
1use rustc_abi::ExternAbi;
2use rustc_errors::{DiagCtxtHandle, E0781, struct_span_code_err};
3use rustc_hir::{self as hir, HirId};
4use rustc_middle::bug;
5use rustc_middle::ty::layout::LayoutError;
6use rustc_middle::ty::{self, TyCtxt};
8use crate::errors;
10/// Check conditions on inputs and outputs that the cmse ABIs impose: arguments and results MUST be
11/// returned via registers (i.e. MUST NOT spill to the stack). LLVM will also validate these
12/// conditions, but by checking them here rustc can emit nicer error messages.
13pub(crate) fn validate_cmse_abi<'tcx>(
14    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
15    dcx: DiagCtxtHandle<'_>,
16    hir_id: HirId,
17    abi: ExternAbi,
18    fn_sig: ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx>,
19) {
20    match abi {
21        ExternAbi::CCmseNonSecureCall => {
22            let hir_node = tcx.hir_node(hir_id);
23            let hir::Node::Ty(hir::Ty {
24                span: bare_fn_span,
25                kind: hir::TyKind::BareFn(bare_fn_ty),
26                ..
27            }) = hir_node
28            else {
29                let span = match tcx.parent_hir_node(hir_id) {
30                    hir::Node::Item(hir::Item {
31                        kind: hir::ItemKind::ForeignMod { .. },
32                        span,
33                        ..
34                    }) => *span,
35                    _ => tcx.hir().span(hir_id),
36                };
37                struct_span_code_err!(
38                    tcx.dcx(),
39                    span,
40                    E0781,
41                    "the `\"C-cmse-nonsecure-call\"` ABI is only allowed on function pointers"
42                )
43                .emit();
44                return;
45            };
47            match is_valid_cmse_inputs(tcx, fn_sig) {
48                Ok(Ok(())) => {}
49                Ok(Err(index)) => {
50                    // fn(x: u32, u32, u32, u16, y: u16) -> u32,
51                    //                           ^^^^^^
52                    let span = bare_fn_ty.param_names[index]
53                        .span
54                        .to(bare_fn_ty.decl.inputs[index].span)
55                        .to(bare_fn_ty.decl.inputs.last().unwrap().span);
56                    let plural = bare_fn_ty.param_names.len() - index != 1;
57                    dcx.emit_err(errors::CmseInputsStackSpill { span, plural, abi });
58                }
59                Err(layout_err) => {
60                    if should_emit_generic_error(abi, layout_err) {
61                        dcx.emit_err(errors::CmseCallGeneric { span: *bare_fn_span });
62                    }
63                }
64            }
66            match is_valid_cmse_output(tcx, fn_sig) {
67                Ok(true) => {}
68                Ok(false) => {
69                    let span = bare_fn_ty.decl.output.span();
70                    dcx.emit_err(errors::CmseOutputStackSpill { span, abi });
71                }
72                Err(layout_err) => {
73                    if should_emit_generic_error(abi, layout_err) {
74                        dcx.emit_err(errors::CmseCallGeneric { span: *bare_fn_span });
75                    }
76                }
77            };
78        }
79        ExternAbi::CCmseNonSecureEntry => {
80            let hir_node = tcx.hir_node(hir_id);
81            let Some(hir::FnSig { decl, span: fn_sig_span, .. }) = hir_node.fn_sig() else {
82                // might happen when this ABI is used incorrectly. That will be handled elsewhere
83                return;
84            };
86            match is_valid_cmse_inputs(tcx, fn_sig) {
87                Ok(Ok(())) => {}
88                Ok(Err(index)) => {
89                    // fn f(x: u32, y: u32, z: u32, w: u16, q: u16) -> u32,
90                    //                                      ^^^^^^
91                    let span = decl.inputs[index];
92                    let plural = decl.inputs.len() - index != 1;
93                    dcx.emit_err(errors::CmseInputsStackSpill { span, plural, abi });
94                }
95                Err(layout_err) => {
96                    if should_emit_generic_error(abi, layout_err) {
97                        dcx.emit_err(errors::CmseEntryGeneric { span: *fn_sig_span });
