Expand description
This module contains all the defined non-keyword Symbol
Given that sym
is imported, use them like sym::symbol_name
For example sym::rustfmt
or sym::u8
pub use super::kw::MacroRules as macro_rules;
- Abi
- AcqRel
- Acquire
- Any
- Arc
- ArcWeak
- Argument
- Argument
Methods - Array
Into Iter - AsMut
- AsRef
- Assert
Param IsClone - Assert
Param IsCopy - Assert
Param IsEq - Async
GenFinished - Async
GenPending - Async
GenReady - Atomic
Bool - Atomic
I8 - Atomic
I16 - Atomic
I32 - Atomic
I64 - Atomic
I128 - Atomic
Isize - Atomic
Ptr - Atomic
U8 - Atomic
U16 - Atomic
U32 - Atomic
U64 - Atomic
U128 - Atomic
Usize - BTree
Entry - BTree
Map - BTree
Set - Binary
Heap - Borrow
- Borrow
Mut - Break
- C
- CStr
- C_
dash_ unwind - Call
Once Future - Call
RefFuture - Capture
- Cell
- Center
- Child
- Cleanup
- Clone
- Coerce
Pointee - Coerce
Pointee Validated - Coerce
Unsized - Command
- Const
Param Ty - Const
Param Ty_ - Context
- Continue
- Control
Flow - Copy
- Cow
- Debug
- Debug
Struct - Decodable
- Decoder
- Default
- Deref
- Diag
Message - Diagnostic
- DirBuilder
- Dispatch
From Dyn - Display
- Double
Ended Iterator - Duration
- Encodable
- Encoder
- Enumerate
- Eq
- Equal
- Err
- Error
- File
- File
Type - Fn
- FnMut
- FnOnce
- Formatter
- From
- From
Iterator - From
Residual - FsOpen
Options - FsPermissions
- Fused
Iterator - Future
- Global
Alloc - Hash
- HashMap
- Hash
MapEntry - HashSet
- Hasher
- Implied
- InCleanup
- Index
Output - Input
- Instant
- Into
- Into
Future - Into
Iterator - IoBuf
Read - IoLines
- IoRead
- IoSeek
- IoWrite
- IpAddr
- IrTy
Kind - Is
- Item
- Item
Context - Iter
Empty - Iter
Once - Iter
Peekable - Iterator
- Iterator
Item - Layout
- Left
- Linked
List - Lint
Diagnostic - Lint
Pass - Local
Key - Mutex
- Mutex
Guard - N
- NonNull
- NonZero
- None
- Normal
- Ok
- Option
- Ord
- Ordering
- OsStr
- OsString
- Output
- Param
- Param
Set - Partial
Eq - Partial
Ord - Path
- PathBuf
- Pending
- PinCoerce
Unsized - Pointer
- Poll
- Proc
Macro - Procedural
Masquerade Dummy Type - Range
- Range
Bounds - Range
Copy - Range
From - Range
From Copy - Range
Full - Range
Inclusive - Range
Inclusive Copy - Range
Max - Range
Min - Range
Sub - RangeTo
- Range
ToInclusive - Rc
- RcWeak
- Ready
- Receiver
- RefCell
- RefCell
Ref - RefCell
RefMut - Relaxed
- Release
- Result
- Resume
Ty - Return
- Right
- Rust
- Rustaceans
AreAwesome - RwLock
- RwLock
Read Guard - RwLock
Write Guard - Saturating
- Seek
From - SelfTy
- Send
- SeqCst
- Sized
- Slice
Index - Slice
Iter - Some
- Span
Ctxt - Stdin
- String
- Structural
Partial Eq - Subdiag
Message - Subdiagnostic
- Symbol
Intern - Sync
- Sync
Unsafe Cell - T
- Target
- ToOwned
- ToString
- Token
Stream - Trait
- Try
- TryCapture
Generic - TryCapture
Printable - TryFrom
- TryInto
- Ty
- TyCtxt
- TyKind
- Unknown
- Unsize
- Unsized
Const Param Ty - Upvars
- Vec
- VecDeque
- Waker
- Wrapper
- Wrapping
- Yield
- _Self
- __D
- __H
- __S
- __
awaitee - __
try_ var - _d
- _e
- _task_
context - a32
- aarch64_
target_ feature - aarch64_
unstable_ target_ feature - aarch64_
ver_ target_ feature - abi
- abi_
amdgpu_ kernel - abi_
avr_ interrupt - abi_
c_ cmse_ nonsecure_ call - abi_
efiapi - abi_
gpu_ kernel - abi_
msp430_ interrupt - abi_ptx
- abi_
riscv_ interrupt - abi_
sysv64 - abi_
thiscall - abi_
unadjusted - abi_
vectorcall - abi_
x86_ interrupt - abort
- add
- add_
assign - add_
with_ overflow - address
- adt_
const_ params - advanced_
slice_ patterns - adx_
target_ feature - aes
- aggregate_
raw_ ptr - alias
- align
- alignment
- all
- alloc
- alloc_
error_ handler - alloc_
layout - alloc_
zeroed - allocator
- allocator_
api - allocator_
internals - allow
- allow_
fail - allow_
internal_ unsafe - allow_
internal_ unstable - altivec
- alu32
- always
- and
- and_
then - anon
- anon_
adt - anonymous_
lifetime_ in_ impl_ trait - any
- append_
const_ msg - arbitrary_
enum_ discriminant - arbitrary_
self_ types - arbitrary_
self_ types_ pointers - areg
- args
- arith_
offset - arm
- arm_
target_ feature - array
- as_ptr
- as_ref
- as_str
- asm
- asm_
const - asm_
experimental_ arch - asm_
experimental_ reg - asm_
goto - asm_
goto_ with_ outputs - asm_sym
- asm_
unwind - assert
- assert_
eq - assert_
eq_ macro - assert_
inhabited - assert_
macro - assert_
mem_ uninitialized_ valid - assert_
ne_ macro - assert_
receiver_ is_ total_ eq - assert_
zero_ valid - asserting
- associated_
const_ equality - associated_
consts - associated_
type_ bounds - associated_
type_ defaults - associated_
types - assume
- assume_
init - asterisk
- async_
await - async_
call - async_
call_ mut - async_
call_ once - async_
closure - async_
destruct - async_
drop - async_
