
1use std::assert_matches::debug_assert_matches;
2use std::fmt::Write as _;
3use std::mem;
4use std::sync::LazyLock as Lazy;
6use rustc_ast::tokenstream::TokenTree;
7use rustc_hir::def::{DefKind, Res};
8use rustc_hir::def_id::{DefId, LOCAL_CRATE, LocalDefId};
9use rustc_metadata::rendered_const;
10use rustc_middle::mir;
11use rustc_middle::ty::{self, GenericArgKind, GenericArgsRef, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt};
12use rustc_span::symbol::{Symbol, kw, sym};
13use thin_vec::{ThinVec, thin_vec};
14use tracing::{debug, warn};
15use {rustc_ast as ast, rustc_hir as hir};
17use crate::clean::auto_trait::synthesize_auto_trait_impls;
18use crate::clean::blanket_impl::synthesize_blanket_impls;
19use crate::clean::render_macro_matchers::render_macro_matcher;
20use crate::clean::{
21    AssocItemConstraint, AssocItemConstraintKind, Crate, ExternalCrate, Generic, GenericArg,
22    GenericArgs, ImportSource, Item, ItemKind, Lifetime, Path, PathSegment, Primitive,
23    PrimitiveType, Term, Type, clean_doc_module, clean_middle_const, clean_middle_region,
24    clean_middle_ty, inline,
26use crate::core::DocContext;
29mod tests;
31pub(crate) fn krate(cx: &mut DocContext<'_>) -> Crate {
32    let module = crate::visit_ast::RustdocVisitor::new(cx).visit();
34    // Clean the crate, translating the entire librustc_ast AST to one that is
35    // understood by rustdoc.
36    let mut module = clean_doc_module(&module, cx);
38    match module.kind {
39        ItemKind::ModuleItem(ref module) => {
40            for it in &module.items {
41                // `compiler_builtins` should be masked too, but we can't apply
42                // `#[doc(masked)]` to the injected `extern crate` because it's unstable.
43                if cx.tcx.is_compiler_builtins(it.item_id.krate()) {
44                    cx.cache.masked_crates.insert(it.item_id.krate());
45                } else if it.is_extern_crate()
46                    && it.attrs.has_doc_flag(sym::masked)
47                    && let Some(def_id) = it.item_id.as_def_id()
48                    && let Some(local_def_id) = def_id.as_local()
49                    && let Some(cnum) = cx.tcx.extern_mod_stmt_cnum(local_def_id)
50                {
51                    cx.cache.masked_crates.insert(cnum);
52                }
53            }
54        }
55        _ => unreachable!(),
56    }
58    let local_crate = ExternalCrate { crate_num: LOCAL_CRATE };
59    let primitives = local_crate.primitives(cx.tcx);
60    let keywords = local_crate.keywords(cx.tcx);
61    {
62        let ItemKind::ModuleItem(ref mut m) = &mut module.inner.kind else { unreachable!() };
63        m.items.extend(primitives.iter().map(|&(def_id, prim)| {
64            Item::from_def_id_and_parts(
65                def_id,
66                Some(prim.as_sym()),
67                ItemKind::PrimitiveItem(prim),
68                cx,
69            )
70        }));
71        m.items.extend(keywords.into_iter().map(|(def_id, kw)| {
72            Item::from_def_id_and_parts(def_id, Some(kw), ItemKind::KeywordItem, cx)
73        }));
74    }
76    Crate { module, external_traits: Box::new(mem::take(&mut cx.external_traits)) }
79pub(crate) fn clean_middle_generic_args<'tcx>(
80    cx: &mut DocContext<'tcx>,
81    args: ty::Binder<'tcx, &'tcx [ty::GenericArg<'tcx>]>,
82    mut has_self: bool,
83    owner: DefId,
84) -> ThinVec<GenericArg> {
85    let (args, bound_vars) = (args.skip_binder(), args.bound_vars());
86    if args.is_empty() {
87        // Fast path which avoids executing the query `generics_of`.
88        return ThinVec::new();
89    }
91    // If the container is a trait object type, the arguments won't contain the self type but the
92    // generics of the corresponding trait will. In such a case, prepend a dummy self type in order
93    // to align the arguments and parameters for the iteration below and to enable us to correctly
94    // instantiate the generic parameter default later.
