1//! Automatic migration of Rust 2021 patterns to a form valid in both Editions 2021 and 2024.
23use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexMap;
4use rustc_errors::MultiSpan;
5use rustc_hir::{BindingMode, ByRef, HirId, Mutability};
6use rustc_lintas lint;
7use rustc_middle::span_bug;
8use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Rust2024IncompatiblePatInfo, Ty, TyCtxt};
9use rustc_span::{Ident, Span};
1011use crate::errors::{Rust2024IncompatiblePat, Rust2024IncompatiblePatSugg};
12use crate::fluent_generatedas fluent;
1314/// For patterns flagged for migration during HIR typeck, this handles constructing and emitting
15/// a diagnostic suggestion.
16pub(super) struct PatMigration<'a> {
17 suggestion: Vec<(Span, String)>,
18 ref_pattern_count: usize,
19 binding_mode_count: usize,
20/// Internal state: the ref-mutability of the default binding mode at the subpattern being
21 /// lowered, with the span where it was introduced. `None` for a by-value default mode.
22default_mode_span: Option<(Span, ty::Mutability)>,
23/// Labels for where incompatibility-causing by-ref default binding modes were introduced.
24// FIXME(ref_pat_eat_one_layer_2024_structural): To track the default binding mode, we duplicate
25 // logic from HIR typeck (in order to avoid needing to store all changes to the dbm in
26 // TypeckResults). Since the default binding mode acts differently under this feature gate, the
27 // labels will be wrong.
28default_mode_labels: FxIndexMap<Span, Mutability>,
29/// Information collected from typeck, including spans for subpatterns invalid in Rust 2024.
30info: &'a Rust2024IncompatiblePatInfo,
3233impl<'a> PatMigration<'a> {
34pub(super) fn new(info: &'a Rust2024IncompatiblePatInfo) -> Self {
35PatMigration {
36 suggestion: Vec::new(),
37 ref_pattern_count: 0,
38 binding_mode_count: 0,
39 default_mode_span: None,
40 default_mode_labels: Default::default(),
42 }
43 }
4445/// On Rust 2024, this emits a hard error. On earlier Editions, this emits the
46 /// future-incompatibility lint `rust_2024_incompatible_pat`.
47pub(super) fn emit<'tcx>(self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, pat_id: HirId) {
48let mut spans =
49MultiSpan::from_spans(self.info.primary_labels.iter().map(|(span, _)| *span).collect());
50for (span, label) in self.info.primary_labels.iter() {
51 spans.push_span_label(*span, label.clone());
52 }
53let sugg = Rust2024IncompatiblePatSugg {
54 suggest_eliding_modes: self.info.suggest_eliding_modes,
55 suggestion: self.suggestion,
56 ref_pattern_count: self.ref_pattern_count,
57 binding_mode_count: self.binding_mode_count,
58 default_mode_labels: self.default_mode_labels,
59 };
60// If a relevant span is from at least edition 2024, this is a hard error.
61let is_hard_error = spans.primary_spans().iter().any(|span| span.at_least_rust_2024());
62if is_hard_error {
63let mut err =
64tcx.dcx().struct_span_err(spans, fluent::mir_build_rust_2024_incompatible_pat);
65if let Some(info) = lint::builtin::RUST_2024_INCOMPATIBLE_PAT.future_incompatible {
66// provide the same reference link as the lint
67err.note(format!("for more information, see {}", info.reference));
68 }
69err.arg("bad_modifiers", self.info.bad_modifiers);
70err.arg("bad_ref_pats", self.info.bad_ref_pats);
71err.arg("is_hard_error", true);
74 } else {
79Rust2024IncompatiblePat {
81 bad_modifiers: self.info.bad_modifiers,
82 bad_ref_pats: self.info.bad_ref_pats,
84 },
85 );
86 }
87 }
8889/// Tracks when we're lowering a pattern that implicitly dereferences the scrutinee.
90 /// This should only be called when the pattern type adjustments list `adjustments` is
91 /// non-empty. Returns the prior default binding mode; this should be followed by a call to
92 /// [`PatMigration::leave_ref`] to restore it when we leave the pattern.
