
1//! dep-info files for external build system integration.
2//! See [`output_depinfo`] for more.
4use cargo_util::paths::normalize_path;
5use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashSet};
6use std::io::{BufWriter, Write};
7use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
9use super::{fingerprint, BuildRunner, FileFlavor, Unit};
10use crate::util::{internal, CargoResult};
11use cargo_util::paths;
12use tracing::debug;
14/// Bacially just normalizes a given path and converts it to a string.
15fn render_filename<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, basedir: Option<&str>) -> CargoResult<String> {
16    fn wrap_path(path: &Path) -> CargoResult<String> {
17        path.to_str()
18            .ok_or_else(|| internal(format!("path `{:?}` not utf-8", path)))
19            .map(|f| f.replace(" ", "\\ "))
20    }
22    let path = path.as_ref();
23    if let Some(basedir) = basedir {
24        let norm_path = normalize_path(path);
25        let norm_basedir = normalize_path(basedir.as_ref());
26        match norm_path.strip_prefix(norm_basedir) {
27            Ok(relpath) => wrap_path(relpath),
28            _ => wrap_path(path),
29        }
30    } else {
31        wrap_path(path)
32    }
35/// Collects all dependencies of the `unit` for the output dep info file.
37/// Dependencies will be stored in `deps`, including:
39/// * dependencies from [fingerprint dep-info]
40/// * paths from `rerun-if-changed` build script instruction
41/// * ...and traverse transitive dependencies recursively
43/// [fingerprint dep-info]: super::fingerprint#fingerprint-dep-info-files
44fn add_deps_for_unit(
45    deps: &mut BTreeSet<PathBuf>,
46    build_runner: &mut BuildRunner<'_, '_>,
47    unit: &Unit,
48    visited: &mut HashSet<Unit>,
49) -> CargoResult<()> {
50    if !visited.insert(unit.clone()) {
51        return Ok(());
52    }
54    // units representing the execution of a build script don't actually
55    // generate a dep info file, so we just keep on going below
56    if !unit.mode.is_run_custom_build() {
57        // Add dependencies from rustc dep-info output (stored in fingerprint directory)
58        let dep_info_loc = fingerprint::dep_info_loc(build_runner, unit);
59        if let Some(paths) = fingerprint::parse_dep_info(
60            unit.pkg.root(),
61            build_runner.files().host_root(),
62            &dep_info_loc,
63        )? {
64            for path in paths.files.into_keys() {
65                deps.insert(path);
66            }
67        } else {
68            debug!(
69                "can't find dep_info for {:?} {}",
70                unit.pkg.package_id(),
72            );
73            return Err(internal("dep_info missing"));
74        }
75    }
77    // Add rerun-if-changed dependencies
78    if let Some(metadata) = build_runner.find_build_script_metadata(unit) {
79        if let Some(output) = build_runner
80            .build_script_outputs
81            .lock()
82            .unwrap()
83            .get(metadata)
84        {
85            for path in &output.rerun_if_changed {
86                // The paths we have saved from the unit are of arbitrary relativeness and may be
87                // relative to the crate root of the dependency.
88                let path = unit.pkg.root().join(path);
89                deps.insert(path);
90            }
91        }
92    }
94    // Recursively traverse all transitive dependencies
95    let unit_deps = Vec::from(build_runner.unit_deps(unit)); // Create vec due to mutable borrow.
96    for dep in unit_deps {
97        if dep.unit.is_local() {
98            add_deps_for_unit(deps, build_runner, &dep.unit, visited)?;
99        }
100    }
101    Ok(())
104/// Save a `.d` dep-info file for the given unit. This is the third kind of
105/// dep-info mentioned in [`fingerprint`] module.
107/// Argument `unit` is expected to be the root unit, which will be uplifted.
109/// Cargo emits its own dep-info files in the output directory. This is
110/// only done for every "uplifted" artifact. These are intended to be used
111/// with external build systems so that they can detect if Cargo needs to be
112/// re-executed.
114/// It includes all the entries from the `rustc` dep-info file, and extends it
115/// with any `rerun-if-changed` entries from build scripts. It also includes
116/// sources from any path dependencies. Registry dependencies are not included
117/// under the assumption that changes to them can be detected via changes to
118/// `Cargo.lock`.
120/// [`fingerprint`]: super::fingerprint#dep-info-files
121pub fn output_depinfo(build_runner: &mut BuildRunner<'_, '_>, unit: &Unit) -> CargoResult<()> {
122    let bcx = build_runner.bcx;
123    let mut deps = BTreeSet::new();
124    let mut visited = HashSet::new();
125    let success = add_deps_for_unit(&mut deps, build_runner, unit, &mut visited).is_ok();
126    let basedir_string;
127    let basedir = match bcx.gctx.build_config()?.dep_info_basedir.clone() {
128        Some(value) => {
129            basedir_string = value
130                .resolve_path(bcx.gctx)
131                .as_os_str()
132                .to_str()
133                .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::format_err!("build.dep-info-basedir path not utf-8"))?
134                .to_string();
135            Some(basedir_string.as_str())
136        }
137        None => None,
138    };
139    let deps = deps
140        .iter()
141        .map(|f| render_filename(f, basedir))
142        .collect::<CargoResult<Vec<_>>>()?;
144    for output in build_runner.outputs(unit)?.iter().filter(|o| {
145        !matches!(
146            o.flavor,
147            FileFlavor::DebugInfo | FileFlavor::Auxiliary | FileFlavor::Sbom
148        )
149    }) {
150        if let Some(ref link_dst) = output.hardlink {
151            let output_path = link_dst.with_extension("d");
152            if success {
153                let target_fn = render_filename(link_dst, basedir)?;
155                // If nothing changed don't recreate the file which could alter
156                // its mtime
157                if let Ok(previous) = fingerprint::parse_rustc_dep_info(&output_path) {
158                    if previous
159                        .files
160                        .iter()
161                        .map(|(path, _checksum)| path)
162                        .eq(deps.iter().map(Path::new))
163                    {
164                        continue;
165                    }
166                }
168                // Otherwise write it all out
169                let mut outfile = BufWriter::new(paths::create(output_path)?);
170                write!(outfile, "{}:", target_fn)?;
171                for dep in &deps {
172                    write!(outfile, " {}", dep)?;
173                }
174                writeln!(outfile)?;
176            // dep-info generation failed, so delete output file. This will
177            // usually cause the build system to always rerun the build
178            // rule, which is correct if inefficient.
179            } else if output_path.exists() {
180                paths::remove_file(output_path)?;
181            }
182        }
183    }
184    Ok(())