1use std::borrow::{Borrow, Cow};
2use std::ops::Deref;
3use std::{iter, ptr};
5pub(crate) mod autodiff;
7use libc::{c_char, c_uint, size_t};
8use rustc_abi as abi;
9use rustc_abi::{Align, Size, WrappingRange};
10use rustc_codegen_ssa::MemFlags;
11use rustc_codegen_ssa::common::{IntPredicate, RealPredicate, SynchronizationScope, TypeKind};
12use rustc_codegen_ssa::mir::operand::{OperandRef, OperandValue};
13use rustc_codegen_ssa::mir::place::PlaceRef;
14use rustc_codegen_ssa::traits::*;
15use rustc_data_structures::small_c_str::SmallCStr;
16use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
17use rustc_middle::middle::codegen_fn_attrs::CodegenFnAttrs;
18use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{
19 FnAbiError, FnAbiOfHelpers, FnAbiRequest, HasTypingEnv, LayoutError, LayoutOfHelpers,
20 TyAndLayout,
22use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Instance, Ty, TyCtxt};
23use rustc_sanitizers::{cfi, kcfi};
24use rustc_session::config::OptLevel;
25use rustc_span::Span;
26use rustc_target::callconv::FnAbi;
27use rustc_target::spec::{HasTargetSpec, SanitizerSet, Target};
28use smallvec::SmallVec;
29use tracing::{debug, instrument};
31use crate::abi::FnAbiLlvmExt;
32use crate::common::Funclet;
33use crate::context::{CodegenCx, FullCx, GenericCx, SCx};
34use crate::llvm::{
35 self, AtomicOrdering, AtomicRmwBinOp, BasicBlock, False, GEPNoWrapFlags, Metadata, True,
37use crate::type_::Type;
38use crate::type_of::LayoutLlvmExt;
39use crate::value::Value;
40use crate::{attributes, llvm_util};
43pub(crate) struct GenericBuilder<'a, 'll, CX: Borrow<SCx<'ll>>> {
44 pub llbuilder: &'ll mut llvm::Builder<'ll>,
45 pub cx: &'a GenericCx<'ll, CX>,
48pub(crate) type SBuilder<'a, 'll> = GenericBuilder<'a, 'll, SCx<'ll>>;
49pub(crate) type Builder<'a, 'll, 'tcx> = GenericBuilder<'a, 'll, FullCx<'ll, 'tcx>>;
51impl<'a, 'll, CX: Borrow<SCx<'ll>>> Drop for GenericBuilder<'a, 'll, CX> {
52 fn drop(&mut self) {
53 unsafe {
54 llvm::LLVMDisposeBuilder(&mut *(self.llbuilder as *mut _));
55 }
56 }
59impl<'a, 'll> SBuilder<'a, 'll> {
60 pub(crate) fn call(
61 &mut self,
62 llty: &'ll Type,
63 llfn: &'ll Value,
64 args: &[&'ll Value],
65 funclet: Option<&Funclet<'ll>>,
66 ) -> &'ll Value {
67 debug!("call {:?} with args ({:?})", llfn, args);
69 let args = self.check_call("call", llty, llfn, args);
70 let funclet_bundle = funclet.map(|funclet| funclet.bundle());
71 let mut bundles: SmallVec<[_; 2]> = SmallVec::new();
72 if let Some(funclet_bundle) = funclet_bundle {
73 bundles.push(funclet_bundle);
74 }
76 let call = unsafe {
77 llvm::LLVMBuildCallWithOperandBundles(
78 self.llbuilder,
79 llty,
80 llfn,
81 args.as_ptr() as *const &llvm::Value,
82 args.len() as c_uint,
83 bundles.as_ptr(),
84 bundles.len() as c_uint,
85 c"".as_ptr(),
86 )
87 };
88 call
89 }
92impl<'a, 'll, CX: Borrow<SCx<'ll>>> GenericBuilder<'a, 'll, CX> {
93 fn with_cx(scx: &'a GenericCx<'ll, CX>) -> Self {
94 let llbuilder = unsafe { llvm::LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(scx.deref().borrow().llcx) };
96 GenericBuilder { llbuilder, cx: scx }
97 }
99 pub(crate) fn bitcast(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
100 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildBitCast(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
101 }
103 pub(crate) fn ret_void(&mut self) {
104 llvm::LLVMBuildRetVoid(self.llbuilder);
105 }
107 pub(crate) fn ret(&mut self, v: &'ll Value) {
108 unsafe {
109 llvm::LLVMBuildRet(self.llbuilder, v);
110 }
111 }
113 pub(crate) fn build(cx: &'a GenericCx<'ll, CX>, llbb: &'ll BasicBlock) -> Self {
114 let bx = Self::with_cx(cx);
115 unsafe {
116 llvm::LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(bx.llbuilder, llbb);
117 }
118 bx
119 }
122const UNNAMED: *const c_char = c"".as_ptr();
127impl<'ll, CX: Borrow<SCx<'ll>>> BackendTypes for GenericBuilder<'_, 'll, CX> {
128 type Value = <GenericCx<'ll, CX> as BackendTypes>::Value;
129 type Metadata = <GenericCx<'ll, CX> as BackendTypes>::Metadata;
130 type Function = <GenericCx<'ll, CX> as BackendTypes>::Function;
131 type BasicBlock = <GenericCx<'ll, CX> as BackendTypes>::BasicBlock;
132 type Type = <GenericCx<'ll, CX> as BackendTypes>::Type;
133 type Funclet = <GenericCx<'ll, CX> as BackendTypes>::Funclet;
135 type DIScope = <GenericCx<'ll, CX> as BackendTypes>::DIScope;
136 type DILocation = <GenericCx<'ll, CX> as BackendTypes>::DILocation;
137 type DIVariable = <GenericCx<'ll, CX> as BackendTypes>::DIVariable;
140impl abi::HasDataLayout for Builder<'_, '_, '_> {
141 fn data_layout(&self) -> &abi::TargetDataLayout {
142 self.cx.data_layout()
143 }
146impl<'tcx> ty::layout::HasTyCtxt<'tcx> for Builder<'_, '_, 'tcx> {
147 #[inline]
148 fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
149 self.cx.tcx
150 }
153impl<'tcx> ty::layout::HasTypingEnv<'tcx> for Builder<'_, '_, 'tcx> {
154 fn typing_env(&self) -> ty::TypingEnv<'tcx> {
155 self.cx.typing_env()
156 }
159impl HasTargetSpec for Builder<'_, '_, '_> {
160 #[inline]
161 fn target_spec(&self) -> &Target {
162 self.cx.target_spec()
163 }
166impl<'tcx> LayoutOfHelpers<'tcx> for Builder<'_, '_, 'tcx> {
167 #[inline]
168 fn handle_layout_err(&self, err: LayoutError<'tcx>, span: Span, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> ! {
169 self.cx.handle_layout_err(err, span, ty)
170 }
173impl<'tcx> FnAbiOfHelpers<'tcx> for Builder<'_, '_, 'tcx> {
174 #[inline]
175 fn handle_fn_abi_err(
176 &self,
177 err: FnAbiError<'tcx>,
178 span: Span,
179 fn_abi_request: FnAbiRequest<'tcx>,
180 ) -> ! {
181 self.cx.handle_fn_abi_err(err, span, fn_abi_request)
182 }
185impl<'ll, 'tcx> Deref for Builder<'_, 'll, 'tcx> {
186 type Target = CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>;
188 #[inline]
189 fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
190 self.cx
191 }
194macro_rules! math_builder_methods {
195 ($($name:ident($($arg:ident),*) => $llvm_capi:ident),+ $(,)?) => {
196 $(fn $name(&mut self, $($arg: &'ll Value),*) -> &'ll Value {
197 unsafe {
198 llvm::$llvm_capi(self.llbuilder, $($arg,)* UNNAMED)
199 }
200 })+
201 }
204macro_rules! set_math_builder_methods {
205 ($($name:ident($($arg:ident),*) => ($llvm_capi:ident, $llvm_set_math:ident)),+ $(,)?) => {
206 $(fn $name(&mut self, $($arg: &'ll Value),*) -> &'ll Value {
207 unsafe {
208 let instr = llvm::$llvm_capi(self.llbuilder, $($arg,)* UNNAMED);
209 llvm::$llvm_set_math(instr);
210 instr
211 }
212 })+
213 }
216impl<'a, 'll, 'tcx> BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx> for Builder<'a, 'll, 'tcx> {
217 type CodegenCx = CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>;
219 fn build(cx: &'a CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>, llbb: &'ll BasicBlock) -> Self {
220 let bx = Builder::with_cx(cx);
221 unsafe {
222 llvm::LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(bx.llbuilder, llbb);
223 }
224 bx
225 }
227 fn cx(&self) -> &CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx> {
228 self.cx
229 }
231 fn llbb(&self) -> &'ll BasicBlock {
232 unsafe { llvm::LLVMGetInsertBlock(self.llbuilder) }
233 }
235 fn set_span(&mut self, _span: Span) {}
237 fn append_block(cx: &'a CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>, llfn: &'ll Value, name: &str) -> &'ll BasicBlock {
238 unsafe {
239 let name = SmallCStr::new(name);
240 llvm::LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(cx.llcx, llfn, name.as_ptr())
241 }
242 }