drop_ chain - async_
drop_ defer - async_
drop_ deferred_ drop_ in_ place - async_
drop_ either - async_
drop_ fuse - async_
drop_ in_ place - async_
drop_ noop - async_
drop_ slice - async_
drop_ surface_ drop_ in_ place - async_
fn - async_
fn_ in_ dyn_ trait - async_
fn_ in_ trait - async_
fn_ kind_ helper - async_
fn_ kind_ upvars - async_
fn_ mut - async_
fn_ once - async_
fn_ once_ output - async_
fn_ track_ caller - async_
fn_ traits - async_
for_ loop - async_
iterator - async_
iterator_ poll_ next - async_
trait_ bounds - atomic
- atomic_
mod - atomics
- att_
syntax - attr
- attr_
literals - attributes
- audit_
that - augmented_
assignments - auto_
traits - autodiff
- automatically_
derived - avx
- avx512_
target_ feature - avx512bw
- avx512f
- await_
macro - bang
- begin_
panic - bench
- bevy_
ecs - bikeshed_
guaranteed_ no_ drop - bin
- binaryheap_
iter - bind_
by_ move_ pattern_ guards - bindings_
after_ at - bitand
- bitand_
assign - bitor
- bitor_
assign - bitreverse
- bitxor
- bitxor_
assign - black_
box - block
- bool
- bool_
then - borrowck_
graphviz_ format - borrowck_
graphviz_ postflow - box_new
- box_
patterns - box_
syntax - bpf_
target_ feature - braced_
empty_ structs - branch
- breakpoint
- bridge
- bswap
- btreemap_
contains_ key - btreemap_
insert - btreeset_
iter - builtin_
syntax - c
- c_
dash_ variadic - c_str
- c_
str_ literals - c_
unwind - c_
variadic - c_void
- call
- call_
mut - call_
once - call_
once_ future - call_
ref_ future - caller_
location - capture_
disjoint_ fields - carrying_
mul_ add - catch_
unwind - cause
- cdylib
- ceilf16
- ceilf32
- ceilf64
- ceilf128
- cfg
- cfg_
accessible - cfg_
attr - cfg_
attr_ multi - cfg_
attr_ trace - cfg_
boolean_ literals - cfg_
contract_ checks - cfg_
doctest - cfg_
emscripten_ wasm_ eh - cfg_
eval - cfg_
fmt_ debug - cfg_
hide - cfg_
overflow_ checks - cfg_
panic - cfg_
relocation_ model - cfg_
sanitize - cfg_
sanitizer_ cfi - cfg_
target_ abi - cfg_
target_ compact - cfg_
target_ feature - cfg_
target_ has_ atomic - cfg_
target_ has_ atomic_ equal_ alignment - cfg_
target_ thread_ local - cfg_
target_ vendor - cfg_
ub_ checks - cfg_
version - cfi
- cfi_
encoding - char
- char_
is_ ascii - child_
id - child_
kill - client
- clippy
- clobber_
abi - clone
- clone_
closures - clone_
fn - clone_
from - closure
- closure_
lifetime_ binder - closure_
to_ fn_ coercion - closure_
track_ caller - cmp
- cmp_max
- cmp_min
- cmp_
ord_ max - cmp_
ord_ min - cmp_
partialeq_ eq - cmp_
partialeq_ ne - cmp_
partialord_ cmp - cmp_
partialord_ ge - cmp_
partialord_ gt - cmp_
partialord_ le - cmp_
partialord_ lt - cmpxchg16b_
target_ feature - cmse_
nonsecure_ entry - coerce_
pointee_ validated - coerce_
unsized - cold
- cold_
path - collapse_
debuginfo - column
- compare_
bytes - compare_
exchange - compare_
exchange_ weak - compile_
error - compiler
- compiler_
builtins - compiler_
fence - concat
- concat_
bytes - concat_
idents - conservative_
impl_ trait - console
- const_
allocate - const_
async_ blocks - const_
closures - const_
compare_ raw_ pointers - const_
constructor - const_
deallocate - const_
destruct - const_
eval_ limit - const_
eval_ select - const_
evaluatable_ checked - const_
extern_ fn - const_
fn - const_
fn_ floating_ point_ arithmetic - const_
fn_ fn_ ptr_ basics - const_
fn_ trait_ bound - const_
fn_ transmute - const_
fn_ union - const_
fn_ unsize - const_
for - const_
format_ args - const_
generics - const_
generics_ defaults - const_
if_ match - const_
impl_ trait - const_
in_ array_ repeat_ expressions - const_
indexing - const_
let - const_
loop - const_
mut_ refs - const_
panic - const_
panic_ fmt - const_
param_ ty - const_
precise_ live_ drops - const_
ptr_ cast - const_
raw_ ptr_ deref - const_
raw_ ptr_ to_ usize_ cast - const_
refs_ to_ cell - const_
refs_ to_ static - const_
trait - const_
trait_ bound_ opt_ out - const_
trait_ impl - const_
try - const_
ty_ placeholder - constant
- constructor
- contract_
build_ check_ ensures - contract_
check_ ensures - contract_
check_ requires - contract_
checks - contracts
- contracts_
ensures - contracts_
internals - contracts_
requires - convert_
identity - copy
- copy_
closures - copy_
nonoverlapping - copysignf16
- copysignf32
- copysignf64
- copysignf128
- core
- core_
panic - core_
panic_ 2015_ macro - core_
panic_ 2021_ macro - core_
panic_ macro - coroutine
- coroutine_
clone - coroutine_
resume - coroutine_
return - coroutine_
state - coroutine_
yield - coroutines
- cosf16
- cosf32
- cosf64
- cosf128
- count
- coverage
- coverage_
attribute - cr
- crate_
in_ paths - crate_
local - crate_
name - crate_
type - crate_
visibility_ modifier - crt_
dash_ static - csky_
