
1//! Panic runtime for Miri.
3//! The core pieces of the runtime are:
4//! - An implementation of `__rust_maybe_catch_panic` that pushes the invoked stack frame with
5//!   some extra metadata derived from the panic-catching arguments of `__rust_maybe_catch_panic`.
6//! - A hack in `libpanic_unwind` that calls the `miri_start_unwind` intrinsic instead of the
7//!   target-native panic runtime. (This lives in the rustc repo.)
8//! - An implementation of `miri_start_unwind` that stores its argument (the panic payload), and then
9//!   immediately returns, but on the *unwind* edge (not the normal return edge), thus initiating unwinding.
10//! - A hook executed each time a frame is popped, such that if the frame pushed by `__rust_maybe_catch_panic`
11//!   gets popped *during unwinding*, we take the panic payload and store it according to the extra
12//!   metadata we remembered when pushing said frame.
14use rustc_abi::ExternAbi;
15use rustc_middle::{mir, ty};
16use rustc_target::spec::PanicStrategy;
18use self::helpers::check_intrinsic_arg_count;
19use crate::*;
21/// Holds all of the relevant data for when unwinding hits a `try` frame.
23pub struct CatchUnwindData<'tcx> {
24    /// The `catch_fn` callback to call in case of a panic.
25    catch_fn: Pointer,
26    /// The `data` argument for that callback.
27    data: ImmTy<'tcx>,
28    /// The return place from the original call to `try`.
29    dest: MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
30    /// The return block from the original call to `try`.
31    ret: Option<mir::BasicBlock>,
34impl VisitProvenance for CatchUnwindData<'_> {
35    fn visit_provenance(&self, visit: &mut VisitWith<'_>) {
36        let CatchUnwindData { catch_fn, data, dest, ret: _ } = self;
37        catch_fn.visit_provenance(visit);
38        data.visit_provenance(visit);
39        dest.visit_provenance(visit);
40    }
43impl<'tcx> EvalContextExt<'tcx> for crate::MiriInterpCx<'tcx> {}
44pub trait EvalContextExt<'tcx>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'tcx> {
45    /// Handles the special `miri_start_unwind` intrinsic, which is called
46    /// by libpanic_unwind to delegate the actual unwinding process to Miri.
47    fn handle_miri_start_unwind(&mut self, payload: &OpTy<'tcx>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
48        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
50        trace!("miri_start_unwind: {:?}", this.frame().instance());
52        let payload = this.read_immediate(payload)?;
53        let thread = this.active_thread_mut();
54        thread.panic_payloads.push(payload);
56        interp_ok(())
57    }
59    /// Handles the `try` intrinsic, the underlying implementation of `std::panicking::try`.
60    fn handle_catch_unwind(
61        &mut self,
62        args: &[OpTy<'tcx>],
63        dest: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
64        ret: Option<mir::BasicBlock>,
65    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
66        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
68        // Signature:
69        //   fn r#try(try_fn: fn(*mut u8), data: *mut u8, catch_fn: fn(*mut u8, *mut u8)) -> i32
70        // Calls `try_fn` with `data` as argument. If that executes normally, returns 0.
71        // If that unwinds, calls `catch_fn` with the first argument being `data` and
72        // then second argument being a target-dependent `payload` (i.e. it is up to us to define
73        // what that is), and returns 1.
74        // The `payload` is passed (by libstd) to `__rust_panic_cleanup`, which is then expected to
75        // return a `Box<dyn Any + Send + 'static>`.
76        // In Miri, `miri_start_unwind` is passed exactly that type, so we make the `payload` simply
77        // a pointer to `Box<dyn Any + Send + 'static>`.
79        // Get all the arguments.
80        let [try_fn, data, catch_fn] = check_intrinsic_arg_count(args)?;
81        let try_fn = this.read_pointer(try_fn)?;
82        let data = this.read_immediate(data)?;
83        let catch_fn = this.read_pointer(catch_fn)?;
85        // Now we make a function call, and pass `data` as first and only argument.
86        let f_instance = this.get_ptr_fn(try_fn)?.as_instance()?;
87        trace!("try_fn: {:?}", f_instance);
88        this.call_function(
89            f_instance,
90            ExternAbi::Rust,
91            &[data.clone()],
92            None,
93            // Directly return to caller.
94            StackPopCleanup::Goto { ret, unwind: mir::UnwindAction::Continue },
95        )?;
97        // We ourselves will return `0`, eventually (will be overwritten if we catch a panic).
98        this.write_null(dest)?;
100        // In unwind mode, we tag this frame with the extra data needed to catch unwinding.
101        // This lets `handle_stack_pop` (below) know that we should stop unwinding
102        // when we pop this frame.
103        if this.tcx.sess.panic_strategy() == PanicStrategy::Unwind {
104            this.frame_mut().extra.catch_unwind =
105                Some(CatchUnwindData { catch_fn, data, dest: dest.clone(), ret });
106        }
108        interp_ok(())
109    }
111    fn handle_stack_pop_unwind(
112        &mut self,
113        mut extra: FrameExtra<'tcx>,
114        unwinding: bool,
115    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, ReturnAction> {
116        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
117        trace!("handle_stack_pop_unwind(extra = {:?}, unwinding = {})", extra, unwinding);
119        // We only care about `catch_panic` if we're unwinding - if we're doing a normal
120        // return, then we don't need to do anything special.
