoader),
209            path_mapping,
210            hash_kind: SourceFileHashAlgorithm::Md5,
211            checksum_hash_kind: None,
212        })
213    }
215    pub fn with_inputs(
216        SourceMapInputs { file_loader, path_mapping, hash_kind, checksum_hash_kind }: SourceMapInputs,
217    ) -> SourceMap {
218        SourceMap {
219            files: Default::default(),
220            file_loader: IntoDynSyncSend(file_loader),
221            path_mapping,
222            hash_kind,
223            checksum_hash_kind,
224        }
225    }
227    pub fn path_mapping(&self) -> &FilePathMapping {
228        &self.path_mapping
229    }
231    pub fn file_exists(&self, path: &Path) -> bool {
232        self.file_loader.file_exists(path)
233    }
235    pub fn load_file(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<Arc<SourceFile>> {
236        let src = self.file_loader.read_file(path)?;
237        let filename = path.to_owned().into();
238        Ok(self.new_source_file(filename, src))
239    }
241    /// Loads source file as a binary blob.
242    ///
243    /// Unlike `load_file`, guarantees that no normalization like BOM-removal
244    /// takes place.
245    pub fn load_binary_file(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<(Arc<[u8]>, Span)> {
246        let bytes = self.file_loader.read_binary_file(path)?;
248        // We need to add file to the `SourceMap`, so that it is present
249        // in dep-info. There's also an edge case that file might be both
250        // loaded as a binary via `include_bytes!` and as proper `SourceFile`
251        // via `mod`, so we try to use real file contents and not just an
252        // empty string.
253        let text = std::str::from_utf8(&bytes).unwrap_or("").to_string();
254        let file = self.new_source_file(path.to_owned().into(), text);
255        Ok((
256            bytes,
257            Span::new(
258                file.start_pos,
259                BytePos(file.start_pos.0 + file.source_len.0),
260                SyntaxContext::root(),
261                None,
262            ),
263        ))
264    }
266    // By returning a `MonotonicVec`, we ensure that consumers cannot invalidate
267    // any existing indices pointing into `files`.
268    pub fn files(&self) -> MappedReadGuard<'_, monotonic::MonotonicVec<Arc<SourceFile>>> {
269        ReadGuard::map(self.files.borrow(), |files| &files.source_files)
270    }
272    pub fn source_file_by_stable_id(
273        &self,
274        stable_id: StableSourceFileId,
275    ) -> Option<Arc<SourceFile>> {
276        self.files.borrow().stable_id_to_source_file.get(&stable_id).cloned()
277    }
279    fn register_source_file(
280        &self,
281        file_id: StableSourceFileId,
282        mut file: SourceFile,
283    ) -> Result<Arc<SourceFile>, OffsetOverflowError> {
284        let mut files = self.files.borrow_mut();
286        file.start_pos = BytePos(if let Some(last_file) = files.source_files.last() {
287            // Add one so there is some space between files. This lets us distinguish
288            // positions in the `SourceMap`, even in the presence of zero-length files.
289            last_file.end_position().0.checked_add(1).ok_or(OffsetOverflowError)?
290        } else {
291            0
292        });
294        let file = Arc::new(file);
295        files.source_files.push(Arc::clone(&file));
296        files.stable_id_to_source_file.insert(file_id, Arc::clone(&file));
298        Ok(file)
299    }
301    /// Creates a new `SourceFile`.
302    /// If a file already exists in the `SourceMap` with the same ID, that file is returned
303    /// unmodified.
304    pub fn new_source_file(&self, filename: FileName, src: String) -> Arc<SourceFile> {
305        self.try_new_source_file(filename, src).unwrap_or_else(|OffsetOverflowError| {
306            eprintln!(
307                "fatal error: rustc does not support text files larger than {} bytes",
308                SourceFile::MAX_FILE_SIZE
309            );
310            crate::fatal_error::FatalError.raise()
311        })
312    }
314    fn try_new_source_file(
315        &self,
316        filename: FileName,
317        src: String,
318    ) -> Result<Arc<SourceFile>, OffsetOverflowError> {
319        // Note that filename may not be a valid path, eg it may be `<anon>` etc,
320        // but this is okay because the directory determined by `path.pop()` will
321        // be empty, so the working directory will be used.
322        let (filename, _) = self.path_mapping.map_filename_prefix(&filename);
324        let stable_id = StableSourceFileId::from_filename_in_current_crate(&filename);
325        match self.source_file_by_stable_id(stable_id) {
326            Some(lrc_sf) => Ok(lrc_sf),
327            None => {
328                let source_file =
329                    SourceFile::new(filename, src, self.hash_kind, self.checksum_hash_kind)?;
331                // Let's make sure the file_id we generated above actually matches
332                // the ID we generate for the SourceFile we just created.
333                debug_assert_eq!(source_file.stable_id, stable_id);
335                self.register_source_file(stable_id, source_file)
336            }
337        }
338    }
340    /// Allocates a new `SourceFile` representing a source file from an external
341    /// crate. The source code of such an "imported `SourceFile`" is not available,
342    /// but we still know enough to generate accurate debuginfo location
343    /// information for things inlined from other crates.