target_ feature - cstr_
type - cstring_
as_ c_ str - cstring_
type - ctlz
- ctlz_
nonzero - ctpop
- cttz
- cttz_
nonzero - custom_
attribute - custom_
code_ classes_ in_ docs - custom_
derive - custom_
inner_ attributes - custom_
mir - custom_
test_ frameworks - d
- d32
- dbg_
macro - dead_
code - dealloc
- debug
- debug_
assert_ eq_ macro - debug_
assert_ macro - debug_
assert_ ne_ macro - debug_
assertions - debug_
struct - debug_
struct_ fields_ finish - debug_
tuple - debug_
tuple_ fields_ finish - debugger_
visualizer - decl_
macro - declare_
lint_ pass - decode
- default_
alloc_ error_ handler - default_
field_ values - default_
fn - default_
lib_ allocator - default_
method_ body_ is_ const - default_
type_ parameter_ fallback - default_
type_ params - define_
opaque - delayed_
bug_ from_ inside_ query - deny
- deprecated
- deprecated_
safe - deprecated_
suggestion - deref
- deref_
method - deref_
mut - deref_
mut_ method - deref_
patterns - deref_
pure - deref_
target - derive
- derive_
coerce_ pointee - derive_
const - derive_
default_ enum - derive_
smart_ pointer - destruct
- destructuring_
assignment - diagnostic
- diagnostic_
namespace - direct
- discriminant_
kind - discriminant_
type - discriminant_
value - disjoint_
bitor - dispatch_
from_ dyn - div
- div_
assign - diverging_
block_ default - do_
not_ recommend - doc
- doc_
alias - doc_
auto_ cfg - doc_cfg
- doc_
cfg_ hide - doc_
keyword - doc_
masked - doc_
notable_ trait - doc_
primitive - doc_
spotlight - doctest
- document_
private_ items - dotdot
- dotdot_
in_ tuple_ patterns - dotdoteq_
in_ patterns - dreg
- dreg_
low8 - dreg_
low16 - drop
- drop_
in_ place - drop_
types_ in_ const - dropck_
eyepatch - dropck_
parametricity - dummy
- dummy_
cgu_ name - dylib
- dyn_
compatible_ for_ dispatch - dyn_
metadata - dyn_
star - dyn_
trait - dynamic_
no_ pic - e
- edition_
panic - effects
- eh_
catch_ typeinfo - eh_
personality - emit
- emit_
enum - emit_
enum_ variant - emit_
enum_ variant_ arg - emit_
struct - emit_
struct_ field - emscripten_
wasm_ eh - enable
- encode
- end
- entry_
nops - enumerate_
method - env
- env_
CFG_ RELEASE - eprint_
macro - eprintln_
macro - eq
- ergonomic_
clones - ermsb_
target_ feature - exact_
div - except
- exchange_
malloc - exclusive_
range_ pattern - exhaustive_
integer_ patterns - exhaustive_
patterns - existential_
type - exp2f16
- exp2f32
- exp2f64
- exp2f128
- expect
- expected
- expf16
- expf32
- expf64
- expf128
- explicit_
generic_ args_ with_ impl_ trait - explicit_
tail_ calls - export_
name - expr
- expr_
2021 - expr_
fragment_ specifier_ 2024 - extended_
key_ value_ attributes - extended_
varargs_ abi_ support - extern_
absolute_ paths - extern_
crate_ item_ prelude - extern_
crate_ self - extern_
in_ paths - extern_
prelude - extern_
system_ varargs - extern_
types - external
- external_
doc - f
- f16
- f32
- f64
- f16_nan
- f16c_
target_ feature - f32_
epsilon - f32_
legacy_ const_ digits - f32_
legacy_ const_ epsilon - f32_
legacy_ const_ infinity - f32_
legacy_ const_ mantissa_ dig - f32_
legacy_ const_ max - f32_
legacy_ const_ max_ 10_ exp - f32_
legacy_ const_ max_ exp - f32_
legacy_ const_ min - f32_
legacy_ const_ min_ 10_ exp - f32_
legacy_ const_ min_ exp - f32_
legacy_ const_ min_ positive - f32_
legacy_ const_ nan - f32_
legacy_ const_ neg_ infinity - f32_
legacy_ const_ radix - f32_nan
- f64_
epsilon - f64_
legacy_ const_ digits - f64_
legacy_ const_ epsilon - f64_
legacy_ const_ infinity - f64_
legacy_ const_ mantissa_ dig - f64_
legacy_ const_ max - f64_
legacy_ const_ max_ 10_ exp - f64_
legacy_ const_ max_ exp - f64_
legacy_ const_ min - f64_
legacy_ const_ min_ 10_ exp - f64_
legacy_ const_ min_ exp - f64_
legacy_ const_ min_ positive - f64_
legacy_ const_ nan - f64_
legacy_ const_ neg_ infinity - f64_
legacy_ const_ radix - f64_nan
- f128
- f128_
nan - fabsf16
- fabsf32
- fabsf64
- fabsf128
- fadd_
algebraic - fadd_
fast - fake_
variadic - fallback
- fallback_
surface_ drop - fdiv_
algebraic - fdiv_
fast - feature
- fence
- ferris
- fetch_
update - ffi
- ffi_
const - ffi_
pure - ffi_
returns_ twice - field
- field_
init_ shorthand - file
- file_
options - float
- float_
to_ int_ unchecked - floorf16
- floorf32
- floorf64
- floorf128
- fmaf16
- fmaf32
- fmaf64
- fmaf128
- fmt
- fmt_
debug - fmul_
algebraic - fmul_
fast - fmuladdf16
- fmuladdf32
- fmuladdf64
- fmuladdf128
- fn_
align - fn_body
- fn_
delegation - fn_
must_ use - fn_mut
- fn_once
- fn_
once_ output - fn_
ptr_ addr - fn_
ptr_ trait - forbid
- forget
- format
- format_
args - format_
args_ capture - format_
args_ macro - format_
args_ nl - format_
argument - format_
arguments - format_
count - format_
macro - format_