121        if let (true, Some(catch_unwind)) = (unwinding, extra.catch_unwind.take()) {
122            // We've just popped a frame that was pushed by `try`,
123            // and we are unwinding, so we should catch that.
124            trace!(
125                "unwinding: found catch_panic frame during unwinding: {:?}",
126                this.frame().instance()
127            );
129            // We set the return value of `try` to 1, since there was a panic.
130            this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_i32(1), &catch_unwind.dest)?;
132            // The Thread's `panic_payload` holds what was passed to `miri_start_unwind`.
133            // This is exactly the second argument we need to pass to `catch_fn`.
134            let payload = this.active_thread_mut().panic_payloads.pop().unwrap();
136            // Push the `catch_fn` stackframe.
137            let f_instance = this.get_ptr_fn(catch_unwind.catch_fn)?.as_instance()?;
138            trace!("catch_fn: {:?}", f_instance);
139            this.call_function(
140                f_instance,
141                ExternAbi::Rust,
142                &[catch_unwind.data, payload],
143                None,
144                // Directly return to caller of `try`.
145                StackPopCleanup::Goto {
146                    ret: catch_unwind.ret,
147                    unwind: mir::UnwindAction::Continue,
148                },
149            )?;
151            // We pushed a new stack frame, the engine should not do any jumping now!
152            interp_ok(ReturnAction::NoJump)
153        } else {
154            interp_ok(ReturnAction::Normal)
155        }
156    }
158    /// Start a panic in the interpreter with the given message as payload.
159    fn start_panic(&mut self, msg: &str, unwind: mir::UnwindAction) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
160        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
162        // First arg: message.
163        let msg = this.allocate_str_dedup(msg)?;
165        // Call the lang item.
166        let panic = this.tcx.lang_items().panic_fn().unwrap();
167        let panic = ty::Instance::mono(this.tcx.tcx, panic);
168        this.call_function(
169            panic,
170            ExternAbi::Rust,
171            &[this.mplace_to_ref(&msg)?],
172            None,
173            StackPopCleanup::Goto { ret: None, unwind },
174        )
175    }
177    /// Start a non-unwinding panic in the interpreter with the given message as payload.
178    fn start_panic_nounwind(&mut self, msg: &str) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
179        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
181        // First arg: message.
182        let msg = this.allocate_str_dedup(msg)?;
184        // Call the lang item.
185        let panic = this.tcx.lang_items().panic_nounwind().unwrap();
186        let panic = ty::Instance::mono(this.tcx.tcx, panic);
187        this.call_function(
188            panic,
189            ExternAbi::Rust,
190            &[this.mplace_to_ref(&msg)?],
191            None,
192            StackPopCleanup::Goto { ret: None, unwind: mir::UnwindAction::Unreachable },
193        )
194    }
196    fn assert_panic(
197        &mut self,
198        msg: &mir::AssertMessage<'tcx>,
199        unwind: mir::UnwindAction,
200    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
201        use rustc_middle::mir::AssertKind::*;
202        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
204        match msg {
205            BoundsCheck { index, len } => {
206                // Forward to `panic_bounds_check` lang item.
208                // First arg: index.
209                let index = this.read_immediate(&this.eval_operand(index, None)?)?;
210                // Second arg: len.
211                let len = this.read_immediate(&this.eval_operand(len, None)?)?;
213                // Call the lang item.
214                let panic_bounds_check = this.tcx.lang_items().panic_bounds_check_fn().unwrap();
215                let panic_bounds_check = ty::Instance::mono(this.tcx.tcx, panic_bounds_check);
216                this.call_function(
217                    panic_bounds_check,
218                    ExternAbi::Rust,
219                    &[index, len],
220                    None,
221                    StackPopCleanup::Goto { ret: None, unwind },
222                )?;
223            }
224            MisalignedPointerDereference { required, found } => {
225                // Forward to `panic_misaligned_pointer_dereference` lang item.
227                // First arg: required.
228                let required = this.read_immediate(&this.eval_operand(required, None)?)?;
229                // Second arg: found.
230                let found = this.read_immediate(&this.eval_operand(found, None)?)?;
232                // Call the lang item.
233                let panic_misaligned_pointer_dereference =
234                    this.tcx.lang_items().panic_misaligned_pointer_dereference_fn().unwrap();
235                let panic_misaligned_pointer_dereference =
236                    ty::Instance::mono(this.tcx.tcx, panic_misaligned_pointer_dereference);
237                this.call_function(
238                    panic_misaligned_pointer_dereference,
239                    ExternAbi::Rust,
240                    &[required, found],
241                    None,
242                    StackPopCleanup::Goto { ret: None, unwind },
243                )?;
244            }
246            _ => {
247                // Call the lang item associated with this message.
248                let fn_item = this.tcx.require_lang_item(msg.panic_function(), None);
249                let instance = ty::Instance::mono(this.tcx.tcx, fn_item);
250                this.call_function(
251                    instance,
252                    ExternAbi::Rust,
253                    &[],
254                    None,
255                    StackPopCleanup::Goto { ret: None, unwind },
256                )?;
257            }
258        }
259        interp_ok(())
260    }