
1//! mdman markdown to man converter.
3//! > This crate is maintained by the Cargo team, primarily for use by Cargo
4//! > and not intended for external use (except as a transitive dependency). This
5//! > crate may make major changes to its APIs or be deprecated without warning.
7use anyhow::{bail, Context, Error};
8use pulldown_cmark::{CowStr, Event, LinkType, Options, Parser, Tag, TagEnd};
9use std::collections::HashMap;
10use std::fs;
11use std::io::{self, BufRead};
12use std::ops::Range;
13use std::path::Path;
14use url::Url;
16mod format;
17mod hbs;
18mod util;
20use format::Formatter;
22/// Mapping of `(name, section)` of a man page to a URL.
23pub type ManMap = HashMap<(String, u8), String>;
25/// A man section.
26pub type Section = u8;
28/// The output formats supported by mdman.
29#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
30pub enum Format {
31    Man,
32    Md,
33    Text,
36impl Format {
37    /// The filename extension for the format.
38    pub fn extension(&self, section: Section) -> String {
39        match self {
40            Format::Man => section.to_string(),
41            Format::Md => "md".to_string(),
42            Format::Text => "txt".to_string(),
43        }
44    }
47/// Converts the handlebars markdown file at the given path into the given
48/// format, returning the translated result.
49pub fn convert(
50    file: &Path,
51    format: Format,
52    url: Option<Url>,
53    man_map: ManMap,
54) -> Result<String, Error> {
55    let formatter: Box<dyn Formatter + Send + Sync> = match format {
56        Format::Man => Box::new(format::man::ManFormatter::new(url)),
57        Format::Md => Box::new(format::md::MdFormatter::new(man_map)),
58        Format::Text => Box::new(format::text::TextFormatter::new(url)),
59    };
60    let expanded = hbs::expand(file, &*formatter)?;
61    // pulldown-cmark can behave a little differently with Windows newlines,
62    // just normalize it.
63    let expanded = expanded.replace("\r\n", "\n");
64    formatter.render(&expanded)
67/// Pulldown-cmark iterator yielding an `(event, range)` tuple.
68type EventIter<'a> = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (Event<'a>, Range<usize>)> + 'a>;
70/// Creates a new markdown parser with the given input.
71pub(crate) fn md_parser(input: &str, url: Option<Url>) -> EventIter<'_> {
72    let mut options = Options::empty();
73    options.insert(Options::ENABLE_TABLES);
74    options.insert(Options::ENABLE_FOOTNOTES);
75    options.insert(Options::ENABLE_STRIKETHROUGH);
76    options.insert(Options::ENABLE_SMART_PUNCTUATION);
77    let parser = Parser::new_ext(input, options);
78    let parser = parser.into_offset_iter();
79    // Translate all links to include the base url.
80    let parser = |(event, range)| match event {
81        Event::Start(Tag::Link {
82            link_type,
83            dest_url,
84            title,
85            id,
86        }) if !matches!(link_type, LinkType::Email) => (
87            Event::Start(Tag::Link {
88                link_type,
89                dest_url: join_url(url.as_ref(), dest_url),
90                title,
91                id,
92            }),
93            range,
94        ),
95        Event::End(TagEnd::Link) => (Event::End(TagEnd::Link), range),
96        _ => (event, range),
97    });
98    Box::new(parser)
101fn join_url<'a>(base: Option<&Url>, dest: CowStr<'a>) -> CowStr<'a> {
102    match base {
103        Some(base_url) => {
104            // Absolute URL or page-relative anchor doesn't need to be translated.
105            if dest.contains(':') || dest.starts_with('#') {
106                dest
107            } else {
108                let joined = base_url.join(&dest).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
109                    panic!("failed to join URL `{}` to `{}`: {}", dest, base_url, e)
110                });
111                String::from(joined).into()
112            }
113        }
114        None => dest,
115    }
118pub fn extract_section(file: &Path) -> Result<Section, Error> {
119    let f = fs::File::open(file).with_context(|| format!("could not open `{}`", file.display()))?;
120    let mut f = io::BufReader::new(f);
121    let mut line = String::new();
122    f.read_line(&mut line)?;
123    if !line.starts_with("# ") {
124        bail!("expected input file to start with # header");
125    }
126    let (_name, section) = util::parse_name_and_section(&line[2..].trim()).with_context(|| {
127        format!(
128            "expected input file to have header with the format `# command-name(1)`, found: `{}`",
129            line
130        )
131    })?;
132    Ok(section)