placeholder - format_
unsafe_ arg - freeze
- freeze_
impls - freg
- frem_
algebraic - frem_
fast - from
- from_
desugaring - from_fn
- from_
iter - from_
iter_ fn - from_
output - from_
residual - from_
size_ align_ unchecked - from_
str_ method - from_
u16 - from_
usize - from_
yeet - fs_
create_ dir - fsub_
algebraic - fsub_
fast - fsxr
- full
- fundamental
- fused_
iterator - future
- future_
output - future_
trait - gdb_
script_ file - ge
- gen_
blocks - gen_
future - gen_
kill - generator_
clone - generators
- generic_
arg_ infer - generic_
assert - generic_
associated_ types - generic_
associated_ types_ extended - generic_
const_ exprs - generic_
const_ items - generic_
const_ parameter_ types - generic_
param_ attrs - generic_
pattern_ types - get_
context - global_
alloc_ ty - global_
allocator - global_
asm - global_
registration - globs
- gt
- guard_
patterns - half_
open_ range_ patterns - half_
open_ range_ patterns_ in_ slices - hash
- hashmap_
contains_ key - hashmap_
drain_ ty - hashmap_
insert - hashmap_
iter_ mut_ ty - hashmap_
iter_ ty - hashmap_
keys_ ty - hashmap_
values_ mut_ ty - hashmap_
values_ ty - hashset_
drain_ ty - hashset_
iter - hashset_
iter_ ty - hexagon_
target_ feature - hidden
- hint
- homogeneous_
aggregate - host
- html_
favicon_ url - html_
logo_ url - html_
no_ source - html_
playground_ url - html_
root_ url - hwaddress
- i
- i8
- i8_
legacy_ const_ max - i8_
legacy_ const_ min - i8_
legacy_ fn_ max_ value - i8_
legacy_ fn_ min_ value - i8_
legacy_ mod - i16
- i32
- i64
- i16_
legacy_ const_ max - i16_
legacy_ const_ min - i16_
legacy_ fn_ max_ value - i16_
legacy_ fn_ min_ value - i16_
legacy_ mod - i32_
legacy_ const_ max - i32_
legacy_ const_ min - i32_
legacy_ fn_ max_ value - i32_
legacy_ fn_ min_ value - i32_
legacy_ mod - i64_
legacy_ const_ max - i64_
legacy_ const_ min - i64_
legacy_ fn_ max_ value - i64_
legacy_ fn_ min_ value - i64_
legacy_ mod - i128
- i128_
legacy_ const_ max - i128_
legacy_ const_ min - i128_
legacy_ fn_ max_ value - i128_
legacy_ fn_ min_ value - i128_
legacy_ mod - i128_
type - ident
- if_let
- if_
let_ guard - if_
let_ rescope - if_
while_ or_ patterns - ignore
- impl_
header_ lifetime_ elision - impl_
lint_ pass - impl_
trait_ in_ assoc_ type - impl_
trait_ in_ bindings - impl_
trait_ in_ fn_ trait_ return - impl_
trait_ projections - implement_
via_ object - implied_
by - import
- import_
name_ type - import_
shadowing - import_
trait_ associated_ functions - imported_
main - in_
band_ lifetimes - include
- include_
bytes - include_
bytes_ macro - include_
str - include_
str_ macro - inclusive_
range_ syntax - index
- index_
mut - infer_
outlives_ requirements - infer_
static_ outlives_ requirements - inherent_
associated_ types - inherit
- inlateout
- inline
- inline_
const - inline_
const_ pat - inout
- instant_
now - instruction_
set - integer_
- integral
- into_
async_ iter_ into_ iter - into_
future - into_
iter - intra_
doc_ pointers - intrinsics
- intrinsics_
unaligned_ volatile_ load - intrinsics_
unaligned_ volatile_ store - io_
stderr - io_
stdout - irrefutable_
let_ patterns - is
- is_
val_ statically_ known - isa_
attribute - isize
- isize_
legacy_ const_ max - isize_
legacy_ const_ min - isize_
legacy_ fn_ max_ value - isize_
legacy_ fn_ min_ value - isize_
legacy_ mod - issue
- issue_
5723_ bootstrap - issue_
tracker_ base_ url - item
- item_
like_ imports - iter
- iter_
cloned - iter_
copied - iter_
filter - iter_
mut - iter_
repeat - iterator
- iterator_
collect_ fn - kcfi
- keylocker_
x86 - keyword
- kind
- kreg
- kreg0
- label
- label_
break_ value - lahfsahf_
target_ feature - lang
- lang_
items - large_
assignments - lateout
- lazy_
normalization_ consts - lazy_
type_ alias - le
- legacy_
receiver - len
- let_
chains - let_
else - lhs
- lib
- libc
- lifetime
- lifetime_
capture_ rules_ 2024 - lifetimes
- likely
- line
- link
- link_
arg_ attribute - link_
args - link_
cfg - link_
llvm_ intrinsics - link_
name - link_
ordinal - link_
section - linkage
- linker
- linker_
messages - lint_
reasons - literal
- load
- loaded_
from_ disk - local
- local_
inner_ macros - log2f16
- log2f32
- log2f64
- log2f128
- log10f16
- log10f32
- log10f64
- log10f128
- log_
syntax - logf16
- logf32
- logf64
- logf128
- loongarch_
target_ feature - loop_
break_ value - lt
- m68k_
target_ feature - macro_
at_ most_ once_ rep - macro_
attributes_ in_ derive_ output - macro_
escape - macro_
export - macro_
lifetime_ matcher - macro_
literal_ matcher - macro_
metavar_ expr - macro_
metavar_ expr_ concat - macro_
reexport - macro_
use - macro_
vis_ matcher - macros_
in_ extern - main
- managed_
boxes - manually_
drop - map
- map_err
- marker