344    pub fn new_imported_source_file(
345        &self,
346        filename: FileName,
347        src_hash: SourceFileHash,
348        checksum_hash: Option<SourceFileHash>,
349        stable_id: StableSourceFileId,
350        source_len: u32,
351        cnum: CrateNum,
352        file_local_lines: FreezeLock<SourceFileLines>,
353        multibyte_chars: Vec<MultiByteChar>,
354        normalized_pos: Vec<NormalizedPos>,
355        metadata_index: u32,
356    ) -> Arc<SourceFile> {
357        let source_len = RelativeBytePos::from_u32(source_len);
359        let source_file = SourceFile {
360            name: filename,
361            src: None,
362            src_hash,
363            checksum_hash,
364            external_src: FreezeLock::new(ExternalSource::Foreign {
365                kind: ExternalSourceKind::AbsentOk,
366                metadata_index,
367            }),
368            start_pos: BytePos(0),
369            source_len,
370            lines: file_local_lines,
371            multibyte_chars,
372            normalized_pos,
373            stable_id,
374            cnum,
375        };
377        self.register_source_file(stable_id, source_file)
378            .expect("not enough address space for imported source file")
379    }
381    /// If there is a doctest offset, applies it to the line.
382    pub fn doctest_offset_line(&self, file: &FileName, orig: usize) -> usize {
383        match file {
384            FileName::DocTest(_, offset) => {
385                if *offset < 0 {
386                    orig - (-(*offset)) as usize
387                } else {
388                    orig + *offset as usize
389                }
390            }
391            _ => orig,
392        }
393    }
395    /// Return the SourceFile that contains the given `BytePos`
396    pub fn lookup_source_file(&self, pos: BytePos) -> Arc<SourceFile> {
397        let idx = self.lookup_source_file_idx(pos);
398        Arc::clone(&(*self.files.borrow().source_files)[idx])
399    }
401    /// Looks up source information about a `BytePos`.
402    pub fn lookup_char_pos(&self, pos: BytePos) -> Loc {
403        let sf = self.lookup_source_file(pos);
404        let (line, col, col_display) = sf.lookup_file_pos_with_col_display(pos);
405        Loc { file: sf, line, col, col_display }
406    }
408    /// If the corresponding `SourceFile` is empty, does not return a line number.
409    pub fn lookup_line(&self, pos: BytePos) -> Result<SourceFileAndLine, Arc<SourceFile>> {
410        let f = self.lookup_source_file(pos);
412        let pos = f.relative_position(pos);
413        match f.lookup_line(pos) {
414            Some(line) => Ok(SourceFileAndLine { sf: f, line }),
415            None => Err(f),
416        }
417    }
419    pub fn span_to_string(
420        &self,
421        sp: Span,
422        filename_display_pref: FileNameDisplayPreference,
423    ) -> String {
424        let (source_file, lo_line, lo_col, hi_line, hi_col) = self.span_to_location_info(sp);
426        let file_name = match source_file {
427            Some(sf) =>,
428            None => return "no-location".to_string(),
429        };
431        format!(
432            "{file_name}:{lo_line}:{lo_col}{}",
433            if let FileNameDisplayPreference::Short = filename_display_pref {
434                String::new()
435            } else {
436                format!(": {hi_line}:{hi_col}")
437            }
438        )
439    }
441    pub fn span_to_location_info(
442        &self,
443        sp: Span,
444    ) -> (Option<Arc<SourceFile>>, usize, usize, usize, usize) {
445        if self.files.borrow().source_files.is_empty() || sp.is_dummy() {
446            return (None, 0, 0, 0, 0);
447        }
449        let lo = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo());
450        let hi = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi());
451        (Some(lo.file), lo.line, lo.col.to_usize() + 1, hi.line, hi.col.to_usize() + 1)
452    }
454    /// Format the span location suitable for embedding in build artifacts
455    pub fn span_to_embeddable_string(&self, sp: Span) -> String {
456        self.span_to_string(sp, FileNameDisplayPreference::Remapped)
457    }
459    /// Format the span location to be printed in diagnostics. Must not be emitted
460    /// to build artifacts as this may leak local file paths. Use span_to_embeddable_string
461    /// for string suitable for embedding.
462    pub fn span_to_diagnostic_string(&self, sp: Span) -> String {
463        self.span_to_string(sp, self.path_mapping.filename_display_for_diagnostics)
464    }
466    pub fn span_to_filename(&self, sp: Span) -> FileName {
467        self.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo())
468    }
470    pub fn filename_for_diagnostics<'a>(&self, filename: &'a FileName) -> FileNameDisplay<'a> {
471        filename.display(self.path_mapping.filename_display_for_diagnostics)
472    }
474    pub fn is_multiline(&self, sp: Span) -> bool {
475        let lo = self.lookup_source_file_idx(sp.lo());
476        let hi = self.lookup_source_file_idx(sp.hi());
477        if lo != hi {
478            return true;
479        }
480        let f = Arc::clone(&(*self.files.borrow().source_files)[lo]);
481        let lo = f.relative_position(sp.lo());
482        let hi = f.relative_position(sp.hi());
483        f.lookup_line(lo) != f.lookup_line(hi)
484    }
486    #[instrument(skip(self), level = "trace")]
487    pub fn is_valid_span(&self, sp: Span) -> Result<(Loc, Loc), SpanLinesError> {
488        let lo = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo());
489        trace!(?lo);
490        let hi = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi());
491        trace!(?hi);
492        if lo.file.start_pos != hi.file.start_pos {
493            return Err(SpanLinesError::DistinctSources(Box::new(DistinctSources {
494                begin: (, lo.file.start_pos),
495                end: (, hi.file.start_pos),
496            })));
497        }
498        Ok((lo, hi))
499    }
501    pub fn is_line_before_span_empty(&self, sp: Span) -> bool {
502        match self.span_to_prev_source(sp) {
503            Ok(s) => s.rsplit_once('\n').unwrap_or(("", &s)).1.trim_start().is_empty(),
504            Err(_) => false,
505        }
506    }
508    pub fn span_to_lines(&self, sp: Span) -> FileLinesResult {
509        debug!("span_to_lines(sp={:?})", sp);
510        let (lo, hi) = self.is_valid_span(sp)?;
511        assert!(hi.line >= lo.line);
513        if sp.is_dummy() {
514            return Ok(FileLines { file: lo.file, lines: Vec::new() });
515        }
517        let mut lines = Vec::with_capacity(hi.line - lo.line + 1);
519        // The span starts partway through the first line,
520        // but after that it starts from offset 0.
