
1use rustc_index::{Idx, IndexVec};
2use rustc_middle::mir::*;
3use rustc_middle::ty::Ty;
4use rustc_span::Span;
5use tracing::debug;
7/// This struct lets you "patch" a MIR body, i.e. modify it. You can queue up
8/// various changes, such as the addition of new statements and basic blocks
9/// and replacement of terminators, and then apply the queued changes all at
10/// once with `apply`. This is useful for MIR transformation passes.
11pub(crate) struct MirPatch<'tcx> {
12    term_patch_map: IndexVec<BasicBlock, Option<TerminatorKind<'tcx>>>,
13    new_blocks: Vec<BasicBlockData<'tcx>>,
14    new_statements: Vec<(Location, StatementKind<'tcx>)>,
15    new_locals: Vec<LocalDecl<'tcx>>,
16    resume_block: Option<BasicBlock>,
17    // Only for unreachable in cleanup path.
18    unreachable_cleanup_block: Option<BasicBlock>,
19    // Only for unreachable not in cleanup path.
20    unreachable_no_cleanup_block: Option<BasicBlock>,
21    // Cached block for UnwindTerminate (with reason)
22    terminate_block: Option<(BasicBlock, UnwindTerminateReason)>,
23    body_span: Span,
24    next_local: usize,
27impl<'tcx> MirPatch<'tcx> {
28    /// Creates a new, empty patch.
29    pub(crate) fn new(body: &Body<'tcx>) -> Self {
30        let mut result = MirPatch {
31            term_patch_map: IndexVec::from_elem(None, &body.basic_blocks),
32            new_blocks: vec![],
33            new_statements: vec![],
34            new_locals: vec![],
35            next_local: body.local_decls.len(),
36            resume_block: None,
37            unreachable_cleanup_block: None,
38            unreachable_no_cleanup_block: None,
39            terminate_block: None,
40            body_span: body.span,
41        };
43        for (bb, block) in body.basic_blocks.iter_enumerated() {
44            // Check if we already have a resume block
45            if matches!(block.terminator().kind, TerminatorKind::UnwindResume)
46                && block.statements.is_empty()
47            {
48                result.resume_block = Some(bb);
49                continue;
50            }
52            // Check if we already have an unreachable block
53            if matches!(block.terminator().kind, TerminatorKind::Unreachable)
54                && block.statements.is_empty()
55            {
56                if block.is_cleanup {
57                    result.unreachable_cleanup_block = Some(bb);
58                } else {
59                    result.unreachable_no_cleanup_block = Some(bb);
60                }
61                continue;
62            }
64            // Check if we already have a terminate block
65            if let TerminatorKind::UnwindTerminate(reason) = block.terminator().kind
66                && block.statements.is_empty()
67            {
68                result.terminate_block = Some((bb, reason));
69                continue;
70            }
71        }
73        result
74    }
76    pub(crate) fn resume_block(&mut self) -> BasicBlock {
77        if let Some(bb) = self.resume_block {
78            return bb;
79        }
81        let bb = self.new_block(BasicBlockData {
82            statements: vec![],
83            terminator: Some(Terminator {
84                source_info: SourceInfo::outermost(self.body_span),
85                kind: TerminatorKind::UnwindResume,
86            }),
87            is_cleanup: true,
88        });
89        self.resume_block = Some(bb);
90        bb
91    }
93    pub(crate) fn unreachable_cleanup_block(&mut self) -> BasicBlock {
94        if let Some(bb) = self.unreachable_cleanup_block {
95            return bb;
96        }
98        let bb = self.new_block(BasicBlockData {
99            statements: vec![],
100            terminator: Some(Terminator {
101                source_info: SourceInfo::outermost(self.body_span),
102                kind: TerminatorKind::Unreachable,
103            }),
104            is_cleanup: true,
105        });
106        self.unreachable_cleanup_block = Some(bb);
107        bb
108    }
110    pub(crate) fn unreachable_no_cleanup_block(&mut self) -> BasicBlock {
111        if let Some(bb) = self.unreachable_no_cleanup_block {
112            return bb;
113        }
115        let bb = self.new_block(BasicBlockData {
116            statements: vec![],
117            terminator: Some(Terminator {
118                source_info: SourceInfo::outermost(self.body_span),
119                kind: TerminatorKind::Unreachable,
120            }),
121            is_cleanup: false,
122        });
123        self.unreachable_no_cleanup_block = Some(bb);
124        bb
125    }
127    pub(crate) fn terminate_block(&mut self, reason: UnwindTerminateReason) -> BasicBlock {
128        if let Some((cached_bb, cached_reason)) = self.terminate_block
129            && reason == cached_reason
130        {
131            return cached_bb;
132        }
134        let bb = self.new_block(BasicBlockData {
135            statements: vec![],
136            terminator: Some(Terminator {
137                source_info: SourceInfo::outermost(self.body_span),
138                kind: TerminatorKind::UnwindTerminate(reason),
139            }),
140            is_cleanup: true,
141        });
142        self.terminate_block = Some((bb, reason));
143        bb
144    }
146    /// Has a replacement of this block's terminator been queued in this patch?
147    pub(crate) fn is_term_patched(&self, bb: BasicBlock) -> bool {
148        self.term_patch_map[bb].is_some()
149    }
151    /// Queues the addition of a new temporary with additional local info.
