
1//! Management of the interaction between the main `cargo` and all spawned jobs.
3//! ## Overview
5//! This module implements a job queue. A job here represents a unit of work,
6//! which is roughly a rustc invocation, a build script run, or just a no-op.
7//! The job queue primarily handles the following things:
9//! * Spawns concurrent jobs. Depending on its [`Freshness`], a job could be
10//!     either executed on a spawned thread or ran on the same thread to avoid
11//!     the threading overhead.
12//! * Controls the number of concurrency. It allocates and manages [`jobserver`]
13//!     tokens to each spawned off rustc and build scripts.
14//! * Manages the communication between the main `cargo` process and its
15//!     spawned jobs. Those [`Message`]s are sent over a [`Queue`] shared
16//!     across threads.
17//! * Schedules the execution order of each [`Job`]. Priorities are determined
18//!     when calling [`JobQueue::enqueue`] to enqueue a job. The scheduling is
19//!     relatively rudimentary and could likely be improved.
21//! A rough outline of building a queue and executing jobs is:
23//! 1. [`JobQueue::new`] to simply create one queue.
24//! 2. [`JobQueue::enqueue`] to add new jobs onto the queue.
25//! 3. Consumes the queue and executes all jobs via [`JobQueue::execute`].
27//! The primary loop happens insides [`JobQueue::execute`], which is effectively
28//! [`DrainState::drain_the_queue`]. [`DrainState`] is, as its name tells,
29//! the running state of the job queue getting drained.
31//! ## Jobserver
33//! As of Feb. 2023, Cargo and rustc have a relatively simple jobserver
34//! relationship with each other. They share a single jobserver amongst what
35//! is potentially hundreds of threads of work on many-cored systems.
36//! The jobserver could come from either the environment (e.g., from a `make`
37//! invocation), or from Cargo creating its own jobserver server if there is no
38//! jobserver to inherit from.
40//! Cargo wants to complete the build as quickly as possible, fully saturating
41//! all cores (as constrained by the `-j=N`) parameter. Cargo also must not spawn
42//! more than N threads of work: the total amount of tokens we have floating
43//! around must always be limited to N.
45//! It is not really possible to optimally choose which crate should build
46//! first or last; nor is it possible to decide whether to give an additional
47//! token to rustc first or rather spawn a new crate of work. The algorithm in
48//! Cargo prioritizes spawning as many crates (i.e., rustc processes) as
49//! possible. In short, the jobserver relationship among Cargo and rustc
50//! processes is **1 `cargo` to N `rustc`**. Cargo knows nothing beyond rustc
51//! processes in terms of parallelism[^parallel-rustc].
53//! We integrate with the [jobserver] crate, originating from GNU make
54//! [POSIX jobserver], to make sure that build scripts which use make to
55//! build C code can cooperate with us on the number of used tokens and
56//! avoid overfilling the system we're on.
58//! ## Scheduling
60//! The current scheduling algorithm is not really polished. It is simply based
61//! on a dependency graph [`DependencyQueue`]. We continue adding nodes onto
62//! the graph until we finalize it. When the graph gets finalized, it finds the
63//! sum of the cost of each dependencies of each node, including transitively.
64//! The sum of dependency cost turns out to be the cost of each given node.
66//! At the time being, the cost is just passed as a fixed placeholder in
67//! [`JobQueue::enqueue`]. In the future, we could explore more possibilities
68//! around it. For instance, we start persisting timing information for each
69//! build somewhere. For a subsequent build, we can look into the historical
70//! data and perform a PGO-like optimization to prioritize jobs, making a build
71//! fully pipelined.
73//! ## Message queue
75//! Each spawned thread running a process uses the message queue [`Queue`] to
76//! send messages back to the main thread (the one running `cargo`).
77//! The main thread coordinates everything, and handles printing output.
79//! It is important to be careful which messages use [`push`] vs [`push_bounded`].
80//! `push` is for priority messages (like tokens, or "finished") where the
81//! sender shouldn't block. We want to handle those so real work can proceed
82//! ASAP.
84//! `push_bounded` is only for messages being printed to stdout/stderr. Being
85//! bounded prevents a flood of messages causing a large amount of memory
86//! being used.
88//! `push` also avoids blocking which helps avoid deadlocks. For example, when
89//! the diagnostic server thread is dropped, it waits for the thread to exit.
90//! But if the thread is blocked on a full queue, and there is a critical
91//! error, the drop will deadlock. This should be fixed at some point in the
92//! future. The jobserver thread has a similar problem, though it will time
93//! out after 1 second.
95//! To access the message queue, each running `Job` is given its own [`JobState`],
96//! containing everything it needs to communicate with the main thread.
98//! See [`Message`] for all available message kinds.
100//! [^parallel-rustc]: In fact, `jobserver` that Cargo uses also manages the
101//!     allocation of tokens to rustc beyond the implicit token each rustc owns
102//!     (i.e., the ones used for parallel LLVM work and parallel rustc threads).
103//!     See also ["Rust Compiler Development Guide: Parallel Compilation"]
104//!     and [this comment][rustc-codegen] in rust-lang/rust.