- marker_
trait_ attr - masked
- match_
beginning_ vert - match_
default_ bindings - matches_
macro - maxnumf16
- maxnumf32
- maxnumf64
- maxnumf128
- may_
dangle - may_
unwind - maybe_
uninit - maybe_
uninit_ uninit - maybe_
uninit_ zeroed - mem_
discriminant - mem_
drop - mem_
forget - mem_
replace - mem_
size_ of - mem_
size_ of_ val - mem_
swap - mem_
uninitialized - mem_
variant_ count - mem_
zeroed - member_
constraints - memory
- memtag
- message
- meta
- metadata_
type - min_
align_ of - min_
align_ of_ val - min_
const_ fn - min_
const_ generics - min_
const_ unsafe_ fn - min_
exhaustive_ patterns - min_
generic_ const_ args - min_
specialization - min_
type_ alias_ impl_ trait - minnumf16
- minnumf32
- minnumf64
- minnumf128
- mips_
target_ feature - mir_
assume - mir_
basic_ block - mir_
call - mir_
cast_ ptr_ to_ ptr - mir_
cast_ transmute - mir_
checked - mir_
copy_ for_ deref - mir_
debuginfo - mir_
deinit - mir_
discriminant - mir_
drop - mir_
field - mir_
goto - mir_len
- mir_
make_ place - mir_
move - mir_
offset - mir_
ptr_ metadata - mir_
retag - mir_
return - mir_
return_ to - mir_
set_ discriminant - mir_
static - mir_
static_ mut - mir_
storage_ dead - mir_
storage_ live - mir_
tail_ call - mir_
unreachable - mir_
unwind_ cleanup - mir_
unwind_ continue - mir_
unwind_ resume - mir_
unwind_ terminate - mir_
unwind_ terminate_ reason - mir_
unwind_ unreachable - mir_
variant - miri
- mmx_reg
- modifiers
- module
- module_
path - more_
maybe_ bounds - more_
qualified_ paths - more_
struct_ aliases - movbe_
target_ feature - move_
ref_ pattern - move_
size_ limit - mul
- mul_
assign - mul_
with_ overflow - multiple_
supertrait_ upcastable - must_
not_ suspend - must_
use - mut_
preserve_ binding_ mode_ 2024 - mut_ref
- naked
- naked_
asm - naked_
functions - naked_
functions_ target_ feature - name
- names
- native_
link_ modifiers - native_
link_ modifiers_ as_ needed - native_
link_ modifiers_ bundle - native_
link_ modifiers_ verbatim - native_
link_ modifiers_ whole_ archive - natvis_
file - ne
- needs_
allocator - needs_
drop - needs_
panic_ runtime - neg
- negate_
unsigned - negative_
bounds - negative_
impls - neon
- nested
- never
- never_
patterns - never_
type - never_
type_ fallback - new
- new_
binary - new_
const - new_
debug - new_
debug_ noop - new_
display - new_
lower_ exp - new_
lower_ hex - new_
octal - new_
pointer - new_
range - new_
unchecked - new_
upper_ exp - new_
upper_ hex - new_v1
- new_
v1_ formatted - next
- niko
- nll
- no
- no_
builtins - no_core
- no_
coverage - no_
crate_ inject - no_
debug - no_
default_ passes - no_
implicit_ prelude - no_
inline - no_link
- no_main
- no_
mangle - no_
sanitize - no_
stack_ check - no_std
- nomem
- non_
ascii_ idents - non_
exhaustive - non_
exhaustive_ omitted_ patterns_ lint - non_
lifetime_ binders - non_
modrs_ mods - none
- nontemporal_
store - noop_
method_ borrow - noop_
method_ clone - noop_
method_ deref - noreturn
- nostack
- not
- notable_
trait - note
- object_
safe_ for_ dispatch - of
- off
- offset
- offset_
of - offset_
of_ enum - offset_
of_ nested - offset_
of_ slice - ok_
or_ else - omit_
gdb_ pretty_ printer_ section - on
- on_
unimplemented - opaque
- opaque_
module_ name_ placeholder - open_
options_ new - ops
- opt_
out_ copy - optimize
- optimize_
attribute - optin_
builtin_ traits - option
- option_
env - option_
expect - option_
unwrap - options
- or
- or_
patterns - ord_
cmp_ method - os_
str_ to_ os_ string - os_
string_ as_ os_ str - other
- out
- overflow_
checks - overlapping_
marker_ traits - owned_
box - packed
- packed_
bundled_ libs - panic
- panic_
2015 - panic_
2021 - panic_
abort - panic_
any - panic_
bounds_ check - panic_
cannot_ unwind - panic_
const_ add_ overflow - panic_
const_ async_ fn_ resumed - panic_
const_ async_ fn_ resumed_ panic - panic_
const_ async_ gen_ fn_ resumed - panic_
const_ async_ gen_ fn_ resumed_ panic - panic_
const_ coroutine_ resumed - panic_
const_ coroutine_ resumed_ panic - panic_
const_ div_ by_ zero - panic_
const_ div_ overflow - panic_
const_ gen_ fn_ none - panic_
const_ gen_ fn_ none_ panic - panic_
const_ mul_ overflow - panic_
const_ neg_ overflow - panic_
const_ rem_ by_ zero - panic_
const_ rem_ overflow - panic_
const_ shl_ overflow - panic_
const_ shr_ overflow - panic_
const_ sub_ overflow - panic_
fmt - panic_
handler - panic_
impl - panic_
implementation - panic_
in_ cleanup - panic_
info - panic_
location - panic_
misaligned_ pointer_ dereference - panic_
nounwind - panic_
null_ pointer_ dereference - panic_
runtime - panic_
str_ 2015 - panic_
unwind - panicking
- param_
attrs - parent_
label - partial_
cmp - partial_
ord - passes
- pat
- pat_