152    pub(crate) fn new_local_with_info(
153        &mut self,
154        ty: Ty<'tcx>,
155        span: Span,
156        local_info: LocalInfo<'tcx>,
157    ) -> Local {
158        let index = self.next_local;
159        self.next_local += 1;
160        let mut new_decl = LocalDecl::new(ty, span);
161        **new_decl.local_info.as_mut().unwrap_crate_local() = local_info;
162        self.new_locals.push(new_decl);
163        Local::new(index)
164    }
166    /// Queues the addition of a new temporary.
167    pub(crate) fn new_temp(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span) -> Local {
168        let index = self.next_local;
169        self.next_local += 1;
170        self.new_locals.push(LocalDecl::new(ty, span));
171        Local::new(index)
172    }
174    /// Returns the type of a local that's newly-added in the patch.
175    pub(crate) fn local_ty(&self, local: Local) -> Ty<'tcx> {
176        let local = local.as_usize();
177        assert!(local < self.next_local);
178        let new_local_idx = self.new_locals.len() - (self.next_local - local);
179        self.new_locals[new_local_idx].ty
180    }
182    /// Queues the addition of a new basic block.
183    pub(crate) fn new_block(&mut self, data: BasicBlockData<'tcx>) -> BasicBlock {
184        let block = BasicBlock::new(self.term_patch_map.len());
185        debug!("MirPatch: new_block: {:?}: {:?}", block, data);
186        self.new_blocks.push(data);
187        self.term_patch_map.push(None);
188        block
189    }
191    /// Queues the replacement of a block's terminator.
192    pub(crate) fn patch_terminator(&mut self, block: BasicBlock, new: TerminatorKind<'tcx>) {
193        assert!(self.term_patch_map[block].is_none());
194        debug!("MirPatch: patch_terminator({:?}, {:?})", block, new);
195        self.term_patch_map[block] = Some(new);
196    }
198    /// Queues the insertion of a statement at a given location. The statement
199    /// currently at that location, and all statements that follow, are shifted
200    /// down. If multiple statements are queued for addition at the same
201    /// location, the final statement order after calling `apply` will match
202    /// the queue insertion order.
203    ///
204    /// E.g. if we have `s0` at location `loc` and do these calls:
205    ///
206    ///   p.add_statement(loc, s1);
207    ///   p.add_statement(loc, s2);
208    ///   p.apply(body);
209    ///
210    /// then the final order will be `s1, s2, s0`, with `s1` at `loc`.
211    pub(crate) fn add_statement(&mut self, loc: Location, stmt: StatementKind<'tcx>) {
212        debug!("MirPatch: add_statement({:?}, {:?})", loc, stmt);
213        self.new_statements.push((loc, stmt));
214    }
216    /// Like `add_statement`, but specialized for assignments.
217    pub(crate) fn add_assign(&mut self, loc: Location, place: Place<'tcx>, rv: Rvalue<'tcx>) {
218        self.add_statement(loc, StatementKind::Assign(Box::new((place, rv))));
219    }
221    /// Applies the queued changes.
222    pub(crate) fn apply(self, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {
223        debug!(
224            "MirPatch: {:?} new temps, starting from index {}: {:?}",
225            self.new_locals.len(),
226            body.local_decls.len(),
227            self.new_locals
228        );
229        debug!(
230            "MirPatch: {} new blocks, starting from index {}",
231            self.new_blocks.len(),
232            body.basic_blocks.len()
233        );
234        let bbs = if self.term_patch_map.is_empty() && self.new_blocks.is_empty() {
235            body.basic_blocks.as_mut_preserves_cfg()
236        } else {
237            body.basic_blocks.as_mut()
238        };
239        bbs.extend(self.new_blocks);
240        body.local_decls.extend(self.new_locals);
241        for (src, patch) in self.term_patch_map.into_iter_enumerated() {
242            if let Some(patch) = patch {
243                debug!("MirPatch: patching block {:?}", src);
244                bbs[src].terminator_mut().kind = patch;
245            }
246        }
248        let mut new_statements = self.new_statements;
250        // This must be a stable sort to provide the ordering described in the
251        // comment for `add_statement`.
252        new_statements.sort_by_key(|s| s.0);
254        let mut delta = 0;
255        let mut last_bb = START_BLOCK;
256        for (mut loc, stmt) in new_statements {
257            if loc.block != last_bb {
258                delta = 0;
259                last_bb = loc.block;
260            }
261            debug!("MirPatch: adding statement {:?} at loc {:?}+{}", stmt, loc, delta);
262            loc.statement_index += delta;
263            let source_info = Self::source_info_for_index(&body[loc.block], loc);
264            body[loc.block]
265                .statements
266                .insert(loc.statement_index, Statement { source_info, kind: stmt });
267            delta += 1;
268        }
269    }
271    fn source_info_for_index(data: &BasicBlockData<'_>, loc: Location) -> SourceInfo {
272        match data.statements.get(loc.statement_index) {
273            Some(stmt) => stmt.source_info,
274            None => data.terminator().source_info,
275        }
276    }
278    pub(crate) fn source_info_for_location(&self, body: &Body<'tcx>, loc: Location) -> SourceInfo {
279        let data = match loc.block.index().checked_sub(body.basic_blocks.len()) {
280            Some(new) => &self.new_blocks[new],
281            None => &body[loc.block],
282        };
283        Self::source_info_for_index(data, loc)
284    }