
1use std::borrow::Cow;
2use std::fmt;
3use std::sync::Arc;
5pub use LitKind::*;
6pub use Nonterminal::*;
7pub use NtExprKind::*;
8pub use NtPatKind::*;
9pub use TokenKind::*;
10use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher};
11use rustc_macros::{Decodable, Encodable, HashStable_Generic};
12use rustc_span::edition::Edition;
13use rustc_span::{DUMMY_SP, ErrorGuaranteed, Span, kw, sym};
14#[allow(clippy::useless_attribute)] // FIXME: following use of `hidden_glob_reexports` incorrectly triggers `useless_attribute` lint.
16use rustc_span::{Ident, Symbol};
18use crate::ast;
19use crate::ptr::P;
20use crate::util::case::Case;
22#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, HashStable_Generic)]
23pub enum CommentKind {
24    Line,
25    Block,
28// This type must not implement `Hash` due to the unusual `PartialEq` impl below.
29#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Encodable, Decodable, HashStable_Generic)]
30pub enum InvisibleOrigin {
31    // From the expansion of a metavariable in a declarative macro.
32    MetaVar(MetaVarKind),
34    // Converted from `proc_macro::Delimiter` in
35    // `proc_macro::Delimiter::to_internal`, i.e. returned by a proc macro.
36    ProcMacro,
38    // Converted from `TokenKind::Interpolated` in
39    // `TokenStream::flatten_token`. Treated similarly to `ProcMacro`.
40    FlattenToken,
43impl PartialEq for InvisibleOrigin {
44    #[inline]
45    fn eq(&self, _other: &InvisibleOrigin) -> bool {
46        // When we had AST-based nonterminals we couldn't compare them, and the
47        // old `Nonterminal` type had an `eq` that always returned false,
48        // resulting in this restriction:
49        //
50        // This `eq` emulates that behaviour. We could consider lifting this
51        // restriction now but there are still cases involving invisible
52        // delimiters that make it harder than it first appears.
53        false
54    }
57/// Annoyingly similar to `NonterminalKind`, but the slight differences are important.
58#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Encodable, Decodable, Hash, HashStable_Generic)]
59pub enum MetaVarKind {
60    Item,
61    Block,
62    Stmt,
63    Pat(NtPatKind),
64    Expr {
65        kind: NtExprKind,
66        // This field is needed for `Token::can_begin_literal_maybe_minus`.
67        can_begin_literal_maybe_minus: bool,
68        // This field is needed for `Token::can_begin_string_literal`.
69        can_begin_string_literal: bool,
70    },
71    Ty {
72        is_path: bool,
73    },
74    Ident,
75    Lifetime,
76    Literal,
77    Meta {
78        /// Will `AttrItem::meta` succeed on this, if reparsed?
79        has_meta_form: bool,
80    },
81    Path,
82    Vis,
83    TT,
86impl fmt::Display for MetaVarKind {
87    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
88        let sym = match self {
89            MetaVarKind::Item => sym::item,
90            MetaVarKind::Block => sym::block,
91            MetaVarKind::Stmt => sym::stmt,
92            MetaVarKind::Pat(PatParam { inferred: true } | PatWithOr) => sym::pat,
93            MetaVarKind::Pat(PatParam { inferred: false }) => sym::pat_param,
94            MetaVarKind::Expr { kind: Expr2021 { inferred: true } | Expr, .. } => sym::expr,
95            MetaVarKind::Expr { kind: Expr2021 { inferred: false }, .. } => sym::expr_2021,
96            MetaVarKind::Ty { .. } => sym::ty,
97            MetaVarKind::Ident => sym::ident,
98            MetaVarKind::Lifetime => sym::lifetime,
99            MetaVarKind::Literal => sym::literal,
100            MetaVarKind::Meta { .. } => sym::meta,
101            MetaVarKind::Path => sym::path,
102            MetaVarKind::Vis => sym::vis,
103            MetaVarKind::TT => sym::tt,
104        };
105        write!(f, "{sym}")
106    }
109/// Describes how a sequence of token trees is delimited.
110/// Cannot use `proc_macro::Delimiter` directly because this
111/// structure should implement some additional traits.
112#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, HashStable_Generic)]
113pub enum Delimiter {
114    /// `( ... )`
115    Parenthesis,
116    /// `{ ... }`
117    Brace,
118    /// `[ ... ]`
119    Bracket,
120    /// `∅ ... ∅`
121    /// An invisible delimiter, that may, for example, appear around tokens coming from a
122    /// "macro variable" `$var`. It is important to preserve operator priorities in cases like
123    /// `$var * 3` where `$var` is `1 + 2`.
124    /// Invisible delimiters might not survive roundtrip of a token stream through a string.
125    Invisible(InvisibleOrigin),
128impl Delimiter {
129    // Should the parser skip these delimiters? Only happens for certain kinds
130    // of invisible delimiters. Ideally this function will eventually disappear
131    // and no invisible delimiters will be skipped.
132    #[inline]
133    pub fn skip(&self) -> bool {
134        match self {
135            Delimiter::Parenthesis | Delimiter::Bracket | Delimiter::Brace => false,
136            Delimiter::Invisible(InvisibleOrigin::MetaVar(_)) => false,
137            Delimiter::Invisible(InvisibleOrigin::FlattenToken | InvisibleOrigin::ProcMacro) => {
138                true
139            }
140        }
141    }
143    // This exists because `InvisibleOrigin`s should be compared. It is only used for assertions.
144    pub fn eq_ignoring_invisible_origin(&self, other: &Delimiter) -> bool {
145        match (self, other) {
146            (Delimiter::Parenthesis, Delimiter::Parenthesis) => true,
147            (Delimiter::Brace, Delimiter::Brace) => true,
148            (Delimiter::Bracket, Delimiter::Bracket) => true,
149            (Delimiter::Invisible(_), Delimiter::Invisible(_)) => true,
150            _ => false,
151        }
152    }
155// Note that the suffix is *not* considered when deciding the `LitKind` in this
156// type. This means that float literals like `1f32` are classified by this type
157// as `Int`. Only upon conversion to `ast::LitKind` will such a literal be
158// given the `Float` kind.