95    let generics = cx.tcx.generics_of(owner);
96    let args = if !has_self && generics.parent.is_none() && generics.has_self {
97        has_self = true;
98        [cx.tcx.types.trait_object_dummy_self.into()]
99            .into_iter()
100            .chain(args.iter().copied())
101            .collect::<Vec<_>>()
102            .into()
103    } else {
104        std::borrow::Cow::from(args)
105    };
107    let mut elision_has_failed_once_before = false;
108    let clean_arg = |(index, &arg): (usize, &ty::GenericArg<'tcx>)| {
109        // Elide the self type.
110        if has_self && index == 0 {
111            return None;
112        }
114        let param = generics.param_at(index, cx.tcx);
115        let arg = ty::Binder::bind_with_vars(arg, bound_vars);
117        // Elide arguments that coincide with their default.
118        if !elision_has_failed_once_before && let Some(default) = param.default_value(cx.tcx) {
119            let default = default.instantiate(cx.tcx, args.as_ref());
120            if can_elide_generic_arg(arg, arg.rebind(default)) {
121                return None;
122            }
123            elision_has_failed_once_before = true;
124        }
126        match arg.skip_binder().unpack() {
127            GenericArgKind::Lifetime(lt) => {
128                Some(GenericArg::Lifetime(clean_middle_region(lt).unwrap_or(Lifetime::elided())))
129            }
130            GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => Some(GenericArg::Type(clean_middle_ty(
131                arg.rebind(ty),
132                cx,
133                None,
134                Some(crate::clean::ContainerTy::Regular {
135                    ty: owner,
136                    args: arg.rebind(args.as_ref()),
137                    arg: index,
138                }),
139            ))),
140            GenericArgKind::Const(ct) => {
141                Some(GenericArg::Const(Box::new(clean_middle_const(arg.rebind(ct), cx))))
142            }
143        }
144    };
146    let offset = if has_self { 1 } else { 0 };
147    let mut clean_args = ThinVec::with_capacity(args.len().saturating_sub(offset));
148    clean_args.extend(args.iter().enumerate().rev().filter_map(clean_arg));
149    clean_args.reverse();
150    clean_args
153/// Check if the generic argument `actual` coincides with the `default` and can therefore be elided.
155/// This uses a very conservative approach for performance and correctness reasons, meaning for
156/// several classes of terms it claims that they cannot be elided even if they theoretically could.
157/// This is absolutely fine since it mostly concerns edge cases.
158fn can_elide_generic_arg<'tcx>(
159    actual: ty::Binder<'tcx, ty::GenericArg<'tcx>>,
160    default: ty::Binder<'tcx, ty::GenericArg<'tcx>>,
161) -> bool {
162    debug_assert_matches!(
163        (actual.skip_binder().unpack(), default.skip_binder().unpack()),
164        (ty::GenericArgKind::Lifetime(_), ty::GenericArgKind::Lifetime(_))
165            | (ty::GenericArgKind::Type(_), ty::GenericArgKind::Type(_))
166            | (ty::GenericArgKind::Const(_), ty::GenericArgKind::Const(_))
167    );
169    // In practice, we shouldn't have any inference variables at this point.
170    // However to be safe, we bail out if we do happen to stumble upon them.
171    if actual.has_infer() || default.has_infer() {
172        return false;
173    }
175    // Since we don't properly keep track of bound variables in rustdoc (yet), we don't attempt to
176    // make any sense out of escaping bound variables. We simply don't have enough context and it
177    // would be incorrect to try to do so anyway.
178    if actual.has_escaping_bound_vars() || default.has_escaping_bound_vars() {
179        return false;
180    }
182    // Theoretically we could now check if either term contains (non-escaping) late-bound regions or
183    // projections, relate the two using an `InferCtxt` and check if the resulting obligations hold.
184    // Having projections means that the terms can potentially be further normalized thereby possibly
185    // revealing that they are equal after all. Regarding late-bound regions, they could to be
186    // liberated allowing us to consider more types to be equal by ignoring the names of binders
187    // (e.g., `for<'a> TYPE<'a>` and `for<'b> TYPE<'b>`).
188    //
189    // However, we are mostly interested in “reeliding” generic args, i.e., eliding generic args that
190    // were originally elided by the user and later filled in by the compiler contrary to eliding
191    // arbitrary generic arguments if they happen to semantically coincide with the default (of course,
192    // we cannot possibly distinguish these two cases). Therefore and for performance reasons, it
193    // suffices to only perform a syntactic / structural check by comparing the memory addresses of
194    // the interned arguments.