521        let mut start_col = lo.col;
523        // For every line but the last, it extends from `start_col`
524        // and to the end of the line. Be careful because the line
525        // numbers in Loc are 1-based, so we subtract 1 to get 0-based
526        // lines.
527        //
528        // FIXME: now that we handle DUMMY_SP up above, we should consider
529        // asserting that the line numbers here are all indeed 1-based.
530        let hi_line = hi.line.saturating_sub(1);
531        for line_index in lo.line.saturating_sub(1)..hi_line {
532            let line_len = lo.file.get_line(line_index).map_or(0, |s| s.chars().count());
533            lines.push(LineInfo { line_index, start_col, end_col: CharPos::from_usize(line_len) });
534            start_col = CharPos::from_usize(0);
535        }
537        // For the last line, it extends from `start_col` to `hi.col`:
538        lines.push(LineInfo { line_index: hi_line, start_col, end_col: hi.col });
540        Ok(FileLines { file: lo.file, lines })
541    }
543    /// Extracts the source surrounding the given `Span` using the `extract_source` function. The
544    /// extract function takes three arguments: a string slice containing the source, an index in
545    /// the slice for the beginning of the span and an index in the slice for the end of the span.
546    pub fn span_to_source<F, T>(&self, sp: Span, extract_source: F) -> Result<T, SpanSnippetError>
547    where
548        F: Fn(&str, usize, usize) -> Result<T, SpanSnippetError>,
549    {
550        let local_begin = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.lo());
551        let local_end = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.hi());
553        if local_begin.sf.start_pos != local_end.sf.start_pos {
554            Err(SpanSnippetError::DistinctSources(Box::new(DistinctSources {
555                begin: (, local_begin.sf.start_pos),
556                end: (, local_end.sf.start_pos),
557            })))
558        } else {
559            self.ensure_source_file_source_present(&local_begin.sf);
561            let start_index = local_begin.pos.to_usize();
562            let end_index = local_end.pos.to_usize();
563            let source_len = local_begin.sf.source_len.to_usize();
565            if start_index > end_index || end_index > source_len {
566                return Err(SpanSnippetError::MalformedForSourcemap(MalformedSourceMapPositions {
567                    name:,
568                    source_len,
569                    begin_pos: local_begin.pos,
570                    end_pos: local_end.pos,
571                }));
572            }
574            if let Some(ref src) = local_begin.sf.src {
575                extract_source(src, start_index, end_index)
576            } else if let Some(src) = {
577                extract_source(src, start_index, end_index)
578            } else {
579                Err(SpanSnippetError::SourceNotAvailable { filename: })
580            }
581        }
582    }
584    pub fn is_span_accessible(&self, sp: Span) -> bool {
585        self.span_to_source(sp, |src, start_index, end_index| {
586            Ok(src.get(start_index..end_index).is_some())
587        })
588        .is_ok_and(|is_accessible| is_accessible)
589    }
591    /// Returns the source snippet as `String` corresponding to the given `Span`.
592    pub fn span_to_snippet(&self, sp: Span) -> Result<String, SpanSnippetError> {
593        self.span_to_source(sp, |src, start_index, end_index| {
594            src.get(start_index..end_index)
595                .map(|s| s.to_string())
596                .ok_or(SpanSnippetError::IllFormedSpan(sp))
597        })
598    }
600    pub fn span_to_margin(&self, sp: Span) -> Option<usize> {
601        Some(self.indentation_before(sp)?.len())
602    }
604    pub fn indentation_before(&self, sp: Span) -> Option<String> {
605        self.span_to_source(sp, |src, start_index, _| {
606            let before = &src[..start_index];
607            let last_line = before.rsplit_once('\n').map_or(before, |(_, last)| last);
608            Ok(last_line
609                .split_once(|c: char| !c.is_whitespace())
610                .map_or(last_line, |(indent, _)| indent)
611                .to_string())
612        })
613        .ok()
614    }
616    /// Returns the source snippet as `String` before the given `Span`.
617    pub fn span_to_prev_source(&self, sp: Span) -> Result<String, SpanSnippetError> {
618        self.span_to_source(sp, |src, start_index, _| {
619            src.get(..start_index).map(|s| s.to_string()).ok_or(SpanSnippetError::IllFormedSpan(sp))
620        })
621    }
623    /// Extends the given `Span` to just after the previous occurrence of `c`. Return the same span
624    /// if no character could be found or if an error occurred while retrieving the code snippet.