159#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, HashStable_Generic)]
160pub enum LitKind {
161    Bool, // AST only, must never appear in a `Token`
162    Byte,
163    Char,
164    Integer, // e.g. `1`, `1u8`, `1f32`
165    Float,   // e.g. `1.`, `1.0`, `1e3f32`
166    Str,
167    StrRaw(u8), // raw string delimited by `n` hash symbols
168    ByteStr,
169    ByteStrRaw(u8), // raw byte string delimited by `n` hash symbols
170    CStr,
171    CStrRaw(u8),
172    Err(ErrorGuaranteed),
175/// A literal token.
176#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, HashStable_Generic)]
177pub struct Lit {
178    pub kind: LitKind,
179    pub symbol: Symbol,
180    pub suffix: Option<Symbol>,
183impl Lit {
184    pub fn new(kind: LitKind, symbol: Symbol, suffix: Option<Symbol>) -> Lit {
185        Lit { kind, symbol, suffix }
186    }
188    /// Returns `true` if this is semantically a float literal. This includes
189    /// ones like `1f32` that have an `Integer` kind but a float suffix.
190    pub fn is_semantic_float(&self) -> bool {
191        match self.kind {
192            LitKind::Float => true,
193            LitKind::Integer => match self.suffix {
194                Some(sym) => sym == sym::f32 || sym == sym::f64,
195                None => false,
196            },
197            _ => false,
198        }
199    }
201    /// Keep this in sync with `Token::can_begin_literal_maybe_minus` excluding unary negation.
202    pub fn from_token(token: &Token) -> Option<Lit> {
203        match token.uninterpolate().kind {
204            Ident(name, IdentIsRaw::No) if name.is_bool_lit() => Some(Lit::new(Bool, name, None)),
205            Literal(token_lit) => Some(token_lit),
206            Interpolated(ref nt)
207                if let NtExpr(expr) | NtLiteral(expr) = &**nt
208                    && let ast::ExprKind::Lit(token_lit) = expr.kind =>
209            {
210                Some(token_lit)
211            }
212            _ => None,
213        }
214    }
217impl fmt::Display for Lit {
218    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
219        let Lit { kind, symbol, suffix } = *self;
220        match kind {
221            Byte => write!(f, "b'{symbol}'")?,
222            Char => write!(f, "'{symbol}'")?,
223            Str => write!(f, "\"{symbol}\"")?,
224            StrRaw(n) => write!(
225                f,
226                "r{delim}\"{string}\"{delim}",
227                delim = "#".repeat(n as usize),
228                string = symbol
229            )?,
230            ByteStr => write!(f, "b\"{symbol}\"")?,
231            ByteStrRaw(n) => write!(
232                f,
233                "br{delim}\"{string}\"{delim}",
234                delim = "#".repeat(n as usize),
235                string = symbol
236            )?,
237            CStr => write!(f, "c\"{symbol}\"")?,
238            CStrRaw(n) => {
239                write!(f, "cr{delim}\"{symbol}\"{delim}", delim = "#".repeat(n as usize))?
240            }
241            Integer | Float | Bool | Err(_) => write!(f, "{symbol}")?,
242        }
244        if let Some(suffix) = suffix {
245            write!(f, "{suffix}")?;
246        }
248        Ok(())
249    }
252impl LitKind {
253    /// An English article for the literal token kind.
254    pub fn article(self) -> &'static str {
255        match self {
256            Integer | Err(_) => "an",
257            _ => "a",
258        }
259    }
261    pub fn descr(self) -> &'static str {
262        match self {
263            Bool => "boolean",
264            Byte => "byte",
265            Char => "char",
266            Integer => "integer",
267            Float => "float",
268            Str | StrRaw(..) => "string",
269            ByteStr | ByteStrRaw(..) => "byte string",
270            CStr | CStrRaw(..) => "C string",
271            Err(_) => "error",
272        }
273    }
275    pub(crate) fn may_have_suffix(self) -> bool {
276        matches!(self, Integer | Float | Err(_))
277    }
280pub fn ident_can_begin_expr(name: Symbol, span: Span, is_raw: IdentIsRaw) -> bool {
281    let ident_token = Token::new(Ident(name, is_raw), span);
283    !ident_token.is_reserved_ident()
284        || ident_token.is_path_segment_keyword()
285        || [
286            kw::Async,
287            kw::Do,
288            kw::Box,
289            kw::Break,
290            kw::Const,
291            kw::Continue,
292            kw::False,
293            kw::For,
294            kw::Gen,
295            kw::If,
296            kw::Let,
297            kw::Loop,
298            kw::Match,
299            kw::Move,
300            kw::Return,
301            kw::True,
302            kw::Try,
303            kw::Unsafe,
304            kw::While,
305            kw::Yield,
306            kw::Safe,
307            kw::Static,
308        ]
309        .contains(&name)
312fn ident_can_begin_type(name: Symbol, span: Span, is_raw: IdentIsRaw) -> bool {
313    let ident_token = Token::new(Ident(name, is_raw), span);
315    !ident_token.is_reserved_ident()
316        || ident_token.is_path_segment_keyword()
317        || [kw::Underscore, kw::For, kw::Impl, kw::Fn, kw::Unsafe, kw::Extern, kw::Typeof, kw::Dyn]
318            .contains(&name)
321#[derive(PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, Copy, Clone, HashStable_Generic)]
322pub enum IdentIsRaw {
323    No,
324    Yes,
327impl From<bool> for IdentIsRaw {
328    fn from(b: bool) -> Self {
329        if b { Self::Yes } else { Self::No }
330    }
333impl From<IdentIsRaw> for bool {
334    fn from(is_raw: IdentIsRaw) -> bool {
335        matches!(is_raw, IdentIsRaw::Yes)
336    }
339// SAFETY: due to the `Clone` impl below, all fields of all variants other than
340// `Interpolated` must impl `Copy`.
