
1//! HTML formatting module
3//! This module contains a large number of `Display` implementations for
4//! various types in `rustdoc::clean`.
6//! These implementations all emit HTML. As an internal implementation detail,
7//! some of them support an alternate format that emits text, but that should
8//! not be used external to this module.
10use std::borrow::Cow;
11use std::cmp::Ordering;
12use std::fmt::{self, Display, Write};
13use std::iter::{self, once};
15use itertools::Either;
16use rustc_abi::ExternAbi;
17use rustc_attr_parsing::{ConstStability, StabilityLevel, StableSince};
18use rustc_data_structures::captures::Captures;
19use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
20use rustc_hir as hir;
21use rustc_hir::def::DefKind;
22use rustc_hir::def_id::{DefId, LOCAL_CRATE};
23use rustc_metadata::creader::{CStore, LoadedMacro};
24use rustc_middle::ty::{self, TyCtxt, TypingMode};
25use rustc_span::symbol::kw;
26use rustc_span::{Symbol, sym};
27use tracing::{debug, trace};
29use super::url_parts_builder::{UrlPartsBuilder, estimate_item_path_byte_length};
30use crate::clean::types::ExternalLocation;
31use crate::clean::utils::find_nearest_parent_module;
32use crate::clean::{self, ExternalCrate, PrimitiveType};
33use crate::display::Joined as _;
34use crate::formats::cache::Cache;
35use crate::formats::item_type::ItemType;
36use crate::html::escape::{Escape, EscapeBodyText};
37use crate::html::render::Context;
38use crate::passes::collect_intra_doc_links::UrlFragment;
40pub(crate) fn write_str(s: &mut String, f: fmt::Arguments<'_>) {
41    s.write_fmt(f).unwrap();
44pub(crate) fn print_generic_bounds<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
45    bounds: &'a [clean::GenericBound],
46    cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
47) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
48    fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
49        let mut bounds_dup = FxHashSet::default();
51        bounds
52            .iter()
53            .filter(move |b| bounds_dup.insert(*b))
54            .map(|bound| bound.print(cx))
55            .joined(" + ", f)
56    })
59impl clean::GenericParamDef {
60    pub(crate) fn print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
61        &'a self,
62        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
63    ) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
64        fmt::from_fn(move |f| match &self.kind {
65            clean::GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime { outlives } => {
66                write!(f, "{}",;
68                if !outlives.is_empty() {
69                    f.write_str(": ")?;
70                    outlives.iter().map(|lt| lt.print()).joined(" + ", f)?;
71                }
73                Ok(())
74            }
75            clean::GenericParamDefKind::Type { bounds, default, .. } => {
76                f.write_str(;
78                if !bounds.is_empty() {
79                    f.write_str(": ")?;
80                    print_generic_bounds(bounds, cx).fmt(f)?;
81                }
83                if let Some(ref ty) = default {
84                    f.write_str(" = ")?;
85                    ty.print(cx).fmt(f)?;
86                }
88                Ok(())
89            }
90            clean::GenericParamDefKind::Const { ty, default, .. } => {
91                write!(f, "const {}: ",;
92                ty.print(cx).fmt(f)?;
94                if let Some(default) = default {
95                    f.write_str(" = ")?;
96                    if f.alternate() {
97                        write!(f, "{default}")?;
98                    } else {
99                        write!(f, "{}", Escape(default))?;
100                    }
101                }
103                Ok(())
104            }
105        })
106    }
109impl clean::Generics {
110    pub(crate) fn print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
111        &'a self,
112        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
113    ) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
114        fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
115            let mut real_params = self.params.iter().filter(|p| !p.is_synthetic_param()).peekable();
116            if real_params.peek().is_none() {
117                return Ok(());
118            }
120            let real_params =
121                fmt::from_fn(|f| real_params.clone().map(|g| g.print(cx)).joined(", ", f));
122            if f.alternate() {
123                write!(f, "<{:#}>", real_params)
124            } else {
125                write!(f, "&lt;{}&gt;", real_params)
126            }
127        })
128    }
131#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
132pub(crate) enum Ending {
133    Newline,
134    NoNewline,
137fn print_where_predicate<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
138    predicate: &'a clean::WherePredicate,
139    cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
140) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
141    fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
142        match predicate {
143            clean::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate { ty, bounds, bound_params } => {
144                print_higher_ranked_params_with_space(bound_params, cx, "for").fmt(f)?;
145                ty.print(cx).fmt(f)?;
146                f.write_str(":")?;
147                if !bounds.is_empty() {
148                    f.write_str(" ")?;
149                    print_generic_bounds(bounds, cx).fmt(f)?;
150                }
151                Ok(())
152            }
153            clean::WherePredicate::RegionPredicate { lifetime, bounds } => {
154                // We don't need to check `alternate` since we can be certain that neither
155                // the lifetime nor the bounds contain any characters which need escaping.
156                write!(f, "{}:", lifetime.print())?;
157                if !bounds.is_empty() {
158                    write!(f, " {}", print_generic_bounds(bounds, cx))?;
159                }
160                Ok(())
161            }
162            clean::WherePredicate::EqPredicate { lhs, rhs } => {
163                if f.alternate() {
164                    write!(f, "{:#} == {:#}", lhs.print(cx), rhs.print(cx))
165                } else {
166                    write!(f, "{} == {}", lhs.print(cx), rhs.print(cx))
167                }
168            }
169        }
170    })
173/// * The Generics from which to emit a where-clause.
174/// * The number of spaces to indent each line with.
175/// * Whether the where-clause needs to add a comma and newline after the last bound.
176pub(crate) fn print_where_clause<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
177    gens: &'a clean::Generics,
178    cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
179    indent: usize,
180    ending: Ending,
181) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
182    fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
183        if gens.where_predicates.is_empty() {
184            return Ok(());
185        }
187        let where_preds = fmt::from_fn(|f| {
188            gens.where_predicates
189                .iter()
190                .map(|predicate| {
191                    fmt::from_fn(|f| {
192                        if f.alternate() {
193                            f.write_str(" ")?;
194                        } else {
195                            f.write_str("\n")?;
196                        }
197                        print_where_predicate(predicate, cx).fmt(f)
198                    })
199                })
200                .joined(",", f)
201        });
203        let clause = if f.alternate() {
204            if ending == Ending::Newline {
205                format!(" where{where_preds},")
206            } else {
207                format!(" where{where_preds}")
208            }
209        } else {
210            let mut br_with_padding = String::with_capacity(6 * indent + 28);
211            br_with_padding.push('\n');
213            let where_indent = 3;
214            let padding_amount = if ending == Ending::Newline {
215                indent + 4
216            } else if indent == 0 {
217                4
218            } else {
219                indent + where_indent + "where ".len()
220            };
222            for _ in 0..padding_amount {
223                br_with_padding.push(' ');
224            }
225            let where_preds = where_preds.to_string().replace('\n', &br_with_padding);
227            if ending == Ending::Newline {
228                let mut clause = " ".repeat(indent.saturating_sub(1));
229                write!(clause, "<div class=\"where\">where{where_preds},</div>")?;
230                clause
231            } else {
232                // insert a newline after a single space but before multiple spaces at the start
233                if indent == 0 {
234                    format!("\n<span class=\"where\">where{where_preds}</span>")
235                } else {
236                    // put the first one on the same line as the 'where' keyword
237                    let where_preds = where_preds.replacen(&br_with_padding, " ", 1);
239                    let mut clause = br_with_padding;
240                    // +1 is for `\n`.
