use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::hash::{DefaultHasher, Hasher};
use std::num::{IntErrorKind, NonZero};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::str;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexMap;
use rustc_data_structures::profiling::TimePassesFormat;
use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::Hash64;
use rustc_errors::{ColorConfig, LanguageIdentifier, TerminalUrl};
use rustc_feature::UnstableFeatures;
use rustc_span::edition::Edition;
use rustc_span::{RealFileName, SourceFileHashAlgorithm};
use rustc_target::spec::{
CodeModel, FramePointer, LinkerFlavorCli, MergeFunctions, OnBrokenPipe, PanicStrategy,
RelocModel, RelroLevel, SanitizerSet, SplitDebuginfo, StackProtector, SymbolVisibility,
TargetTuple, TlsModel, WasmCAbi,
use crate::config::*;
use crate::search_paths::SearchPath;
use crate::utils::NativeLib;
use crate::{EarlyDiagCtxt, lint};
macro_rules! insert {
($opt_name:ident, $opt_expr:expr, $sub_hashes:expr) => {
if $sub_hashes
.insert(stringify!($opt_name), $opt_expr as &dyn dep_tracking::DepTrackingHash)
panic!("duplicate key in CLI DepTrackingHash: {}", stringify!($opt_name))
macro_rules! hash_opt {
($opt_name:ident, $opt_expr:expr, $sub_hashes:expr, $_for_crate_hash: ident, [UNTRACKED]) => {{}};
($opt_name:ident, $opt_expr:expr, $sub_hashes:expr, $_for_crate_hash: ident, [TRACKED]) => {{ insert!($opt_name, $opt_expr, $sub_hashes) }};
($opt_name:ident, $opt_expr:expr, $sub_hashes:expr, $for_crate_hash: ident, [TRACKED_NO_CRATE_HASH]) => {{
if !$for_crate_hash {
insert!($opt_name, $opt_expr, $sub_hashes)
($opt_name:ident, $opt_expr:expr, $sub_hashes:expr, $_for_crate_hash: ident, [SUBSTRUCT]) => {{}};
macro_rules! hash_substruct {
($opt_name:ident, $opt_expr:expr, $error_format:expr, $for_crate_hash:expr, $hasher:expr, [UNTRACKED]) => {{}};
($opt_name:ident, $opt_expr:expr, $error_format:expr, $for_crate_hash:expr, $hasher:expr, [TRACKED]) => {{}};
($opt_name:ident, $opt_expr:expr, $error_format:expr, $for_crate_hash:expr, $hasher:expr, [TRACKED_NO_CRATE_HASH]) => {{}};
($opt_name:ident, $opt_expr:expr, $error_format:expr, $for_crate_hash:expr, $hasher:expr, [SUBSTRUCT]) => {
use crate::config::dep_tracking::DepTrackingHash;
$opt_expr.dep_tracking_hash($for_crate_hash, $error_format).hash(
macro_rules! top_level_options {
( $( #[$top_level_attr:meta] )* pub struct Options { $(
$( #[$attr:meta] )*
$opt:ident : $t:ty [$dep_tracking_marker:ident],
)* } ) => (
$( #[$top_level_attr] )*
pub struct Options {
$( #[$attr] )*
pub $opt: $t
impl Options {
pub fn dep_tracking_hash(&self, for_crate_hash: bool) -> u64 {
let mut sub_hashes = BTreeMap::new();
&mut sub_hashes,
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
&mut hasher,
&mut hasher,
pub struct Options {
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `TyCtxt::crate_types` instead of this field")]
crate_types: Vec<CrateType> [TRACKED],
optimize: OptLevel [TRACKED],
debug_assertions: bool [TRACKED],
debuginfo: DebugInfo [TRACKED],
debuginfo_compression: DebugInfoCompression [TRACKED],
lint_opts: Vec<(String, lint::Level)> [TRACKED_NO_CRATE_HASH],
lint_cap: Option<lint::Level> [TRACKED_NO_CRATE_HASH],
describe_lints: bool [UNTRACKED],
output_types: OutputTypes [TRACKED],
search_paths: Vec<SearchPath> [UNTRACKED],
libs: Vec<NativeLib> [TRACKED],
maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf> [UNTRACKED],
target_triple: TargetTuple [TRACKED],
logical_env: FxIndexMap<String, String> [TRACKED],
test: bool [TRACKED],
error_format: ErrorOutputType [UNTRACKED],
diagnostic_width: Option<usize> [UNTRACKED],
incremental: Option<PathBuf> [UNTRACKED],
assert_incr_state: Option<IncrementalStateAssertion> [UNTRACKED],
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("should only be used via `Config::hash_untracked_state`")]
untracked_state_hash: Hash64 [TRACKED_NO_CRATE_HASH],
unstable_opts: UnstableOptions [SUBSTRUCT],
prints: Vec<PrintRequest> [UNTRACKED],
cg: CodegenOptions [SUBSTRUCT],
externs: Externs [UNTRACKED],
crate_name: Option<String> [TRACKED],
unstable_features: UnstableFeatures [TRACKED],
actually_rustdoc: bool [TRACKED],
resolve_doc_links: ResolveDocLinks [TRACKED],
trimmed_def_paths: bool [TRACKED],
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::codegen_units` instead of this field")]
cli_forced_codegen_units: Option<usize> [UNTRACKED],
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::lto` instead of this field")]
cli_forced_local_thinlto_off: bool [UNTRACKED],
remap_path_prefix: Vec<(PathBuf, PathBuf)> [TRACKED_NO_CRATE_HASH],
real_rust_source_base_dir: Option<PathBuf> [TRACKED_NO_CRATE_HASH],
edition: Edition [TRACKED],
json_artifact_notifications: bool [TRACKED],
json_unused_externs: JsonUnusedExterns [UNTRACKED],
json_future_incompat: bool [TRACKED],
pretty: Option<PpMode> [UNTRACKED],
working_dir: RealFileName [TRACKED],
color: ColorConfig [UNTRACKED],
verbose: bool [TRACKED_NO_CRATE_HASH],
macro_rules! options {
($struct_name:ident, $stat:ident, $optmod:ident, $prefix:expr, $outputname:expr,
$($( #[$attr:meta] )* $opt:ident : $t:ty = (
),* ,) =>
pub struct $struct_name { $( $( #[$attr] )* pub $opt: $t),* }
impl Default for $struct_name {
fn default() -> $struct_name {
$struct_name { $($opt: $init),* }
impl $struct_name {
pub fn build(
early_dcx: &EarlyDiagCtxt,
matches: &getopts::Matches,
) -> $struct_name {
build_options(early_dcx, matches, $stat, $prefix, $outputname)
fn dep_tracking_hash(&self, for_crate_hash: bool, error_format: ErrorOutputType) -> u64 {
let mut sub_hashes = BTreeMap::new();
&mut sub_hashes,
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
&mut hasher,
pub const $stat: OptionDescrs<$struct_name> =
&[ $( (stringify!($opt), $optmod::$opt, desc::$parse, $desc) ),* ];
mod $optmod {
pub(super) fn $opt(cg: &mut super::$struct_name, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
super::parse::$parse(&mut redirect_field!(cg.$opt), v)
) }
impl CodegenOptions {
pub fn instrument_coverage(&self) -> InstrumentCoverage {
macro_rules! redirect_field {
($cg:ident.link_arg) => {
($cg:ident.pre_link_arg) => {
($cg:ident.$field:ident) => {
type OptionSetter<O> = fn(&mut O, v: Option<&str>) -> bool;
type OptionDescrs<O> = &'static [(&'static str, OptionSetter<O>, &'static str, &'static str)];
#[allow(rustc::untranslatable_diagnostic)] fn build_options<O: Default>(
early_dcx: &EarlyDiagCtxt,
matches: &getopts::Matches,
descrs: OptionDescrs<O>,
prefix: &str,
outputname: &str,
) -> O {
let mut op = O::default();
for option in matches.opt_strs(prefix) {
let (key, value) = match option.split_once('=') {
None => (option, None),
Some((k, v)) => (k.to_string(), Some(v)),
let option_to_lookup = key.replace('-', "_");
match descrs.iter().find(|(name, ..)| *name == option_to_lookup) {
Some((_, setter, type_desc, _)) => {
if !setter(&mut op, value) {
match value {
None => early_dcx.early_fatal(
"{outputname} option `{key}` requires {type_desc} ({prefix} {key}=<value>)"
Some(value) => early_dcx.early_fatal(
"incorrect value `{value}` for {outputname} option `{key}` - {type_desc} was expected"
None => early_dcx.early_fatal(format!("unknown {outputname} option: `{key}`")),
mod desc {
pub(crate) const parse_no_value: &str = "no value";
pub(crate) const parse_bool: &str =
"one of: `y`, `yes`, `on`, `true`, `n`, `no`, `off` or `false`";
pub(crate) const parse_opt_bool: &str = parse_bool;
pub(crate) const parse_string: &str = "a string";
pub(crate) const parse_opt_string: &str = parse_string;
pub(crate) const parse_string_push: &str = parse_string;
pub(crate) const parse_opt_langid: &str = "a language identifier";
pub(crate) const parse_opt_pathbuf: &str = "a path";
pub(crate) const parse_list: &str = "a space-separated list of strings";
pub(crate) const parse_list_with_polarity: &str =
"a comma-separated list of strings, with elements beginning with + or -";
pub(crate) const parse_comma_list: &str = "a comma-separated list of strings";
pub(crate) const parse_opt_comma_list: &str = parse_comma_list;
pub(crate) const parse_number: &str = "a number";
pub(crate) const parse_opt_number: &str = parse_number;
pub(crate) const parse_frame_pointer: &str = "one of `true`/`yes`/`on`, `false`/`no`/`off`, or (with -Zunstable-options) `non-leaf` or `always`";
pub(crate) const parse_threads: &str = parse_number;
pub(crate) const parse_time_passes_format: &str = "`text` (default) or `json`";
pub(crate) const parse_passes: &str = "a space-separated list of passes, or `all`";
pub(crate) const parse_panic_strategy: &str = "either `unwind` or `abort`";
pub(crate) const parse_on_broken_pipe: &str = "either `kill`, `error`, or `inherit`";
pub(crate) const parse_patchable_function_entry: &str = "either two comma separated integers (total_nops,prefix_nops), with prefix_nops <= total_nops, or one integer (total_nops)";
pub(crate) const parse_opt_panic_strategy: &str = parse_panic_strategy;
pub(crate) const parse_oom_strategy: &str = "either `panic` or `abort`";
pub(crate) const parse_relro_level: &str = "one of: `full`, `partial`, or `off`";
pub(crate) const parse_sanitizers: &str = "comma separated list of sanitizers: `address`, `cfi`, `dataflow`, `hwaddress`, `kcfi`, `kernel-address`, `leak`, `memory`, `memtag`, `safestack`, `shadow-call-stack`, or `thread`";
pub(crate) const parse_sanitizer_memory_track_origins: &str = "0, 1, or 2";
pub(crate) const parse_cfguard: &str =
"either a boolean (`yes`, `no`, `on`, `off`, etc), `checks`, or `nochecks`";
pub(crate) const parse_cfprotection: &str = "`none`|`no`|`n` (default), `branch`, `return`, or `full`|`yes`|`y` (equivalent to `branch` and `return`)";
pub(crate) const parse_debuginfo: &str = "either an integer (0, 1, 2), `none`, `line-directives-only`, `line-tables-only`, `limited`, or `full`";
pub(crate) const parse_debuginfo_compression: &str = "one of `none`, `zlib`, or `zstd`";
