
1//! This module contains the code to instantiate a "query result", and
2//! in particular to extract out the resulting region obligations and
3//! encode them therein.
5//! For an overview of what canonicalization is and how it fits into
6//! rustc, check out the [chapter in the rustc dev guide][c].
8//! [c]:
10use std::fmt::Debug;
11use std::iter;
13use rustc_data_structures::captures::Captures;
14use rustc_index::{Idx, IndexVec};
15use rustc_middle::arena::ArenaAllocatable;
16use rustc_middle::mir::ConstraintCategory;
17use rustc_middle::ty::fold::TypeFoldable;
18use rustc_middle::ty::{self, BoundVar, GenericArg, GenericArgKind, Ty, TyCtxt};
19use rustc_middle::{bug, span_bug};
20use tracing::{debug, instrument};
22use crate::infer::canonical::instantiate::{CanonicalExt, instantiate_value};
23use crate::infer::canonical::{
24    Canonical, CanonicalQueryResponse, CanonicalVarValues, Certainty, OriginalQueryValues,
25    QueryOutlivesConstraint, QueryRegionConstraints, QueryResponse,
27use crate::infer::region_constraints::{Constraint, RegionConstraintData};
28use crate::infer::{DefineOpaqueTypes, InferCtxt, InferOk, InferResult};
29use crate::traits::query::NoSolution;
30use crate::traits::{
31    Obligation, ObligationCause, PredicateObligation, PredicateObligations, ScrubbedTraitError,
32    TraitEngine,
35impl<'tcx> InferCtxt<'tcx> {
36    /// This method is meant to be invoked as the final step of a canonical query
37    /// implementation. It is given:
38    ///
39    /// - the instantiated variables `inference_vars` created from the query key
40    /// - the result `answer` of the query
41    /// - a fulfillment context `fulfill_cx` that may contain various obligations which
42    ///   have yet to be proven.
43    ///
44    /// Given this, the function will process the obligations pending
45    /// in `fulfill_cx`:
46    ///
47    /// - If all the obligations can be proven successfully, it will
48    ///   package up any resulting region obligations (extracted from
49    ///   `infcx`) along with the fully resolved value `answer` into a
50    ///   query result (which is then itself canonicalized).
51    /// - If some obligations can be neither proven nor disproven, then
52    ///   the same thing happens, but the resulting query is marked as ambiguous.
53    /// - Finally, if any of the obligations result in a hard error,
54    ///   then `Err(NoSolution)` is returned.
55    #[instrument(skip(self, inference_vars, answer, fulfill_cx), level = "trace")]
56    pub fn make_canonicalized_query_response<T>(
57        &self,
58        inference_vars: CanonicalVarValues<'tcx>,
59        answer: T,
60        fulfill_cx: &mut dyn TraitEngine<'tcx, ScrubbedTraitError<'tcx>>,
61    ) -> Result<CanonicalQueryResponse<'tcx, T>, NoSolution>
62    where
63        T: Debug + TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
64        Canonical<'tcx, QueryResponse<'tcx, T>>: ArenaAllocatable<'tcx>,
65    {
66        let query_response = self.make_query_response(inference_vars, answer, fulfill_cx)?;
67        debug!("query_response = {:#?}", query_response);
68        let canonical_result = self.canonicalize_response(query_response);
69        debug!("canonical_result = {:#?}", canonical_result);
71        Ok(self.tcx.arena.alloc(canonical_result))
72    }
74    /// A version of `make_canonicalized_query_response` that does
75    /// not pack in obligations, for contexts that want to drop
76    /// pending obligations instead of treating them as an ambiguity (e.g.
77    /// typeck "probing" contexts).
78    ///
79    /// If you DO want to keep track of pending obligations (which
80    /// include all region obligations, so this includes all cases
81    /// that care about regions) with this function, you have to
82    /// do it yourself, by e.g., having them be a part of the answer.
83    pub fn make_query_response_ignoring_pending_obligations<T>(
84        &self,
85        inference_vars: CanonicalVarValues<'tcx>,
86        answer: T,
87    ) -> Canonical<'tcx, QueryResponse<'tcx, T>>
88    where
89        T: Debug + TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
90    {
91        self.canonicalize_response(QueryResponse {
92            var_values: inference_vars,
93            region_constraints: QueryRegionConstraints::default(),
94            certainty: Certainty::Proven, // Ambiguities are OK!
95            opaque_types: vec![],
96            value: answer,
97        })
98    }
100    /// Helper for `make_canonicalized_query_response` that does
101    /// everything up until the final canonicalization.
