
1use std::fmt;
3use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
4use either::Either;
5use rustc_abi as abi;
6use rustc_abi::{Align, BackendRepr, FIRST_VARIANT, Primitive, Size, TagEncoding, Variants};
7use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::{Pointer, Scalar, alloc_range};
8use rustc_middle::mir::{self, ConstValue};
9use rustc_middle::ty::Ty;
10use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{LayoutOf, TyAndLayout};
11use rustc_middle::{bug, span_bug};
12use tracing::{debug, instrument};
14use super::place::{PlaceRef, PlaceValue};
15use super::{FunctionCx, LocalRef};
16use crate::common::IntPredicate;
17use crate::traits::*;
18use crate::{MemFlags, size_of_val};
20/// The representation of a Rust value. The enum variant is in fact
21/// uniquely determined by the value's type, but is kept as a
22/// safety check.
23#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
24pub enum OperandValue<V> {
25    /// A reference to the actual operand. The data is guaranteed
26    /// to be valid for the operand's lifetime.
27    /// The second value, if any, is the extra data (vtable or length)
28    /// which indicates that it refers to an unsized rvalue.
29    ///
30    /// An `OperandValue` *must* be this variant for any type for which
31    /// [`LayoutTypeCodegenMethods::is_backend_ref`] returns `true`.
32    /// (That basically amounts to "isn't one of the other variants".)
33    ///
34    /// This holds a [`PlaceValue`] (like a [`PlaceRef`] does) with a pointer
35    /// to the location holding the value. The type behind that pointer is the
36    /// one returned by [`LayoutTypeCodegenMethods::backend_type`].
37    Ref(PlaceValue<V>),
38    /// A single LLVM immediate value.
39    ///
40    /// An `OperandValue` *must* be this variant for any type for which
41    /// [`LayoutTypeCodegenMethods::is_backend_immediate`] returns `true`.
42    /// The backend value in this variant must be the *immediate* backend type,
43    /// as returned by [`LayoutTypeCodegenMethods::immediate_backend_type`].
44    Immediate(V),
45    /// A pair of immediate LLVM values. Used by wide pointers too.
46    ///
47    /// An `OperandValue` *must* be this variant for any type for which
48    /// [`LayoutTypeCodegenMethods::is_backend_scalar_pair`] returns `true`.
49    /// The backend values in this variant must be the *immediate* backend types,
50    /// as returned by [`LayoutTypeCodegenMethods::scalar_pair_element_backend_type`]
51    /// with `immediate: true`.
52    Pair(V, V),
53    /// A value taking no bytes, and which therefore needs no LLVM value at all.
54    ///
55    /// If you ever need a `V` to pass to something, get a fresh poison value
56    /// from [`ConstCodegenMethods::const_poison`].
57    ///
58    /// An `OperandValue` *must* be this variant for any type for which
59    /// `is_zst` on its `Layout` returns `true`. Note however that
60    /// these values can still require alignment.
61    ZeroSized,
64impl<V: CodegenObject> OperandValue<V> {
65    /// If this is ZeroSized/Immediate/Pair, return an array of the 0/1/2 values.
66    /// If this is Ref, return the place.
67    #[inline]
68    pub(crate) fn immediates_or_place(self) -> Either<ArrayVec<V, 2>, PlaceValue<V>> {
69        match self {
70            OperandValue::ZeroSized => Either::Left(ArrayVec::new()),
71            OperandValue::Immediate(a) => Either::Left(ArrayVec::from_iter([a])),
72            OperandValue::Pair(a, b) => Either::Left([a, b].into()),
73            OperandValue::Ref(p) => Either::Right(p),
74        }
75    }
77    /// Given an array of 0/1/2 immediate values, return ZeroSized/Immediate/Pair.
78    #[inline]
79    pub(crate) fn from_immediates(immediates: ArrayVec<V, 2>) -> Self {
80        let mut it = immediates.into_iter();
81        let Some(a) = else {
82            return OperandValue::ZeroSized;
83        };
84        let Some(b) = else {
85            return OperandValue::Immediate(a);
86        };
87        OperandValue::Pair(a, b)
88    }
90    /// Treat this value as a pointer and return the data pointer and
91    /// optional metadata as backend values.
