
1//! Provides the implementation of the `custom_mir` attribute.
3//! Up until MIR building, this attribute has absolutely no effect. The `mir!` macro is a normal
4//! decl macro that expands like any other, and the code goes through parsing, name resolution and
5//! type checking like all other code. In MIR building we finally detect whether this attribute is
6//! present, and if so we branch off into this module, which implements the attribute by
7//! implementing a custom lowering from THIR to MIR.
9//! The result of this lowering is returned "normally" from `build_mir`, with the only
10//! notable difference being that the `injected` field in the body is set. Various components of the
11//! MIR pipeline, like borrowck and the pass manager will then consult this field (via
12//! `body.should_skip()`) to skip the parts of the MIR pipeline that precede the MIR phase the user
13//! specified.
15//! This file defines the general framework for the custom parsing. The parsing for all the
16//! "top-level" constructs can be found in the `parse` submodule, while the parsing for statements,
17//! terminators, and everything below can be found in the `parse::instruction` submodule.
20use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
21use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
22use rustc_hir::{Attribute, HirId};
23use rustc_index::{IndexSlice, IndexVec};
24use rustc_middle::mir::*;
25use rustc_middle::span_bug;
26use rustc_middle::thir::*;
27use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
28use rustc_span::Span;
30mod parse;
32pub(super) fn build_custom_mir<'tcx>(
33    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
34    did: DefId,
35    hir_id: HirId,
36    thir: &Thir<'tcx>,
37    expr: ExprId,
38    params: &IndexSlice<ParamId, Param<'tcx>>,
39    return_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
40    return_ty_span: Span,
41    span: Span,
42    attr: &Attribute,
43) -> Body<'tcx> {
44    let mut body = Body {
45        basic_blocks: BasicBlocks::new(IndexVec::new()),
46        source: MirSource::item(did),
47        phase: MirPhase::Built,
48        source_scopes: IndexVec::new(),
49        coroutine: None,
50        local_decls: IndexVec::new(),
51        user_type_annotations: IndexVec::new(),
52        arg_count: params.len(),
53        spread_arg: None,
54        var_debug_info: Vec::new(),
55        span,
56        required_consts: None,
57        mentioned_items: None,
58        is_polymorphic: false,
59        tainted_by_errors: None,
60        injection_phase: None,
61        pass_count: 0,
62        coverage_info_hi: None,
63        function_coverage_info: None,
64    };
66    body.local_decls.push(LocalDecl::new(return_ty, return_ty_span));
67    body.basic_blocks_mut().push(BasicBlockData::new(None, false));
68    body.source_scopes.push(SourceScopeData {
69        span,
70        parent_scope: None,
71        inlined: None,
72        inlined_parent_scope: None,
73        local_data: ClearCrossCrate::Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: hir_id }),
74    });
75    body.injection_phase = Some(parse_attribute(attr));
77    let mut pctxt = ParseCtxt {
78        tcx,
79        typing_env: body.typing_env(tcx),
80        thir,
81        source_scope: OUTERMOST_SOURCE_SCOPE,
82        body: &mut body,
83        local_map: FxHashMap::default(),
84        block_map: FxHashMap::default(),
85    };
87    let res: PResult<_> = try {
88        pctxt.parse_args(params)?;
89        pctxt.parse_body(expr)?;
90    };
91    if let Err(err) = res {
92        tcx.dcx().span_fatal(
93            err.span,
94            format!("Could not parse {}, found: {:?}", err.expected, err.item_description),
95        )
96    }
98    body
101fn parse_attribute(attr: &Attribute) -> MirPhase {
102    let meta_items = attr.meta_item_list().unwrap();
103    let mut dialect: Option<String> = None;
104    let mut phase: Option<String> = None;
106    for nested in meta_items {
107        let name = nested.name_or_empty();
108        let value = nested.value_str().unwrap().as_str().to_string();
109        match name.as_str() {
110            "dialect" => {
111                assert!(dialect.is_none());
112                dialect = Some(value);
113            }
114            "phase" => {
115                assert!(phase.is_none());
116                phase = Some(value);
117            }
118            other => {
119                span_bug!(
120                    nested.span(),
121                    "Unexpected key while parsing custom_mir attribute: '{}'",
122                    other
123                );
124            }
125        }
126    }
128    let Some(dialect) = dialect else {
129        assert!(phase.is_none());
130        return MirPhase::Built;
131    };
133    MirPhase::parse(dialect, phase)
136struct ParseCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
137    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
138    typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
139    thir: &'a Thir<'tcx>,
140    source_scope: SourceScope,
141    body: &'a mut Body<'tcx>,
142    local_map: FxHashMap<LocalVarId, Local>,
143    block_map: FxHashMap<LocalVarId, BasicBlock>,
146struct ParseError {
147    span: Span,
148    item_description: String,
149    expected: String,
152impl<'a, 'tcx> ParseCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
153    fn expr_error(&self, expr: ExprId, expected: &'static str) -> ParseError {
154        let expr = &self.thir[expr];
155        ParseError {
156            span: expr.span,
157            item_description: format!("{:?}", expr.kind),
158            expected: expected.to_string(),
159        }
160    }
162    fn stmt_error(&self, stmt: StmtId, expected: &'static str) -> ParseError {
163        let stmt = &self.thir[stmt];
164        let span = match stmt.kind {
165            StmtKind::Expr { expr, .. } => self.thir[expr].span,
166            StmtKind::Let { span, .. } => span,
167        };
168        ParseError {
169            span,
170            item_description: format!("{:?}", stmt.kind),
171            expected: expected.to_string(),
172        }
173    }
176type PResult<T> = Result<T, ParseError>;