625    pub fn span_extend_to_prev_char(&self, sp: Span, c: char, accept_newlines: bool) -> Span {
626        if let Ok(prev_source) = self.span_to_prev_source(sp) {
627            let prev_source = prev_source.rsplit(c).next().unwrap_or("");
628            if !prev_source.is_empty() && (accept_newlines || !prev_source.contains('\n')) {
629                return sp.with_lo(BytePos(sp.lo().0 - prev_source.len() as u32));
630            }
631        }
633        sp
634    }
636    /// Extends the given `Span` to just after the previous occurrence of `pat` when surrounded by
637    /// whitespace. Returns None if the pattern could not be found or if an error occurred while
638    /// retrieving the code snippet.
639    pub fn span_extend_to_prev_str(
640        &self,
641        sp: Span,
642        pat: &str,
643        accept_newlines: bool,
644        include_whitespace: bool,
645    ) -> Option<Span> {
646        // assure that the pattern is delimited, to avoid the following
647        //     fn my_fn()
648        //           ^^^^ returned span without the check
649        //     ---------- correct span
650        let prev_source = self.span_to_prev_source(sp).ok()?;
651        for ws in &[" ", "\t", "\n"] {
652            let pat = pat.to_owned() + ws;
653            if let Some(pat_pos) = prev_source.rfind(&pat) {
654                let just_after_pat_pos = pat_pos + pat.len() - 1;
655                let just_after_pat_plus_ws = if include_whitespace {
656                    just_after_pat_pos
657                        + prev_source[just_after_pat_pos..]
658                            .find(|c: char| !c.is_whitespace())
659                            .unwrap_or(0)
660                } else {
661                    just_after_pat_pos
662                };
663                let len = prev_source.len() - just_after_pat_plus_ws;
664                let prev_source = &prev_source[just_after_pat_plus_ws..];
665                if accept_newlines || !prev_source.trim_start().contains('\n') {
666                    return Some(sp.with_lo(BytePos(sp.lo().0 - len as u32)));
667                }
668            }
669        }
671        None
672    }
674    /// Returns the source snippet as `String` after the given `Span`.
675    pub fn span_to_next_source(&self, sp: Span) -> Result<String, SpanSnippetError> {
676        self.span_to_source(sp, |src, _, end_index| {
677            src.get(end_index..).map(|s| s.to_string()).ok_or(SpanSnippetError::IllFormedSpan(sp))
678        })
679    }
681    /// Extends the given `Span` while the next character matches the predicate
682    pub fn span_extend_while(
683        &self,
684        span: Span,
685        f: impl Fn(char) -> bool,
686    ) -> Result<Span, SpanSnippetError> {
687        self.span_to_source(span, |s, _start, end| {
688            let n = s[end..].char_indices().find(|&(_, c)| !f(c)).map_or(s.len() - end, |(i, _)| i);
689            Ok(span.with_hi(span.hi() + BytePos(n as u32)))
690        })
691    }
693    /// Extends the span to include any trailing whitespace, or returns the original
694    /// span if a `SpanSnippetError` was encountered.
695    pub fn span_extend_while_whitespace(&self, span: Span) -> Span {
696        self.span_extend_while(span, char::is_whitespace).unwrap_or(span)
697    }
699    /// Extends the given `Span` to previous character while the previous character matches the predicate
700    pub fn span_extend_prev_while(
701        &self,
702        span: Span,
703        f: impl Fn(char) -> bool,
704    ) -> Result<Span, SpanSnippetError> {
705        self.span_to_source(span, |s, start, _end| {
706            let n = s[..start]
707                .char_indices()
708                .rfind(|&(_, c)| !f(c))
709                .map_or(start, |(i, _)| start - i - 1);
710            Ok(span.with_lo(span.lo() - BytePos(n as u32)))
711        })
712    }
714    /// Extends the given `Span` to just before the next occurrence of `c`.
715    pub fn span_extend_to_next_char(&self, sp: Span, c: char, accept_newlines: bool) -> Span {
716        if let Ok(next_source) = self.span_to_next_source(sp) {
717            let next_source = next_source.split(c).next().unwrap_or("");
718            if !next_source.is_empty() && (accept_newlines || !next_source.contains('\n')) {
719                return sp.with_hi(BytePos(sp.hi().0 + next_source.len() as u32));
720            }
721        }
723        sp
724    }
726    /// Extends the given `Span` to contain the entire line it is on.
727    pub fn span_extend_to_line(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
728        self.span_extend_to_prev_char(self.span_extend_to_next_char(sp, '\n', true), '\n', true)
729    }
731    /// Given a `Span`, tries to get a shorter span ending before the first occurrence of `char`
732    /// `c`.