341#[derive(PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, HashStable_Generic)]
342pub enum TokenKind {
343    /* Expression-operator symbols. */
344    /// `=`
345    Eq,
346    /// `<`
347    Lt,
348    /// `<=`
349    Le,
350    /// `==`
351    EqEq,
352    /// `!=`
353    Ne,
354    /// `>=`
355    Ge,
356    /// `>`
357    Gt,
358    /// `&&`
359    AndAnd,
360    /// `||`
361    OrOr,
362    /// `!`
363    Bang,
364    /// `~`
365    Tilde,
366    // `+`
367    Plus,
368    // `-`
369    Minus,
370    // `*`
371    Star,
372    // `/`
373    Slash,
374    // `%`
375    Percent,
376    // `^`
377    Caret,
378    // `&`
379    And,
380    // `|`
381    Or,
382    // `<<`
383    Shl,
384    // `>>`
385    Shr,
386    // `+=`
387    PlusEq,
388    // `-=`
389    MinusEq,
390    // `*=`
391    StarEq,
392    // `/=`
393    SlashEq,
394    // `%=`
395    PercentEq,
396    // `^=`
397    CaretEq,
398    // `&=`
399    AndEq,
400    // `|=`
401    OrEq,
402    // `<<=`
403    ShlEq,
404    // `>>=`
405    ShrEq,
407    /* Structural symbols */
408    /// `@`
409    At,
410    /// `.`
411    Dot,
412    /// `..`
413    DotDot,
414    /// `...`
415    DotDotDot,
416    /// `..=`
417    DotDotEq,
418    /// `,`
419    Comma,
420    /// `;`
421    Semi,
422    /// `:`
423    Colon,
424    /// `::`
425    PathSep,
426    /// `->`
427    RArrow,
428    /// `<-`
429    LArrow,
430    /// `=>`
431    FatArrow,
432    /// `#`
433    Pound,
434    /// `$`
435    Dollar,
436    /// `?`
437    Question,
438    /// Used by proc macros for representing lifetimes, not generated by lexer right now.
439    SingleQuote,
440    /// An opening delimiter (e.g., `{`).
441    OpenDelim(Delimiter),
442    /// A closing delimiter (e.g., `}`).
443    CloseDelim(Delimiter),
445    /* Literals */
446    Literal(Lit),
448    /// Identifier token.
449    /// Do not forget about `NtIdent` when you want to match on identifiers.
450    /// It's recommended to use `Token::(ident,uninterpolate,uninterpolated_span)` to
451    /// treat regular and interpolated identifiers in the same way.
452    Ident(Symbol, IdentIsRaw),
453    /// This identifier (and its span) is the identifier passed to the
454    /// declarative macro. The span in the surrounding `Token` is the span of
455    /// the `ident` metavariable in the macro's RHS.
456    NtIdent(Ident, IdentIsRaw),
458    /// Lifetime identifier token.
459    /// Do not forget about `NtLifetime` when you want to match on lifetime identifiers.
460    /// It's recommended to use `Token::(lifetime,uninterpolate,uninterpolated_span)` to
461    /// treat regular and interpolated lifetime identifiers in the same way.
462    Lifetime(Symbol, IdentIsRaw),
463    /// This identifier (and its span) is the lifetime passed to the
464    /// declarative macro. The span in the surrounding `Token` is the span of
465    /// the `lifetime` metavariable in the macro's RHS.
466    NtLifetime(Ident, IdentIsRaw),
468    /// An embedded AST node, as produced by a macro. This only exists for
469    /// historical reasons. We'd like to get rid of it, for multiple reasons.
470    /// - It's conceptually very strange. Saying a token can contain an AST
471    ///   node is like saying, in natural language, that a word can contain a
472    ///   sentence.
473    /// - It requires special handling in a bunch of places in the parser.
474    /// - It prevents `Token` from implementing `Copy`.
475    /// It adds complexity and likely slows things down. Please don't add new
476    /// occurrences of this token kind!
477    ///
478    /// The span in the surrounding `Token` is that of the metavariable in the
479    /// macro's RHS. The span within the Nonterminal is that of the fragment
480    /// passed to the macro at the call site.
481    Interpolated(Arc<Nonterminal>),
483    /// A doc comment token.
484    /// `Symbol` is the doc comment's data excluding its "quotes" (`///`, `/**`, etc)
485    /// similarly to symbols in string literal tokens.
486    DocComment(CommentKind, ast::AttrStyle, Symbol),
488    /// End Of File
489    Eof,
492impl Clone for TokenKind {
493    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
494        // `TokenKind` would impl `Copy` if it weren't for `Interpolated`. So
495        // for all other variants, this implementation of `clone` is just like
496        // a copy. This is faster than the `derive(Clone)` version which has a
497        // separate path for every variant.
498        match self {
499            Interpolated(nt) => Interpolated(Arc::clone(nt)),
500            _ => unsafe { std::ptr::read(self) },
501        }
502    }
505#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, Debug, HashStable_Generic)]
506pub struct Token {
507    pub kind: TokenKind,
508    pub span: Span,
511impl TokenKind {
512    pub fn lit(kind: LitKind, symbol: Symbol, suffix: Option<Symbol>) -> TokenKind {
513        Literal(Lit::new(kind, symbol, suffix))
514    }
516    /// An approximation to proc-macro-style single-character operators used by
517    /// rustc parser. If the operator token can be broken into two tokens, the
518    /// first of which has `n` (1 or 2) chars, then this function performs that
519    /// operation, otherwise it returns `None`.
