
1use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxIndexMap, FxIndexSet, IndexEntry};
2use rustc_hir as hir;
3use rustc_infer::infer::region_constraints::{Constraint, RegionConstraintData};
4use rustc_middle::bug;
5use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Region, Ty, fold_regions};
6use rustc_span::def_id::DefId;
7use rustc_span::symbol::{Symbol, kw};
8use rustc_trait_selection::traits::auto_trait::{self, RegionTarget};
9use thin_vec::ThinVec;
10use tracing::{debug, instrument};
12use crate::clean::{
13    self, Lifetime, clean_generic_param_def, clean_middle_ty, clean_predicate,
14    clean_trait_ref_with_constraints, clean_ty_generics, simplify,
16use crate::core::DocContext;
18#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(cx))]
19pub(crate) fn synthesize_auto_trait_impls<'tcx>(
20    cx: &mut DocContext<'tcx>,
21    item_def_id: DefId,
22) -> Vec<clean::Item> {
23    let tcx = cx.tcx;
24    let typing_env = ty::TypingEnv::non_body_analysis(tcx, item_def_id);
25    let ty = tcx.type_of(item_def_id).instantiate_identity();
27    let finder = auto_trait::AutoTraitFinder::new(tcx);
28    let mut auto_trait_impls: Vec<_> = cx
29        .auto_traits
30        .clone()
31        .into_iter()
32        .filter_map(|trait_def_id| {
33            synthesize_auto_trait_impl(
34                cx,
35                ty,
36                trait_def_id,
37                typing_env,
38                item_def_id,
39                &finder,
40                DiscardPositiveImpls::No,
41            )
42        })
43        .collect();
44    // We are only interested in case the type *doesn't* implement the `Sized` trait.
45    if !ty.is_sized(tcx, typing_env)
46        && let Some(sized_trait_def_id) = tcx.lang_items().sized_trait()
47        && let Some(impl_item) = synthesize_auto_trait_impl(
48            cx,
49            ty,
50            sized_trait_def_id,
51            typing_env,
52            item_def_id,
53            &finder,
54            DiscardPositiveImpls::Yes,
55        )
56    {
57        auto_trait_impls.push(impl_item);
58    }
59    auto_trait_impls
62#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(cx, finder))]
63fn synthesize_auto_trait_impl<'tcx>(
64    cx: &mut DocContext<'tcx>,
65    ty: Ty<'tcx>,
66    trait_def_id: DefId,
67    typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
68    item_def_id: DefId,
69    finder: &auto_trait::AutoTraitFinder<'tcx>,
70    discard_positive_impls: DiscardPositiveImpls,
71) -> Option<clean::Item> {
72    let tcx = cx.tcx;
73    let trait_ref = ty::Binder::dummy(ty::TraitRef::new(tcx, trait_def_id, [ty]));
74    if !cx.generated_synthetics.insert((ty, trait_def_id)) {
75        debug!("already generated, aborting");
76        return None;
77    }
79    let result = finder.find_auto_trait_generics(ty, typing_env, trait_def_id, |info| {
80        clean_param_env(cx, item_def_id, info.full_user_env, info.region_data, info.vid_to_region)
81    });
83    let (generics, polarity) = match result {
84        auto_trait::AutoTraitResult::PositiveImpl(generics) => {
85            if let DiscardPositiveImpls::Yes = discard_positive_impls {
86                return None;
87            }
89            (generics, ty::ImplPolarity::Positive)
90        }
91        auto_trait::AutoTraitResult::NegativeImpl => {
92            // For negative impls, we use the generic params, but *not* the predicates,
93            // from the original type. Otherwise, the displayed impl appears to be a
94            // conditional negative impl, when it's really unconditional.
95            //
96            // For example, consider the struct Foo<T: Copy>(*mut T). Using
97            // the original predicates in our impl would cause us to generate
98            // `impl !Send for Foo<T: Copy>`, which makes it appear that Foo
99            // implements Send where T is not copy.
100            //
101            // Instead, we generate `impl !Send for Foo<T>`, which better
102            // expresses the fact that `Foo<T>` never implements `Send`,
103            // regardless of the choice of `T`.