241                    clause.truncate(indent + 1 + where_indent);
243                    write!(clause, "<span class=\"where\">where{where_preds}</span>")?;
244                    clause
245                }
246            }
247        };
248        write!(f, "{clause}")
249    })
252impl clean::Lifetime {
253    pub(crate) fn print(&self) -> impl Display + '_ {
254        self.0.as_str()
255    }
258impl clean::ConstantKind {
259    pub(crate) fn print(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> impl Display + '_ {
260        let expr = self.expr(tcx);
261        fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
262            if f.alternate() { f.write_str(&expr) } else { write!(f, "{}", Escape(&expr)) }
263        })
264    }
267impl clean::PolyTrait {
268    fn print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(&'a self, cx: &'a Context<'tcx>) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
269        fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
270            print_higher_ranked_params_with_space(&self.generic_params, cx, "for").fmt(f)?;
271            self.trait_.print(cx).fmt(f)
272        })
273    }
276impl clean::GenericBound {
277    pub(crate) fn print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
278        &'a self,
279        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
280    ) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
281        fmt::from_fn(move |f| match self {
282            clean::GenericBound::Outlives(lt) => write!(f, "{}", lt.print()),
283            clean::GenericBound::TraitBound(ty, modifiers) => {
284                // `const` and `~const` trait bounds are experimental; don't render them.
285                let hir::TraitBoundModifiers { polarity, constness: _ } = modifiers;
286                f.write_str(match polarity {
287                    hir::BoundPolarity::Positive => "",
288                    hir::BoundPolarity::Maybe(_) => "?",
289                    hir::BoundPolarity::Negative(_) => "!",
290                })?;
291                ty.print(cx).fmt(f)
292            }
293            clean::GenericBound::Use(args) => {
294                if f.alternate() {
295                    f.write_str("use<")?;
296                } else {
297                    f.write_str("use&lt;")?;
298                }
299                args.iter().joined(", ", f)?;
300                if f.alternate() { f.write_str(">") } else { f.write_str("&gt;") }
301            }
302        })
303    }
306impl clean::GenericArgs {
307    fn print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(&'a self, cx: &'a Context<'tcx>) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
308        fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
309            match self {
310                clean::GenericArgs::AngleBracketed { args, constraints } => {
311                    if !args.is_empty() || !constraints.is_empty() {
312                        if f.alternate() {
313                            f.write_str("<")?;
314                        } else {
315                            f.write_str("&lt;")?;
316                        }
318                        [Either::Left(args), Either::Right(constraints)]
319                            .into_iter()
320                            .flat_map(Either::factor_into_iter)
321                            .map(|either| {
322                                either.map_either(
323                                    |arg| arg.print(cx),
324                                    |constraint| constraint.print(cx),
325                                )
326                            })
327                            .joined(", ", f)?;
329                        if f.alternate() {
330                            f.write_str(">")?;
331                        } else {
332                            f.write_str("&gt;")?;
333                        }
334                    }
335                }
336                clean::GenericArgs::Parenthesized { inputs, output } => {
337                    f.write_str("(")?;
338                    inputs.iter().map(|ty| ty.print(cx)).joined(", ", f)?;
339                    f.write_str(")")?;
340                    if let Some(ref ty) = *output {
341                        if f.alternate() {
342                            write!(f, " -> {:#}", ty.print(cx))?;
343                        } else {
344                            write!(f, " -&gt; {}", ty.print(cx))?;
345                        }
346                    }
347                }
348            }
349            Ok(())
350        })
351    }
354// Possible errors when computing href link source for a `DefId`
355#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
356pub(crate) enum HrefError {
357    /// This item is known to rustdoc, but from a crate that does not have documentation generated.
358    ///
359    /// This can only happen for non-local items.
360    ///
361    /// # Example
362    ///
363    /// Crate `a` defines a public trait and crate `b` – the target crate that depends on `a` –
364    /// implements it for a local type.
365    /// We document `b` but **not** `a` (we only _build_ the latter – with `rustc`):
366    ///
367    /// ```sh
368    /// rustc --crate-type=lib
369    /// rustdoc --crate-type=lib --extern=a=liba.rlib
370    /// ```
371    ///
372    /// Now, the associated items in the trait impl want to link to the corresponding item in the
373    /// trait declaration (see `html::render::assoc_href_attr`) but it's not available since their
374    /// *documentation (was) not built*.
375    DocumentationNotBuilt,
376    /// This can only happen for non-local items when `--document-private-items` is not passed.
377    Private,
378    // Not in external cache, href link should be in same page
379    NotInExternalCache,
382// Panics if `syms` is empty.
383pub(crate) fn join_with_double_colon(syms: &[Symbol]) -> String {
384    let mut s = String::with_capacity(estimate_item_path_byte_length(syms.len()));
385    // NOTE: using `Joined::joined` here causes a noticeable perf regression
386    s.push_str(syms[0].as_str());
387    for sym in &syms[1..] {
388        s.push_str("::");
389        s.push_str(sym.as_str());
390    }
391    s
394/// This function is to get the external macro path because they are not in the cache used in
395/// `href_with_root_path`.
396fn generate_macro_def_id_path(
397    def_id: DefId,
398    cx: &Context<'_>,
399    root_path: Option<&str>,
400) -> Result<(String, ItemType, Vec<Symbol>), HrefError> {
401    let tcx = cx.tcx();
402    let crate_name = tcx.crate_name(def_id.krate);
403    let cache = cx.cache();
405    let fqp = clean::inline::item_relative_path(tcx, def_id);
406    let mut relative = fqp.iter().copied();
407    let cstore = CStore::from_tcx(tcx);
408    // We need this to prevent a `panic` when this function is used from intra doc links...
409    if !cstore.has_crate_data(def_id.krate) {
410        debug!("No data for crate {crate_name}");
411        return Err(HrefError::NotInExternalCache);
412    }
413    // Check to see if it is a macro 2.0 or built-in macro.
414    // More information in <>.
415    let is_macro_2 = match cstore.load_macro_untracked(def_id, tcx) {
416        // If `def.macro_rules` is `true`, then it's not a macro 2.0.
417        LoadedMacro::MacroDef { def, .. } => !def.macro_rules,
418        _ => false,
419    };
421    let mut path = if is_macro_2 {
422        once(crate_name).chain(relative).collect()
423    } else {
424        vec![crate_name, relative.next_back().unwrap()]
425    };
426    if path.len() < 2 {
427        // The minimum we can have is the crate name followed by the macro name. If shorter, then
428        // it means that `relative` was empty, which is an error.
429        debug!("macro path cannot be empty!");
430        return Err(HrefError::NotInExternalCache);
431    }
433    if let Some(last) = path.last_mut() {
434        *last = Symbol::intern(&format!("macro.{last}.html"));
435    }
437    let url = match cache.extern_locations[&def_id.krate] {
438        ExternalLocation::Remote(ref s) => {
439            // `ExternalLocation::Remote` always end with a `/`.
440            format!("{s}{path}", path = fmt::from_fn(|f| path.iter().joined("/", f)))
441        }
442        ExternalLocation::Local => {
443            // `root_path` always end with a `/`.
