1//! Analysis of patterns, notably match exhaustiveness checking. The main entrypoint for this crate
2//! is [`usefulness::compute_match_usefulness`]. For rustc-specific types and entrypoints, see the
3//! [`rustc`] module.
45// tidy-alphabetical-start
8#![cfg_attr(feature = "rustc", feature(let_chains))]
10// tidy-alphabetical-end
1112pub mod constructor;
13#[cfg(feature = "rustc")]
14pub mod errors;
15#[cfg(feature = "rustc")]
16pub(crate) mod lints;
17pub mod pat;
18pub mod pat_column;
19#[cfg(feature = "rustc")]
20pub mod rustc;
21pub mod usefulness;
2223#[cfg(feature = "rustc")]
24rustc_fluent_macro::fluent_messages! { "../messages.ftl" }
2526use std::fmt;
2728pub use rustc_index::{Idx, IndexVec}; // re-exported to avoid rustc_index version issues
2930use crate::constructor::{Constructor, ConstructorSet, IntRange};
31use crate::pat::DeconstructedPat;
3233pub trait Captures<'a> {}
34impl<'a, T: ?Sized> Captures<'a> for T {}
3536/// `bool` newtype that indicates whether this is a privately uninhabited field that we should skip
37/// during analysis.
38#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
39pub struct PrivateUninhabitedField(pub bool);
4041/// Context that provides type information about constructors.
43/// Most of the crate is parameterized on a type that implements this trait.
44pub trait PatCx: Sized + fmt::Debug {
45/// The type of a pattern.
46type Ty: Clone + fmt::Debug;
47/// Errors that can abort analysis.
48type Error: fmt::Debug;
49/// The index of an enum variant.
50type VariantIdx: Clone + Idx + fmt::Debug;
51/// A string literal
52type StrLit: Clone + PartialEq + fmt::Debug;
53/// Extra data to store in a match arm.
54type ArmData: Copy + Clone + fmt::Debug;
55/// Extra data to store in a pattern.
56type PatData: Clone;
5758fn is_exhaustive_patterns_feature_on(&self) -> bool;
5960/// The number of fields for this constructor.
61fn ctor_arity(&self, ctor: &Constructor<Self>, ty: &Self::Ty) -> usize;
6263/// The types of the fields for this constructor. The result must contain `ctor_arity()` fields.
64fn ctor_sub_tys<'a>(
65&'a self,
66 ctor: &'a Constructor<Self>,
67 ty: &'a Self::Ty,
68 ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Self::Ty, PrivateUninhabitedField)> + ExactSizeIterator + Captures<'a>;
6970/// The set of all the constructors for `ty`.
71 ///
72 /// This must follow the invariants of `ConstructorSet`
73fn ctors_for_ty(&self, ty: &Self::Ty) -> Result<ConstructorSet<Self>, Self::Error>;
7475/// Write the name of the variant represented by `pat`. Used for the best-effort `Debug` impl of
76 /// `DeconstructedPat`. Only invoqued when `pat.ctor()` is `Struct | Variant(_) | UnionField`.
77fn write_variant_name(
78 f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
79 ctor: &crate::constructor::Constructor<Self>,
80 ty: &Self::Ty,
81 ) -> fmt::Result;
8283/// Raise a bug.
84fn bug(&self, fmt: fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> Self::Error;
8586/// Lint that the range `pat` overlapped with all the ranges in `overlaps_with`, where the range
87 /// they overlapped over is `overlaps_on`. We only detect singleton overlaps.
88 /// The default implementation does nothing.
89fn lint_overlapping_range_endpoints(
91 _pat: &DeconstructedPat<Self>,
92 _overlaps_on: IntRange,
93 _overlaps_with: &[&DeconstructedPat<Self>],
94 ) {
95 }
9697/// The maximum pattern complexity limit was reached.
98fn complexity_exceeded(&self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
99100/// Lint that there is a gap `gap` between `pat` and all of `gapped_with` such that the gap is
101 /// not matched by another range. If `gapped_with` is empty, then `gap` is `T::MAX`. We only
102 /// detect singleton gaps.
103 /// The default implementation does nothing.
104fn lint_non_contiguous_range_endpoints(
106 _pat: &DeconstructedPat<Self>,
107 _gap: IntRange,
108 _gapped_with: &[&DeconstructedPat<Self>],
109 ) {
110 }
112113/// The arm of a match expression.
115pub struct MatchArm<'p, Cx: PatCx> {
116pub pat: &'p DeconstructedPat<Cx>,
117pub has_guard: bool,
118pub arm_data: Cx::ArmData,
120121impl<'p, Cx: PatCx> Clonefor MatchArm<'p, Cx> {
122fn clone(&self) -> Self {
123Self { pat: self.pat, has_guard: self.has_guard, arm_data: self.arm_data }
124 }
126127impl<'p, Cx: PatCx> Copyfor MatchArm<'p, Cx> {}