
1//! A graph-like structure used to represent a set of dependencies and in what
2//! order they should be built.
4//! This structure is used to store the dependency graph and dynamically update
5//! it to figure out when a dependency should be built.
7//! Dependencies in this queue are represented as a (node, edge) pair. This is
8//! used to model nodes which produce multiple outputs at different times but
9//! some nodes may only require one of the outputs and can start before the
10//! whole node is finished.
12use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
13use std::hash::Hash;
16pub struct DependencyQueue<N: Hash + Eq, E: Hash + Eq, V> {
17    /// A list of all known keys to build.
18    ///
19    /// The value of the hash map is list of dependencies which still need to be
20    /// built before the package can be built. Note that the set is dynamically
21    /// updated as more dependencies are built.
22    dep_map: HashMap<N, (HashSet<(N, E)>, V)>,
24    /// A reverse mapping of a package to all packages that depend on that
25    /// package.
26    ///
27    /// This map is statically known and does not get updated throughout the
28    /// lifecycle of the `DependencyQueue`.
29    ///
30    /// This is sort of like a `HashMap<(N, E), HashSet<N>>` map, but more
31    /// easily indexable with just an `N`
32    reverse_dep_map: HashMap<N, HashMap<E, HashSet<N>>>,
34    /// The relative priority of this package. Higher values should be scheduled sooner.
35    priority: HashMap<N, usize>,
37    /// An expected cost for building this package. Used to determine priority.
38    cost: HashMap<N, usize>,
41impl<N: Hash + Eq, E: Hash + Eq, V> Default for DependencyQueue<N, E, V> {
42    fn default() -> DependencyQueue<N, E, V> {
43        DependencyQueue::new()
44    }
47impl<N: Hash + Eq, E: Hash + Eq, V> DependencyQueue<N, E, V> {
48    /// Creates a new dependency queue with 0 packages.
49    pub fn new() -> DependencyQueue<N, E, V> {
50        DependencyQueue {
51            dep_map: HashMap::new(),
52            reverse_dep_map: HashMap::new(),
53            priority: HashMap::new(),
54            cost: HashMap::new(),
55        }
56    }
59impl<N: Hash + Eq + Clone, E: Eq + Hash + Clone, V> DependencyQueue<N, E, V> {
60    /// Adds a new node and its dependencies to this queue.
61    ///
62    /// The `key` specified is a new node in the dependency graph, and the node
63    /// depend on all the dependencies iterated by `dependencies`. Each
64    /// dependency is a node/edge pair, where edges can be thought of as
65    /// productions from nodes (aka if it's just `()` it's just waiting for the
66    /// node to finish).
67    ///
68    /// An optional `value` can also be associated with `key` which is reclaimed
69    /// when the node is ready to go.
70    ///
71    /// The cost parameter can be used to hint at the relative cost of building
72    /// this node. This implementation does not care about the units of this value, so
73    /// the calling code is free to use whatever they'd like. In general, higher cost
74    /// nodes are expected to take longer to build.
75    pub fn queue(
76        &mut self,
77        key: N,
78        value: V,
79        dependencies: impl IntoIterator<Item = (N, E)>,
80        cost: usize,
81    ) {
82        assert!(!self.dep_map.contains_key(&key));
84        let mut my_dependencies = HashSet::new();
85        for (dep, edge) in dependencies {
86            my_dependencies.insert((dep.clone(), edge.clone()));
87            self.reverse_dep_map
88                .entry(dep)
89                .or_insert_with(HashMap::new)
90                .entry(edge)
91                .or_insert_with(HashSet::new)
92                .insert(key.clone());
93        }
94        self.dep_map.insert(key.clone(), (my_dependencies, value));
95        self.cost.insert(key, cost);
96    }
98    /// All nodes have been added, calculate some internal metadata and prepare
99    /// for `dequeue`.
100    pub fn queue_finished(&mut self) {
101        let mut out = HashMap::new();
102        for key in self.dep_map.keys() {
103            depth(key, &self.reverse_dep_map, &mut out);
104        }
105        self.priority = out
106            .into_iter()
107            .map(|(n, set)| {
108                let total_cost =
109                    self.cost[&n] + set.iter().map(|key| self.cost[key]).sum::<usize>();
110                (n, total_cost)
111            })
112            .collect();
114        /// Creates a flattened reverse dependency list. For a given key, finds the
115        /// set of nodes which depend on it, including transitively. This is different
116        /// from `self.reverse_dep_map` because `self.reverse_dep_map` only maps one level
117        /// of reverse dependencies.