520    pub fn break_two_token_op(&self, n: u32) -> Option<(TokenKind, TokenKind)> {
521        assert!(n == 1 || n == 2);
522        Some(match (self, n) {
523            (Le, 1) => (Lt, Eq),
524            (EqEq, 1) => (Eq, Eq),
525            (Ne, 1) => (Bang, Eq),
526            (Ge, 1) => (Gt, Eq),
527            (AndAnd, 1) => (And, And),
528            (OrOr, 1) => (Or, Or),
529            (Shl, 1) => (Lt, Lt),
530            (Shr, 1) => (Gt, Gt),
531            (PlusEq, 1) => (Plus, Eq),
532            (MinusEq, 1) => (Minus, Eq),
533            (StarEq, 1) => (Star, Eq),
534            (SlashEq, 1) => (Slash, Eq),
535            (PercentEq, 1) => (Percent, Eq),
536            (CaretEq, 1) => (Caret, Eq),
537            (AndEq, 1) => (And, Eq),
538            (OrEq, 1) => (Or, Eq),
539            (ShlEq, 1) => (Lt, Le),  // `<` + `<=`
540            (ShlEq, 2) => (Shl, Eq), // `<<` + `=`
541            (ShrEq, 1) => (Gt, Ge),  // `>` + `>=`
542            (ShrEq, 2) => (Shr, Eq), // `>>` + `=`
543            (DotDot, 1) => (Dot, Dot),
544            (DotDotDot, 1) => (Dot, DotDot), // `.` + `..`
545            (DotDotDot, 2) => (DotDot, Dot), // `..` + `.`
546            (DotDotEq, 2) => (DotDot, Eq),
547            (PathSep, 1) => (Colon, Colon),
548            (RArrow, 1) => (Minus, Gt),
549            (LArrow, 1) => (Lt, Minus),
550            (FatArrow, 1) => (Eq, Gt),
551            _ => return None,
552        })
553    }
555    /// Returns tokens that are likely to be typed accidentally instead of the current token.
556    /// Enables better error recovery when the wrong token is found.
557    pub fn similar_tokens(&self) -> &[TokenKind] {
558        match self {
559            Comma => &[Dot, Lt, Semi],
560            Semi => &[Colon, Comma],
561            Colon => &[Semi],
562            FatArrow => &[Eq, RArrow, Ge, Gt],
563            _ => &[],
564        }
565    }
567    pub fn should_end_const_arg(&self) -> bool {
568        matches!(self, Gt | Ge | Shr | ShrEq)
569    }
572impl Token {
573    pub fn new(kind: TokenKind, span: Span) -> Self {
574        Token { kind, span }
575    }
577    /// Some token that will be thrown away later.
578    pub fn dummy() -> Self {
579        Token::new(TokenKind::Question, DUMMY_SP)
580    }
582    /// Recovers a `Token` from an `Ident`. This creates a raw identifier if necessary.
583    pub fn from_ast_ident(ident: Ident) -> Self {
584        Token::new(Ident(, ident.is_raw_guess().into()), ident.span)
585    }
587    /// For interpolated tokens, returns a span of the fragment to which the interpolated
588    /// token refers. For all other tokens this is just a regular span.
589    /// It is particularly important to use this for identifiers and lifetimes
590    /// for which spans affect name resolution and edition checks.
591    /// Note that keywords are also identifiers, so they should use this
592    /// if they keep spans or perform edition checks.
593    pub fn uninterpolated_span(&self) -> Span {
594        match self.kind {
595            NtIdent(ident, _) | NtLifetime(ident, _) => ident.span,
596            Interpolated(ref nt) => nt.use_span(),
597            _ => self.span,
598        }
599    }
601    pub fn is_range_separator(&self) -> bool {
602        [DotDot, DotDotDot, DotDotEq].contains(&self.kind)
603    }
605    pub fn is_punct(&self) -> bool {
606        match self.kind {
607            Eq | Lt | Le | EqEq | Ne | Ge | Gt | AndAnd | OrOr | Bang | Tilde | Plus | Minus
608            | Star | Slash | Percent | Caret | And | Or | Shl | Shr | PlusEq | MinusEq | StarEq
609            | SlashEq | PercentEq | CaretEq | AndEq | OrEq | ShlEq | ShrEq | At | Dot | DotDot
610            | DotDotDot | DotDotEq | Comma | Semi | Colon | PathSep | RArrow | LArrow
611            | FatArrow | Pound | Dollar | Question | SingleQuote => true,
613            OpenDelim(..) | CloseDelim(..) | Literal(..) | DocComment(..) | Ident(..)
614            | NtIdent(..) | Lifetime(..) | NtLifetime(..) | Interpolated(..) | Eof => false,
615        }
616    }
618    pub fn is_like_plus(&self) -> bool {
619        matches!(self.kind, Plus | PlusEq)
620    }
622    /// Returns `true` if the token can appear at the start of an expression.
623    ///
624    /// **NB**: Take care when modifying this function, since it will change
625    /// the stable set of tokens that are allowed to match an expr nonterminal.
