
1#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
2use crate::{BackendRepr, FieldsShape, Primitive, Size, TyAbiInterface, TyAndLayout, Variants};
4mod reg;
6pub use reg::{Reg, RegKind};
8/// Return value from the `homogeneous_aggregate` test function.
9#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
10pub enum HomogeneousAggregate {
11    /// Yes, all the "leaf fields" of this struct are passed in the
12    /// same way (specified in the `Reg` value).
13    Homogeneous(Reg),
15    /// There are no leaf fields at all.
16    NoData,
19/// Error from the `homogeneous_aggregate` test function, indicating
20/// there are distinct leaf fields passed in different ways,
21/// or this is uninhabited.
22#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
23pub struct Heterogeneous;
25impl HomogeneousAggregate {
26    /// If this is a homogeneous aggregate, returns the homogeneous
27    /// unit, else `None`.
28    pub fn unit(self) -> Option<Reg> {
29        match self {
30            HomogeneousAggregate::Homogeneous(reg) => Some(reg),
31            HomogeneousAggregate::NoData => None,
32        }
33    }
35    /// Try to combine two `HomogeneousAggregate`s, e.g. from two fields in
36    /// the same `struct`. Only succeeds if only one of them has any data,
37    /// or both units are identical.
38    fn merge(self, other: HomogeneousAggregate) -> Result<HomogeneousAggregate, Heterogeneous> {
39        match (self, other) {
40            (x, HomogeneousAggregate::NoData) | (HomogeneousAggregate::NoData, x) => Ok(x),
42            (HomogeneousAggregate::Homogeneous(a), HomogeneousAggregate::Homogeneous(b)) => {
43                if a != b {
44                    return Err(Heterogeneous);
45                }
46                Ok(self)
47            }
48        }
49    }
52#[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
53impl<'a, Ty> TyAndLayout<'a, Ty> {
54    /// Returns `Homogeneous` if this layout is an aggregate containing fields of
55    /// only a single type (e.g., `(u32, u32)`). Such aggregates are often
56    /// special-cased in ABIs.
57    ///
58    /// Note: We generally ignore 1-ZST fields when computing this value (see #56877).
59    ///
60    /// This is public so that it can be used in unit tests, but
61    /// should generally only be relevant to the ABI details of
62    /// specific targets.
63    pub fn homogeneous_aggregate<C>(&self, cx: &C) -> Result<HomogeneousAggregate, Heterogeneous>
64    where
65        Ty: TyAbiInterface<'a, C> + Copy,
66    {
67        match self.backend_repr {
68            // The primitive for this algorithm.
69            BackendRepr::Scalar(scalar) => {
70                let kind = match scalar.primitive() {
71                    Primitive::Int(..) | Primitive::Pointer(_) => RegKind::Integer,
72                    Primitive::Float(_) => RegKind::Float,
73                };
74                Ok(HomogeneousAggregate::Homogeneous(Reg { kind, size: self.size }))
75            }
77            BackendRepr::SimdVector { .. } => {
78                assert!(!self.is_zst());
79                Ok(HomogeneousAggregate::Homogeneous(Reg {
80                    kind: RegKind::Vector,
81                    size: self.size,
82                }))
83            }
85            BackendRepr::ScalarPair(..) | BackendRepr::Memory { sized: true } => {
86                // Helper for computing `homogeneous_aggregate`, allowing a custom
87                // starting offset (used below for handling variants).
88                let from_fields_at =
89                    |layout: Self,
90                     start: Size|
91                     -> Result<(HomogeneousAggregate, Size), Heterogeneous> {
92                        let is_union = match layout.fields {
93                            FieldsShape::Primitive => {
94                                unreachable!("aggregates can't have `FieldsShape::Primitive`")
95                            }
96                            FieldsShape::Array { count, .. } => {
97                                assert_eq!(start, Size::ZERO);
99                                let result = if count > 0 {
100                                    layout.field(cx, 0).homogeneous_aggregate(cx)?
101                                } else {
102                                    HomogeneousAggregate::NoData
103                                };
104                                return Ok((result, layout.size));
105                            }
106                            FieldsShape::Union(_) => true,
107                            FieldsShape::Arbitrary { .. } => false,
108                        };
110                        let mut result = HomogeneousAggregate::NoData;
111                        let mut total = start;
113                        for i in 0..layout.fields.count() {
114                            let field = layout.field(cx, i);
115                            if field.is_1zst() {
116                                // No data here and no impact on layout, can be ignored.
117                                // (We might be able to also ignore all aligned ZST but that's less clear.)
118                                continue;
119                            }
121                            if !is_union && total != layout.fields.offset(i) {
122                                // This field isn't just after the previous one we considered, abort.
123                                return Err(Heterogeneous);
124                            }
126                            result = result.merge(field.homogeneous_aggregate(cx)?)?;
128                            // Keep track of the offset (without padding).
129                            let size = field.size;
130                            if is_union {
131                                total = total.max(size);
132                            } else {
133                                total += size;
134                            }
135                        }
137                        Ok((result, total))
138                    };
140                let (mut result, mut total) = from_fields_at(*self, Size::ZERO)?;
142                match &self.variants {
143                    Variants::Single { .. } | Variants::Empty => {}
144                    Variants::Multiple { variants, .. } => {
145                        // Treat enum variants like union members.
146                        // HACK(eddyb) pretend the `enum` field (discriminant)
147                        // is at the start of every variant (otherwise the gap
148                        // at the start of all variants would disqualify them).
149                        //
150                        // NB: for all tagged `enum`s (which include all non-C-like
151                        // `enum`s with defined FFI representation), this will
152                        // match the homogeneous computation on the equivalent
153                        // `struct { tag; union { variant1; ... } }` and/or
154                        // `union { struct { tag; variant1; } ... }`
155                        // (the offsets of variant fields should be identical
156                        // between the two for either to be a homogeneous aggregate).
157                        let variant_start = total;
158                        for variant_idx in variants.indices() {
159                            let (variant_result, variant_total) =
160                                from_fields_at(self.for_variant(cx, variant_idx), variant_start)?;
162                            result = result.merge(variant_result)?;
163                            total = total.max(variant_total);
164                        }
165                    }
166                }
168                // There needs to be no padding.
169                if total != self.size {
170                    Err(Heterogeneous)
171                } else {
172                    match result {
173                        HomogeneousAggregate::Homogeneous(_) => {
174                            assert_ne!(total, Size::ZERO);
175                        }
176                        HomogeneousAggregate::NoData => {
177                            assert_eq!(total, Size::ZERO);
178                        }
179                    }
180                    Ok(result)
181                }
182            }
183            BackendRepr::Memory { sized: false } => Err(Heterogeneous),
184        }
185    }