
1//! This module contains all code sporting `gitoxide` for operations on `git` repositories and it mirrors
2//! `utils` closely for now. One day it can be renamed into `utils` once `git2` isn't required anymore.
4use crate::util::network::http::HttpTimeout;
5use crate::util::HumanBytes;
6use crate::util::{network, MetricsCounter, Progress};
7use crate::{CargoResult, GlobalContext};
8use cargo_util::paths;
9use gix::bstr::{BString, ByteSlice};
10use std::cell::RefCell;
11use std::path::Path;
12use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
13use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
14use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
15use tracing::debug;
17/// For the time being, `repo_path` makes it easy to instantiate a gitoxide repo just for fetching.
18/// In future this may change to be the gitoxide repository itself.
19pub fn with_retry_and_progress(
20    repo_path: &std::path::Path,
21    gctx: &GlobalContext,
22    cb: &(dyn Fn(
23        &std::path::Path,
24        &AtomicBool,
25        &mut gix::progress::tree::Item,
26        &mut dyn FnMut(&gix::bstr::BStr),
27    ) -> Result<(), crate::sources::git::fetch::Error>
28          + Send
29          + Sync),
30) -> CargoResult<()> {
31    std::thread::scope(|s| {
32        let mut progress_bar = Progress::new("Fetch", gctx);
33        let is_shallow = gctx.cli_unstable().git.map_or(false, |features| {
34            features.shallow_deps || features.shallow_index
35        });
36        network::retry::with_retry(gctx, || {
37            let progress_root: Arc<gix::progress::tree::Root> =
38                gix::progress::tree::root::Options {
39                    initial_capacity: 10,
40                    message_buffer_capacity: 10,
41                }
42                .into();
43            let root = Arc::downgrade(&progress_root);
44            let thread = s.spawn(move || {
45                let mut progress = progress_root.add_child("operation");
46                let mut urls = RefCell::new(Default::default());
47                let res = cb(
48                    &repo_path,
49                    &AtomicBool::default(),
50                    &mut progress,
51                    &mut |url| {
52                        *urls.borrow_mut() = Some(url.to_owned());
53                    },
54                );
55                amend_authentication_hints(res, urls.get_mut().take())
56            });
57            translate_progress_to_bar(&mut progress_bar, root, is_shallow)?;
58            thread.join().expect("no panic in scoped thread")
59        })
60    })
63fn translate_progress_to_bar(
64    progress_bar: &mut Progress<'_>,
65    root: Weak<gix::progress::tree::Root>,
66    is_shallow: bool,
67) -> CargoResult<()> {
68    let remote_progress: gix::progress::Id = gix::remote::fetch::ProgressId::RemoteProgress.into();
69    let read_pack_bytes: gix::progress::Id =
70        gix::odb::pack::bundle::write::ProgressId::ReadPackBytes.into();
71    let delta_index_objects: gix::progress::Id =
72        gix::odb::pack::index::write::ProgressId::IndexObjects.into();
73    let resolve_objects: gix::progress::Id =
74        gix::odb::pack::index::write::ProgressId::ResolveObjects.into();
76    // We choose `N=10` here to make a `300ms * 10slots ~= 3000ms`
77    // sliding window for tracking the data transfer rate (in bytes/s).