param - patchable_
function_ entry - path
- path_
main_ separator - path_
to_ pathbuf - pathbuf_
as_ path - pattern_
complexity_ limit - pattern_
parentheses - pattern_
type - pattern_
type_ range_ trait - pattern_
types - permissions_
from_ mode - phantom_
data - pic
- pie
- pin
- pin_
ergonomics - platform_
intrinsics - plugin
- plugin_
registrar - plugins
- pointee
- pointee_
trait - pointer
- pointer_
like - poll
- poll_
next - post_
dash_ lto - postfix_
match - powerpc_
target_ feature - powf16
- powf32
- powf64
- powf128
- powif16
- powif32
- powif64
- powif128
- pre_
dash_ lto - precise_
capturing - precise_
capturing_ in_ traits - precise_
pointer_ size_ matching - pref_
align_ of - prefetch_
read_ data - prefetch_
read_ instruction - prefetch_
write_ data - prefetch_
write_ instruction - prefix_
nops - preg
- prelude
- prelude_
import - preserves_
flags - prfchw_
target_ feature - print_
macro - println_
macro - proc_
dash_ macro - proc_
macro - proc_
macro_ attribute - proc_
macro_ derive - proc_
macro_ expr - proc_
macro_ gen - proc_
macro_ hygiene - proc_
macro_ internals - proc_
macro_ mod - proc_
macro_ non_ items - proc_
macro_ path_ invoc - process_
abort - process_
exit - profiler_
builtins - profiler_
runtime - ptr
- ptr_
cast - ptr_
cast_ const - ptr_
cast_ mut - ptr_
const_ is_ null - ptr_
copy - ptr_
copy_ nonoverlapping - ptr_eq
- ptr_
from_ ref - ptr_
guaranteed_ cmp - ptr_
is_ null - ptr_
mask - ptr_
metadata - ptr_
null - ptr_
null_ mut - ptr_
offset_ from - ptr_
offset_ from_ unsigned - ptr_
read - ptr_
read_ unaligned - ptr_
read_ volatile - ptr_
replace - ptr_
slice_ from_ raw_ parts - ptr_
slice_ from_ raw_ parts_ mut - ptr_
swap - ptr_
swap_ nonoverlapping - ptr_
unique - ptr_
write - ptr_
write_ bytes - ptr_
write_ unaligned - ptr_
write_ volatile - pub_
macro_ rules - pub_
restricted - public
- pure
- pushpop_
unsafe - qreg
- qreg_
low4 - qreg_
low8 - quad_
precision_ float - question_
mark - quote
- range_
inclusive_ new - raw_
dylib - raw_
dylib_ elf - raw_eq
- raw_
identifiers - raw_
ref_ op - re_
rebalance_ coherence - read_
enum - read_
enum_ variant - read_
enum_ variant_ arg - read_
struct - read_
struct_ field - read_
via_ copy - readonly
- realloc
- reason
- receiver
- receiver_
target - recursion_
limit - reexport_
test_ harness_ main - ref_
pat_ eat_ one_ layer_ 2024 - ref_
pat_ eat_ one_ layer_ 2024_ structural - ref_
pat_ everywhere - ref_
unwind_ safe_ trait - reference
- reflect
- reg
- reg16
- reg32
- reg64
- reg_
abcd - reg_
addr - reg_
byte - reg_
data - reg_iw
- reg_
nonzero - reg_
pair - reg_ptr
- reg_
upper - register_
attr - register_
tool - relaxed_
adts - relaxed_
struct_ unsize - relocation_
model - rem
- rem_
assign - repr
- repr128
- repr_
align - repr_
align_ enum - repr_
packed - repr_
simd - repr_
transparent - require
- reserve_
x18 - residual
- result
- result_
ffi_ guarantees - result_
ok_ method - resume
- return_
position_ impl_ trait_ in_ trait - return_
type_ notation - rhs
- riscv_
target_ feature - rlib
- ropi
- ropi_
rwpi - rotate_
left - rotate_
right - round_
ties_ even_ f16 - round_
ties_ even_ f32 - round_
ties_ even_ f64 - round_
ties_ even_ f128 - roundf16
- roundf32
- roundf64
- roundf128
- rt
- rtm_
target_ feature - rust
- rust_
2015 - rust_
2018 - rust_
2021 - rust_
2024 - rust_
2018_ preview - rust_
analyzer - rust_
begin_ unwind - rust_
cold_ cc - rust_
eh_ catch_ typeinfo - rust_
eh_ personality - rust_
future - rust_
logo - rust_
out - rustc
- rustc_
abi - rustc_
allocator - rustc_
allocator_ zeroed - rustc_
allow_ const_ fn_ unstable - rustc_
allow_ incoherent_ impl - rustc_
allowed_ through_ unstable_ modules - rustc_
as_ ptr - rustc_
attrs - rustc_
autodiff - rustc_
builtin_ macro - rustc_
capture_ analysis - rustc_
clean - rustc_
coherence_ is_ core - rustc_
coinductive - rustc_
confusables - rustc_
const_ panic_ str - rustc_
const_ stable - rustc_
const_ stable_ indirect - rustc_
const_ unstable - rustc_
conversion_ suggestion - rustc_
deallocator - rustc_
def_ path - rustc_
default_ body_ unstable - rustc_
deny_ explicit_ impl - rustc_
deprecated_ safe_ 2024 - rustc_
diagnostic_ item - rustc_
diagnostic_ macros - rustc_
dirty - rustc_
do_ not_ const_ check - rustc_
do_ not_ implement_ via_ object - rustc_
doc_ primitive - rustc_
driver - rustc_
dummy - rustc_
dump_ def_ parents - rustc_
dump_ item_ bounds - rustc_
dump_ predicates - rustc_
dump_ user_ args - rustc_
dump_ vtable - rustc_
effective_ visibility - rustc_
error - rustc_
evaluate_ where_ clauses - rustc_
expected_ cgu_ reuse - rustc_
force_ inline - rustc_
has_ incoherent_ inherent_ impls - rustc_
hidden_ type_ of_ opaques - rustc_
if_ this_ changed - rustc_