pub(crate) const parse_mir_strip_debuginfo: &str =
"one of `none`, `locals-in-tiny-functions`, or `all-locals`";
pub(crate) const parse_collapse_macro_debuginfo: &str = "one of `no`, `external`, or `yes`";
pub(crate) const parse_strip: &str = "either `none`, `debuginfo`, or `symbols`";
pub(crate) const parse_linker_flavor: &str = ::rustc_target::spec::LinkerFlavorCli::one_of();
pub(crate) const parse_dump_mono_stats: &str = "`markdown` (default) or `json`";
pub(crate) const parse_instrument_coverage: &str = parse_bool;
pub(crate) const parse_coverage_options: &str =
"`block` | `branch` | `condition` | `mcdc` | `no-mir-spans`";
pub(crate) const parse_instrument_xray: &str = "either a boolean (`yes`, `no`, `on`, `off`, etc), or a comma separated list of settings: `always` or `never` (mutually exclusive), `ignore-loops`, `instruction-threshold=N`, `skip-entry`, `skip-exit`";
pub(crate) const parse_unpretty: &str = "`string` or `string=string`";
pub(crate) const parse_treat_err_as_bug: &str = "either no value or a non-negative number";
pub(crate) const parse_next_solver_config: &str =
"either `globally` (when used without an argument), `coherence` (default) or `no`";
pub(crate) const parse_lto: &str =
"either a boolean (`yes`, `no`, `on`, `off`, etc), `thin`, `fat`, or omitted";
pub(crate) const parse_linker_plugin_lto: &str =
"either a boolean (`yes`, `no`, `on`, `off`, etc), or the path to the linker plugin";
pub(crate) const parse_location_detail: &str = "either `none`, or a comma separated list of location details to track: `file`, `line`, or `column`";
pub(crate) const parse_fmt_debug: &str = "either `full`, `shallow`, or `none`";
pub(crate) const parse_switch_with_opt_path: &str =
"an optional path to the profiling data output directory";
pub(crate) const parse_merge_functions: &str =
"one of: `disabled`, `trampolines`, or `aliases`";
pub(crate) const parse_symbol_mangling_version: &str =
"one of: `legacy`, `v0` (RFC 2603), or `hashed`";
pub(crate) const parse_opt_symbol_visibility: &str =
"one of: `hidden`, `protected`, or `interposable`";
pub(crate) const parse_cargo_src_file_hash: &str =
"one of `blake3`, `md5`, `sha1`, or `sha256`";
pub(crate) const parse_src_file_hash: &str = "one of `md5`, `sha1`, or `sha256`";
pub(crate) const parse_relocation_model: &str =
"one of supported relocation models (`rustc --print relocation-models`)";
pub(crate) const parse_code_model: &str =
"one of supported code models (`rustc --print code-models`)";
pub(crate) const parse_tls_model: &str =
"one of supported TLS models (`rustc --print tls-models`)";
pub(crate) const parse_target_feature: &str = parse_string;
pub(crate) const parse_terminal_url: &str =
"either a boolean (`yes`, `no`, `on`, `off`, etc), or `auto`";
pub(crate) const parse_wasi_exec_model: &str = "either `command` or `reactor`";
pub(crate) const parse_split_debuginfo: &str =
"one of supported split-debuginfo modes (`off`, `packed`, or `unpacked`)";
pub(crate) const parse_split_dwarf_kind: &str =
"one of supported split dwarf modes (`split` or `single`)";
pub(crate) const parse_link_self_contained: &str = "one of: `y`, `yes`, `on`, `n`, `no`, `off`, or a list of enabled (`+` prefix) and disabled (`-` prefix) \
components: `crto`, `libc`, `unwind`, `linker`, `sanitizers`, `mingw`";
pub(crate) const parse_linker_features: &str =
"a list of enabled (`+` prefix) and disabled (`-` prefix) features: `lld`";
pub(crate) const parse_polonius: &str = "either no value or `legacy` (the default), or `next`";
pub(crate) const parse_stack_protector: &str =
"one of (`none` (default), `basic`, `strong`, or `all`)";
pub(crate) const parse_branch_protection: &str = "a `,` separated combination of `bti`, `pac-ret`, followed by a combination of `pc`, `b-key`, or `leaf`";
pub(crate) const parse_proc_macro_execution_strategy: &str =
"one of supported execution strategies (`same-thread`, or `cross-thread`)";
pub(crate) const parse_remap_path_scope: &str =
"comma separated list of scopes: `macro`, `diagnostics`, `debuginfo`, `object`, `all`";
pub(crate) const parse_inlining_threshold: &str =
"either a boolean (`yes`, `no`, `on`, `off`, etc), or a non-negative number";
pub(crate) const parse_llvm_module_flag: &str = "<key>:<type>:<value>:<behavior>. Type must currently be `u32`. Behavior should be one of (`error`, `warning`, `require`, `override`, `append`, `appendunique`, `max`, `min`)";
pub(crate) const parse_function_return: &str = "`keep` or `thunk-extern`";
pub(crate) const parse_wasm_c_abi: &str = "`legacy` or `spec`";
pub(crate) const parse_mir_include_spans: &str =
"either a boolean (`yes`, `no`, `on`, `off`, etc), or `nll` (default: `nll`)";
pub mod parse {
use std::str::FromStr;
pub(crate) use super::*;
pub(crate) const MAX_THREADS_CAP: usize = 256;
pub(crate) fn parse_no_value(slot: &mut bool, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
None => {
*slot = true;
Some(_) => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_bool(slot: &mut bool, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("y") | Some("yes") | Some("on") | Some("true") | None => {
*slot = true;
Some("n") | Some("no") | Some("off") | Some("false") => {
*slot = false;
_ => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_opt_bool(slot: &mut Option<bool>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("y") | Some("yes") | Some("on") | Some("true") | None => {
*slot = Some(true);
Some("n") | Some("no") | Some("off") | Some("false") => {
*slot = Some(false);
_ => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_polonius(slot: &mut Polonius, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("legacy") | None => {
*slot = Polonius::Legacy;
Some("next") => {
*slot = Polonius::Next;
_ => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_string(slot: &mut String, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
*slot = s.to_string();
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_opt_string(slot: &mut Option<String>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
*slot = Some(s.to_string());
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_opt_langid(slot: &mut Option<LanguageIdentifier>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
*slot = rustc_errors::LanguageIdentifier::from_str(s).ok();
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_opt_pathbuf(slot: &mut Option<PathBuf>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
*slot = Some(PathBuf::from(s));
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_string_push(slot: &mut Vec<String>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_list(slot: &mut Vec<String>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
slot.extend(s.split_whitespace().map(|s| s.to_string()));
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_list_with_polarity(
slot: &mut Vec<(String, bool)>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
for s in s.split(',') {
let Some(pass_name) = s.strip_prefix(&['+', '-'][..]) else { return false };
slot.push((pass_name.to_string(), &s[..1] == "+"));
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_fmt_debug(opt: &mut FmtDebug, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
*opt = match v {
Some("full") => FmtDebug::Full,
Some("shallow") => FmtDebug::Shallow,
Some("none") => FmtDebug::None,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_location_detail(ld: &mut LocationDetail, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
if let Some(v) = v {
ld.line = false;
ld.file = false;
ld.column = false;
if v == "none" {
return true;
for s in v.split(',') {
match s {
"file" => ld.file = true,
"line" => ld.line = true,
"column" => ld.column = true,
_ => return false,
} else {
pub(crate) fn parse_comma_list(slot: &mut Vec<String>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
let mut v: Vec<_> = s.split(',').map(|s| s.to_string()).collect();
*slot = v;
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_opt_comma_list(slot: &mut Option<Vec<String>>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
let mut v: Vec<_> = s.split(',').map(|s| s.to_string()).collect();
*slot = Some(v);
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_threads(slot: &mut usize, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
let ret = match v.and_then(|s| s.parse().ok()) {
Some(0) => {
*slot = std::thread::available_parallelism().map_or(1, NonZero::<usize>::get);
Some(i) => {
*slot = i;
None => false,
*slot = slot.clone().min(MAX_THREADS_CAP);
pub(crate) fn parse_number<T: Copy + FromStr>(slot: &mut T, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v.and_then(|s| s.parse().ok()) {
Some(i) => {
*slot = i;
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_opt_number<T: Copy + FromStr>(
slot: &mut Option<T>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
*slot = s.parse().ok();
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_frame_pointer(slot: &mut FramePointer, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
let mut yes = false;
match v {
_ if parse_bool(&mut yes, v) && yes => slot.ratchet(FramePointer::Always),
_ if parse_bool(&mut yes, v) => slot.ratchet(FramePointer::MayOmit),
Some("always") => slot.ratchet(FramePointer::Always),
Some("non-leaf") => slot.ratchet(FramePointer::NonLeaf),
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_passes(slot: &mut Passes, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("all") => {
*slot = Passes::All;
v => {
let mut passes = vec![];
if parse_list(&mut passes, v) {
} else {
pub(crate) fn parse_opt_panic_strategy(
slot: &mut Option<PanicStrategy>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
match v {
Some("unwind") => *slot = Some(PanicStrategy::Unwind),
Some("abort") => *slot = Some(PanicStrategy::Abort),
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_panic_strategy(slot: &mut PanicStrategy, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("unwind") => *slot = PanicStrategy::Unwind,