195    actual.skip_binder() == default.skip_binder()
198fn clean_middle_generic_args_with_constraints<'tcx>(
199    cx: &mut DocContext<'tcx>,
200    did: DefId,
201    has_self: bool,
202    mut constraints: ThinVec<AssocItemConstraint>,
203    args: ty::Binder<'tcx, GenericArgsRef<'tcx>>,
204) -> GenericArgs {
205    if cx.tcx.is_trait(did)
206        && cx.tcx.trait_def(did).paren_sugar
207        && let ty::Tuple(tys) = args.skip_binder().type_at(has_self as usize).kind()
208    {
209        let inputs = tys
210            .iter()
211            .map(|ty| clean_middle_ty(args.rebind(ty), cx, None, None))
212            .collect::<Vec<_>>()
213            .into();
214        let output = constraints.pop().and_then(|constraint| match constraint.kind {
215            AssocItemConstraintKind::Equality { term: Term::Type(ty) } if !ty.is_unit() => {
216                Some(Box::new(ty))
217            }
218            _ => None,
219        });
220        return GenericArgs::Parenthesized { inputs, output };
221    }
223    let args = clean_middle_generic_args(cx, args.map_bound(|args| &args[..]), has_self, did);
225    GenericArgs::AngleBracketed { args: args.into(), constraints }
228pub(super) fn clean_middle_path<'tcx>(
229    cx: &mut DocContext<'tcx>,
230    did: DefId,
231    has_self: bool,
232    constraints: ThinVec<AssocItemConstraint>,
233    args: ty::Binder<'tcx, GenericArgsRef<'tcx>>,
234) -> Path {
235    let def_kind = cx.tcx.def_kind(did);
236    let name = cx.tcx.opt_item_name(did).unwrap_or(kw::Empty);
237    Path {
238        res: Res::Def(def_kind, did),
239        segments: thin_vec![PathSegment {
240            name,
241            args: clean_middle_generic_args_with_constraints(cx, did, has_self, constraints, args),
242        }],
243    }
246pub(crate) fn qpath_to_string(p: &hir::QPath<'_>) -> String {
247    let segments = match *p {
248        hir::QPath::Resolved(_, path) => &path.segments,
249        hir::QPath::TypeRelative(_, segment) => return segment.ident.to_string(),
250        hir::QPath::LangItem(lang_item, ..) => return,
251    };
253    let mut s = String::new();
254    for (i, seg) in segments.iter().enumerate() {
255        if i > 0 {
256            s.push_str("::");
257        }
258        if != kw::PathRoot {
259            s.push_str(seg.ident.as_str());
260        }
261    }
262    s
265pub(crate) fn build_deref_target_impls(
266    cx: &mut DocContext<'_>,
267    items: &[Item],
268    ret: &mut Vec<Item>,
269) {
270    let tcx = cx.tcx;
272    for item in items {
273        let target = match item.kind {
274            ItemKind::AssocTypeItem(ref t, _) => &t.type_,
275            _ => continue,
276        };
278        if let Some(prim) = target.primitive_type() {
279            let _prof_timer ="build_primitive_inherent_impls");
280            for did in prim.impls(tcx).filter(|did| !did.is_local()) {
281                cx.with_param_env(did, |cx| {
282                    inline::build_impl(cx, did, None, ret);
283                });
284            }
285        } else if let Type::Path { path } = target {
286            let did = path.def_id();
287            if !did.is_local() {
288                cx.with_param_env(did, |cx| {
289                    inline::build_impls(cx, did, None, ret);
290                });
291            }
292        }
293    }
296pub(crate) fn name_from_pat(p: &hir::Pat<'_>) -> Symbol {
297    use rustc_hir::*;
298    debug!("trying to get a name from pattern: {p:?}");
300    Symbol::intern(&match p.kind {
301        // FIXME(never_patterns): does this make sense?