244 fn append_sibling_block(&mut self, name: &str) -> &'ll BasicBlock {
245 Self::append_block(self.cx, self.llfn(), name)
246 }
248 fn switch_to_block(&mut self, llbb: Self::BasicBlock) {
249 *self = Self::build(self.cx, llbb)
250 }
252 fn ret_void(&mut self) {
253 llvm::LLVMBuildRetVoid(self.llbuilder);
254 }
256 fn ret(&mut self, v: &'ll Value) {
257 unsafe {
258 llvm::LLVMBuildRet(self.llbuilder, v);
259 }
260 }
262 fn br(&mut self, dest: &'ll BasicBlock) {
263 unsafe {
264 llvm::LLVMBuildBr(self.llbuilder, dest);
265 }
266 }
268 fn cond_br(
269 &mut self,
270 cond: &'ll Value,
271 then_llbb: &'ll BasicBlock,
272 else_llbb: &'ll BasicBlock,
273 ) {
274 unsafe {
275 llvm::LLVMBuildCondBr(self.llbuilder, cond, then_llbb, else_llbb);
276 }
277 }
279 fn switch(
280 &mut self,
281 v: &'ll Value,
282 else_llbb: &'ll BasicBlock,
283 cases: impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = (u128, &'ll BasicBlock)>,
284 ) {
285 let switch =
286 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildSwitch(self.llbuilder, v, else_llbb, cases.len() as c_uint) };
287 for (on_val, dest) in cases {
288 let on_val = self.const_uint_big(self.val_ty(v), on_val);
289 unsafe { llvm::LLVMAddCase(switch, on_val, dest) }
290 }
291 }
293 fn switch_with_weights(
294 &mut self,
295 v: Self::Value,
296 else_llbb: Self::BasicBlock,
297 else_is_cold: bool,
298 cases: impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = (u128, Self::BasicBlock, bool)>,
299 ) {
300 if self.cx.sess().opts.optimize == rustc_session::config::OptLevel::No {
301 self.switch(v, else_llbb, cases.map(|(val, dest, _)| (val, dest)));
302 return;
303 }
305 let id_str = "branch_weights";
306 let id = unsafe {
307 llvm::LLVMMDStringInContext2(self.cx.llcx, id_str.as_ptr().cast(), id_str.len())
308 };
310 let cold_weight = llvm::LLVMValueAsMetadata(self.cx.const_u32(1));
315 let hot_weight = llvm::LLVMValueAsMetadata(self.cx.const_u32(2000));
316 let weight =
317 |is_cold: bool| -> &Metadata { if is_cold { cold_weight } else { hot_weight } };
319 let mut md: SmallVec<[&Metadata; 16]> = SmallVec::with_capacity(cases.len() + 2);
320 md.push(id);
321 md.push(weight(else_is_cold));
323 let switch =
324 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildSwitch(self.llbuilder, v, else_llbb, cases.len() as c_uint) };
325 for (on_val, dest, is_cold) in cases {
326 let on_val = self.const_uint_big(self.val_ty(v), on_val);
327 unsafe { llvm::LLVMAddCase(switch, on_val, dest) }
328 md.push(weight(is_cold));
329 }
331 unsafe {
332 let md_node = llvm::LLVMMDNodeInContext2(self.cx.llcx, md.as_ptr(), md.len() as size_t);
333 self.cx.set_metadata(switch, llvm::MD_prof, md_node);
334 }
335 }
337 fn invoke(
338 &mut self,
339 llty: &'ll Type,
340 fn_attrs: Option<&CodegenFnAttrs>,
341 fn_abi: Option<&FnAbi<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>>,
342 llfn: &'ll Value,
343 args: &[&'ll Value],
344 then: &'ll BasicBlock,
345 catch: &'ll BasicBlock,
346 funclet: Option<&Funclet<'ll>>,
347 instance: Option<Instance<'tcx>>,
348 ) -> &'ll Value {
349 debug!("invoke {:?} with args ({:?})", llfn, args);
351 let args = self.check_call("invoke", llty, llfn, args);
352 let funclet_bundle = funclet.map(|funclet| funclet.bundle());
353 let mut bundles: SmallVec<[_; 2]> = SmallVec::new();
354 if let Some(funclet_bundle) = funclet_bundle {
355 bundles.push(funclet_bundle);
356 }
358 self.cfi_type_test(fn_attrs, fn_abi, instance, llfn);
361 let kcfi_bundle = self.kcfi_operand_bundle(fn_attrs, fn_abi, instance, llfn);
363 if let Some(kcfi_bundle) = kcfi_bundle.as_ref().map(|b| b.raw()) {
364 bundles.push(kcfi_bundle);
365 }
367 let invoke = unsafe {
368 llvm::LLVMBuildInvokeWithOperandBundles(
369 self.llbuilder,
370 llty,
371 llfn,
372 args.as_ptr(),
373 args.len() as c_uint,
374 then,
375 catch,
376 bundles.as_ptr(),
377 bundles.len() as c_uint,
379 )
380 };
381 if let Some(fn_abi) = fn_abi {
382 fn_abi.apply_attrs_callsite(self, invoke);
383 }
384 invoke
385 }
387 fn unreachable(&mut self) {
388 unsafe {
389 llvm::LLVMBuildUnreachable(self.llbuilder);
390 }
391 }
393 math_builder_methods! {
394 add(a, b) => LLVMBuildAdd,
395 fadd(a, b) => LLVMBuildFAdd,
396 sub(a, b) => LLVMBuildSub,
397 fsub(a, b) => LLVMBuildFSub,
398 mul(a, b) => LLVMBuildMul,
399 fmul(a, b) => LLVMBuildFMul,
400 udiv(a, b) => LLVMBuildUDiv,
401 exactudiv(a, b) => LLVMBuildExactUDiv,
402 sdiv(a, b) => LLVMBuildSDiv,
403 exactsdiv(a, b) => LLVMBuildExactSDiv,
404 fdiv(a, b) => LLVMBuildFDiv,
405 urem(a, b) => LLVMBuildURem,
406 srem(a, b) => LLVMBuildSRem,
407 frem(a, b) => LLVMBuildFRem,
408 shl(a, b) => LLVMBuildShl,
409 lshr(a, b) => LLVMBuildLShr,
410 ashr(a, b) => LLVMBuildAShr,
411 and(a, b) => LLVMBuildAnd,
412 or(a, b) => LLVMBuildOr,
413 xor(a, b) => LLVMBuildXor,
414 neg(x) => LLVMBuildNeg,
415 fneg(x) => LLVMBuildFNeg,
416 not(x) => LLVMBuildNot,
417 unchecked_sadd(x, y) => LLVMBuildNSWAdd,
418 unchecked_uadd(x, y) => LLVMBuildNUWAdd,
419 unchecked_ssub(x, y) => LLVMBuildNSWSub,
420 unchecked_usub(x, y) => LLVMBuildNUWSub,
421 unchecked_smul(x, y) => LLVMBuildNSWMul,
422 unchecked_umul(x, y) => LLVMBuildNUWMul,
423 }
425 fn unchecked_suadd(&mut self, a: &'ll Value, b: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
426 unsafe {
427 let add = llvm::LLVMBuildAdd(self.llbuilder, a, b, UNNAMED);
428 if llvm::LLVMIsAInstruction(add).is_some() {
429 llvm::LLVMSetNUW(add, True);
430 llvm::LLVMSetNSW(add, True);
431 }
432 add
433 }
434 }
435 fn unchecked_susub(&mut self, a: &'ll Value, b: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
436 unsafe {
437 let sub = llvm::LLVMBuildSub(self.llbuilder, a, b, UNNAMED);
438 if llvm::LLVMIsAInstruction(sub).is_some() {
439 llvm::LLVMSetNUW(sub, True);
440 llvm::LLVMSetNSW(sub, True);
441 }
442 sub
443 }
444 }
445 fn unchecked_sumul(&mut self, a: &'ll Value, b: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
446 unsafe {
447 let mul = llvm::LLVMBuildMul(self.llbuilder, a, b, UNNAMED);
448 if llvm::LLVMIsAInstruction(mul).is_some() {
449 llvm::LLVMSetNUW(mul, True);
450 llvm::LLVMSetNSW(mul, True);
451 }
452 mul
453 }
454 }
456 fn or_disjoint(&mut self, a: &'ll Value, b: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
457 unsafe {
458 let or = llvm::LLVMBuildOr(self.llbuilder, a, b, UNNAMED);
460 if llvm::LLVMIsAInstruction(or).is_some() {
464 llvm::LLVMSetIsDisjoint(or, True);
465 }
466 or
467 }
468 }
470 set_math_builder_methods! {
471 fadd_fast(x, y) => (LLVMBuildFAdd, LLVMRustSetFastMath),
472 fsub_fast(x, y) => (LLVMBuildFSub, LLVMRustSetFastMath),
473 fmul_fast(x, y) => (LLVMBuildFMul, LLVMRustSetFastMath),
474 fdiv_fast(x, y) => (LLVMBuildFDiv, LLVMRustSetFastMath),
475 frem_fast(x, y) => (LLVMBuildFRem, LLVMRustSetFastMath),
476 fadd_algebraic(x, y) => (LLVMBuildFAdd, LLVMRustSetAlgebraicMath),
477 fsub_algebraic(x, y) => (LLVMBuildFSub, LLVMRustSetAlgebraicMath),
478 fmul_algebraic(x, y) => (LLVMBuildFMul, LLVMRustSetAlgebraicMath),
479 fdiv_algebraic(x, y) => (LLVMBuildFDiv, LLVMRustSetAlgebraicMath),
480 frem_algebraic(x, y) => (LLVMBuildFRem, LLVMRustSetAlgebraicMath),
481 }
483 fn checked_binop(
484 &mut self,
485 oop: OverflowOp,
486 ty: Ty<'_>,
487 lhs: Self::Value,
488 rhs: Self::Value,
489 ) -> (Self::Value, Self::Value) {
490 use rustc_middle::ty::IntTy::*;
491 use rustc_middle::ty::UintTy::*;
492 use rustc_middle::ty::{Int, Uint};
494 let new_kind = match ty.kind() {
