1//! Migration code for the `expr_fragment_specifier_2024` rule.
3use rustc_ast::token::{Token, TokenKind};
4use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{TokenStream, TokenTree};
5use rustc_session::lint::FutureIncompatibilityReason;
6use rustc_session::{declare_lint, declare_lint_pass};
7use rustc_span::edition::Edition;
8use rustc_span::sym;
9use tracing::debug;
11use crate::EarlyLintPass;
12use crate::lints::MacroExprFragment2024;
14declare_lint! {
15 /// The `edition_2024_expr_fragment_specifier` lint detects the use of
16 /// `expr` fragments in macros during migration to the 2024 edition.
17 ///
18 /// The `expr` fragment specifier will accept more expressions in the 2024
19 /// edition. To maintain the behavior from the 2021 edition and earlier, use
20 /// the `expr_2021` fragment specifier.
21 ///
22 /// ### Example
23 ///
24 /// ```rust,edition2021,compile_fail
25 /// #![deny(edition_2024_expr_fragment_specifier)]
26 /// macro_rules! m {
27 /// ($e:expr) => {
28 /// $e
29 /// }
30 /// }
31 ///
32 /// fn main() {
33 /// m!(1);
34 /// }
35 /// ```
36 ///
37 /// {{produces}}
38 ///
39 /// ### Explanation
40 ///
41 /// Rust [editions] allow the language to evolve without breaking backwards
42 /// compatibility. This lint catches code that uses [macro matcher fragment
43 /// specifiers] that have changed meaning in the 2024 edition. If you switch
44 /// to the new edition without updating the code, your macros may behave
45 /// differently.
46 ///
47 /// In the 2024 edition, the `expr` fragment specifier `expr` will also
48 /// match `const { ... }` blocks. This means if a macro had a pattern that
49 /// matched `$e:expr` and another that matches `const { $e: expr }`, for
50 /// example, that under the 2024 edition the first pattern would match while
51 /// in the 2021 and earlier editions the second pattern would match. To keep
52 /// the old behavior, use the `expr_2021` fragment specifier.
53 ///
54 /// This lint detects macros whose behavior might change due to the changing
55 /// meaning of the `expr` fragment specifier. It is "allow" by default
56 /// because the code is perfectly valid in older editions. The [`cargo fix`]
57 /// tool with the `--edition` flag will switch this lint to "warn" and
58 /// automatically apply the suggested fix from the compiler. This provides a
59 /// completely automated way to update old code for a new edition.
60 ///
61 /// Using `cargo fix --edition` with this lint will ensure that your code
62 /// retains the same behavior. This may not be the desired, as macro authors
63 /// often will want their macros to use the latest grammar for matching
64 /// expressions. Be sure to carefully review changes introduced by this lint
65 /// to ensure the macros implement the desired behavior.
66 ///
67 /// [editions]:
68 /// [macro matcher fragment specifiers]:
69 /// [`cargo fix`]:
71 Allow,
72 "The `expr` fragment specifier will accept more expressions in the 2024 edition. \
73 To keep the existing behavior, use the `expr_2021` fragment specifier.",
74 @future_incompatible = FutureIncompatibleInfo {
75 reason: FutureIncompatibilityReason::EditionSemanticsChange(Edition::Edition2024),
76 reference: "Migration Guide <>",
77 };
80declare_lint_pass!(Expr2024 => [EDITION_2024_EXPR_FRAGMENT_SPECIFIER,]);
82impl Expr2024 {
83 fn check_tokens(&mut self, cx: &crate::EarlyContext<'_>, tokens: &TokenStream) {
84 let mut prev_colon = false;
85 let mut prev_identifier = false;
86 let mut prev_dollar = false;
87 for tt in tokens.iter() {
88 debug!(
89 "check_tokens: {:?} - colon {prev_dollar} - ident {prev_identifier} - colon {prev_colon}",
90 tt
91 );
92 match tt {
93 TokenTree::Token(token, _) => match token.kind {
94 TokenKind::Dollar => {
95 prev_dollar = true;
96 continue;
97 }
98 TokenKind::Ident(..) | TokenKind::NtIdent(..) => {
99 if prev_colon && prev_identifier && prev_dollar {
100 self.check_ident_token(cx, token);
101 } else if prev_dollar {
102 prev_identifier = true;
103 continue;
104 }
105 }
106 TokenKind::Colon => {
107 if prev_dollar && prev_identifier {
108 prev_colon = true;
109 continue;
110 }
111 }
112 _ => {}
113 },
114 TokenTree::Delimited(.., tts) => self.check_tokens(cx, tts),
115 }
116 prev_colon = false;
117 prev_identifier = false;
118 prev_dollar = false;
119 }
120 }
122 fn check_ident_token(&mut self, cx: &crate::EarlyContext<'_>, token: &Token) {
123 debug!("check_ident_token: {:?}", token);
124 let (sym, edition) = match token.kind {
125 TokenKind::Ident(sym, _) => (sym, Edition::Edition2024),
126 _ => return,
127 };
129 debug!("token.span.edition(): {:?}", token.span.edition());
130 if token.span.edition() >= edition {
131 return;
132 }
134 if sym != sym::expr {
135 return;
136 }
138 debug!("emitting lint");
139 cx.builder.emit_span_lint(
141 token.span.into(),
142 MacroExprFragment2024 { suggestion: token.span },
143 );
144 }
147impl EarlyLintPass for Expr2024 {
148 fn check_mac_def(&mut self, cx: &crate::EarlyContext<'_>, mc: &rustc_ast::MacroDef) {
149 self.check_tokens(cx, &mc.body.tokens);
150 }