102    #[instrument(skip(self, fulfill_cx), level = "debug")]
103    fn make_query_response<T>(
104        &self,
105        inference_vars: CanonicalVarValues<'tcx>,
106        answer: T,
107        fulfill_cx: &mut dyn TraitEngine<'tcx, ScrubbedTraitError<'tcx>>,
108    ) -> Result<QueryResponse<'tcx, T>, NoSolution>
109    where
110        T: Debug + TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
111    {
112        let tcx = self.tcx;
114        // Select everything, returning errors.
115        let errors = fulfill_cx.select_all_or_error(self);
117        // True error!
118        if errors.iter().any(|e| e.is_true_error()) {
119            return Err(NoSolution);
120        }
122        let region_obligations = self.take_registered_region_obligations();
123        debug!(?region_obligations);
124        let region_constraints = self.with_region_constraints(|region_constraints| {
125            make_query_region_constraints(
126                tcx,
127                region_obligations
128                    .iter()
129                    .map(|r_o| (r_o.sup_type, r_o.sub_region, r_o.origin.to_constraint_category())),
130                region_constraints,
131            )
132        });
133        debug!(?region_constraints);
135        let certainty = if errors.is_empty() { Certainty::Proven } else { Certainty::Ambiguous };
137        let opaque_types = self.take_opaque_types_for_query_response();
139        Ok(QueryResponse {
140            var_values: inference_vars,
141            region_constraints,
142            certainty,
143            value: answer,
144            opaque_types,
145        })
146    }
148    /// Used by the new solver as that one takes the opaque types at the end of a probe
149    /// to deal with multiple candidates without having to recompute them.
150    pub fn clone_opaque_types_for_query_response(
151        &self,
152    ) -> Vec<(ty::OpaqueTypeKey<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)> {
153        self.inner
154            .borrow()
155            .opaque_type_storage
156            .opaque_types
157            .iter()
158            .map(|(k, v)| (*k, v.ty))
159            .collect()
160    }
162    fn take_opaque_types_for_query_response(&self) -> Vec<(ty::OpaqueTypeKey<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)> {
163        self.take_opaque_types().into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k, v.ty)).collect()
164    }
166    /// Given the (canonicalized) result to a canonical query,
167    /// instantiates the result so it can be used, plugging in the
168    /// values from the canonical query. (Note that the result may
169    /// have been ambiguous; you should check the certainty level of
170    /// the query before applying this function.)
171    ///
172    /// To get a good understanding of what is happening here, check
173    /// out the [chapter in the rustc dev guide][c].
174    ///
175    /// [c]:
176    pub fn instantiate_query_response_and_region_obligations<R>(
177        &self,
178        cause: &ObligationCause<'tcx>,
179        param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
180        original_values: &OriginalQueryValues<'tcx>,
181        query_response: &Canonical<'tcx, QueryResponse<'tcx, R>>,
182    ) -> InferResult<'tcx, R>
183    where
184        R: Debug + TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
185    {
186        let InferOk { value: result_args, mut obligations } =
187            self.query_response_instantiation(cause, param_env, original_values, query_response)?;
189        obligations.extend(self.query_outlives_constraints_into_obligations(
190            cause,
191            param_env,
192            &query_response.value.region_constraints.outlives,
193            &result_args,
194        ));
196        let user_result: R =
197            query_response.instantiate_projected(self.tcx, &result_args, |q_r| q_r.value.clone());
199        Ok(InferOk { value: user_result, obligations })
200    }
202    /// An alternative to
203    /// `instantiate_query_response_and_region_obligations` that is more
204    /// efficient for NLL. NLL is a bit more advanced in the
205    /// "transition to chalk" than the rest of the compiler. During
206    /// the NLL type check, all of the "processing" of types and
207    /// things happens in queries -- the NLL checker itself is only
208    /// interested in the region obligations (`'a: 'b` or `T: 'b`)
209    /// that come out of these queries, which it wants to convert into
210    /// MIR-based constraints and solve. Therefore, it is most
211    /// convenient for the NLL Type Checker to **directly consume**
212    /// the `QueryOutlivesConstraint` values that arise from doing a
213    /// query. This is contrast to other parts of the compiler, which
214    /// would prefer for those `QueryOutlivesConstraint` to be converted
215    /// into the older infcx-style constraints (e.g., calls to
216    /// `sub_regions` or `register_region_obligation`).