93pub(super) fn visit_implicit_derefs<'tcx>(
94&mut self,
95 pat_span: Span,
96 adjustments: &[Ty<'tcx>],
97 ) -> Option<(Span, Mutability)> {
98let implicit_deref_mutbls = adjustments.iter().map(|ref_ty| {
99let &ty::Ref(_, _, mutbl) = ref_ty.kind() else {
100span_bug!(pat_span, "pattern implicitly dereferences a non-ref type");
101 };
102mutbl103 });
104105if !self.info.suggest_eliding_modes {
106// If we can't fix the pattern by eliding modifiers, we'll need to make the pattern
107 // fully explicit. i.e. we'll need to suggest reference patterns for this.
108let suggestion_str: String =
109implicit_deref_mutbls.clone().map(|mutbl| mutbl.ref_prefix_str()).collect();
110self.suggestion.push((pat_span.shrink_to_lo(), suggestion_str));
111self.ref_pattern_count += adjustments.len();
112 }
113114// Remember if this changed the default binding mode, in case we want to label it.
115let min_mutbl = implicit_deref_mutbls.min().unwrap();
116if self.default_mode_span.is_none_or(|(_, old_mutbl)| min_mutbl < old_mutbl) {
117// This changes the default binding mode to `ref` or `ref mut`. Return the old mode so
118 // it can be reinstated when we leave the pattern.
119self.default_mode_span.replace((pat_span, min_mutbl))
120 } else {
121// This does not change the default binding mode; it was already `ref` or `ref mut`.
123 }
124 }
125126/// Tracks the default binding mode when we're lowering a `&` or `&mut` pattern.
127 /// Returns the prior default binding mode; this should be followed by a call to
128 /// [`PatMigration::leave_ref`] to restore it when we leave the pattern.
129pub(super) fn visit_explicit_deref(&mut self) -> Option<(Span, Mutability)> {
130if let Some((default_mode_span, default_ref_mutbl)) = self.default_mode_span {
131// If this eats a by-ref default binding mode, label the binding mode.
132self.default_mode_labels.insert(default_mode_span, default_ref_mutbl);
133 }
134// Set the default binding mode to by-value and return the old default binding mode so it
135 // can be reinstated when we leave the pattern.
137 }
138139/// Restores the default binding mode after lowering a pattern that could change it.
140 /// This should follow a call to either [`PatMigration::visit_explicit_deref`] or
141 /// [`PatMigration::visit_implicit_derefs`].
142pub(super) fn leave_ref(&mut self, old_mode_span: Option<(Span, Mutability)>) {
143self.default_mode_span = old_mode_span144 }
145146/// Determines if a binding is relevant to the diagnostic and adjusts the notes/suggestion if
147 /// so. Bindings are relevant if they have a modifier under a by-ref default mode (invalid in
148 /// Rust 2024) or if we need to suggest a binding modifier for them.
149pub(super) fn visit_binding(
150&mut self,
151 pat_span: Span,
152 mode: BindingMode,
153 explicit_ba: BindingMode,
154 ident: Ident,
155 ) {
156if explicit_ba != BindingMode::NONE
157 && let Some((default_mode_span, default_ref_mutbl)) = self.default_mode_span
158 {
159// If this overrides a by-ref default binding mode, label the binding mode.
160self.default_mode_labels.insert(default_mode_span, default_ref_mutbl);
161// If our suggestion is to elide redundnt modes, this will be one of them.
162if self.info.suggest_eliding_modes {
163self.suggestion.push((pat_span.with_hi(ident.span.lo()), String::new()));
164self.binding_mode_count += 1;
165 }
166 }
167if !self.info.suggest_eliding_modes
168 && explicit_ba.0 == ByRef::No
169 && let ByRef::Yes(mutbl) = mode.0
171// If we can't fix the pattern by eliding modifiers, we'll need to make the pattern
172 // fully explicit. i.e. we'll need to suggest reference patterns for this.
173let sugg_str = match mutbl {
174Mutability::Not => "ref ",
175Mutability::Mut => "ref mut ",
176 };
178 .push((pat_span.with_lo(ident.span.lo()).shrink_to_lo(), sugg_str.to_owned()));
179self.binding_mode_count += 1;
180 }
181 }