
1use std::fmt::{self, Write};
2use std::mem::{self, discriminant};
4use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher};
5use rustc_hashes::Hash64;
6use rustc_hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId};
7use rustc_hir::definitions::{DefPathData, DisambiguatedDefPathData};
8use rustc_middle::bug;
9use rustc_middle::ty::print::{PrettyPrinter, Print, PrintError, Printer};
10use rustc_middle::ty::{
11    self, GenericArg, GenericArgKind, Instance, ReifyReason, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt,
13use tracing::debug;
15pub(super) fn mangle<'tcx>(
16    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
17    instance: Instance<'tcx>,
18    instantiating_crate: Option<CrateNum>,
19) -> String {
20    let def_id = instance.def_id();
22    // We want to compute the "type" of this item. Unfortunately, some
23    // kinds of items (e.g., synthetic static allocations from const eval)
24    // don't have a proper implementation for the `type_of` query. So walk
25    // back up the find the closest parent that DOES have a type.
26    let mut ty_def_id = def_id;
27    let instance_ty;
28    loop {
29        let key = tcx.def_key(ty_def_id);
30        match {
31            DefPathData::TypeNs(_) | DefPathData::ValueNs(_) | DefPathData::Closure => {
32                instance_ty = tcx.type_of(ty_def_id).instantiate_identity();
33                debug!(?instance_ty);
34                break;
35            }
36            _ => {
37                // if we're making a symbol for something, there ought
38                // to be a value or type-def or something in there
39                // *somewhere*
40                ty_def_id.index = key.parent.unwrap_or_else(|| {
41                    bug!(
42                        "finding type for {:?}, encountered def-id {:?} with no \
43                         parent",
44                        def_id,
45                        ty_def_id
46                    );
47                });
48            }
49        }
50    }
52    // Erase regions because they may not be deterministic when hashed
53    // and should not matter anyhow.
54    let instance_ty = tcx.erase_regions(instance_ty);
56    let hash = get_symbol_hash(tcx, instance, instance_ty, instantiating_crate);
58    let mut printer = SymbolPrinter { tcx, path: SymbolPath::new(), keep_within_component: false };
59    printer
60        .print_def_path(
61            def_id,
62            if let ty::InstanceKind::DropGlue(_, _)
63            | ty::InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(_, _) = instance.def
64            {
65                // Add the name of the dropped type to the symbol name
66                &*instance.args
67            } else {
68                &[]
69            },
70        )
71        .unwrap();
73    match instance.def {
74        ty::InstanceKind::ThreadLocalShim(..) => {
75            printer.write_str("{{tls-shim}}").unwrap();
76        }
77        ty::InstanceKind::VTableShim(..) => {
78            printer.write_str("{{vtable-shim}}").unwrap();
79        }
80        ty::InstanceKind::ReifyShim(_, reason) => {
81            printer.write_str("{{reify-shim").unwrap();
82            match reason {
83                Some(ReifyReason::FnPtr) => printer.write_str("-fnptr").unwrap(),
84                Some(ReifyReason::Vtable) => printer.write_str("-vtable").unwrap(),
85                None => (),
86            }
87            printer.write_str("}}").unwrap();
88        }
89        // FIXME(async_closures): This shouldn't be needed when we fix
90        // `Instance::ty`/`Instance::def_id`.
91        ty::InstanceKind::ConstructCoroutineInClosureShim { receiver_by_ref, .. } => {
92            printer
93                .write_str(if receiver_by_ref { "{{by-move-shim}}" } else { "{{by-ref-shim}}" })
94                .unwrap();
95        }
96        _ => {}
97    }
99    printer.path.finish(hash)
102fn get_symbol_hash<'tcx>(
103    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
105    // instance this name will be for
106    instance: Instance<'tcx>,
108    // type of the item, without any generic
109    // parameters instantiated; this is
110    // included in the hash as a kind of
111    // safeguard.
112    item_type: Ty<'tcx>,
114    instantiating_crate: Option<CrateNum>,
115) -> Hash64 {
116    let def_id = instance.def_id();
117    let args = instance.args;
118    debug!("get_symbol_hash(def_id={:?}, parameters={:?})", def_id, args);
120    tcx.with_stable_hashing_context(|mut hcx| {
121        let mut hasher = StableHasher::new();
123        // the main symbol name is not necessarily unique; hash in the
124        // compiler's internal def-path, guaranteeing each symbol has a
125        // truly unique path
126        tcx.def_path_hash(def_id).hash_stable(&mut hcx, &mut hasher);
128        // Include the main item-type. Note that, in this case, the
129        // assertions about `has_param` may not hold, but this item-type
130        // ought to be the same for every reference anyway.
131        assert!(!item_type.has_erasable_regions());
132        hcx.while_hashing_spans(false, |hcx| {
133            item_type.hash_stable(hcx, &mut hasher);
135            // If this is a function, we hash the signature as well.