444            format!(
445                "{root_path}{path}",
446                root_path = root_path.unwrap_or(""),
447                path = fmt::from_fn(|f| path.iter().joined("/", f))
448            )
449        }
450        ExternalLocation::Unknown => {
451            debug!("crate {crate_name} not in cache when linkifying macros");
452            return Err(HrefError::NotInExternalCache);
453        }
454    };
455    Ok((url, ItemType::Macro, fqp))
458fn generate_item_def_id_path(
459    mut def_id: DefId,
460    original_def_id: DefId,
461    cx: &Context<'_>,
462    root_path: Option<&str>,
463    original_def_kind: DefKind,
464) -> Result<(String, ItemType, Vec<Symbol>), HrefError> {
465    use rustc_middle::traits::ObligationCause;
466    use rustc_trait_selection::infer::TyCtxtInferExt;
467    use rustc_trait_selection::traits::query::normalize::QueryNormalizeExt;
469    let tcx = cx.tcx();
470    let crate_name = tcx.crate_name(def_id.krate);
472    // No need to try to infer the actual parent item if it's not an associated item from the `impl`
473    // block.
474    if def_id != original_def_id && matches!(tcx.def_kind(def_id), DefKind::Impl { .. }) {
475        let infcx = tcx.infer_ctxt().build(TypingMode::non_body_analysis());
476        def_id = infcx
477            .at(&ObligationCause::dummy(), tcx.param_env(def_id))
478            .query_normalize(ty::Binder::dummy(tcx.type_of(def_id).instantiate_identity()))
479            .map(|resolved| infcx.resolve_vars_if_possible(resolved.value))
480            .ok()
481            .and_then(|normalized| normalized.skip_binder().ty_adt_def())
482            .map(|adt| adt.did())
483            .unwrap_or(def_id);
484    }
486    let relative = clean::inline::item_relative_path(tcx, def_id);
487    let fqp: Vec<Symbol> = once(crate_name).chain(relative).collect();
489    let def_kind = tcx.def_kind(def_id);
490    let shortty = def_kind.into();
491    let module_fqp = to_module_fqp(shortty, &fqp);
492    let mut is_remote = false;
494    let url_parts = url_parts(cx.cache(), def_id, module_fqp, &cx.current, &mut is_remote)?;
495    let (url_parts, shortty, fqp) = make_href(root_path, shortty, url_parts, &fqp, is_remote)?;
496    if def_id == original_def_id {
497        return Ok((url_parts, shortty, fqp));
498    }
499    let kind = ItemType::from_def_kind(original_def_kind, Some(def_kind));
500    Ok((format!("{url_parts}#{kind}.{}", tcx.item_name(original_def_id)), shortty, fqp))
503fn to_module_fqp(shortty: ItemType, fqp: &[Symbol]) -> &[Symbol] {
504    if shortty == ItemType::Module { fqp } else { &fqp[..fqp.len() - 1] }
507fn url_parts(
508    cache: &Cache,
509    def_id: DefId,
510    module_fqp: &[Symbol],
511    relative_to: &[Symbol],
512    is_remote: &mut bool,
513) -> Result<UrlPartsBuilder, HrefError> {
514    match cache.extern_locations[&def_id.krate] {
515        ExternalLocation::Remote(ref s) => {
516            *is_remote = true;
517            let s = s.trim_end_matches('/');
518            let mut builder = UrlPartsBuilder::singleton(s);
519            builder.extend(module_fqp.iter().copied());
520            Ok(builder)
521        }
522        ExternalLocation::Local => Ok(href_relative_parts(module_fqp, relative_to).collect()),
523        ExternalLocation::Unknown => Err(HrefError::DocumentationNotBuilt),
524    }
527fn make_href(
528    root_path: Option<&str>,
529    shortty: ItemType,
530    mut url_parts: UrlPartsBuilder,
531    fqp: &[Symbol],
532    is_remote: bool,
533) -> Result<(String, ItemType, Vec<Symbol>), HrefError> {
534    if !is_remote && let Some(root_path) = root_path {
535        let root = root_path.trim_end_matches('/');
536        url_parts.push_front(root);
537    }
538    debug!(?url_parts);
539    match shortty {
540        ItemType::Module => {
541            url_parts.push("index.html");
542        }
543        _ => {
544            let last = fqp.last().unwrap();
545            url_parts.push_fmt(format_args!("{shortty}.{last}.html"));
546        }
547    }
548    Ok((url_parts.finish(), shortty, fqp.to_vec()))
551pub(crate) fn href_with_root_path(
552    original_did: DefId,
553    cx: &Context<'_>,
554    root_path: Option<&str>,
555) -> Result<(String, ItemType, Vec<Symbol>), HrefError> {
556    let tcx = cx.tcx();
557    let def_kind = tcx.def_kind(original_did);
558    let did = match def_kind {
559        DefKind::AssocTy | DefKind::AssocFn | DefKind::AssocConst | DefKind::Variant => {
560            // documented on their parent's page
561            tcx.parent(original_did)
562        }
563        // If this a constructor, we get the parent (either a struct or a variant) and then
564        // generate the link for this item.
565        DefKind::Ctor(..) => return href_with_root_path(tcx.parent(original_did), cx, root_path),
566        DefKind::ExternCrate => {
567            // Link to the crate itself, not the `extern crate` item.
568            if let Some(local_did) = original_did.as_local() {
569                tcx.extern_mod_stmt_cnum(local_did).unwrap_or(LOCAL_CRATE).as_def_id()
570            } else {
571                original_did
572            }
573        }
574        _ => original_did,
575    };
576    let cache = cx.cache();
577    let relative_to = &cx.current;
579    if !original_did.is_local() {
580        // If we are generating an href for the "jump to def" feature, then the only case we want
581        // to ignore is if the item is `doc(hidden)` because we can't link to it.
582        if root_path.is_some() {
583            if tcx.is_doc_hidden(original_did) {
584                return Err(HrefError::Private);
585            }
586        } else if !cache.effective_visibilities.is_directly_public(tcx, did)
587            && !cache.document_private
588            && !cache.primitive_locations.values().any(|&id| id == did)
589        {
590            return Err(HrefError::Private);
591        }
592    }
594    let mut is_remote = false;
595    let (fqp, shortty, url_parts) = match cache.paths.get(&did) {
596        Some(&(ref fqp, shortty)) => (fqp, shortty, {
597            let module_fqp = to_module_fqp(shortty, fqp.as_slice());
598            debug!(?fqp, ?shortty, ?module_fqp);
599            href_relative_parts(module_fqp, relative_to).collect()
600        }),
601        None => {
602            // Associated items are handled differently with "jump to def". The anchor is generated
603            // directly here whereas for intra-doc links, we have some extra computation being
604            // performed there.
605            let def_id_to_get = if root_path.is_some() { original_did } else { did };
606            if let Some(&(ref fqp, shortty)) = cache.external_paths.get(&def_id_to_get) {
607                let module_fqp = to_module_fqp(shortty, fqp);
608                (fqp, shortty, url_parts(cache, did, module_fqp, relative_to, &mut is_remote)?)
609            } else if matches!(def_kind, DefKind::Macro(_)) {
610                return generate_macro_def_id_path(did, cx, root_path);
611            } else if did.is_local() {
612                return Err(HrefError::Private);
613            } else {
614                return generate_item_def_id_path(did, original_did, cx, root_path, def_kind);
615            }
616        }
617    };
618    make_href(root_path, shortty, url_parts, fqp, is_remote)
621pub(crate) fn href(
622    did: DefId,
623    cx: &Context<'_>,
624) -> Result<(String, ItemType, Vec<Symbol>), HrefError> {
625    href_with_root_path(did, cx, None)
628/// Both paths should only be modules.