733    pub fn span_until_char(&self, sp: Span, c: char) -> Span {
734        match self.span_to_snippet(sp) {
735            Ok(snippet) => {
736                let snippet = snippet.split(c).next().unwrap_or("").trim_end();
737                if !snippet.is_empty() && !snippet.contains('\n') {
738                    sp.with_hi(BytePos(sp.lo().0 + snippet.len() as u32))
739                } else {
740                    sp
741                }
742            }
743            _ => sp,
744        }
745    }
747    /// Given a 'Span', tries to tell if it's wrapped by "<>" or "()"
748    /// the algorithm searches if the next character is '>' or ')' after skipping white space
749    /// then searches the previous character to match '<' or '(' after skipping white space
750    /// return true if wrapped by '<>' or '()'
751    pub fn span_wrapped_by_angle_or_parentheses(&self, span: Span) -> bool {
752        self.span_to_source(span, |src, start_index, end_index| {
753            if src.get(start_index..end_index).is_none() {
754                return Ok(false);
755            }
756            // test the right side to match '>' after skipping white space
757            let end_src = &src[end_index..];
758            let mut i = 0;
759            let mut found_right_parentheses = false;
760            let mut found_right_angle = false;
761            while let Some(cc) = end_src.chars().nth(i) {
762                if cc == ' ' {
763                    i = i + 1;
764                } else if cc == '>' {
765                    // found > in the right;
766                    found_right_angle = true;
767                    break;
768                } else if cc == ')' {
769                    found_right_parentheses = true;
770                    break;
771                } else {
772                    // failed to find '>' return false immediately
773                    return Ok(false);
774                }
775            }
776            // test the left side to match '<' after skipping white space
777            i = start_index;
778            let start_src = &src[0..start_index];
779            while let Some(cc) = start_src.chars().nth(i) {
780                if cc == ' ' {
781                    if i == 0 {
782                        return Ok(false);
783                    }
784                    i = i - 1;
785                } else if cc == '<' {
786                    // found < in the left
787                    if !found_right_angle {
788                        // skip something like "(< )>"
789                        return Ok(false);
790                    }
791                    break;
792                } else if cc == '(' {
793                    if !found_right_parentheses {
794                        // skip something like "<(>)"
795                        return Ok(false);
796                    }
797                    break;
798                } else {
799                    // failed to find '<' return false immediately
800                    return Ok(false);
801                }
802            }
803            Ok(true)
804        })
805        .is_ok_and(|is_accessible| is_accessible)
806    }
808    /// Given a `Span`, tries to get a shorter span ending just after the first occurrence of `char`
809    /// `c`.
810    pub fn span_through_char(&self, sp: Span, c: char) -> Span {
811        if let Ok(snippet) = self.span_to_snippet(sp) {
812            if let Some(offset) = snippet.find(c) {
813                return sp.with_hi(BytePos(sp.lo().0 + (offset + c.len_utf8()) as u32));
814            }
815        }
816        sp
817    }
819    /// Given a `Span`, gets a new `Span` covering the first token and all its trailing whitespace
820    /// or the original `Span`.
821    ///
822    /// If `sp` points to `"let mut x"`, then a span pointing at `"let "` will be returned.
823    pub fn span_until_non_whitespace(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
824        let mut whitespace_found = false;
826        self.span_take_while(sp, |c| {
827            if !whitespace_found && c.is_whitespace() {
828                whitespace_found = true;
829            }
831            !whitespace_found || c.is_whitespace()
832        })
833    }
835    /// Given a `Span`, gets a new `Span` covering the first token without its trailing whitespace
836    /// or the original `Span` in case of error.
837    ///
838    /// If `sp` points to `"let mut x"`, then a span pointing at `"let"` will be returned.
839    pub fn span_until_whitespace(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
840        self.span_take_while(sp, |c| !c.is_whitespace())
841    }
843    /// Given a `Span`, gets a shorter one until `predicate` yields `false`.
844    pub fn span_take_while<P>(&self, sp: Span, predicate: P) -> Span
845    where
846        P: for<'r> FnMut(&'r char) -> bool,
847    {
848        if let Ok(snippet) = self.span_to_snippet(sp) {
849            let offset = snippet.chars().take_while(predicate).map(|c| c.len_utf8()).sum::<usize>();
851            sp.with_hi(BytePos(sp.lo().0 + (offset as u32)))
852        } else {
853            sp
854        }
855    }
857    /// Given a `Span`, return a span ending in the closest `{`. This is useful when you have a
858    /// `Span` enclosing a whole item but we need to point at only the head (usually the first
859    /// line) of that item.
860    ///
861    /// *Only suitable for diagnostics.*
862    pub fn guess_head_span(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
863        // FIXME: extend the AST items to have a head span, or replace callers with pointing at
864        // the item's ident when appropriate.
865        self.span_until_char(sp, '{')
866    }
868    /// Returns a new span representing just the first character of the given span.
869    pub fn start_point(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
870        let width = {
871            let sp =;
872            let local_begin = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.lo);
873            let start_index = local_begin.pos.to_usize();
874            let src =;
876            let snippet = if let Some(ref src) = local_begin.sf.src {
877                Some(&src[start_index..])
878            } else {
879                src.get_source().map(|src| &src[start_index..])
880            };
882            match snippet {
883                None => 1,
884                Some(snippet) => match snippet.chars().next() {
885                    None => 1,
886                    Some(c) => c.len_utf8(),
887                },
888            }
889        };
891        sp.with_hi(BytePos(sp.lo().0 + width as u32))
892    }
894    /// Returns a new span representing just the last character of this span.
895    pub fn end_point(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
896        let pos = sp.hi().0;
898        let width = self.find_width_of_character_at_span(sp, false);
899        let corrected_end_position = pos.checked_sub(width).unwrap_or(pos);
901        let end_point = BytePos(cmp::max(corrected_end_position, sp.lo().0));
902        sp.with_lo(end_point)
903    }
905    /// Returns a new span representing the next character after the end-point of this span.
906    /// Special cases:
907    /// - if span is a dummy one, returns the same span
908    /// - if next_point reached the end of source, return a span exceeding the end of source,
909    ///   which means sm.span_to_snippet(next_point) will get `Err`
910    /// - respect multi-byte characters
911    pub fn next_point(&self, sp: Span) -> Span {
912        if sp.is_dummy() {
913            return sp;
914        }
915        let start_of_next_point = sp.hi().0;
917        let width = self.find_width_of_character_at_span(sp, true);
918        // If the width is 1, then the next span should only contain the next char besides current ending.