626    pub fn can_begin_expr(&self) -> bool {
627        use Delimiter::*;
628        match self.uninterpolate().kind {
629            Ident(name, is_raw)              =>
630                ident_can_begin_expr(name, self.span, is_raw), // value name or keyword
631            OpenDelim(Parenthesis | Brace | Bracket) | // tuple, array or block
632            Literal(..)                       | // literal
633            Bang                              | // operator not
634            Minus                             | // unary minus
635            Star                              | // dereference
636            Or | OrOr                         | // closure
637            And                               | // reference
638            AndAnd                            | // double reference
639            // DotDotDot is no longer supported, but we need some way to display the error
640            DotDot | DotDotDot | DotDotEq     | // range notation
641            Lt | Shl                          | // associated path
642            PathSep                           | // global path
643            Lifetime(..)                      | // labeled loop
644            Pound                             => true, // expression attributes
645            Interpolated(ref nt) =>
646                matches!(&**nt,
647                    NtBlock(..)   |
648                    NtExpr(..)    |
649                    NtLiteral(..)
650                ),
651            OpenDelim(Delimiter::Invisible(InvisibleOrigin::MetaVar(
652                MetaVarKind::Block |
653                MetaVarKind::Expr { .. } |
654                MetaVarKind::Literal |
655                MetaVarKind::Path
656            ))) => true,
657            _ => false,
658        }
659    }
661    /// Returns `true` if the token can appear at the start of a pattern.
662    ///
663    /// Shamelessly borrowed from `can_begin_expr`, only used for diagnostics right now.
664    pub fn can_begin_pattern(&self, pat_kind: NtPatKind) -> bool {
665        match &self.uninterpolate().kind {
666            // box, ref, mut, and other identifiers (can stricten)
667            Ident(..) | NtIdent(..) |
668            OpenDelim(Delimiter::Parenthesis) |  // tuple pattern
669            OpenDelim(Delimiter::Bracket) |      // slice pattern
670            And |                                // reference
671            Minus |                              // negative literal
672            AndAnd |                             // double reference
673            Literal(_) |                         // literal
674            DotDot |                             // range pattern (future compat)
675            DotDotDot |                          // range pattern (future compat)
676            PathSep |                            // path
677            Lt |                                 // path (UFCS constant)
678            Shl => true,                         // path (double UFCS)
679            Or => matches!(pat_kind, PatWithOr), // leading vert `|` or-pattern
680            Interpolated(nt) =>
681                matches!(&**nt,
682                    | NtExpr(..)
683                    | NtLiteral(..)
684                ),
685            OpenDelim(Delimiter::Invisible(InvisibleOrigin::MetaVar(
686                MetaVarKind::Expr { .. } |
687                MetaVarKind::Literal |
688                MetaVarKind::Meta { .. } |
689                MetaVarKind::Pat(_) |
690                MetaVarKind::Path |
691                MetaVarKind::Ty { .. }
692            ))) => true,
693            _ => false,
694        }
695    }
697    /// Returns `true` if the token can appear at the start of a type.
698    pub fn can_begin_type(&self) -> bool {
699        match self.uninterpolate().kind {
700            Ident(name, is_raw) =>
701                ident_can_begin_type(name, self.span, is_raw), // type name or keyword
702            OpenDelim(Delimiter::Parenthesis) | // tuple
703            OpenDelim(Delimiter::Bracket)     | // array
704            Bang                              | // never
705            Star                              | // raw pointer
706            And                               | // reference
707            AndAnd                            | // double reference
708            Question                          | // maybe bound in trait object
709            Lifetime(..)                      | // lifetime bound in trait object
710            Lt | Shl                          | // associated path
711            PathSep => true,                    // global path
712            OpenDelim(Delimiter::Invisible(InvisibleOrigin::MetaVar(
713                MetaVarKind::Ty { .. } |
714                MetaVarKind::Path
715            ))) => true,
716            // For anonymous structs or unions, which only appear in specific positions
717            // (type of struct fields or union fields), we don't consider them as regular types
718            _ => false,
719        }
720    }
722    /// Returns `true` if the token can appear at the start of a const param.
723    pub fn can_begin_const_arg(&self) -> bool {
724        match self.kind {
725            OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace) | Literal(..) | Minus => true,
726            Ident(name, IdentIsRaw::No) if name.is_bool_lit() => true,
727            Interpolated(ref nt) => matches!(&**nt, NtExpr(..) | NtBlock(..) | NtLiteral(..)),
728            OpenDelim(Delimiter::Invisible(InvisibleOrigin::MetaVar(
729                MetaVarKind::Expr { .. } | MetaVarKind::Block | MetaVarKind::Literal,
730            ))) => true,
731            _ => false,
732        }
733    }
735    /// Returns `true` if the token can appear at the start of an item.
736    pub fn can_begin_item(&self) -> bool {
737        match self.kind {
738            Ident(name, _) => [
739                kw::Fn,
740                kw::Use,
741                kw::Struct,
742                kw::Enum,
743                kw::Pub,
744                kw::Trait,
745                kw::Extern,
746                kw::Impl,
747                kw::Unsafe,
748                kw::Const,
749                kw::Safe,
750                kw::Static,
751                kw::Union,
752                kw::Macro,
753                kw::Mod,
754                kw::Type,
755            ]
756            .contains(&name),
757            _ => false,
758        }
759    }
761    /// Returns `true` if the token is any literal.
762    pub fn is_lit(&self) -> bool {
763        matches!(self.kind, Literal(..))
764    }
766    /// Returns `true` if the token is any literal, a minus (which can prefix a literal,
767    /// for example a '-42', or one of the boolean idents).
768    ///
769    /// In other words, would this token be a valid start of `parse_literal_maybe_minus`?
770    ///
771    /// Keep this in sync with and `Lit::from_token`, excluding unary negation.