Some("abort") => *slot = PanicStrategy::Abort,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_on_broken_pipe(slot: &mut OnBrokenPipe, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("kill") => *slot = OnBrokenPipe::Kill,
Some("error") => *slot = OnBrokenPipe::Error,
Some("inherit") => *slot = OnBrokenPipe::Inherit,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_patchable_function_entry(
slot: &mut PatchableFunctionEntry,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
let mut total_nops = 0;
let mut prefix_nops = 0;
if !parse_number(&mut total_nops, v) {
let parts = v.and_then(|v| v.split_once(',')).unzip();
if !parse_number(&mut total_nops, parts.0) {
return false;
if !parse_number(&mut prefix_nops, parts.1) {
return false;
if let Some(pfe) =
PatchableFunctionEntry::from_total_and_prefix_nops(total_nops, prefix_nops)
*slot = pfe;
return true;
pub(crate) fn parse_oom_strategy(slot: &mut OomStrategy, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("panic") => *slot = OomStrategy::Panic,
Some("abort") => *slot = OomStrategy::Abort,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_relro_level(slot: &mut Option<RelroLevel>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => match s.parse::<RelroLevel>() {
Ok(level) => *slot = Some(level),
_ => return false,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_sanitizers(slot: &mut SanitizerSet, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
if let Some(v) = v {
for s in v.split(',') {
*slot |= match s {
"address" => SanitizerSet::ADDRESS,
"cfi" => SanitizerSet::CFI,
"dataflow" => SanitizerSet::DATAFLOW,
"kcfi" => SanitizerSet::KCFI,
"kernel-address" => SanitizerSet::KERNELADDRESS,
"leak" => SanitizerSet::LEAK,
"memory" => SanitizerSet::MEMORY,
"memtag" => SanitizerSet::MEMTAG,
"shadow-call-stack" => SanitizerSet::SHADOWCALLSTACK,
"thread" => SanitizerSet::THREAD,
"hwaddress" => SanitizerSet::HWADDRESS,
"safestack" => SanitizerSet::SAFESTACK,
_ => return false,
} else {
pub(crate) fn parse_sanitizer_memory_track_origins(slot: &mut usize, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("2") | None => {
*slot = 2;
Some("1") => {
*slot = 1;
Some("0") => {
*slot = 0;
Some(_) => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_strip(slot: &mut Strip, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("none") => *slot = Strip::None,
Some("debuginfo") => *slot = Strip::Debuginfo,
Some("symbols") => *slot = Strip::Symbols,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_cfguard(slot: &mut CFGuard, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
if v.is_some() {
let mut bool_arg = None;
if parse_opt_bool(&mut bool_arg, v) {
*slot = if bool_arg.unwrap() { CFGuard::Checks } else { CFGuard::Disabled };
return true;
*slot = match v {
None => CFGuard::Checks,
Some("checks") => CFGuard::Checks,
Some("nochecks") => CFGuard::NoChecks,
Some(_) => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_cfprotection(slot: &mut CFProtection, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
if v.is_some() {
let mut bool_arg = None;
if parse_opt_bool(&mut bool_arg, v) {
*slot = if bool_arg.unwrap() { CFProtection::Full } else { CFProtection::None };
return true;
*slot = match v {
None | Some("none") => CFProtection::None,
Some("branch") => CFProtection::Branch,
Some("return") => CFProtection::Return,
Some("full") => CFProtection::Full,
Some(_) => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_debuginfo(slot: &mut DebugInfo, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("0") | Some("none") => *slot = DebugInfo::None,
Some("line-directives-only") => *slot = DebugInfo::LineDirectivesOnly,
Some("line-tables-only") => *slot = DebugInfo::LineTablesOnly,
Some("1") | Some("limited") => *slot = DebugInfo::Limited,
Some("2") | Some("full") => *slot = DebugInfo::Full,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_debuginfo_compression(
slot: &mut DebugInfoCompression,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
match v {
Some("none") => *slot = DebugInfoCompression::None,
Some("zlib") => *slot = DebugInfoCompression::Zlib,
Some("zstd") => *slot = DebugInfoCompression::Zstd,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_mir_strip_debuginfo(slot: &mut MirStripDebugInfo, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("none") => *slot = MirStripDebugInfo::None,
Some("locals-in-tiny-functions") => *slot = MirStripDebugInfo::LocalsInTinyFunctions,
Some("all-locals") => *slot = MirStripDebugInfo::AllLocals,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_linker_flavor(slot: &mut Option<LinkerFlavorCli>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v.and_then(LinkerFlavorCli::from_str) {
Some(lf) => *slot = Some(lf),
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_opt_symbol_visibility(
slot: &mut Option<SymbolVisibility>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
if let Some(v) = v {
if let Ok(vis) = SymbolVisibility::from_str(v) {
*slot = Some(vis);
} else {
return false;
pub(crate) fn parse_unpretty(slot: &mut Option<String>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
None => false,
Some(s) if s.split('=').count() <= 2 => {
*slot = Some(s.to_string());
_ => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_time_passes_format(slot: &mut TimePassesFormat, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
None => true,
Some("json") => {
*slot = TimePassesFormat::Json;
Some("text") => {
*slot = TimePassesFormat::Text;
Some(_) => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_dump_mono_stats(slot: &mut DumpMonoStatsFormat, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
None => true,
Some("json") => {
*slot = DumpMonoStatsFormat::Json;
Some("markdown") => {
*slot = DumpMonoStatsFormat::Markdown;
Some(_) => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_instrument_coverage(
slot: &mut InstrumentCoverage,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
if v.is_some() {
let mut bool_arg = false;
if parse_bool(&mut bool_arg, v) {
*slot = if bool_arg { InstrumentCoverage::Yes } else { InstrumentCoverage::No };
return true;
let Some(v) = v else {
*slot = InstrumentCoverage::Yes;
return true;
*slot = match v {
"all" => InstrumentCoverage::Yes,
"0" => InstrumentCoverage::No,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_coverage_options(slot: &mut CoverageOptions, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
let Some(v) = v else { return true };
for option in v.split(',') {
match option {
"block" => slot.level = CoverageLevel::Block,
"branch" => slot.level = CoverageLevel::Branch,
"condition" => slot.level = CoverageLevel::Condition,
"mcdc" => slot.level = CoverageLevel::Mcdc,
"no-mir-spans" => slot.no_mir_spans = true,
"discard-all-spans-in-codegen" => slot.discard_all_spans_in_codegen = true,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_instrument_xray(
slot: &mut Option<InstrumentXRay>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
if v.is_some() {
let mut bool_arg = None;
if parse_opt_bool(&mut bool_arg, v) {
*slot = if bool_arg.unwrap() { Some(InstrumentXRay::default()) } else { None };
return true;
let options = slot.get_or_insert_default();
let mut seen_always = false;
let mut seen_never = false;
let mut seen_ignore_loops = false;
let mut seen_instruction_threshold = false;
let mut seen_skip_entry = false;
let mut seen_skip_exit = false;
for option in v.into_iter().flat_map(|v| v.split(',')) {
match option {
"always" if !seen_always && !seen_never => {
options.always = true;
options.never = false;
seen_always = true;
"never" if !seen_never && !seen_always => {
options.never = true;
options.always = false;
seen_never = true;
"ignore-loops" if !seen_ignore_loops => {
options.ignore_loops = true;
seen_ignore_loops = true;
if option.starts_with("instruction-threshold")
&& !seen_instruction_threshold =>
let Some(("instruction-threshold", n)) = option.split_once('=') else {
return false;
match n.parse() {
Ok(n) => options.instruction_threshold = Some(n),
Err(_) => return false,
seen_instruction_threshold = true;
"skip-entry" if !seen_skip_entry => {
options.skip_entry = true;
seen_skip_entry = true;
"skip-exit" if !seen_skip_exit => {
options.skip_exit = true;
seen_skip_exit = true;
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_treat_err_as_bug(
slot: &mut Option<NonZero<usize>>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => match s.parse() {
Ok(val) => {
*slot = Some(val);
Err(e) => {
*slot = None;
e.kind() == &IntErrorKind::Zero
None => {
*slot = NonZero::new(1);
pub(crate) fn parse_next_solver_config(slot: &mut NextSolverConfig, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
if let Some(config) = v {
*slot = match config {
"no" => NextSolverConfig { coherence: false, globally: false },
"coherence" => NextSolverConfig { coherence: true, globally: false },
"globally" => NextSolverConfig { coherence: true, globally: true },
_ => return false,
} else {
*slot = NextSolverConfig { coherence: true, globally: true };
pub(crate) fn parse_lto(slot: &mut LtoCli, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
if v.is_some() {
let mut bool_arg = None;
if parse_opt_bool(&mut bool_arg, v) {
*slot = if bool_arg.unwrap() { LtoCli::Yes } else { LtoCli::No };
return true;
*slot = match v {
None => LtoCli::NoParam,
Some("thin") => LtoCli::Thin,
Some("fat") => LtoCli::Fat,
Some(_) => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_linker_plugin_lto(slot: &mut LinkerPluginLto, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
if v.is_some() {
let mut bool_arg = None;
if parse_opt_bool(&mut bool_arg, v) {
*slot = if bool_arg.unwrap() {
} else {
return true;
*slot = match v {
None => LinkerPluginLto::LinkerPluginAuto,
Some(path) => LinkerPluginLto::LinkerPlugin(PathBuf::from(path)),
