
1//! Type definitions for cross-compilation.
3use crate::core::Target;
4use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
5use crate::util::interning::InternedString;
6use crate::util::{try_canonicalize, GlobalContext, StableHasher};
7use anyhow::Context as _;
8use serde::Serialize;
9use std::collections::BTreeSet;
10use std::fs;
11use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
12use std::path::Path;
14/// Indicator for how a unit is being compiled.
16/// This is used primarily for organizing cross compilations vs host
17/// compilations, where cross compilations happen at the request of `--target`
18/// and host compilations happen for things like build scripts and procedural
19/// macros.
20#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialOrd, Ord)]
21pub enum CompileKind {
22    /// Attached to a unit that is compiled for the "host" system or otherwise
23    /// is compiled without a `--target` flag. This is used for procedural
24    /// macros and build scripts, or if the `--target` flag isn't passed.
25    Host,
27    /// Attached to a unit to be compiled for a particular target. This is used
28    /// for units when the `--target` flag is passed.
29    Target(CompileTarget),
32impl CompileKind {
33    pub fn is_host(&self) -> bool {
34        matches!(self, CompileKind::Host)
35    }
37    pub fn for_target(self, target: &Target) -> CompileKind {
38        // Once we start compiling for the `Host` kind we continue doing so, but
39        // if we are a `Target` kind and then we start compiling for a target
40        // that needs to be on the host we lift ourselves up to `Host`.
41        match self {
42            CompileKind::Host => CompileKind::Host,
43            CompileKind::Target(_) if target.for_host() => CompileKind::Host,
44            CompileKind::Target(n) => CompileKind::Target(n),
45        }
46    }
48    /// Creates a new list of `CompileKind` based on the requested list of
49    /// targets.
50    ///
51    /// If no targets are given then this returns a single-element vector with
52    /// `CompileKind::Host`.
53    pub fn from_requested_targets(
54        gctx: &GlobalContext,
55        targets: &[String],
56    ) -> CargoResult<Vec<CompileKind>> {
57        let dedup = |targets: &[String]| {
58            Ok(targets
59                .iter()
60                .map(|value| Ok(CompileKind::Target(CompileTarget::new(value)?)))
61                // First collect into a set to deduplicate any `--target` passed
62                // more than once...
63                .collect::<CargoResult<BTreeSet<_>>>()?
64                // ... then generate a flat list for everything else to use.
65                .into_iter()
66                .collect())
67        };
69        if !targets.is_empty() {
70            return dedup(targets);
71        }
73        let kinds = match &gctx.build_config()?.target {
74            None => Ok(vec![CompileKind::Host]),
75            Some(build_target_config) => dedup(&build_target_config.values(gctx)?),
76        };
78        kinds
79    }
81    /// Hash used for fingerprinting.
82    ///
83    /// Metadata hashing uses the normal Hash trait, which does not
84    /// differentiate on `.json` file contents. The fingerprint hash does
85    /// check the contents.
86    pub fn fingerprint_hash(&self) -> u64 {
87        match self {
88            CompileKind::Host => 0,
89            CompileKind::Target(target) => target.fingerprint_hash(),
90        }
91    }
94impl serde::ser::Serialize for CompileKind {
95    fn serialize<S>(&self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
96    where
97        S: serde::ser::Serializer,
98    {
99        match self {
100            CompileKind::Host => None::<&str>.serialize(s),
101            CompileKind::Target(t) => Some(,
102        }
103    }
106/// Abstraction for the representation of a compilation target that Cargo has.
108/// Compilation targets are one of two things right now:
110/// 1. A raw target string, like `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`.
111/// 2. The path to a JSON file, such as `/path/to/my-target.json`.
113/// Raw target strings are typically dictated by `rustc` itself and represent
114/// built-in targets. Custom JSON files are somewhat unstable, but supported
115/// here in Cargo. Note that for JSON target files this `CompileTarget` stores a
116/// full canonicalized path to the target.
118/// The main reason for this existence is to handle JSON target files where when
119/// we call rustc we pass full paths but when we use it for Cargo's purposes
120/// like naming directories or looking up configuration keys we only check the
121/// file stem of JSON target files. For built-in rustc targets this is just an
122/// uninterpreted string basically.
123#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize)]
124pub struct CompileTarget {
125    name: InternedString,
128impl CompileTarget {
129    pub fn new(name: &str) -> CargoResult<CompileTarget> {
130        let name = name.trim();
131        if name.is_empty() {
132            anyhow::bail!("target was empty");
133        }
134        if !name.ends_with(".json") {
135            return Ok(CompileTarget { name: name.into() });
136        }
138        // If `name` ends in `.json` then it's likely a custom target
139        // specification. Canonicalize the path to ensure that different builds
140        // with different paths always produce the same result.
141        let path = try_canonicalize(Path::new(name))
142            .with_context(|| format!("target path {:?} is not a valid file", name))?;
144        let name = path
145            .into_os_string()
146            .into_string()
147            .map_err(|_| anyhow::format_err!("target path is not valid unicode"))?;
148        Ok(CompileTarget { name: name.into() })
149    }
151    /// Returns the full unqualified name of this target, suitable for passing
152    /// to `rustc` directly.
153    ///
154    /// Typically this is pretty much the same as `short_name`, but for the case
155    /// of JSON target files this will be a full canonicalized path name for the
156    /// current filesystem.
157    pub fn rustc_target(&self) -> InternedString {
159    }
161    /// Returns a "short" version of the target name suitable for usage within
162    /// Cargo for configuration and such.
163    ///
164    /// This is typically the same as `rustc_target`, or the full name, but for
165    /// JSON target files this returns just the file stem (e.g. `foo` out of
166    /// `foo.json`) instead of the full path.
167    pub fn short_name(&self) -> &str {
168        // Flexible target specifications often point at json files, so if it
169        // looks like we've got one of those just use the file stem (the file
170        // name without ".json") as a short name for this target. Note that the
171        // `unwrap()` here should never trigger since we have a nonempty name
172        // and it starts as utf-8 so it's always utf-8
173        if".json") {
174            Path::new(&
175        } else {
176            &
177        }
178    }
180    /// See [`CompileKind::fingerprint_hash`].
181    pub fn fingerprint_hash(&self) -> u64 {
182        let mut hasher = StableHasher::new();
183        match self
184            .name
185            .ends_with(".json")
186            .then(|| fs::read_to_string(
187        {
188            Some(Ok(contents)) => {
189                // This may have some performance concerns, since it is called
190                // fairly often. If that ever seems worth fixing, consider
191                // embedding this in `CompileTarget`.
192                contents.hash(&mut hasher);
193            }
194            _ => {
195       hasher);
196            }
197        }
198        Hasher::finish(&hasher)
199    }