772    pub fn can_begin_literal_maybe_minus(&self) -> bool {
773        match self.uninterpolate().kind {
774            Literal(..) | Minus => true,
775            Ident(name, IdentIsRaw::No) if name.is_bool_lit() => true,
776            Interpolated(ref nt) => match &**nt {
777                NtLiteral(_) => true,
778                NtExpr(e) => match &e.kind {
779                    ast::ExprKind::Lit(_) => true,
780                    ast::ExprKind::Unary(ast::UnOp::Neg, e) => {
781                        matches!(&e.kind, ast::ExprKind::Lit(_))
782                    }
783                    _ => false,
784                },
785                _ => false,
786            },
787            OpenDelim(Delimiter::Invisible(InvisibleOrigin::MetaVar(mv_kind))) => match mv_kind {
788                MetaVarKind::Literal => true,
789                MetaVarKind::Expr { can_begin_literal_maybe_minus, .. } => {
790                    can_begin_literal_maybe_minus
791                }
792                _ => false,
793            },
794            _ => false,
795        }
796    }
798    pub fn can_begin_string_literal(&self) -> bool {
799        match self.uninterpolate().kind {
800            Literal(..) => true,
801            Interpolated(ref nt) => match &**nt {
802                NtLiteral(_) => true,
803                NtExpr(e) => match &e.kind {
804                    ast::ExprKind::Lit(_) => true,
805                    _ => false,
806                },
807                _ => false,
808            },
809            OpenDelim(Delimiter::Invisible(InvisibleOrigin::MetaVar(mv_kind))) => match mv_kind {
810                MetaVarKind::Literal => true,
811                MetaVarKind::Expr { can_begin_string_literal, .. } => can_begin_string_literal,
812                _ => false,
813            },
814            _ => false,
815        }
816    }
818    /// A convenience function for matching on identifiers during parsing.
819    /// Turns interpolated identifier (`$i: ident`) or lifetime (`$l: lifetime`) token
820    /// into the regular identifier or lifetime token it refers to,
821    /// otherwise returns the original token.
822    pub fn uninterpolate(&self) -> Cow<'_, Token> {
823        match self.kind {
824            NtIdent(ident, is_raw) => Cow::Owned(Token::new(Ident(, is_raw), ident.span)),
825            NtLifetime(ident, is_raw) => {
826                Cow::Owned(Token::new(Lifetime(, is_raw), ident.span))
827            }
828            _ => Cow::Borrowed(self),
829        }
830    }
832    /// Returns an identifier if this token is an identifier.
833    #[inline]
834    pub fn ident(&self) -> Option<(Ident, IdentIsRaw)> {
835        // We avoid using `Token::uninterpolate` here because it's slow.
836        match self.kind {
837            Ident(name, is_raw) => Some((Ident::new(name, self.span), is_raw)),
838            NtIdent(ident, is_raw) => Some((ident, is_raw)),
839            _ => None,
840        }
841    }
843    /// Returns a lifetime identifier if this token is a lifetime.
844    #[inline]
845    pub fn lifetime(&self) -> Option<(Ident, IdentIsRaw)> {
846        // We avoid using `Token::uninterpolate` here because it's slow.
847        match self.kind {
848            Lifetime(name, is_raw) => Some((Ident::new(name, self.span), is_raw)),
849            NtLifetime(ident, is_raw) => Some((ident, is_raw)),
850            _ => None,
851        }
852    }
854    /// Returns `true` if the token is an identifier.
855    pub fn is_ident(&self) -> bool {
856        self.ident().is_some()
857    }
859    /// Returns `true` if the token is a lifetime.
860    pub fn is_lifetime(&self) -> bool {
861        self.lifetime().is_some()
862    }
864    /// Returns `true` if the token is an identifier whose name is the given
865    /// string slice.
866    pub fn is_ident_named(&self, name: Symbol) -> bool {
867        self.ident().is_some_and(|(ident, _)| == name)
868    }
870    /// Is this a pre-parsed expression dropped into the token stream
871    /// (which happens while parsing the result of macro expansion)?
872    pub fn is_whole_expr(&self) -> bool {
873        #[allow(irrefutable_let_patterns)] // FIXME: temporary
874        if let Interpolated(nt) = &self.kind
875            && let NtExpr(_) | NtLiteral(_) | NtBlock(_) = &**nt
876        {
877            true
878        } else {
879            matches!(self.is_metavar_seq(), Some(MetaVarKind::Path))
880        }
881    }
883    /// Is the token an interpolated block (`$b:block`)?
884    pub fn is_whole_block(&self) -> bool {
885        if let Interpolated(nt) = &self.kind
886            && let NtBlock(..) = &**nt
887        {
888            return true;
889        }
891        false
892    }
894    /// Returns `true` if the token is either the `mut` or `const` keyword.
895    pub fn is_mutability(&self) -> bool {
896        self.is_keyword(kw::Mut) || self.is_keyword(kw::Const)
897    }
899    pub fn is_qpath_start(&self) -> bool {
900        self == &Lt || self == &Shl
901    }
903    pub fn is_path_start(&self) -> bool {
904        self == &PathSep
905            || self.is_qpath_start()
906            || matches!(self.is_metavar_seq(), Some(MetaVarKind::Path))
907            || self.is_path_segment_keyword()
908            || self.is_ident() && !self.is_reserved_ident()
909    }
911    /// Returns `true` if the token is a given keyword, `kw`.
912    pub fn is_keyword(&self, kw: Symbol) -> bool {
913        self.is_non_raw_ident_where(|id| == kw)
914    }
916    /// Returns `true` if the token is a given keyword, `kw` or if `case` is `Insensitive` and this
917    /// token is an identifier equal to `kw` ignoring the case.
918    pub fn is_keyword_case(&self, kw: Symbol, case: Case) -> bool {
919        self.is_keyword(kw)
920            || (case == Case::Insensitive
921                && self.is_non_raw_ident_where(|id| {
922                    // Do an ASCII case-insensitive match, because all keywords are ASCII.
924                }))
925    }
927    pub fn is_path_segment_keyword(&self) -> bool {
928        self.is_non_raw_ident_where(Ident::is_path_segment_keyword)
929    }
931    /// Returns true for reserved identifiers used internally for elided lifetimes,
932    /// unnamed method parameters, crate root module, error recovery etc.
933    pub fn is_special_ident(&self) -> bool {
934        self.is_non_raw_ident_where(Ident::is_special)
935    }
937    /// Returns `true` if the token is a keyword used in the language.