106//! ["Rust Compiler Development Guide: Parallel Compilation"]:
107//! [rustc-codegen]:
108//! [jobserver]:
109//! [POSIX jobserver]:
110//! [`push`]: Queue::push
111//! [`push_bounded`]: Queue::push_bounded
113mod job;
114mod job_state;
116use std::cell::RefCell;
117use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
118use std::fmt::Write as _;
119use std::io;
120use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
121use std::sync::Arc;
122use std::thread::{self, Scope};
123use std::time::Duration;
125use anyhow::{format_err, Context as _};
126use cargo_util::ProcessBuilder;
127use jobserver::{Acquired, HelperThread};
128use semver::Version;
129use tracing::{debug, trace};
131pub use self::job::Freshness::{self, Dirty, Fresh};
132pub use self::job::{Job, Work};
133pub use self::job_state::JobState;
134use super::build_runner::OutputFile;
135use super::custom_build::Severity;
136use super::timings::Timings;
137use super::{BuildContext, BuildPlan, BuildRunner, CompileMode, Unit};
138use crate::core::compiler::descriptive_pkg_name;
139use crate::core::compiler::future_incompat::{
140    self, FutureBreakageItem, FutureIncompatReportPackage,
142use crate::core::resolver::ResolveBehavior;
143use crate::core::{PackageId, Shell, TargetKind};
144use crate::util::context::WarningHandling;
145use crate::util::diagnostic_server::{self, DiagnosticPrinter};
146use crate::util::errors::AlreadyPrintedError;
147use crate::util::machine_message::{self, Message as _};
148use crate::util::CargoResult;
149use crate::util::{self, internal};
150use crate::util::{DependencyQueue, GlobalContext, Progress, ProgressStyle, Queue};
152/// This structure is backed by the `DependencyQueue` type and manages the
153/// queueing of compilation steps for each package. Packages enqueue units of
154/// work and then later on the entire graph is converted to `DrainState` and
155/// executed.
156pub struct JobQueue<'gctx> {
157    queue: DependencyQueue<Unit, Artifact, Job>,
158    counts: HashMap<PackageId, usize>,
159    timings: Timings<'gctx>,
162/// This structure is backed by the `DependencyQueue` type and manages the
163/// actual compilation step of each package. Packages enqueue units of work and
164/// then later on the entire graph is processed and compiled.
166/// It is created from `JobQueue` when we have fully assembled the crate graph
167/// (i.e., all package dependencies are known).
168struct DrainState<'gctx> {
169    // This is the length of the DependencyQueue when starting out
170    total_units: usize,
172    queue: DependencyQueue<Unit, Artifact, Job>,
173    messages: Arc<Queue<Message>>,
174    /// Diagnostic deduplication support.
175    diag_dedupe: DiagDedupe<'gctx>,
176    /// Count of warnings, used to print a summary after the job succeeds
177    warning_count: HashMap<JobId, WarningCount>,
178    active: HashMap<JobId, Unit>,
179    compiled: HashSet<PackageId>,
180    documented: HashSet<PackageId>,
181    scraped: HashSet<PackageId>,
182    counts: HashMap<PackageId, usize>,
183    progress: Progress<'gctx>,
184    next_id: u32,
185    timings: Timings<'gctx>,
187    /// Tokens that are currently owned by this Cargo, and may be "associated"
188    /// with a rustc process. They may also be unused, though if so will be
189    /// dropped on the next loop iteration.
190    ///
191    /// Note that the length of this may be zero, but we will still spawn work,
192    /// as we share the implicit token given to this Cargo process with a
193    /// single rustc process.
194    tokens: Vec<Acquired>,
196    /// The list of jobs that we have not yet started executing, but have
197    /// retrieved from the `queue`. We eagerly pull jobs off the main queue to
198    /// allow us to request jobserver tokens pretty early.
199    pending_queue: Vec<(Unit, Job, usize)>,
200    print: DiagnosticPrinter<'gctx>,
202    /// How many jobs we've finished
203    finished: usize,
204    per_package_future_incompat_reports: Vec<FutureIncompatReportPackage>,
207/// Count of warnings, used to print a summary after the job succeeds
209pub struct WarningCount {
210    /// total number of warnings
211    pub total: usize,
212    /// number of warnings that were suppressed because they
213    /// were duplicates of a previous warning
214    pub duplicates: usize,
215    /// number of fixable warnings set to `NotAllowed`
216    /// if any errors have been seen ofr the current
217    /// target
218    pub fixable: FixableWarnings,
221impl WarningCount {
222    /// If an error is seen this should be called
223    /// to set `fixable` to `NotAllowed`
224    fn disallow_fixable(&mut self) {
225        self.fixable = FixableWarnings::NotAllowed;
226    }
228    /// Checks fixable if warnings are allowed
229    /// fixable warnings are allowed if no
230    /// errors have been seen for the current
231    /// target. If an error was seen `fixable`
232    /// will be `NotAllowed`.
233    fn fixable_allowed(&self) -> bool {
234        match &self.fixable {
235            FixableWarnings::NotAllowed => false,
236            _ => true,
237        }
238    }
241/// Used to keep track of how many fixable warnings there are
242/// and if fixable warnings are allowed
244pub enum FixableWarnings {
245    NotAllowed,
246    #[default]
247    Zero,
248    Positive(usize),
251pub struct ErrorsDuringDrain {
252    pub count: usize,
255struct ErrorToHandle {
256    error: anyhow::Error,
258    /// This field is true for "interesting" errors and false for "mundane"
259    /// errors. If false, we print the above error only if it's the first one
260    /// encountered so far while draining the job queue.
261    ///
262    /// At most places that an error is propagated, we set this to false to
263    /// avoid scenarios where Cargo might end up spewing tons of redundant error
264    /// messages. For example if an i/o stream got closed somewhere, we don't
265    /// care about individually reporting every thread that it broke; just the
266    /// first is enough.
267    ///
268    /// The exception where `print_always` is true is that we do report every
269    /// instance of a rustc invocation that failed with diagnostics. This
270    /// corresponds to errors from `Message::Finish`.