92    ///
93    /// If you're making a place, use [`Self::deref`] instead.
94    pub(crate) fn pointer_parts(self) -> (V, Option<V>) {
95        match self {
96            OperandValue::Immediate(llptr) => (llptr, None),
97            OperandValue::Pair(llptr, llextra) => (llptr, Some(llextra)),
98            _ => bug!("OperandValue cannot be a pointer: {self:?}"),
99        }
100    }
102    /// Treat this value as a pointer and return the place to which it points.
103    ///
104    /// The pointer immediate doesn't inherently know its alignment,
105    /// so you need to pass it in. If you want to get it from a type's ABI
106    /// alignment, then maybe you want [`OperandRef::deref`] instead.
107    ///
108    /// This is the inverse of [`PlaceValue::address`].
109    pub(crate) fn deref(self, align: Align) -> PlaceValue<V> {
110        let (llval, llextra) = self.pointer_parts();
111        PlaceValue { llval, llextra, align }
112    }
114    pub(crate) fn is_expected_variant_for_type<'tcx, Cx: LayoutTypeCodegenMethods<'tcx>>(
115        &self,
116        cx: &Cx,
117        ty: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
118    ) -> bool {
119        match self {
120            OperandValue::ZeroSized => ty.is_zst(),
121            OperandValue::Immediate(_) => cx.is_backend_immediate(ty),
122            OperandValue::Pair(_, _) => cx.is_backend_scalar_pair(ty),
123            OperandValue::Ref(_) => cx.is_backend_ref(ty),
124        }
125    }
128/// An `OperandRef` is an "SSA" reference to a Rust value, along with
129/// its type.
131/// NOTE: unless you know a value's type exactly, you should not
132/// generate LLVM opcodes acting on it and instead act via methods,
133/// to avoid nasty edge cases. In particular, using `Builder::store`
134/// directly is sure to cause problems -- use `OperandRef::store`
135/// instead.
136#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
137pub struct OperandRef<'tcx, V> {
138    /// The value.
139    pub val: OperandValue<V>,
141    /// The layout of value, based on its Rust type.
142    pub layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
145impl<V: CodegenObject> fmt::Debug for OperandRef<'_, V> {
146    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
147        write!(f, "OperandRef({:?} @ {:?})", self.val, self.layout)
148    }
151impl<'a, 'tcx, V: CodegenObject> OperandRef<'tcx, V> {
152    pub fn zero_sized(layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>) -> OperandRef<'tcx, V> {
153        assert!(layout.is_zst());
154        OperandRef { val: OperandValue::ZeroSized, layout }
155    }
157    pub(crate) fn from_const<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
158        bx: &mut Bx,
159        val: mir::ConstValue<'tcx>,
160        ty: Ty<'tcx>,
161    ) -> Self {
162        let layout = bx.layout_of(ty);
164        let val = match val {
165            ConstValue::Scalar(x) => {
166                let BackendRepr::Scalar(scalar) = layout.backend_repr else {
167                    bug!("from_const: invalid ByVal layout: {:#?}", layout);
168                };
169                let llval = bx.scalar_to_backend(x, scalar, bx.immediate_backend_type(layout));
170                OperandValue::Immediate(llval)
171            }
172            ConstValue::ZeroSized => return OperandRef::zero_sized(layout),
173            ConstValue::Slice { data, meta } => {
174                let BackendRepr::ScalarPair(a_scalar, _) = layout.backend_repr else {
175                    bug!("from_const: invalid ScalarPair layout: {:#?}", layout);
176                };
177                let a = Scalar::from_pointer(
178                    Pointer::new(bx.tcx().reserve_and_set_memory_alloc(data).into(), Size::ZERO),
179                    &bx.tcx(),
180                );
181                let a_llval = bx.scalar_to_backend(
182                    a,
183                    a_scalar,
184                    bx.scalar_pair_element_backend_type(layout, 0, true),
185                );
186                let b_llval = bx.const_usize(meta);
187                OperandValue::Pair(a_llval, b_llval)
188            }
189            ConstValue::Indirect { alloc_id, offset } => {
190                let alloc = bx.tcx().global_alloc(alloc_id).unwrap_memory();
191                return Self::from_const_alloc(bx, layout, alloc, offset);
192            }
193        };
195        OperandRef { val, layout }
196    }
198    fn from_const_alloc<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
199        bx: &mut Bx,
200        layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
201        alloc: rustc_middle::mir::interpret::ConstAllocation<'tcx>,
202        offset: Size,
203    ) -> Self {
204        let alloc_align = alloc.inner().align;
205        assert!(alloc_align >= layout.align.abi);
207        let read_scalar = |start, size, s: abi::Scalar, ty| {
208            match alloc.0.read_scalar(
209                bx,
210                alloc_range(start, size),
211                /*read_provenance*/ matches!(s.primitive(), abi::Primitive::Pointer(_)),
212            ) {
213                Ok(val) => bx.scalar_to_backend(val, s, ty),
214                Err(_) => bx.const_poison(ty),
215            }
216        };
218        // It may seem like all types with `Scalar` or `ScalarPair` ABI are fair game at this point.