78    let mut last_percentage_update = Instant::now();
79    let mut last_fast_update = Instant::now();
80    let mut counter = MetricsCounter::<10>::new(0, last_percentage_update);
82    let mut tasks = Vec::with_capacity(10);
83    let slow_check_interval = std::time::Duration::from_millis(300);
84    let fast_check_interval = Duration::from_millis(50);
85    let sleep_interval = Duration::from_millis(10);
86    debug_assert_eq!(
87        slow_check_interval.as_millis() % fast_check_interval.as_millis(),
88        0,
89        "progress should be smoother by keeping these as multiples of each other"
90    );
91    debug_assert_eq!(
92        fast_check_interval.as_millis() % sleep_interval.as_millis(),
93        0,
94        "progress should be smoother by keeping these as multiples of each other"
95    );
97    let num_phases = if is_shallow { 3 } else { 2 }; // indexing + delta-resolution, both with same amount of objects to handle
98    while let Some(root) = root.upgrade() {
99        std::thread::sleep(sleep_interval);
100        let needs_update = last_fast_update.elapsed() >= fast_check_interval;
101        if !needs_update {
102            continue;
103        }
104        let now = Instant::now();
105        last_fast_update = now;
107        root.sorted_snapshot(&mut tasks);
109        fn progress_by_id(
110            id: gix::progress::Id,
111            task: &gix::progress::Task,
112        ) -> Option<(&str, &gix::progress::Value)> {
113            ( == id)
114                .then(|| task.progress.as_ref())
115                .flatten()
116                .map(|value| (, value))
117        }
118        fn find_in<K>(
119            tasks: &[(K, gix::progress::Task)],
120            cb: impl Fn(&gix::progress::Task) -> Option<(&str, &gix::progress::Value)>,
121        ) -> Option<(&str, &gix::progress::Value)> {
122            tasks.iter().find_map(|(_, t)| cb(t))
123        }
125        if let Some((_, objs)) = find_in(&tasks, |t| progress_by_id(resolve_objects, t)) {
126            // Phase 3: Resolving deltas.
127            let objects = objs.step.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
128            let total_objects = objs.done_at.expect("known amount of objects");
129            let msg = format!(", ({objects}/{total_objects}) resolving deltas");
131            progress_bar.tick(
132                (total_objects * (num_phases - 1)) + objects,
133                total_objects * num_phases,
134                &msg,
135            )?;
136        } else if let Some((objs, read_pack)) =
137            find_in(&tasks, |t| progress_by_id(read_pack_bytes, t)).and_then(|read| {
138                find_in(&tasks, |t| progress_by_id(delta_index_objects, t))
139                    .map(|delta| (delta.1, read.1))
140            })
141        {
142            // Phase 2: Receiving objects.
143            let objects = objs.step.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
144            let total_objects = objs.done_at.expect("known amount of objects");
145            let received_bytes = read_pack.step.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
147            let needs_percentage_update = last_percentage_update.elapsed() >= slow_check_interval;
148            if needs_percentage_update {
149                counter.add(received_bytes, now);
150                last_percentage_update = now;
151            }
152            let rate = HumanBytes(counter.rate() as u64);
153            let msg = format!(", {rate:.2}/s");
155            progress_bar.tick(
156                (total_objects * (num_phases - 2)) + objects,
157                total_objects * num_phases,
158                &msg,
159            )?;
160        } else if let Some((action, remote)) =
161            find_in(&tasks, |t| progress_by_id(remote_progress, t))
162        {
163            if !is_shallow {
164                continue;
165            }
166            // phase 1: work on the remote side
168            // Resolving deltas.
169            let objects = remote.step.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
170            if let Some(total_objects) = remote.done_at {
171                let msg = format!(", ({objects}/{total_objects}) {action}");
172                progress_bar.tick(objects, total_objects * num_phases, &msg)?;
173            }
174        }
175    }
176    Ok(())
179fn amend_authentication_hints(
180    res: Result<(), crate::sources::git::fetch::Error>,
181    last_url_for_authentication: Option<gix::bstr::BString>,
182) -> CargoResult<()> {
183    let Err(err) = res else { return Ok(()) };
184    let e = match &err {
185        crate::sources::git::fetch::Error::PrepareFetch(
186            gix::remote::fetch::prepare::Error::RefMap(gix::remote::ref_map::Error::Handshake(err)),
187        ) => Some(err),
188        _ => None,
189    };
190    if let Some(e) = e {
191        let auth_message = match e {
192            gix::protocol::handshake::Error::Credentials(_) => {
193                "\n* attempted to find username/password via \
194                     git's `credential.helper` support, but failed"
195                    .into()
196            }
197            gix::protocol::handshake::Error::InvalidCredentials { .. } => {
198                "\n* attempted to find username/password via \
199                     `credential.helper`, but maybe the found \
200                     credentials were incorrect"
201                    .into()
202            }
203            gix::protocol::handshake::Error::Transport(_) => {
204                let msg = concat!(
205                    "network failure seems to have happened\n",
206                    "if a proxy or similar is necessary `net.git-fetch-with-cli` may help here\n",
207                    ""
208                );
209                return Err(anyhow::Error::from(err).context(msg));
210            }
211            _ => None,
212        };
213        if let Some(auth_message) = auth_message {
214            let mut msg = "failed to authenticate when downloading \
215                       repository"
216                .to_string();
217            if let Some(url) = last_url_for_authentication {
218                msg.push_str(": ");
219                msg.push_str(url.to_str_lossy().as_ref());
220            }
221            msg.push('\n');
222            msg.push_str(auth_message);
223            msg.push_str("\n\n");
224            msg.push_str("if the git CLI succeeds then `net.git-fetch-with-cli` may help here\n");
225            msg.push_str(
226                "",
227            );
228            return Err(anyhow::Error::from(err).context(msg));
229        }
230    }
231    Err(err.into())
234/// The reason we are opening a git repository.