919        // However, in the case of a multibyte character, where the width != 1, the next span should
920        // span multiple bytes to include the whole character.
921        let end_of_next_point =
922            start_of_next_point.checked_add(width).unwrap_or(start_of_next_point);
924        let end_of_next_point = BytePos(cmp::max(start_of_next_point + 1, end_of_next_point));
925        Span::new(BytePos(start_of_next_point), end_of_next_point, sp.ctxt(), None)
926    }
928    /// Check whether span is followed by some specified expected string in limit scope
929    pub fn span_look_ahead(&self, span: Span, expect: &str, limit: Option<usize>) -> Option<Span> {
930        let mut sp = span;
931        for _ in 0..limit.unwrap_or(100_usize) {
932            sp = self.next_point(sp);
933            if let Ok(ref snippet) = self.span_to_snippet(sp) {
934                if snippet == expect {
935                    return Some(sp);
936                }
937                if snippet.chars().any(|c| !c.is_whitespace()) {
938                    break;
939                }
940            }
941        }
942        None
943    }
945    /// Finds the width of the character, either before or after the end of provided span,
946    /// depending on the `forwards` parameter.
947    #[instrument(skip(self, sp))]
948    fn find_width_of_character_at_span(&self, sp: Span, forwards: bool) -> u32 {
949        let sp =;
951        if sp.lo == sp.hi && !forwards {
952            debug!("early return empty span");
953            return 1;
954        }
956        let local_begin = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.lo);
957        let local_end = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.hi);
958        debug!("local_begin=`{:?}`, local_end=`{:?}`", local_begin, local_end);
960        if local_begin.sf.start_pos != local_end.sf.start_pos {
961            debug!("begin and end are in different files");
962            return 1;
963        }
965        let start_index = local_begin.pos.to_usize();
966        let end_index = local_end.pos.to_usize();
967        debug!("start_index=`{:?}`, end_index=`{:?}`", start_index, end_index);
969        // Disregard indexes that are at the start or end of their spans, they can't fit bigger
970        // characters.
971        if (!forwards && end_index == usize::MIN) || (forwards && start_index == usize::MAX) {
972            debug!("start or end of span, cannot be multibyte");
973            return 1;
974        }
976        let source_len = local_begin.sf.source_len.to_usize();
977        debug!("source_len=`{:?}`", source_len);
978        // Ensure indexes are also not malformed.
979        if start_index > end_index || end_index > source_len - 1 {
980            debug!("source indexes are malformed");
981            return 1;
982        }
984        let src =;
986        let snippet = if let Some(src) = &local_begin.sf.src {
987            src
988        } else if let Some(src) = src.get_source() {
989            src
990        } else {
991            return 1;
992        };
994        if forwards {
995            (snippet.ceil_char_boundary(end_index + 1) - end_index) as u32
996        } else {
997            (end_index - snippet.floor_char_boundary(end_index - 1)) as u32
998        }
999    }
1001    pub fn get_source_file(&self, filename: &FileName) -> Option<Arc<SourceFile>> {
1002        // Remap filename before lookup
1003        let filename = self.path_mapping().map_filename_prefix(filename).0;
1004        for sf in self.files.borrow().source_files.iter() {
1005            if filename == {
1006                return Some(Arc::clone(&sf));
1007            }
1008        }
1009        None
1010    }
1012    /// For a global `BytePos`, computes the local offset within the containing `SourceFile`.
1013    pub fn lookup_byte_offset(&self, bpos: BytePos) -> SourceFileAndBytePos {
1014        let idx = self.lookup_source_file_idx(bpos);
1015        let sf = Arc::clone(&(*self.files.borrow().source_files)[idx]);
1016        let offset = bpos - sf.start_pos;
1017        SourceFileAndBytePos { sf, pos: offset }
1018    }
1020    /// Returns the index of the [`SourceFile`] (in `self.files`) that contains `pos`.
1021    /// This index is guaranteed to be valid for the lifetime of this `SourceMap`,
1022    /// since `source_files` is a `MonotonicVec`
1023    pub fn lookup_source_file_idx(&self, pos: BytePos) -> usize {
1024        self.files.borrow().source_files.partition_point(|x| x.start_pos <= pos) - 1
1025    }
1027    pub fn count_lines(&self) -> usize {
1028        self.files().iter().fold(0, |a, f| a + f.count_lines())
1029    }
1031    pub fn ensure_source_file_source_present(&self, source_file: &SourceFile) -> bool {
1032        source_file.add_external_src(|| {
1033            let FileName::Real(ref name) = else {
1034                return None;
1035            };
1037            let local_path: Cow<'_, Path> = match name {
1038                RealFileName::LocalPath(local_path) => local_path.into(),
1039                RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: Some(local_path), .. } => local_path.into(),
1040                RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: None, virtual_name } => {
1041                    // The compiler produces better error messages if the sources of dependencies
1042                    // are available. Attempt to undo any path mapping so we can find remapped
1043                    // dependencies.
1044                    // We can only use the heuristic because `add_external_src` checks the file
1045                    // content hash.