302        PatKind::Wild | PatKind::Err(_) | PatKind::Never | PatKind::Struct(..) => {
303            return kw::Underscore;
304        }
305        PatKind::Binding(_, _, ident, _) => return,
306        PatKind::TupleStruct(ref p, ..)
307        | PatKind::Expr(PatExpr { kind: PatExprKind::Path(ref p), .. }) => qpath_to_string(p),
308        PatKind::Or(pats) => {
309            pats.iter().map(|p| name_from_pat(p).to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(" | ")
310        }
311        PatKind::Tuple(elts, _) => format!(
312            "({})",
313            elts.iter().map(|p| name_from_pat(p).to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(", ")
314        ),
315        PatKind::Box(p) => return name_from_pat(p),
316        PatKind::Deref(p) => format!("deref!({})", name_from_pat(p)),
317        PatKind::Ref(p, _) => return name_from_pat(p),
318        PatKind::Expr(..) => {
319            warn!(
320                "tried to get argument name from PatKind::Expr, which is silly in function arguments"
321            );
322            return Symbol::intern("()");
323        }
324        PatKind::Guard(p, _) => return name_from_pat(p),
325        PatKind::Range(..) => return kw::Underscore,
326        PatKind::Slice(begin, ref mid, end) => {
327            let begin = begin.iter().map(|p| name_from_pat(p).to_string());
328            let mid = mid.as_ref().map(|p| format!("..{}", name_from_pat(p))).into_iter();
329            let end = end.iter().map(|p| name_from_pat(p).to_string());
330            format!("[{}]", begin.chain(mid).chain(end).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", "))
331        }
332    })
335pub(crate) fn print_const(cx: &DocContext<'_>, n: ty::Const<'_>) -> String {
336    match n.kind() {
337        ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(ty::UnevaluatedConst { def, args: _ }) => {
338            let s = if let Some(def) = def.as_local() {
339                rendered_const(cx.tcx, cx.tcx.hir().body_owned_by(def), def)
340            } else {
341                inline::print_inlined_const(cx.tcx, def)
342            };
344            s
345        }
346        // array lengths are obviously usize
347        ty::ConstKind::Value(cv) if *cv.ty.kind() == ty::Uint(ty::UintTy::Usize) => {
348            cv.valtree.unwrap_leaf().to_string()
349        }
350        _ => n.to_string(),
351    }
354pub(crate) fn print_evaluated_const(
355    tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
356    def_id: DefId,
357    with_underscores: bool,
358    with_type: bool,
359) -> Option<String> {
360    tcx.const_eval_poly(def_id).ok().and_then(|val| {
361        let ty = tcx.type_of(def_id).instantiate_identity();
362        match (val, ty.kind()) {
363            (_, &ty::Ref(..)) => None,
364            (mir::ConstValue::Scalar(_), &ty::Adt(_, _)) => None,
365            (mir::ConstValue::Scalar(_), _) => {
366                let const_ = mir::Const::from_value(val, ty);
367                Some(print_const_with_custom_print_scalar(tcx, const_, with_underscores, with_type))
368            }
369            _ => None,
370        }
371    })
374fn format_integer_with_underscore_sep(num: &str) -> String {
375    let num_chars: Vec<_> = num.chars().collect();
376    let mut num_start_index = if num_chars.first() == Some(&'-') { 1 } else { 0 };
377    let chunk_size = match num[num_start_index..].as_bytes() {
378        [b'0', b'b' | b'x', ..] => {
379            num_start_index += 2;
380            4
381        }
382        [b'0', b'o', ..] => {
383            num_start_index += 2;
384            let remaining_chars = num_chars.len() - num_start_index;
385            if remaining_chars <= 6 {
386                // don't add underscores to Unix permissions like 0755 or 100755
387                return num.to_string();
388            }
389            3
390        }
391        _ => 3,
392    };
394    num_chars[..num_start_index]
395        .iter()
396        .chain(num_chars[num_start_index..].rchunks(chunk_size).rev().intersperse(&['_']).flatten())
397        .collect()
400fn print_const_with_custom_print_scalar<'tcx>(
401    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
402    ct: mir::Const<'tcx>,
403    with_underscores: bool,
404    with_type: bool,
405) -> String {
406    // Use a slightly different format for integer types which always shows the actual value.
407    // For all other types, fallback to the original `pretty_print_const`.