495 Int(t @ Isize) => Int(t.normalize(self.tcx.sess.target.pointer_width)),
496 Uint(t @ Usize) => Uint(t.normalize(self.tcx.sess.target.pointer_width)),
497 t @ (Uint(_) | Int(_)) => *t,
498 _ => panic!("tried to get overflow intrinsic for op applied to non-int type"),
499 };
501 let name = match oop {
502 OverflowOp::Add => match new_kind {
503 Int(I8) => "llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i8",
504 Int(I16) => "llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i16",
505 Int(I32) => "llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i32",
506 Int(I64) => "llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i64",
507 Int(I128) => "llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i128",
509 Uint(U8) => "llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i8",
510 Uint(U16) => "llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i16",
511 Uint(U32) => "llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32",
512 Uint(U64) => "llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i64",
513 Uint(U128) => "llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i128",
515 _ => unreachable!(),
516 },
517 OverflowOp::Sub => match new_kind {
518 Int(I8) => "llvm.ssub.with.overflow.i8",
519 Int(I16) => "llvm.ssub.with.overflow.i16",
520 Int(I32) => "llvm.ssub.with.overflow.i32",
521 Int(I64) => "llvm.ssub.with.overflow.i64",
522 Int(I128) => "llvm.ssub.with.overflow.i128",
524 Uint(_) => {
525 let sub = self.sub(lhs, rhs);
529 let cmp = self.icmp(IntPredicate::IntULT, lhs, rhs);
530 return (sub, cmp);
531 }
533 _ => unreachable!(),
534 },
535 OverflowOp::Mul => match new_kind {
536 Int(I8) => "llvm.smul.with.overflow.i8",
537 Int(I16) => "llvm.smul.with.overflow.i16",
538 Int(I32) => "llvm.smul.with.overflow.i32",
539 Int(I64) => "llvm.smul.with.overflow.i64",
540 Int(I128) => "llvm.smul.with.overflow.i128",
542 Uint(U8) => "llvm.umul.with.overflow.i8",
543 Uint(U16) => "llvm.umul.with.overflow.i16",
544 Uint(U32) => "llvm.umul.with.overflow.i32",
545 Uint(U64) => "llvm.umul.with.overflow.i64",
546 Uint(U128) => "llvm.umul.with.overflow.i128",
548 _ => unreachable!(),
549 },
550 };
552 let res = self.call_intrinsic(name, &[lhs, rhs]);
553 (self.extract_value(res, 0), self.extract_value(res, 1))
554 }
556 fn from_immediate(&mut self, val: Self::Value) -> Self::Value {
557 if self.cx().val_ty(val) == self.cx().type_i1() {
558 self.zext(val, self.cx().type_i8())
559 } else {
560 val
561 }
562 }
564 fn to_immediate_scalar(&mut self, val: Self::Value, scalar: abi::Scalar) -> Self::Value {
565 if scalar.is_bool() {
566 return self.unchecked_utrunc(val, self.cx().type_i1());
567 }
568 val
569 }
571 fn alloca(&mut self, size: Size, align: Align) -> &'ll Value {
572 let mut bx = Builder::with_cx(self.cx);
573 bx.position_at_start(unsafe { llvm::LLVMGetFirstBasicBlock(self.llfn()) });
574 let ty = self.cx().type_array(self.cx().type_i8(), size.bytes());
575 unsafe {
576 let alloca = llvm::LLVMBuildAlloca(bx.llbuilder, ty, UNNAMED);
577 llvm::LLVMSetAlignment(alloca, align.bytes() as c_uint);
578 llvm::LLVMBuildPointerCast(bx.llbuilder, alloca, self.cx().type_ptr(), UNNAMED)
580 }
581 }
583 fn dynamic_alloca(&mut self, size: &'ll Value, align: Align) -> &'ll Value {
584 unsafe {
585 let alloca =
586 llvm::LLVMBuildArrayAlloca(self.llbuilder, self.cx().type_i8(), size, UNNAMED);
587 llvm::LLVMSetAlignment(alloca, align.bytes() as c_uint);
588 llvm::LLVMBuildPointerCast(self.llbuilder, alloca, self.cx().type_ptr(), UNNAMED)
590 }
591 }
593 fn load(&mut self, ty: &'ll Type, ptr: &'ll Value, align: Align) -> &'ll Value {
594 unsafe {
595 let load = llvm::LLVMBuildLoad2(self.llbuilder, ty, ptr, UNNAMED);
596 llvm::LLVMSetAlignment(load, align.bytes() as c_uint);
597 load
598 }
599 }
601 fn volatile_load(&mut self, ty: &'ll Type, ptr: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
602 unsafe {
603 let load = llvm::LLVMBuildLoad2(self.llbuilder, ty, ptr, UNNAMED);
604 llvm::LLVMSetVolatile(load, llvm::True);
605 load
606 }
607 }
609 fn atomic_load(
610 &mut self,
611 ty: &'ll Type,
612 ptr: &'ll Value,
613 order: rustc_codegen_ssa::common::AtomicOrdering,
614 size: Size,
615 ) -> &'ll Value {
616 unsafe {
617 let load = llvm::LLVMRustBuildAtomicLoad(
618 self.llbuilder,
619 ty,
620 ptr,
622 AtomicOrdering::from_generic(order),
623 );
624 llvm::LLVMSetAlignment(load, size.bytes() as c_uint);
626 load
627 }
628 }
630 #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self))]
631 fn load_operand(&mut self, place: PlaceRef<'tcx, &'ll Value>) -> OperandRef<'tcx, &'ll Value> {
632 if place.layout.is_unsized() {
633 let tail = self.tcx.struct_tail_for_codegen(place.layout.ty, self.typing_env());
634 if matches!(tail.kind(), ty::Foreign(..)) {
635 panic!("unsized locals must not be `extern` types");
639 }
640 }
641 assert_eq!(place.val.llextra.is_some(), place.layout.is_unsized());
643 if place.layout.is_zst() {
644 return OperandRef::zero_sized(place.layout);
645 }
647 #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(bx))]
648 fn scalar_load_metadata<'a, 'll, 'tcx>(
649 bx: &mut Builder<'a, 'll, 'tcx>,
650 load: &'ll Value,
651 scalar: abi::Scalar,
652 layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
653 offset: Size,
654 ) {
655 if bx.cx.sess().opts.optimize == OptLevel::No {
656 return;
658 }
660 if !scalar.is_uninit_valid() {
661 bx.noundef_metadata(load);
662 }
664 match scalar.primitive() {
665 abi::Primitive::Int(..) => {
666 if !scalar.is_always_valid(bx) {
667 bx.range_metadata(load, scalar.valid_range(bx));
668 }
669 }
670 abi::Primitive::Pointer(_) => {
671 if !scalar.valid_range(bx).contains(0) {
672 bx.nonnull_metadata(load);
673 }
675 if let Some(pointee) = layout.pointee_info_at(bx, offset) {
676 if let Some(_) = pointee.safe {
677 bx.align_metadata(load, pointee.align);
678 }
679 }
680 }
681 abi::Primitive::Float(_) => {}
682 }
683 }
685 let val = if let Some(_) = place.val.llextra {
686 OperandValue::Ref(place.val)
688 } else if place.layout.is_llvm_immediate() {
689 let mut const_llval = None;
690 let llty = place.layout.llvm_type(self);
691 unsafe {
692 if let Some(global) = llvm::LLVMIsAGlobalVariable(place.val.llval) {
693 if llvm::LLVMIsGlobalConstant(global) == llvm::True {
694 if let Some(init) = llvm::LLVMGetInitializer(global) {
695 if self.val_ty(init) == llty {
696 const_llval = Some(init);
697 }
698 }
699 }
700 }
701 }
702 let llval = const_llval.unwrap_or_else(|| {
703 let load = self.load(llty, place.val.llval, place.val.align);
704 if let abi::BackendRepr::Scalar(scalar) = place.layout.backend_repr {
705 scalar_load_metadata(self, load, scalar, place.layout, Size::ZERO);
706 self.to_immediate_scalar(load, scalar)
707 } else {
708 load
709 }
710 });
711 OperandValue::Immediate(llval)
712 } else if let abi::BackendRepr::ScalarPair(a, b) = place.layout.backend_repr {
713 let b_offset = a.size(self).align_to(b.align(self).abi);
715 let mut load = |i, scalar: abi::Scalar, layout, align, offset| {
716 let llptr = if i == 0 {
717 place.val.llval
718 } else {
719 self.inbounds_ptradd(place.val.llval, self.const_usize(b_offset.bytes()))
720 };
721 let llty = place.layout.scalar_pair_element_llvm_type(self, i, false);
722 let load = self.load(llty, llptr, align);
723 scalar_load_metadata(self, load, scalar, layout, offset);
724 self.to_immediate_scalar(load, scalar)
725 };
727 OperandValue::Pair(
728 load(0, a, place.layout, place.val.align, Size::ZERO),