629/// This is because modules get their own directories; that is, `std::vec` and `std::vec::Vec` will
630/// both need `../iter/trait.Iterator.html` to get at the iterator trait.
631pub(crate) fn href_relative_parts<'fqp>(
632    fqp: &'fqp [Symbol],
633    relative_to_fqp: &[Symbol],
634) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Symbol> + 'fqp> {
635    for (i, (f, r)) in fqp.iter().zip(relative_to_fqp.iter()).enumerate() {
636        // e.g. linking to std::iter from std::vec (`dissimilar_part_count` will be 1)
637        if f != r {
638            let dissimilar_part_count = relative_to_fqp.len() - i;
639            let fqp_module = &fqp[i..fqp.len()];
640            return Box::new(
641                iter::repeat(sym::dotdot)
642                    .take(dissimilar_part_count)
643                    .chain(fqp_module.iter().copied()),
644            );
645        }
646    }
647    match relative_to_fqp.len().cmp(&fqp.len()) {
648        Ordering::Less => {
649            // e.g. linking to std::sync::atomic from std::sync
650            Box::new(fqp[relative_to_fqp.len()..fqp.len()].iter().copied())
651        }
652        Ordering::Greater => {
653            // e.g. linking to std::sync from std::sync::atomic
654            let dissimilar_part_count = relative_to_fqp.len() - fqp.len();
655            Box::new(iter::repeat(sym::dotdot).take(dissimilar_part_count))
656        }
657        Ordering::Equal => {
658            // linking to the same module
659            Box::new(iter::empty())
660        }
661    }
664pub(crate) fn link_tooltip(did: DefId, fragment: &Option<UrlFragment>, cx: &Context<'_>) -> String {
665    let cache = cx.cache();
666    let Some((fqp, shortty)) = cache.paths.get(&did).or_else(|| cache.external_paths.get(&did))
667    else {
668        return String::new();
669    };
670    let mut buf = String::new();
671    let fqp = if *shortty == ItemType::Primitive {
672        // primitives are documented in a crate, but not actually part of it
673        &fqp[fqp.len() - 1..]
674    } else {
675        fqp
676    };
677    if let &Some(UrlFragment::Item(id)) = fragment {
678        write_str(&mut buf, format_args!("{} ", cx.tcx().def_descr(id)));
679        for component in fqp {
680            write_str(&mut buf, format_args!("{component}::"));
681        }
682        write_str(&mut buf, format_args!("{}", cx.tcx().item_name(id)));
683    } else if !fqp.is_empty() {
684        let mut fqp_it = fqp.iter();
685        write_str(&mut buf, format_args!("{shortty} {}",;
686        for component in fqp_it {
687            write_str(&mut buf, format_args!("::{component}"));
688        }
689    }
690    buf
693/// Used to render a [`clean::Path`].
694fn resolved_path(
695    w: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
696    did: DefId,
697    path: &clean::Path,
698    print_all: bool,
699    use_absolute: bool,
700    cx: &Context<'_>,
701) -> fmt::Result {
702    let last = path.segments.last().unwrap();
704    if print_all {
705        for seg in &path.segments[..path.segments.len() - 1] {
706            write!(w, "{}::", if == kw::PathRoot { "" } else { })?;
707        }
708    }
709    if w.alternate() {
710        write!(w, "{}{:#}",, last.args.print(cx))?;
711    } else {
712        let path = fmt::from_fn(|f| {
713            if use_absolute {
714                if let Ok((_, _, fqp)) = href(did, cx) {
715                    write!(
716                        f,
717                        "{path}::{anchor}",
718                        path = join_with_double_colon(&fqp[..fqp.len() - 1]),
719                        anchor = anchor(did, *fqp.last().unwrap(), cx)
720                    )
721                } else {
722                    write!(f, "{}",
723                }
724            } else {
725                write!(f, "{}", anchor(did,, cx))
726            }
727        });
728        write!(w, "{path}{args}", args = last.args.print(cx))?;
729    }
730    Ok(())
733fn primitive_link(
734    f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
735    prim: clean::PrimitiveType,
736    name: fmt::Arguments<'_>,
737    cx: &Context<'_>,
738) -> fmt::Result {
739    primitive_link_fragment(f, prim, name, "", cx)
742fn primitive_link_fragment(
743    f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
744    prim: clean::PrimitiveType,
745    name: fmt::Arguments<'_>,
746    fragment: &str,
747    cx: &Context<'_>,
748) -> fmt::Result {
749    let m = &cx.cache();
750    let mut needs_termination = false;
751    if !f.alternate() {
752        match m.primitive_locations.get(&prim) {
753            Some(&def_id) if def_id.is_local() => {
754                let len = cx.current.len();
755                let path = fmt::from_fn(|f| {
756                    if len == 0 {
757                        let cname_sym = ExternalCrate { crate_num: def_id.krate }.name(cx.tcx());
758                        write!(f, "{cname_sym}/")?;
759                    } else {
760                        for _ in 0..(len - 1) {
761                            f.write_str("../")?;
762                        }
763                    }
764                    Ok(())
765                });
766                write!(
767                    f,
768                    "<a class=\"primitive\" href=\"{path}primitive.{}.html{fragment}\">",
769                    prim.as_sym()
770                )?;
771                needs_termination = true;
772            }
773            Some(&def_id) => {
774                let loc = match m.extern_locations[&def_id.krate] {
775                    ExternalLocation::Remote(ref s) => {
776                        let cname_sym = ExternalCrate { crate_num: def_id.krate }.name(cx.tcx());
777                        let builder: UrlPartsBuilder =
778                            [s.as_str().trim_end_matches('/'), cname_sym.as_str()]
779                                .into_iter()
780                                .collect();
781                        Some(builder)
782                    }
783                    ExternalLocation::Local => {
784                        let cname_sym = ExternalCrate { crate_num: def_id.krate }.name(cx.tcx());
785                        Some(if cx.current.first() == Some(&cname_sym) {
786                            iter::repeat(sym::dotdot).take(cx.current.len() - 1).collect()
787                        } else {
788                            iter::repeat(sym::dotdot)
789                                .take(cx.current.len())
790                                .chain(iter::once(cname_sym))
791                                .collect()
792                        })
793                    }
794                    ExternalLocation::Unknown => None,
795                };
796                if let Some(mut loc) = loc {
797                    loc.push_fmt(format_args!("primitive.{}.html", prim.as_sym()));
798                    write!(f, "<a class=\"primitive\" href=\"{}{fragment}\">", loc.finish())?;
799                    needs_termination = true;
800                }
801            }
802            None => {}
803        }
804    }
805    Display::fmt(&name, f)?;
806    if needs_termination {
807        write!(f, "</a>")?;
808    }
809    Ok(())
812fn tybounds<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
813    bounds: &'a [clean::PolyTrait],
814    lt: &'a Option<clean::Lifetime>,
815    cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
816) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
817    fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
818        bounds.iter().map(|bound| bound.print(cx)).joined(" + ", f)?;
819        if let Some(lt) = lt {
820            // We don't need to check `alternate` since we can be certain that
821            // the lifetime doesn't contain any characters which need escaping.