pub(crate) fn parse_switch_with_opt_path(
slot: &mut SwitchWithOptPath,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
*slot = match v {
None => SwitchWithOptPath::Enabled(None),
Some(path) => SwitchWithOptPath::Enabled(Some(PathBuf::from(path))),
pub(crate) fn parse_merge_functions(
slot: &mut Option<MergeFunctions>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
match v.and_then(|s| MergeFunctions::from_str(s).ok()) {
Some(mergefunc) => *slot = Some(mergefunc),
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_remap_path_scope(
slot: &mut RemapPathScopeComponents,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
if let Some(v) = v {
*slot = RemapPathScopeComponents::empty();
for s in v.split(',') {
*slot |= match s {
"macro" => RemapPathScopeComponents::MACRO,
"diagnostics" => RemapPathScopeComponents::DIAGNOSTICS,
"debuginfo" => RemapPathScopeComponents::DEBUGINFO,
"object" => RemapPathScopeComponents::OBJECT,
"all" => RemapPathScopeComponents::all(),
_ => return false,
} else {
pub(crate) fn parse_relocation_model(slot: &mut Option<RelocModel>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v.and_then(|s| RelocModel::from_str(s).ok()) {
Some(relocation_model) => *slot = Some(relocation_model),
None if v == Some("default") => *slot = None,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_code_model(slot: &mut Option<CodeModel>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v.and_then(|s| CodeModel::from_str(s).ok()) {
Some(code_model) => *slot = Some(code_model),
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_tls_model(slot: &mut Option<TlsModel>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v.and_then(|s| TlsModel::from_str(s).ok()) {
Some(tls_model) => *slot = Some(tls_model),
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_terminal_url(slot: &mut TerminalUrl, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
*slot = match v {
Some("on" | "" | "yes" | "y") | None => TerminalUrl::Yes,
Some("off" | "no" | "n") => TerminalUrl::No,
Some("auto") => TerminalUrl::Auto,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_symbol_mangling_version(
slot: &mut Option<SymbolManglingVersion>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
*slot = match v {
Some("legacy") => Some(SymbolManglingVersion::Legacy),
Some("v0") => Some(SymbolManglingVersion::V0),
Some("hashed") => Some(SymbolManglingVersion::Hashed),
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_src_file_hash(
slot: &mut Option<SourceFileHashAlgorithm>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
match v.and_then(|s| SourceFileHashAlgorithm::from_str(s).ok()) {
Some(hash_kind) => *slot = Some(hash_kind),
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_cargo_src_file_hash(
slot: &mut Option<SourceFileHashAlgorithm>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
match v.and_then(|s| SourceFileHashAlgorithm::from_str(s).ok()) {
Some(hash_kind) => {
*slot = Some(hash_kind);
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_target_feature(slot: &mut String, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
if !slot.is_empty() {
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_link_self_contained(slot: &mut LinkSelfContained, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
let s = v.unwrap_or("y");
match s {
"y" | "yes" | "on" => {
return true;
"n" | "no" | "off" => {
return true;
_ => {}
for comp in s.split(',') {
if slot.handle_cli_component(comp).is_none() {
return false;
pub(crate) fn parse_linker_features(slot: &mut LinkerFeaturesCli, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
for feature in s.split(',') {
if slot.handle_cli_feature(feature).is_none() {
return false;
None => false,
pub(crate) fn parse_wasi_exec_model(slot: &mut Option<WasiExecModel>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("command") => *slot = Some(WasiExecModel::Command),
Some("reactor") => *slot = Some(WasiExecModel::Reactor),
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_split_debuginfo(
slot: &mut Option<SplitDebuginfo>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
match v.and_then(|s| SplitDebuginfo::from_str(s).ok()) {
Some(e) => *slot = Some(e),
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_split_dwarf_kind(slot: &mut SplitDwarfKind, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v.and_then(|s| SplitDwarfKind::from_str(s).ok()) {
Some(e) => *slot = e,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_stack_protector(slot: &mut StackProtector, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v.and_then(|s| StackProtector::from_str(s).ok()) {
Some(ssp) => *slot = ssp,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_branch_protection(
slot: &mut Option<BranchProtection>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
match v {
Some(s) => {
let slot = slot.get_or_insert_default();
for opt in s.split(',') {
match opt {
"bti" => slot.bti = true,
"pac-ret" if slot.pac_ret.is_none() => {
slot.pac_ret = Some(PacRet { leaf: false, pc: false, key: PAuthKey::A })
"leaf" => match slot.pac_ret.as_mut() {
Some(pac) => pac.leaf = true,
_ => return false,
"b-key" => match slot.pac_ret.as_mut() {
Some(pac) => pac.key = PAuthKey::B,
_ => return false,
"pc" => match slot.pac_ret.as_mut() {
Some(pac) => pac.pc = true,
_ => return false,
_ => return false,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_collapse_macro_debuginfo(
slot: &mut CollapseMacroDebuginfo,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
if v.is_some() {
let mut bool_arg = None;
if parse_opt_bool(&mut bool_arg, v) {
*slot = if bool_arg.unwrap() {
} else {
return true;
*slot = match v {
Some("external") => CollapseMacroDebuginfo::External,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_proc_macro_execution_strategy(
slot: &mut ProcMacroExecutionStrategy,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
*slot = match v {
Some("same-thread") => ProcMacroExecutionStrategy::SameThread,
Some("cross-thread") => ProcMacroExecutionStrategy::CrossThread,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_inlining_threshold(slot: &mut InliningThreshold, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("always" | "yes") => {
*slot = InliningThreshold::Always;
Some("never") => {
*slot = InliningThreshold::Never;
Some(v) => {
if let Ok(threshold) = v.parse() {
*slot = InliningThreshold::Sometimes(threshold);
} else {
return false;
None => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_llvm_module_flag(
slot: &mut Vec<(String, u32, String)>,
v: Option<&str>,
) -> bool {
let elements = v.unwrap_or_default().split(':').collect::<Vec<_>>();
let [key, md_type, value, behavior] = elements.as_slice() else {
return false;
if *md_type != "u32" {
return false;
let Ok(value) = value.parse::<u32>() else {
return false;
let behavior = behavior.to_lowercase();
let all_behaviors =
["error", "warning", "require", "override", "append", "appendunique", "max", "min"];
if !all_behaviors.contains(&behavior.as_str()) {
return false;
slot.push((key.to_string(), value, behavior));
pub(crate) fn parse_function_return(slot: &mut FunctionReturn, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("keep") => *slot = FunctionReturn::Keep,
Some("thunk-extern") => *slot = FunctionReturn::ThunkExtern,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_wasm_c_abi(slot: &mut WasmCAbi, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match v {
Some("spec") => *slot = WasmCAbi::Spec,
Some("legacy") => *slot = WasmCAbi::Legacy,
_ => return false,
pub(crate) fn parse_mir_include_spans(slot: &mut MirIncludeSpans, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
*slot = match v {
Some("on" | "yes" | "y" | "true") | None => MirIncludeSpans::On,
Some("off" | "no" | "n" | "false") => MirIncludeSpans::Off,
Some("nll") => MirIncludeSpans::Nll,
_ => return false,
options! {
CodegenOptions, CG_OPTIONS, cgopts, "C", "codegen",
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("documented to do nothing")]
ar: String = (String::new(), parse_string, [UNTRACKED],
"this option is deprecated and does nothing"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::code_model` instead of this field")]
code_model: Option<CodeModel> = (None, parse_code_model, [TRACKED],
"choose the code model to use (`rustc --print code-models` for details)"),
codegen_units: Option<usize> = (None, parse_opt_number, [UNTRACKED],
"divide crate into N units to optimize in parallel"),
collapse_macro_debuginfo: CollapseMacroDebuginfo = (CollapseMacroDebuginfo::Unspecified,
parse_collapse_macro_debuginfo, [TRACKED],
"set option to collapse debuginfo for macros"),
control_flow_guard: CFGuard = (CFGuard::Disabled, parse_cfguard, [TRACKED],
"use Windows Control Flow Guard (default: no)"),
debug_assertions: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"explicitly enable the `cfg(debug_assertions)` directive"),
debuginfo: DebugInfo = (DebugInfo::None, parse_debuginfo, [TRACKED],
"debug info emission level (0-2, none, line-directives-only, \
line-tables-only, limited, or full; default: 0)"),
default_linker_libraries: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"allow the linker to link its default libraries (default: no)"),
dlltool: Option<PathBuf> = (None, parse_opt_pathbuf, [UNTRACKED],
"import library generation tool (ignored except when targeting windows-gnu)"),
embed_bitcode: bool = (true, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"emit bitcode in rlibs (default: yes)"),
extra_filename: String = (String::new(), parse_string, [UNTRACKED],
"extra data to put in each output filename"),
force_frame_pointers: FramePointer = (FramePointer::MayOmit, parse_frame_pointer, [TRACKED],
"force use of the frame pointers"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::must_emit_unwind_tables` instead of this field")]