729 load(1, b, place.layout, place.val.align.restrict_for_offset(b_offset), b_offset),
730 )
731 } else {
732 OperandValue::Ref(place.val)
733 };
735 OperandRef { val, layout: place.layout }
736 }
738 fn write_operand_repeatedly(
739 &mut self,
740 cg_elem: OperandRef<'tcx, &'ll Value>,
741 count: u64,
742 dest: PlaceRef<'tcx, &'ll Value>,
743 ) {
744 let zero = self.const_usize(0);
745 let count = self.const_usize(count);
747 let header_bb = self.append_sibling_block("repeat_loop_header");
748 let body_bb = self.append_sibling_block("repeat_loop_body");
749 let next_bb = self.append_sibling_block("repeat_loop_next");
751 self.br(header_bb);
753 let mut header_bx = Self::build(self.cx, header_bb);
754 let i = header_bx.phi(self.val_ty(zero), &[zero], &[self.llbb()]);
756 let keep_going = header_bx.icmp(IntPredicate::IntULT, i, count);
757 header_bx.cond_br(keep_going, body_bb, next_bb);
759 let mut body_bx = Self::build(self.cx, body_bb);
760 let dest_elem = dest.project_index(&mut body_bx, i);
761 cg_elem.val.store(&mut body_bx, dest_elem);
763 let next = body_bx.unchecked_uadd(i, self.const_usize(1));
764 body_bx.br(header_bb);
765 header_bx.add_incoming_to_phi(i, next, body_bb);
767 *self = Self::build(self.cx, next_bb);
768 }
770 fn range_metadata(&mut self, load: &'ll Value, range: WrappingRange) {
771 if self.cx.sess().opts.optimize == OptLevel::No {
772 return;
774 }
776 unsafe {
777 let llty = self.cx.val_ty(load);
778 let md = [
779 llvm::LLVMValueAsMetadata(self.cx.const_uint_big(llty, range.start)),
780 llvm::LLVMValueAsMetadata(self.cx.const_uint_big(llty, range.end.wrapping_add(1))),
781 ];
782 let md = llvm::LLVMMDNodeInContext2(self.cx.llcx, md.as_ptr(), md.len());
783 self.set_metadata(load, llvm::MD_range, md);
784 }
785 }
787 fn nonnull_metadata(&mut self, load: &'ll Value) {
788 unsafe {
789 let md = llvm::LLVMMDNodeInContext2(self.cx.llcx, ptr::null(), 0);
790 self.set_metadata(load, llvm::MD_nonnull, md);
791 }
792 }
794 fn store(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, ptr: &'ll Value, align: Align) -> &'ll Value {
795 self.store_with_flags(val, ptr, align, MemFlags::empty())
796 }
798 fn store_with_flags(
799 &mut self,
800 val: &'ll Value,
801 ptr: &'ll Value,
802 align: Align,
803 flags: MemFlags,
804 ) -> &'ll Value {
805 debug!("Store {:?} -> {:?} ({:?})", val, ptr, flags);
806 assert_eq!(self.cx.type_kind(self.cx.val_ty(ptr)), TypeKind::Pointer);
807 unsafe {
808 let store = llvm::LLVMBuildStore(self.llbuilder, val, ptr);
809 let align =
810 if flags.contains(MemFlags::UNALIGNED) { 1 } else { align.bytes() as c_uint };
811 llvm::LLVMSetAlignment(store, align);
812 if flags.contains(MemFlags::VOLATILE) {
813 llvm::LLVMSetVolatile(store, llvm::True);
814 }
815 if flags.contains(MemFlags::NONTEMPORAL) {
829 &["aarch64", "arm", "riscv32", "riscv64"];
831 let use_nontemporal =
832 WELL_BEHAVED_NONTEMPORAL_ARCHS.contains(&&*self.cx.tcx.sess.target.arch);
833 if use_nontemporal {
834 let one = llvm::LLVMValueAsMetadata(self.cx.const_i32(1));
839 let md = llvm::LLVMMDNodeInContext2(self.cx.llcx, &one, 1);
840 self.set_metadata(store, llvm::MD_nontemporal, md);
841 }
842 }
843 store
844 }
845 }
847 fn atomic_store(
848 &mut self,
849 val: &'ll Value,
850 ptr: &'ll Value,
851 order: rustc_codegen_ssa::common::AtomicOrdering,
852 size: Size,
853 ) {
854 debug!("Store {:?} -> {:?}", val, ptr);
855 assert_eq!(self.cx.type_kind(self.cx.val_ty(ptr)), TypeKind::Pointer);
856 unsafe {
857 let store = llvm::LLVMRustBuildAtomicStore(
858 self.llbuilder,
859 val,
860 ptr,
861 AtomicOrdering::from_generic(order),
862 );
863 llvm::LLVMSetAlignment(store, size.bytes() as c_uint);
865 }
866 }
868 fn gep(&mut self, ty: &'ll Type, ptr: &'ll Value, indices: &[&'ll Value]) -> &'ll Value {
869 unsafe {
870 llvm::LLVMBuildGEPWithNoWrapFlags(
871 self.llbuilder,
872 ty,
873 ptr,
874 indices.as_ptr(),
875 indices.len() as c_uint,
877 GEPNoWrapFlags::default(),
878 )
879 }
880 }
882 fn inbounds_gep(
883 &mut self,
884 ty: &'ll Type,
885 ptr: &'ll Value,
886 indices: &[&'ll Value],
887 ) -> &'ll Value {
888 unsafe {
889 llvm::LLVMBuildGEPWithNoWrapFlags(
890 self.llbuilder,
891 ty,
892 ptr,
893 indices.as_ptr(),
894 indices.len() as c_uint,
896 GEPNoWrapFlags::InBounds,
897 )
898 }
899 }
901 fn inbounds_nuw_gep(
902 &mut self,
903 ty: &'ll Type,
904 ptr: &'ll Value,
905 indices: &[&'ll Value],
906 ) -> &'ll Value {
907 unsafe {
908 llvm::LLVMBuildGEPWithNoWrapFlags(
909 self.llbuilder,
910 ty,
911 ptr,
912 indices.as_ptr(),
913 indices.len() as c_uint,
915 GEPNoWrapFlags::InBounds | GEPNoWrapFlags::NUW,
916 )
917 }
918 }
920 fn trunc(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
922 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildTrunc(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
923 }
925 fn unchecked_utrunc(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
926 debug_assert_ne!(self.val_ty(val), dest_ty);
928 let trunc = self.trunc(val, dest_ty);
929 if llvm_util::get_version() >= (19, 0, 0) {
930 unsafe {
931 if llvm::LLVMIsAInstruction(trunc).is_some() {
932 llvm::LLVMSetNUW(trunc, True);
933 }
934 }
935 }
936 trunc
937 }
939 fn unchecked_strunc(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
940 debug_assert_ne!(self.val_ty(val), dest_ty);
942 let trunc = self.trunc(val, dest_ty);
943 if llvm_util::get_version() >= (19, 0, 0) {
944 unsafe {
945 if llvm::LLVMIsAInstruction(trunc).is_some() {
946 llvm::LLVMSetNSW(trunc, True);
947 }
948 }
949 }
950 trunc
951 }
953 fn sext(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
954 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildSExt(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
955 }
957 fn fptoui_sat(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
958 self.fptoint_sat(false, val, dest_ty)
959 }
961 fn fptosi_sat(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
962 self.fptoint_sat(true, val, dest_ty)
963 }
965 fn fptoui(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
966 if self.sess().target.is_like_wasm {
981 let src_ty = self.cx.val_ty(val);
982 if self.cx.type_kind(src_ty) != TypeKind::Vector {
983 let float_width = self.cx.float_width(src_ty);
984 let int_width = self.cx.int_width(dest_ty);
985 let name = match (int_width, float_width) {
986 (32, 32) => Some("llvm.wasm.trunc.unsigned.i32.f32"),
987 (32, 64) => Some("llvm.wasm.trunc.unsigned.i32.f64"),
988 (64, 32) => Some("llvm.wasm.trunc.unsigned.i64.f32"),
989 (64, 64) => Some("llvm.wasm.trunc.unsigned.i64.f64"),
990 _ => None,
991 };
992 if let Some(name) = name {
993 return self.call_intrinsic(name, &[val]);
994 }
995 }
996 }
997 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildFPToUI(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
998 }
1000 fn fptosi(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1001 if self.sess().target.is_like_wasm {
1003 let src_ty = self.cx.val_ty(val);
1004 if self.cx.type_kind(src_ty) != TypeKind::Vector {
1005 let float_width = self.cx.float_width(src_ty);
1006 let int_width = self.cx.int_width(dest_ty);
1007 let name = match (int_width, float_width) {
1008 (32, 32) => Some("llvm.wasm.trunc.signed.i32.f32"),
1009 (32, 64) => Some("llvm.wasm.trunc.signed.i32.f64"),
1010 (64, 32) => Some("llvm.wasm.trunc.signed.i64.f32"),
1011 (64, 64) => Some("llvm.wasm.trunc.signed.i64.f64"),
1012 _ => None,
1013 };
1014 if let Some(name) = name {
1015 return self.call_intrinsic(name, &[val]);