136            // This is not *strictly* needed, but it may help in some
137            // situations, see the `run-make/a-b-a-linker-guard` test.
138            if let ty::FnDef(..) = item_type.kind() {
139                item_type.fn_sig(tcx).hash_stable(hcx, &mut hasher);
140            }
142            // also include any type parameters (for generic items)
143            args.hash_stable(hcx, &mut hasher);
145            if let Some(instantiating_crate) = instantiating_crate {
146                tcx.def_path_hash(instantiating_crate.as_def_id())
147                    .stable_crate_id()
148                    .hash_stable(hcx, &mut hasher);
149            }
151            // We want to avoid accidental collision between different types of instances.
152            // Especially, `VTableShim`s and `ReifyShim`s may overlap with their original
153            // instances without this.
154            discriminant(&instance.def).hash_stable(hcx, &mut hasher);
155        });
157        // 64 bits should be enough to avoid collisions.
158        hasher.finish::<Hash64>()
159    })
162// Follow C++ namespace-mangling style, see
163// for more info.
165// It turns out that on macOS you can actually have arbitrary symbols in
166// function names (at least when given to LLVM), but this is not possible
167// when using unix's linker. Perhaps one day when we just use a linker from LLVM
168// we won't need to do this name mangling. The problem with name mangling is
169// that it seriously limits the available characters. For example we can't
170// have things like &T in symbol names when one would theoretically
171// want them for things like impls of traits on that type.
173// To be able to work on all platforms and get *some* reasonable output, we
174// use C++ name-mangling.
176struct SymbolPath {
177    result: String,
178    temp_buf: String,
181impl SymbolPath {
182    fn new() -> Self {
183        let mut result =
184            SymbolPath { result: String::with_capacity(64), temp_buf: String::with_capacity(16) };
185        result.result.push_str("_ZN"); // _Z == Begin name-sequence, N == nested
186        result
187    }
189    fn finalize_pending_component(&mut self) {
190        if !self.temp_buf.is_empty() {
191            let _ = write!(self.result, "{}{}", self.temp_buf.len(), self.temp_buf);
192            self.temp_buf.clear();
193        }
194    }
196    fn finish(mut self, hash: Hash64) -> String {
197        self.finalize_pending_component();
198        // E = end name-sequence
199        let _ = write!(self.result, "17h{hash:016x}E");
200        self.result
201    }
204struct SymbolPrinter<'tcx> {
205    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
206    path: SymbolPath,
208    // When `true`, `finalize_pending_component` isn't used.
209    // This is needed when recursing into `path_qualified`,
210    // or `path_generic_args`, as any nested paths are
211    // logically within one component.
212    keep_within_component: bool,
215// HACK(eddyb) this relies on using the `fmt` interface to get
216// `PrettyPrinter` aka pretty printing of e.g. types in paths,
217// symbol names should have their own printing machinery.
219impl<'tcx> Printer<'tcx> for SymbolPrinter<'tcx> {
220    fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
221        self.tcx
222    }
224    fn print_region(&mut self, _region: ty::Region<'_>) -> Result<(), PrintError> {
225        Ok(())
226    }
228    fn print_type(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Result<(), PrintError> {
229        match *ty.kind() {
230            // Print all nominal types as paths (unlike `pretty_print_type`).
231            ty::FnDef(def_id, args)
232            | ty::Alias(ty::Projection | ty::Opaque, ty::AliasTy { def_id, args, .. })
233            | ty::Closure(def_id, args)
234            | ty::CoroutineClosure(def_id, args)
235            | ty::Coroutine(def_id, args) => self.print_def_path(def_id, args),
237            // The `pretty_print_type` formatting of array size depends on
238            // -Zverbose-internals flag, so we cannot reuse it here.
239            ty::Array(ty, size) => {
240                self.write_str("[")?;
241                self.print_type(ty)?;
242                self.write_str("; ")?;
243                if let Some(size) = size.try_to_target_usize(self.tcx()) {
244                    write!(self, "{size}")?
245                } else if let ty::ConstKind::Param(param) = size.kind() {
246                    param.print(self)?
247                } else {
248                    self.write_str("_")?
249                }
250                self.write_str("]")?;
251                Ok(())
252            }
254            ty::Alias(ty::Inherent, _) => panic!("unexpected inherent projection"),
256            _ => self.pretty_print_type(ty),
257        }
258    }
260    fn print_dyn_existential(
261        &mut self,
262        predicates: &'tcx ty::List<ty::PolyExistentialPredicate<'tcx>>,
263    ) -> Result<(), PrintError> {
264        let mut first = true;
265        for p in predicates {
266            if !first {
267                write!(self, "+")?;
268            }
269            first = false;
270            p.print(self)?;
271        }
272        Ok(())
273    }
275    fn print_const(&mut self, ct: ty::Const<'tcx>) -> Result<(), PrintError> {
276        // only print integers
277        match ct.kind() {
278            ty::ConstKind::Value(cv) if cv.ty.is_integral() => {
279                // The `pretty_print_const` formatting depends on -Zverbose-internals
280                // flag, so we cannot reuse it here.