98                    }
99                }
100            }
102            match is_valid_cmse_output(tcx, fn_sig) {
103                Ok(true) => {}
104                Ok(false) => {
105                    let span = decl.output.span();
106                    dcx.emit_err(errors::CmseOutputStackSpill { span, abi });
107                }
108                Err(layout_err) => {
109                    if should_emit_generic_error(abi, layout_err) {
110                        dcx.emit_err(errors::CmseEntryGeneric { span: *fn_sig_span });
111                    }
112                }
113            };
114        }
115        _ => (),
116    }
119/// Returns whether the inputs will fit into the available registers
120fn is_valid_cmse_inputs<'tcx>(
121    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
122    fn_sig: ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx>,
123) -> Result<Result<(), usize>, &'tcx LayoutError<'tcx>> {
124    let mut span = None;
125    let mut accum = 0u64;
127    // this type is only used for layout computation, which does not rely on regions
128    let fn_sig = tcx.instantiate_bound_regions_with_erased(fn_sig);
130    for (index, ty) in fn_sig.inputs().iter().enumerate() {
131        let layout = tcx.layout_of(ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized().as_query_input(*ty))?;
133        let align = layout.layout.align().abi.bytes();
134        let size = layout.layout.size().bytes();
136        accum += size;
137        accum = accum.next_multiple_of(Ord::max(4, align));
139        // i.e. exceeds 4 32-bit registers
140        if accum > 16 {
141            span = span.or(Some(index));
142        }
143    }
145    match span {
146        None => Ok(Ok(())),
147        Some(span) => Ok(Err(span)),
148    }
151/// Returns whether the output will fit into the available registers
152fn is_valid_cmse_output<'tcx>(
153    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
154    fn_sig: ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx>,
155) -> Result<bool, &'tcx LayoutError<'tcx>> {
156    // this type is only used for layout computation, which does not rely on regions
157    let fn_sig = tcx.instantiate_bound_regions_with_erased(fn_sig);
159    let typing_env = ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized();
161    let mut ret_ty = fn_sig.output();
162    let layout = tcx.layout_of(typing_env.as_query_input(ret_ty))?;
163    let size = layout.layout.size().bytes();
165    if size <= 4 {
166        return Ok(true);
167    } else if size > 8 {
168        return Ok(false);
169    }
171    // next we need to peel any repr(transparent) layers off
172    'outer: loop {
173        let ty::Adt(adt_def, args) = ret_ty.kind() else {
174            break;
175        };
177        if !adt_def.repr().transparent() {
178            break;
179        }
181        // the first field with non-trivial size and alignment must be the data
182        for variant_def in adt_def.variants() {
183            for field_def in variant_def.fields.iter() {
184                let ty = field_def.ty(tcx, args);
185                let layout = tcx.layout_of(typing_env.as_query_input(ty))?;
187                if !layout.layout.is_1zst() {
188                    ret_ty = ty;
189                    continue 'outer;
190                }
191            }
192        }
193    }
195    Ok(ret_ty == tcx.types.i64 || ret_ty == tcx.types.u64 || ret_ty == tcx.types.f64)
198fn should_emit_generic_error<'tcx>(abi: ExternAbi, layout_err: &'tcx LayoutError<'tcx>) -> bool {
199    use LayoutError::*;
201    match layout_err {
202        TooGeneric(ty) => {
203            match abi {
204                ExternAbi::CCmseNonSecureCall => {
205                    // prevent double reporting of this error
206                    !ty.is_impl_trait()
207                }
208                ExternAbi::CCmseNonSecureEntry => true,
209                _ => bug!("invalid ABI: {abi}"),
210            }
211        }
212        Unknown(..)
213        | SizeOverflow(..)
214        | NormalizationFailure(..)
215        | ReferencesError(..)
216        | Cycle(..) => {
217            false // not our job to report these
218        }
219    }