219        // However, `MaybeUninit<u64>` is considered a `Scalar` as far as its layout is concerned --
220        // and yet cannot be represented by an interpreter `Scalar`, since we have to handle the
221        // case where some of the bytes are initialized and others are not. So, we need an extra
222        // check that walks over the type of `mplace` to make sure it is truly correct to treat this
223        // like a `Scalar` (or `ScalarPair`).
224        match layout.backend_repr {
225            BackendRepr::Scalar(s @ abi::Scalar::Initialized { .. }) => {
226                let size = s.size(bx);
227                assert_eq!(size, layout.size, "abi::Scalar size does not match layout size");
228                let val = read_scalar(offset, size, s, bx.immediate_backend_type(layout));
229                OperandRef { val: OperandValue::Immediate(val), layout }
230            }
231            BackendRepr::ScalarPair(
232                a @ abi::Scalar::Initialized { .. },
233                b @ abi::Scalar::Initialized { .. },
234            ) => {
235                let (a_size, b_size) = (a.size(bx), b.size(bx));
236                let b_offset = (offset + a_size).align_to(b.align(bx).abi);
237                assert!(b_offset.bytes() > 0);
238                let a_val = read_scalar(
239                    offset,
240                    a_size,
241                    a,
242                    bx.scalar_pair_element_backend_type(layout, 0, true),
243                );
244                let b_val = read_scalar(
245                    b_offset,
246                    b_size,
247                    b,
248                    bx.scalar_pair_element_backend_type(layout, 1, true),
249                );
250                OperandRef { val: OperandValue::Pair(a_val, b_val), layout }
251            }
252            _ if layout.is_zst() => OperandRef::zero_sized(layout),
253            _ => {
254                // Neither a scalar nor scalar pair. Load from a place
255                // FIXME: should we cache `const_data_from_alloc` to avoid repeating this for the
256                // same `ConstAllocation`?
257                let init = bx.const_data_from_alloc(alloc);
258                let base_addr = bx.static_addr_of(init, alloc_align, None);
260                let llval = bx.const_ptr_byte_offset(base_addr, offset);
261                bx.load_operand(PlaceRef::new_sized(llval, layout))
262            }
263        }
264    }
266    /// Asserts that this operand refers to a scalar and returns
267    /// a reference to its value.
268    pub fn immediate(self) -> V {
269        match self.val {
270            OperandValue::Immediate(s) => s,
271            _ => bug!("not immediate: {:?}", self),
272        }
273    }
275    /// Asserts that this operand is a pointer (or reference) and returns
276    /// the place to which it points.  (This requires no code to be emitted
277    /// as we represent places using the pointer to the place.)
278    ///
279    /// This uses [`Ty::builtin_deref`] to include the type of the place and
280    /// assumes the place is aligned to the pointee's usual ABI alignment.
281    ///
282    /// If you don't need the type, see [`OperandValue::pointer_parts`]
283    /// or [`OperandValue::deref`].