1046                    self.path_mapping.reverse_map_prefix_heuristically(virtual_name)?.into()
1047                }
1048            };
1050            self.file_loader.read_file(&local_path).ok()
1051        })
1052    }
1054    pub fn is_imported(&self, sp: Span) -> bool {
1055        let source_file_index = self.lookup_source_file_idx(sp.lo());
1056        let source_file = &self.files()[source_file_index];
1057        source_file.is_imported()
1058    }
1060    /// Gets the span of a statement. If the statement is a macro expansion, the
1061    /// span in the context of the block span is found. The trailing semicolon is included
1062    /// on a best-effort basis.
1063    pub fn stmt_span(&self, stmt_span: Span, block_span: Span) -> Span {
1064        if !stmt_span.from_expansion() {
1065            return stmt_span;
1066        }
1067        let mac_call = original_sp(stmt_span, block_span);
1068        self.mac_call_stmt_semi_span(mac_call).map_or(mac_call, |s| mac_call.with_hi(s.hi()))
1069    }
1071    /// Tries to find the span of the semicolon of a macro call statement.
1072    /// The input must be the *call site* span of a statement from macro expansion.
1073    /// ```ignore (illustrative)
1074    /// //       v output
1075    ///    mac!();
1076    /// // ^^^^^^ input
1077    /// ```
1078    pub fn mac_call_stmt_semi_span(&self, mac_call: Span) -> Option<Span> {
1079        let span = self.span_extend_while_whitespace(mac_call);
1080        let span = self.next_point(span);
1081        if self.span_to_snippet(span).as_deref() == Ok(";") { Some(span) } else { None }
1082    }
1085pub fn get_source_map() -> Option<Arc<SourceMap>> {
1086    with_session_globals(|session_globals| session_globals.source_map.clone())
1090pub struct FilePathMapping {
1091    mapping: Vec<(PathBuf, PathBuf)>,
1092    filename_display_for_diagnostics: FileNameDisplayPreference,
1095impl FilePathMapping {
1096    pub fn empty() -> FilePathMapping {
1097        FilePathMapping::new(Vec::new(), FileNameDisplayPreference::Local)
1098    }
1100    pub fn new(
1101        mapping: Vec<(PathBuf, PathBuf)>,
1102        filename_display_for_diagnostics: FileNameDisplayPreference,
1103    ) -> FilePathMapping {
1104        FilePathMapping { mapping, filename_display_for_diagnostics }
1105    }
1107    /// Applies any path prefix substitution as defined by the mapping.
1108    /// The return value is the remapped path and a boolean indicating whether
1109    /// the path was affected by the mapping.
1110    pub fn map_prefix<'a>(&'a self, path: impl Into<Cow<'a, Path>>) -> (Cow<'a, Path>, bool) {
1111        let path = path.into();
1112        if path.as_os_str().is_empty() {
1113            // Exit early if the path is empty and therefore there's nothing to remap.
1114            // This is mostly to reduce spam for `RUSTC_LOG=[remap_path_prefix]`.
1115            return (path, false);
1116        }
1118        return remap_path_prefix(&self.mapping, path);
1120        #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(mapping), ret)]
1121        fn remap_path_prefix<'a>(
1122            mapping: &'a [(PathBuf, PathBuf)],
1123            path: Cow<'a, Path>,
1124        ) -> (Cow<'a, Path>, bool) {
1125            // NOTE: We are iterating over the mapping entries from last to first
1126            //       because entries specified later on the command line should
1127            //       take precedence.
1128            for (from, to) in mapping.iter().rev() {
1129                debug!("Trying to apply {from:?} => {to:?}");
1131                if let Ok(rest) = path.strip_prefix(from) {
1132                    let remapped = if rest.as_os_str().is_empty() {
1133                        // This is subtle, joining an empty path onto e.g. `foo/bar` will
1134                        // result in `foo/bar/`, that is, there'll be an additional directory
1135                        // separator at the end. This can lead to duplicated directory separators
1136                        // in remapped paths down the line.
1137                        // So, if we have an exact match, we just return that without a call
1138                        // to `Path::join()`.
1139                        to.into()
1140                    } else {
1141                        to.join(rest).into()
1142                    };
1143                    debug!("Match - remapped");
1145                    return (remapped, true);
1146                } else {
1147                    debug!("No match - prefix {from:?} does not match");
1148                }
1149            }
1151            debug!("not remapped");
1152            (path, false)
1153        }
1154    }
1156    fn map_filename_prefix(&self, file: &FileName) -> (FileName, bool) {
1157        match file {
1158            FileName::Real(realfile) if let RealFileName::LocalPath(local_path) = realfile => {
1159                let (mapped_path, mapped) = self.map_prefix(local_path);
1160                let realfile = if mapped {
1161                    RealFileName::Remapped {
1162                        local_path: Some(local_path.clone()),
1163                        virtual_name: mapped_path.into_owned(),
1164                    }
1165                } else {
1166                    realfile.clone()
1167                };
1168                (FileName::Real(realfile), mapped)
1169            }
1170            FileName::Real(_) => unreachable!("attempted to remap an already remapped filename"),
1171            other => (other.clone(), false),
1172        }
1173    }
1175    /// Applies any path prefix substitution as defined by the mapping.
1176    /// The return value is the local path with a "virtual path" representing the remapped
1177    /// part if any remapping was performed.
1178    pub fn to_real_filename<'a>(&self, local_path: impl Into<Cow<'a, Path>>) -> RealFileName {
1179        let local_path = local_path.into();
1180        if let (remapped_path, true) = self.map_prefix(&*local_path) {
1181            RealFileName::Remapped {
1182                virtual_name: remapped_path.into_owned(),
1183                local_path: Some(local_path.into_owned()),
1184            }
1185        } else {
1186            RealFileName::LocalPath(local_path.into_owned())
1187        }
1188    }
1190    /// Expand a relative path to an absolute path with remapping taken into account.