236/// This can affect the way we open it and the cost associated with it.
237pub enum OpenMode {
238    /// We need `git_binary` configuration as well for being able to see credential helpers
239    /// that are configured with the `git` installation itself.
240    /// However, this is slow on windows (~150ms) and most people won't need it as they use the
241    /// standard index which won't ever need authentication, so we only enable this when needed.
242    ForFetch,
245impl OpenMode {
246    /// Sometimes we don't need to pay for figuring out the system's git installation, and this tells
247    /// us if that is the case.
248    pub fn needs_git_binary_config(&self) -> bool {
249        match self {
250            OpenMode::ForFetch => true,
251        }
252    }
255/// Produce a repository with everything pre-configured according to `config`. Most notably this includes
256/// transport configuration. Knowing its `purpose` helps to optimize the way we open the repository.
257/// Use `config_overrides` to configure the new repository.
258pub fn open_repo(
259    repo_path: &std::path::Path,
260    config_overrides: Vec<BString>,
261    purpose: OpenMode,
262) -> Result<gix::Repository, gix::open::Error> {
263    gix::open_opts(repo_path, {
264        let mut opts = gix::open::Options::default();
265        opts.permissions.config = gix::open::permissions::Config::all();
266        opts.permissions.config.git_binary = purpose.needs_git_binary_config();
267        opts.with(gix::sec::Trust::Full)
268            .config_overrides(config_overrides)
269    })
272/// Convert `git` related cargo configuration into the respective `git` configuration which can be
273/// used when opening new repositories.
274pub fn cargo_config_to_gitoxide_overrides(gctx: &GlobalContext) -> CargoResult<Vec<BString>> {
275    use gix::config::tree::{gitoxide, Core, Http, Key};
276    let timeout = HttpTimeout::new(gctx)?;
277    let http = gctx.http_config()?;
279    let mut values = vec![
280        gitoxide::Http::CONNECT_TIMEOUT.validated_assignment_fmt(&timeout.dur.as_millis())?,
281        Http::LOW_SPEED_LIMIT.validated_assignment_fmt(&timeout.low_speed_limit)?,
282        Http::LOW_SPEED_TIME.validated_assignment_fmt(&timeout.dur.as_secs())?,
283        // Assure we are not depending on committer information when updating refs after cloning.