284    pub fn deref<Cx: CodegenMethods<'tcx>>(self, cx: &Cx) -> PlaceRef<'tcx, V> {
285        if self.layout.ty.is_box() {
286            // Derefer should have removed all Box derefs
287            bug!("dereferencing {:?} in codegen", self.layout.ty);
288        }
290        let projected_ty = self
291            .layout
292            .ty
293            .builtin_deref(true)
294            .unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("deref of non-pointer {:?}", self));
296        let layout = cx.layout_of(projected_ty);
297        self.val.deref(layout.align.abi).with_type(layout)
298    }
300    /// If this operand is a `Pair`, we return an aggregate with the two values.
301    /// For other cases, see `immediate`.
302    pub fn immediate_or_packed_pair<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
303        self,
304        bx: &mut Bx,
305    ) -> V {
306        if let OperandValue::Pair(a, b) = self.val {
307            let llty =;
308            debug!("Operand::immediate_or_packed_pair: packing {:?} into {:?}", self, llty);
309            // Reconstruct the immediate aggregate.
310            let mut llpair =;
311            llpair = bx.insert_value(llpair, a, 0);
312            llpair = bx.insert_value(llpair, b, 1);
313            llpair
314        } else {
315            self.immediate()
316        }
317    }
319    /// If the type is a pair, we return a `Pair`, otherwise, an `Immediate`.
320    pub fn from_immediate_or_packed_pair<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
321        bx: &mut Bx,
322        llval: V,
323        layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
324    ) -> Self {
325        let val = if let BackendRepr::ScalarPair(..) = layout.backend_repr {
326            debug!("Operand::from_immediate_or_packed_pair: unpacking {:?} @ {:?}", llval, layout);
328            // Deconstruct the immediate aggregate.
329            let a_llval = bx.extract_value(llval, 0);
330            let b_llval = bx.extract_value(llval, 1);
331            OperandValue::Pair(a_llval, b_llval)
332        } else {
333            OperandValue::Immediate(llval)
334        };
335        OperandRef { val, layout }
336    }
338    pub(crate) fn extract_field<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
339        &self,
340        fx: &mut FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, Bx>,
341        bx: &mut Bx,
342        i: usize,
343    ) -> Self {
344        let field = self.layout.field(, i);
345        let offset = self.layout.fields.offset(i);
347        if !bx.is_backend_ref(self.layout) && bx.is_backend_ref(field) {
348            if let BackendRepr::SimdVector { count, .. } = self.layout.backend_repr
349                && let BackendRepr::Memory { sized: true } = field.backend_repr
350                && count.is_power_of_two()
351            {
352                assert_eq!(field.size, self.layout.size);
353                // This is being deprecated, but for now stdarch still needs it for
354                // Newtype vector of array, e.g. #[repr(simd)] struct S([i32; 4]);
355                let place = PlaceRef::alloca(bx, field);
356      , place.val.with_type(self.layout));
357                return bx.load_operand(place);
358            } else {
359                // Part of
360                bug!("Non-ref type {self:?} cannot project to ref field type {field:?}");
361            }
362        }
364        let val = if field.is_zst() {
365            OperandValue::ZeroSized
366        } else if field.size == self.layout.size {
367            assert_eq!(offset.bytes(), 0);
368            fx.codegen_transmute_operand(bx, *self, field).unwrap_or_else(|| {
369                bug!(
370                    "Expected `codegen_transmute_operand` to handle equal-size \
371                      field {i:?} projection from {self:?} to {field:?}"
372                )
373            })
374        } else {
375            let (in_scalar, imm) = match (self.val, self.layout.backend_repr) {
376                // Extract a scalar component from a pair.