217    ///
218    /// Therefore, `instantiate_nll_query_response_and_region_obligations` performs the same
219    /// basic operations as `instantiate_query_response_and_region_obligations` but
220    /// it returns its result differently:
221    ///
222    /// - It creates an instantiation `S` that maps from the original
223    ///   query variables to the values computed in the query
224    ///   result. If any errors arise, they are propagated back as an
225    ///   `Err` result.
226    /// - In the case of a successful instantiation, we will append
227    ///   `QueryOutlivesConstraint` values onto the
228    ///   `output_query_region_constraints` vector for the solver to
229    ///   use (if an error arises, some values may also be pushed, but
230    ///   they should be ignored).
231    /// - It **can happen** (though it rarely does currently) that
232    ///   equating types and things will give rise to subobligations
233    ///   that must be processed. In this case, those subobligations
234    ///   are propagated back in the return value.
235    /// - Finally, the query result (of type `R`) is propagated back,
236    ///   after applying the instantiation `S`.
237    pub fn instantiate_nll_query_response_and_region_obligations<R>(
238        &self,
239        cause: &ObligationCause<'tcx>,
240        param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
241        original_values: &OriginalQueryValues<'tcx>,
242        query_response: &Canonical<'tcx, QueryResponse<'tcx, R>>,
243        output_query_region_constraints: &mut QueryRegionConstraints<'tcx>,
244    ) -> InferResult<'tcx, R>
245    where
246        R: Debug + TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
247    {
248        let InferOk { value: result_args, mut obligations } = self
249            .query_response_instantiation_guess(
250                cause,
251                param_env,
252                original_values,
253                query_response,
254            )?;
256        // Compute `QueryOutlivesConstraint` values that unify each of
257        // the original values `v_o` that was canonicalized into a
258        // variable...
260        let constraint_category = cause.to_constraint_category();
262        for (index, original_value) in original_values.var_values.iter().enumerate() {
263            // ...with the value `v_r` of that variable from the query.
264            let result_value = query_response.instantiate_projected(self.tcx, &result_args, |v| {
265                v.var_values[BoundVar::new(index)]
266            });
267            match (original_value.unpack(), result_value.unpack()) {
268                (GenericArgKind::Lifetime(re1), GenericArgKind::Lifetime(re2))
269                    if re1.is_erased() && re2.is_erased() =>
270                {
271                    // No action needed.
272                }
274                (GenericArgKind::Lifetime(v_o), GenericArgKind::Lifetime(v_r)) => {
275                    // To make `v_o = v_r`, we emit `v_o: v_r` and `v_r: v_o`.
276                    if v_o != v_r {
277                        output_query_region_constraints
278                            .outlives
279                            .push((ty::OutlivesPredicate(v_o.into(), v_r), constraint_category));
280                        output_query_region_constraints
281                            .outlives
282                            .push((ty::OutlivesPredicate(v_r.into(), v_o), constraint_category));
283                    }
284                }
286                (GenericArgKind::Type(v1), GenericArgKind::Type(v2)) => {
287                    obligations.extend(
288              , param_env)
289                            .eq(DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes, v1, v2)?
290                            .into_obligations(),
291                    );
292                }
294                (GenericArgKind::Const(v1), GenericArgKind::Const(v2)) => {
295                    obligations.extend(
296              , param_env)
297                            .eq(DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes, v1, v2)?
298                            .into_obligations(),
299                    );
300                }
302                _ => {
303                    bug!("kind mismatch, cannot unify {:?} and {:?}", original_value, result_value);
304                }
305            }
306        }
308        // ...also include the other query region constraints from the query.
309        output_query_region_constraints.outlives.extend(
310            query_response.value.region_constraints.outlives.iter().filter_map(|&r_c| {
311                let r_c = instantiate_value(self.tcx, &result_args, r_c);
313                // Screen out `'a: 'a` cases.
314                let ty::OutlivesPredicate(k1, r2) = r_c.0;
315                if k1 != r2.into() { Some(r_c) } else { None }
316            }),
317        );
319        let user_result: R =
320            query_response.instantiate_projected(self.tcx, &result_args, |q_r| q_r.value.clone());
322        Ok(InferOk { value: user_result, obligations })
323    }
325    /// Given the original values and the (canonicalized) result from
326    /// computing a query, returns an instantiation that can be applied
327    /// to the query result to convert the result back into the
328    /// original namespace.
329    ///
330    /// The instantiation also comes accompanied with subobligations
331    /// that arose from unification; these might occur if (for
332    /// example) we are doing lazy normalization and the value
333    /// assigned to a type variable is unified with an unnormalized
334    /// projection.