1191    /// Use this when absolute paths are required (e.g. debuginfo or crate metadata).
1192    ///
1193    /// The resulting `RealFileName` will have its `local_path` portion erased if
1194    /// possible (i.e. if there's also a remapped path).
1195    pub fn to_embeddable_absolute_path(
1196        &self,
1197        file_path: RealFileName,
1198        working_directory: &RealFileName,
1199    ) -> RealFileName {
1200        match file_path {
1201            // Anything that's already remapped we don't modify, except for erasing
1202            // the `local_path` portion.
1203            RealFileName::Remapped { local_path: _, virtual_name } => {
1204                RealFileName::Remapped {
1205                    // We do not want any local path to be exported into metadata
1206                    local_path: None,
1207                    // We use the remapped name verbatim, even if it looks like a relative
1208                    // path. The assumption is that the user doesn't want us to further
1209                    // process paths that have gone through remapping.
1210                    virtual_name,
1211                }
1212            }
1214            RealFileName::LocalPath(unmapped_file_path) => {
1215                // If no remapping has been applied yet, try to do so
1216                let (new_path, was_remapped) = self.map_prefix(unmapped_file_path);
1217                if was_remapped {
1218                    // It was remapped, so don't modify further
1219                    return RealFileName::Remapped {
1220                        local_path: None,
1221                        virtual_name: new_path.into_owned(),
1222                    };
1223                }
1225                if new_path.is_absolute() {
1226                    // No remapping has applied to this path and it is absolute,
1227                    // so the working directory cannot influence it either, so
1228                    // we are done.
1229                    return RealFileName::LocalPath(new_path.into_owned());
1230                }
1232                debug_assert!(new_path.is_relative());
1233                let unmapped_file_path_rel = new_path;
1235                match working_directory {
1236                    RealFileName::LocalPath(unmapped_working_dir_abs) => {
1237                        let file_path_abs = unmapped_working_dir_abs.join(unmapped_file_path_rel);
1239                        // Although neither `working_directory` nor the file name were subject
1240                        // to path remapping, the concatenation between the two may be. Hence
1241                        // we need to do a remapping here.
1242                        let (file_path_abs, was_remapped) = self.map_prefix(file_path_abs);
1243                        if was_remapped {
1244                            RealFileName::Remapped {
1245                                // Erase the actual path
1246                                local_path: None,
1247                                virtual_name: file_path_abs.into_owned(),
1248                            }
1249                        } else {
1250                            // No kind of remapping applied to this path, so
1251                            // we leave it as it is.
1252                            RealFileName::LocalPath(file_path_abs.into_owned())
1253                        }
1254                    }
1255                    RealFileName::Remapped {
1256                        local_path: _,
1257                        virtual_name: remapped_working_dir_abs,
1258                    } => {
1259                        // If working_directory has been remapped, then we emit
1260                        // Remapped variant as the expanded path won't be valid
1261                        RealFileName::Remapped {
1262                            local_path: None,
1263                            virtual_name: Path::new(remapped_working_dir_abs)
1264                                .join(unmapped_file_path_rel),
1265                        }
1266                    }
1267                }
1268            }
1269        }
1270    }
1272    /// Expand a relative path to an absolute path **without** remapping taken into account.
1273    ///
1274    /// The resulting `RealFileName` will have its `virtual_path` portion erased if
1275    /// possible (i.e. if there's also a remapped path).
1276    pub fn to_local_embeddable_absolute_path(
1277        &self,
1278        file_path: RealFileName,
1279        working_directory: &RealFileName,
1280    ) -> RealFileName {
1281        let file_path = file_path.local_path_if_available();
1282        if file_path.is_absolute() {
1283            // No remapping has applied to this path and it is absolute,
1284            // so the working directory cannot influence it either, so
1285            // we are done.
1286            return RealFileName::LocalPath(file_path.to_path_buf());
1287        }
1288        debug_assert!(file_path.is_relative());
1289        let working_directory = working_directory.local_path_if_available();
1290        RealFileName::LocalPath(Path::new(working_directory).join(file_path))
1291    }
1293    /// Attempts to (heuristically) reverse a prefix mapping.
1294    ///
1295    /// Returns [`Some`] if there is exactly one mapping where the "to" part is
1296    /// a prefix of `path` and has at least one non-empty
1297    /// [`Normal`](path::Component::Normal) component. The component
1298    /// restriction exists to avoid reverse mapping overly generic paths like
1299    /// `/` or `.`).
1300    ///
1301    /// This is a heuristic and not guaranteed to return the actual original
1302    /// path! Do not rely on the result unless you have other means to verify
1303    /// that the mapping is correct (e.g. by checking the file content hash).
1304    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), ret)]
1305    fn reverse_map_prefix_heuristically(&self, path: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
1306        let mut found = None;
1308        for (from, to) in self.mapping.iter() {
1309            let has_normal_component = to.components().any(|c| match c {
1310                path::Component::Normal(s) => !s.is_empty(),
1311                _ => false,
1312            });
1314            if !has_normal_component {
1315                continue;
1316            }
1318            let Ok(rest) = path.strip_prefix(to) else {
1319                continue;
1320            };
1322            if found.is_some() {
1323                return None;
1324            }
1326            found = Some(from.join(rest));
1327        }
1329        found
1330    }