1016 }
1017 }
1018 }
1019 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildFPToSI(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
1020 }
1022 fn uitofp(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1023 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildUIToFP(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
1024 }
1026 fn sitofp(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1027 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildSIToFP(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
1028 }
1030 fn fptrunc(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1031 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildFPTrunc(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
1032 }
1034 fn fpext(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1035 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildFPExt(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
1036 }
1038 fn ptrtoint(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1039 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildPtrToInt(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
1040 }
1042 fn inttoptr(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1043 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildIntToPtr(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
1044 }
1046 fn bitcast(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1047 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildBitCast(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
1048 }
1050 fn intcast(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type, is_signed: bool) -> &'ll Value {
1051 unsafe {
1052 llvm::LLVMBuildIntCast2(
1053 self.llbuilder,
1054 val,
1055 dest_ty,
1056 if is_signed { True } else { False },
1058 )
1059 }
1060 }
1062 fn pointercast(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1063 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildPointerCast(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
1064 }
1066 fn icmp(&mut self, op: IntPredicate, lhs: &'ll Value, rhs: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1068 let op = llvm::IntPredicate::from_generic(op);
1069 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildICmp(self.llbuilder, op as c_uint, lhs, rhs, UNNAMED) }
1070 }
1072 fn fcmp(&mut self, op: RealPredicate, lhs: &'ll Value, rhs: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1073 let op = llvm::RealPredicate::from_generic(op);
1074 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildFCmp(self.llbuilder, op as c_uint, lhs, rhs, UNNAMED) }
1075 }
1077 fn memcpy(
1079 &mut self,
1080 dst: &'ll Value,
1081 dst_align: Align,
1082 src: &'ll Value,
1083 src_align: Align,
1084 size: &'ll Value,
1085 flags: MemFlags,
1086 ) {
1087 assert!(!flags.contains(MemFlags::NONTEMPORAL), "non-temporal memcpy not supported");
1088 let size = self.intcast(size, self.type_isize(), false);
1089 let is_volatile = flags.contains(MemFlags::VOLATILE);
1090 unsafe {
1091 llvm::LLVMRustBuildMemCpy(
1092 self.llbuilder,
1093 dst,
1094 dst_align.bytes() as c_uint,
1095 src,
1096 src_align.bytes() as c_uint,
1097 size,
1098 is_volatile,
1099 );
1100 }
1101 }
1103 fn memmove(
1104 &mut self,
1105 dst: &'ll Value,
1106 dst_align: Align,
1107 src: &'ll Value,
1108 src_align: Align,
1109 size: &'ll Value,
1110 flags: MemFlags,
1111 ) {
1112 assert!(!flags.contains(MemFlags::NONTEMPORAL), "non-temporal memmove not supported");
1113 let size = self.intcast(size, self.type_isize(), false);
1114 let is_volatile = flags.contains(MemFlags::VOLATILE);
1115 unsafe {
1116 llvm::LLVMRustBuildMemMove(
1117 self.llbuilder,
1118 dst,
1119 dst_align.bytes() as c_uint,
1120 src,
1121 src_align.bytes() as c_uint,
1122 size,
1123 is_volatile,
1124 );
1125 }
1126 }
1128 fn memset(
1129 &mut self,
1130 ptr: &'ll Value,
1131 fill_byte: &'ll Value,
1132 size: &'ll Value,
1133 align: Align,
1134 flags: MemFlags,
1135 ) {
1136 assert!(!flags.contains(MemFlags::NONTEMPORAL), "non-temporal memset not supported");
1137 let is_volatile = flags.contains(MemFlags::VOLATILE);
1138 unsafe {
1139 llvm::LLVMRustBuildMemSet(
1140 self.llbuilder,
1141 ptr,
1142 align.bytes() as c_uint,
1143 fill_byte,
1144 size,
1145 is_volatile,
1146 );
1147 }
1148 }
1150 fn select(
1151 &mut self,
1152 cond: &'ll Value,
1153 then_val: &'ll Value,
1154 else_val: &'ll Value,
1155 ) -> &'ll Value {
1156 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildSelect(self.llbuilder, cond, then_val, else_val, UNNAMED) }
1157 }
1159 fn va_arg(&mut self, list: &'ll Value, ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1160 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildVAArg(self.llbuilder, list, ty, UNNAMED) }
1161 }
1163 fn extract_element(&mut self, vec: &'ll Value, idx: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1164 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildExtractElement(self.llbuilder, vec, idx, UNNAMED) }
1165 }
1167 fn vector_splat(&mut self, num_elts: usize, elt: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1168 unsafe {
1169 let elt_ty = self.cx.val_ty(elt);
1170 let undef = llvm::LLVMGetUndef(self.type_vector(elt_ty, num_elts as u64));
1171 let vec = self.insert_element(undef, elt, self.cx.const_i32(0));
1172 let vec_i32_ty = self.type_vector(self.type_i32(), num_elts as u64);
1173 self.shuffle_vector(vec, undef, self.const_null(vec_i32_ty))
1174 }
1175 }
1177 fn extract_value(&mut self, agg_val: &'ll Value, idx: u64) -> &'ll Value {
1178 assert_eq!(idx as c_uint as u64, idx);
1179 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildExtractValue(self.llbuilder, agg_val, idx as c_uint, UNNAMED) }
1180 }
1182 fn insert_value(&mut self, agg_val: &'ll Value, elt: &'ll Value, idx: u64) -> &'ll Value {
1183 assert_eq!(idx as c_uint as u64, idx);
1184 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildInsertValue(self.llbuilder, agg_val, elt, idx as c_uint, UNNAMED) }
1185 }
1187 fn set_personality_fn(&mut self, personality: &'ll Value) {
1188 unsafe {
1189 llvm::LLVMSetPersonalityFn(self.llfn(), personality);
1190 }
1191 }
1193 fn cleanup_landing_pad(&mut self, pers_fn: &'ll Value) -> (&'ll Value, &'ll Value) {
1194 let ty = self.type_struct(&[self.type_ptr(), self.type_i32()], false);
1195 let landing_pad = self.landing_pad(ty, pers_fn, 0);
1196 unsafe {
1197 llvm::LLVMSetCleanup(landing_pad, llvm::True);
1198 }
1199 (self.extract_value(landing_pad, 0), self.extract_value(landing_pad, 1))
1200 }
1202 fn filter_landing_pad(&mut self, pers_fn: &'ll Value) -> (&'ll Value, &'ll Value) {
1203 let ty = self.type_struct(&[self.type_ptr(), self.type_i32()], false);
1204 let landing_pad = self.landing_pad(ty, pers_fn, 1);
1205 self.add_clause(landing_pad, self.const_array(self.type_ptr(), &[]));
1206 (self.extract_value(landing_pad, 0), self.extract_value(landing_pad, 1))
1207 }
1209 fn resume(&mut self, exn0: &'ll Value, exn1: &'ll Value) {
1210 let ty = self.type_struct(&[self.type_ptr(), self.type_i32()], false);
1211 let mut exn = self.const_poison(ty);
1212 exn = self.insert_value(exn, exn0, 0);
1213 exn = self.insert_value(exn, exn1, 1);
1214 unsafe {
1215 llvm::LLVMBuildResume(self.llbuilder, exn);
1216 }
1217 }
1219 fn cleanup_pad(&mut self, parent: Option<&'ll Value>, args: &[&'ll Value]) -> Funclet<'ll> {
1220 let ret = unsafe {
1221 llvm::LLVMBuildCleanupPad(
1222 self.llbuilder,
1223 parent,