408    match (ct, ct.ty().kind()) {
409        (mir::Const::Val(mir::ConstValue::Scalar(int), _), ty::Uint(ui)) => {
410            let mut output = if with_underscores {
411                format_integer_with_underscore_sep(&int.to_string())
412            } else {
413                int.to_string()
414            };
415            if with_type {
416                output += ui.name_str();
417            }
418            output
419        }
420        (mir::Const::Val(mir::ConstValue::Scalar(int), _), ty::Int(i)) => {
421            let ty = ct.ty();
422            let size = tcx
423                .layout_of(ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized().as_query_input(ty))
424                .unwrap()
425                .size;
426            let sign_extended_data = int.assert_scalar_int().to_int(size);
427            let mut output = if with_underscores {
428                format_integer_with_underscore_sep(&sign_extended_data.to_string())
429            } else {
430                sign_extended_data.to_string()
431            };
432            if with_type {
433                output += i.name_str();
434            }
435            output
436        }
437        _ => ct.to_string(),
438    }
441pub(crate) fn is_literal_expr(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, hir_id: hir::HirId) -> bool {
442    if let hir::Node::Expr(expr) = tcx.hir_node(hir_id) {
443        if let hir::ExprKind::Lit(_) = &expr.kind {
444            return true;
445        }
447        if let hir::ExprKind::Unary(hir::UnOp::Neg, expr) = &expr.kind
448            && let hir::ExprKind::Lit(_) = &expr.kind
449        {
450            return true;
451        }
452    }
454    false
457/// Given a type Path, resolve it to a Type using the TyCtxt
458pub(crate) fn resolve_type(cx: &mut DocContext<'_>, path: Path) -> Type {
459    debug!("resolve_type({path:?})");
461    match path.res {
462        Res::PrimTy(p) => Primitive(PrimitiveType::from(p)),
463        Res::SelfTyParam { .. } | Res::SelfTyAlias { .. } if path.segments.len() == 1 => {
464            Type::SelfTy
465        }
466        Res::Def(DefKind::TyParam, _) if path.segments.len() == 1 => Generic(path.segments[0].name),
467        _ => {
468            let _ = register_res(cx, path.res);
469            Type::Path { path }
470        }
471    }
474pub(crate) fn synthesize_auto_trait_and_blanket_impls(
475    cx: &mut DocContext<'_>,
476    item_def_id: DefId,
477) -> impl Iterator<Item = Item> {
478    let auto_impls = cx
479        .sess()
480        .prof
481        .generic_activity("synthesize_auto_trait_impls")
482        .run(|| synthesize_auto_trait_impls(cx, item_def_id));
483    let blanket_impls = cx
484        .sess()
485        .prof
486        .generic_activity("synthesize_blanket_impls")
487        .run(|| synthesize_blanket_impls(cx, item_def_id));
488    auto_impls.into_iter().chain(blanket_impls)
491/// If `res` has a documentation page associated, store it in the cache.
493/// This is later used by [`href()`] to determine the HTML link for the item.
495/// [`href()`]: crate::html::format::href
496pub(crate) fn register_res(cx: &mut DocContext<'_>, res: Res) -> DefId {
497    use DefKind::*;
498    debug!("register_res({res:?})");
500    let (kind, did) = match res {
501        Res::Def(
502            kind @ (AssocTy
503            | AssocFn
504            | AssocConst
505            | Variant
506            | Fn
507            | TyAlias { .. }
508            | Enum
509            | Trait
510            | Struct
511            | Union
512            | Mod
513            | ForeignTy
514            | Const
515            | Static { .. }
516            | Macro(..)
517            | TraitAlias),
518            did,
519        ) => (kind.into(), did),
521        _ => panic!("register_res: unexpected {res:?}"),
522    };
523    if did.is_local() {
524        return did;
525    }
526    inline::record_extern_fqn(cx, did, kind);
527    did
530pub(crate) fn resolve_use_source(cx: &mut DocContext<'_>, path: Path) -> ImportSource {
531    ImportSource {
532        did: if path.res.opt_def_id().is_none() { None } else { Some(register_res(cx, path.res)) },
533        path,
534    }
537pub(crate) fn enter_impl_trait<'tcx, F, R>(cx: &mut DocContext<'tcx>, f: F) -> R
539    F: FnOnce(&mut DocContext<'tcx>) -> R,
541    let old_bounds = mem::take(&mut cx.impl_trait_bounds);
542    let r = f(cx);
543    assert!(cx.impl_trait_bounds.is_empty());
544    cx.impl_trait_bounds = old_bounds;
545    r
548/// Find the nearest parent module of a [`DefId`].
549pub(crate) fn find_nearest_parent_module(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, def_id: DefId) -> Option<DefId> {
550    if def_id.is_top_level_module() {
551        // The crate root has no parent. Use it as the root instead.