force_unwind_tables: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"force use of unwind tables"),
incremental: Option<String> = (None, parse_opt_string, [UNTRACKED],
"enable incremental compilation"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("documented to do nothing")]
inline_threshold: Option<u32> = (None, parse_opt_number, [TRACKED],
"this option is deprecated and does nothing \
(consider using `-Cllvm-args=--inline-threshold=...`)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::instrument_coverage` instead of this field")]
instrument_coverage: InstrumentCoverage = (InstrumentCoverage::No, parse_instrument_coverage, [TRACKED],
"instrument the generated code to support LLVM source-based code coverage reports \
(note, the compiler build config must include `profiler = true`); \
implies `-C symbol-mangling-version=v0`"),
link_arg: () = ((), parse_string_push, [UNTRACKED],
"a single extra argument to append to the linker invocation (can be used several times)"),
link_args: Vec<String> = (Vec::new(), parse_list, [UNTRACKED],
"extra arguments to append to the linker invocation (space separated)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::link_dead_code` instead of this field")]
link_dead_code: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"keep dead code at link time (useful for code coverage) (default: no)"),
link_self_contained: LinkSelfContained = (LinkSelfContained::default(), parse_link_self_contained, [UNTRACKED],
"control whether to link Rust provided C objects/libraries or rely \
on a C toolchain or linker installed in the system"),
linker: Option<PathBuf> = (None, parse_opt_pathbuf, [UNTRACKED],
"system linker to link outputs with"),
linker_flavor: Option<LinkerFlavorCli> = (None, parse_linker_flavor, [UNTRACKED],
"linker flavor"),
linker_plugin_lto: LinkerPluginLto = (LinkerPluginLto::Disabled,
parse_linker_plugin_lto, [TRACKED],
"generate build artifacts that are compatible with linker-based LTO"),
llvm_args: Vec<String> = (Vec::new(), parse_list, [TRACKED],
"a list of arguments to pass to LLVM (space separated)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::lto` instead of this field")]
lto: LtoCli = (LtoCli::Unspecified, parse_lto, [TRACKED],
"perform LLVM link-time optimizations"),
metadata: Vec<String> = (Vec::new(), parse_list, [TRACKED],
"metadata to mangle symbol names with"),
no_prepopulate_passes: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [TRACKED],
"give an empty list of passes to the pass manager"),
no_redzone: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"disable the use of the redzone"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("documented to do nothing")]
no_stack_check: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [UNTRACKED],
"this option is deprecated and does nothing"),
no_vectorize_loops: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [TRACKED],
"disable loop vectorization optimization passes"),
no_vectorize_slp: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [TRACKED],
"disable LLVM's SLP vectorization pass"),
opt_level: String = ("0".to_string(), parse_string, [TRACKED],
"optimization level (0-3, s, or z; default: 0)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::overflow_checks` instead of this field")]
overflow_checks: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"use overflow checks for integer arithmetic"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::panic_strategy` instead of this field")]
panic: Option<PanicStrategy> = (None, parse_opt_panic_strategy, [TRACKED],
"panic strategy to compile crate with"),
passes: Vec<String> = (Vec::new(), parse_list, [TRACKED],
"a list of extra LLVM passes to run (space separated)"),
prefer_dynamic: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"prefer dynamic linking to static linking (default: no)"),
profile_generate: SwitchWithOptPath = (SwitchWithOptPath::Disabled,
parse_switch_with_opt_path, [TRACKED],
"compile the program with profiling instrumentation"),
profile_use: Option<PathBuf> = (None, parse_opt_pathbuf, [TRACKED],
"use the given `.profdata` file for profile-guided optimization"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::relocation_model` instead of this field")]
relocation_model: Option<RelocModel> = (None, parse_relocation_model, [TRACKED],
"control generation of position-independent code (PIC) \
(`rustc --print relocation-models` for details)"),
relro_level: Option<RelroLevel> = (None, parse_relro_level, [TRACKED],
"choose which RELRO level to use"),
remark: Passes = (Passes::Some(Vec::new()), parse_passes, [UNTRACKED],
"output remarks for these optimization passes (space separated, or \"all\")"),
rpath: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"set rpath values in libs/exes (default: no)"),
save_temps: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"save all temporary output files during compilation (default: no)"),
soft_float: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"deprecated option: use soft float ABI (*eabihf targets only) (default: no)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::split_debuginfo` instead of this field")]
split_debuginfo: Option<SplitDebuginfo> = (None, parse_split_debuginfo, [TRACKED],
"how to handle split-debuginfo, a platform-specific option"),
strip: Strip = (Strip::None, parse_strip, [UNTRACKED],
"tell the linker which information to strip (`none` (default), `debuginfo` or `symbols`)"),
symbol_mangling_version: Option<SymbolManglingVersion> = (None,
parse_symbol_mangling_version, [TRACKED],
"which mangling version to use for symbol names ('legacy' (default), 'v0', or 'hashed')"),
target_cpu: Option<String> = (None, parse_opt_string, [TRACKED],
"select target processor (`rustc --print target-cpus` for details)"),
target_feature: String = (String::new(), parse_target_feature, [TRACKED],
"target specific attributes. (`rustc --print target-features` for details). \
This feature is unsafe."),
options! {
UnstableOptions, Z_OPTIONS, dbopts, "Z", "unstable",
allow_features: Option<Vec<String>> = (None, parse_opt_comma_list, [TRACKED],
"only allow the listed language features to be enabled in code (comma separated)"),
always_encode_mir: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"encode MIR of all functions into the crate metadata (default: no)"),
assert_incr_state: Option<String> = (None, parse_opt_string, [UNTRACKED],
"assert that the incremental cache is in given state: \
either `loaded` or `not-loaded`."),
assume_incomplete_release: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"make cfg(version) treat the current version as incomplete (default: no)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::binary_dep_depinfo` instead of this field")]
binary_dep_depinfo: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"include artifacts (sysroot, crate dependencies) used during compilation in dep-info \
(default: no)"),
box_noalias: bool = (true, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"emit noalias metadata for box (default: yes)"),
branch_protection: Option<BranchProtection> = (None, parse_branch_protection, [TRACKED],
"set options for branch target identification and pointer authentication on AArch64"),
cf_protection: CFProtection = (CFProtection::None, parse_cfprotection, [TRACKED],
"instrument control-flow architecture protection"),
check_cfg_all_expected: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"show all expected values in check-cfg diagnostics (default: no)"),
checksum_hash_algorithm: Option<SourceFileHashAlgorithm> = (None, parse_cargo_src_file_hash, [TRACKED],
"hash algorithm of source files used to check freshness in cargo (`blake3` or `sha256`)"),
codegen_backend: Option<String> = (None, parse_opt_string, [TRACKED],
"the backend to use"),
combine_cgu: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"combine CGUs into a single one"),
coverage_options: CoverageOptions = (CoverageOptions::default(), parse_coverage_options, [TRACKED],
"control details of coverage instrumentation"),
crate_attr: Vec<String> = (Vec::new(), parse_string_push, [TRACKED],
"inject the given attribute in the crate"),
cross_crate_inline_threshold: InliningThreshold = (InliningThreshold::Sometimes(100), parse_inlining_threshold, [TRACKED],
"threshold to allow cross crate inlining of functions"),
debug_info_for_profiling: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"emit discriminators and other data necessary for AutoFDO"),
debug_info_type_line_numbers: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"emit type and line information for additional data types (default: no)"),
debuginfo_compression: DebugInfoCompression = (DebugInfoCompression::None, parse_debuginfo_compression, [TRACKED],
"compress debug info sections (none, zlib, zstd, default: none)"),
deduplicate_diagnostics: bool = (true, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"deduplicate identical diagnostics (default: yes)"),
default_visibility: Option<SymbolVisibility> = (None, parse_opt_symbol_visibility, [TRACKED],
"overrides the `default_visibility` setting of the target"),
dep_info_omit_d_target: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"in dep-info output, omit targets for tracking dependencies of the dep-info files \
themselves (default: no)"),
direct_access_external_data: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"Direct or use GOT indirect to reference external data symbols"),
dual_proc_macros: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"load proc macros for both target and host, but only link to the target (default: no)"),
dump_dep_graph: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"dump the dependency graph to $RUST_DEP_GRAPH (default: /tmp/dep_graph.gv) \
(default: no)"),
dump_mir: Option<String> = (None, parse_opt_string, [UNTRACKED],
"dump MIR state to file.