281                let scalar = cv.valtree.unwrap_leaf();
282                let signed = matches!(cv.ty.kind(), ty::Int(_));
283                write!(
284                    self,
285                    "{:#?}",
286                    ty::ConstInt::new(scalar, signed, cv.ty.is_ptr_sized_integral())
287                )?;
288            }
289            _ => self.write_str("_")?,
290        }
291        Ok(())
292    }
294    fn path_crate(&mut self, cnum: CrateNum) -> Result<(), PrintError> {
295        self.write_str(self.tcx.crate_name(cnum).as_str())?;
296        Ok(())
297    }
298    fn path_qualified(
299        &mut self,
300        self_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
301        trait_ref: Option<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>,
302    ) -> Result<(), PrintError> {
303        // Similar to `pretty_path_qualified`, but for the other
304        // types that are printed as paths (see `print_type` above).
305        match self_ty.kind() {
306            ty::FnDef(..)
307            | ty::Alias(..)
308            | ty::Closure(..)
309            | ty::CoroutineClosure(..)
310            | ty::Coroutine(..)
311                if trait_ref.is_none() =>
312            {
313                self.print_type(self_ty)
314            }
316            _ => self.pretty_path_qualified(self_ty, trait_ref),
317        }
318    }
320    fn path_append_impl(
321        &mut self,
322        print_prefix: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> Result<(), PrintError>,
323        _disambiguated_data: &DisambiguatedDefPathData,
324        self_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
325        trait_ref: Option<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>,
326    ) -> Result<(), PrintError> {
327        self.pretty_path_append_impl(
328            |cx| {
329                print_prefix(cx)?;
331                if cx.keep_within_component {
332                    // HACK(eddyb) print the path similarly to how `FmtPrinter` prints it.
333                    cx.write_str("::")?;
334                } else {
335                    cx.path.finalize_pending_component();
336                }
338                Ok(())
339            },
340            self_ty,
341            trait_ref,
342        )
343    }
344    fn path_append(
345        &mut self,
346        print_prefix: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> Result<(), PrintError>,
347        disambiguated_data: &DisambiguatedDefPathData,
348    ) -> Result<(), PrintError> {
349        print_prefix(self)?;
351        // Skip `::{{extern}}` blocks and `::{{constructor}}` on tuple/unit structs.
352        if let DefPathData::ForeignMod | DefPathData::Ctor = {
353            return Ok(());
354        }
356        if self.keep_within_component {
357            // HACK(eddyb) print the path similarly to how `FmtPrinter` prints it.
358            self.write_str("::")?;
359        } else {
360            self.path.finalize_pending_component();
361        }
363        write!(self, "{}",;
365        Ok(())
366    }
367    fn path_generic_args(
368        &mut self,
369        print_prefix: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> Result<(), PrintError>,
370        args: &[GenericArg<'tcx>],
371    ) -> Result<(), PrintError> {
372        print_prefix(self)?;
374        let args =
375            args.iter().cloned().filter(|arg| !matches!(arg.unpack(), GenericArgKind::Lifetime(_)));
377        if args.clone().next().is_some() {
378            self.generic_delimiters(|cx| cx.comma_sep(args))
379        } else {
380            Ok(())
381        }
382    }
384    fn print_impl_path(
385        &mut self,
386        impl_def_id: DefId,
387        args: &'tcx [GenericArg<'tcx>],
388    ) -> Result<(), PrintError> {
389        let self_ty = self.tcx.type_of(impl_def_id);
390        let impl_trait_ref = self.tcx.impl_trait_ref(impl_def_id);
391        let generics = self.tcx.generics_of(impl_def_id);
392        // We have two cases to worry about here:
393        // 1. We're printing a nested item inside of an impl item, like an inner
394        // function inside of a method. Due to the way that def path printing works,
395        // we'll render this something like `<Ty as Trait>::method::inner_fn`
396        // but we have no substs for this impl since it's not really inheriting
397        // generics from the outer item. We need to use the identity substs, and
398        // to normalize we need to use the correct param-env too.
399        // 2. We're mangling an item with identity substs. This seems to only happen
400        // when generating coverage, since we try to generate coverage for unused
401        // items too, and if something isn't monomorphized then we necessarily don't
402        // have anything to substitute the instance with.
403        // NOTE: We don't support mangling partially substituted but still polymorphic
404        // instances, like `impl<A> Tr<A> for ()` where `A` is substituted w/ `(T,)`.
