1//! Manages a pool of addresses that can be reused.
3use rand::Rng;
4use rustc_abi::{Align, Size};
6use crate::concurrency::VClock;
7use crate::{MemoryKind, MiriConfig, ThreadId};
9const MAX_POOL_SIZE: usize = 64;
11/// The pool strikes a balance between exploring more possible executions and making it more likely
12/// to find bugs. The hypothesis is that bugs are more likely to occur when reuse happens for
13/// allocations with the same layout, since that can trigger e.g. ABA issues in a concurrent data
14/// structure. Therefore we only reuse allocations when size and alignment match exactly.
16pub struct ReusePool {
17 address_reuse_rate: f64,
18 address_reuse_cross_thread_rate: f64,
19 /// The i-th element in `pool` stores allocations of alignment `2^i`. We store these reusable
20 /// allocations as address-size pairs, the list must be sorted by the size and then the thread ID.
21 ///
22 /// Each of these maps has at most MAX_POOL_SIZE elements, and since alignment is limited to
23 /// less than 64 different possible value, that bounds the overall size of the pool.
24 ///
25 /// We also store the ID and the data-race clock of the thread that donated this pool element,
26 /// to ensure synchronization with the thread that picks up this address.
27 pool: Vec<Vec<(u64, Size, ThreadId, VClock)>>,
30impl ReusePool {
31 pub fn new(config: &MiriConfig) -> Self {
32 ReusePool {
33 address_reuse_rate: config.address_reuse_rate,
34 address_reuse_cross_thread_rate: config.address_reuse_cross_thread_rate,
35 pool: vec![],
36 }
37 }
39 fn subpool(&mut self, align: Align) -> &mut Vec<(u64, Size, ThreadId, VClock)> {
40 let pool_idx: usize = align.bytes().trailing_zeros().try_into().unwrap();
41 if self.pool.len() <= pool_idx {
42 self.pool.resize(pool_idx + 1, Vec::new());
43 }
44 &mut self.pool[pool_idx]
45 }
47 pub fn add_addr(
48 &mut self,
49 rng: &mut impl Rng,
50 addr: u64,
51 size: Size,
52 align: Align,
53 kind: MemoryKind,
54 thread: ThreadId,
55 clock: impl FnOnce() -> VClock,
56 ) {
57 // Let's see if we even want to remember this address.
58 // We don't remember stack addresses: there's a lot of them (so the perf impact is big),
59 // and we only want to reuse stack slots within the same thread or else we'll add a lot of
60 // undesired synchronization.
61 if kind == MemoryKind::Stack || !rng.random_bool(self.address_reuse_rate) {
62 return;
63 }
64 let clock = clock();
65 // Determine the pool to add this to, and where in the pool to put it.
66 let subpool = self.subpool(align);
67 let pos = subpool.partition_point(|(_addr, other_size, other_thread, _)| {
68 (*other_size, *other_thread) < (size, thread)
69 });
70 // Make sure the pool does not grow too big.
71 if subpool.len() >= MAX_POOL_SIZE {
72 // Pool full. Replace existing element, or last one if this would be even bigger.
73 let clamped_pos = pos.min(subpool.len() - 1);
74 subpool[clamped_pos] = (addr, size, thread, clock);
75 return;
76 }
77 // Add address to pool, at the right position.
78 subpool.insert(pos, (addr, size, thread, clock));
79 }
81 /// Returns the address to use and optionally a clock we have to synchronize with.
82 pub fn take_addr(
83 &mut self,
84 rng: &mut impl Rng,
85 size: Size,
86 align: Align,
87 kind: MemoryKind,
88 thread: ThreadId,
89 ) -> Option<(u64, Option<VClock>)> {
90 // Determine whether we'll even attempt a reuse. As above, we don't do reuse for stack addresses.
91 if kind == MemoryKind::Stack || !rng.random_bool(self.address_reuse_rate) {
92 return None;
93 }
94 let cross_thread_reuse = rng.random_bool(self.address_reuse_cross_thread_rate);
95 // Determine the pool to take this from.
96 let subpool = self.subpool(align);
97 // Let's see if we can find something of the right size. We want to find the full range of
98 // such items, beginning with the first, so we can't use `binary_search_by_key`. If we do
99 // *not* want to consider other thread's allocations, we effectively use the lexicographic
100 // order on `(size, thread)`.
101 let begin = subpool.partition_point(|(_addr, other_size, other_thread, _)| {
102 *other_size < size
103 || (*other_size == size && !cross_thread_reuse && *other_thread < thread)
104 });
105 let mut end = begin;
106 while let Some((_addr, other_size, other_thread, _)) = subpool.get(end) {
107 if *other_size != size {
108 break;
109 }
110 if !cross_thread_reuse && *other_thread != thread {
111 // We entered the allocations of another thread.
112 break;
113 }
114 end += 1;
115 }
116 if end == begin {
117 // Could not find any item of the right size.
118 return None;
119 }
120 // Pick a random element with the desired size.
121 let idx = rng.random_range(begin..end);
122 // Remove it from the pool and return.
123 let (chosen_addr, chosen_size, chosen_thread, clock) = subpool.remove(idx);
124 debug_assert!(chosen_size >= size && chosen_addr % align.bytes() == 0);
125 debug_assert!(cross_thread_reuse || chosen_thread == thread);
126 // No synchronization needed if we reused from the current thread.
127 Some((chosen_addr, if chosen_thread == thread { None } else { Some(clock) }))
128 }