822            write!(f, " + {}", lt.print())?;
823        }
824        Ok(())
825    })
828fn print_higher_ranked_params_with_space<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
829    params: &'a [clean::GenericParamDef],
830    cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
831    keyword: &'static str,
832) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
833    fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
834        if !params.is_empty() {
835            f.write_str(keyword)?;
836            f.write_str(if f.alternate() { "<" } else { "&lt;" })?;
837            params.iter().map(|lt| lt.print(cx)).joined(", ", f)?;
838            f.write_str(if f.alternate() { "> " } else { "&gt; " })?;
839        }
840        Ok(())
841    })
844pub(crate) fn anchor<'a: 'cx, 'cx>(
845    did: DefId,
846    text: Symbol,
847    cx: &'cx Context<'a>,
848) -> impl Display + Captures<'a> + 'cx {
849    fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
850        let parts = href(did, cx);
851        if let Ok((url, short_ty, fqp)) = parts {
852            write!(
853                f,
854                r#"<a class="{short_ty}" href="{url}" title="{short_ty} {path}">{text}</a>"#,
855                path = join_with_double_colon(&fqp),
856                text = EscapeBodyText(text.as_str()),
857            )
858        } else {
859            f.write_str(text.as_str())
860        }
861    })
864fn fmt_type(
865    t: &clean::Type,
866    f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
867    use_absolute: bool,
868    cx: &Context<'_>,
869) -> fmt::Result {
870    trace!("fmt_type(t = {t:?})");
872    match *t {
873        clean::Generic(name) => f.write_str(name.as_str()),
874        clean::SelfTy => f.write_str("Self"),
875        clean::Type::Path { ref path } => {
876            // Paths like `T::Output` and `Self::Output` should be rendered with all segments.
877            let did = path.def_id();
878            resolved_path(f, did, path, path.is_assoc_ty(), use_absolute, cx)
879        }
880        clean::DynTrait(ref bounds, ref lt) => {
881            f.write_str("dyn ")?;
882            tybounds(bounds, lt, cx).fmt(f)
883        }
884        clean::Infer => write!(f, "_"),
885        clean::Primitive(clean::PrimitiveType::Never) => {
886            primitive_link(f, PrimitiveType::Never, format_args!("!"), cx)
887        }
888        clean::Primitive(prim) => primitive_link(f, prim, format_args!("{}", prim.as_sym()), cx),
889        clean::BareFunction(ref decl) => {
890            print_higher_ranked_params_with_space(&decl.generic_params, cx, "for").fmt(f)?;
891  ;
892            print_abi_with_space(decl.abi).fmt(f)?;
893            if f.alternate() {
894                f.write_str("fn")?;
895            } else {
896                primitive_link(f, PrimitiveType::Fn, format_args!("fn"), cx)?;
897            }
898            decl.decl.print(cx).fmt(f)
899        }
900        clean::UnsafeBinder(ref binder) => {
901            print_higher_ranked_params_with_space(&binder.generic_params, cx, "unsafe").fmt(f)?;
902            binder.ty.print(cx).fmt(f)
903        }
904        clean::Tuple(ref typs) => match &typs[..] {
905            &[] => primitive_link(f, PrimitiveType::Unit, format_args!("()"), cx),
906            [one] => {
907                if let clean::Generic(name) = one {
908                    primitive_link(f, PrimitiveType::Tuple, format_args!("({name},)"), cx)
909                } else {
910                    write!(f, "(")?;
911                    one.print(cx).fmt(f)?;
912                    write!(f, ",)")
913                }
914            }
915            many => {
916                let generic_names: Vec<Symbol> = many
917                    .iter()
918                    .filter_map(|t| match t {
919                        clean::Generic(name) => Some(*name),
920                        _ => None,
921                    })
922                    .collect();
923                let is_generic = generic_names.len() == many.len();
924                if is_generic {
925                    primitive_link(
926                        f,
927                        PrimitiveType::Tuple,
928                        format_args!(
929                            "({})",
930                            fmt::from_fn(|f| generic_names.iter().joined(", ", f))
931                        ),
932                        cx,
933                    )
934                } else {
935                    f.write_str("(")?;
936                    many.iter().map(|item| item.print(cx)).joined(", ", f)?;
937                    f.write_str(")")
938                }
939            }
940        },
941        clean::Slice(ref t) => match **t {
942            clean::Generic(name) => {
943                primitive_link(f, PrimitiveType::Slice, format_args!("[{name}]"), cx)
944            }
945            _ => {
946                write!(f, "[")?;
947                t.print(cx).fmt(f)?;
948                write!(f, "]")
949            }
950        },
951        clean::Type::Pat(ref t, ref pat) => {
952            fmt::Display::fmt(&t.print(cx), f)?;
953            write!(f, " is {pat}")
954        }
955        clean::Array(ref t, ref n) => match **t {
956            clean::Generic(name) if !f.alternate() => primitive_link(
957                f,
958                PrimitiveType::Array,
959                format_args!("[{name}; {n}]", n = Escape(n)),
960                cx,
961            ),
962            _ => {
963                write!(f, "[")?;
964                t.print(cx).fmt(f)?;
965                if f.alternate() {
966                    write!(f, "; {n}")?;
967                } else {
968                    write!(f, "; ")?;
969                    primitive_link(
970                        f,
971                        PrimitiveType::Array,
972                        format_args!("{n}", n = Escape(n)),
973                        cx,
974                    )?;
975                }
976                write!(f, "]")
977            }
978        },
979        clean::RawPointer(m, ref t) => {
980            let m = match m {
981                hir::Mutability::Mut => "mut",
982                hir::Mutability::Not => "const",
983            };
985            if matches!(**t, clean::Generic(_)) || t.is_assoc_ty() {
986                let ty = t.print(cx);
987                if f.alternate() {
988                    primitive_link(
989                        f,
990                        clean::PrimitiveType::RawPointer,
991                        format_args!("*{m} {ty:#}"),
992                        cx,
993                    )
994                } else {
995                    primitive_link(
996                        f,
997                        clean::PrimitiveType::RawPointer,
998                        format_args!("*{m} {ty}"),
999                        cx,
1000                    )
1001                }
1002            } else {
1003                primitive_link(f, clean::PrimitiveType::RawPointer, format_args!("*{m} "), cx)?;
1004                t.print(cx).fmt(f)
1005            }
1006        }
1007        clean::BorrowedRef { lifetime: ref l, mutability, type_: ref ty } => {
1008            let lt = fmt::from_fn(|f| match l {
1009                Some(l) => write!(f, "{} ", l.print()),
1010                _ => Ok(()),
1011            });
1012            let m = mutability.print_with_space();
1013            let amp = if f.alternate() { "&" } else { "&amp;" };
1015            if let clean::Generic(name) = **ty {
1016                return primitive_link(
1017                    f,
1018                    PrimitiveType::Reference,
1019                    format_args!("{amp}{lt}{m}{name}"),
1020                    cx,
1021                );
1022            }
1024            write!(f, "{amp}{lt}{m}")?;
1026            let needs_parens = match **ty {
1027                clean::DynTrait(ref bounds, ref trait_lt)
1028                    if bounds.len() > 1 || trait_lt.is_some() =>
1029                {
1030                    true
1031                }
1032                clean::ImplTrait(ref bounds) if bounds.len() > 1 => true,
1033                _ => false,
1034            };
1035            if needs_parens {
1036                f.write_str("(")?;
1037            }
1038            fmt_type(ty, f, use_absolute, cx)?;
1039            if needs_parens {
1040                f.write_str(")")?;
1041            }
1042            Ok(())
1043        }
1044        clean::ImplTrait(ref bounds) => {
1045            f.write_str("impl ")?;
1046            print_generic_bounds(bounds, cx).fmt(f)
1047        }
1048        clean::QPath(box clean::QPathData {
1049            ref assoc,
1050            ref self_type,
1051            ref trait_,
1052            should_show_cast,
1053        }) => {
1054            // FIXME(inherent_associated_types): Once we support non-ADT self-types (#106719),
1055            // we need to surround them with angle brackets in some cases (e.g. `<dyn …>::P`).