405        let (typing_env, mut self_ty, mut impl_trait_ref) = if generics.count() > args.len()
406            || &args[..generics.count()]
407                == self
408                    .tcx
409                    .erase_regions(ty::GenericArgs::identity_for_item(self.tcx, impl_def_id))
410                    .as_slice()
411        {
412            (
413                ty::TypingEnv::post_analysis(self.tcx, impl_def_id),
414                self_ty.instantiate_identity(),
415      |impl_trait_ref| impl_trait_ref.instantiate_identity()),
416            )
417        } else {
418            assert!(
419                !args.has_non_region_param(),
420                "should not be mangling partially substituted \
421                polymorphic instance: {impl_def_id:?} {args:?}"
422            );
423            (
424                ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized(),
425                self_ty.instantiate(self.tcx, args),
426      |impl_trait_ref| impl_trait_ref.instantiate(self.tcx, args)),
427            )
428        };
430        match &mut impl_trait_ref {
431            Some(impl_trait_ref) => {
432                assert_eq!(impl_trait_ref.self_ty(), self_ty);
433                *impl_trait_ref = self.tcx.normalize_erasing_regions(typing_env, *impl_trait_ref);
434                self_ty = impl_trait_ref.self_ty();
435            }
436            None => {
437                self_ty = self.tcx.normalize_erasing_regions(typing_env, self_ty);
438            }
439        }
441        self.default_print_impl_path(impl_def_id, self_ty, impl_trait_ref)
442    }
445impl<'tcx> PrettyPrinter<'tcx> for SymbolPrinter<'tcx> {
446    fn should_print_region(&self, _region: ty::Region<'_>) -> bool {
447        false
448    }
449    fn comma_sep<T>(&mut self, mut elems: impl Iterator<Item = T>) -> Result<(), PrintError>
450    where
451        T: Print<'tcx, Self>,
452    {
453        if let Some(first) = {
454            first.print(self)?;
455            for elem in elems {
456                self.write_str(",")?;
457                elem.print(self)?;
458            }
459        }
460        Ok(())
461    }
463    fn generic_delimiters(
464        &mut self,
465        f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> Result<(), PrintError>,
466    ) -> Result<(), PrintError> {
467        write!(self, "<")?;
469        let kept_within_component = mem::replace(&mut self.keep_within_component, true);
470        f(self)?;
471        self.keep_within_component = kept_within_component;
473        write!(self, ">")?;
475        Ok(())
476    }
479impl fmt::Write for SymbolPrinter<'_> {
480    fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
481        // Name sanitation. LLVM will happily accept identifiers with weird names, but
482        // gas doesn't!
483        // gas accepts the following characters in symbols: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ., _, $
484        // NVPTX assembly has more strict naming rules than gas, so additionally, dots
485        // are replaced with '$' there.
487        for c in s.chars() {
488            if self.path.temp_buf.is_empty() {
489                match c {
490                    'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' | '_' => {}
491                    _ => {
492                        // Underscore-qualify anything that didn't start as an ident.
493                        self.path.temp_buf.push('_');
494                    }
495                }
496            }
497            match c {
498                // Escape these with $ sequences
499                '@' => self.path.temp_buf.push_str("$SP$"),
500                '*' => self.path.temp_buf.push_str("$BP$"),
501                '&' => self.path.temp_buf.push_str("$RF$"),
502                '<' => self.path.temp_buf.push_str("$LT$"),
503                '>' => self.path.temp_buf.push_str("$GT$"),
504                '(' => self.path.temp_buf.push_str("$LP$"),
505                ')' => self.path.temp_buf.push_str("$RP$"),
506                ',' => self.path.temp_buf.push_str("$C$"),
508                '-' | ':' | '.' if self.tcx.has_strict_asm_symbol_naming() => {
509                    // NVPTX doesn't support these characters in symbol names.
510                    self.path.temp_buf.push('$')
511                }
513                // '.' doesn't occur in types and functions, so reuse it
514                // for ':' and '-'
515                '-' | ':' => self.path.temp_buf.push('.'),
517                // Avoid crashing LLVM in certain (LTO-related) situations, see #60925.
518                'm' if self.path.temp_buf.ends_with(".llv") => self.path.temp_buf.push_str("$u6d$"),
520                // These are legal symbols
521                'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' | '0'..='9' | '_' | '.' | '$' => self.path.temp_buf.push(c),
523                _ => {
524                    self.path.temp_buf.push('$');
525                    for c in c.escape_unicode().skip(1) {
526                        match c {
527                            '{' => {}
528                            '}' => self.path.temp_buf.push('$'),
529                            c => self.path.temp_buf.push(c),
530                        }
531                    }
532                }
533            }
534        }
536        Ok(())
537    }