1224 args.as_ptr(),
1225 args.len() as c_uint,
1226 c"cleanuppad".as_ptr(),
1227 )
1228 };
1229 Funclet::new(ret.expect("LLVM does not have support for cleanuppad"))
1230 }
1232 fn cleanup_ret(&mut self, funclet: &Funclet<'ll>, unwind: Option<&'ll BasicBlock>) {
1233 unsafe {
1234 llvm::LLVMBuildCleanupRet(self.llbuilder, funclet.cleanuppad(), unwind)
1235 .expect("LLVM does not have support for cleanupret");
1236 }
1237 }
1239 fn catch_pad(&mut self, parent: &'ll Value, args: &[&'ll Value]) -> Funclet<'ll> {
1240 let ret = unsafe {
1241 llvm::LLVMBuildCatchPad(
1242 self.llbuilder,
1243 parent,
1244 args.as_ptr(),
1245 args.len() as c_uint,
1246 c"catchpad".as_ptr(),
1247 )
1248 };
1249 Funclet::new(ret.expect("LLVM does not have support for catchpad"))
1250 }
1252 fn catch_switch(
1253 &mut self,
1254 parent: Option<&'ll Value>,
1255 unwind: Option<&'ll BasicBlock>,
1256 handlers: &[&'ll BasicBlock],
1257 ) -> &'ll Value {
1258 let ret = unsafe {
1259 llvm::LLVMBuildCatchSwitch(
1260 self.llbuilder,
1261 parent,
1262 unwind,
1263 handlers.len() as c_uint,
1264 c"catchswitch".as_ptr(),
1265 )
1266 };
1267 let ret = ret.expect("LLVM does not have support for catchswitch");
1268 for handler in handlers {
1269 unsafe {
1270 llvm::LLVMAddHandler(ret, handler);
1271 }
1272 }
1273 ret
1274 }
1276 fn atomic_cmpxchg(
1278 &mut self,
1279 dst: &'ll Value,
1280 cmp: &'ll Value,
1281 src: &'ll Value,
1282 order: rustc_codegen_ssa::common::AtomicOrdering,
1283 failure_order: rustc_codegen_ssa::common::AtomicOrdering,
1284 weak: bool,
1285 ) -> (&'ll Value, &'ll Value) {
1286 let weak = if weak { llvm::True } else { llvm::False };
1287 unsafe {
1288 let value = llvm::LLVMBuildAtomicCmpXchg(
1289 self.llbuilder,
1290 dst,
1291 cmp,
1292 src,
1293 AtomicOrdering::from_generic(order),
1294 AtomicOrdering::from_generic(failure_order),
1295 llvm::False, );
1297 llvm::LLVMSetWeak(value, weak);
1298 let val = self.extract_value(value, 0);
1299 let success = self.extract_value(value, 1);
1300 (val, success)
1301 }
1302 }
1304 fn atomic_rmw(
1305 &mut self,
1306 op: rustc_codegen_ssa::common::AtomicRmwBinOp,
1307 dst: &'ll Value,
1308 mut src: &'ll Value,
1309 order: rustc_codegen_ssa::common::AtomicOrdering,
1310 ) -> &'ll Value {
1311 let requires_cast_to_int = self.val_ty(src) == self.type_ptr()
1313 && op != rustc_codegen_ssa::common::AtomicRmwBinOp::AtomicXchg;
1314 if requires_cast_to_int {
1315 src = self.ptrtoint(src, self.type_isize());
1316 }
1317 let mut res = unsafe {
1318 llvm::LLVMBuildAtomicRMW(
1319 self.llbuilder,
1320 AtomicRmwBinOp::from_generic(op),
1321 dst,
1322 src,
1323 AtomicOrdering::from_generic(order),
1324 llvm::False, )
1326 };
1327 if requires_cast_to_int {
1328 res = self.inttoptr(res, self.type_ptr());
1329 }
1330 res
1331 }
1333 fn atomic_fence(
1334 &mut self,
1335 order: rustc_codegen_ssa::common::AtomicOrdering,
1336 scope: SynchronizationScope,
1337 ) {
1338 let single_threaded = match scope {
1339 SynchronizationScope::SingleThread => llvm::True,
1340 SynchronizationScope::CrossThread => llvm::False,
1341 };
1342 unsafe {
1343 llvm::LLVMBuildFence(
1344 self.llbuilder,
1345 AtomicOrdering::from_generic(order),
1346 single_threaded,
1348 );
1349 }
1350 }
1352 fn set_invariant_load(&mut self, load: &'ll Value) {
1353 unsafe {
1354 let md = llvm::LLVMMDNodeInContext2(self.cx.llcx, ptr::null(), 0);
1355 self.set_metadata(load, llvm::MD_invariant_load, md);
1356 }
1357 }
1359 fn lifetime_start(&mut self, ptr: &'ll Value, size: Size) {
1360 self.call_lifetime_intrinsic("llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8", ptr, size);
1361 }
1363 fn lifetime_end(&mut self, ptr: &'ll Value, size: Size) {
1364 self.call_lifetime_intrinsic("llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8", ptr, size);
1365 }
1367 fn call(
1368 &mut self,
1369 llty: &'ll Type,
1370 fn_attrs: Option<&CodegenFnAttrs>,
1371 fn_abi: Option<&FnAbi<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>>,
1372 llfn: &'ll Value,
1373 args: &[&'ll Value],
1374 funclet: Option<&Funclet<'ll>>,
1375 instance: Option<Instance<'tcx>>,
1376 ) -> &'ll Value {
1377 debug!("call {:?} with args ({:?})", llfn, args);
1379 let args = self.check_call("call", llty, llfn, args);
1380 let funclet_bundle = funclet.map(|funclet| funclet.bundle());
1381 let mut bundles: SmallVec<[_; 2]> = SmallVec::new();
1382 if let Some(funclet_bundle) = funclet_bundle {
1383 bundles.push(funclet_bundle);
1384 }
1386 self.cfi_type_test(fn_attrs, fn_abi, instance, llfn);
1389 let kcfi_bundle = self.kcfi_operand_bundle(fn_attrs, fn_abi, instance, llfn);
1391 if let Some(kcfi_bundle) = kcfi_bundle.as_ref().map(|b| b.raw()) {
1392 bundles.push(kcfi_bundle);
1393 }
1395 let call = unsafe {
1396 llvm::LLVMBuildCallWithOperandBundles(
1397 self.llbuilder,
1398 llty,
1399 llfn,
1400 args.as_ptr() as *const &llvm::Value,
1401 args.len() as c_uint,
1402 bundles.as_ptr(),
1403 bundles.len() as c_uint,
1404 c"".as_ptr(),
1405 )
1406 };
1407 if let Some(fn_abi) = fn_abi {
1408 fn_abi.apply_attrs_callsite(self, call);
1409 }
1410 call
1411 }
1413 fn zext(&mut self, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1414 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildZExt(self.llbuilder, val, dest_ty, UNNAMED) }
1415 }
1417 fn apply_attrs_to_cleanup_callsite(&mut self, llret: &'ll Value) {
1418 let cold_inline = llvm::AttributeKind::Cold.create_attr(self.llcx);
1420 attributes::apply_to_callsite(llret, llvm::AttributePlace::Function, &[cold_inline]);
1421 }
1424impl<'ll> StaticBuilderMethods for Builder<'_, 'll, '_> {
1425 fn get_static(&mut self, def_id: DefId) -> &'ll Value {
1426 let s = self.cx().get_static(def_id);
1428 self.cx().const_pointercast(s, self.type_ptr())
1430 }
1433impl<'a, 'll, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'll, 'tcx> {
1434 pub(crate) fn llfn(&self) -> &'ll Value {
1435 unsafe { llvm::LLVMGetBasicBlockParent(self.llbb()) }
1436 }
1439impl<'a, 'll, CX: Borrow<SCx<'ll>>> GenericBuilder<'a, 'll, CX> {
1440 fn position_at_start(&mut self, llbb: &'ll BasicBlock) {
1441 unsafe {
1442 llvm::LLVMRustPositionBuilderAtStart(self.llbuilder, llbb);
1443 }
1444 }
1446impl<'a, 'll, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'll, 'tcx> {
1447 fn align_metadata(&mut self, load: &'ll Value, align: Align) {
1448 unsafe {
1449 let md = [llvm::LLVMValueAsMetadata(self.cx.const_u64(align.bytes()))];
1450 let md = llvm::LLVMMDNodeInContext2(self.cx.llcx, md.as_ptr(), md.len());
1451 self.set_metadata(load, llvm::MD_align, md);
1452 }
1453 }
1455 fn noundef_metadata(&mut self, load: &'ll Value) {
1456 unsafe {
1457 let md = llvm::LLVMMDNodeInContext2(self.cx.llcx, ptr::null(), 0);
1458 self.set_metadata(load, llvm::MD_noundef, md);
1459 }
1460 }
1462 pub(crate) fn set_unpredictable(&mut self, inst: &'ll Value) {
1463 unsafe {
1464 let md = llvm::LLVMMDNodeInContext2(self.cx.llcx, ptr::null(), 0);
1465 self.set_metadata(inst, llvm::MD_unpredictable, md);
1466 }
1467 }
1469impl<'a, 'll, CX: Borrow<SCx<'ll>>> GenericBuilder<'a, 'll, CX> {
1470 pub(crate) fn minnum(&mut self, lhs: &'ll Value, rhs: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1471 unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustBuildMinNum(self.llbuilder, lhs, rhs) }
1472 }
1474 pub(crate) fn maxnum(&mut self, lhs: &'ll Value, rhs: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1475 unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustBuildMaxNum(self.llbuilder, lhs, rhs) }
