
1//! Checking that constant values used in types can be successfully evaluated.
3//! For concrete constants, this is fairly simple as we can just try and evaluate it.
5//! When dealing with polymorphic constants, for example `size_of::<T>() - 1`,
6//! this is not as easy.
8//! In this case we try to build an abstract representation of this constant using
9//! `thir_abstract_const` which can then be checked for structural equality with other
10//! generic constants mentioned in the `caller_bounds` of the current environment.
12use rustc_hir::def::DefKind;
13use rustc_infer::infer::InferCtxt;
14use rustc_middle::bug;
15use rustc_middle::traits::ObligationCause;
16use rustc_middle::ty::abstract_const::NotConstEvaluatable;
17use rustc_middle::ty::{self, TyCtxt, TypeVisitable, TypeVisitableExt, TypeVisitor};
18use rustc_span::{DUMMY_SP, Span};
19use tracing::{debug, instrument};
21use super::EvaluateConstErr;
22use crate::traits::ObligationCtxt;
24/// Check if a given constant can be evaluated.
25#[instrument(skip(infcx), level = "debug")]
26pub fn is_const_evaluatable<'tcx>(
27    infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
28    unexpanded_ct: ty::Const<'tcx>,
29    param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
30    span: Span,
31) -> Result<(), NotConstEvaluatable> {
32    let tcx = infcx.tcx;
33    match tcx.expand_abstract_consts(unexpanded_ct).kind() {
34        ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(_) | ty::ConstKind::Expr(_) => (),
35        ty::ConstKind::Param(_)
36        | ty::ConstKind::Bound(_, _)
37        | ty::ConstKind::Placeholder(_)
38        | ty::ConstKind::Value(_)
39        | ty::ConstKind::Error(_) => return Ok(()),
40        ty::ConstKind::Infer(_) => return Err(NotConstEvaluatable::MentionsInfer),
41    };
43    if tcx.features().generic_const_exprs() {
44        let ct = tcx.expand_abstract_consts(unexpanded_ct);
46        let is_anon_ct = if let ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(uv) = ct.kind() {
47            tcx.def_kind(uv.def) == DefKind::AnonConst
48        } else {
49            false
50        };
52        if !is_anon_ct {
53            if satisfied_from_param_env(tcx, infcx, ct, param_env) {
54                return Ok(());
55            }
56            if ct.has_non_region_infer() {
57                return Err(NotConstEvaluatable::MentionsInfer);
58            } else if ct.has_non_region_param() {
59                return Err(NotConstEvaluatable::MentionsParam);
60            }
61        }
63        match unexpanded_ct.kind() {
64            ty::ConstKind::Expr(_) => {
65                // FIXME(generic_const_exprs): we have a fully concrete `ConstKind::Expr`, but
66                // haven't implemented evaluating `ConstKind::Expr` yet, so we are unable to tell
67                // if it is evaluatable or not. As this is unreachable for now, we can simple ICE
68                // here.
69                tcx.dcx().span_bug(span, "evaluating `ConstKind::Expr` is not currently supported");
70            }
71            ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(_) => {
72                match crate::traits::try_evaluate_const(infcx, unexpanded_ct, param_env) {
73                    Err(EvaluateConstErr::HasGenericsOrInfers) => {
74                        Err(NotConstEvaluatable::Error(infcx.dcx().span_delayed_bug(
75                            span,
76                            "Missing value for constant, but no error reported?",
77                        )))
78                    }
79                    Err(
80                        EvaluateConstErr::EvaluationFailure(e)
81                        | EvaluateConstErr::InvalidConstParamTy(e),
82                    ) => Err(NotConstEvaluatable::Error(e)),
83                    Ok(_) => Ok(()),
84                }
85            }
86            _ => bug!("unexpected constkind in `is_const_evalautable: {unexpanded_ct:?}`"),
87        }
88    } else if tcx.features().min_generic_const_args() {
89        // This is a sanity check to make sure that non-generics consts are checked to
90        // be evaluatable in case they aren't cchecked elsewhere. This will NOT error
91        // if the const uses generics, as desired.
92        crate::traits::evaluate_const(infcx, unexpanded_ct, param_env);
93        Ok(())
94    } else {
95        let uv = match unexpanded_ct.kind() {
96            ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(uv) => uv,
97            ty::ConstKind::Expr(_) => {
98                bug!("`ConstKind::Expr` without `feature(generic_const_exprs)` enabled")
99            }
100            _ => bug!("unexpected constkind in `is_const_evalautable: {unexpanded_ct:?}`"),
101        };
103        match crate::traits::try_evaluate_const(infcx, unexpanded_ct, param_env) {
104            // If we're evaluating a generic foreign constant, under a nightly compiler while
105            // the current crate does not enable `feature(generic_const_exprs)`, abort
106            // compilation with a useful error.