`val` is used to select which passes and functions to dump. For example:
`all` matches all passes and functions,
`foo` matches all passes for functions whose name contains 'foo',
`foo & ConstProp` only the 'ConstProp' pass for function names containing 'foo',
`foo | bar` all passes for function names containing 'foo' or 'bar'."),
dump_mir_dataflow: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"in addition to `.mir` files, create graphviz `.dot` files with dataflow results \
(default: no)"),
dump_mir_dir: String = ("mir_dump".to_string(), parse_string, [UNTRACKED],
"the directory the MIR is dumped into (default: `mir_dump`)"),
dump_mir_exclude_alloc_bytes: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"exclude the raw bytes of allocations when dumping MIR (used in tests) (default: no)"),
dump_mir_exclude_pass_number: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"exclude the pass number when dumping MIR (used in tests) (default: no)"),
dump_mir_graphviz: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"in addition to `.mir` files, create graphviz `.dot` files (default: no)"),
dump_mono_stats: SwitchWithOptPath = (SwitchWithOptPath::Disabled,
parse_switch_with_opt_path, [UNTRACKED],
"output statistics about monomorphization collection"),
dump_mono_stats_format: DumpMonoStatsFormat = (DumpMonoStatsFormat::Markdown, parse_dump_mono_stats, [UNTRACKED],
"the format to use for -Z dump-mono-stats (`markdown` (default) or `json`)"),
dwarf_version: Option<u32> = (None, parse_opt_number, [TRACKED],
"version of DWARF debug information to emit (default: 2 or 4, depending on platform)"),
dylib_lto: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"enables LTO for dylib crate type"),
eagerly_emit_delayed_bugs: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"emit delayed bugs eagerly as errors instead of stashing them and emitting \
them only if an error has not been emitted"),
ehcont_guard: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"generate Windows EHCont Guard tables"),
embed_source: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"embed source text in DWARF debug sections (default: no)"),
emit_stack_sizes: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"emit a section containing stack size metadata (default: no)"),
emit_thin_lto: bool = (true, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"emit the bc module with thin LTO info (default: yes)"),
enforce_type_length_limit: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"enforce the type length limit when monomorphizing instances in codegen"),
export_executable_symbols: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"export symbols from executables, as if they were dynamic libraries"),
external_clangrt: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"rely on user specified linker commands to find clangrt"),
extra_const_ub_checks: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"turns on more checks to detect const UB, which can be slow (default: no)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::fewer_names` instead of this field")]
fewer_names: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"reduce memory use by retaining fewer names within compilation artifacts (LLVM-IR) \
(default: no)"),
fixed_x18: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"make the x18 register reserved on AArch64 (default: no)"),
flatten_format_args: bool = (true, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"flatten nested format_args!() and literals into a simplified format_args!() call \
(default: yes)"),
fmt_debug: FmtDebug = (FmtDebug::Full, parse_fmt_debug, [TRACKED],
"how detailed `#[derive(Debug)]` should be. `full` prints types recursively, \
`shallow` prints only type names, `none` prints nothing and disables `{:?}`. (default: `full`)"),
force_unstable_if_unmarked: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"force all crates to be `rustc_private` unstable (default: no)"),
function_return: FunctionReturn = (FunctionReturn::default(), parse_function_return, [TRACKED],
"replace returns with jumps to `__x86_return_thunk` (default: `keep`)"),
function_sections: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"whether each function should go in its own section"),
future_incompat_test: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"forces all lints to be future incompatible, used for internal testing (default: no)"),
graphviz_dark_mode: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"use dark-themed colors in graphviz output (default: no)"),
graphviz_font: String = ("Courier, monospace".to_string(), parse_string, [UNTRACKED],
"use the given `fontname` in graphviz output; can be overridden by setting \
environment variable `RUSTC_GRAPHVIZ_FONT` (default: `Courier, monospace`)"),
has_thread_local: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"explicitly enable the `cfg(target_thread_local)` directive"),
human_readable_cgu_names: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"generate human-readable, predictable names for codegen units (default: no)"),
identify_regions: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"display unnamed regions as `'<id>`, using a non-ident unique id (default: no)"),
ignore_directory_in_diagnostics_source_blocks: Vec<String> = (Vec::new(), parse_string_push, [UNTRACKED],
"do not display the source code block in diagnostics for files in the directory"),
incremental_ignore_spans: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"ignore spans during ICH computation -- used for testing (default: no)"),
incremental_info: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"print high-level information about incremental reuse (or the lack thereof) \
(default: no)"),
incremental_verify_ich: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"verify extended properties for incr. comp. (default: no):
- hashes of green query instances
- hash collisions of query keys"),
inline_in_all_cgus: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"control whether `#[inline]` functions are in all CGUs"),
inline_llvm: bool = (true, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"enable LLVM inlining (default: yes)"),
inline_mir: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"enable MIR inlining (default: no)"),
inline_mir_forwarder_threshold: Option<usize> = (None, parse_opt_number, [TRACKED],
"inlining threshold when the caller is a simple forwarding function (default: 30)"),
inline_mir_hint_threshold: Option<usize> = (None, parse_opt_number, [TRACKED],
"inlining threshold for functions with inline hint (default: 100)"),
inline_mir_preserve_debug: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"when MIR inlining, whether to preserve debug info for callee variables \
(default: preserve for debuginfo != None, otherwise remove)"),
inline_mir_threshold: Option<usize> = (None, parse_opt_number, [TRACKED],
"a default MIR inlining threshold (default: 50)"),
input_stats: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"print some statistics about AST and HIR (default: no)"),
instrument_mcount: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"insert function instrument code for mcount-based tracing (default: no)"),
instrument_xray: Option<InstrumentXRay> = (None, parse_instrument_xray, [TRACKED],
"insert function instrument code for XRay-based tracing (default: no)
Optional extra settings:
Multiple options can be combined with commas."),
layout_seed: Option<u64> = (None, parse_opt_number, [TRACKED],
"seed layout randomization"),
link_directives: bool = (true, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"honor #[link] directives in the compiled crate (default: yes)"),
link_native_libraries: bool = (true, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"link native libraries in the linker invocation (default: yes)"),
link_only: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"link the `.rlink` file generated by `-Z no-link` (default: no)"),
linker_features: LinkerFeaturesCli = (LinkerFeaturesCli::default(), parse_linker_features, [UNTRACKED],
"a comma-separated list of linker features to enable (+) or disable (-): `lld`"),
lint_llvm_ir: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"lint LLVM IR (default: no)"),
lint_mir: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"lint MIR before and after each transformation"),
llvm_module_flag: Vec<(String, u32, String)> = (Vec::new(), parse_llvm_module_flag, [TRACKED],
"a list of module flags to pass to LLVM (space separated)"),
llvm_plugins: Vec<String> = (Vec::new(), parse_list, [TRACKED],
"a list LLVM plugins to enable (space separated)"),
llvm_time_trace: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"generate JSON tracing data file from LLVM data (default: no)"),
location_detail: LocationDetail = (LocationDetail::all(), parse_location_detail, [TRACKED],
"what location details should be tracked when using caller_location, either \
`none`, or a comma separated list of location details, for which \
valid options are `file`, `line`, and `column` (default: `file,line,column`)"),
ls: Vec<String> = (Vec::new(), parse_list, [UNTRACKED],