1476 }
1478 pub(crate) fn insert_element(
1479 &mut self,
1480 vec: &'ll Value,
1481 elt: &'ll Value,
1482 idx: &'ll Value,
1483 ) -> &'ll Value {
1484 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildInsertElement(self.llbuilder, vec, elt, idx, UNNAMED) }
1485 }
1487 pub(crate) fn shuffle_vector(
1488 &mut self,
1489 v1: &'ll Value,
1490 v2: &'ll Value,
1491 mask: &'ll Value,
1492 ) -> &'ll Value {
1493 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildShuffleVector(self.llbuilder, v1, v2, mask, UNNAMED) }
1494 }
1496 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_fadd(&mut self, acc: &'ll Value, src: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1497 unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceFAdd(self.llbuilder, acc, src) }
1498 }
1499 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_fmul(&mut self, acc: &'ll Value, src: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1500 unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceFMul(self.llbuilder, acc, src) }
1501 }
1502 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_fadd_reassoc(
1503 &mut self,
1504 acc: &'ll Value,
1505 src: &'ll Value,
1506 ) -> &'ll Value {
1507 unsafe {
1508 let instr = llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceFAdd(self.llbuilder, acc, src);
1509 llvm::LLVMRustSetAllowReassoc(instr);
1510 instr
1511 }
1512 }
1513 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_fmul_reassoc(
1514 &mut self,
1515 acc: &'ll Value,
1516 src: &'ll Value,
1517 ) -> &'ll Value {
1518 unsafe {
1519 let instr = llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceFMul(self.llbuilder, acc, src);
1520 llvm::LLVMRustSetAllowReassoc(instr);
1521 instr
1522 }
1523 }
1524 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_add(&mut self, src: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1525 unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceAdd(self.llbuilder, src) }
1526 }
1527 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_mul(&mut self, src: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1528 unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceMul(self.llbuilder, src) }
1529 }
1530 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_and(&mut self, src: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1531 unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceAnd(self.llbuilder, src) }
1532 }
1533 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_or(&mut self, src: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1534 unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceOr(self.llbuilder, src) }
1535 }
1536 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_xor(&mut self, src: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1537 unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceXor(self.llbuilder, src) }
1538 }
1539 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_fmin(&mut self, src: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1540 unsafe {
1541 llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceFMin(self.llbuilder, src, false)
1542 }
1543 }
1544 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_fmax(&mut self, src: &'ll Value) -> &'ll Value {
1545 unsafe {
1546 llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceFMax(self.llbuilder, src, false)
1547 }
1548 }
1549 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_min(&mut self, src: &'ll Value, is_signed: bool) -> &'ll Value {
1550 unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceMin(self.llbuilder, src, is_signed) }
1551 }
1552 pub(crate) fn vector_reduce_max(&mut self, src: &'ll Value, is_signed: bool) -> &'ll Value {
1553 unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustBuildVectorReduceMax(self.llbuilder, src, is_signed) }
1554 }
1556 pub(crate) fn add_clause(&mut self, landing_pad: &'ll Value, clause: &'ll Value) {
1557 unsafe {
1558 llvm::LLVMAddClause(landing_pad, clause);
1559 }
1560 }
1562 pub(crate) fn catch_ret(
1563 &mut self,
1564 funclet: &Funclet<'ll>,
1565 unwind: &'ll BasicBlock,
1566 ) -> &'ll Value {
1567 let ret = unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildCatchRet(self.llbuilder, funclet.cleanuppad(), unwind) };
1568 ret.expect("LLVM does not have support for catchret")
1569 }
1571 fn check_call<'b>(
1572 &mut self,
1573 typ: &str,
1574 fn_ty: &'ll Type,
1575 llfn: &'ll Value,
1576 args: &'b [&'ll Value],
1577 ) -> Cow<'b, [&'ll Value]> {
1578 assert!(
1579 self.cx.type_kind(fn_ty) == TypeKind::Function,
1580 "builder::{typ} not passed a function, but {fn_ty:?}"
1581 );
1583 let param_tys = self.cx.func_params_types(fn_ty);
1585 let all_args_match = iter::zip(¶m_tys, args.iter().map(|&v| self.cx.val_ty(v)))
1586 .all(|(expected_ty, actual_ty)| *expected_ty == actual_ty);
1588 if all_args_match {
1589 return Cow::Borrowed(args);
1590 }
1592 let casted_args: Vec<_> = iter::zip(param_tys, args)
1593 .enumerate()
1594 .map(|(i, (expected_ty, &actual_val))| {
1595 let actual_ty = self.cx.val_ty(actual_val);
1596 if expected_ty != actual_ty {
1597 debug!(
1598 "type mismatch in function call of {:?}. \
1599 Expected {:?} for param {}, got {:?}; injecting bitcast",
1600 llfn, expected_ty, i, actual_ty
1601 );
1602 self.bitcast(actual_val, expected_ty)
1603 } else {
1604 actual_val
1605 }
1606 })
1607 .collect();
1609 Cow::Owned(casted_args)
1610 }
1612 pub(crate) fn va_arg(&mut self, list: &'ll Value, ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1613 unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildVAArg(self.llbuilder, list, ty, UNNAMED) }
1614 }
1617impl<'a, 'll, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'll, 'tcx> {
1618 pub(crate) fn call_intrinsic(&mut self, intrinsic: &str, args: &[&'ll Value]) -> &'ll Value {
1619 let (ty, f) = self.cx.get_intrinsic(intrinsic);
1620 self.call(ty, None, None, f, args, None, None)
1621 }
1623 fn call_lifetime_intrinsic(&mut self, intrinsic: &str, ptr: &'ll Value, size: Size) {
1624 let size = size.bytes();
1625 if size == 0 {
1626 return;
1627 }
1629 if !self.cx().sess().emit_lifetime_markers() {
1630 return;
1631 }
1633 self.call_intrinsic(intrinsic, &[self.cx.const_u64(size), ptr]);
1634 }
1636impl<'a, 'll, CX: Borrow<SCx<'ll>>> GenericBuilder<'a, 'll, CX> {
1637 pub(crate) fn phi(
1638 &mut self,
1639 ty: &'ll Type,
1640 vals: &[&'ll Value],
1641 bbs: &[&'ll BasicBlock],
1642 ) -> &'ll Value {
1643 assert_eq!(vals.len(), bbs.len());
1644 let phi = unsafe { llvm::LLVMBuildPhi(self.llbuilder, ty, UNNAMED) };
1645 unsafe {
1646 llvm::LLVMAddIncoming(phi, vals.as_ptr(), bbs.as_ptr(), vals.len() as c_uint);
1647 phi
1648 }
1649 }
1651 fn add_incoming_to_phi(&mut self, phi: &'ll Value, val: &'ll Value, bb: &'ll BasicBlock) {
1652 unsafe {
1653 llvm::LLVMAddIncoming(phi, &val, &bb, 1 as c_uint);
1654 }
1655 }
1657impl<'a, 'll, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'll, 'tcx> {
1658 fn fptoint_sat(&mut self, signed: bool, val: &'ll Value, dest_ty: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Value {
1659 let src_ty = self.cx.val_ty(val);
1660 let (float_ty, int_ty, vector_length) = if self.cx.type_kind(src_ty) == TypeKind::Vector {
1661 assert_eq!(self.cx.vector_length(src_ty), self.cx.vector_length(dest_ty));
1662 (
1663 self.cx.element_type(src_ty),
1664 self.cx.element_type(dest_ty),
1665 Some(self.cx.vector_length(src_ty)),