377                (OperandValue::Pair(a_llval, b_llval), BackendRepr::ScalarPair(a, b)) => {
378                    if offset.bytes() == 0 {
379                        assert_eq!(field.size, a.size(;
380                        (Some(a), a_llval)
381                    } else {
382                        assert_eq!(offset, a.size(;
383                        assert_eq!(field.size, b.size(;
384                        (Some(b), b_llval)
385                    }
386                }
388                _ => {
389                    span_bug!(fx.mir.span, "OperandRef::extract_field({:?}): not applicable", self)
390                }
391            };
392            OperandValue::Immediate(match field.backend_repr {
393                BackendRepr::SimdVector { .. } => imm,
394                BackendRepr::Scalar(out_scalar) => {
395                    let Some(in_scalar) = in_scalar else {
396                        span_bug!(
397                            fx.mir.span,
398                            "OperandRef::extract_field({:?}): missing input scalar for output scalar",
399                            self
400                        )
401                    };
402                    if in_scalar != out_scalar {
403                        // If the backend and backend_immediate types might differ,
404                        // flip back to the backend type then to the new immediate.
405                        // This avoids nop truncations, but still handles things like
406                        // Bools in union fields needs to be truncated.
407                        let backend = bx.from_immediate(imm);
408                        bx.to_immediate_scalar(backend, out_scalar)
409                    } else {
410                        imm
411                    }
412                }
413                BackendRepr::ScalarPair(_, _) | BackendRepr::Memory { .. } => bug!(),
414            })
415        };
417        OperandRef { val, layout: field }
418    }
420    /// Obtain the actual discriminant of a value.
421    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(fx, bx))]
422    pub fn codegen_get_discr<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
423        self,
424        fx: &mut FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, Bx>,
425        bx: &mut Bx,
426        cast_to: Ty<'tcx>,
427    ) -> V {
428        let dl = &bx.tcx().data_layout;
429        let cast_to_layout =;
430        let cast_to =;
432        // We check uninhabitedness separately because a type like
433        // `enum Foo { Bar(i32, !) }` is still reported as `Variants::Single`,
434        // *not* as `Variants::Empty`.
435        if self.layout.is_uninhabited() {
436            return;
437        }
439        let (tag_scalar, tag_encoding, tag_field) = match self.layout.variants {
440            Variants::Empty => unreachable!("we already handled uninhabited types"),
441            Variants::Single { index } => {
442                let discr_val =
443                    if let Some(discr) = self.layout.ty.discriminant_for_variant(bx.tcx(), index) {
444                        discr.val
445                    } else {
446                        // This arm is for types which are neither enums nor coroutines,
447                        // and thus for which the only possible "variant" should be the first one.
448                        assert_eq!(index, FIRST_VARIANT);
449                        // There's thus no actual discriminant to return, so we return
450                        // what it would have been if this was a single-variant enum.
451                        0
452                    };
453                return, discr_val);
454            }
455            Variants::Multiple { tag, ref tag_encoding, tag_field, .. } => {
456                (tag, tag_encoding, tag_field)
457            }
458        };
460        // Read the tag/niche-encoded discriminant from memory.
461        let tag_op = match self.val {
462            OperandValue::ZeroSized => bug!(),
463            OperandValue::Immediate(_) | OperandValue::Pair(_, _) => {
464                self.extract_field(fx, bx, tag_field)
465            }
466            OperandValue::Ref(place) => {
467                let tag = place.with_type(self.layout).project_field(bx, tag_field);
468                bx.load_operand(tag)
469            }
470        };
471        let tag_imm = tag_op.immediate();
473        // Decode the discriminant (specifically if it's niche-encoded).
474        match *tag_encoding {
475            TagEncoding::Direct => {
476                let signed = match tag_scalar.primitive() {
477                    // We use `i1` for bytes that are always `0` or `1`,
478                    // e.g., `#[repr(i8)] enum E { A, B }`, but we can't
479                    // let LLVM interpret the `i1` as signed, because
480                    // then `i1 1` (i.e., `E::B`) is effectively `i8 -1`.
481                    Primitive::Int(_, signed) => !tag_scalar.is_bool() && signed,
482                    _ => false,
483                };
484                bx.intcast(tag_imm, cast_to, signed)
485            }
486            TagEncoding::Niche { untagged_variant, ref niche_variants, niche_start } => {
487                // Cast to an integer so we don't have to treat a pointer as a
488                // special case.
