
1use rustc_hir::HirId;
2use rustc_middle::mir::visit::Visitor;
3use rustc_middle::mir::*;
4use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
5use rustc_session::lint::builtin::CONST_ITEM_MUTATION;
6use rustc_span::Span;
7use rustc_span::def_id::DefId;
9use crate::errors;
11pub(super) struct CheckConstItemMutation;
13impl<'tcx> crate::MirLint<'tcx> for CheckConstItemMutation {
14    fn run_lint(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &Body<'tcx>) {
15        let mut checker = ConstMutationChecker { body, tcx, target_local: None };
16        checker.visit_body(body);
17    }
20struct ConstMutationChecker<'a, 'tcx> {
21    body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
22    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
23    target_local: Option<Local>,
26impl<'tcx> ConstMutationChecker<'_, 'tcx> {
27    fn is_const_item(&self, local: Local) -> Option<DefId> {
28        if let LocalInfo::ConstRef { def_id } = *self.body.local_decls[local].local_info() {
29            Some(def_id)
30        } else {
31            None
32        }
33    }
35    fn is_const_item_without_destructor(&self, local: Local) -> Option<DefId> {
36        let def_id = self.is_const_item(local)?;
38        // We avoid linting mutation of a const item if the const's type has a
39        // Drop impl. The Drop logic observes the mutation which was performed.
40        //
41        //     pub struct Log { msg: &'static str }
42        //     pub const LOG: Log = Log { msg: "" };
43        //     impl Drop for Log {
44        //         fn drop(&mut self) { println!("{}", self.msg); }
45        //     }
46        //
47        //     LOG.msg = "wow";  // prints "wow"
48        //
49        // FIXME(
50        // Drop this exception once there is a stable attribute to suppress the
51        // const item mutation lint for a single specific const only. Something
52        // equivalent to:
53        //
54        //     #[const_mutation_allowed]
55        //     pub const LOG: Log = Log { msg: "" };
56        match self.tcx.calculate_dtor(def_id, |_, _| Ok(())) {
57            Some(_) => None,
58            None => Some(def_id),
59        }
60    }
62    /// If we should lint on this usage, return the [`HirId`], source [`Span`]
63    /// and [`Span`] of the const item to use in the lint.
64    fn should_lint_const_item_usage(
65        &self,
66        place: &Place<'tcx>,
67        const_item: DefId,
68        location: Location,
69    ) -> Option<(HirId, Span, Span)> {
70        // Don't lint on borrowing/assigning when a dereference is involved.
71        // If we 'leave' the temporary via a dereference, we must
72        // be modifying something else
73        //
74        // `unsafe { *FOO = 0; *BAR.field = 1; }`
75        // `unsafe { &mut *FOO }`
76        // `unsafe { (*ARRAY)[0] = val; }`
77        if !place.projection.iter().any(|p| matches!(p, PlaceElem::Deref)) {
78            let source_info = self.body.source_info(location);
79            let lint_root = self.body.source_scopes[source_info.scope]
80                .local_data
81                .as_ref()
82                .unwrap_crate_local()
83                .lint_root;
85            Some((lint_root, source_info.span, self.tcx.def_span(const_item)))
86        } else {
87            None
88        }
89    }
92impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for ConstMutationChecker<'_, 'tcx> {
93    fn visit_statement(&mut self, stmt: &Statement<'tcx>, loc: Location) {
94        if let StatementKind::Assign(box (lhs, _)) = &stmt.kind {
95            // Check for assignment to fields of a constant
96            // Assigning directly to a constant (e.g. `FOO = true;`) is a hard error,
97            // so emitting a lint would be redundant.
98            if !lhs.projection.is_empty()
99                && let Some(def_id) = self.is_const_item_without_destructor(lhs.local)
100                && let Some((lint_root, span, item)) =
101                    self.should_lint_const_item_usage(lhs, def_id, loc)
102            {
103                self.tcx.emit_node_span_lint(
104                    CONST_ITEM_MUTATION,
105                    lint_root,
106                    span,
107                    errors::ConstMutate::Modify { konst: item },
108                );
109            }
111            // We are looking for MIR of the form:
112            //
113            // ```
114            // _1 = const FOO;
115            // _2 = &mut _1;
116            // method_call(_2, ..)
117            // ```
118            //
119            // Record our current LHS, so that we can detect this
120            // pattern in `visit_rvalue`
121            self.target_local = lhs.as_local();
122        }
123        self.super_statement(stmt, loc);
124        self.target_local = None;
125    }
127    fn visit_rvalue(&mut self, rvalue: &Rvalue<'tcx>, loc: Location) {
128        if let Rvalue::Ref(_, BorrowKind::Mut { .. }, place) = rvalue {
129            let local = place.local;
130            if let Some(def_id) = self.is_const_item(local) {
131                // If this Rvalue is being used as the right-hand side of a
132                // `StatementKind::Assign`, see if it ends up getting used as
133                // the `self` parameter of a method call (as the terminator of our current
134                // BasicBlock). If so, we emit a more specific lint.
135                let method_did = self.target_local.and_then(|target_local| {
136                    find_self_call(self.tcx, self.body, target_local, loc.block)
137                });
138                let lint_loc =
139                    if method_did.is_some() { self.body.terminator_loc(loc.block) } else { loc };
141                let method_call = if let Some((method_did, _)) = method_did {
142                    Some(self.tcx.def_span(method_did))
143                } else {
144                    None
145                };
146                if let Some((lint_root, span, item)) =
147                    self.should_lint_const_item_usage(place, def_id, lint_loc)
148                {
149                    self.tcx.emit_node_span_lint(
150                        CONST_ITEM_MUTATION,
151                        lint_root,
152                        span,
153                        errors::ConstMutate::MutBorrow { method_call, konst: item },
154                    );
155                }
156            }
157        }
158        self.super_rvalue(rvalue, loc);
159    }