938    pub fn is_used_keyword(&self) -> bool {
939        self.is_non_raw_ident_where(Ident::is_used_keyword)
940    }
942    /// Returns `true` if the token is a keyword reserved for possible future use.
943    pub fn is_unused_keyword(&self) -> bool {
944        self.is_non_raw_ident_where(Ident::is_unused_keyword)
945    }
947    /// Returns `true` if the token is either a special identifier or a keyword.
948    pub fn is_reserved_ident(&self) -> bool {
949        self.is_non_raw_ident_where(Ident::is_reserved)
950    }
952    /// Returns `true` if the token is the identifier `true` or `false`.
953    pub fn is_bool_lit(&self) -> bool {
954        self.is_non_raw_ident_where(|id|
955    }
957    pub fn is_numeric_lit(&self) -> bool {
958        matches!(
959            self.kind,
960            Literal(Lit { kind: LitKind::Integer, .. }) | Literal(Lit { kind: LitKind::Float, .. })
961        )
962    }
964    /// Returns `true` if the token is the integer literal.
965    pub fn is_integer_lit(&self) -> bool {
966        matches!(self.kind, Literal(Lit { kind: LitKind::Integer, .. }))
967    }
969    /// Returns `true` if the token is a non-raw identifier for which `pred` holds.
970    pub fn is_non_raw_ident_where(&self, pred: impl FnOnce(Ident) -> bool) -> bool {
971        match self.ident() {
972            Some((id, IdentIsRaw::No)) => pred(id),
973            _ => false,
974        }
975    }
977    /// Is this an invisible open delimiter at the start of a token sequence
978    /// from an expanded metavar?
979    pub fn is_metavar_seq(&self) -> Option<MetaVarKind> {
980        match self.kind {
981            OpenDelim(Delimiter::Invisible(InvisibleOrigin::MetaVar(kind))) => Some(kind),
982            _ => None,
983        }
984    }
986    pub fn glue(&self, joint: &Token) -> Option<Token> {
987        let kind = match (&self.kind, &joint.kind) {
988            (Eq, Eq) => EqEq,
989            (Eq, Gt) => FatArrow,
990            (Eq, _) => return None,
992            (Lt, Eq) => Le,
993            (Lt, Lt) => Shl,
994            (Lt, Le) => ShlEq,
995            (Lt, Minus) => LArrow,
996            (Lt, _) => return None,
998            (Gt, Eq) => Ge,
999            (Gt, Gt) => Shr,
1000            (Gt, Ge) => ShrEq,
1001            (Gt, _) => return None,
1003            (Bang, Eq) => Ne,
1004            (Bang, _) => return None,
1006            (Plus, Eq) => PlusEq,
1007            (Plus, _) => return None,
1009            (Minus, Eq) => MinusEq,
1010            (Minus, Gt) => RArrow,
1011            (Minus, _) => return None,
1013            (Star, Eq) => StarEq,
1014            (Star, _) => return None,
1016            (Slash, Eq) => SlashEq,
1017            (Slash, _) => return None,
1019            (Percent, Eq) => PercentEq,
1020            (Percent, _) => return None,
1022            (Caret, Eq) => CaretEq,
1023            (Caret, _) => return None,
1025            (And, Eq) => AndEq,
1026            (And, And) => AndAnd,
1027            (And, _) => return None,
1029            (Or, Eq) => OrEq,
1030            (Or, Or) => OrOr,
1031            (Or, _) => return None,
1033            (Shl, Eq) => ShlEq,
1034            (Shl, _) => return None,
1036            (Shr, Eq) => ShrEq,
1037            (Shr, _) => return None,
1039            (Dot, Dot) => DotDot,
1040            (Dot, DotDot) => DotDotDot,
1041            (Dot, _) => return None,
1043            (DotDot, Dot) => DotDotDot,
1044            (DotDot, Eq) => DotDotEq,
1045            (DotDot, _) => return None,
1047            (Colon, Colon) => PathSep,
1048            (Colon, _) => return None,
1050            (SingleQuote, Ident(name, is_raw)) => {
1051                Lifetime(Symbol::intern(&format!("'{name}")), *is_raw)
1052            }
1053            (SingleQuote, _) => return None,
1055            (
1056                Le | EqEq | Ne | Ge | AndAnd | OrOr | Tilde | PlusEq | MinusEq | StarEq | SlashEq
1057                | PercentEq | CaretEq | AndEq | OrEq | ShlEq | ShrEq | At | DotDotDot | DotDotEq
1058                | Comma | Semi | PathSep | RArrow | LArrow | FatArrow | Pound | Dollar | Question
1059                | OpenDelim(..) | CloseDelim(..) | Literal(..) | Ident(..) | NtIdent(..)
1060                | Lifetime(..) | NtLifetime(..) | Interpolated(..) | DocComment(..) | Eof,
1061                _,
1062            ) => {
1063                return None;
1064            }
1065        };
1067        Some(Token::new(kind,
1068    }
1071impl PartialEq<TokenKind> for Token {
1072    #[inline]
1073    fn eq(&self, rhs: &TokenKind) -> bool {
1074        self.kind == *rhs
1075    }
1078#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Encodable, Decodable, Hash, HashStable_Generic)]
1079pub enum NtPatKind {
1080    // Matches or-patterns. Was written using `pat` in edition 2021 or later.
1081    PatWithOr,
1082    // Doesn't match or-patterns.
1083    // - `inferred`: was written using `pat` in edition 2015 or 2018.
1084    // - `!inferred`: was written using `pat_param`.
1085    PatParam { inferred: bool },
1088#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Encodable, Decodable, Hash, HashStable_Generic)]
1089pub enum NtExprKind {
1090    // Matches expressions using the post-edition 2024. Was written using
1091    // `expr` in edition 2024 or later.