489                let (tag, tag_llty) = match tag_scalar.primitive() {
490                    // FIXME(erikdesjardins): handle non-default addrspace ptr sizes
491                    Primitive::Pointer(_) => {
492                        let t = bx.type_from_integer(dl.ptr_sized_integer());
493                        let tag = bx.ptrtoint(tag_imm, t);
494                        (tag, t)
495                    }
496                    _ => (tag_imm,,
497                };
499                let relative_max = niche_variants.end().as_u32() - niche_variants.start().as_u32();
501                // We have a subrange `niche_start..=niche_end` inside `range`.
502                // If the value of the tag is inside this subrange, it's a
503                // "niche value", an increment of the discriminant. Otherwise it
504                // indicates the untagged variant.
505                // A general algorithm to extract the discriminant from the tag
506                // is:
507                // relative_tag = tag - niche_start
508                // is_niche = relative_tag <= (ule) relative_max
509                // discr = if is_niche {
510                //     cast(relative_tag) + niche_variants.start()
511                // } else {
512                //     untagged_variant
513                // }
514                // However, we will likely be able to emit simpler code.
515                let (is_niche, tagged_discr, delta) = if relative_max == 0 {
516                    // Best case scenario: only one tagged variant. This will
517                    // likely become just a comparison and a jump.
518                    // The algorithm is:
519                    // is_niche = tag == niche_start
520                    // discr = if is_niche {
521                    //     niche_start
522                    // } else {
523                    //     untagged_variant
524                    // }
525                    let niche_start =, niche_start);
526                    let is_niche = bx.icmp(IntPredicate::IntEQ, tag, niche_start);
527                    let tagged_discr =
528              , niche_variants.start().as_u32() as u64);
529                    (is_niche, tagged_discr, 0)
530                } else {
531                    // The special cases don't apply, so we'll have to go with
532                    // the general algorithm.
533                    let relative_discr = bx.sub(tag,, niche_start));
534                    let cast_tag = bx.intcast(relative_discr, cast_to, false);
535                    let is_niche = bx.icmp(
536                        IntPredicate::IntULE,
537                        relative_discr,
538              , relative_max as u64),
539                    );
540                    (is_niche, cast_tag, niche_variants.start().as_u32() as u128)
541                };
543                let tagged_discr = if delta == 0 {
544                    tagged_discr
545                } else {
546                    bx.add(tagged_discr,, delta))
547                };
549                let discr =
550                    is_niche,
551                    tagged_discr,
552          , untagged_variant.as_u32() as u64),
553                );
555                // In principle we could insert assumes on the possible range of `discr`, but
556                // currently in LLVM this seems to be a pessimization.
558                discr
559            }
560        }
561    }
564impl<'a, 'tcx, V: CodegenObject> OperandValue<V> {
565    /// Returns an `OperandValue` that's generally UB to use in any way.
566    ///
567    /// Depending on the `layout`, returns `ZeroSized` for ZSTs, an `Immediate` or
568    /// `Pair` containing poison value(s), or a `Ref` containing a poison pointer.
569    ///
570    /// Supports sized types only.