552        Some(def_id)
553    } else {
554        let mut current = def_id;
555        // The immediate parent might not always be a module.
556        // Find the first parent which is.
557        while let Some(parent) = tcx.opt_parent(current) {
558            if tcx.def_kind(parent) == DefKind::Mod {
559                return Some(parent);
560            }
561            current = parent;
562        }
563        None
564    }
567/// Checks for the existence of `hidden` in the attribute below if `flag` is `sym::hidden`:
569/// ```
570/// #[doc(hidden)]
571/// pub fn foo() {}
572/// ```
574/// This function exists because it runs on `hir::Attributes` whereas the other is a
575/// `clean::Attributes` method.
576pub(crate) fn has_doc_flag(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, did: DefId, flag: Symbol) -> bool {
577    attrs_have_doc_flag(tcx.get_attrs(did, sym::doc), flag)
580pub(crate) fn attrs_have_doc_flag<'a>(
581    mut attrs: impl Iterator<Item = &'a hir::Attribute>,
582    flag: Symbol,
583) -> bool {
584    attrs.any(|attr| attr.meta_item_list().is_some_and(|l| ast::attr::list_contains_name(&l, flag)))
587/// A link to `` that includes the channel name. Use this instead of manual links
588/// so that the channel is consistent.
590/// Set by `bootstrap::Builder::doc_rust_lang_org_channel` in order to keep tests passing on beta/stable.
591pub(crate) const DOC_RUST_LANG_ORG_VERSION: &str = env!("DOC_RUST_LANG_ORG_CHANNEL");
592pub(crate) static RUSTDOC_VERSION: Lazy<&'static str> =
593    Lazy::new(|| DOC_RUST_LANG_ORG_VERSION.rsplit('/').find(|c| !c.is_empty()).unwrap());
595/// Render a sequence of macro arms in a format suitable for displaying to the user
596/// as part of an item declaration.
597fn render_macro_arms<'a>(
598    tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
599    matchers: impl Iterator<Item = &'a TokenTree>,
600    arm_delim: &str,
601) -> String {
602    let mut out = String::new();
603    for matcher in matchers {
604        writeln!(
605            out,
606            "    {matcher} => {{ ... }}{arm_delim}",
607            matcher = render_macro_matcher(tcx, matcher),
608        )
609        .unwrap();
610    }
611    out
614pub(super) fn display_macro_source(
615    cx: &mut DocContext<'_>,
616    name: Symbol,
617    def: &ast::MacroDef,
618) -> String {
619    // Extract the spans of all matchers. They represent the "interface" of the macro.
620    let matchers = def.body.tokens.chunks(4).map(|arm| &arm[0]);
622    if def.macro_rules {
623        format!("macro_rules! {name} {{\n{arms}}}", arms = render_macro_arms(cx.tcx, matchers, ";"))
624    } else {
625        if matchers.len() <= 1 {
626            format!(
627                "macro {name}{matchers} {{\n    ...\n}}",
628                matchers = matchers
629                    .map(|matcher| render_macro_matcher(cx.tcx, matcher))
630                    .collect::<String>(),
631            )
632        } else {
633            format!("macro {name} {{\n{arms}}}", arms = render_macro_arms(cx.tcx, matchers, ","))
634        }
635    }
638pub(crate) fn inherits_doc_hidden(
639    tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
640    mut def_id: LocalDefId,
641    stop_at: Option<LocalDefId>,
642) -> bool {
643    while let Some(id) = tcx.opt_local_parent(def_id) {
644        if let Some(stop_at) = stop_at
645            && id == stop_at
646        {
647            return false;
648        }
649        def_id = id;
650        if tcx.is_doc_hidden(def_id.to_def_id()) {
651            return true;
652        } else if matches!(
653            tcx.hir_node_by_def_id(def_id),
654            hir::Node::Item(hir::Item { kind: hir::ItemKind::Impl(_), .. })
655        ) {
656            // `impl` blocks stand a bit on their own: unless they have `#[doc(hidden)]` directly
657            // on them, they don't inherit it from the parent context.
658            return false;
659        }
660    }
661    false
665pub(crate) fn should_ignore_res(res: Res) -> bool {
666    matches!(res, Res::Def(DefKind::Ctor(..), _) | Res::SelfCtor(..))