1092    Expr,
1093    // Matches expressions using the pre-edition 2024 rules.
1094    // - `inferred`: was written using `expr` in edition 2021 or earlier.
1095    // - `!inferred`: was written using `expr_2021`.
1096    Expr2021 { inferred: bool },
1099#[derive(Clone, Encodable, Decodable)]
1100/// For interpolation during macro expansion.
1101pub enum Nonterminal {
1102    NtBlock(P<ast::Block>),
1103    NtExpr(P<ast::Expr>),
1104    NtLiteral(P<ast::Expr>),
1107#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Encodable, Decodable, Hash, HashStable_Generic)]
1108pub enum NonterminalKind {
1109    Item,
1110    Block,
1111    Stmt,
1112    Pat(NtPatKind),
1113    Expr(NtExprKind),
1114    Ty,
1115    Ident,
1116    Lifetime,
1117    Literal,
1118    Meta,
1119    Path,
1120    Vis,
1121    TT,
1124impl NonterminalKind {
1125    /// The `edition` closure is used to get the edition for the given symbol. Doing
1126    /// `span.edition()` is expensive, so we do it lazily.
1127    pub fn from_symbol(
1128        symbol: Symbol,
1129        edition: impl FnOnce() -> Edition,
1130    ) -> Option<NonterminalKind> {
1131        Some(match symbol {
1132            sym::item => NonterminalKind::Item,
1133            sym::block => NonterminalKind::Block,
1134            sym::stmt => NonterminalKind::Stmt,
1135            sym::pat => {
1136                if edition().at_least_rust_2021() {
1137                    NonterminalKind::Pat(PatWithOr)
1138                } else {
1139                    NonterminalKind::Pat(PatParam { inferred: true })
1140                }
1141            }
1142            sym::pat_param => NonterminalKind::Pat(PatParam { inferred: false }),
1143            sym::expr => {
1144                if edition().at_least_rust_2024() {
1145                    NonterminalKind::Expr(Expr)
1146                } else {
1147                    NonterminalKind::Expr(Expr2021 { inferred: true })
1148                }
1149            }
1150            sym::expr_2021 => NonterminalKind::Expr(Expr2021 { inferred: false }),
1151            sym::ty => NonterminalKind::Ty,
1152            sym::ident => NonterminalKind::Ident,
1153            sym::lifetime => NonterminalKind::Lifetime,
1154            sym::literal => NonterminalKind::Literal,
1155            sym::meta => NonterminalKind::Meta,
1156            sym::path => NonterminalKind::Path,
1157            sym::vis => NonterminalKind::Vis,
1158            sym::tt => NonterminalKind::TT,
1159            _ => return None,
1160        })
1161    }
1163    fn symbol(self) -> Symbol {
1164        match self {
1165            NonterminalKind::Item => sym::item,
1166            NonterminalKind::Block => sym::block,
1167            NonterminalKind::Stmt => sym::stmt,
1168            NonterminalKind::Pat(PatParam { inferred: true } | PatWithOr) => sym::pat,
1169            NonterminalKind::Pat(PatParam { inferred: false }) => sym::pat_param,
1170            NonterminalKind::Expr(Expr2021 { inferred: true } | Expr) => sym::expr,
1171            NonterminalKind::Expr(Expr2021 { inferred: false }) => sym::expr_2021,
1172            NonterminalKind::Ty => sym::ty,
1173            NonterminalKind::Ident => sym::ident,
1174            NonterminalKind::Lifetime => sym::lifetime,
1175            NonterminalKind::Literal => sym::literal,
1176            NonterminalKind::Meta => sym::meta,
1177            NonterminalKind::Path => sym::path,
1178            NonterminalKind::Vis => sym::vis,
1179            NonterminalKind::TT => sym::tt,
1180        }
1181    }
1184impl fmt::Display for NonterminalKind {
1185    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1186        write!(f, "{}", self.symbol())
1187    }
1190impl Nonterminal {
1191    pub fn use_span(&self) -> Span {
1192        match self {
1193            NtBlock(block) => block.span,
1194            NtExpr(expr) | NtLiteral(expr) => expr.span,
1195        }
1196    }
1198    pub fn descr(&self) -> &'static str {
1199        match self {
1200            NtBlock(..) => "block",
1201            NtExpr(..) => "expression",
1202            NtLiteral(..) => "literal",
1203        }
1204    }
1207impl PartialEq for Nonterminal {
1208    fn eq(&self, _rhs: &Self) -> bool {
1209        // FIXME: Assume that all nonterminals are not equal, we can't compare them
1210        // correctly based on data from AST. This will prevent them from matching each other
1211        // in macros. The comparison will become possible only when each nonterminal has an
1212        // attached token stream from which it was parsed.
1213        false
1214    }
1217impl fmt::Debug for Nonterminal {
1218    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1219        match *self {
1220            NtBlock(..) => f.pad("NtBlock(..)"),
1221            NtExpr(..) => f.pad("NtExpr(..)"),
1222            NtLiteral(..) => f.pad("NtLiteral(..)"),
1223        }
1224    }
1227impl<CTX> HashStable<CTX> for Nonterminal
1229    CTX: crate::HashStableContext,
1231    fn hash_stable(&self, _hcx: &mut CTX, _hasher: &mut StableHasher) {
1232        panic!("interpolated tokens should not be present in the HIR")
1233    }
1236// Some types are used a lot. Make sure they don't unintentionally get bigger.
1237#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
1238mod size_asserts {
1239    use rustc_data_structures::static_assert_size;
1241    use super::*;
1242    // tidy-alphabetical-start
1243    static_assert_size!(Lit, 12);
1244    static_assert_size!(LitKind, 2);
1245    static_assert_size!(Nonterminal, 16);
1246    static_assert_size!(Token, 24);
1247    static_assert_size!(TokenKind, 16);
1248    // tidy-alphabetical-end