335    fn query_response_instantiation<R>(
336        &self,
337        cause: &ObligationCause<'tcx>,
338        param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
339        original_values: &OriginalQueryValues<'tcx>,
340        query_response: &Canonical<'tcx, QueryResponse<'tcx, R>>,
341    ) -> InferResult<'tcx, CanonicalVarValues<'tcx>>
342    where
343        R: Debug + TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
344    {
345        debug!(
346            "query_response_instantiation(original_values={:#?}, query_response={:#?})",
347            original_values, query_response,
348        );
350        let mut value = self.query_response_instantiation_guess(
351            cause,
352            param_env,
353            original_values,
354            query_response,
355        )?;
357        value.obligations.extend(
358            self.unify_query_response_instantiation_guess(
359                cause,
360                param_env,
361                original_values,
362                &value.value,
363                query_response,
364            )?
365            .into_obligations(),
366        );
368        Ok(value)
369    }
371    /// Given the original values and the (canonicalized) result from
372    /// computing a query, returns a **guess** at an instantiation that
373    /// can be applied to the query result to convert the result back
374    /// into the original namespace. This is called a **guess**
375    /// because it uses a quick heuristic to find the values for each
376    /// canonical variable; if that quick heuristic fails, then we
377    /// will instantiate fresh inference variables for each canonical
378    /// variable instead. Therefore, the result of this method must be
379    /// properly unified
380    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, param_env))]
381    fn query_response_instantiation_guess<R>(
382        &self,
383        cause: &ObligationCause<'tcx>,
384        param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
385        original_values: &OriginalQueryValues<'tcx>,
386        query_response: &Canonical<'tcx, QueryResponse<'tcx, R>>,
387    ) -> InferResult<'tcx, CanonicalVarValues<'tcx>>
388    where
389        R: Debug + TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
390    {
391        // For each new universe created in the query result that did
392        // not appear in the original query, create a local
393        // superuniverse.
394        let mut universe_map = original_values.universe_map.clone();
395        let num_universes_in_query = original_values.universe_map.len();
396        let num_universes_in_response = query_response.max_universe.as_usize() + 1;
397        for _ in num_universes_in_query..num_universes_in_response {
398            universe_map.push(self.create_next_universe());
399        }
400        assert!(!universe_map.is_empty()); // always have the root universe
401        assert_eq!(universe_map[ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT.as_usize()], ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT);
403        // Every canonical query result includes values for each of
404        // the inputs to the query. Therefore, we begin by unifying
405        // these values with the original inputs that were
406        // canonicalized.
407        let result_values = &query_response.value.var_values;
408        assert_eq!(original_values.var_values.len(), result_values.len());
410        // Quickly try to find initial values for the canonical
411        // variables in the result in terms of the query. We do this
412        // by iterating down the values that the query gave to each of
413        // the canonical inputs. If we find that one of those values
414        // is directly equal to one of the canonical variables in the
415        // result, then we can type the corresponding value from the
416        // input. See the example above.
417        let mut opt_values: IndexVec<BoundVar, Option<GenericArg<'tcx>>> =
418            IndexVec::from_elem_n(None, query_response.variables.len());
420        // In terms of our example above, we are iterating over pairs like:
421        // [(?A, Vec<?0>), ('static, '?1), (?B, ?0)]
422        for (original_value, result_value) in iter::zip(&original_values.var_values, result_values)
423        {
424            match result_value.unpack() {
425                GenericArgKind::Type(result_value) => {
426                    // e.g., here `result_value` might be `?0` in the example above...
427                    if let ty::Bound(debruijn, b) = *result_value.kind() {
428                        // which case we would set `canonical_vars[0]` to `Some(?U)`.
430                        // We only allow a `ty::INNERMOST` index in generic parameters.
431                        assert_eq!(debruijn, ty::INNERMOST);
432                        opt_values[b.var] = Some(*original_value);
433                    }
434                }
435                GenericArgKind::Lifetime(result_value) => {
436                    // e.g., here `result_value` might be `'?1` in the example above...
437                    if let ty::ReBound(debruijn, br) = *result_value {
438                        // ... in which case we would set `canonical_vars[0]` to `Some('static)`.
440                        // We only allow a `ty::INNERMOST` index in generic parameters.
441                        assert_eq!(debruijn, ty::INNERMOST);
442                        opt_values[br.var] = Some(*original_value);
443                    }
444                }
445                GenericArgKind::Const(result_value) => {
446                    if let ty::ConstKind::Bound(debruijn, b) = result_value.kind() {
447                        // which case we would set `canonical_vars[0]` to `Some(const X)`.