271    print_always: bool,
274impl<E> From<E> for ErrorToHandle
276    anyhow::Error: From<E>,
278    fn from(error: E) -> Self {
279        ErrorToHandle {
280            error: anyhow::Error::from(error),
281            print_always: false,
282        }
283    }
286#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
287pub struct JobId(pub u32);
289impl std::fmt::Display for JobId {
290    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
291        write!(f, "{}", self.0)
292    }
295/// Handler for deduplicating diagnostics.
296struct DiagDedupe<'gctx> {
297    seen: RefCell<HashSet<u64>>,
298    gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext,
301impl<'gctx> DiagDedupe<'gctx> {
302    fn new(gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext) -> Self {
303        DiagDedupe {
304            seen: RefCell::new(HashSet::new()),
305            gctx,
306        }
307    }
309    /// Emits a diagnostic message.
310    ///
311    /// Returns `true` if the message was emitted, or `false` if it was
312    /// suppressed for being a duplicate.
313    fn emit_diag(&self, diag: &str) -> CargoResult<bool> {
314        let h = util::hash_u64(diag);
315        if !self.seen.borrow_mut().insert(h) {
316            return Ok(false);
317        }
318        let mut shell =;
319        shell.print_ansi_stderr(diag.as_bytes())?;
320        shell.err().write_all(b"\n")?;
321        Ok(true)
322    }
325/// Possible artifacts that can be produced by compilations, used as edge values
326/// in the dependency graph.
328/// As edge values we can have multiple kinds of edges depending on one node,
329/// for example some units may only depend on the metadata for an rlib while
330/// others depend on the full rlib. This `Artifact` enum is used to distinguish
331/// this case and track the progress of compilations as they proceed.
332#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
333enum Artifact {
334    /// A generic placeholder for "depends on everything run by a step" and
335    /// means that we can't start the next compilation until the previous has
336    /// finished entirely.
337    All,
339    /// A node indicating that we only depend on the metadata of a compilation,
340    /// but the compilation is typically also producing an rlib. We can start
341    /// our step, however, before the full rlib is available.
342    Metadata,
345enum Message {
346    Run(JobId, String),
347    BuildPlanMsg(String, ProcessBuilder, Arc<Vec<OutputFile>>),
348    Stdout(String),
349    Stderr(String),
351    // This is for general stderr output from subprocesses
352    Diagnostic {
353        id: JobId,
354        level: String,
355        diag: String,
356        fixable: bool,
357    },
358    // This handles duplicate output that is suppressed, for showing
359    // only a count of duplicate messages instead
360    WarningCount {
361        id: JobId,
362        emitted: bool,
363        fixable: bool,
364    },
365    // This is for warnings generated by Cargo's interpretation of the
366    // subprocess output, e.g. scrape-examples prints a warning if a
367    // unit fails to be scraped
368    Warning {
369        id: JobId,
370        warning: String,
371    },
373    FixDiagnostic(diagnostic_server::Message),
374    Token(io::Result<Acquired>),
375    Finish(JobId, Artifact, CargoResult<()>),
376    FutureIncompatReport(JobId, Vec<FutureBreakageItem>),
379impl<'gctx> JobQueue<'gctx> {
380    pub fn new(bcx: &BuildContext<'_, 'gctx>) -> JobQueue<'gctx> {
381        JobQueue {
382            queue: DependencyQueue::new(),
383            counts: HashMap::new(),
384            timings: Timings::new(bcx, &bcx.roots),
385        }
386    }
388    pub fn enqueue(
389        &mut self,
390        build_runner: &BuildRunner<'_, 'gctx>,
391        unit: &Unit,
392        job: Job,
393    ) -> CargoResult<()> {
394        let dependencies = build_runner.unit_deps(unit);
395        let mut queue_deps = dependencies
396            .iter()
397            .filter(|dep| {
398                // Binaries aren't actually needed to *compile* tests, just to run
399                // them, so we don't include this dependency edge in the job graph.
400                // But we shouldn't filter out dependencies being scraped for Rustdoc.
401                (! && !
402                    || dep.unit.artifact.is_true()
403                    || dep.unit.mode.is_doc_scrape()
404            })
405            .map(|dep| {
406                // Handle the case here where our `unit -> dep` dependency may
407                // only require the metadata, not the full compilation to
408                // finish. Use the tables in `build_runner` to figure out what
409                // kind of artifact is associated with this dependency.
410                let artifact = if build_runner.only_requires_rmeta(unit, &dep.unit) {
411                    Artifact::Metadata
412                } else {
413                    Artifact::All
414                };
415                (dep.unit.clone(), artifact)
416            })
417            .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
419        // This is somewhat tricky, but we may need to synthesize some
420        // dependencies for this target if it requires full upstream
421        // compilations to have completed. Because of pipelining, some
422        // dependency edges may be `Metadata` due to the above clause (as
423        // opposed to everything being `All`). For example consider:
424        //
425        //    a (binary)
426        //    â”” b (lib)
427        //        â”” c (lib)
428        //
429        // Here the dependency edge from B to C will be `Metadata`, and the
430        // dependency edge from A to B will be `All`. For A to be compiled,
431        // however, it currently actually needs the full rlib of C. This means
432        // that we need to synthesize a dependency edge for the dependency graph
433        // from A to C. That's done here.
434        //
435        // This will walk all dependencies of the current target, and if any of
436        // *their* dependencies are `Metadata` then we depend on the `All` of
437        // the target as well. This should ensure that edges changed to
438        // `Metadata` propagate upwards `All` dependencies to anything that
439        // transitively contains the `Metadata` edge.