1057            if f.alternate() {
1058                if let Some(trait_) = trait_
1059                    && should_show_cast
1060                {
1061                    write!(f, "<{:#} as {:#}>::", self_type.print(cx), trait_.print(cx))?
1062                } else {
1063                    write!(f, "{:#}::", self_type.print(cx))?
1064                }
1065            } else {
1066                if let Some(trait_) = trait_
1067                    && should_show_cast
1068                {
1069                    write!(f, "&lt;{} as {}&gt;::", self_type.print(cx), trait_.print(cx))?
1070                } else {
1071                    write!(f, "{}::", self_type.print(cx))?
1072                }
1073            };
1074            // It's pretty unsightly to look at `<A as B>::C` in output, and
1075            // we've got hyperlinking on our side, so try to avoid longer
1076            // notation as much as possible by making `C` a hyperlink to trait
1077            // `B` to disambiguate.
1078            //
1079            // FIXME: this is still a lossy conversion and there should probably
1080            //        be a better way of representing this in general? Most of
1081            //        the ugliness comes from inlining across crates where
1082            //        everything comes in as a fully resolved QPath (hard to
1083            //        look at).
1084            if !f.alternate() {
1085                // FIXME(inherent_associated_types): We always link to the very first associated
1086                // type (in respect to source order) that bears the given name (``) and that is
1087                // affiliated with the computed `DefId`. This is obviously incorrect when we have
1088                // multiple impl blocks. Ideally, we would thread the `DefId` of the assoc ty itself
1089                // through here and map it to the corresponding HTML ID that was generated by
1090                // `render::Context::derive_id` when the impl blocks were rendered.
1091                // There is no such mapping unfortunately.
1092                // As a hack, we could badly imitate `derive_id` here by keeping *count* when looking
1093                // for the assoc ty `DefId` in `tcx.associated_items(self_ty_did).in_definition_order()`
1094                // considering privacy, `doc(hidden)`, etc.
1095                // I don't feel like that right now :cold_sweat:.
1097                let parent_href = match trait_ {
1098                    Some(trait_) => href(trait_.def_id(), cx).ok(),
1099                    None => self_type.def_id(cx.cache()).and_then(|did| href(did, cx).ok()),
1100                };
1102                if let Some((url, _, path)) = parent_href {
1103                    write!(
1104                        f,
1105                        "<a class=\"associatedtype\" href=\"{url}#{shortty}.{name}\" \
1106                                    title=\"type {path}::{name}\">{name}</a>",
1107                        shortty = ItemType::AssocType,
1108                        name =,
1109                        path = join_with_double_colon(&path),
1110                    )
1111                } else {
1112                    write!(f, "{}",
1113                }
1114            } else {
1115                write!(f, "{}",
1116            }?;
1118            assoc.args.print(cx).fmt(f)
1119        }
1120    }
1123impl clean::Type {
1124    pub(crate) fn print<'b, 'a: 'b, 'tcx: 'a>(
1125        &'a self,
1126        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1127    ) -> impl Display + 'b + Captures<'tcx> {
1128        fmt::from_fn(move |f| fmt_type(self, f, false, cx))
1129    }
1132impl clean::Path {
1133    pub(crate) fn print<'b, 'a: 'b, 'tcx: 'a>(
1134        &'a self,
1135        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1136    ) -> impl Display + 'b + Captures<'tcx> {
1137        fmt::from_fn(move |f| resolved_path(f, self.def_id(), self, false, false, cx))
1138    }
1141impl clean::Impl {
1142    pub(crate) fn print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
1143        &'a self,
1144        use_absolute: bool,
1145        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1146    ) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
1147        fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
1148            f.write_str("impl")?;
1149            self.generics.print(cx).fmt(f)?;
1150            f.write_str(" ")?;
1152            if let Some(ref ty) = self.trait_ {
1153                if self.is_negative_trait_impl() {
1154                    write!(f, "!")?;
1155                }
1156                if self.kind.is_fake_variadic()
1157                    && let generics = ty.generics()
1158                    && let &[inner_type] = generics.as_ref().map_or(&[][..], |v| &v[..])
1159                {
1160                    let last = ty.last();
1161                    if f.alternate() {
1162                        write!(f, "{}<", last)?;
1163                        self.print_type(inner_type, f, use_absolute, cx)?;
1164                        write!(f, ">")?;
1165                    } else {
1166                        write!(f, "{}&lt;", anchor(ty.def_id(), last, cx))?;
1167                        self.print_type(inner_type, f, use_absolute, cx)?;
1168                        write!(f, "&gt;")?;
1169                    }
1170                } else {
1171                    ty.print(cx).fmt(f)?;
1172                }
1173                write!(f, " for ")?;
1174            }
1176            if let Some(ty) = self.kind.as_blanket_ty() {
1177                fmt_type(ty, f, use_absolute, cx)?;
1178            } else {
1179                self.print_type(&self.for_, f, use_absolute, cx)?;
1180            }
1182            print_where_clause(&self.generics, cx, 0, Ending::Newline).fmt(f)
1183        })
1184    }
1185    fn print_type<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
1186        &self,
1187        type_: &clean::Type,
1188        f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
1189        use_absolute: bool,
1190        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1191    ) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
1192        if let clean::Type::Tuple(types) = type_
1193            && let [clean::Type::Generic(name)] = &types[..]
1194            && (self.kind.is_fake_variadic() || self.kind.is_auto())
1195        {
1196            // Hardcoded anchor library/core/src/
1197            // Link should match `# Trait implementations`
1198            primitive_link_fragment(
1199                f,
1200                PrimitiveType::Tuple,
1201                format_args!("({name}₁, {name}₂, …, {name}ₙ)"),
1202                "#trait-implementations-1",
1203                cx,
1204            )?;
1205        } else if let clean::Type::Array(ty, len) = type_
1206            && let clean::Type::Generic(name) = &**ty
1207            && &len[..] == "1"
1208            && (self.kind.is_fake_variadic() || self.kind.is_auto())
1209        {
1210            primitive_link(f, PrimitiveType::Array, format_args!("[{name}; N]"), cx)?;
1211        } else if let clean::BareFunction(bare_fn) = &type_
1212            && let [clean::Argument { type_: clean::Type::Generic(name), .. }] =
1213                &bare_fn.decl.inputs.values[..]
1214            && (self.kind.is_fake_variadic() || self.kind.is_auto())
1215        {
1216            // Hardcoded anchor library/core/src/
1217            // Link should match `# Trait implementations`
1219            print_higher_ranked_params_with_space(&bare_fn.generic_params, cx, "for").fmt(f)?;
1220  ;
1221            print_abi_with_space(bare_fn.abi).fmt(f)?;
1222            let ellipsis = if bare_fn.decl.c_variadic { ", ..." } else { "" };
1223            primitive_link_fragment(
1224                f,
1225                PrimitiveType::Tuple,
1226                format_args!("fn({name}₁, {name}₂, …, {name}ₙ{ellipsis})"),
1227                "#trait-implementations-1",
1228                cx,
1229            )?;
1230            // Write output.