inherit_ overflow_ checks - rustc_
insignificant_ dtor - rustc_
intrinsic - rustc_
intrinsic_ const_ stable_ indirect - rustc_
layout - rustc_
layout_ scalar_ valid_ range_ end - rustc_
layout_ scalar_ valid_ range_ start - rustc_
legacy_ const_ generics - rustc_
lint_ diagnostics - rustc_
lint_ opt_ deny_ field_ access - rustc_
lint_ opt_ ty - rustc_
lint_ query_ instability - rustc_
lint_ untracked_ query_ information - rustc_
macro_ edition_ 2021 - rustc_
macro_ transparency - rustc_
main - rustc_
mir - rustc_
must_ implement_ one_ of - rustc_
never_ returns_ null_ ptr - rustc_
never_ type_ options - rustc_
no_ mir_ inline - rustc_
nonnull_ optimization_ guaranteed - rustc_
nounwind - rustc_
object_ lifetime_ default - rustc_
on_ unimplemented - rustc_
outlives - rustc_
paren_ sugar - rustc_
partition_ codegened - rustc_
partition_ reused - rustc_
pass_ by_ value - rustc_
peek - rustc_
peek_ liveness - rustc_
peek_ maybe_ init - rustc_
peek_ maybe_ uninit - rustc_
preserve_ ub_ checks - rustc_
private - rustc_
proc_ macro_ decls - rustc_
promotable - rustc_
pub_ transparent - rustc_
reallocator - rustc_
regions - rustc_
reservation_ impl - rustc_
serialize - rustc_
skip_ during_ method_ dispatch - rustc_
specialization_ trait - rustc_
std_ internal_ symbol - rustc_
strict_ coherence - rustc_
symbol_ name - rustc_
test_ marker - rustc_
then_ this_ would_ need - rustc_
trivial_ field_ reads - rustc_
unsafe_ specialization_ marker - rustc_
variance - rustc_
variance_ of_ opaques - rustdoc
- rustdoc_
internals - rustdoc_
missing_ doc_ code_ examples - rustfmt
- rvalue_
static_ promotion - rwpi
- s
- s390x_
target_ feature - safety
- sanitize
- sanitizer_
cfi_ generalize_ pointers - sanitizer_
cfi_ normalize_ integers - sanitizer_
runtime - saturating_
add - saturating_
div - saturating_
sub - search_
unbox - select_
unpredictable - self_
in_ typedefs - self_
struct_ ctor - semitransparent
- sha2
- sha3
- sha512_
sm_ x86 - shadow_
call_ stack - shallow
- shl
- shl_
assign - shorter_
tail_ lifetimes - should_
panic - shr
- shr_
assign - sig_dfl
- sig_ign
- simd
- simd_
add - simd_
and - simd_
arith_ offset - simd_as
- simd_
bitmask - simd_
bitreverse - simd_
bswap - simd_
cast - simd_
cast_ ptr - simd_
ceil - simd_
ctlz - simd_
ctpop - simd_
cttz - simd_
div - simd_eq
- simd_
expose_ provenance - simd_
extract - simd_
fabs - simd_
fcos - simd_
fexp - simd_
fexp2 - simd_
ffi - simd_
flog - simd_
flog2 - simd_
flog10 - simd_
floor - simd_
fma - simd_
fmax - simd_
fmin - simd_
fsin - simd_
fsqrt - simd_
gather - simd_ge
- simd_gt
- simd_
insert - simd_le
- simd_lt
- simd_
masked_ load - simd_
masked_ store - simd_
mul - simd_ne
- simd_
neg - simd_or
- simd_
reduce_ add_ ordered - simd_
reduce_ add_ unordered - simd_
reduce_ all - simd_
reduce_ and - simd_
reduce_ any - simd_
reduce_ max - simd_
reduce_ min - simd_
reduce_ mul_ ordered - simd_
reduce_ mul_ unordered - simd_
reduce_ or - simd_
reduce_ xor - simd_
relaxed_ fma - simd_
rem - simd_
round - simd_
saturating_ add - simd_
saturating_ sub - simd_
scatter - simd_
select - simd_
select_ bitmask - simd_
shl - simd_
shr - simd_
shuffle - simd_
shuffle_ const_ generic - simd_
sub - simd_
trunc - simd_
with_ exposed_ provenance - simd_
xor - since
- sinf16
- sinf32
- sinf64
- sinf128
- size
- size_of
- size_
of_ val - sized
- skip
- slice
- slice_
from_ raw_ parts - slice_
from_ raw_ parts_ mut - slice_
into_ vec - slice_
iter - slice_
len_ fn - slice_
patterns - slicing_
syntax - soft
- sparc_
target_ feature - specialization
- speed
- spotlight
- sqrtf16
- sqrtf32
- sqrtf64
- sqrtf128
- sreg
- sreg_
low16 - sse
- sse2
- sse4a_
target_ feature - stable
- staged_
api - start
- state
- static_
in_ const - static_
nobundle - static_
recursion - staticlib
- std
- std_
panic - std_
panic_ 2015_ macro - std_
panic_ macro - stmt
- stmt_
expr_ attributes - stop_
after_ dataflow - store
- str
- str_
chars - str_
ends_ with - str_
from_ utf8 - str_
from_ utf8_ mut - str_
from_ utf8_ unchecked - str_
from_ utf8_ unchecked_ mut - str_
inherent_ from_ utf8 - str_
inherent_ from_ utf8_ mut - str_
inherent_ from_ utf8_ unchecked - str_
inherent_ from_ utf8_ unchecked_ mut - str_len
- str_
split_ whitespace - str_
starts_ with - str_
trim - str_
trim_ end - str_
trim_ start - strict_
provenance_ lints - string_
as_ mut_ str - string_
as_ str - string_
deref_ patterns - string_
from_ utf8 - string_
insert_ str - string_
new - string_
push_ str - stringify
- struct_
field_ attributes - struct_
inherit - struct_
variant - structural_
match - structural_
peq - sub
- sub_
assign - sub_
with_ overflow - suggestion
- supertrait_
item_ shadowing - surface_
async_ drop_ in_ place - sym
- sync