449                        // We only allow a `ty::INNERMOST` index in generic parameters.
450                        assert_eq!(debruijn, ty::INNERMOST);
451                        opt_values[b] = Some(*original_value);
452                    }
453                }
454            }
455        }
457        // Create result arguments: if we found a value for a
458        // given variable in the loop above, use that. Otherwise, use
459        // a fresh inference variable.
460        let result_args = CanonicalVarValues {
461            var_values: self.tcx.mk_args_from_iter(
462                query_response.variables.iter().enumerate().map(|(index, info)| {
463                    if info.universe() != ty::UniverseIndex::ROOT {
464                        // A variable from inside a binder of the query. While ideally these shouldn't
465                        // exist at all, we have to deal with them for now.
466                        self.instantiate_canonical_var(cause.span, info, |u| {
467                            universe_map[u.as_usize()]
468                        })
469                    } else if info.is_existential() {
470                        match opt_values[BoundVar::new(index)] {
471                            Some(k) => k,
472                            None => self.instantiate_canonical_var(cause.span, info, |u| {
473                                universe_map[u.as_usize()]
474                            }),
475                        }
476                    } else {
477                        // For placeholders which were already part of the input, we simply map this
478                        // universal bound variable back the placeholder of the input.
479                        opt_values[BoundVar::new(index)].expect(
480                            "expected placeholder to be unified with itself during response",
481                        )
482                    }
483                }),
484            ),
485        };
487        let mut obligations = PredicateObligations::new();
489        // Carry all newly resolved opaque types to the caller's scope
490        for &(a, b) in &query_response.value.opaque_types {
491            let a = instantiate_value(self.tcx, &result_args, a);
492            let b = instantiate_value(self.tcx, &result_args, b);
493            debug!(?a, ?b, "constrain opaque type");
494            // We use equate here instead of, for example, just registering the
495            // opaque type's hidden value directly, because the hidden type may have been an inference
496            // variable that got constrained to the opaque type itself. In that case we want to equate
497            // the generic args of the opaque with the generic params of its hidden type version.
498            obligations.extend(
499      , param_env)
500                    .eq(
501                        DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes,
502                        Ty::new_opaque(self.tcx, a.def_id.to_def_id(), a.args),
503                        b,
504                    )?
505                    .obligations,
506            );
507        }
509        Ok(InferOk { value: result_args, obligations })
510    }
512    /// Given a "guess" at the values for the canonical variables in
513    /// the input, try to unify with the *actual* values found in the
514    /// query result. Often, but not always, this is a no-op, because
515    /// we already found the mapping in the "guessing" step.
516    ///
517    /// See also: [`Self::query_response_instantiation_guess`]
518    fn unify_query_response_instantiation_guess<R>(
519        &self,
520        cause: &ObligationCause<'tcx>,
521        param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
522        original_values: &OriginalQueryValues<'tcx>,
523        result_args: &CanonicalVarValues<'tcx>,
524        query_response: &Canonical<'tcx, QueryResponse<'tcx, R>>,
525    ) -> InferResult<'tcx, ()>
526    where
527        R: Debug + TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
528    {
529        // A closure that yields the result value for the given
530        // canonical variable; this is taken from
531        // `query_response.var_values` after applying the instantiation
532        // by `result_args`.
533        let instantiated_query_response = |index: BoundVar| -> GenericArg<'tcx> {
534            query_response.instantiate_projected(self.tcx, result_args, |v| v.var_values[index])
535        };
537        // Unify the original value for each variable with the value
538        // taken from `query_response` (after applying `result_args`).
539        self.unify_canonical_vars(cause, param_env, original_values, instantiated_query_response)
540    }
542    /// Converts the region constraints resulting from a query into an
543    /// iterator of obligations.