107            Err(_)
108                if tcx.sess.is_nightly_build()
109                    && satisfied_from_param_env(
110                        tcx,
111                        infcx,
112                        tcx.expand_abstract_consts(unexpanded_ct),
113                        param_env,
114                    ) =>
115            {
116                tcx.dcx()
117                    .struct_span_fatal(
118                        // Slightly better span than just using `span` alone
119                        if span == DUMMY_SP { tcx.def_span(uv.def) } else { span },
120                        "failed to evaluate generic const expression",
121                    )
122                    .with_note("the crate this constant originates from uses `#![feature(generic_const_exprs)]`")
123                    .with_span_suggestion_verbose(
124                        DUMMY_SP,
125                        "consider enabling this feature",
126                        "#![feature(generic_const_exprs)]\n",
127                        rustc_errors::Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
128                    )
129                    .emit()
130            }
132            Err(EvaluateConstErr::HasGenericsOrInfers) => {
133                let err = if uv.has_non_region_infer() {
134                    NotConstEvaluatable::MentionsInfer
135                } else if uv.has_non_region_param() {
136                    NotConstEvaluatable::MentionsParam
137                } else {
138                    let guar = infcx.dcx().span_delayed_bug(
139                        span,
140                        "Missing value for constant, but no error reported?",
141                    );
142                    NotConstEvaluatable::Error(guar)
143                };
145                Err(err)
146            }
147            Err(
148                EvaluateConstErr::EvaluationFailure(e) | EvaluateConstErr::InvalidConstParamTy(e),
149            ) => Err(NotConstEvaluatable::Error(e)),
150            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
151        }
152    }
155#[instrument(skip(infcx, tcx), level = "debug")]
156fn satisfied_from_param_env<'tcx>(
157    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
158    infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
159    ct: ty::Const<'tcx>,
160    param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
161) -> bool {
162    // Try to unify with each subtree in the AbstractConst to allow for
163    // `N + 1` being const evaluatable even if theres only a `ConstEvaluatable`
164    // predicate for `(N + 1) * 2`
165    struct Visitor<'a, 'tcx> {
166        ct: ty::Const<'tcx>,
167        param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
169        infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'tcx>,
170        single_match: Option<Result<ty::Const<'tcx>, ()>>,
171    }
173    impl<'a, 'tcx> TypeVisitor<TyCtxt<'tcx>> for Visitor<'a, 'tcx> {
174        fn visit_const(&mut self, c: ty::Const<'tcx>) {
175            debug!("is_const_evaluatable: candidate={:?}", c);
176            if self.infcx.probe(|_| {
177                let ocx = ObligationCtxt::new(self.infcx);
178                ocx.eq(&ObligationCause::dummy(), self.param_env, c, self.ct).is_ok()
179                    && ocx.select_all_or_error().is_empty()
180            }) {
181                self.single_match = match self.single_match {
182                    None => Some(Ok(c)),
183                    Some(Ok(o)) if o == c => Some(Ok(c)),
184                    Some(_) => Some(Err(())),
185                };
186            }
188            if let ty::ConstKind::Expr(e) = c.kind() {
189                e.visit_with(self);
190            } else {
191                // FIXME(generic_const_exprs): This doesn't recurse into `<T as Trait<U>>::ASSOC`'s args.
192                // This is currently unobservable as `<T as Trait<{ U + 1 }>>::ASSOC` creates an anon const
193                // with its own `ConstEvaluatable` bound in the param env which we will visit separately.
194                //
195                // If we start allowing directly writing `ConstKind::Expr` without an intermediate anon const
196                // this will be incorrect. It might be worth investigating making `predicates_of` elaborate
197                // all of the `ConstEvaluatable` bounds rather than having a visitor here.
198            }
199        }
200    }
202    let mut single_match: Option<Result<ty::Const<'tcx>, ()>> = None;
204    for pred in param_env.caller_bounds() {
205        match pred.kind().skip_binder() {
206            ty::ClauseKind::ConstEvaluatable(ce) => {
207                let b_ct = tcx.expand_abstract_consts(ce);
208                let mut v = Visitor { ct, infcx, param_env, single_match };
209                let _ = b_ct.visit_with(&mut v);
211                single_match = v.single_match;
212            }
213            _ => {} // don't care
214        }
215    }
217    if let Some(Ok(c)) = single_match {
218        let ocx = ObligationCtxt::new(infcx);
219        assert!(ocx.eq(&ObligationCause::dummy(), param_env, c, ct).is_ok());
220        assert!(ocx.select_all_or_error().is_empty());
221        return true;
222    }
224    debug!("is_const_evaluatable: no");
225    false