440        if unit.requires_upstream_objects() {
441            for dep in dependencies {
442                depend_on_deps_of_deps(build_runner, &mut queue_deps, dep.unit.clone());
443            }
445            fn depend_on_deps_of_deps(
446                build_runner: &BuildRunner<'_, '_>,
447                deps: &mut HashMap<Unit, Artifact>,
448                unit: Unit,
449            ) {
450                for dep in build_runner.unit_deps(&unit) {
451                    if deps.insert(dep.unit.clone(), Artifact::All).is_none() {
452                        depend_on_deps_of_deps(build_runner, deps, dep.unit.clone());
453                    }
454                }
455            }
456        }
458        // For now we use a fixed placeholder value for the cost of each unit, but
459        // in the future this could be used to allow users to provide hints about
460        // relative expected costs of units, or this could be automatically set in
461        // a smarter way using timing data from a previous compilation.
462        self.queue.queue(unit.clone(), job, queue_deps, 100);
463        *self.counts.entry(unit.pkg.package_id()).or_insert(0) += 1;
464        Ok(())
465    }
467    /// Executes all jobs necessary to build the dependency graph.
468    ///
469    /// This function will spawn off `` workers to build all of the
470    /// necessary dependencies, in order. Freshness is propagated as far as
471    /// possible along each dependency chain.
472    #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)]
473    pub fn execute(
474        mut self,
475        build_runner: &mut BuildRunner<'_, '_>,
476        plan: &mut BuildPlan,
477    ) -> CargoResult<()> {
478        self.queue.queue_finished();
480        let progress =
481            Progress::with_style("Building", ProgressStyle::Ratio, build_runner.bcx.gctx);
482        let state = DrainState {
483            total_units: self.queue.len(),
484            queue: self.queue,
485            // 100 here is somewhat arbitrary. It is a few screenfulls of
486            // output, and hopefully at most a few megabytes of memory for
487            // typical messages. If you change this, please update the test
488            // caching_large_output, too.
489            messages: Arc::new(Queue::new(100)),
490            diag_dedupe: DiagDedupe::new(build_runner.bcx.gctx),
491            warning_count: HashMap::new(),
492            active: HashMap::new(),
493            compiled: HashSet::new(),
494            documented: HashSet::new(),
495            scraped: HashSet::new(),
496            counts: self.counts,
497            progress,
498            next_id: 0,
499            timings: self.timings,
500            tokens: Vec::new(),
501            pending_queue: Vec::new(),
502            print: DiagnosticPrinter::new(
503                build_runner.bcx.gctx,
504                &build_runner.bcx.rustc().workspace_wrapper,
505            ),
506            finished: 0,
507            per_package_future_incompat_reports: Vec::new(),
508        };
510        // Create a helper thread for acquiring jobserver tokens
511        let messages = state.messages.clone();
512        let helper = build_runner
513            .jobserver
514            .clone()
515            .into_helper_thread(move |token| {
516                messages.push(Message::Token(token));
517            })
518            .context("failed to create helper thread for jobserver management")?;
520        // Create a helper thread to manage the diagnostics for rustfix if
521        // necessary.
522        let messages = state.messages.clone();
523        // It is important that this uses `push` instead of `push_bounded` for
524        // now. If someone wants to fix this to be bounded, the `drop`
525        // implementation needs to be changed to avoid possible deadlocks.
526        let _diagnostic_server = build_runner
527            .bcx
528            .build_config
529            .rustfix_diagnostic_server
530            .borrow_mut()
531            .take()
532            .map(move |srv| srv.start(move |msg| messages.push(Message::FixDiagnostic(msg))));
534        thread::scope(move |scope| {
535            match state.drain_the_queue(build_runner, plan, scope, &helper) {
536                Some(err) => Err(err),
537                None => Ok(()),
538            }
539        })
540    }
543impl<'gctx> DrainState<'gctx> {
544    fn spawn_work_if_possible<'s>(
545        &mut self,
546        build_runner: &mut BuildRunner<'_, '_>,
547        jobserver_helper: &HelperThread,
548        scope: &'s Scope<'s, '_>,
549    ) -> CargoResult<()> {
550        // Dequeue as much work as we can, learning about everything
551        // possible that can run. Note that this is also the point where we
552        // start requesting job tokens. Each job after the first needs to
553        // request a token.
554        while let Some((unit, job, priority)) = self.queue.dequeue() {
555            // We want to keep the pieces of work in the `pending_queue` sorted
556            // by their priorities, and insert the current job at its correctly
557            // sorted position: following the lower priority jobs, and the ones
558            // with the same priority (since they were dequeued before the
559            // current one, we also keep that relation).
560            let idx = self
561                .pending_queue
562                .partition_point(|&(_, _, p)| p <= priority);
563            self.pending_queue.insert(idx, (unit, job, priority));
564            if + self.pending_queue.len() > 1 {
565                jobserver_helper.request_token();
566            }
567        }
569        // Now that we've learned of all possible work that we can execute
570        // try to spawn it so long as we've got a jobserver token which says
571        // we're able to perform some parallel work.
572        // The `pending_queue` is sorted in ascending priority order, and we
573        // remove items from its end to schedule the highest priority items
574        // sooner.
575        while self.has_extra_tokens() && !self.pending_queue.is_empty() {
576            let (unit, job, _) = self.pending_queue.pop().unwrap();
577            *self.counts.get_mut(&unit.pkg.package_id()).unwrap() -= 1;
578            if !build_runner.bcx.build_config.build_plan {
579                // Print out some nice progress information.
580                // NOTE: An error here will drop the job without starting it.
581                // That should be OK, since we want to exit as soon as
582                // possible during an error.