1231            if !bare_fn.decl.output.is_unit() {
1232                write!(f, " -> ")?;
1233                fmt_type(&bare_fn.decl.output, f, use_absolute, cx)?;
1234            }
1235        } else if let clean::Type::Path { path } = type_
1236            && let Some(generics) = path.generics()
1237            && generics.len() == 1
1238            && self.kind.is_fake_variadic()
1239        {
1240            let ty = generics[0];
1241            let wrapper = anchor(path.def_id(), path.last(), cx);
1242            if f.alternate() {
1243                write!(f, "{wrapper:#}&lt;")?;
1244            } else {
1245                write!(f, "{wrapper}<")?;
1246            }
1247            self.print_type(ty, f, use_absolute, cx)?;
1248            if f.alternate() {
1249                write!(f, "&gt;")?;
1250            } else {
1251                write!(f, ">")?;
1252            }
1253        } else {
1254            fmt_type(type_, f, use_absolute, cx)?;
1255        }
1256        Ok(())
1257    }
1260impl clean::Arguments {
1261    pub(crate) fn print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
1262        &'a self,
1263        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1264    ) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
1265        fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
1266            self.values
1267                .iter()
1268                .map(|input| {
1269                    fmt::from_fn(|f| {
1270                        if ! {
1271                            write!(f, "{}: ",;
1272                        }
1273                        input.type_.print(cx).fmt(f)
1274                    })
1275                })
1276                .joined(", ", f)
1277        })
1278    }
1281// Implements Write but only counts the bytes "written".
1282struct WriteCounter(usize);
1284impl std::fmt::Write for WriteCounter {
1285    fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
1286        self.0 += s.len();
1287        Ok(())
1288    }
1291// Implements Display by emitting the given number of spaces.
1292struct Indent(usize);
1294impl Display for Indent {
1295    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1296        (0..self.0).for_each(|_| {
1297            f.write_char(' ').unwrap();
1298        });
1299        Ok(())
1300    }
1303impl clean::FnDecl {
1304    pub(crate) fn print<'b, 'a: 'b, 'tcx: 'a>(
1305        &'a self,
1306        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1307    ) -> impl Display + 'b + Captures<'tcx> {
1308        fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
1309            let ellipsis = if self.c_variadic { ", ..." } else { "" };
1310            if f.alternate() {
1311                write!(
1312                    f,
1313                    "({args:#}{ellipsis}){arrow:#}",
1314                    args = self.inputs.print(cx),
1315                    ellipsis = ellipsis,
1316                    arrow = self.print_output(cx)
1317                )
1318            } else {
1319                write!(
1320                    f,
1321                    "({args}{ellipsis}){arrow}",
1322                    args = self.inputs.print(cx),
1323                    ellipsis = ellipsis,
1324                    arrow = self.print_output(cx)
1325                )
1326            }
1327        })
1328    }
1330    /// * `header_len`: The length of the function header and name. In other words, the number of
1331    ///   characters in the function declaration up to but not including the parentheses.
1332    ///   This is expected to go into a `<pre>`/`code-header` block, so indentation and newlines
1333    ///   are preserved.
1334    /// * `indent`: The number of spaces to indent each successive line with, if line-wrapping is
1335    ///   necessary.
1336    pub(crate) fn full_print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
1337        &'a self,
1338        header_len: usize,
1339        indent: usize,
1340        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1341    ) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
1342        fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
1343            // First, generate the text form of the declaration, with no line wrapping, and count the bytes.
1344            let mut counter = WriteCounter(0);
1345            write!(&mut counter, "{:#}", fmt::from_fn(|f| { self.inner_full_print(None, f, cx) }))
1346                .unwrap();
1347            // If the text form was over 80 characters wide, we will line-wrap our output.
1348            let line_wrapping_indent =
1349                if header_len + counter.0 > 80 { Some(indent) } else { None };
1350            // Generate the final output. This happens to accept `{:#}` formatting to get textual
1351            // output but in practice it is only formatted with `{}` to get HTML output.
1352            self.inner_full_print(line_wrapping_indent, f, cx)
1353        })
1354    }
1356    fn inner_full_print(
1357        &self,
1358        // For None, the declaration will not be line-wrapped. For Some(n),
1359        // the declaration will be line-wrapped, with an indent of n spaces.
1360        line_wrapping_indent: Option<usize>,
1361        f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
1362        cx: &Context<'_>,
1363    ) -> fmt::Result {
1364        let amp = if f.alternate() { "&" } else { "&amp;" };
1366        write!(f, "(")?;
1367        if let Some(n) = line_wrapping_indent
1368            && !self.inputs.values.is_empty()
1369        {
1370            write!(f, "\n{}", Indent(n + 4))?;
1371        }
1373        let last_input_index = self.inputs.values.len().checked_sub(1);
1374        for (i, input) in self.inputs.values.iter().enumerate() {
1375            if let Some(selfty) = input.to_receiver() {
1376                match selfty {
1377                    clean::SelfTy => {
1378                        write!(f, "self")?;
1379                    }
1380                    clean::BorrowedRef { lifetime, mutability, type_: box clean::SelfTy } => {
1381                        write!(f, "{amp}")?;
1382                        if let Some(lt) = lifetime {
1383                            write!(f, "{lt} ", lt = lt.print())?;
1384                        }
1385                        write!(f, "{mutability}self", mutability = mutability.print_with_space())?;
1386                    }
1387                    _ => {
1388                        write!(f, "self: ")?;
1389                        selfty.print(cx).fmt(f)?;
1390                    }
1391                }
1392            } else {
1393                if input.is_const {
1394                    write!(f, "const ")?;
1395                }
1396                write!(f, "{}: ",;
1397                input.type_.print(cx).fmt(f)?;
1398            }
1399            match (line_wrapping_indent, last_input_index) {
1400                (_, None) => (),
1401                (None, Some(last_i)) if i != last_i => write!(f, ", ")?,
1402                (None, Some(_)) => (),
1403                (Some(n), Some(last_i)) if i != last_i => write!(f, ",\n{}", Indent(n + 4))?,
1404                (Some(_), Some(_)) => writeln!(f, ",")?,
1405            }
1406        }
1408        if self.c_variadic {
1409            match line_wrapping_indent {
1410                None => write!(f, ", ...")?,
1411                Some(n) => writeln!(f, "{}...", Indent(n + 4))?,
1412            };
1413        }
1415        match line_wrapping_indent {
1416            None => write!(f, ")")?,
1417            Some(n) => write!(f, "{})", Indent(n))?,
1418        };
1420        self.print_output(cx).fmt(f)
1421    }
1423    fn print_output<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
1424        &'a self,
1425        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1426    ) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
1427        fmt::from_fn(move |f| match &self.output {
1428            clean::Tuple(tys) if tys.is_empty() => Ok(()),
1429            ty if f.alternate() => {
1430                write!(f, " -> {:#}", ty.print(cx))
1431            }
1432            ty => write!(f, " -&gt; {}", ty.print(cx)),
1433        })
1434    }
1437pub(crate) fn visibility_print_with_space<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
1438    item: &clean::Item,
1439    cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1440) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
1441    use std::fmt::Write as _;
1442    let vis: Cow<'static, str> = match item.visibility(cx.tcx()) {
1443        None => "".into(),
1444        Some(ty::Visibility::Public) => "pub ".into(),
1445        Some(ty::Visibility::Restricted(vis_did)) => {
1446            // FIXME(camelid): This may not work correctly if `item_did` is a module.