118        fn depth<'a, N: Hash + Eq + Clone, E: Hash + Eq + Clone>(
119            key: &N,
120            map: &HashMap<N, HashMap<E, HashSet<N>>>,
121            results: &'a mut HashMap<N, HashSet<N>>,
122        ) -> &'a HashSet<N> {
123            if results.contains_key(key) {
124                let depth = &results[key];
125                assert!(!depth.is_empty(), "cycle in DependencyQueue");
126                return depth;
127            }
128            results.insert(key.clone(), HashSet::new());
130            let mut set = HashSet::new();
131            set.insert(key.clone());
133            for dep in map
134                .get(key)
135                .into_iter()
136                .flat_map(|it| it.values())
137                .flatten()
138            {
139                set.extend(depth(dep, map, results).iter().cloned())
140            }
142            let slot = results.get_mut(key).unwrap();
143            *slot = set;
144            &*slot
145        }
146    }
148    /// Dequeues a package that is ready to be built.
149    ///
150    /// A package is ready to be built when it has 0 un-built dependencies. If
151    /// `None` is returned then no packages are ready to be built.
152    pub fn dequeue(&mut self) -> Option<(N, V, usize)> {
153        let (key, priority) = self
154            .dep_map
155            .iter()
156            .filter(|(_, (deps, _))| deps.is_empty())
157            .map(|(key, _)| (key.clone(), self.priority[key]))
158            .max_by_key(|(_, priority)| *priority)?;
159        let (_, data) = self.dep_map.remove(&key).unwrap();
160        Some((key, data, priority))
161    }
163    /// Returns `true` if there are remaining packages to be built.
164    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
165        self.dep_map.is_empty()
166    }
168    /// Returns the number of remaining packages to be built.
169    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
170        self.dep_map.len()
171    }
173    /// Indicate that something has finished.
174    ///
175    /// Calling this function indicates that the `node` has produced `edge`. All
176    /// remaining work items which only depend on this node/edge pair are now
177    /// candidates to start their job.
178    ///
179    /// Returns the nodes that are now allowed to be dequeued as a result of
180    /// finishing this node.
181    pub fn finish(&mut self, node: &N, edge: &E) -> Vec<&N> {
182        // hashset<Node>
183        let reverse_deps = self.reverse_dep_map.get(node).and_then(|map| map.get(edge));
184        let Some(reverse_deps) = reverse_deps else {
185            return Vec::new();
186        };
187        let key = (node.clone(), edge.clone());
188        let mut result = Vec::new();
189        for dep in reverse_deps.iter() {
190            let edges = &mut self.dep_map.get_mut(dep).unwrap().0;
191            assert!(edges.remove(&key));
192            if edges.is_empty() {
193                result.push(dep);
194            }
195        }
196        result
197    }
201mod test {
202    use super::DependencyQueue;
204    #[test]
205    fn deep_first_equal_cost() {
206        let mut q = DependencyQueue::new();
208        q.queue(1, (), vec![], 1);
209        q.queue(2, (), vec![(1, ())], 1);
210        q.queue(3, (), vec![], 1);
211        q.queue(4, (), vec![(2, ()), (3, ())], 1);
212        q.queue(5, (), vec![(4, ()), (3, ())], 1);
213        q.queue_finished();
215        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), Some((1, (), 5)));
216        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), Some((3, (), 4)));
217        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), None);
218        q.finish(&3, &());
219        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), None);
220        q.finish(&1, &());
221        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), Some((2, (), 4)));
222        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), None);
223        q.finish(&2, &());
224        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), Some((4, (), 3)));
225        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), None);
226        q.finish(&4, &());
227        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), Some((5, (), 2)));
228    }
230    #[test]
231    fn sort_by_highest_cost() {
232        let mut q = DependencyQueue::new();
234        q.queue(1, (), vec![], 1);
235        q.queue(2, (), vec![(1, ())], 1);
236        q.queue(3, (), vec![], 4);
237        q.queue(4, (), vec![(2, ()), (3, ())], 1);
238        q.queue_finished();
240        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), Some((3, (), 9)));
241        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), Some((1, (), 4)));
242        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), None);
243        q.finish(&3, &());
244        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), None);
245        q.finish(&1, &());
246        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), Some((2, (), 3)));
247        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), None);
248        q.finish(&2, &());
249        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), Some((4, (), 2)));
250        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), None);
251        q.finish(&4, &());
252        assert_eq!(q.dequeue(), None);
253    }