
1use crate::core::compiler::artifact::match_artifacts_kind_with_targets;
2use crate::core::compiler::{CompileKind, CompileKindFallback, RustcTargetData};
3use crate::core::dependency::DepKind;
4use crate::core::package::SerializedPackage;
5use crate::core::resolver::{features::CliFeatures, HasDevUnits, Resolve};
6use crate::core::{Package, PackageId, PackageIdSpec, Workspace};
7use crate::ops::{self, Packages};
8use crate::util::interning::InternedString;
9use crate::util::CargoResult;
10use cargo_platform::Platform;
11use serde::Serialize;
12use std::collections::BTreeMap;
13use std::path::PathBuf;
15const VERSION: u32 = 1;
17pub struct OutputMetadataOptions {
18    pub cli_features: CliFeatures,
19    pub no_deps: bool,
20    pub version: u32,
21    pub filter_platforms: Vec<String>,
24/// Loads the manifest, resolves the dependencies of the package to the concrete
25/// used versions - considering overrides - and writes all dependencies in a JSON
26/// format to stdout.
27pub fn output_metadata(ws: &Workspace<'_>, opt: &OutputMetadataOptions) -> CargoResult<ExportInfo> {
28    if opt.version != VERSION {
29        anyhow::bail!(
30            "metadata version {} not supported, only {} is currently supported",
31            opt.version,
32            VERSION
33        );
34    }
35    let (packages, resolve) = if opt.no_deps {
36        let packages = ws
37            .members()
38            .map(|pkg| pkg.serialized(ws.gctx().cli_unstable(), ws.unstable_features()))
39            .collect();
40        (packages, None)
41    } else {
42        let (packages, resolve) = build_resolve_graph(ws, opt)?;
43        (packages, Some(resolve))
44    };
46    Ok(ExportInfo {
47        packages,
48        workspace_members: ws.members().map(|pkg| pkg.package_id().to_spec()).collect(),
49        workspace_default_members: ws
50            .default_members()
51            .map(|pkg| pkg.package_id().to_spec())
52            .collect(),
53        resolve,
54        target_directory: ws.target_dir().into_path_unlocked(),
55        version: VERSION,
56        workspace_root: ws.root().to_path_buf(),
57        metadata: ws.custom_metadata().cloned(),
58    })
61/// This is the structure that is serialized and displayed to the user.
63/// See cargo-metadata.adoc for detailed documentation of the format.
65pub struct ExportInfo {
66    packages: Vec<SerializedPackage>,
67    workspace_members: Vec<PackageIdSpec>,
68    workspace_default_members: Vec<PackageIdSpec>,
69    resolve: Option<MetadataResolve>,
70    target_directory: PathBuf,
71    version: u32,
72    workspace_root: PathBuf,
73    metadata: Option<toml::Value>,
77struct MetadataResolve {
78    nodes: Vec<MetadataResolveNode>,
79    root: Option<PackageIdSpec>,
83struct MetadataResolveNode {
84    id: PackageIdSpec,
85    dependencies: Vec<PackageIdSpec>,
86    deps: Vec<Dep>,
87    features: Vec<InternedString>,
91struct Dep {
92    // TODO(bindeps): after -Zbindeps gets stabilized,
93    // mark this field as deprecated in the help manual of cargo-metadata
94    name: InternedString,
95    pkg: PackageIdSpec,
96    #[serde(skip)]
97    pkg_id: PackageId,
98    dep_kinds: Vec<DepKindInfo>,
101#[derive(Serialize, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
102struct DepKindInfo {
103    kind: DepKind,
104    target: Option<Platform>,
106    // vvvvv The fields below are introduced for `-Z bindeps`.
107    /// What the manifest calls the crate.
108    ///
109    /// A renamed dependency will show the rename instead of original name.
110    // TODO(bindeps): Remove `Option` after -Zbindeps get stabilized.
111    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
112    extern_name: Option<InternedString>,
113    /// Artifact's crate type, e.g. staticlib, cdylib, bin...
114    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
115    artifact: Option<&'static str>,
116    /// Equivalent to `{ target = "…" }` in an artifact dependency requirement.
117    ///
118    /// * If the target points to a custom target JSON file, the path will be absolute.
119    /// * If the target is a build assumed target `{ target = "target" }`, it will show as `<target>`.
120    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
121    compile_target: Option<InternedString>,
122    /// Executable name for an artifact binary dependency.
123    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
124    bin_name: Option<String>,
125    // ^^^^^ The fields above are introduced for `-Z bindeps`.