"decode and print various parts of the crate metadata for a library crate \
(space separated)"),
macro_backtrace: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"show macro backtraces (default: no)"),
maximal_hir_to_mir_coverage: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"save as much information as possible about the correspondence between MIR and HIR \
as source scopes (default: no)"),
merge_functions: Option<MergeFunctions> = (None, parse_merge_functions, [TRACKED],
"control the operation of the MergeFunctions LLVM pass, taking \
the same values as the target option of the same name"),
meta_stats: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"gather metadata statistics (default: no)"),
metrics_dir: Option<PathBuf> = (None, parse_opt_pathbuf, [UNTRACKED],
"the directory metrics emitted by rustc are dumped into (implicitly enables default set of metrics)"),
mir_emit_retag: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"emit Retagging MIR statements, interpreted e.g., by miri; implies -Zmir-opt-level=0 \
(default: no)"),
mir_enable_passes: Vec<(String, bool)> = (Vec::new(), parse_list_with_polarity, [TRACKED],
"use like `-Zmir-enable-passes=+DestinationPropagation,-InstSimplify`. Forces the \
specified passes to be enabled, overriding all other checks. In particular, this will \
enable unsound (known-buggy and hence usually disabled) passes without further warning! \
Passes that are not specified are enabled or disabled by other flags as usual."),
mir_include_spans: MirIncludeSpans = (MirIncludeSpans::default(), parse_mir_include_spans, [UNTRACKED],
"include extra comments in mir pretty printing, like line numbers and statement indices, \
details about types, etc. (boolean for all passes, 'nll' to enable in NLL MIR only, default: 'nll')"),
mir_keep_place_mention: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"keep place mention MIR statements, interpreted e.g., by miri; implies -Zmir-opt-level=0 \
(default: no)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::mir_opt_level` instead of this field")]
mir_opt_level: Option<usize> = (None, parse_opt_number, [TRACKED],
"MIR optimization level (0-4; default: 1 in non optimized builds and 2 in optimized builds)"),
mir_strip_debuginfo: MirStripDebugInfo = (MirStripDebugInfo::None, parse_mir_strip_debuginfo, [TRACKED],
"Whether to remove some of the MIR debug info from methods. Default: None"),
move_size_limit: Option<usize> = (None, parse_opt_number, [TRACKED],
"the size at which the `large_assignments` lint starts to be emitted"),
mutable_noalias: bool = (true, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"emit noalias metadata for mutable references (default: yes)"),
next_solver: NextSolverConfig = (NextSolverConfig::default(), parse_next_solver_config, [TRACKED],
"enable and configure the next generation trait solver used by rustc"),
nll_facts: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"dump facts from NLL analysis into side files (default: no)"),
nll_facts_dir: String = ("nll-facts".to_string(), parse_string, [UNTRACKED],
"the directory the NLL facts are dumped into (default: `nll-facts`)"),
no_analysis: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [UNTRACKED],
"parse and expand the source, but run no analysis"),
no_codegen: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [TRACKED_NO_CRATE_HASH],
"run all passes except codegen; no output"),
no_generate_arange_section: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [TRACKED],
"omit DWARF address ranges that give faster lookups"),
no_implied_bounds_compat: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"disable the compatibility version of the `implied_bounds_ty` query"),
no_jump_tables: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [TRACKED],
"disable the jump tables and lookup tables that can be generated from a switch case lowering"),
no_leak_check: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [UNTRACKED],
"disable the 'leak check' for subtyping; unsound, but useful for tests"),
no_link: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [TRACKED],
"compile without linking"),
no_parallel_backend: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [UNTRACKED],
"run LLVM in non-parallel mode (while keeping codegen-units and ThinLTO)"),
no_profiler_runtime: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [TRACKED],
"prevent automatic injection of the profiler_builtins crate"),
no_trait_vptr: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [TRACKED],
"disable generation of trait vptr in vtable for upcasting"),
no_unique_section_names: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"do not use unique names for text and data sections when -Z function-sections is used"),
normalize_docs: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"normalize associated items in rustdoc when generating documentation"),
on_broken_pipe: OnBrokenPipe = (OnBrokenPipe::Default, parse_on_broken_pipe, [TRACKED],
"behavior of std::io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe (SIGPIPE)"),
oom: OomStrategy = (OomStrategy::Abort, parse_oom_strategy, [TRACKED],
"panic strategy for out-of-memory handling"),
osx_rpath_install_name: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"pass `-install_name @rpath/...` to the macOS linker (default: no)"),
packed_bundled_libs: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"change rlib format to store native libraries as archives"),
panic_abort_tests: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"support compiling tests with panic=abort (default: no)"),
panic_in_drop: PanicStrategy = (PanicStrategy::Unwind, parse_panic_strategy, [TRACKED],
"panic strategy for panics in drops"),
parse_crate_root_only: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"parse the crate root file only; do not parse other files, compile, assemble, or link \
(default: no)"),
patchable_function_entry: PatchableFunctionEntry = (PatchableFunctionEntry::default(), parse_patchable_function_entry, [TRACKED],
"nop padding at function entry"),
plt: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"whether to use the PLT when calling into shared libraries;
only has effect for PIC code on systems with ELF binaries
(default: PLT is disabled if full relro is enabled on x86_64)"),
polonius: Polonius = (Polonius::default(), parse_polonius, [TRACKED],
"enable polonius-based borrow-checker (default: no)"),
pre_link_arg: () = ((), parse_string_push, [UNTRACKED],
"a single extra argument to prepend the linker invocation (can be used several times)"),
pre_link_args: Vec<String> = (Vec::new(), parse_list, [UNTRACKED],
"extra arguments to prepend to the linker invocation (space separated)"),
precise_enum_drop_elaboration: bool = (true, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"use a more precise version of drop elaboration for matches on enums (default: yes). \
This results in better codegen, but has caused miscompilations on some tier 2 platforms. \
See #77382 and #74551."),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::print_codegen_stats` instead of this field")]
print_codegen_stats: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"print codegen statistics (default: no)"),
print_llvm_passes: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"print the LLVM optimization passes being run (default: no)"),
print_mono_items: Option<String> = (None, parse_opt_string, [UNTRACKED],
"print the result of the monomorphization collection pass. \
Value `lazy` means to use normal collection; `eager` means to collect all items.
Note that this overwrites the effect `-Clink-dead-code` has on collection!"),
print_type_sizes: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"print layout information for each type encountered (default: no)"),
print_vtable_sizes: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"print size comparison between old and new vtable layouts (default: no)"),
proc_macro_backtrace: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"show backtraces for panics during proc-macro execution (default: no)"),
proc_macro_execution_strategy: ProcMacroExecutionStrategy = (ProcMacroExecutionStrategy::SameThread,
parse_proc_macro_execution_strategy, [UNTRACKED],
"how to run proc-macro code (default: same-thread)"),
profile_closures: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [UNTRACKED],
"profile size of closures"),
profile_sample_use: Option<PathBuf> = (None, parse_opt_pathbuf, [TRACKED],
"use the given `.prof` file for sampled profile-guided optimization (also known as AutoFDO)"),
profiler_runtime: String = (String::from("profiler_builtins"), parse_string, [TRACKED],
"name of the profiler runtime crate to automatically inject (default: `profiler_builtins`)"),
query_dep_graph: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"enable queries of the dependency graph for regression testing (default: no)"),
randomize_layout: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"randomize the layout of types (default: no)"),
reg_struct_return: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"On x86-32 targets, it overrides the default ABI to return small structs in registers.