583                self.note_working_on(
584                    build_runner.bcx.gctx,
585          ,
586                    &unit,
587                    job.freshness(),
588                )?;
589            }
590  , job, build_runner, scope);
591        }
593        Ok(())
594    }
596    fn has_extra_tokens(&self) -> bool {
597 < self.tokens.len() + 1
598    }
600    fn handle_event(
601        &mut self,
602        build_runner: &mut BuildRunner<'_, '_>,
603        plan: &mut BuildPlan,
604        event: Message,
605    ) -> Result<(), ErrorToHandle> {
606        let warning_handling = build_runner.bcx.gctx.warning_handling()?;
607        match event {
608            Message::Run(id, cmd) => {
609                build_runner
610                    .bcx
611                    .gctx
612                    .shell()
613                    .verbose(|c| c.status("Running", &cmd))?;
614                self.timings.unit_start(id,[&id].clone());
615            }
616            Message::BuildPlanMsg(module_name, cmd, filenames) => {
617                plan.update(&module_name, &cmd, &filenames)?;
618            }
619            Message::Stdout(out) => {
620                writeln!(, "{}", out)?;
621            }
622            Message::Stderr(err) => {
623                let mut shell =;
624                shell.print_ansi_stderr(err.as_bytes())?;
625                shell.err().write_all(b"\n")?;
626            }
627            Message::Diagnostic {
628                id,
629                level,
630                diag,
631                fixable,
632            } => {
633                let emitted = self.diag_dedupe.emit_diag(&diag)?;
634                if level == "warning" {
635                    self.bump_warning_count(id, emitted, fixable);
636                }
637                if level == "error" {
638                    let cnts = self.warning_count.entry(id).or_default();
639                    // If there is an error, the `cargo fix` message should not show
640                    cnts.disallow_fixable();
641                }
642            }
643            Message::Warning { id, warning } => {
644                if warning_handling != WarningHandling::Allow {
645          ;
646                }
647                self.bump_warning_count(id, true, false);
648            }
649            Message::WarningCount {
650                id,
651                emitted,
652                fixable,
653            } => {
654                self.bump_warning_count(id, emitted, fixable);
655            }
656            Message::FixDiagnostic(msg) => {
657                self.print.print(&msg)?;
658            }
659            Message::Finish(id, artifact, result) => {
660                let unit = match artifact {
661                    // If `id` has completely finished we remove it
662                    // from the `active` map ...
663                    Artifact::All => {
664                        trace!("end: {:?}", id);
665                        self.finished += 1;
666                        self.report_warning_count(
667                            build_runner,
668                            id,
669                            &build_runner.bcx.rustc().workspace_wrapper,
670                        );
672                    }
673                    // ... otherwise if it hasn't finished we leave it
674                    // in there as we'll get another `Finish` later on.
675                    Artifact::Metadata => {
676                        trace!("end (meta): {:?}", id);
677              [&id].clone()
678                    }
679                };
680                debug!("end ({:?}): {:?}", unit, result);
681                match result {
682                    Ok(()) => self.finish(id, &unit, artifact, build_runner)?,
683                    Err(_) if build_runner.bcx.unit_can_fail_for_docscraping(&unit) => {
684                        build_runner
685                            .failed_scrape_units
686                            .lock()
687                            .unwrap()
688                            .insert(build_runner.files().metadata(&unit).unit_id());
689                        self.queue.finish(&unit, &artifact);
690                    }
691                    Err(error) => {
692                        let show_warnings = true;
693                        self.emit_log_messages(&unit, build_runner, show_warnings)?;
694                        self.back_compat_notice(build_runner, &unit)?;
695                        return Err(ErrorToHandle {
696                            error,
697                            print_always: true,
698                        });
699                    }
700                }
701            }
702            Message::FutureIncompatReport(id, items) => {
703                let package_id =[&id].pkg.package_id();
704                self.per_package_future_incompat_reports
705                    .push(FutureIncompatReportPackage { package_id, items });
706            }
707            Message::Token(acquired_token) => {
708                let token = acquired_token.context("failed to acquire jobserver token")?;
709                self.tokens.push(token);
710            }
711        }
713        Ok(())
714    }
716    // This will also tick the progress bar as appropriate
717    fn wait_for_events(&mut self) -> Vec<Message> {
718        // Drain all events at once to avoid displaying the progress bar
719        // unnecessarily. If there's no events we actually block waiting for
720        // an event, but we keep a "heartbeat" going to allow `record_cpu`
721        // to run above to calculate CPU usage over time. To do this we
722        // listen for a message with a timeout, and on timeout we run the
723        // previous parts of the loop again.
724        let mut events = self.messages.try_pop_all();
725        if events.is_empty() {
726            loop {
727                self.tick_progress();
728                self.tokens.truncate( - 1);
729                match self.messages.pop(Duration::from_millis(500)) {
730                    Some(message) => {
731                        events.push(message);
732                        break;
733                    }
734                    None => continue,
735                }
736            }
737        }
738        events
739    }
741    /// This is the "main" loop, where Cargo does all work to run the
742    /// compiler.
743    ///
744    /// This returns an Option to prevent the use of `?` on `Result` types
745    /// because it is important for the loop to carefully handle errors.
746    fn drain_the_queue<'s>(
747        mut self,
748        build_runner: &mut BuildRunner<'_, '_>,
749        plan: &mut BuildPlan,
750        scope: &'s Scope<'s, '_>,
751        jobserver_helper: &HelperThread,
752    ) -> Option<anyhow::Error> {
753        trace!("queue: {:#?}", self.queue);
755        // Iteratively execute the entire dependency graph. Each turn of the
756        // loop starts out by scheduling as much work as possible (up to the
757        // maximum number of parallel jobs we have tokens for). A local queue
758        // is maintained separately from the main dependency queue as one
759        // dequeue may actually dequeue quite a bit of work (e.g., 10 binaries
760        // in one package).