1447            //                 However, rustdoc currently never displays a module's
1448            //                 visibility, so it shouldn't matter.
1449            let parent_module = find_nearest_parent_module(cx.tcx(), item.item_id.expect_def_id());
1451            if vis_did.is_crate_root() {
1452                "pub(crate) ".into()
1453            } else if parent_module == Some(vis_did) {
1454                // `pub(in foo)` where `foo` is the parent module
1455                // is the same as no visibility modifier
1456                "".into()
1457            } else if parent_module.and_then(|parent| find_nearest_parent_module(cx.tcx(), parent))
1458                == Some(vis_did)
1459            {
1460                "pub(super) ".into()
1461            } else {
1462                let path = cx.tcx().def_path(vis_did);
1463                debug!("path={path:?}");
1464                // modified from `resolved_path()` to work with `DefPathData`
1465                let last_name =;
1466                let anchor = anchor(vis_did, last_name, cx);
1468                let mut s = "pub(in ".to_owned();
1469                for seg in &[ - 1] {
1470                    let _ = write!(s, "{}::",;
1471                }
1472                let _ = write!(s, "{anchor}) ");
1473                s.into()
1474            }
1475        }
1476    };
1478    let is_doc_hidden = item.is_doc_hidden();
1479    fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
1480        if is_doc_hidden {
1481            f.write_str("#[doc(hidden)] ")?;
1482        }
1484        f.write_str(&vis)
1485    })
1488pub(crate) trait PrintWithSpace {
1489    fn print_with_space(&self) -> &str;
1492impl PrintWithSpace for hir::Safety {
1493    fn print_with_space(&self) -> &str {
1494        self.prefix_str()
1495    }
1498impl PrintWithSpace for hir::HeaderSafety {
1499    fn print_with_space(&self) -> &str {
1500        match self {
1501            hir::HeaderSafety::SafeTargetFeatures => "",
1502            hir::HeaderSafety::Normal(safety) => safety.print_with_space(),
1503        }
1504    }
1507impl PrintWithSpace for hir::IsAsync {
1508    fn print_with_space(&self) -> &str {
1509        match self {
1510            hir::IsAsync::Async(_) => "async ",
1511            hir::IsAsync::NotAsync => "",
1512        }
1513    }
1516impl PrintWithSpace for hir::Mutability {
1517    fn print_with_space(&self) -> &str {
1518        match self {
1519            hir::Mutability::Not => "",
1520            hir::Mutability::Mut => "mut ",
1521        }
1522    }
1525pub(crate) fn print_constness_with_space(
1526    c: &hir::Constness,
1527    overall_stab: Option<StableSince>,
1528    const_stab: Option<ConstStability>,
1529) -> &'static str {
1530    match c {
1531        hir::Constness::Const => match (overall_stab, const_stab) {
1532            // const stable...
1533            (_, Some(ConstStability { level: StabilityLevel::Stable { .. }, .. }))
1534            // ...or when feature(staged_api) is not set...
1535            | (_, None)
1536            // ...or when const unstable, but overall unstable too
1537            | (None, Some(ConstStability { level: StabilityLevel::Unstable { .. }, .. })) => {
1538                "const "
1539            }
1540            // const unstable (and overall stable)
1541            (Some(_), Some(ConstStability { level: StabilityLevel::Unstable { .. }, .. })) => "",
1542        },
1543        // not const
1544        hir::Constness::NotConst => "",
1545    }
1548impl clean::Import {
1549    pub(crate) fn print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
1550        &'a self,
1551        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1552    ) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
1553        fmt::from_fn(move |f| match self.kind {
1554            clean::ImportKind::Simple(name) => {
1555                if name == self.source.path.last() {
1556                    write!(f, "use {};", self.source.print(cx))
1557                } else {
1558                    write!(f, "use {source} as {name};", source = self.source.print(cx))
1559                }
1560            }
1561            clean::ImportKind::Glob => {
1562                if self.source.path.segments.is_empty() {
1563                    write!(f, "use *;")
1564                } else {
1565                    write!(f, "use {}::*;", self.source.print(cx))
1566                }
1567            }
1568        })
1569    }
1572impl clean::ImportSource {
1573    pub(crate) fn print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
1574        &'a self,
1575        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1576    ) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
1577        fmt::from_fn(move |f| match self.did {
1578            Some(did) => resolved_path(f, did, &self.path, true, false, cx),
1579            _ => {
1580                for seg in &self.path.segments[..self.path.segments.len() - 1] {
1581                    write!(f, "{}::",;
1582                }
1583                let name = self.path.last();
1584                if let hir::def::Res::PrimTy(p) = self.path.res {
1585                    primitive_link(f, PrimitiveType::from(p), format_args!("{name}"), cx)?;
1586                } else {
1587                    f.write_str(name.as_str())?;
1588                }
1589                Ok(())
1590            }
1591        })
1592    }
1595impl clean::AssocItemConstraint {
1596    pub(crate) fn print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
1597        &'a self,
1598        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1599    ) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
1600        fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
1601            f.write_str(;
1602            self.assoc.args.print(cx).fmt(f)?;
1603            match self.kind {
1604                clean::AssocItemConstraintKind::Equality { ref term } => {
1605                    f.write_str(" = ")?;
1606                    term.print(cx).fmt(f)?;
1607                }
1608                clean::AssocItemConstraintKind::Bound { ref bounds } => {
1609                    if !bounds.is_empty() {
1610                        f.write_str(": ")?;
1611                        print_generic_bounds(bounds, cx).fmt(f)?;
1612                    }
1613                }
1614            }
1615            Ok(())
1616        })
1617    }
1620pub(crate) fn print_abi_with_space(abi: ExternAbi) -> impl Display {
1621    fmt::from_fn(move |f| {
1622        let quot = if f.alternate() { "\"" } else { "&quot;" };
1623        match abi {
1624            ExternAbi::Rust => Ok(()),
1625            abi => write!(f, "extern {0}{1}{0} ", quot,,
1626        }
1627    })
1630pub(crate) fn print_default_space<'a>(v: bool) -> &'a str {
1631    if v { "default " } else { "" }
1634impl clean::GenericArg {
1635    pub(crate) fn print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
1636        &'a self,
1637        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1638    ) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
1639        fmt::from_fn(move |f| match self {
1640            clean::GenericArg::Lifetime(lt) => lt.print().fmt(f),
1641            clean::GenericArg::Type(ty) => ty.print(cx).fmt(f),
1642            clean::GenericArg::Const(ct) => ct.print(cx.tcx()).fmt(f),
1643            clean::GenericArg::Infer => Display::fmt("_", f),
1644        })
1645    }
1648impl clean::Term {
1649    pub(crate) fn print<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
1650        &'a self,
1651        cx: &'a Context<'tcx>,
1652    ) -> impl Display + 'a + Captures<'tcx> {
1653        fmt::from_fn(move |f| match self {
1654            clean::Term::Type(ty) => ty.print(cx).fmt(f),
1655            clean::Term::Constant(ct) => ct.print(cx.tcx()).fmt(f),
1656        })
1657    }