
1//! Visitor for a run-time value with a given layout: Traverse enums, structs and other compound
2//! types until we arrive at the leaves, with custom handling for primitive types.
4use std::num::NonZero;
6use rustc_abi::{FieldIdx, FieldsShape, VariantIdx, Variants};
7use rustc_index::IndexVec;
8use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::InterpResult;
9use rustc_middle::ty::layout::LayoutOf;
10use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty};
11use tracing::trace;
13use super::{InterpCx, MPlaceTy, Machine, Projectable, interp_ok, throw_inval};
15/// How to traverse a value and what to do when we are at the leaves.
16pub trait ValueVisitor<'tcx, M: Machine<'tcx>>: Sized {
17    type V: Projectable<'tcx, M::Provenance> + From<MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::Provenance>>;
19    /// The visitor must have an `InterpCx` in it.
20    fn ecx(&self) -> &InterpCx<'tcx, M>;
22    /// `read_discriminant` can be hooked for better error messages.
23    #[inline(always)]
24    fn read_discriminant(&mut self, v: &Self::V) -> InterpResult<'tcx, VariantIdx> {
25        self.ecx().read_discriminant(&v.to_op(self.ecx())?)
26    }
28    /// This function provides the chance to reorder the order in which fields are visited for
29    /// `FieldsShape::Aggregate`.
30    ///
31    /// The default means we iterate in source declaration order; alternatively this can do some
32    /// work with `memory_index` to iterate in memory order.
33    #[inline(always)]
34    fn aggregate_field_iter(
35        memory_index: &IndexVec<FieldIdx, u32>,
36    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = FieldIdx> + 'static {
37        memory_index.indices()
38    }
40    // Recursive actions, ready to be overloaded.
41    /// Visits the given value, dispatching as appropriate to more specialized visitors.
42    #[inline(always)]
43    fn visit_value(&mut self, v: &Self::V) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
44        self.walk_value(v)
45    }
46    /// Visits the given value as a union. No automatic recursion can happen here.
47    #[inline(always)]
48    fn visit_union(&mut self, _v: &Self::V, _fields: NonZero<usize>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
49        interp_ok(())
50    }
51    /// Visits the given value as the pointer of a `Box`. There is nothing to recurse into.
52    /// The type of `v` will be a raw pointer to `T`, but this is a field of `Box<T>` and the
53    /// pointee type is the actual `T`. `box_ty` provides the full type of the `Box` itself.
54    #[inline(always)]
55    fn visit_box(&mut self, _box_ty: Ty<'tcx>, _v: &Self::V) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
56        interp_ok(())
57    }
59    /// Called each time we recurse down to a field of a "product-like" aggregate
60    /// (structs, tuples, arrays and the like, but not enums), passing in old (outer)
61    /// and new (inner) value.
62    /// This gives the visitor the chance to track the stack of nested fields that
63    /// we are descending through.
64    #[inline(always)]
65    fn visit_field(
66        &mut self,
67        _old_val: &Self::V,
68        _field: usize,
69        new_val: &Self::V,
70    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
71        self.visit_value(new_val)
72    }
73    /// Called when recursing into an enum variant.
74    /// This gives the visitor the chance to track the stack of nested fields that
75    /// we are descending through.
76    #[inline(always)]
77    fn visit_variant(
78        &mut self,
79        _old_val: &Self::V,
80        _variant: VariantIdx,
81        new_val: &Self::V,
82    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
83        self.visit_value(new_val)
84    }
86    /// Traversal logic; should not be overloaded.
87    fn walk_value(&mut self, v: &Self::V) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
88        let ty = v.layout().ty;
89        trace!("walk_value: type: {ty}");
91        // Special treatment for special types, where the (static) layout is not sufficient.
92        match *ty.kind() {
93            // If it is a trait object, switch to the real type that was used to create it.
94            ty::Dynamic(data, _, ty::Dyn) => {
95                // Dyn types. This is unsized, and the actual dynamic type of the data is given by the
96                // vtable stored in the place metadata.
97                // unsized values are never immediate, so we can assert_mem_place
98                let op = v.to_op(self.ecx())?;
99                let dest = op.assert_mem_place();
100                let inner_mplace = self.ecx().unpack_dyn_trait(&dest, data)?;
101                trace!("walk_value: dyn object layout: {:#?}", inner_mplace.layout);
102                // recurse with the inner type
103                return self.visit_field(v, 0, &inner_mplace.into());
104            }
105            ty::Dynamic(data, _, ty::DynStar) => {
106                // DynStar types. Very different from a dyn type (but strangely part of the
107                // same variant in `TyKind`): These are pairs where the 2nd component is the
108                // vtable, and the first component is the data (which must be ptr-sized).
110                // First make sure the vtable can be read at its type.
111                // The type of this vtable is fake, it claims to be a reference to some actual memory but that isn't true.
112                // So we transmute it to a raw pointer.
113                let raw_ptr_ty = Ty::new_mut_ptr(*self.ecx().tcx, self.ecx().tcx.types.unit);
114                let raw_ptr_ty = self.ecx().layout_of(raw_ptr_ty)?;
115                let vtable_field =
116                    self.ecx().project_field(v, 1)?.transmute(raw_ptr_ty, self.ecx())?;
117                self.visit_field(v, 1, &vtable_field)?;
119                // Then unpack the first field, and continue.