It is UNSOUND to link together crates that use different values for this flag!"),
regparm: Option<u32> = (None, parse_opt_number, [TRACKED],
"On x86-32 targets, setting this to N causes the compiler to pass N arguments \
in registers EAX, EDX, and ECX instead of on the stack for\
\"C\", \"cdecl\", and \"stdcall\" fn.\
It is UNSOUND to link together crates that use different values for this flag!"),
relax_elf_relocations: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"whether ELF relocations can be relaxed"),
remap_cwd_prefix: Option<PathBuf> = (None, parse_opt_pathbuf, [TRACKED],
"remap paths under the current working directory to this path prefix"),
remap_path_scope: RemapPathScopeComponents = (RemapPathScopeComponents::all(), parse_remap_path_scope, [TRACKED],
"remap path scope (default: all)"),
remark_dir: Option<PathBuf> = (None, parse_opt_pathbuf, [UNTRACKED],
"directory into which to write optimization remarks (if not specified, they will be \
written to standard error output)"),
sanitizer: SanitizerSet = (SanitizerSet::empty(), parse_sanitizers, [TRACKED],
"use a sanitizer"),
sanitizer_cfi_canonical_jump_tables: Option<bool> = (Some(true), parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"enable canonical jump tables (default: yes)"),
sanitizer_cfi_generalize_pointers: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"enable generalizing pointer types (default: no)"),
sanitizer_cfi_normalize_integers: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"enable normalizing integer types (default: no)"),
sanitizer_dataflow_abilist: Vec<String> = (Vec::new(), parse_comma_list, [TRACKED],
"additional ABI list files that control how shadow parameters are passed (comma separated)"),
sanitizer_memory_track_origins: usize = (0, parse_sanitizer_memory_track_origins, [TRACKED],
"enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer"),
sanitizer_recover: SanitizerSet = (SanitizerSet::empty(), parse_sanitizers, [TRACKED],
"enable recovery for selected sanitizers"),
saturating_float_casts: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"make float->int casts UB-free: numbers outside the integer type's range are clipped to \
the max/min integer respectively, and NaN is mapped to 0 (default: yes)"),
self_profile: SwitchWithOptPath = (SwitchWithOptPath::Disabled,
parse_switch_with_opt_path, [UNTRACKED],
"run the self profiler and output the raw event data"),
self_profile_counter: String = ("wall-time".to_string(), parse_string, [UNTRACKED],
"counter used by the self profiler (default: `wall-time`), one of:
`wall-time` (monotonic clock, i.e. `std::time::Instant`)
`instructions:u` (retired instructions, userspace-only)
`instructions-minus-irqs:u` (subtracting hardware interrupt counts for extra accuracy)"
self_profile_events: Option<Vec<String>> = (None, parse_opt_comma_list, [UNTRACKED],
"specify the events recorded by the self profiler;
for example: `-Z self-profile-events=default,query-keys`
all options: none, all, default, generic-activity, query-provider, query-cache-hit
query-blocked, incr-cache-load, incr-result-hashing, query-keys, function-args, args, llvm, artifact-sizes"),
share_generics: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"make the current crate share its generic instantiations"),
shell_argfiles: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"allow argument files to be specified with POSIX \"shell-style\" argument quoting"),
simulate_remapped_rust_src_base: Option<PathBuf> = (None, parse_opt_pathbuf, [TRACKED],
"simulate the effect of remap-debuginfo = true at bootstrapping by remapping path \
to rust's source base directory. only meant for testing purposes"),
small_data_threshold: Option<usize> = (None, parse_opt_number, [TRACKED],
"Set the threshold for objects to be stored in a \"small data\" section"),
span_debug: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"forward proc_macro::Span's `Debug` impl to `Span`"),
span_free_formats: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"exclude spans when debug-printing compiler state (default: no)"),
split_dwarf_inlining: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"provide minimal debug info in the object/executable to facilitate online \
symbolication/stack traces in the absence of .dwo/.dwp files when using Split DWARF"),
split_dwarf_kind: SplitDwarfKind = (SplitDwarfKind::Split, parse_split_dwarf_kind, [TRACKED],
"split dwarf variant (only if -Csplit-debuginfo is enabled and on relevant platform)
(default: `split`)
`split`: sections which do not require relocation are written into a DWARF object (`.dwo`)
file which is ignored by the linker
`single`: sections which do not require relocation are written into object file but ignored
by the linker"),
split_lto_unit: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"enable LTO unit splitting (default: no)"),
src_hash_algorithm: Option<SourceFileHashAlgorithm> = (None, parse_src_file_hash, [TRACKED],
"hash algorithm of source files in debug info (`md5`, `sha1`, or `sha256`)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::stack_protector` instead of this field")]
stack_protector: StackProtector = (StackProtector::None, parse_stack_protector, [TRACKED],
"control stack smash protection strategy (`rustc --print stack-protector-strategies` for details)"),
staticlib_allow_rdylib_deps: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"allow staticlibs to have rust dylib dependencies"),
staticlib_prefer_dynamic: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"prefer dynamic linking to static linking for staticlibs (default: no)"),
strict_init_checks: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"control if mem::uninitialized and mem::zeroed panic on more UB"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::teach` instead of this field")]
teach: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"show extended diagnostic help (default: no)"),
temps_dir: Option<String> = (None, parse_opt_string, [UNTRACKED],
"the directory the intermediate files are written to"),
terminal_urls: TerminalUrl = (TerminalUrl::No, parse_terminal_url, [UNTRACKED],
"use the OSC 8 hyperlink terminal specification to print hyperlinks in the compiler output"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::lto` instead of this field")]
thinlto: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"enable ThinLTO when possible"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::threads` instead of this field")]
threads: usize = (1, parse_threads, [UNTRACKED],
"use a thread pool with N threads"),
time_llvm_passes: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"measure time of each LLVM pass (default: no)"),
time_passes: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"measure time of each rustc pass (default: no)"),
time_passes_format: TimePassesFormat = (TimePassesFormat::Text, parse_time_passes_format, [UNTRACKED],
"the format to use for -Z time-passes (`text` (default) or `json`)"),
tiny_const_eval_limit: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"sets a tiny, non-configurable limit for const eval; useful for compiler tests"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::tls_model` instead of this field")]
tls_model: Option<TlsModel> = (None, parse_tls_model, [TRACKED],
"choose the TLS model to use (`rustc --print tls-models` for details)"),
trace_macros: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"for every macro invocation, print its name and arguments (default: no)"),
track_diagnostics: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"tracks where in rustc a diagnostic was emitted"),
translate_additional_ftl: Option<PathBuf> = (None, parse_opt_pathbuf, [TRACKED],
"additional fluent translation to preferentially use (for testing translation)"),
translate_directionality_markers: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"emit directionality isolation markers in translated diagnostics"),
translate_lang: Option<LanguageIdentifier> = (None, parse_opt_langid, [TRACKED],
"language identifier for diagnostic output"),
translate_remapped_path_to_local_path: bool = (true, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"translate remapped paths into local paths when possible (default: yes)"),
trap_unreachable: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"generate trap instructions for unreachable intrinsics (default: use target setting, usually yes)"),
treat_err_as_bug: Option<NonZero<usize>> = (None, parse_treat_err_as_bug, [TRACKED],
"treat the `val`th error that occurs as bug (default if not specified: 0 - don't treat errors as bugs. \
default if specified without a value: 1 - treat the first error as bug)"),
trim_diagnostic_paths: bool = (true, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"in diagnostics, use heuristics to shorten paths referring to items"),
tune_cpu: Option<String> = (None, parse_opt_string, [TRACKED],
"select processor to schedule for (`rustc --print target-cpus` for details)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::ub_checks` instead of this field")]
ub_checks: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"emit runtime checks for Undefined Behavior (default: -Cdebug-assertions)"),
ui_testing: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"emit compiler diagnostics in a form suitable for UI testing (default: no)"),
uninit_const_chunk_threshold: usize = (16, parse_number, [TRACKED],
"allow generating const initializers with mixed init/uninit chunks, \
and set the maximum number of chunks for which this is allowed (default: 16)"),
unleash_the_miri_inside_of_you: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"take the brakes off const evaluation. NOTE: this is unsound (default: no)"),
unpretty: Option<String> = (None, parse_unpretty, [UNTRACKED],
"present the input source, unstable (and less-pretty) variants;
`normal`, `identified`,
`expanded`, `expanded,identified`,
`expanded,hygiene` (with internal representations),
`ast-tree` (raw AST before expansion),
`ast-tree,expanded` (raw AST after expansion),
`hir` (the HIR), `hir,identified`,
`hir,typed` (HIR with types for each node),
`hir-tree` (dump the raw HIR),
`thir-tree`, `thir-flat`,
`mir` (the MIR), or `mir-cfg` (graphviz formatted MIR)"),
unsound_mir_opts: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"enable unsound and buggy MIR optimizations (default: no)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::unstable_options` instead of this field")]
unstable_options: bool = (false, parse_no_value, [UNTRACKED],
"adds unstable command line options to rustc interface (default: no)"),
use_ctors_section: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"use legacy .ctors section for initializers rather than .init_array"),
use_sync_unwind: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
"Generate sync unwind tables instead of async unwind tables (default: no)"),
validate_mir: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"validate MIR after each transformation"),
verbose_asm: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"add descriptive comments from LLVM to the assembly (may change behavior) (default: no)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::verbose_internals` instead of this field")]
verbose_internals: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED_NO_CRATE_HASH],
"in general, enable more debug printouts (default: no)"),
#[rustc_lint_opt_deny_field_access("use `Session::verify_llvm_ir` instead of this field")]
verify_llvm_ir: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"verify LLVM IR (default: no)"),
virtual_function_elimination: bool = (false, parse_bool, [TRACKED],
"enables dead virtual function elimination optimization. \
Requires `-Clto[=[fat,yes]]`"),
wasi_exec_model: Option<WasiExecModel> = (None, parse_wasi_exec_model, [TRACKED],
"whether to build a wasi command or reactor"),
wasm_c_abi: WasmCAbi = (WasmCAbi::Legacy, parse_wasm_c_abi, [TRACKED],
"use spec-compliant C ABI for `wasm32-unknown-unknown` (default: legacy)"),
write_long_types_to_disk: bool = (true, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
"whether long type names should be written to files instead of being printed in errors"),