544    fn query_outlives_constraints_into_obligations<'a>(
545        &'a self,
546        cause: &'a ObligationCause<'tcx>,
547        param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
548        uninstantiated_region_constraints: &'a [QueryOutlivesConstraint<'tcx>],
549        result_args: &'a CanonicalVarValues<'tcx>,
550    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = PredicateObligation<'tcx>> + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
551        uninstantiated_region_constraints.iter().map(move |&constraint| {
552            let predicate = instantiate_value(self.tcx, result_args, constraint);
553            self.query_outlives_constraint_to_obligation(predicate, cause.clone(), param_env)
554        })
555    }
557    pub fn query_outlives_constraint_to_obligation(
558        &self,
559        (predicate, _): QueryOutlivesConstraint<'tcx>,
560        cause: ObligationCause<'tcx>,
561        param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
562    ) -> Obligation<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>> {
563        let ty::OutlivesPredicate(k1, r2) = predicate;
565        let atom = match k1.unpack() {
566            GenericArgKind::Lifetime(r1) => ty::PredicateKind::Clause(
567                ty::ClauseKind::RegionOutlives(ty::OutlivesPredicate(r1, r2)),
568            ),
569            GenericArgKind::Type(t1) => ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::TypeOutlives(
570                ty::OutlivesPredicate(t1, r2),
571            )),
572            GenericArgKind::Const(..) => {
573                // Consts cannot outlive one another, so we don't expect to
574                // encounter this branch.
575                span_bug!(cause.span, "unexpected const outlives {:?}", predicate);
576            }
577        };
578        let predicate = ty::Binder::dummy(atom);
580        Obligation::new(self.tcx, cause, param_env, predicate)
581    }
583    /// Given two sets of values for the same set of canonical variables, unify them.
584    /// The second set is produced lazily by supplying indices from the first set.
585    fn unify_canonical_vars(
586        &self,
587        cause: &ObligationCause<'tcx>,
588        param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
589        variables1: &OriginalQueryValues<'tcx>,
590        variables2: impl Fn(BoundVar) -> GenericArg<'tcx>,
591    ) -> InferResult<'tcx, ()> {
592        let mut obligations = PredicateObligations::new();
593        for (index, value1) in variables1.var_values.iter().enumerate() {
594            let value2 = variables2(BoundVar::new(index));
596            match (value1.unpack(), value2.unpack()) {
597                (GenericArgKind::Type(v1), GenericArgKind::Type(v2)) => {
598                    obligations.extend(
599              , param_env)
600                            .eq(DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes, v1, v2)?
601                            .into_obligations(),
602                    );
603                }
604                (GenericArgKind::Lifetime(re1), GenericArgKind::Lifetime(re2))
605                    if re1.is_erased() && re2.is_erased() =>
606                {
607                    // no action needed
608                }
609                (GenericArgKind::Lifetime(v1), GenericArgKind::Lifetime(v2)) => {
610                    obligations.extend(
611              , param_env)
612                            .eq(DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes, v1, v2)?
613                            .into_obligations(),
614                    );
615                }
616                (GenericArgKind::Const(v1), GenericArgKind::Const(v2)) => {
617                    let ok =, param_env).eq(DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes, v1, v2)?;
618                    obligations.extend(ok.into_obligations());
619                }
620                _ => {
621                    bug!("kind mismatch, cannot unify {:?} and {:?}", value1, value2,);
622                }
623            }
624        }
625        Ok(InferOk { value: (), obligations })
626    }
629/// Given the region obligations and constraints scraped from the infcx,
630/// creates query region constraints.
631pub fn make_query_region_constraints<'tcx>(
632    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
633    outlives_obligations: impl Iterator<Item = (Ty<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>, ConstraintCategory<'tcx>)>,
634    region_constraints: &RegionConstraintData<'tcx>,
635) -> QueryRegionConstraints<'tcx> {
636    let RegionConstraintData { constraints, verifys } = region_constraints;
638    assert!(verifys.is_empty());
640    debug!(?constraints);
642    let outlives: Vec<_> = constraints
643        .iter()
644        .map(|(k, origin)| {
645            let constraint = match *k {
646                // Swap regions because we are going from sub (<=) to outlives
647                // (>=).
648                Constraint::VarSubVar(v1, v2) => ty::OutlivesPredicate(
649                    ty::Region::new_var(tcx, v2).into(),
650                    ty::Region::new_var(tcx, v1),
651                ),
652                Constraint::VarSubReg(v1, r2) => {
653                    ty::OutlivesPredicate(r2.into(), ty::Region::new_var(tcx, v1))
654                }
655                Constraint::RegSubVar(r1, v2) => {
656                    ty::OutlivesPredicate(ty::Region::new_var(tcx, v2).into(), r1)
657                }
658                Constraint::RegSubReg(r1, r2) => ty::OutlivesPredicate(r2.into(), r1),
659            };
660            (constraint, origin.to_constraint_category())
661        })
662        .chain(|(ty, r, constraint_category)| {
663            (ty::OutlivesPredicate(ty.into(), r), constraint_category)
664        }))
665        .collect();
667    QueryRegionConstraints { outlives }