128/// Builds the resolve graph as it will be displayed to the user.
129fn build_resolve_graph(
130    ws: &Workspace<'_>,
131    metadata_opts: &OutputMetadataOptions,
132) -> CargoResult<(Vec<SerializedPackage>, MetadataResolve)> {
133    // TODO: Without --filter-platform, features are being resolved for `host` only.
134    // How should this work?
135    //
136    // Otherwise note that "just host" is used as the fallback here if
137    // `filter_platforms` is empty to intentionally avoid reading
138    // `$CARGO_BUILD_TARGET` (or ``) which makes sense for other
139    // subcommands like `cargo build` but does not fit with this command.
140    let requested_kinds = CompileKind::from_requested_targets_with_fallback(
141        ws.gctx(),
142        &metadata_opts.filter_platforms,
143        CompileKindFallback::JustHost,
144    )?;
145    let mut target_data = RustcTargetData::new(ws, &requested_kinds)?;
146    // Resolve entire workspace.
147    let specs = Packages::All(Vec::new()).to_package_id_specs(ws)?;
148    let force_all = if metadata_opts.filter_platforms.is_empty() {
149        crate::core::resolver::features::ForceAllTargets::Yes
150    } else {
151        crate::core::resolver::features::ForceAllTargets::No
152    };
154    // Note that even with --filter-platform we end up downloading host dependencies as well,
155    // as that is the behavior of download_accessible.
156    let dry_run = false;
157    let ws_resolve = ops::resolve_ws_with_opts(
158        ws,
159        &mut target_data,
160        &requested_kinds,
161        &metadata_opts.cli_features,
162        &specs,
163        HasDevUnits::Yes,
164        force_all,
165        dry_run,
166    )?;
168    let package_map: BTreeMap<PackageId, Package> = ws_resolve
169        .pkg_set
170        .packages()
171        // This is a little lazy, but serde doesn't handle Rc fields very well.
172        .map(|pkg| (pkg.package_id(), Package::clone(pkg)))
173        .collect();
175    // Start from the workspace roots, and recurse through filling out the
176    // map, filtering targets as necessary.
177    let mut node_map = BTreeMap::new();
178    for member_pkg in ws.members() {
179        build_resolve_graph_r(
180            &mut node_map,
181            member_pkg.package_id(),
182            &ws_resolve.targeted_resolve,
183            &package_map,
184            &target_data,
185            &requested_kinds,
186        )?;
187    }
188    // Get a Vec of Packages.
189    let actual_packages = package_map
190        .into_iter()
191        .filter_map(|(pkg_id, pkg)| node_map.get(&pkg_id).map(|_| pkg))
192        .map(|pkg| pkg.serialized(ws.gctx().cli_unstable(), ws.unstable_features()))
193        .collect();
195    let mr = MetadataResolve {
196        nodes: node_map.into_iter().map(|(_pkg_id, node)| node).collect(),
197        root: ws.current_opt().map(|pkg| pkg.package_id().to_spec()),
198    };
199    Ok((actual_packages, mr))
202fn build_resolve_graph_r(
203    node_map: &mut BTreeMap<PackageId, MetadataResolveNode>,
204    pkg_id: PackageId,
205    resolve: &Resolve,
206    package_map: &BTreeMap<PackageId, Package>,
207    target_data: &RustcTargetData<'_>,
208    requested_kinds: &[CompileKind],
209) -> CargoResult<()> {
210    if node_map.contains_key(&pkg_id) {
211        return Ok(());
212    }
213    // This normalizes the IDs so that they are consistent between the
214    // `packages` array and the `resolve` map. This is a bit of a hack to
215    // compensate for the fact that
216    // SourceKind::Git(GitReference::Branch("master")) is the same as
217    // SourceKind::Git(GitReference::DefaultBranch). We want IDs in the JSON
218    // to be opaque, and compare with basic string equality, so this will
219    // always prefer the style of ID in the Package instead of the resolver.
220    // Cargo generally only exposes PackageIds from the Package struct, and
221    // AFAIK this is the only place where the resolver variant is exposed.
222    //
223    // This diverges because the SourceIds created for Packages are built
224    // based on the Dependency declaration, but the SourceIds in the resolver
225    // are deserialized from Cargo.lock. Cargo.lock may have been generated by
226    // an older (or newer!) version of Cargo which uses a different style.