761        //
762        // After a job has finished we update our internal state if it was
763        // successful and otherwise wait for pending work to finish if it failed
764        // and then immediately return (or keep going, if requested by the build
765        // config).
766        let mut errors = ErrorsDuringDrain { count: 0 };
767        // CAUTION! Do not use `?` or break out of the loop early. Every error
768        // must be handled in such a way that the loop is still allowed to
769        // drain event messages.
770        loop {
771            if errors.count == 0 || build_runner.bcx.build_config.keep_going {
772                if let Err(e) = self.spawn_work_if_possible(build_runner, jobserver_helper, scope) {
773                    self.handle_error(&mut, &mut errors, e);
774                }
775            }
777            // If after all that we're not actually running anything then we're
778            // done!
779            if {
780                break;
781            }
783            // And finally, before we block waiting for the next event, drop any
784            // excess tokens we may have accidentally acquired. Due to how our
785            // jobserver interface is architected we may acquire a token that we
786            // don't actually use, and if this happens just relinquish it back
787            // to the jobserver itself.
788            for event in self.wait_for_events() {
789                if let Err(event_err) = self.handle_event(build_runner, plan, event) {
790                    self.handle_error(&mut, &mut errors, event_err);
791                }
792            }
793        }
794        self.progress.clear();
796        let profile_name = build_runner.bcx.build_config.requested_profile;
797        // NOTE: this may be a bit inaccurate, since this may not display the
798        // profile for what was actually built. Profile overrides can change
799        // these settings, and in some cases different targets are built with
800        // different profiles. To be accurate, it would need to collect a
801        // list of Units built, and maybe display a list of the different
802        // profiles used. However, to keep it simple and compatible with old
803        // behavior, we just display what the base profile is.
804        let profile = build_runner.bcx.profiles.base_profile();
805        let mut opt_type = String::from(if profile.opt_level.as_str() == "0" {
806            "unoptimized"
807        } else {
808            "optimized"
809        });
810        if profile.debuginfo.is_turned_on() {
811            opt_type += " + debuginfo";
812        }
814        let time_elapsed = util::elapsed(build_runner.bcx.gctx.creation_time().elapsed());
815        if let Err(e) = self.timings.finished(build_runner, &errors.to_error()) {
816            self.handle_error(&mut, &mut errors, e);
817        }
818        if build_runner.bcx.build_config.emit_json() {
819            let mut shell =;
820            let msg = machine_message::BuildFinished {
821                success: errors.count == 0,
822            }
823            .to_json_string();
824            if let Err(e) = writeln!(shell.out(), "{}", msg) {
825                self.handle_error(&mut shell, &mut errors, e);
826            }
827        }
829        if let Some(error) = errors.to_error() {
830            // Any errors up to this point have already been printed via the
831            // `display_error` inside `handle_error`.
832            Some(anyhow::Error::new(AlreadyPrintedError::new(error)))
833        } else if self.queue.is_empty() && self.pending_queue.is_empty() {
834            let profile_link =
835                "",
836            );
837            let message = format!(
838                "{profile_link}`{profile_name}` profile [{opt_type}]{profile_link:#} target(s) in {time_elapsed}",
839            );
840            if !build_runner.bcx.build_config.build_plan {
841                // It doesn't really matter if this fails.
842                let _ ="Finished", message);
843                future_incompat::save_and_display_report(
844                    build_runner.bcx,
845                    &self.per_package_future_incompat_reports,
846                );
847            }
849            None
850        } else {
851            debug!("queue: {:#?}", self.queue);
852            Some(internal("finished with jobs still left in the queue"))
853        }
854    }
856    fn handle_error(
857        &mut self,
858        shell: &mut Shell,
859        err_state: &mut ErrorsDuringDrain,
860        new_err: impl Into<ErrorToHandle>,
861    ) {
862        let new_err = new_err.into();
863        if new_err.print_always || err_state.count == 0 {
864            crate::display_error(&new_err.error, shell);
865            if err_state.count == 0 && ! {
866                self.progress.indicate_error();
867                let _ = shell.warn("build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...");
868            }
869            err_state.count += 1;
870        } else {
871            tracing::warn!("{:?}", new_err.error);
872        }
873    }
875    // This also records CPU usage and marks concurrency; we roughly want to do
876    // this as often as we spin on the events receiver (at least every 500ms or
877    // so).
878    fn tick_progress(&mut self) {
879        // Record some timing information if `--timings` is enabled, and
880        // this'll end up being a noop if we're not recording this
881        // information.
882        self.timings.mark_concurrency(
883  ,
884            self.pending_queue.len(),
885            self.queue.len(),
886        );
887        self.timings.record_cpu();
889        let active_names = self
890            .active
891            .values()
892            .map(|u| self.name_for_progress(u))
893            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
894        let _ = self.progress.tick_now(
895            self.finished,
896            self.total_units,
897            &format!(": {}", active_names.join(", ")),
898        );
899    }
901    fn name_for_progress(&self, unit: &Unit) -> String {
902        let pkg_name =;
903        let target_name =;
904        match unit.mode {
905            CompileMode::Doc { .. } => format!("{}(doc)", pkg_name),
906            CompileMode::RunCustomBuild => format!("{}(build)", pkg_name),
907            CompileMode::Test | CompileMode::Check { test: true } => match {
908                TargetKind::Lib(_) => format!("{}(test)", target_name),
909                TargetKind::CustomBuild => panic!("cannot test build script"),
910                TargetKind::Bin => format!("{}(bin test)", target_name),
911                TargetKind::Test => format!("{}(test)", target_name),
912                TargetKind::Bench => format!("{}(bench)", target_name),
913                TargetKind::ExampleBin | TargetKind::ExampleLib(_) => {
914                    format!("{}(example test)", target_name)
915                }
916            },
917            _ => match {
918                TargetKind::Lib(_) => pkg_name.to_string(),
919                TargetKind::CustomBuild => format!("{}(", pkg_name),
920                TargetKind::Bin => format!("{}(bin)", target_name),
921                TargetKind::Test => format!("{}(test)", target_name),
922                TargetKind::Bench => format!("{}(bench)", target_name),
923                TargetKind::ExampleBin | TargetKind::ExampleLib(_) => {
924                    format!("{}(example)", target_name)
925                }
926            },
927        }
928    }
930    /// Executes a job.