571    pub fn poison<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
572        bx: &mut Bx,
573        layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
574    ) -> OperandValue<V> {
575        assert!(layout.is_sized());
576        if layout.is_zst() {
577            OperandValue::ZeroSized
578        } else if {
579            let ibty =;
580            OperandValue::Immediate(bx.const_poison(ibty))
581        } else if {
582            let ibty0 =, 0, true);
583            let ibty1 =, 1, true);
584            OperandValue::Pair(bx.const_poison(ibty0), bx.const_poison(ibty1))
585        } else {
586            let ptr =;
587            OperandValue::Ref(PlaceValue::new_sized(bx.const_poison(ptr), layout.align.abi))
588        }
589    }
591    pub fn store<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
592        self,
593        bx: &mut Bx,
594        dest: PlaceRef<'tcx, V>,
595    ) {
596        self.store_with_flags(bx, dest, MemFlags::empty());
597    }
599    pub fn volatile_store<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
600        self,
601        bx: &mut Bx,
602        dest: PlaceRef<'tcx, V>,
603    ) {
604        self.store_with_flags(bx, dest, MemFlags::VOLATILE);
605    }
607    pub fn unaligned_volatile_store<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
608        self,
609        bx: &mut Bx,
610        dest: PlaceRef<'tcx, V>,
611    ) {
612        self.store_with_flags(bx, dest, MemFlags::VOLATILE | MemFlags::UNALIGNED);
613    }
615    pub fn nontemporal_store<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
616        self,
617        bx: &mut Bx,
618        dest: PlaceRef<'tcx, V>,
619    ) {
620        self.store_with_flags(bx, dest, MemFlags::NONTEMPORAL);
621    }
623    pub(crate) fn store_with_flags<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
624        self,
625        bx: &mut Bx,
626        dest: PlaceRef<'tcx, V>,
627        flags: MemFlags,
628    ) {
629        debug!("OperandRef::store: operand={:?}, dest={:?}", self, dest);
630        match self {
631            OperandValue::ZeroSized => {
632                // Avoid generating stores of zero-sized values, because the only way to have a
633                // zero-sized value is through `undef`/`poison`, and the store itself is useless.
634            }
635            OperandValue::Ref(val) => {
636                assert!(dest.layout.is_sized(), "cannot directly store unsized values");
637                if val.llextra.is_some() {
638                    bug!("cannot directly store unsized values");
639                }
640                bx.typed_place_copy_with_flags(dest.val, val, dest.layout, flags);
641            }
642            OperandValue::Immediate(s) => {
643                let val = bx.from_immediate(s);
644                bx.store_with_flags(val, dest.val.llval, dest.val.align, flags);
645            }
646            OperandValue::Pair(a, b) => {
647                let BackendRepr::ScalarPair(a_scalar, b_scalar) = dest.layout.backend_repr else {
648                    bug!("store_with_flags: invalid ScalarPair layout: {:#?}", dest.layout);
649                };
650                let b_offset = a_scalar.size(bx).align_to(b_scalar.align(bx).abi);
652                let val = bx.from_immediate(a);
653                let align = dest.val.align;
654                bx.store_with_flags(val, dest.val.llval, align, flags);
656                let llptr = bx.inbounds_ptradd(dest.val.llval, bx.const_usize(b_offset.bytes()));
657                let val = bx.from_immediate(b);
658                let align = dest.val.align.restrict_for_offset(b_offset);
659                bx.store_with_flags(val, llptr, align, flags);
660            }
661        }
662    }
664    pub fn store_unsized<Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx, Value = V>>(
665        self,
666        bx: &mut Bx,
667        indirect_dest: PlaceRef<'tcx, V>,
668    ) {
669        debug!("OperandRef::store_unsized: operand={:?}, indirect_dest={:?}", self, indirect_dest);
670        // `indirect_dest` must have `*mut T` type. We extract `T` out of it.
671        let unsized_ty = indirect_dest
672            .layout
673            .ty
674            .builtin_deref(true)
675            .unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("indirect_dest has non-pointer type: {:?}", indirect_dest));
677        let OperandValue::Ref(PlaceValue { llval: llptr, llextra: Some(llextra), .. }) = self
678        else {
679            bug!("store_unsized called with a sized value (or with an extern type)")
680        };
682        // Allocate an appropriate region on the stack, and copy the value into it. Since alloca
683        // doesn't support dynamic alignment, we allocate an extra align - 1 bytes, and align the
684        // pointer manually.
685        let (size, align) = size_of_val::size_and_align_of_dst(bx, unsized_ty, Some(llextra));
686        let one = bx.const_usize(1);
687        let align_minus_1 = bx.sub(align, one);
688        let size_extra = bx.add(size, align_minus_1);
689        let min_align = Align::ONE;
690        let alloca = bx.dynamic_alloca(size_extra, min_align);
691        let address = bx.ptrtoint(alloca, bx.type_isize());
692        let neg_address = bx.neg(address);
693        let offset = bx.and(neg_address, align_minus_1);
694        let dst = bx.inbounds_ptradd(alloca, offset);
695        bx.memcpy(dst, min_align, llptr, min_align, size, MemFlags::empty());
697        // Store the allocated region and the extra to the indirect place.