227    let normalize_id = |id| -> PackageId { *package_map.get_key_value(&id).unwrap().0 };
228    let features = resolve.features(pkg_id).to_vec();
230    let deps = {
231        let mut dep_metadatas = Vec::new();
232        let iter = resolve.deps(pkg_id).filter(|(_dep_id, deps)| {
233            if requested_kinds == [CompileKind::Host] {
234                true
235            } else {
236                requested_kinds.iter().any(|kind| {
237                    deps.iter()
238                        .any(|dep| target_data.dep_platform_activated(dep, *kind))
239                })
240            }
241        });
242        for (dep_id, deps) in iter {
243            let mut dep_kinds = Vec::new();
245            let targets = package_map[&dep_id].targets();
247            // Try to get the extern name for lib, or crate name for bins.
248            let extern_name = |target| {
249                resolve
250                    .extern_crate_name_and_dep_name(pkg_id, dep_id, target)
251                    .map(|(ext_crate_name, _)| ext_crate_name)
252            };
254            let lib_target = targets.iter().find(|t| t.is_lib());
256            for dep in deps.iter() {
257                if let Some(target) = lib_target {
258                    // When we do have a library target, include them in deps if...
259                    let included = match dep.artifact() {
260                        // it is not an artifact dep at all
261                        None => true,
262                        // it is also an artifact dep with `{ …, lib = true }`
263                        Some(a) if a.is_lib() => true,
264                        _ => false,
265                    };
266                    // TODO(bindeps): Cargo shouldn't have `extern_name` field
267                    // if the user is not using -Zbindeps.
268                    // Remove this condition ` after -Zbindeps gets stabilized.
269                    let extern_name = if dep.artifact().is_some() {
270                        Some(extern_name(target)?)
271                    } else {
272                        None
273                    };
274                    if included {
275                        dep_kinds.push(DepKindInfo {
276                            kind: dep.kind(),
277                            target: dep.platform().cloned(),
278                            extern_name,
279                            artifact: None,
280                            compile_target: None,
281                            bin_name: None,
282                        });
283                    }
284                }
286                // No need to proceed if there is no artifact dependency.
287                let Some(artifact_requirements) = dep.artifact() else {
288                    continue;
289                };
291                let compile_target = match {
292                    Some(t) => t
293                        .to_compile_target()
294                        .map(|t| t.rustc_target())
295                        // Given that Cargo doesn't know which target it should resolve to,
296                        // when an artifact dep is specified with { target = "target" },
297                        // keep it with a special "<target>" string,
298                        .or_else(|| Some(InternedString::new("<target>"))),
299                    None => None,
300                };
302                let target_set =
303                    match_artifacts_kind_with_targets(dep, targets,;
304                dep_kinds.reserve(target_set.len());
305                for (kind, target) in target_set.into_iter() {
306                    dep_kinds.push(DepKindInfo {
307                        kind: dep.kind(),
308                        target: dep.platform().cloned(),
309                        extern_name: extern_name(target).ok(),
310                        artifact: Some(kind.crate_type()),
311                        compile_target,
312                        bin_name: target.is_bin().then(||,
313                    })
314                }
315            }
317            dep_kinds.sort();
319            let pkg_id = normalize_id(dep_id);
321            let dep = match (lib_target, dep_kinds.len()) {
322                (Some(target), _) => Dep {
323                    name: extern_name(target)?,
324                    pkg: pkg_id.to_spec(),
325                    pkg_id,
326                    dep_kinds,
327                },
328                // No lib target exists but contains artifact deps.
329                (None, 1..) => Dep {
330                    name: InternedString::new(""),
331                    pkg: pkg_id.to_spec(),
332                    pkg_id,
333                    dep_kinds,
334                },
335                // No lib or artifact dep exists.
336                // Usually this mean parent depending on non-lib bin crate.
337                (None, _) => continue,
338            };
340            dep_metadatas.push(dep)
341        }
342        dep_metadatas
343    };
345    let to_visit: Vec<PackageId> = deps.iter().map(|dep| dep.pkg_id).collect();
346    let node = MetadataResolveNode {
347        id: normalize_id(pkg_id).to_spec(),
348        dependencies: to_visit.iter().map(|id| id.to_spec()).collect(),
349        deps,
350        features,
351    };
352    node_map.insert(pkg_id, node);
353    for dep_id in to_visit {
354        build_resolve_graph_r(
355            node_map,
356            dep_id,
357            resolve,
358            package_map,
359            target_data,
360            requested_kinds,
361        )?;
362    }
364    Ok(())