
1use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
3use rustc_codegen_ssa::mir::debuginfo::{DebugScope, FunctionDebugContext};
4use rustc_codegen_ssa::traits::*;
5use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
6use rustc_index::Idx;
7use rustc_index::bit_set::DenseBitSet;
8use rustc_middle::mir::{Body, SourceScope};
9use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{FnAbiOf, HasTypingEnv};
10use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Instance};
11use rustc_session::config::DebugInfo;
12use rustc_span::{BytePos, DUMMY_SP, hygiene};
14use super::metadata::file_metadata;
15use super::utils::DIB;
16use crate::common::CodegenCx;
17use crate::llvm;
18use crate::llvm::debuginfo::{DILocation, DIScope};
20/// Produces DIScope DIEs for each MIR Scope which has variables defined in it.
21// FIXME(eddyb) almost all of this should be in `rustc_codegen_ssa::mir::debuginfo`.
22pub(crate) fn compute_mir_scopes<'ll, 'tcx>(
23    cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>,
24    instance: Instance<'tcx>,
25    mir: &Body<'tcx>,
26    debug_context: &mut FunctionDebugContext<'tcx, &'ll DIScope, &'ll DILocation>,
27) {
28    // Find all scopes with variables defined in them.
29    let variables = if cx.sess().opts.debuginfo == DebugInfo::Full {
30        let mut vars = DenseBitSet::new_empty(mir.source_scopes.len());
31        // FIXME(eddyb) take into account that arguments always have debuginfo,
32        // irrespective of their name (assuming full debuginfo is enabled).
33        // NOTE(eddyb) actually, on second thought, those are always in the
34        // function scope, which always exists.
35        for var_debug_info in &mir.var_debug_info {
36            vars.insert(var_debug_info.source_info.scope);
37        }
38        Some(vars)
39    } else {
40        // Nothing to emit, of course.
41        None
42    };
43    let mut instantiated = DenseBitSet::new_empty(mir.source_scopes.len());
44    let mut discriminators = FxHashMap::default();
45    // Instantiate all scopes.
46    for idx in 0..mir.source_scopes.len() {
47        let scope = SourceScope::new(idx);
48        make_mir_scope(
49            cx,
50            instance,
51            mir,
52            &variables,
53            debug_context,
54            &mut instantiated,
55            &mut discriminators,
56            scope,
57        );
58    }
59    assert!(instantiated.count() == mir.source_scopes.len());
62fn make_mir_scope<'ll, 'tcx>(
63    cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx>,
64    instance: Instance<'tcx>,
65    mir: &Body<'tcx>,
66    variables: &Option<DenseBitSet<SourceScope>>,
67    debug_context: &mut FunctionDebugContext<'tcx, &'ll DIScope, &'ll DILocation>,
68    instantiated: &mut DenseBitSet<SourceScope>,
69    discriminators: &mut FxHashMap<BytePos, u32>,
70    scope: SourceScope,
71) {
72    if instantiated.contains(scope) {
73        return;
74    }
76    let scope_data = &mir.source_scopes[scope];
77    let parent_scope = if let Some(parent) = scope_data.parent_scope {
78        make_mir_scope(
79            cx,
80            instance,
81            mir,
82            variables,
83            debug_context,
84            instantiated,
85            discriminators,
86            parent,
87        );
88        debug_context.scopes[parent]
89    } else {
90        // The root is the function itself.
91        let file = cx.sess().source_map().lookup_source_file(mir.span.lo());
92        debug_context.scopes[scope] = DebugScope {
93            file_start_pos: file.start_pos,
94            file_end_pos: file.end_position(),
95            ..debug_context.scopes[scope]
96        };
97        instantiated.insert(scope);
98        return;
99    };
101    if let Some(vars) = variables
102        && !vars.contains(scope)
103        && scope_data.inlined.is_none()
104    {
105        // Do not create a DIScope if there are no variables defined in this
106        // MIR `SourceScope`, and it's not `inlined`, to avoid debuginfo bloat.
107        debug_context.scopes[scope] = parent_scope;
108        instantiated.insert(scope);
109        return;
110    }
112    let loc = cx.lookup_debug_loc(scope_data.span.lo());
113    let file_metadata = file_metadata(cx, &loc.file);
115    let dbg_scope = match scope_data.inlined {
116        Some((callee, _)) => {
117            // FIXME(eddyb) this would be `self.monomorphize(&callee)`
118            // if this is moved to `rustc_codegen_ssa::mir::debuginfo`.
119            let callee = cx.tcx.instantiate_and_normalize_erasing_regions(
120                instance.args,
121                cx.typing_env(),
122                ty::EarlyBinder::bind(callee),
123            );
124            debug_context.inlined_function_scopes.entry(callee).or_insert_with(|| {
125                let callee_fn_abi = cx.fn_abi_of_instance(callee, ty::List::empty());
126                cx.dbg_scope_fn(callee, callee_fn_abi, None)
127            })
128        }
129        None => unsafe {
130            llvm::LLVMDIBuilderCreateLexicalBlock(
131                DIB(cx),
132                parent_scope.dbg_scope,
133                file_metadata,
134                loc.line,
135                loc.col,
136            )
137        },
138    };
140    let inlined_at =|(_, callsite_span)| {
141        let callsite_span = hygiene::walk_chain_collapsed(callsite_span, mir.span);
142        let callsite_scope = parent_scope.adjust_dbg_scope_for_span(cx, callsite_span);
143        let loc = cx.dbg_loc(callsite_scope, parent_scope.inlined_at, callsite_span);
145        // NB: In order to produce proper debug info for variables (particularly
146        // arguments) in multiply-inlined functions, LLVM expects to see a single
147        // DILocalVariable with multiple different DILocations in the IR. While
148        // the source information for each DILocation would be identical, their
149        // inlinedAt attributes will be unique to the particular callsite.
150        //
151        // We generate DILocations here based on the callsite's location in the
152        // source code. A single location in the source code usually can't
153        // produce multiple distinct calls so this mostly works, until
154        // macros get involved. A macro can generate multiple calls
155        // at the same span, which breaks the assumption that we're going to
156        // produce a unique DILocation for every scope we process here. We
157        // have to explicitly add discriminators if we see inlines into the
158        // same source code location.
159        //
160        // Note further that we can't key this hashtable on the span itself,
161        // because these spans could have distinct SyntaxContexts. We have
162        // to key on exactly what we're giving to LLVM.
163        match discriminators.entry(callsite_span.lo()) {
164            Entry::Occupied(mut o) => {
165                *o.get_mut() += 1;
166                // NB: We have to emit *something* here or we'll fail LLVM IR verification
167                // in at least some circumstances (see issue #135322) so if the required
168                // discriminant cannot be encoded fall back to the dummy location.
169                unsafe { llvm::LLVMRustDILocationCloneWithBaseDiscriminator(loc, *o.get()) }
170                    .unwrap_or_else(|| {
171                        cx.dbg_loc(callsite_scope, parent_scope.inlined_at, DUMMY_SP)
172                    })
173            }
174            Entry::Vacant(v) => {
175                v.insert(0);
176                loc
177            }
178        }
179    });
181    debug_context.scopes[scope] = DebugScope {
182        dbg_scope,
183        inlined_at: inlined_at.or(parent_scope.inlined_at),
184        file_start_pos: loc.file.start_pos,
185        file_end_pos: loc.file.end_position(),
186    };
187    instantiated.insert(scope);