1666 )
1667 } else {
1668 (src_ty, dest_ty, None)
1669 };
1670 let float_width = self.cx.float_width(float_ty);
1671 let int_width = self.cx.int_width(int_ty);
1673 let instr = if signed { "fptosi" } else { "fptoui" };
1674 let name = if let Some(vector_length) = vector_length {
1675 format!("llvm.{instr}.sat.v{vector_length}i{int_width}.v{vector_length}f{float_width}")
1676 } else {
1677 format!("llvm.{instr}.sat.i{int_width}.f{float_width}")
1678 };
1679 let f = self.declare_cfn(&name, llvm::UnnamedAddr::No, self.type_func(&[src_ty], dest_ty));
1680 self.call(self.type_func(&[src_ty], dest_ty), None, None, f, &[val], None, None)
1681 }
1683 pub(crate) fn landing_pad(
1684 &mut self,
1685 ty: &'ll Type,
1686 pers_fn: &'ll Value,
1687 num_clauses: usize,
1688 ) -> &'ll Value {
1689 self.set_personality_fn(pers_fn);
1693 unsafe {
1694 llvm::LLVMBuildLandingPad(self.llbuilder, ty, None, num_clauses as c_uint, UNNAMED)
1695 }
1696 }
1698 pub(crate) fn callbr(
1699 &mut self,
1700 llty: &'ll Type,
1701 fn_attrs: Option<&CodegenFnAttrs>,
1702 fn_abi: Option<&FnAbi<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>>,
1703 llfn: &'ll Value,
1704 args: &[&'ll Value],
1705 default_dest: &'ll BasicBlock,
1706 indirect_dest: &[&'ll BasicBlock],
1707 funclet: Option<&Funclet<'ll>>,
1708 instance: Option<Instance<'tcx>>,
1709 ) -> &'ll Value {
1710 debug!("invoke {:?} with args ({:?})", llfn, args);
1712 let args = self.check_call("callbr", llty, llfn, args);
1713 let funclet_bundle = funclet.map(|funclet| funclet.bundle());
1714 let mut bundles: SmallVec<[_; 2]> = SmallVec::new();
1715 if let Some(funclet_bundle) = funclet_bundle {
1716 bundles.push(funclet_bundle);
1717 }
1719 self.cfi_type_test(fn_attrs, fn_abi, instance, llfn);
1722 let kcfi_bundle = self.kcfi_operand_bundle(fn_attrs, fn_abi, instance, llfn);
1724 if let Some(kcfi_bundle) = kcfi_bundle.as_ref().map(|b| b.raw()) {
1725 bundles.push(kcfi_bundle);
1726 }
1728 let callbr = unsafe {
1729 llvm::LLVMBuildCallBr(
1730 self.llbuilder,
1731 llty,
1732 llfn,
1733 default_dest,
1734 indirect_dest.as_ptr(),
1735 indirect_dest.len() as c_uint,
1736 args.as_ptr(),
1737 args.len() as c_uint,
1738 bundles.as_ptr(),
1739 bundles.len() as c_uint,
1741 )
1742 };
1743 if let Some(fn_abi) = fn_abi {
1744 fn_abi.apply_attrs_callsite(self, callbr);
1745 }
1746 callbr
1747 }
1749 fn cfi_type_test(
1751 &mut self,
1752 fn_attrs: Option<&CodegenFnAttrs>,
1753 fn_abi: Option<&FnAbi<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>>,
1754 instance: Option<Instance<'tcx>>,
1755 llfn: &'ll Value,
1756 ) {
1757 let is_indirect_call = unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustIsNonGVFunctionPointerTy(llfn) };
1758 if self.tcx.sess.is_sanitizer_cfi_enabled()
1759 && let Some(fn_abi) = fn_abi
1760 && is_indirect_call
1761 {
1762 if let Some(fn_attrs) = fn_attrs
1763 && fn_attrs.no_sanitize.contains(SanitizerSet::CFI)
1764 {
1765 return;
1766 }
1768 let mut options = cfi::TypeIdOptions::empty();
1769 if self.tcx.sess.is_sanitizer_cfi_generalize_pointers_enabled() {
1770 options.insert(cfi::TypeIdOptions::GENERALIZE_POINTERS);
1771 }
1772 if self.tcx.sess.is_sanitizer_cfi_normalize_integers_enabled() {
1773 options.insert(cfi::TypeIdOptions::NORMALIZE_INTEGERS);
1774 }
1776 let typeid = if let Some(instance) = instance {
1777 cfi::typeid_for_instance(self.tcx, instance, options)
1778 } else {
1779 cfi::typeid_for_fnabi(self.tcx, fn_abi, options)
1780 };
1781 let typeid_metadata = self.cx.typeid_metadata(typeid).unwrap();
1782 let dbg_loc = self.get_dbg_loc();
1784 let cond = self.type_test(llfn, typeid_metadata);
1786 let bb_pass = self.append_sibling_block("type_test.pass");
1787 let bb_fail = self.append_sibling_block("type_test.fail");
1788 self.cond_br(cond, bb_pass, bb_fail);
1790 self.switch_to_block(bb_fail);
1791 if let Some(dbg_loc) = dbg_loc {
1792 self.set_dbg_loc(dbg_loc);
1793 }
1794 self.abort();
1795 self.unreachable();
1797 self.switch_to_block(bb_pass);
1798 if let Some(dbg_loc) = dbg_loc {
1799 self.set_dbg_loc(dbg_loc);
1800 }
1801 }
1802 }
1804 fn kcfi_operand_bundle(
1806 &mut self,
1807 fn_attrs: Option<&CodegenFnAttrs>,
1808 fn_abi: Option<&FnAbi<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>>,
1809 instance: Option<Instance<'tcx>>,
1810 llfn: &'ll Value,
1811 ) -> Option<llvm::OperandBundleOwned<'ll>> {
1812 let is_indirect_call = unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustIsNonGVFunctionPointerTy(llfn) };
1813 let kcfi_bundle = if self.tcx.sess.is_sanitizer_kcfi_enabled()
1814 && let Some(fn_abi) = fn_abi
1815 && is_indirect_call
1816 {
1817 if let Some(fn_attrs) = fn_attrs
1818 && fn_attrs.no_sanitize.contains(SanitizerSet::KCFI)
1819 {
1820 return None;
1821 }
1823 let mut options = kcfi::TypeIdOptions::empty();
1824 if self.tcx.sess.is_sanitizer_cfi_generalize_pointers_enabled() {
1825 options.insert(kcfi::TypeIdOptions::GENERALIZE_POINTERS);
1826 }
1827 if self.tcx.sess.is_sanitizer_cfi_normalize_integers_enabled() {
1828 options.insert(kcfi::TypeIdOptions::NORMALIZE_INTEGERS);
1829 }
1831 let kcfi_typeid = if let Some(instance) = instance {
1832 kcfi::typeid_for_instance(self.tcx, instance, options)
1833 } else {
1834 kcfi::typeid_for_fnabi(self.tcx, fn_abi, options)
1835 };
1837 Some(llvm::OperandBundleOwned::new("kcfi", &[self.const_u32(kcfi_typeid)]))
1838 } else {
1839 None
1840 };
1841 kcfi_bundle
1842 }
1844 #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
1846 pub(crate) fn instrprof_increment(
1847 &mut self,
1848 fn_name: &'ll Value,
1849 hash: &'ll Value,
1850 num_counters: &'ll Value,
1851 index: &'ll Value,
1852 ) {
1853 self.call_intrinsic("llvm.instrprof.increment", &[fn_name, hash, num_counters, index]);
1854 }
1856 #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
1866 pub(crate) fn mcdc_parameters(
1867 &mut self,
1868 fn_name: &'ll Value,
1869 hash: &'ll Value,
1870 bitmap_bits: &'ll Value,
1871 ) {
1872 assert!(
1873 crate::llvm_util::get_version() >= (19, 0, 0),
1874 "MCDC intrinsics require LLVM 19 or later"
1875 );
1876 self.call_intrinsic("llvm.instrprof.mcdc.parameters", &[fn_name, hash, bitmap_bits]);
1877 }
1879 #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
1880 pub(crate) fn mcdc_tvbitmap_update(
1881 &mut self,
1882 fn_name: &'ll Value,
1883 hash: &'ll Value,
1884 bitmap_index: &'ll Value,
1885 mcdc_temp: &'ll Value,
1886 ) {
1887 assert!(
1888 crate::llvm_util::get_version() >= (19, 0, 0),
1889 "MCDC intrinsics require LLVM 19 or later"
1890 );
1891 let args = &[fn_name, hash, bitmap_index, mcdc_temp];
1892 self.call_intrinsic("llvm.instrprof.mcdc.tvbitmap.update", args);
1893 }
1895 #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
1896 pub(crate) fn mcdc_condbitmap_reset(&mut self, mcdc_temp: &'ll Value) {
1897 self.store(self.const_i32(0), mcdc_temp, self.tcx.data_layout.i32_align.abi);
1898 }
1900 #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
1901 pub(crate) fn mcdc_condbitmap_update(&mut self, cond_index: &'ll Value, mcdc_temp: &'ll Value) {
1902 assert!(
1903 crate::llvm_util::get_version() >= (19, 0, 0),
1904 "MCDC intrinsics require LLVM 19 or later"
1905 );
1906 let align = self.tcx.data_layout.i32_align.abi;
1907 let current_tv_index = self.load(self.cx.type_i32(), mcdc_temp, align);
1908 let new_tv_index = self.add(current_tv_index, cond_index);
1909 self.store(new_tv_index, mcdc_temp, align);
1910 }