931    ///
932    /// Fresh jobs block until finished (which should be very fast!), Dirty
933    /// jobs will spawn a thread in the background and return immediately.
934    fn run<'s>(
935        &mut self,
936        unit: &Unit,
937        job: Job,
938        build_runner: &BuildRunner<'_, '_>,
939        scope: &'s Scope<'s, '_>,
940    ) {
941        let id = JobId(self.next_id);
942        self.next_id = self.next_id.checked_add(1).unwrap();
944        debug!("start {}: {:?}", id, unit);
946        assert!(, unit.clone()).is_none());
948        let messages = self.messages.clone();
949        let is_fresh = job.freshness().is_fresh();
950        let rmeta_required = build_runner.rmeta_required(unit);
952        let doit = move |diag_dedupe| {
953            let state = JobState::new(id, messages, diag_dedupe, rmeta_required);
954            state.run_to_finish(job);
955        };
957        match is_fresh {
958            true => {
959                self.timings.add_fresh();
960                // Running a fresh job on the same thread is often much faster than spawning a new
961                // thread to run the job.
962                doit(Some(&self.diag_dedupe));
963            }
964            false => {
965                self.timings.add_dirty();
966                scope.spawn(move || doit(None));
967            }
968        }
969    }
971    fn emit_log_messages(
972        &self,
973        unit: &Unit,
974        build_runner: &mut BuildRunner<'_, '_>,
975        show_warnings: bool,
976    ) -> CargoResult<()> {
977        let outputs = build_runner.build_script_outputs.lock().unwrap();
978        let Some(metadata) = build_runner.find_build_script_metadata(unit) else {
979            return Ok(());
980        };
981        let bcx = &mut build_runner.bcx;
982        if let Some(output) = outputs.get(metadata) {
983            if !output.log_messages.is_empty()
984                && (show_warnings
985                    || output
986                        .log_messages
987                        .iter()
988                        .any(|(severity, _)| *severity == Severity::Error))
989            {
990                let msg_with_package =
991                    |msg: &str| format!("{}@{}: {}",, unit.pkg.version(), msg);
993                for (severity, message) in output.log_messages.iter() {
994                    match severity {
995                        Severity::Error => {
996                  ;
997                        }
998                        Severity::Warning => {
999                  ;
1000                        }
1001                    }
1002                }
1003            }
1004        }
1006        Ok(())
1007    }
1009    fn bump_warning_count(&mut self, id: JobId, emitted: bool, fixable: bool) {
1010        let cnts = self.warning_count.entry(id).or_default();
1011 += 1;
1012        if !emitted {
1013            cnts.duplicates += 1;
1014        // Don't add to fixable if it's already been emitted
1015        } else if fixable {
1016            // Do not add anything to the fixable warning count if
1017            // is `NotAllowed` since that indicates there was an
1018            // error while building this `Unit`
1019            if cnts.fixable_allowed() {
1020                cnts.fixable = match cnts.fixable {
1021                    FixableWarnings::NotAllowed => FixableWarnings::NotAllowed,
1022                    FixableWarnings::Zero => FixableWarnings::Positive(1),
1023                    FixableWarnings::Positive(fixable) => FixableWarnings::Positive(fixable + 1),
1024                };
1025            }
1026        }
1027    }
1029    /// Displays a final report of the warnings emitted by a particular job.
1030    fn report_warning_count(
1031        &mut self,
1032        runner: &mut BuildRunner<'_, '_>,
1033        id: JobId,
1034        rustc_workspace_wrapper: &Option<PathBuf>,
1035    ) {
1036        let gctx = runner.bcx.gctx;
1037        let count = match self.warning_count.get(&id) {
1038            // An error could add an entry for a `Unit`
1039            // with 0 warnings but having fixable
1040            // warnings be disallowed
1041            Some(count) if > 0 => count,
1042            None | Some(_) => return,
1043        };
1044        runner.compilation.warning_count +=;
1045        let unit = &[&id];
1046        let mut message = descriptive_pkg_name(&, &, &unit.mode);
1047        message.push_str(" generated ");
1048        match {
1049            1 => message.push_str("1 warning"),
1050            n => {
1051                let _ = write!(message, "{} warnings", n);
1052            }
1053        };
1054        match count.duplicates {
1055            0 => {}
1056            1 => message.push_str(" (1 duplicate)"),
1057            n => {
1058                let _ = write!(message, " ({} duplicates)", n);
1059            }
1060        }
1061        // Only show the `cargo fix` message if its a local `Unit`
1062        if unit.is_local() {
1063            // Do not show this if there are any errors or no fixable warnings
1064            if let FixableWarnings::Positive(fixable) = count.fixable {
1065                // `cargo fix` doesn't have an option for custom builds
1066                if ! {
1067                    // To make sure the correct command is shown for `clippy` we
1068                    // check if `RUSTC_WORKSPACE_WRAPPER` is set and pointing towards
1069                    // `clippy-driver`.