284        Core::LOG_ALL_REF_UPDATES.validated_assignment_fmt(&false)?,
285    ];
286    if let Some(proxy) = &http.proxy {
287        values.push(Http::PROXY.validated_assignment_fmt(proxy)?);
288    }
289    if let Some(check_revoke) = http.check_revoke {
290        values.push(Http::SCHANNEL_CHECK_REVOKE.validated_assignment_fmt(&check_revoke)?);
291    }
292    if let Some(cainfo) = &http.cainfo {
293        values.push(
294            Http::SSL_CA_INFO.validated_assignment_fmt(&cainfo.resolve_path(gctx).display())?,
295        );
296    }
298    values.push(if let Some(user_agent) = &http.user_agent {
299        Http::USER_AGENT.validated_assignment_fmt(user_agent)
300    } else {
301        Http::USER_AGENT.validated_assignment_fmt(&format!("cargo {}", crate::version()))
302    }?);
303    if let Some(ssl_version) = &http.ssl_version {
304        use crate::util::context::SslVersionConfig;
305        match ssl_version {
306            SslVersionConfig::Single(version) => {
307                values.push(Http::SSL_VERSION.validated_assignment_fmt(&version)?);
308            }
309            SslVersionConfig::Range(range) => {
310                values.push(
311                    gitoxide::Http::SSL_VERSION_MIN
312                        .validated_assignment_fmt(&range.min.as_deref().unwrap_or("default"))?,
313                );
314                values.push(
315                    gitoxide::Http::SSL_VERSION_MAX
316                        .validated_assignment_fmt(&range.max.as_deref().unwrap_or("default"))?,
317                );
318            }
319        }
320    } else if cfg!(windows) {
321        // This text is copied from .
322        // This is a temporary workaround for some bugs with libcurl and
323        // schannel and TLS 1.3.
324        //
325        // Our libcurl on Windows is usually built with schannel.
326        // On Windows 11 (or Windows Server 2022), libcurl recently (late
327        // 2022) gained support for TLS 1.3 with schannel, and it now defaults
328        // to 1.3. Unfortunately there have been some bugs with this.
329        // is the most recent. Once
330        // that has been fixed, and some time has passed where we can be more
331        // confident that the 1.3 support won't cause issues, this can be
332        // removed.
333        //
334        // Windows 10 is unaffected. libcurl does not support TLS 1.3 on
335        // Windows 10. (Windows 10 sorta had support, but it required enabling
336        // an advanced option in the registry which was buggy, and libcurl
337        // does runtime checks to prevent it.)
338        values.push(gitoxide::Http::SSL_VERSION_MIN.validated_assignment_fmt(&"default")?);
339        values.push(gitoxide::Http::SSL_VERSION_MAX.validated_assignment_fmt(&"tlsv1.2")?);
340    }
341    if let Some(debug) = http.debug {
342        values.push(gitoxide::Http::VERBOSE.validated_assignment_fmt(&debug)?);
343    }
344    if let Some(multiplexing) = http.multiplexing {
345        let http_version = multiplexing.then(|| "HTTP/2").unwrap_or("HTTP/1.1");
346        // Note that failing to set the HTTP version in `gix-transport` isn't fatal,
347        // which is why we don't have to try to figure out if HTTP V2 is supported in the
348        // currently linked version (see `try_old_curl!()`)
349        values.push(Http::VERSION.validated_assignment_fmt(&http_version)?);
350    }
352    Ok(values)
355/// Reinitializes a given Git repository. This is useful when a Git repository
356/// seems corrupted, and we want to start over.
357pub fn reinitialize(git_dir: &Path) -> CargoResult<()> {
358    fn init(path: &Path, bare: bool) -> CargoResult<()> {
359        let mut opts = git2::RepositoryInitOptions::new();
360        // Skip anything related to templates, they just call all sorts of issues as
361        // we really don't want to use them yet they insist on being used. See #6240
362        // for an example issue that comes up.
363        opts.external_template(false);
364        opts.bare(bare);
365        git2::Repository::init_opts(&path, &opts)?;
366        Ok(())
367    }
368    // Here we want to drop the current repository object pointed to by `repo`,
369    // so we initialize temporary repository in a sub-folder, blow away the
370    // existing git folder, and then recreate the git repo. Finally we blow away
371    // the `tmp` folder we allocated.
372    debug!("reinitializing git repo at {:?}", git_dir);
373    let tmp = git_dir.join("tmp");
374    let bare = !git_dir.ends_with(".git");
375    init(&tmp, false)?;
376    for entry in git_dir.read_dir()? {
377        let entry = entry?;
378        if entry.file_name().to_str() == Some("tmp") {
379            continue;
380        }
381        let path = entry.path();
382        drop(paths::remove_file(&path).or_else(|_| paths::remove_dir_all(&path)));
383    }
384    init(git_dir, bare)?;
385    paths::remove_dir_all(&tmp)?;
386    Ok(())