1//! This module provides utilities for handling attributes on variants
2//! of `config_type` enum. Currently there are the following attributes
3//! that could appear on the variants of `config_type` enum:
5//! - `doc_hint`: name-value pair whose value is string literal
6//! - `value`: name-value pair whose value is string literal
7//! - `unstable_variant`: name only
89/// Returns the value of the first `doc_hint` attribute in the given slice or
10/// `None` if `doc_hint` attribute is not available.
11pub fn find_doc_hint(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> Option<String> {
12 attrs.iter().filter_map(doc_hint).next()
1415/// Returns `true` if the given attribute is a `doc_hint` attribute.
16pub fn is_doc_hint(attr: &syn::Attribute) -> bool {
17 is_attr_name_value(attr, "doc_hint")
1920/// Returns a string literal value if the given attribute is `doc_hint`
21/// attribute or `None` otherwise.
22pub fn doc_hint(attr: &syn::Attribute) -> Option<String> {
23 get_name_value_str_lit(attr, "doc_hint")
2526/// Returns the value of the first `value` attribute in the given slice or
27/// `None` if `value` attribute is not available.
28pub fn find_config_value(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> Option<String> {
29 attrs.iter().filter_map(config_value).next()
3132/// Returns `true` if the there is at least one `unstable` attribute in the given slice.
33pub fn any_unstable_variant(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> bool {
34 attrs.iter().any(is_unstable_variant)
3637/// Returns a string literal value if the given attribute is `value`
38/// attribute or `None` otherwise.
39pub fn config_value(attr: &syn::Attribute) -> Option<String> {
40 get_name_value_str_lit(attr, "value")
4243/// Returns `true` if the given attribute is a `value` attribute.
44pub fn is_config_value(attr: &syn::Attribute) -> bool {
45 is_attr_name_value(attr, "value")
4748/// Returns `true` if the given attribute is an `unstable` attribute.
49pub fn is_unstable_variant(attr: &syn::Attribute) -> bool {
50 is_attr_path(attr, "unstable_variant")
5253fn is_attr_name_value(attr: &syn::Attribute, name: &str) -> bool {
54match &attr.meta {
55 syn::Meta::NameValue(syn::MetaNameValue { path, .. }) if path.is_ident(name) => true,
56_ => false,
57 }
5960fn is_attr_path(attr: &syn::Attribute, name: &str) -> bool {
61match &attr.meta {
62 syn::Meta::Path(path) if path.is_ident(name) => true,
63_ => false,
64 }
6667fn get_name_value_str_lit(attr: &syn::Attribute, name: &str) -> Option<String> {
68match &attr.meta {
69 syn::Meta::NameValue(syn::MetaNameValue {
70 path,
71 value:
72 syn::Expr::Lit(syn::ExprLit {
73 lit: syn::Lit::Str(lit_str),
74 ..
75 }),
76 ..
77 }) if path.is_ident(name) => Some(lit_str.value()),
78_ => None,
79 }