104            let mut generics = clean_ty_generics(
105                cx,
106                tcx.generics_of(item_def_id),
107                ty::GenericPredicates::default(),
108            );
109            generics.where_predicates.clear();
111            (generics, ty::ImplPolarity::Negative)
112        }
113        auto_trait::AutoTraitResult::ExplicitImpl => return None,
114    };
116    Some(clean::Item {
117        inner: Box::new(clean::ItemInner {
118            name: None,
119            attrs: Default::default(),
120            stability: None,
121            kind: clean::ImplItem(Box::new(clean::Impl {
122                safety: hir::Safety::Safe,
123                generics,
124                trait_: Some(clean_trait_ref_with_constraints(cx, trait_ref, ThinVec::new())),
125                for_: clean_middle_ty(ty::Binder::dummy(ty), cx, None, None),
126                items: Vec::new(),
127                polarity,
128                kind: clean::ImplKind::Auto,
129            })),
130            item_id: clean::ItemId::Auto { trait_: trait_def_id, for_: item_def_id },
131            cfg: None,
132            inline_stmt_id: None,
133        }),
134    })
138enum DiscardPositiveImpls {
139    Yes,
140    No,
143#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(cx, region_data, vid_to_region))]
144fn clean_param_env<'tcx>(
145    cx: &mut DocContext<'tcx>,
146    item_def_id: DefId,
147    param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
148    region_data: RegionConstraintData<'tcx>,
149    vid_to_region: FxIndexMap<ty::RegionVid, ty::Region<'tcx>>,
150) -> clean::Generics {
151    let tcx = cx.tcx;
152    let generics = tcx.generics_of(item_def_id);
154    let params: ThinVec<_> = generics
155        .own_params
156        .iter()
157        .inspect(|param| {
158            if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
159                debug_assert!(!param.is_anonymous_lifetime());
160                if let ty::GenericParamDefKind::Type { synthetic, .. } = param.kind {
161                    debug_assert!(!synthetic && != kw::SelfUpper);
162                }
163            }
164        })
165        // We're basing the generics of the synthetic auto trait impl off of the generics of the
166        // implementing type. Its generic parameters may have defaults, don't copy them over:
167        // Generic parameter defaults are meaningless in impls.
168        .map(|param| clean_generic_param_def(param, clean::ParamDefaults::No, cx))
169        .collect();
171    // FIXME(#111101): Incorporate the explicit predicates of the item here...
172    let item_predicates: FxIndexSet<_> =
173        tcx.param_env(item_def_id).caller_bounds().iter().collect();
174    let where_predicates = param_env
175        .caller_bounds()
176        .iter()
177        // FIXME: ...which hopefully allows us to simplify this:
178        .filter(|pred| {
179            !item_predicates.contains(pred)
180                || pred
181                    .as_trait_clause()
182                    .is_some_and(|pred| tcx.lang_items().sized_trait() == Some(pred.def_id()))
183        })
184        .map(|pred| {
185            fold_regions(tcx, pred, |r, _| match *r {
186                // FIXME: Don't `unwrap_or`, I think we should panic if we encounter an infer var that
187                // we can't map to a concrete region. However, `AutoTraitFinder` *does* leak those kinds
188                // of `ReVar`s for some reason at the time of writing. See `rustdoc-ui/` tests.
189                // This is in dire need of an investigation into `AutoTraitFinder`.
190                ty::ReVar(vid) => vid_to_region.get(&vid).copied().unwrap_or(r),
191                ty::ReEarlyParam(_) | ty::ReStatic | ty::ReBound(..) | ty::ReError(_) => r,
192                // FIXME(#120606): `AutoTraitFinder` can actually leak placeholder regions which feels
193                // incorrect. Needs investigation.
194                ty::ReLateParam(_) | ty::RePlaceholder(_) | ty::ReErased => {
195                    bug!("unexpected region kind: {r:?}")
196                }
197            })
198        })
199        .flat_map(|pred| clean_predicate(pred, cx))
200        .chain(clean_region_outlives_constraints(&region_data, generics))
201        .collect();
203    let mut generics = clean::Generics { params, where_predicates };
204    simplify::sized_bounds(cx, &mut generics);
205    generics.where_predicates = simplify::where_clauses(cx, generics.where_predicates);
206    generics
209/// Clean region outlives constraints to where-predicates.
211/// This is essentially a simplified version of `lexical_region_resolve`.
213/// However, here we determine what *needs to be* true in order for an impl to hold.
214/// `lexical_region_resolve`, along with much of the rest of the compiler, is concerned
215/// with determining if a given set up constraints / predicates *are* met, given some
216/// starting conditions like user-provided code.
218/// For this reason, it's easier to perform the calculations we need on our own,
219/// rather than trying to make existing inference/solver code do what we want.
220fn clean_region_outlives_constraints<'tcx>(
221    regions: &RegionConstraintData<'tcx>,
222    generics: &'tcx ty::Generics,
223) -> ThinVec<clean::WherePredicate> {
224    // Our goal is to "flatten" the list of constraints by eliminating all intermediate
225    // `RegionVids` (region inference variables). At the end, all constraints should be
226    // between `Region`s. This gives us the information we need to create the where-predicates.
227    // This flattening is done in two parts.
229    let mut outlives_predicates = FxIndexMap::<_, Vec<_>>::default();
230    let mut map = FxIndexMap::<RegionTarget<'_>, auto_trait::RegionDeps<'_>>::default();
232    // (1)  We insert all of the constraints into a map.
233    // Each `RegionTarget` (a `RegionVid` or a `Region`) maps to its smaller and larger regions.
234    // Note that "larger" regions correspond to sub regions in the surface language.
235    // E.g., in `'a: 'b`, `'a` is the larger region.