698        let indirect_operand = OperandValue::Pair(dst, llextra);
699, indirect_dest);
700    }
703impl<'a, 'tcx, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>> FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, Bx> {
704    fn maybe_codegen_consume_direct(
705        &mut self,
706        bx: &mut Bx,
707        place_ref: mir::PlaceRef<'tcx>,
708    ) -> Option<OperandRef<'tcx, Bx::Value>> {
709        debug!("maybe_codegen_consume_direct(place_ref={:?})", place_ref);
711        match self.locals[place_ref.local] {
712            LocalRef::Operand(mut o) => {
713                // Moves out of scalar and scalar pair fields are trivial.
714                for elem in place_ref.projection.iter() {
715                    match elem {
716                        mir::ProjectionElem::Field(f, _) => {
717                            assert!(
718                                !o.layout.ty.is_any_ptr(),
719                                "Bad PlaceRef: destructing pointers should use cast/PtrMetadata, \
720                                 but tried to access field {f:?} of pointer {o:?}",
721                            );
722                            o = o.extract_field(self, bx, f.index());
723                        }
724                        mir::ProjectionElem::Index(_)
725                        | mir::ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex { .. } => {
726                            // ZSTs don't require any actual memory access.
727                            // FIXME(eddyb) deduplicate this with the identical
728                            // checks in `codegen_consume` and `extract_field`.
729                            let elem = o.layout.field(, 0);
730                            if elem.is_zst() {
731                                o = OperandRef::zero_sized(elem);
732                            } else {
733                                return None;
734                            }
735                        }
736                        _ => return None,
737                    }
738                }
740                Some(o)
741            }
742            LocalRef::PendingOperand => {
743                bug!("use of {:?} before def", place_ref);
744            }
745            LocalRef::Place(..) | LocalRef::UnsizedPlace(..) => {
746                // watch out for locals that do not have an
747                // alloca; they are handled somewhat differently
748                None
749            }
750        }
751    }
753    pub fn codegen_consume(
754        &mut self,
755        bx: &mut Bx,
756        place_ref: mir::PlaceRef<'tcx>,
757    ) -> OperandRef<'tcx, Bx::Value> {
758        debug!("codegen_consume(place_ref={:?})", place_ref);
760        let ty = self.monomorphized_place_ty(place_ref);
761        let layout =;
763        // ZSTs don't require any actual memory access.
764        if layout.is_zst() {
765            return OperandRef::zero_sized(layout);
766        }
768        if let Some(o) = self.maybe_codegen_consume_direct(bx, place_ref) {
769            return o;
770        }
772        // for most places, to consume them we just load them
773        // out from their home
774        let place = self.codegen_place(bx, place_ref);
775        bx.load_operand(place)
776    }
778    pub fn codegen_operand(
779        &mut self,
780        bx: &mut Bx,
781        operand: &mir::Operand<'tcx>,
782    ) -> OperandRef<'tcx, Bx::Value> {
783        debug!("codegen_operand(operand={:?})", operand);
785        match *operand {
786            mir::Operand::Copy(ref place) | mir::Operand::Move(ref place) => {
787                self.codegen_consume(bx, place.as_ref())
788            }
790            mir::Operand::Constant(ref constant) => {
791                let constant_ty = self.monomorphize(constant.ty());
792                // Most SIMD vector constants should be passed as immediates.
793                // (In particular, some intrinsics really rely on this.)
794                if constant_ty.is_simd() {
795                    // However, some SIMD types do not actually use the vector ABI
796                    // (in particular, packed SIMD types do not). Ensure we exclude those.
797                    let layout = bx.layout_of(constant_ty);
798                    if let BackendRepr::SimdVector { .. } = layout.backend_repr {
799                        let (llval, ty) = self.immediate_const_vector(bx, constant);
800                        return OperandRef {
801                            val: OperandValue::Immediate(llval),
802                            layout: bx.layout_of(ty),
803                        };
804                    }
805                }
806                self.eval_mir_constant_to_operand(bx, constant)
807            }
808        }
809    }