Module rustc_middle::ty::layout

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  • Error produced by attempting to compute or adjust a FnAbi.
  • Type size “skeleton”, i.e., the only information determining a type’s size. While this is conservative, (aside from constant sizes, only pointers, newtypes thereof and null pointer optimized enums are allowed), it is enough to statically check common use cases of transmute.
  • Used in check_validity_requirement to indicate the kind of initialization that is checked to be valid



  • Blanket extension trait for contexts that can compute FnAbis.
  • Trait for contexts that want to be able to compute FnAbis. This automatically gives access to FnAbiOf, through a blanket impl.
  • Blanket extension trait for contexts that can compute layouts of types.
  • Trait for contexts that want to be able to compute layouts of types. This automatically gives access to LayoutOf, through a blanket impl.


  • Calculates whether a function’s ABI can unwind or not.

Type Aliases§