236    for (constraint, _) in &regions.constraints {
237        match *constraint {
238            Constraint::VarSubVar(vid1, vid2) => {
239                let deps1 = map.entry(RegionTarget::RegionVid(vid1)).or_default();
240                deps1.larger.insert(RegionTarget::RegionVid(vid2));
242                let deps2 = map.entry(RegionTarget::RegionVid(vid2)).or_default();
243                deps2.smaller.insert(RegionTarget::RegionVid(vid1));
244            }
245            Constraint::RegSubVar(region, vid) => {
246                let deps = map.entry(RegionTarget::RegionVid(vid)).or_default();
247                deps.smaller.insert(RegionTarget::Region(region));
248            }
249            Constraint::VarSubReg(vid, region) => {
250                let deps = map.entry(RegionTarget::RegionVid(vid)).or_default();
251                deps.larger.insert(RegionTarget::Region(region));
252            }
253            Constraint::RegSubReg(r1, r2) => {
254                // The constraint is already in the form that we want, so we're done with it
255                // The desired order is [larger, smaller], so flip them.
256                if early_bound_region_name(r1) != early_bound_region_name(r2) {
257                    outlives_predicates
258                        .entry(early_bound_region_name(r2).expect("no region_name found"))
259                        .or_default()
260                        .push(r1);
261                }
262            }
263        }
264    }
266    // (2)  Here, we "flatten" the map one element at a time. All of the elements' sub and super
267    // regions are connected to each other. For example, if we have a graph that looks like this:
268    //
269    //     (A, B) - C - (D, E)
270    //
271    // where (A, B) are sub regions, and (D,E) are super regions.
272    // Then, after deleting 'C', the graph will look like this:
273    //
274    //             ... - A - (D, E, ...)
275    //             ... - B - (D, E, ...)
276    //     (A, B, ...) - D - ...
277    //     (A, B, ...) - E - ...
278    //
279    // where '...' signifies the existing sub and super regions of an entry. When two adjacent
280    // `Region`s are encountered, we've computed a final constraint, and add it to our list.
281    // Since we make sure to never re-add deleted items, this process will always finish.
282    while !map.is_empty() {
283        let target = *map.keys().next().unwrap();
284        let deps = map.swap_remove(&target).unwrap();
286        for smaller in &deps.smaller {
287            for larger in &deps.larger {
288                match (smaller, larger) {
289                    (&RegionTarget::Region(smaller), &RegionTarget::Region(larger)) => {
290                        if early_bound_region_name(smaller) != early_bound_region_name(larger) {
291                            outlives_predicates
292                                .entry(
293                                    early_bound_region_name(larger).expect("no region name found"),
294                                )
295                                .or_default()
296                                .push(smaller)
297                        }
298                    }
299                    (&RegionTarget::RegionVid(_), &RegionTarget::Region(_)) => {
300                        if let IndexEntry::Occupied(v) = map.entry(*smaller) {
301                            let smaller_deps = v.into_mut();
302                            smaller_deps.larger.insert(*larger);
303                            smaller_deps.larger.swap_remove(&target);
304                        }
305                    }
306                    (&RegionTarget::Region(_), &RegionTarget::RegionVid(_)) => {
307                        if let IndexEntry::Occupied(v) = map.entry(*larger) {
308                            let deps = v.into_mut();
309                            deps.smaller.insert(*smaller);
310                            deps.smaller.swap_remove(&target);
311                        }
312                    }
313                    (&RegionTarget::RegionVid(_), &RegionTarget::RegionVid(_)) => {
314                        if let IndexEntry::Occupied(v) = map.entry(*smaller) {
315                            let smaller_deps = v.into_mut();
316                            smaller_deps.larger.insert(*larger);
317                            smaller_deps.larger.swap_remove(&target);
318                        }
319                        if let IndexEntry::Occupied(v) = map.entry(*larger) {
320                            let larger_deps = v.into_mut();
321                            larger_deps.smaller.insert(*smaller);
322                            larger_deps.smaller.swap_remove(&target);
323                        }
324                    }
325                }
326            }
327        }
328    }
330    let region_params: FxIndexSet<_> = generics
331        .own_params
332        .iter()
333        .filter_map(|param| match param.kind {
334            ty::GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime => Some(,
335            _ => None,
336        })
337        .collect();
339    region_params
340        .iter()
341        .filter_map(|&name| {
342            let bounds: FxIndexSet<_> = outlives_predicates
343                .get(&name)?
344                .iter()
345                .map(|&region| {
346                    let lifetime = early_bound_region_name(region)
347                        .inspect(|name| assert!(region_params.contains(name)))
348                        .map(Lifetime)
349                        .unwrap_or(Lifetime::statik());
350                    clean::GenericBound::Outlives(lifetime)
351                })
352                .collect();
353            if bounds.is_empty() {
354                return None;
355            }
356            Some(clean::WherePredicate::RegionPredicate {
357                lifetime: Lifetime(name),
358                bounds: bounds.into_iter().collect(),
359            })
360        })
361        .collect()
364fn early_bound_region_name(region: Region<'_>) -> Option<Symbol> {
365    match *region {
366        ty::ReEarlyParam(r) => Some(,
367        _ => None,
368    }