120                let data = self.ecx().unpack_dyn_star(v, data)?;
121                return self.visit_field(v, 0, &data);
122            }
123            // Slices do not need special handling here: they have `Array` field
124            // placement with length 0, so we enter the `Array` case below which
125            // indirectly uses the metadata to determine the actual length.
127            // However, `Box`... let's talk about `Box`.
128            ty::Adt(def, ..) if def.is_box() => {
129                // `Box` is a hybrid primitive-library-defined type that one the one hand is
130                // a dereferenceable pointer, on the other hand has *basically arbitrary
131                // user-defined layout* since the user controls the 'allocator' field. So it
132                // cannot be treated like a normal pointer, since it does not fit into an
133                // `Immediate`. Yeah, it is quite terrible. But many visitors want to do
134                // something with "all boxed pointers", so we handle this mess for them.
135                //
136                // When we hit a `Box`, we do not do the usual field recursion; instead,
137                // we (a) call `visit_box` on the pointer value, and (b) recurse on the
138                // allocator field. We also assert tons of things to ensure we do not miss
139                // any other fields.
141                // `Box` has two fields: the pointer we care about, and the allocator.
142                assert_eq!(v.layout().fields.count(), 2, "`Box` must have exactly 2 fields");
143                let (unique_ptr, alloc) =
144                    (self.ecx().project_field(v, 0)?, self.ecx().project_field(v, 1)?);
145                // Unfortunately there is some type junk in the way here: `unique_ptr` is a `Unique`...
146                // (which means another 2 fields, the second of which is a `PhantomData`)
147                assert_eq!(unique_ptr.layout().fields.count(), 2);
148                let (nonnull_ptr, phantom) = (
149                    self.ecx().project_field(&unique_ptr, 0)?,
150                    self.ecx().project_field(&unique_ptr, 1)?,
151                );
152                assert!(
153                    phantom.layout().ty.ty_adt_def().is_some_and(|adt| adt.is_phantom_data()),
154                    "2nd field of `Unique` should be PhantomData but is {:?}",
155                    phantom.layout().ty,
156                );
157                // ... that contains a `NonNull`... (gladly, only a single field here)
158                assert_eq!(nonnull_ptr.layout().fields.count(), 1);
159                let raw_ptr = self.ecx().project_field(&nonnull_ptr, 0)?; // the actual raw ptr
160                // ... whose only field finally is a raw ptr we can dereference.
161                self.visit_box(ty, &raw_ptr)?;
163                // The second `Box` field is the allocator, which we recursively check for validity
164                // like in regular structs.
165                self.visit_field(v, 1, &alloc)?;
167                // We visited all parts of this one.
168                return interp_ok(());
169            }
171            // Non-normalized types should never show up here.
172            ty::Param(..)
173            | ty::Alias(..)
174            | ty::Bound(..)
175            | ty::Placeholder(..)
176            | ty::Infer(..)
177            | ty::Error(..) => throw_inval!(TooGeneric),
179            // The rest is handled below.
180            _ => {}
181        };
183        // Visit the fields of this value.
184        match &v.layout().fields {
185            FieldsShape::Primitive => {}
186            &FieldsShape::Union(fields) => {
187                self.visit_union(v, fields)?;
188            }
189            FieldsShape::Arbitrary { memory_index, .. } => {
190                for idx in Self::aggregate_field_iter(memory_index) {
191                    let idx = idx.as_usize();
192                    let field = self.ecx().project_field(v, idx)?;
193                    self.visit_field(v, idx, &field)?;
194                }
195            }
196            FieldsShape::Array { .. } => {
197                let mut iter = self.ecx().project_array_fields(v)?;
198                while let Some((idx, field)) = {
199                    self.visit_field(v, idx.try_into().unwrap(), &field)?;
200                }
201            }
202        }
204        match v.layout().variants {
205            // If this is a multi-variant layout, find the right variant and proceed
206            // with *its* fields.
207            Variants::Multiple { .. } => {
208                let idx = self.read_discriminant(v)?;
209                // There are 3 cases where downcasts can turn a Scalar/ScalarPair into a different ABI which
210                // could be a problem for `ImmTy` (see layout_sanity_check):
211                // - variant.size == Size::ZERO: works fine because `ImmTy::offset` has a special case for
212                //   zero-sized layouts.
213                // - variant.fields.count() == 0: works fine because `ImmTy::offset` has a special case for
214                //   zero-field aggregates.
215                // - variant.abi.is_uninhabited(): triggers UB in `read_discriminant` so we never get here.
216                let inner = self.ecx().project_downcast(v, idx)?;
217                trace!("walk_value: variant layout: {:#?}", inner.layout());
218                // recurse with the inner type
219                self.visit_variant(v, idx, &inner)?;
220            }
221            // For single-variant layouts, we already did everything there is to do.
222            Variants::Single { .. } | Variants::Empty => {}
223        }
225        interp_ok(())
226    }