- synthetic
- t32
- target
- target_
abi - target_
arch - target_
endian - target_
env - target_
family - target_
feature - target_
feature_ 11 - target_
has_ atomic - target_
has_ atomic_ equal_ alignment - target_
has_ atomic_ load_ store - target_
os - target_
pointer_ width - target_
thread_ local - target_
vendor - tbm_
target_ feature - termination
- termination_
trait - termination_
trait_ test - test
- test_
2018_ feature - test_
accepted_ feature - test_
case - test_
removed_ feature - test_
runner - test_
unstable_ lint - thread
- thread_
local - thread_
local_ macro - three_
way_ compare - thumb2
- thumb_
mode - time
- tmm_reg
- to_
owned_ method - to_
string - to_
string_ method - to_vec
- todo_
macro - tool_
attributes - tool_
lints - trace_
macros - track_
caller - trait_
alias - trait_
upcasting - transmute
- transmute_
generic_ consts - transmute_
opts - transmute_
trait - transmute_
unchecked - transparent
- transparent_
enums - transparent_
unions - trivial_
bounds - truncf16
- truncf32
- truncf64
- truncf128
- try_
blocks - try_
capture - try_
from - try_
from_ fn - try_
into - try_
trait_ v2 - tt
- tuple
- tuple_
indexing - tuple_
trait - two_
phase - ty
- type_
alias_ enum_ variants - type_
alias_ impl_ trait - type_
ascribe - type_
ascription - type_
changing_ struct_ update - type_
const - type_id
- type_
ir_ inherent - type_
length_ limit - type_
macros - type_
name - type_
privacy_ lints - typed_
swap_ nonoverlapping - u8
- u8_
legacy_ const_ max - u8_
legacy_ const_ min - u8_
legacy_ fn_ max_ value - u8_
legacy_ fn_ min_ value - u8_
legacy_ mod - u16
- u32
- u64
- u16_
legacy_ const_ max - u16_
legacy_ const_ min - u16_
legacy_ fn_ max_ value - u16_
legacy_ fn_ min_ value - u16_
legacy_ mod - u32_
legacy_ const_ max - u32_
legacy_ const_ min - u32_
legacy_ fn_ max_ value - u32_
legacy_ fn_ min_ value - u32_
legacy_ mod - u64_
legacy_ const_ max - u64_
legacy_ const_ min - u64_
legacy_ fn_ max_ value - u64_
legacy_ fn_ min_ value - u64_
legacy_ mod - u128
- u128_
legacy_ const_ max - u128_
legacy_ const_ min - u128_
legacy_ fn_ max_ value - u128_
legacy_ fn_ min_ value - u128_
legacy_ mod - ub_
checks - unaligned_
volatile_ load - unaligned_
volatile_ store - unboxed_
closures - unchecked_
add - unchecked_
div - unchecked_
mul - unchecked_
rem - unchecked_
shl - unchecked_
shr - unchecked_
sub - underscore_
const_ names - underscore_
imports - underscore_
lifetimes - uniform_
paths - unimplemented_
macro - unit
- universal_
impl_ trait - unix
- unlikely
- unmarked_
api - unnamed_
fields - unpin
- unqualified_
local_ imports - unreachable
- unreachable_
2015 - unreachable_
2021 - unreachable_
2015_ macro - unreachable_
code - unreachable_
display - unreachable_
macro - unrestricted_
attribute_ tokens - unsafe_
attributes - unsafe_
binders - unsafe_
block_ in_ unsafe_ fn - unsafe_
cell - unsafe_
cell_ raw_ get - unsafe_
extern_ blocks - unsafe_
fields - unsafe_
no_ drop_ flag - unsafe_
pin_ internals - unsize
- unsized_
const_ param_ ty - unsized_
const_ params - unsized_
fn_ params - unsized_
locals - unsized_
tuple_ coercion - unstable
- unstable_
location_ reason_ default - untagged_
unions - unused_
imports - unwind
- unwind_
attributes - unwind_
safe_ trait - unwrap
- unwrap_
binder - unwrap_
or - use_
cloned - use_
extern_ macros - use_
nested_ groups - used
- used_
with_ arg - using
- usize
- usize_
legacy_ const_ max - usize_
legacy_ const_ min - usize_
legacy_ fn_ max_ value - usize_
legacy_ fn_ min_ value - usize_
legacy_ mod - v8plus
- va_arg
- va_copy
- va_end
- va_list
- va_
start - val
- validity
- values
- var
- variant_
count - vec
- vec_
as_ mut_ slice - vec_
as_ slice - vec_
from_ elem - vec_
is_ empty - vec_
macro - vec_new
- vec_pop
- vec_
reserve - vec_
with_ capacity - vecdeque_
iter - vecdeque_
reserve - vector
- version
- vfp2
- vis
- visible_
private_ types - volatile
- volatile_
copy_ memory - volatile_
copy_ nonoverlapping_ memory - volatile_
load - volatile_
set_ memory - volatile_
store - vreg
- vreg_
low16 - vsx
- vtable_
align - vtable_
size - warn
- wasip2
- wasm_
abi - wasm_
import_ module - wasm_
target_ feature - where_
clause_ attrs - while_
let - windows
- windows_
subsystem - with_
negative_ coherence - wrap_
binder - wrapping_
add - wrapping_
div - wrapping_
mul - wrapping_
rem - wrapping_
rem_ euclid - wrapping_
sub - wreg
- write_
bytes - write_
fmt - write_
macro - write_
str - write_
via_ move - writeln_
macro - x86_
amx_ intrinsics - x87_reg
- x87_
target_ feature - xer
- xmm_reg
- xop_
target_ feature - yeet_
desugar_ details - yeet_
expr - yes
- yield_
expr - ymm_reg
- yreg
- zfh
- zfhmin
- zmm_reg
- integer
- Get the symbol for an integer.