1070                    let clippy = std::ffi::OsStr::new("clippy-driver");
1071                    let command = match rustc_workspace_wrapper.as_ref().and_then(|x| x.file_stem())
1072                    {
1073                        Some(wrapper) if wrapper == clippy => "cargo clippy --fix",
1074                        _ => "cargo fix",
1075                    };
1076                    let mut args = {
1077                        let named =;
1078                        // if its a lib we need to add the package to fix
1079                        if {
1080                            format!("{} -p {}", named,
1081                        } else {
1082                            named
1083                        }
1084                    };
1085                    if unit.mode.is_rustc_test()
1086                        && !( ||
1087                    {
1088                        args.push_str(" --tests");
1089                    }
1090                    let mut suggestions = format!("{} suggestion", fixable);
1091                    if fixable > 1 {
1092                        suggestions.push_str("s")
1093                    }
1094                    let _ = write!(
1095                        message,
1096                        " (run `{command} --{args}` to apply {suggestions})"
1097                    );
1098                }
1099            }
1100        }
1101        // Errors are ignored here because it is tricky to handle them
1102        // correctly, and they aren't important.
1103        let _ =;
1104    }
1106    fn finish(
1107        &mut self,
1108        id: JobId,
1109        unit: &Unit,
1110        artifact: Artifact,
1111        build_runner: &mut BuildRunner<'_, '_>,
1112    ) -> CargoResult<()> {
1113        if unit.mode.is_run_custom_build() {
1114            self.emit_log_messages(
1115                unit,
1116                build_runner,
1117                unit.show_warnings(build_runner.bcx.gctx),
1118            )?;
1119        }
1120        let unlocked = self.queue.finish(unit, &artifact);
1121        match artifact {
1122            Artifact::All => self.timings.unit_finished(id, unlocked),
1123            Artifact::Metadata => self.timings.unit_rmeta_finished(id, unlocked),
1124        }
1125        Ok(())
1126    }
1128    // This isn't super trivial because we don't want to print loads and
1129    // loads of information to the console, but we also want to produce a
1130    // faithful representation of what's happening. This is somewhat nuanced
1131    // as a package can start compiling *very* early on because of custom
1132    // build commands and such.
1133    //
1134    // In general, we try to print "Compiling" for the first nontrivial task
1135    // run for a package, regardless of when that is. We then don't print
1136    // out any more information for a package after we've printed it once.
1137    fn note_working_on(
1138        &mut self,
1139        gctx: &GlobalContext,
1140        ws_root: &Path,
1141        unit: &Unit,
1142        fresh: &Freshness,
1143    ) -> CargoResult<()> {
1144        if (self.compiled.contains(&unit.pkg.package_id())
1145            && !unit.mode.is_doc()
1146            && !unit.mode.is_doc_scrape())
1147            || (self.documented.contains(&unit.pkg.package_id()) && unit.mode.is_doc())
1148            || (self.scraped.contains(&unit.pkg.package_id()) && unit.mode.is_doc_scrape())
1149        {
1150            return Ok(());
1151        }
1153        match fresh {
1154            // Any dirty stage which runs at least one command gets printed as
1155            // being a compiled package.
1156            Dirty(dirty_reason) => {
1157                if !dirty_reason.is_fresh_build() {
1159                        .verbose(|shell| dirty_reason.present_to(shell, unit, ws_root))?;
1160                }
1162                if unit.mode.is_doc() {
1163                    self.documented.insert(unit.pkg.package_id());
1164          "Documenting", &unit.pkg)?;
1165                } else if unit.mode.is_doc_test() {
1166                    // Skip doc test.
1167                } else if unit.mode.is_doc_scrape() {
1168                    self.scraped.insert(unit.pkg.package_id());
1169          "Scraping", &unit.pkg)?;
1170                } else {
1171                    self.compiled.insert(unit.pkg.package_id());
1172                    if unit.mode.is_check() {
1173              "Checking", &unit.pkg)?;
1174                    } else {
1175              "Compiling", &unit.pkg)?;
1176                    }
1177                }
1178            }
1179            Fresh => {
1180                // If doc test are last, only print "Fresh" if nothing has been printed.
1181                if self.counts[&unit.pkg.package_id()] == 0
1182                    && !(unit.mode.is_doc_test() && self.compiled.contains(&unit.pkg.package_id()))
1183                {
1184                    self.compiled.insert(unit.pkg.package_id());
1185          |c| c.status("Fresh", &unit.pkg))?;
1186                }
1187            }
1188        }
1189        Ok(())
1190    }
1192    fn back_compat_notice(
1193        &self,
1194        build_runner: &BuildRunner<'_, '_>,
1195        unit: &Unit,
1196    ) -> CargoResult<()> {
1197        if != "diesel"
1198            || unit.pkg.version() >= &Version::new(1, 4, 8)
1199            || == ResolveBehavior::V1
1200            || !unit.pkg.package_id().source_id().is_registry()
1201            || !unit.features.is_empty()
1202        {
1203            return Ok(());
1204        }
1205        if !build_runner
1206            .bcx
1207            .unit_graph
1208            .keys()
1209            .any(|unit| == "diesel" && !unit.features.is_empty())
1210        {
1211            return Ok(());
1212        }
1214            "\
1215This error may be due to an interaction between diesel and Cargo's new
1216feature resolver. Try updating to diesel 1.4.8 to fix this error.
1218        )?;
1219        Ok(())
1220    }
1223impl ErrorsDuringDrain {
1224    fn to_error(&self) -> Option<anyhow::Error> {
1225        match self.count {
1226            0 => None,
1227            1 => Some(format_err!("1 job failed")),
1228            n => Some(format_err!("{} jobs failed", n)),
1229        }
1230    }